EcosystemsChoiceBoard 1

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Name ________________ Life Science, Food Chains

Date ________________ Ecosystems, Adaptions

Pick and Practice

Pick 1 activity from each column. One of your choices must be from the middle row.

1. Choose an ecosystem 2. Make a poster that 3. Choose an ecosystem

and make an eye-catching teaches about 6 different that is affected by
poster that illustrates a ecosystems. Choose 3 humans. Create a poster
aquatic and 3 land
food web. Include a well- that persuades people to
ecosystems and illustrate.
written paragraph help save your specific
Write a paragraph that
explaining what would ecosystem. Include ways
includes definition, climate,
happen to your food web biotic and abiotic elements that people can help and
if an organism was that are characteristic to where they can go for
removed. each system. more information.

4. Choose an ecosystem 5. Choose 2 ecosystems 6. Write a story with

and list 3 plants and 3 to compare and contrast. the main character living
animals that can be Research your in one of the six biomes.
found in that ecosystem. information on In the story, include all
For each plant and and the elements a person
animal, write a paragraph complete the graphic would need to survive in
that describes the organizer. Write a 5 that biome. Also, include
adaptions necessary for paragraph essay using possible careers that
each organism to survive. one of the compare and person could have.
Research plants and contrast text structures. (Example: Fisherman
animals on orFarmer) Research on

7. Plan a party from the 8. Create a commercial 9. Write a poem that

perspective of a predator. that persuades tourists describes why the polar
Include who the predator to come to your bears are becoming
would invite, what appetizers
ecosystem on vacation. endangered. Poem should
or meals should be served,
Include a storyboard and include 4 stanzas and an
and what entertainment
screenplay. illustration.
would be provided.

®Fireflies and Dragonflies 2013

®Fireflies and Dragonflies 2013

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