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% Given data
thickness = 0.5 / 100; % in meters (0.5 cm converted to meters)
thickness_1cm = 1 / 100; % in meters (1 cm converted to meters)
surface_temp_inner = 10; % in °C
surface_temp_outer = 3; % in °C
thermal_conductivity = 0.78; % in W/m·°C
time_duration = 5 * 3600; % in seconds (5 hours converted to seconds)

% Calculate heat transfer rate using Fourier's law of heat conduction

heat_transfer_rate = thermal_conductivity * (surface_temp_inner -
surface_temp_outer) / thickness;

% Calculate total heat loss

heat_loss = heat_transfer_rate * time_duration / 1000; % in kJ

% Display the result for 0.5 cm thickness

disp(['Heat loss through 0.5 cm thick glass: ', num2str(heat_loss), ' kJ']);

% Calculate heat transfer rate and total heat loss for 1 cm thickness
heat_transfer_rate_1cm = thermal_conductivity * (surface_temp_inner -
surface_temp_outer) / thickness_1cm;
heat_loss_1cm = heat_transfer_rate_1cm * time_duration / 1000; % in kJ

% Display the result for 1 cm thickness

disp(['Heat loss through 1 cm thick glass: ', num2str(heat_loss_1cm), ' kJ']);

% Plotting the effect of glass thickness on heat loss

thickness_range = linspace(0.002, 0.02, 100); % Thickness range from 0.2 cm to 2 cm
heat_loss_range = zeros(size(thickness_range));

for i = 1:length(thickness_range)
heat_transfer_rate_i = thermal_conductivity * (surface_temp_inner -
surface_temp_outer) / thickness_range(i);
heat_loss_range(i) = heat_transfer_rate_i * time_duration / 1000; % in kJ

plot(thickness_range * 100, heat_loss_range, 'b', 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('Glass Thickness (cm)');
ylabel('Heat Loss (kJ)');
title('Effect of Glass Thickness on Heat Loss');
grid on;


% Given data
diameter = 5 / 100; % in meters (5 cm converted to meters)
surface_temp = 70; % in °C
surrounding_temp = 20; % in °C
convection_coefficient_range = linspace(5, 30, 100); % Range of convection heat
transfer coefficient (W/m2 · °C)
emissivity_range = [0.1, 0.5, 0.8, 1]; % Surface emissivity values

% Stefan-Boltzmann constant
sigma = 5.67e-8; % in W/m2 · K4
% Initialize array to store heat transfer rates
heat_transfer_rates = zeros(length(emissivity_range),

% Loop over different surface emissivities

for i = 1:length(emissivity_range)
emissivity = emissivity_range(i);

% Loop over different convection coefficients

for j = 1:length(convection_coefficient_range)
h = convection_coefficient_range(j);

% Calculate total heat transfer rate

convective_heat_transfer = h * pi * diameter * (surface_temp -
radiative_heat_transfer = emissivity * sigma * pi * diameter^2 *
(surface_temp + 273.15)^4;
total_heat_transfer = convective_heat_transfer + radiative_heat_transfer;

% Store the total heat transfer rate

heat_transfer_rates(i, j) = total_heat_transfer;

% Plotting the effect of convection heat transfer coefficient on heat transfer rate
plot(convection_coefficient_range, heat_transfer_rates, 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient (W/m^2 · °C)');
ylabel('Rate of Heat Transfer (W)');
title('Effect of Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient on Heat Transfer Rate');
legend('Emissivity = 0.1', 'Emissivity = 0.5', 'Emissivity = 0.8', 'Emissivity =
grid on;


% Given data
V_refrigerant_initial = 0.01; % Initial volume of refrigerant-134a (m^3)
T_final = 20 + 273.15; % Final temperature of the refrigerant (K)
P_final = 400e3; % Final pressure of the refrigerant (Pa)

% Constants
R_specific = 188.93; % Specific gas constant for refrigerant-134a (J/kg·K)

% Range of initial pressures

P_initial_range = linspace(0.5e6, 1.5e6, 100); % Initial pressure range (Pa)

% Initialize array to store tank volumes

V_tank_final = zeros(size(P_initial_range));

% Loop over different initial pressures

for i = 1:length(P_initial_range)
P_initial = P_initial_range(i);

% Calculate initial mass of refrigerant using its specific volume at initial

v_specific_initial = 1 / V_refrigerant_initial; % Specific volume at initial
state (m^3/kg)
m_refrigerant_initial = V_refrigerant_initial / v_specific_initial; % Initial
mass of refrigerant (kg)

% Calculate specific volume of refrigerant at final state using the ideal gas
v_specific_final = R_specific * T_final / P_final;

% Calculate volume of the tank at final state

V_tank_final(i) = m_refrigerant_initial * v_specific_final;

% Plotting the effect of initial pressure on tank volume

plot(P_initial_range / 1e6, V_tank_final, 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('Initial Pressure (MPa)');
ylabel('Volume of the Tank at Final State (m^3)');
title('Effect of Initial Pressure on Tank Volume');
grid on;


% Given data
V1 = 0.5; % Volume of tank 1 (m^3)
V2 = 0.5; % Volume of tank 2 (m^3)
T1 = 20 + 273.15; % Initial temperature of tank 1 (K)
T2 = 30 + 273.15; % Initial temperature of tank 2 (K)
P1 = 600e3; % Initial pressure of tank 1 (Pa)
P2 = 150e3; % Initial pressure of tank 2 (Pa)
T_surroundings_range = linspace(-10 + 273.15, 30 + 273.15, 100); % Surroundings
temperature range (K)

% Constants
R_specific = 8.314; % Specific gas constant for hydrogen (J/mol·K)
Molar_mass = 2.016; % Molar mass of hydrogen (g/mol)

% Initialize array to store final pressures

final_pressure = zeros(size(T_surroundings_range));

% Loop over different surroundings temperatures

for i = 1:length(T_surroundings_range)
T_surroundings = T_surroundings_range(i);

% Calculate the final temperature using energy conservation (assuming adiabatic

T_final = (V1 * T1 + V2 * T2) / (V1 + V2);

% Calculate the final pressure using the ideal gas law

final_pressure(i) = (P1 * V1 + P2 * V2) / (V1 + V2) * (T_final /

% Plotting the effect of surroundings temperature on final equilibrium pressure

plot(T_surroundings_range - 273.15, final_pressure / 1e3, 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('Surroundings Temperature (°C)');
ylabel('Final Pressure (kPa)');
title('Effect of Surroundings Temperature on Final Equilibrium Pressure');
grid on;

% Given data
P = 10e6; % Pressure (Pa)
T = 400 + 273.15; % Temperature (K)

% Constants
R = 8.314; % Universal gas constant (J/mol·K)
Molar_mass = 18.01528; % Molar mass of water (g/mol)

% (a) Ideal gas equation

v_ideal_gas = R * T / P;

% (b) Generalized compressibility chart

% The compressibility factor (Z) for superheated steam is typically around 1, so we
assume Z = 1
v_generalized_compressibility = R * T / P;

% (c) Steam tables

% Using steam tables or any method to obtain specific volume at given pressure and
% For simplicity, we'll assume a specific volume based on the properties of
superheated steam
% at 10 MPa and 400°C obtained from steam tables
v_steam_tables = 0.0428; % m^3/kg

% Calculate percent error for each method

error_ideal_gas = abs(v_steam_tables - v_ideal_gas) / v_steam_tables * 100;
error_generalized_compressibility = abs(v_steam_tables -
v_generalized_compressibility) / v_steam_tables * 100;

% Display results
disp('(a) Ideal Gas Equation:');
disp(['Specific volume: ', num2str(v_ideal_gas), ' m^3/kg']);
disp(['Percent Error: ', num2str(error_ideal_gas), '%']);
disp('(b) Generalized Compressibility Chart:');
disp(['Specific volume: ', num2str(v_generalized_compressibility), ' m^3/kg']);
disp(['Percent Error: ', num2str(error_generalized_compressibility), '%']);
disp('(c) Steam Tables:');
disp(['Specific volume: ', num2str(v_steam_tables), ' m^3/kg']);

% (d) Compare specific volume at different temperatures using steam tables

T_range = 325:25:600; % Temperature range (°C)
v_percent_error = zeros(size(T_range)); % Initialize array to store percent error

for i = 1:length(T_range)
T_temp = T_range(i) + 273.15; % Convert temperature to Kelvin
% Calculate specific volume using steam tables
% For simplicity, we assume a specific volume based on the properties of
superheated steam
% at 10 MPa and the current temperature obtained from steam tables
v_steam_temp = 0.0428; % m^3/kg (example value)
% Calculate percent error for ideal gas approximation
v_ideal_gas_temp = R * T_temp / P; % Specific volume using ideal gas equation
v_percent_error(i) = abs(v_steam_temp - v_ideal_gas_temp) / v_steam_temp * 100;
% Percent error

% Plot percent error against temperature

plot(T_range, v_percent_error, 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('Temperature (°C)');
ylabel('Percent Error in Ideal Gas Approximation (%)');
title('Percent Error in Ideal Gas Approximation vs Temperature');
grid on;


% Given data
diameter_range = linspace(5, 15, 100); % Balloon diameter range (m)
T = 20 + 273.15; % Temperature (K)
P_values = [100e3, 200e3]; % Pressure values (Pa)
Molar_mass = 4.002602; % Molar mass of helium (g/mol)

% Constants
R = 8.314; % Universal gas constant (J/mol·K)

% Initialize arrays to store mass of helium for each pressure

mass_helium_100kPa = zeros(size(diameter_range));
mass_helium_200kPa = zeros(size(diameter_range));

% Loop over different balloon diameters

for i = 1:length(diameter_range)
diameter = diameter_range(i);

% Calculate volume of the balloon

volume = (4/3) * pi * (diameter/2)^3;

% Loop over different pressures

for j = 1:length(P_values)
P = P_values(j);

% Calculate number of moles of helium using ideal gas law

n = P * volume / (R * T);

% Calculate mass of helium

mass = n * Molar_mass; % Mass in grams

% Store mass for the corresponding pressure

if P == 100e3
mass_helium_100kPa(i) = mass;
elseif P == 200e3
mass_helium_200kPa(i) = mass;

% Plot mass of helium against balloon diameter for both pressures

hold on;
plot(diameter_range, mass_helium_100kPa, 'b', 'LineWidth', 2);
plot(diameter_range, mass_helium_200kPa, 'r', 'LineWidth', 2);
hold off;
xlabel('Balloon Diameter (m)');
ylabel('Mass of Helium (g)');
title('Effect of Balloon Diameter on Mass of Helium');
legend('Pressure = 100 kPa', 'Pressure = 200 kPa');
grid on;

% Constants
R = 8.314; % Universal gas constant in J/(mol*K)
v = 1; % Specific volume in m^3
m = 2.841; % Mass of steam in kg
P_range = 0.1:0.1:1; % Pressure range in MPa

% (a) Ideal gas equation

T_ideal = (P_range * 1e6 * v) / (R * 1000); % Convert pressure from MPa to Pa, R
from J/(mol*K) to kJ/(kg*K)

% (b) Van der Waals equation

a = 0.4077; % Van der Waals constant in m^3/(kg*K)
b = 3.7934e-5; % Van der Waals constant in m^3/kg
T_vdw = zeros(size(P_range));
for i = 1:length(P_range)
P = P_range(i) * 1e6; % Convert pressure from MPa to Pa
% Use fsolve with initial guess of 300 K
T_vdw(i) = fsolve(@(T) (R * 1000 * T * v) - (P + a * (m / v)^2) * v + b * P *
m, 300);
% Cast the result to double
T_vdw(i) = double(T_vdw(i));

% (c) Steam tables (Interpolation)

% Assuming some values as an example, you should replace this with actual data from
steam tables
P_steam = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1]; % Pressure from steam
tables in MPa
T_steam = [350, 360, 370, 380, 390, 400, 410, 420, 430, 440]; % Corresponding
temperature in K
% Interpolate temperature for given pressure range
T_interp = interp1(P_steam, T_steam, P_range);

% Plot percent error in ideal gas approximation

percent_error = abs((T_ideal - T_interp) ./ T_interp) * 100;

plot(P_range, percent_error, 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('Pressure (MPa)');
ylabel('Percent Error (%)');
title('Percent Error in Ideal Gas Approximation vs Pressure');
grid on;


% Given data
V_initial = 200; % Initial volume (L)
T_initial = 20; % Initial temperature (°C)
T_final = 70; % Final temperature (°C)
P_range = linspace(400, 1200, 100); % Pressure range (kPa)
% Constants
R_specific = 0.18893; % Specific gas constant for refrigerant-134a (kJ/kg·K)
Molar_mass = 102.03; % Molar mass of refrigerant-134a (g/mol)

% Convert temperatures to Kelvin

T_initial_K = T_initial + 273.15;
T_final_K = T_final + 273.15;

% Initialize array to store work done

work_done = zeros(size(P_range));

% Calculate work done for each pressure in the range

for i = 1:length(P_range)
P = P_range(i); % Pressure (kPa)

% Calculate initial specific volume using ideal gas law for saturated liquid
v_initial = R_specific * T_initial_K / P;

% Calculate final specific volume using ideal gas law for superheated vapor
v_final = R_specific * T_final_K / P;

% Calculate work done using area under the curve (trapezoidal rule)
work_done(i) = (v_final - v_initial) * P * 1000; % Convert from kJ to J

% Plot work done versus pressure

plot(P_range, work_done, 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('Pressure (kPa)');
ylabel('Work Done (J)');
title('Effect of Pressure on Work Done');
grid on;

% Plot process on P-v diagram

hold on;
plot([V_initial V_initial], [P_range(1) P_range(end)], 'k--', 'LineWidth', 2); %
Initial vertical line
plot([V_initial v_final], [P_range(end) P_range(end)], 'k--', 'LineWidth', 2); %
Final horizontal line
plot([V_initial v_final], [P_range(1) P_range(end)], 'b', 'LineWidth', 2); %
Process line
hold off;
xlabel('Volume (L)');
ylabel('Pressure (kPa)');
title('P-v Diagram for Process');
legend('Initial State', 'Final State', 'Process');
grid on;


% Given data
m_water = 50; % Mass of water (kg)
P_initial = 250e3; % Initial pressure (Pa)
T_initial = 25 + 273.15; % Initial temperature (K)
A_piston = 0.1; % Cross-sectional area of the piston (m^2)
V_final_1 = 0.2; % Final volume after reaching the spring (m^3)
V_final_2 = V_final_1 + 0.2; % Final volume after rising 20 cm more (m^3)
k_spring_range = linspace(50e3, 500e3, 100); % Spring constant range (N/m)
delta_x = 0.2; % Displacement after reaching the spring (m)
delta_x_additional = 0.2; % Additional displacement (m)

% Constants
R_specific = 8.314; % Specific gas constant for water (J/mol·K)
Molar_mass = 18.01528; % Molar mass of water (g/mol)

% Calculate initial volume using ideal gas law

V_initial = m_water * R_specific * T_initial / (P_initial * 1000); % Convert
pressure to kPa

% Calculate initial force exerted by the piston

F_initial = P_initial * A_piston;

% Initialize arrays to store final pressure and work done

P_final = zeros(size(k_spring_range));
boundary_work = zeros(size(k_spring_range));

% Loop over different spring constants

for i = 1:length(k_spring_range)
k_spring = k_spring_range(i); % Spring constant (N/m)

% Calculate final force exerted by the piston after reaching the spring
F_final = k_spring * delta_x;

% Calculate the work done during the process

boundary_work(i) = F_initial * delta_x + 0.5 * k_spring * delta_x_additional^2;

% Calculate the final pressure using the ideal gas law

V_final = V_initial + A_piston * delta_x + A_piston * delta_x_additional;
P_final(i) = m_water * R_specific * T_initial / (V_final * 1000); % Convert
volume to m^3

% Plot final pressure and work done against spring constant

plot(k_spring_range / 1e3, P_final / 1e3, 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('Spring Constant (kN/m)');
ylabel('Final Pressure (kPa)');
title('Effect of Spring Constant on Final Pressure');
grid on;

plot(k_spring_range / 1e3, boundary_work / 1e3, 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('Spring Constant (kN/m)');
ylabel('Boundary Work Done (kJ)');
title('Effect of Spring Constant on Boundary Work Done');
grid on;


% Given data
P_in = 300e3; % Inlet pressure (Pa)
T_in = 200 + 273.15; % Inlet temperature (K)
V_in = 30; % Inlet velocity (m/s)
P_out = 100e3; % Outlet pressure (Pa)
V_out = 180; % Outlet velocity (m/s)
A_in = 80 / 1e4; % Inlet area (m^2)

% Constants
gamma = 1.4; % Specific heat ratio for air

% (a) Calculate mass flow rate through the nozzle using mass flow rate equation
rho_in = P_in / (287 * T_in); % Inlet density (kg/m^3)
m_dot = rho_in * V_in * A_in; % Mass flow rate (kg/s)

% (b) Calculate exit temperature of the air using isentropic relations

T_out = T_in * (P_out / P_in)^((gamma-1)/gamma); % Exit temperature (K)

% (c) Calculate exit area of the nozzle using continuity equation

A_out = m_dot / (rho_in * V_out); % Exit area (m^2)

% Print results
fprintf('(a) Mass flow rate: %.4f kg/s\n', m_dot);
fprintf('(b) Exit temperature: %.2f K\n', T_out);
fprintf('(c) Exit area: %.4f m^2\n', A_out);

% Effect of inlet area on mass flow rate, exit temperature, and exit area
A_in_range = linspace(50 / 1e4, 150 / 1e4, 100); % Inlet area range (m^2)

% Initialize arrays to store results

m_dot_range = zeros(size(A_in_range));
T_out_range = zeros(size(A_in_range));
A_out_range = zeros(size(A_in_range));

% Loop over different inlet areas

for i = 1:length(A_in_range)
A_in_temp = A_in_range(i);

% Calculate mass flow rate

m_dot_range(i) = rho_in * V_in * A_in_temp;

% Calculate exit temperature

T_out_range(i) = T_in * (P_out / P_in)^((gamma-1)/gamma);

% Calculate exit area

A_out_range(i) = m_dot_range(i) / (rho_in * V_out);

% Plot results against inlet area

plot(A_in_range * 1e4, m_dot_range, 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('Inlet Area (cm^2)');
ylabel('Mass Flow Rate (kg/s)');
title('Effect of Inlet Area on Mass Flow Rate');
grid on;

plot(A_in_range * 1e4, T_out_range, 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('Inlet Area (cm^2)');
ylabel('Exit Temperature (K)');
title('Effect of Inlet Area on Exit Temperature');
grid on;

plot(A_in_range * 1e4, A_out_range * 1e4, 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('Inlet Area (cm^2)');
ylabel('Exit Area (cm^2)');
title('Effect of Inlet Area on Exit Area');
grid on;


% Given data
P_in = 10e6; % Inlet pressure (Pa)
T_in = 450 + 273.15; % Inlet temperature (K)
V_in = 80; % Inlet velocity (m/s)
P_out = 10e3; % Outlet pressure (Pa)
x_out = 0.92; % Quality of steam at outlet
V_out = 50; % Outlet velocity (m/s)
m_dot = 12; % Mass flow rate (kg/s)

% Constants
R_specific = 0.4615; % Specific gas constant for steam (kJ/kg·K)
gamma = 1.4; % Specific heat ratio for steam

% (a) Calculate change in kinetic energy

delta_KE = 0.5 * m_dot * ((V_out^2 - V_in^2) / 1000); % Convert to kJ/s

% (b) Calculate power output

h_in = 3051.3; % Specific enthalpy of steam at inlet (kJ/kg)
h_out = 2676.8; % Specific enthalpy of steam at outlet (kJ/kg)
delta_H = h_in - h_out; % Enthalpy change (kJ/kg)
W_out = m_dot * delta_H; % Power output (kW)

% (c) Calculate turbine inlet area using continuity equation

A_in = m_dot / (x_out * (1 - x_out) * R_specific * T_in * (1 + (gamma - 1) /
2)^((gamma + 1) / (2 * (gamma - 1))) * P_in / sqrt(gamma * R_specific * T_in)); %

% Print results
fprintf('(a) Change in Kinetic Energy: %.2f kJ/s\n', delta_KE);
fprintf('(b) Power Output: %.2f kW\n', W_out);
fprintf('(c) Turbine Inlet Area: %.4f m^2\n', A_in);

% Effect of turbine exit pressure on power output

P_out_range = linspace(10e3, 200e3, 100); % Exit pressure range (Pa)

% Initialize array to store power output

W_out_range = zeros(size(P_out_range));

% Loop over different exit pressures

for i = 1:length(P_out_range)
P_out_temp = P_out_range(i); % Exit pressure (Pa)

% Calculate power output

h_out_temp = x_out * 2706.1; % Specific enthalpy at outlet (kJ/kg)
delta_H_temp = h_in - h_out_temp; % Enthalpy change (kJ/kg)
W_out_temp = m_dot * delta_H_temp; % Power output (kW)
W_out_range(i) = W_out_temp;

% Plot power output against exit pressure

plot(P_out_range / 1e3, W_out_range, 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('Exit Pressure (kPa)');
ylabel('Power Output (kW)');
title('Effect of Exit Pressure on Power Output');
grid on;


% Given data
T_source_range = linspace(300, 1000, 100); % Source temperature range (°C)
T_sink_range = [0, 25, 50]; % Sink temperature range (°C)
Q_in = 1200 * 60; % Heat supplied to the engine (kJ/min) converted to kJ/s

% Constants
T_0 = 273.15; % Absolute zero temperature (K)

% Initialize arrays to store results

power_produced = zeros(length(T_source_range), length(T_sink_range));
cycle_efficiency = zeros(length(T_source_range), length(T_sink_range));

% Loop over different source temperatures

for i = 1:length(T_source_range)
T_source = T_source_range(i) + T_0; % Source temperature (K)

% Loop over different sink temperatures

for j = 1:length(T_sink_range)
T_sink = T_sink_range(j) + T_0; % Sink temperature (K)

% Calculate Carnot efficiency

efficiency_carnot = 1 - T_sink / T_source;

% Calculate maximum power output (W)

max_power_output = Q_in * efficiency_carnot;

% Store results
power_produced(i, j) = max_power_output;
cycle_efficiency(i, j) = efficiency_carnot;

% Plot power produced and cycle efficiency against source temperature

plot(T_source_range, power_produced, 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('Source Temperature (°C)');
ylabel('Power Produced (W)');
title('Effect of Source Temperature on Power Produced');
legend('Sink Temp: 0°C', 'Sink Temp: 25°C', 'Sink Temp: 50°C');
grid on;
plot(T_source_range, cycle_efficiency, 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('Source Temperature (°C)');
ylabel('Cycle Efficiency');
title('Effect of Source Temperature on Cycle Efficiency');
legend('Sink Temp: 0°C', 'Sink Temp: 25°C', 'Sink Temp: 50°C');
grid on;


% Given data
m_steam = 0.0103; % Mass of steam (kg)
W_net_range = linspace(15, 25, 100); % Net work output range (kJ)

% Constants
R_specific = 0.4615; % Specific gas constant for steam (kJ/kg·K)

% Calculate maximum absolute temperature (Tw) and minimum absolute temperature (Tc)
Tw = 2 * 273.15; % Max absolute temperature (K)
Tc = 273.15; % Min absolute temperature (K)

% Initialize array to store temperature of steam during heat rejection process

T_reject = zeros(size(W_net_range));

% Loop over different net work outputs

for i = 1:length(W_net_range)
W_net = W_net_range(i); % Net work output (kJ)

% Calculate heat input and heat rejection

Q_in = W_net / (1 - Tw/Tc); % Heat input (kJ)
Q_out = Q_in - W_net; % Heat rejection (kJ)

% Calculate temperature of steam during heat rejection process

T_reject(i) = (Q_out / (m_steam * R_specific)) + 273.15; % Convert to °C

% Plot temperature of steam during heat rejection process against net work output
plot(W_net_range, T_reject, 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('Net Work Output (kJ)');
ylabel('Temperature during Heat Rejection (°C)');
title('Effect of Net Work Output on Steam Temperature during Heat Rejection');
grid on;


% Given data
Q_added_range = [500, 900, 1300]; % Heat added to the working fluid (kJ)
T_source_range = linspace(100, 1000, 100); % Source temperature range (°C)

% Constants
R_specific = 0.287; % Specific gas constant for air (kJ/kg·K)

% Initialize arrays to store results

entropy_change_fluid = zeros(length(T_source_range), length(Q_added_range));
entropy_change_source = zeros(length(T_source_range), length(Q_added_range));
total_entropy_change = zeros(length(T_source_range), length(Q_added_range));

% Loop over different amounts of heat added

for i = 1:length(Q_added_range)
Q_added = Q_added_range(i); % Heat added to the working fluid (kJ)

% Loop over different source temperatures

for j = 1:length(T_source_range)
T_source = T_source_range(j) + 273.15; % Source temperature (K)

% Calculate entropy change of the working fluid

entropy_change_fluid(j, i) = Q_added / T_source;

% Calculate entropy change of the source

entropy_change_source(j, i) = -Q_added / T_source;

% Calculate total entropy change

total_entropy_change(j, i) = entropy_change_fluid(j, i) +
entropy_change_source(j, i);

% Plot entropy changes against source temperature for different heat added
plot(T_source_range, entropy_change_fluid, 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('Source Temperature (°C)');
ylabel('Entropy Change of Working Fluid (kJ/K)');
title('Effect of Source Temperature on Entropy Change of Working Fluid');
legend('Q = 500 kJ', 'Q = 900 kJ', 'Q = 1300 kJ');
grid on;

plot(T_source_range, entropy_change_source, 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('Source Temperature (°C)');
ylabel('Entropy Change of Source (kJ/K)');
title('Effect of Source Temperature on Entropy Change of Source');
legend('Q = 500 kJ', 'Q = 900 kJ', 'Q = 1300 kJ');
grid on;

plot(T_source_range, total_entropy_change, 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('Source Temperature (°C)');
ylabel('Total Entropy Change (kJ/K)');
title('Effect of Source Temperature on Total Entropy Change');
legend('Q = 500 kJ', 'Q = 900 kJ', 'Q = 1300 kJ');
grid on;

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