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how the mind will work meaning the quality of the organs (skin -

liver - brain-heart etc ...) its all related to each other. And that is
certainly true. I feel safe now to say That “energy” is what you
radiate outwards and inwards. When we say You have a beautiful
face we mean the energy that flows in the face, specifically things
of that nature. When You have a part of Your body, let's say the
face infused with extremely high energy, people will start to see
you differently, u are not the same. And that's the secret.

Now let's talk about how we induce the energy flow and how we
target the beauty that can easily be altered, in other words how
we can be more of a beautifier.

1 - The energy flow: Simple balanced energy makes a difference

between people. Between the physical appearance and the inner
shape, there is a direct link
, The more energy you project the more your appearance will be
attractive,we are talking about an endless spectrum.

Features :
+balanced high energy ,(certainly in every part of your body)
+Manifest more vital energy
+Increases The 3 treasures( Jing - Shen -chi ) Dramatically

Mysterious energy flows: technically if you're a cold person, u

Weirdly see people behave differently around you. You're not
even bothering by releasing energy, this phenomenon is
invisible energy that is loud in communicating some say its a
mental state that is casting that shit it's like a stage they say but
like I said it's more than that I mean the mental state is highly
important if we are talking about this energy but the most
important thing is the vibe or the attitude that you came up
with that shit is what you will cast it's all related with the aura,all
those layers they make electromagnetic field and based on that
you will project from your mental state to your vibe(vibration
that you are at)
.=> the trick to modify the shape,, This invisible energy has some
form, we will control the whole shape, By doing that we control
the flow and how the energy projects itself to people u can say
we reshape it,

features :
+Aura modification
+Control the energy source ( flow - aura )
+Mysterious ( vibe - energy - aura)
+Releasing more energy outwards
+Naturally, an increase in magnetism
+Radiance Warm feeling (for sensitive and introverted people)
+Supernatural magnetism at a subconscious level

2 - 1Physical appearance

+ Clear, flawless, glowing, etc.
+Healthy skin
+immune TO acne, hyperpigmentation, dark spots, scars, blemishes and any
+vanished without a trace: acne, hyperpigmentation, dark spots, scars,
+Extremely small + blurred pores skin ( tiny pores )
+Tight and Thick skin under eyes ( remove DARK CIRCLES + EYE BAGS +
puffiness )
+Skin free from acne, cellulite, scars, wrinkles, dark circles, stretch marks,
+Remove unwanted body hair that falls out, which means it will stop growing

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