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TOMIYAMA SHUKOKAT AMBASSADOR TOMIYAMA HUKOKAI KARATE has been in Britain for ten years now. Like most ‘other Major styles here, there has been a split somewhere along the line. One of the groups, The Shukokai World Karate Union is headed in England by Mr Keji Tomiyama. This Japanese Karate Instructor was born in Osaka, nearly thirty years ago. He had an unusual troduction into Karate. At about 16 years of age he started boxing training, while at the same time his cousin started learning Karate. After about a year or so they had a match and much to his suprise young Tomiyama was well beaten by his Karateka cousin! Immediately he gave up boxing and started training with his cousin in the Shitoryu Style. Shortly afterwards he enrolled at Doshin University as a student, He also joined, the University Karate Club, one of the oldest in Japan. This club practiced Goju- Ryu. Apparently, once having joined this particular club it is nearly impossible to drop out. One young student wished to do so and Al brought along his father to help explain. Anyway both father and son were badly beaten up! After the legal battles were over, the Karate Club was closed by the University. This happened a few years before Mr Tomiyama joined For the next few years he and his A2 friends had to _practice ‘underground’, Then the club was given a reprieve. The new Instructor turned out to be Mr Tani, the founder of Shukokai After graduating from Goshin, Mr Tomiyama and his club captain Mr Omi were asked if they would like to either go to America to assist Mr Kimura or to Europe to assist Mr Y. Suzuki. They both chose Europe, this was over seven years ago. His first stop was Paris where he spent nearly five years, then on to Brussels for a while before coming to England. Mr ‘Tomiyama feels very sad about the Shukokai split. According to him what happened was this. Mr Y. » Al: Qpponents both Fighting Stance Distance, A2: ‘Attacker (L), kicks with Front Kick Defender (R) blocks. (Note stance). A3: Defender counters with Punch. (Note body weight shift) Aa: Defender continues Counter with strike tochest COMBAT 5, TOMIYAMA Susuki first came to Europe in 1969, not as an Instructor but as a representative for his company, Toyota. About four years ago it seemed likely that he would be recalled to Japan. He discussed with Mr Tani the possibility of Mr Kimura taking over as European Chief Instructor. Then apparently Mr Tani and Mr Kimura drew up a blueprint for European Shukokai without consulting any of the other Japanese Instructors in Europe including Mr Suzuki. These Instructors were very upset, as they had stuck it out for years often when the going was tough, to spread the style. Mr Suzuki then was told that he was staying on in BI 6 COMBAT a - = * Europe with Toyota. So now there are two Shukokai Associations outside Japan, but both loyal to Mr Tani. Now it is felt that if Mr Tani doesn’t sort the problem out, Mr Suzuki's group will leave Shukokai altogether. The problem is not solely Japanese as the Europeans also have a lot to say in the politics of who follows who etc. Mr Tomiyama’s English Association is not an overly large group, with just over twenty clubs. He would much rather have quality than quantity and will only expand slowly. He feels that today too many Karateka are judged by their competition ability. This is B2 — totally wrong he says as being a good ‘touch’ competition man does not necessarily make one a good or true Karateka. In competitions he would like to see Full Power and Full Contact used in all body shots to score, with control to the face. Again though he emphasised that competitions are only a very small part of Karate, don’t ever ignore the other more important parts. Keep on trying to improve as you will never near perfection otherwise Shukokai Karate itself, Mr Tomiyama explained, was developed from —Shito-Ryu. Apparently Mr Tani and Mr Fujiwara then both 8th Dan were a ‘. fe Fans stare, B2: ‘Actackor kicks with Front Kick. Defender blocks senthlft knee. ‘Simultaneous Counter with Punch and. BA: ‘Seite to body. Botewnole sequence as ‘re continuous movernent) EE ee TOMIYAMA | touring in South Africa many | years ago. The people there were | very large. Both Sensis wondered how more power could be developed into the body to enable j a small person to defeat a very j large one with one blow - the very | basis of real Karate. | On returning home they worked | out by observation and mathematics the Shukokai Double-Hip Twist and Body- Weight distribution - the first Shukokai principles. ‘Good news for all his students is Mr Tomiyama will be stopping in Britain for some time yet. He has no ambitions to open a large Dojo as he is quite happy commuting around the country visiting the local clubs. This no doubt shows his lack of selfishness and loyalty to his students - the mark of a true Karateka C1 Fighting Stance. €2 Attacker kicks to inside ofthigh, €3 Then attacks to head with same leg. €4 Quickly turns and continues attack with Reverse Roundhouse. D1 Fighting Stance. D2 Attacker strikes with hand edge. Defender blocks. D3 The defender attacks with punch, (Note body shift) D4 Defender sweeps back lea. D5 Then Stamp Kicks opponent. DS. ‘COMBAT7

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