Bringing Out Your Inner Voice 5

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Chapter 10: Tuning In to Your Inner Voice 145

Table 10-2 Psychological Types of Decision Makers

Intuitives Thinkers Feelers Sensors
Process Following their Analyzing data Finding out Examining
information gut feelings or in a precise, how others things as
by: instincts logical manner feel about a they are
Strengths: Concentrate on Process a lot Follow their Respect facts;
possibilities; of information; own likes and enormous
see the big want to under- dislikes; enjoy capacity for
picture; start stand logic of working with details; seldom
projects everything people make mistakes;
quickly; like to before starting good at putting
get things going project things in context
Weakness: Avoid details; Avoid Avoid the Miss the big
deals in emotional analytical picture
generalities involvement process
Personality: Self-confident Cautious Loyal Persistent

Bringing Out Your Inner Voice

The inner voice is easily masked. If it were not, you would go crazy from all
the voices in your head. Consequently, you can talk, read, process data, and
perform myriad tasks while your subconscious mind is busily doing its thing.

Quieting your mind

If you want to get in touch with your inner voice, you must quiet your con-
scious mind. For some people, this involves a mind-relaxing activity such as
running, walking, or fishing. Other people must sit quietly for a few minutes.
Do whatever works for you in order to let those inner messages surface.
Try meditation, which has been scientifically proven to increase mental
clarity and thinking ability and integrate left- and right-brain functioning.
Meditation also can improve physical, mental, and emotional health.

If this is a new idea to you, you may have to practice. You have to work
extra-hard to quiet your conscious mind until you get used to accepting the
complete messages that come from the subconscious without explanation.
As you do, the messages come to you more often and more clearly. Don’t be
discouraged as you attempt this process, and remember that listening to your
inner voice is a personal process. Your subconscious is your own storehouse

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