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Navigating the complexities of a literature review can be a daunting task for many students and

researchers alike. When delving into the realm of academia, one often encounters the necessity of
synthesizing existing research, analyzing various perspectives, and constructing a coherent narrative
that contributes meaningfully to the field of study.

One particularly challenging aspect of crafting a literature review revolves around the identification
and analysis of variables. Variables serve as the building blocks of research, allowing scholars to
systematically investigate relationships, effects, and phenomena within their chosen area of inquiry.
However, comprehensively addressing variables within a literature review requires a keen
understanding of the research landscape, a discerning eye for relevant studies, and the ability to
critically evaluate methodologies and findings.

Moreover, the task is further complicated by the vast array of variables that may be pertinent to a
given topic. From independent and dependent variables to moderating and mediating variables,
researchers must carefully consider the nuances of each construct and its implications for their study.
Additionally, variables may vary in terms of their operationalization, measurement techniques, and
theoretical underpinnings, adding layers of complexity to the literature review process.

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Olson D, Hoeppner M, Larson S, Ehrenberg A, Leitheiser AT. Raw materials administration also
involves the periodic review of inventory holding and inventory tally and audit, followed by a
comprehensive analysis report, leading to good financial management decisions. Depending on the
organisational objectives, inventories in warehouses may be needed to fulfil customer or
humanitarian demands. Eur J Emerg Med. 2020;27(3):163-164. Hung KK, Walline JH, Chan EY.
Identify an Area of Focus Develop an Action Plan Collect Data Analyze and Interpret Data To Do:
Select an appropriate area of focus. It should be highlighted that different levels of planning
(strategic vs operational) might be required for managers and frontline personnel. Writing a properly
structured literature review is a very important skill in focus of the literature review is on previous
research related to the dependent variable. While some of these attributes, such as flexibility and
adaptability, have appeared in various current competency models, the emphasis on the inclusion of
these new competency standards in staff recruitment, training and assessment, as well as appraisal
and performance management in the WHE core competency framework, may help to establish a
high-quality workforce for dealing with modern emergencies. May 2015 A brief introduction in your
literature review will enable readers know what the Picking out the independent variable
(motivation), a good. PhD thesis, Carnegie Mellon University Ke G, Meng Q, Finley T, Wang T,
Chen W, Ma W, Ye Q, Liu TY (2017) Lightgbm: A highly efficient gradient boosting decision tree.
Supplementary 3g. Assessment of competency attainment in published curricula with a competency
model. In addition to MRP, enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is used to integrate all the
departmental functions of organisations into one system. A study on the acquisition level of health
emergency management competency in the community--a qualitative survey by occupation and
position required of all public health workers using the Delphi method. When a stock level of a given
item is determined, the decision to place an order is made, taking into account the following
elements: 1) the customer's request for the item in question, and 2) the adequacy of the current stock
level of the item in the supporting chain or production operation until the next revision. Health
Emergency and Disaster Risk Management framework. This illustration shows that one unit
represents one material for A and B respectively. The conclusion or discussion section at the end may
also offer some questions for future exploration. A recent blog posting in Science ( Pain, 2016 )
provides several tips from researchers and graduate students on how to effectively read these papers.
Using an emergency situation, they proposed to replace an out-of-stock item with a similar item
available in the inventory, thus avoiding a long waiting time and favouring instant replenishment. For
example, in Nursing: what is current research on obesity and why is it significant to nursing and
health sciences. In addition to the above differences, a single-period inventory model requires that
orders for items be placed before the start of the period, and replenishment cannot be done during
the period. Five scheduling steps are used to determine the schedule in an MRP process. Gaps in
competencies and curricula Gaps in competencies and curricula were identified by comparing the
above findings with WHE core competencies and Health EDRM principles. Aug 2016 Systematic
Reviews in the Health Sciences - RBHS: Independent Variable vs The dependent variable is the
response that is measured. Specifically, we focus on papers which develop policies and models to
determine how much to stock, where to stock, and when to stock throughout the humanitarian
supply chain. A Review of the Literature is a section in a research study or a paper in its own right
that shows the writings Literature about the dependent variable Causal or. This research covers five
years, between 2015 and 2019, focusing specifically on the retail sector. Other factors influencing
inventory management practices are related to forecasting decisions. Fewer respondents reported the
requirement of management skills for frontline workers, except for effective communication systems
(90%). Inventory is the most important asset held by many organisations, representing as much as
half of the company's expenses, or even half of the total capital investment.
Handling raw materials is far more challenging than handling finished goods, as it involves the
analysis and coordination of delivery capacity, logistical processes, lead time, transportation,
warehousing, and scheduling, before their final supply to the production shop floor. The article
reviews the literature on the deterministic demand model, highlighting the implementation of
independent and dependent demand in a real situation. Int J Environ Res Public Health.
2020;17(15):5588. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Hung KK, Walline JH,
Graham CA. There were also wide variations in training delivery modalities and evaluation methods.
Twenty-one respondents (32%) reported that their agencies had defined the core competencies for
Health EDRM managers and frontline responders while 20 respondents (31%) listed the contents in
the curricula provided for the managers and frontline responders. The material structure tree in
Figure 10 has three levels, defined as follows: Level 0, Level 1, Level 2; the 'parent' elements being
A, B and C, while the 'component' elements are B, C, D, E. PhD thesis, Carnegie Mellon University
Ke G, Meng Q, Finley T, Wang T, Chen W, Ma W, Ye Q, Liu TY (2017) Lightgbm: A highly
efficient gradient boosting decision tree. COVID-19: emergency medicine perspectives from Hong
Kong. Federal government websites often end Before sharing sensitive information,
make sure you’re on a federal government site. The Health EDRM risk-based approach that
emphasizes reducing hazards, exposures, and vulnerabilities was only included in three models or
curricula (Fig. 2 ). The competency models and curricula cited by survey respondents included a
higher coverage of the WHE core competencies and the Health EDRM principles than those
identified from the literature review (Supplementary 3 e and f). In the WHO Health EDRM
Framework, the importance of adopting a comprehensive approach to emergency management was
highlighted, covering all aspects from prevention to preparedness, readiness, response, and recovery.
The review was developed as part of an implementation evaluation of six. Fixed-order quantity
models generally deal with certain demands; therefore, a new order of a fixed size is lodged as soon
as the stock reaches the ROP ( Figure 6 ). The process continues until all materials are broken down
5.1.3 Just-in-time (JIT) Just-in-time (JIT) is a famous Japanese concept of material planning, initially
used by Japanese manufacturing companies before spreading worldwide. Case study: Grooveline -
An apparel outsourcing company final project. Demand is regarded as a critical variable in inventory
management. The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. While tedious and time
consuming, a full literature review on the topic of interest Methodology used, Dependent Variables
Considered, Findings, and so on. In humanitarian operations, inventory not only represents a
significant financial asset, but also has a direct impact on saving lives. ERP systems that are
implemented in software such as Oracle, SAP, SYSPRO, or Microsoft Dynamics help large
organisations to manage the large amount of data they process. Safety stock prevents stockouts in
case the demand is higher than expected. Furthermore, as a starting point for further actions, MRP is
dependent on the sales forecast for finished goods. Depending on the organisational objectives,
inventories in warehouses may be needed to fulfil customer or humanitarian demands. The single
period is a one-off decision (how much to order). Most of the competency models and curricula
were from the US. Is the research incomplete, imprecise, biased, or inconsistent. In a DRP, the
retailer's demand is treated as an independent demand because it is closely related to the end user,
while the factory's demand (upstream) is treated as a dependent demand with a time logic that is
used to anticipate needs. Communication, 4. Teamwork, 5. Building and promoting partnerships, and
6. Leadership. By comparison, none of the 15 competency models and curricula identified in the
literature review and survey included the area of “moving forward in a changing environment,” and
only one curriculum covered “teamwork” (Fig. 2, Supplementary file 3 d). “Leadership” was only
included in three of the 15 competency models and curricula. Algorithms 10(4):114 Veinott AF Jr
(1965) Optimal policy for a multi-product, dynamic, nonstationary inventory problem. Steps to
Planning an Action Research Project Area of Focus 1.
Finally, the work of Benjamin Bloom (1956), and his colleagues regarding higher order thinking
skills contributes to our understanding of the ways in which cognition is mediated by language and
socio-cultural influences. Conclusions Competency mapping in this literature review and cross-
sectional survey identified that Health EDRM managers are expected to master many managerial
and technical skills while decision-making and leadership skills were increasingly recognized as
essential. As this review notes, the evidence base for employment interventions specifically aimed at
or tested with people with opioid use disorder is limited and, that, while some of the approaches
have been rigorously tested, others have not yet been evaluated but are seen as potentially promising
practices. If disagreement between the two reviewers about the suitability of an article could not be
resolved after discussion, a third reviewer was invited to review the article independently. A Number
of studies have been conducted to find the determinants of investment in inventories and the process
is still going on. For instance, in ancient times, traders counted and tallied items that were sold each
day - until the Egyptians and the Greeks developed more accurate inventory record management and
accounting systems, in contrast to the inaccurate and inefficient practice of hand-written notes and
hunches. Divide your inventory into three categories based on annual consumption value and
demand: High: A items are top 20% by value. A consensus-based educational framework and
competency set for the discipline of disaster medicine and public health preparedness. Keywords:
Decision Making, Inventory Management, Systems of Manufacture 14 April 2020 How to cite this
paper Vidal et al., Inventory Management in Manufacturing Systems: A Literature Review. The
manufacturing process uses raw materials and work-in-process goods to create finished products that
are stored as inventory or sold, some of which may also be used in follow-up operations. Int J
Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(15):5588. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google
Scholar Hung KK, Walline JH, Graham CA. In: 2006 6Th World Congress on Intelligent Control
and Automation, vol 1. Applying educational gaming to public health workforce emergency
preparedness. Our survey also confirmed that effective planning across prevention, preparedness,
response, and recovery remains an essential priority for research, both for managers and frontline
personnel. On the other hand, like the material requirements planning system, the concepts and logic
used in the DRP system focus on the distribution of goods at a distance rather than on the flow of
parts (materials, components) within a warehouse or operating facility. Writing a properly structured
literature review is a very important skill in focus of the literature review is on previous research
related to the dependent variable. Lot sizing, both static and dynamic, involves determining the
number of items required during a manufacturing process. Other factors influencing inventory
management practices are related to forecasting decisions. The next step is to identify the key
variables and the research design the major terms to use when searching for research articles for the
Literature Review differ on the independent variable (e g, gender) on the dependent variable (e g. In
the event of a higher demand in the supply chain, the inventory level decreases proportionally. Most
competency models encompassed technical competencies on disaster preparedness and response, but
fewer included technical competencies on recovery. Days ago Identifying Dependent and Indepent
Variables In the methods section, you build on the literature review of prior studies about the
research. Research priorities for developing Health EDRM competencies (from survey respondents)
Thirty-one survey respondents (48%) provided their views on research priorities for developing
Health EDRM competencies in their countries. Vygotsky’s (1962) social cultural model indirectly
validates Collier’s work. For example, in humanitarian relief supply chains, the difference between
life and death depends, among many other things, on decoupling stocks, whereas, in the wholesale
trade, buffer stocks or even transit stocks can prevent the organisation from losing its valuable
reputation. The BOM consists of data on each material or process required to produce that material.
In this review, we focus on several core components of supply chain management, i.e. vendor
management, demand forecasting, inventory management and order fulfillment. However, the
applicability of the competency and training frameworks is still being piloted at the time of writing.
For example, if you’re interested in parent involvement in early childhood education, your research
question might be “What are the various features of parent involvement in early childhood
education?” Or, if you want to do an evaluative literature review, your research question could be
“What is the value of infant vaccination?”. Safety stock prevents stockouts in case the demand is
higher than expected.
Conclusions Competency mapping in this literature review and cross-sectional survey identified that
Health EDRM managers are expected to master many managerial and technical skills while decision-
making and leadership skills were increasingly recognized as essential. Most competency models
encompassed technical competencies on disaster preparedness and response, but fewer included
technical competencies on recovery. Cross-sectional survey Sixty-five responses were received in the
online survey. An increased focus on decision-making and leadership skills should be included in
Health EDRM competencies and curricula to strengthen the health workforce. With a similar number
of activities (3,000,000), Table 1 shows the error occurrence rate in processing activities using
inventory management applications. Independent and Dependent Variables - Organizing Your? An
intervention for enhancing public health crisis response willingness among local health department
workers: a qualitative programmatic analysis. Therefore, the articles included in this review and the
subsequent retrieval of information may be subject to bias. Health Emergency and Disaster Risk
Management framework. Case study: Grooveline - An apparel outsourcing company final project.
Figure 8 focuses on a stock level that will trigger re-ordering, while in Figure 7, although there is a
re-order point, a safety stock (minimum stock) is applied. There are factors that influence inventory
management practices. What is the value of health emergency preparedness exercises. In: 2006 6Th
World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, vol 1. Given the increasing impact of
climate change, environmental science has created the need for re-engineering, thus increasing the
demand for stock management. Master’s thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Zhang GP
(2003) Time series forecasting using a hybrid ARIMA and neural network model. Table 1 shows the
summary profile of the responding agencies. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2018;33(2):182. Catlett C, Perl
T, Jenckes MW, Robinson KA, Mitchell D, Hage J, Feuerstein CJ, Chuang S, Bass EB. However,
unlike independent demand, dependent demand for an item depends on the demand for another
item. Writing a Literature Review - Toulouse Graduate? docx. For example, if the area you are
researching is a relatively new field, and there is little or no existing literature or theory that indicates
what you will find, then your literature review will likely be based on a research question.
Communication, 4. Teamwork, 5. Building and promoting partnerships, and 6. Leadership. By
comparison, none of the 15 competency models and curricula identified in the literature review and
survey included the area of “moving forward in a changing environment,” and only one curriculum
covered “teamwork” (Fig. 2, Supplementary file 3 d). “Leadership” was only included in three of the
15 competency models and curricula. The images or other third party material in this article are
included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the
material. Most respondents were from academic institutions (60%), followed by those from national
governments (19%). These inventories differ from one organisational sector to another. Third, the
medical databases selected in this study for literature review may have missed studies in
development-related fields and those not published in the academic literature. In inventory.
Modelling and analysis of inventory management systems in healthcare: A Even though inventory
management systems use cost-based models, hospitals need to focus on the patient service level. It is
the distinction between copying and pasting some text, or retyping it. Ask a classmate to read your
question or hypothesis and explain to you what the research will be. In such cases, the precise
demand throughout the lead time (ROP in the EOQ) becomes unknown.

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