Hireling - Follower For Mosaic Strict

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___________________ will serve you, for a going rate of ________

He / She is skilled at (d6)

1 Poetry 2 Animals 3 Cooking
4 Navigating 5 Sailing 6 Combat

Over the course of your adventure they do four things to help or hinder you.
Check a box to have them perform an action when it feels appropriate. Once
4 boxes have been checked roll a d6 on the table to see how things change.

❏ Uses their skill to help

❏ Happily carries four things for you
❏ Carries two more things for you
❏ Carries ONE more goddamn thing
❏ Bears the torch in the darkness
❏ Walks ahead first at your bidding
❏ Lost a thing… right when your needed it too!
❏ Triggers a violent encounter by being a fool
❏ Blabs all your plans and secrets while in town
❏ Steals something valuable in your sleep
❏ Spreads vile lies about you
❏ Runs like a coward at the first sign of trouble
immediately roll on the table below
Once 4 boxes have been checked Roll a d6
1: The Highest Bidder - hireling stabs your in the back, usually literally
2: Sick of your shit - hireling leaves immediately, tear up this sheet
3: Strike! - hireling demands more pay at double the rate, pay to clear checks
4: Meh…. hireling continues in your employ, roll again after 4 more checks
5: Another day, another dollar - hireling stays on, pay the rate to clear checks
6: LOVE (or stockholm syndrome) hireling becomes a follower, flip this over
___________________ is hopelessly and completely loyal to you

He / She will always carry up to 7 of your things, bear your torch, and use
their ______________ skill to help you.

In addition over the course of your adventure they will do four more things
out of their love and loyalty to you. Check a box to have them perform an
action when it feels appropriate. Once 4 boxes have been checked roll a d6
on the table to see how things change.

❏ Takes watch while you sleep

❏ Packed the exact thing that you forgot to bring
❏ Walks ahead first at your bidding
❏ Discovers a clue or recalls useful lore
❏ Offers their advice and shares a story
❏ Fights heroically by your side turning the tide of battle
❏ Shares something deep, intimate, revealing, dark or personal
❏ Takes on an emotional or spiritual burden
❏ Binds your wounds and uplifts your spirits
❏ Drags you to safety and nurses wounds when you would die
❏ Is severely wounded and needs you to carry them
❏ Trades their life for yours, either intentionally or accidentally,
immediately tear up this sheet.
Once 4 boxes have been checked Roll a d6
1: Fallout an argument escalates to violence, how do you resolve it?
2: I can’t keep doing this for free follower becomes a hireling, flip sheet over
3: Too old for this shit. follower leaves to do other safer things, discard sheet
4: All in a day’s work follower follows as usual, roll again after 4 more checks
5: Long Rest follower is ready to continue the adventure, clear checks
6: The call follower is ready to adventure and becomes a Player Character

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