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Going beyond data

Acumen Going beyond data

Going beyond data.

Enabling your understanding of
well and reservoir performance
with intelligent insight.

We go beyond data to provide

our customers with actionable
insight on their wells and process
facilities to enable production
maximisation and drive efficiency
across the lifecycle of their assets.

Our experts continually challenge

the status quo, focus on the
outcome and leverage disruptive
technologies to remove bias
to provide the transparency for
every unique process challenge.
Acumen Going beyond data

Our approach.
We are energised.
We focus on results.
We will give you the insight
and answer to your problems.

• Surveillance solutions
tailored to your assets

• Our products, our

people, our expertise

• Reliable data with valuable

and actionable insights
Acumen Going beyond data


Surveillance Well remediation Production optimisation Facility adaptation


Periodic well test Assess the effectiveness Manage the changing Flow measurement and
data for efficient of your remediation production profile diagnostics in your existing
forward planning operations of your assets process plant and facilities

• Individual well testing • Identify underperforming wells • Optimise production • Greenfield solutions
on demand from wells and facilities
• Input into well remediation to extend reservoir life • Reduced CAPEX and OPEX
• Access to data where planning
wells or facilities have no • Artificial Lift performance • Brownfield solutions
well testing capability • Real time wellsite evaluation without flow line and
remediation assessment facility modifications
• Real time measurements, • Facility throughput and
real time diagnostics process stability assessment • Single and multiphase

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© Expro International Group LTD | Date 03/2021 | Revision 1.0

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