III Handouts wk1-4

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Activity: Conduct a brainstorming session with your groupmates.

Third is Technical Vocational Livelihood Students



Name: ___________________________________ Grade Level: ________________ Section:

__________________________________ Teacher: ____________________

Background Information

You have already learned and worked on your Chapter 2, mainly the Literature Review. Now
let us continue working on your paper by talking about the Review of Related Studies.

The review of related studies is part of the literature review but are different in terms of
focus. On the one hand, the literature review focuses on defining the meaning and relationship
of concepts or variables. It also sometimes provide a historical perspective of the problem and
what has already been done to address or fill in gaps.

On the other hand, a review of related studies focuses on looking into data that was already
presented to advance knowledge or resolve a problem in a particular field of interest. It is also
an opportunity to improve the methodology used by previous researchers in conducting a study
that could result from its limitation or being flawed.

The review of related studies may include the reading of journal articles, thesis, or dissertations.
As you write your related studies, it should consist of the following elements:

• Author
• Date of Publication
• Title of the study
• Objective
• Methodology (research design, data collection, and analysis method) • Salient findings
(findings that relates to your thesis or hypothesis) • Conclusion/Synthesis (You explain the
relationship of your study to the reviewed research)


Title: Hypertext Writing Skills and the Quality of Academic Essays of Select Senior High School

Assumption: Good ICT skills improve the quality of essays of students

Reviewed Study:

“In Pakistan, Rana and Tuba (2015) conducted a study titled “Diffusing ICT
to Enhance Students’ Academic Writing Skills.” They tested the effectiveness of
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in improving ESL learners'
academic writing skills. The researcher employed the
experimental design in which the students received intervention in the course of
their essay writing. The students were given assignments that needed to be
accomplished in eight academic weeks with the help of ICT. They were asked to
write an essay of 3000 words on their chosen topics. During the writing process, the
students were guided and taught how to utilize internet sources effectively.
Simultaneously, they were instructed to avoid plagiarism and were only allowed up
to twenty percent of leeway. The research revealed positive results because the
implemented intervention helps the students improved their academic writing skills.
The students were able to write as per instructions. Though some students could
not keep the plagiarism, many of them were able to keep it below 40%. With what
the study revealed, it can be assumed that ICT-related intervention can positively
improve students' academic writing outputs and can help them produce scholarly
written essays, which is the position of the research at hand. ”

Source: Hypertext Writing Skills… (Tamayo 2019)

After writing all your related studies, a paragraph that synthesizes the review must be included.
It should state all similarities and differences of the reviewed studies. Then relate these
similarities and differences to your paper. After which, highlight the uniqueness of your
research from the reviewed studies. From this, you can justify why there is a need to conduct
your study.

In completing your Chapter 2, you should not also forget to include the Theoretical or
Conceptual Framework. Let us revisit one of our lectures from Practical Research 2, Quarter 1:
Week 8 (Tamayo, 2020).

Theoretical Conceptual or Conceptual Framework?

Frequently, many novice researchers interchangeably use the theoretical and

conceptual framework. These two sections of a paper are not the same.

The Theoretical Framework is based on the existing theory that is composed of concepts or
constructs and their relationships. It either explains or predicts a situation, behavior, or
phenomenon. Theories are either confirmed, refuted, or adjusted during the conduct of studies
(Abend 2008; Wallis and Wright 2020).

The Conceptual Framework is based on the researcher’s idea of how the problem will be
studied. It is usually the local version theoretical framework of the researcher because it is
where it was founded.


A simple example of a theoretical framework is the Stimulus-response (S-R) by Thorndike. It

merely means that for every stimulus, there is always an expected response. In the conceptual
framework, then maybe the use of a new teaching method to increase class participation.

In this case, the theoretical framework differs from the conceptual framework because the
former is broad in relating things while the latter is a specific defining relationship. However,
notice that the conceptual framework is still derived from the
theoretical framework because the variables “new teaching method” (Stimulus) and “increase in
class participation” (response) resembles both. The other difference is the conceptual
framework is mainly defined in the field of teaching. Since the theoretical framework is broad, it
may also be used as a framework in other research fields such as management, where a
company may test the provision attendance incentive (stimulus) to reduce absenteeism
(response) among its employees.

Importance of Theoretical/Conceptual Framework (Adu 2020)

Adu (2020) explained the need to include a framework in a study. He mainly explained that a
framework serves as your lens on how you approach your study. It functions as follows:

• To Connect the research to an existing body of knowledge or best practices • To

Translate concrete (layman) terms to concepts you use in your research • To Explain
theories, constructs, and concepts to be used in your study • To Understand your
research problem
• To Identify the gap to be addressed by your research
• To Develop your research objectives, questions, and hypothesis • To
Delimit your study

To further understand the theoretical and conceptual framework, theoretical frameworks abides
on time-tested theories representing numerous studies on how particular phenomena occur. It
generally represents relationships among concepts or constructs of a specific phenomenon. In
contrast, the conceptual framework represents a more specific direction that serves as the
paradigm or blueprint of a study. The conceptual framework is based on the theoretical
framework because the gaps or missing links or variables found in a theoretical framework may
be filled in through the conceptual framework. Once proven, this makes your study a
breakthrough in your field of interest. Part of your paper is you illustrate your framework in the
following example:

Hypertext Writing Skills Quality of Academic Essay

Implications to L2
Writing Pedagogy

Source: Hypertext Writing Skills… (Tamayo 2019)

As you see from the diagram above, you will include an illustration of your framework in your
paper. Since the example given is about determining the relationship between the two variables
(Hypertext Writing Skills & Quality of Academic Essays) two-way arrow was used. Each of the
variables was placed inside two separate boxes. The other box shows the outcome in the form
of implications connected by a one-way arrow. By merely looking at this diagram, a reader will
have an idea of what is being studied.

Learning Competency

• selects, cites and synthesizes related literature uses sources according to ethical standards
(at least 4-6 local and international sources)

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