Superconducting Qubit Based On Twisted Cuprate Van Der Waals Heterostructures

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Superconducting qubit based on twisted cuprate van der Waals heterostructures

Valentina Brosco,1, ∗ Giuseppe Serpico,2, 3 Valerii Vinokur,4, 5 Nicola Poccia,6 and Uri Vool2, †
Institute for Complex Systems (ISC) Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche and Physics Department University of Rome,
“La Sapienza”, P.le A. Moro, 2 (00185) Roma, Italy
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, 01187 Dresden, Germany
Department of Physics, University of Naples Federico II, Via Cintia, Naples, 80126, Italy
Terra Quantum AG, Kornhausstrasse 25, CH-9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland
Physics Department, CUNY, City College of City University of New York, 160 Convent Ave, New York, NY 10031, USA
Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Science Dresden (IFW Dresden), 01069 Dresden, Germany
(Dated: August 10, 2023)
arXiv:2308.00839v2 [cond-mat.supr-con] 9 Aug 2023

Van-der-Waals (vdW) assembly enables the fabrication of novel Josephson junctions featuring an
atomically sharp interface between two exfoliated and relatively twisted Bi2 Sr2 CaCu2 O8+x (Bi2212)
flakes. In a range of twist angles around 45◦ , the junction provides a regime where the interlayer
two-Cooper pair tunneling dominates the current-phase relation. Here we propose employing this
novel junction to realize a capacitively shunted qubit that we call flowermon. The d-wave nature of
the order parameter endows the flowermon with inherent protection against charge-noise-induced
relaxation and quasiparticle-induced dissipation. This inherently protected qubit paves the way to
a new class of high-coherence hybrid superconducting quantum devices based on unconventional

(a) (b)
Superconducting microwave circuits are macroscopic
devices that mimic the quantum properties of atoms.
Thanks to their flexible design and strong coupling, D-wave D-wave
superconducting circuits lead the implementation of SC 1 SC 2
hardware for quantum technology [1]. Currently, the C
most commonly used superconducting circuits are based
on the transmon qubit, having a simple and robust �
design with a single Josephson junction and a shunting Conven�onal
capacitor [2]. However, the plasmonic nature of the SC film
transmon and the macroscopic size of the shunt
capacitor plates reduce its coherence time and enhance
cross-talk between qubits, posing significant limitations
for the implementation of advanced quantum devices Twisted D-wave
SC flakes
comprising a large number of qubits and requiring low
error rates [3, 4]. As a result, a growing number
of works explores alternative designs with inherent (c)
protection, such as the rhombus [5–8], fluxonium [9, 10],
bifluxon[11], blochnium [12], KITE [13, 14], 0 − π [15–17]
and nanowire-based [18, 19] qubits. While significantly
higher coherence times are predicted for such circuits in
the ideal case, their implementation relies on multiple
junctions in a flux loop, making them vulnerable to
flux noise and inevitable fabrication imperfections. Here
we develop a novel single-junction qubit with inherent FIG. 1: Potential design for the flowermon qubit.
protection that avoids these drawbacks and provides a (a) A relative twist of two d-wave flakes placed together
robust platform for future quantum devices. to form a Josephson junction can suppress Cooper pair
tunneling due to momentum mismatch. At 45◦ the mismatch
Pioneering works [5, 20–22] proposed to utilize the completely suppresses single Cooper pair tunneling, and two-
suppression of tunneling in the d-wave based Josephson pair tunneling dominates the junction. (b) The design of the
junctions to realize a qubit with an enhanced coherence. flowermon with a single d-wave junction shunted by a large
capacitor similar to the transmon qubit. The 3D design shows
Note that since a single Cooper-pair tunneling between a possible physical implementation with the capacitor pads of
twisted superconducting d-wave islands having different a conventional superconductor coupled to the junction. (c)
orientations is suppressed due to the momentum Josephson’s potential for different values of the twist angle.
mismatch, see Fig. 1a, the contribution of the second-
harmonic cos(2φ) of the Josephson energy becomes
dominant, and the consequent degeneracy of the

spectrum can be exploited for creating a decoherence-

protected qubit. In the standard approaches using
the grain orientation mismatch, the Josephson junctions
at grain boundaries of YBa2 Cu3 O7−x with relative
granule mismatch angle close to π/4 demonstrated
the degeneracy of the ground-state [23]. However,
fabrication complexity and the resulting low junction
quality hindered the implementation of quantum devices
based on grain boundary junctions.
Recent technological progress enabled to preserve
nearly perfect superconductivity [24, 25] and lattice
structure [26] in the isolated atomically thin
Bi2 Sr2 CaCu2 O8+x (Bi2212) crystals. This enabled
creation of the Bi2212-based junctions, employing a
novel technique that allowed to control the diffusion
of oxygen interstitials, which is the main source of
detrimental disorder in cuprate Bi2212. A cryogenic
stacking protocol has been developed utilizing the
freezing of the motion of the oxygen interstitials
at temperatures below 200 K [27], which allowed
manufacturing the vdW flakes and creation of an
atomically sharp interface between Bi2212 crystals.
Such protocol enables the fabrication of high-quality
Josephson junctions, displaying a strong dependence of 0.6

the Josephson energy on the twist angle [28–30]. 0.4

Here we propose to utilize such a junction as a platform
for a novel highly-protected qubit that we call flowermon.
We focus on the simplest design comprising a single 0
capacitively shunted twisted vdW Josephson junction,
as sketched in Fig. 1(b). We quantitatively analyze
the behavior of the flowermon qubit, highlighting
possible decoherence mechanisms for experimentally- FIG. 2: Flowermon low-energy spectrum. (a) Energy
available parameters, and discuss possible control and levels of the flowermon qubit as a function of the angle θ. Even
measurement schemes. and odd levels are shown in red and blue lines respectively;
The flowermon junction has a twist angle θ between as θ approaches π/4, the levels combine into quasi-degenerate
the axis associated with the d-wave order parameters doublets. Here we assume Eκ /EJ = 0.1 and EJ /EC = 2000.
of two overlapping superconducting flakes, see Fig. 1a, (b) and (c) Level structure and potential energy for θ = 30◦
and is shunted by a capacitor with charging energy and θ = 43◦ . (d) and (e) The wave-functions for the ground
and first excited state |Ψ0 ⟩ and |Ψ1 ⟩ in the phase basis for
EC = e2 /(2C) where C is the shunting capacitance which θ = 30◦ and θ = 43◦ . (f ) and (g) Evolution of the structure of
dominates over the internal junction capacitance, see Fig. |Ψ0 ⟩ and |Ψ1 ⟩ in the charge basis as a function of the twisting
1b. The circuit Hamiltonian is angle θ.
H = 4EC (n̂ − ng )2 − EJθ cos(φ̂) + Eκ cos(2φ̂) , (1)
where φ̂ denotes the phase difference across the junction
UJ (φ) as a function of the twisting angle, is shown in
and n̂ is the conjugate charge. In the above equation
Fig. 1(c). As θ increases from 0 to π/4, the Josephson
EJθ and Eκ represent, respectively, the energy associated
potential develops a symmetric double-well structure
with the coherent tunneling of single and double Cooper
with two minima at φ = ±φ0 with φ0 = arccos(EJθ /4Eκ )
pairs across the junction, while the gate charge ng
separated by a barrier
accounts for charge fluctuations induced by external
electric fields. The competition between the two 2
∆UJ = (EJθ − 4Eκ ) /8Eκ . (2)
Josephson tunneling terms arises due to the peculiar
dependence of the Josephson energy on the twisting Using Eq. (2), we express the critical angle at which the
angle, EJθ = EJ cos(2θ), associated with the d-wave double-well structure arises as θc = 21 arccos(4Eκ /EJ ).
structure of the order parameter as has been recently The ratio Eκ /EJ thus determines the range of angles
highlighted in Refs. [31, 32] and confirmed experimentally in which the qubit can be realized. There is some
in Ref. [28]. The shape of the Josephson potential, discrepancy between the theoretical estimates of this

ratio [31] as 0.1-0.2, and experimental observations [28] Cooper-pair box

giving 0.02-0.05. Throughout the paper, we use
Eκ /EJ = 0.1; other values will lead to the
renormalization of the operating angles. Note that
EJ ∝ ∆ and Eκ ∝ ∆2 , hence high-temperature |n₁₁-n₀₀|²
superconductors such as Bi2212 have a natural (dephasing)
advantage due to higher two-Copper-pair tunneling n₀₁²/2
rates. Additional effects such as inhomogeneity in the (relaxa�on)
twisted junction can further increase Eκ [33]. For further
discussion of the relation between junction and qubit flowermon
parameters, see supplementary information [34].
For θc < θ ≲ π/4 and sufficiently small EC , the low-
energy spectrum reduces to a set of quasi-degenerate
doublets, see Fig. 2(a). Splitting of each doublet is
associated with the tunneling of the phase between the (b) (c)
two minima and thus scales exponentially with the ratio
∆UJ /EC [13, 34]. This transition is shown in Fig. 2(b),(c)

where at θ = 30◦ the spectrum is quasi-harmonic,
reminiscent of the spectrum of the transmon qubit, while
at θ = 43◦ the double-well fully develops, and the lowest
energy levels are doubly degenerate. In the latter case,
the phase is not able to tunnel between two adjacent
minima, and, as shown in Fig. 2(e), the corresponding
wave functions are localized in two energy wells. The
quasi-degeneracy of the levels is associated with the
FIG. 3: Protection from decoherence. (a) The
symmetry of the wave functions. As the angle approaches
charge matrix elements n201 and |n11 − n00 |2 , related to
π/4 the wave functions of the even and odd energy levels charge/capacitive relaxation and dephasing rates respectively,
develop a distinct parity in the charge basis. Specifically, plotted vs. EJ /EC and the twisting angle θ. Different regimes
at high twisting angles, θ ≳ 40◦ , the ground state |ψ0 ⟩ are shown, with the flowermon exhibiting protection from
contains only even Cooper pair number states, while both relaxation and dephasing processes. (b) Charge matrix
the first excited state |ψ1 ⟩ contains only odd Cooper elements n01 , n03 , n23 , and n12 vs. the twisting angle θ
pair number states, see Fig. 2(f),(g). Therefore, when and EJ /EC = 2000. Both n01 and n23 decay exponentially
as θ→45◦ but with a significant offset. (c) Dependence of
the Josephson energy is completely dominated by double
the quasiparticle relaxation rate on the ratio ∆/kB T for
Cooper pair tunneling, the Cooper pair number parity is different values of the twisting angles ranging between θ = 0◦
conserved. and θ = 40◦ .
To illustrate the relevance of the flowermon symmetry .
properties for qubit protection, we consider the
expression of the relaxation rate induced by the
capacitive losses [35]
fluctuations can be estimated as
(8EC ) 32EC 2
Γ1c = Sng (ω01 )n201 , (3) Γφc ≃ Sng (0)|n11 − n00 |2 , (4)
ℏ2 ℏ 2

where nxy = ⟨ψx |n̂|ψy ⟩ is the matrix element of where Sng (0) is the spectral density of the charge
the charge operator and Sng (ω01 ) is the spectral noise at zero frequency. In the case where EC is
density of the capacitive noise at the qubit operational sufficiently small with respect to EJ and Eκ , the
frequency. Due to the very small overlap in the coefficient n11 − n00 is exponentially suppressed. The
charge basis n̂ between |ψ0 ⟩ and |ψ1 ⟩ in the flowermon suppression factor can be quantitatively estimated by
limit, the corresponding matrix element is exponentially mapping the Hamiltonian onto a tunneling problem,
suppressed, preventing energy relaxation, see Fig. 3(b). see Supplementary Information [34]. Thanks to the
Looking at twisting angles θ ≳ 40◦ , we, thus, expect an large shunt capacitor, the flowermon inherits protection
enhancement of the relaxation time over several orders against dephasing induced by the charge noise from the
of magnitude as compared to the standard transmon transmon.
devices which are typically limited by such dielectric In superconducting qubits based on the s-wave
losses [36, 37]. junctions, the existence of an energy gap guarantees
The corresponding dephasing rate due to charge that the decoherence induced by thermally-equilibrium

quasiparticles is exponentially suppressed [38]. Here we (a) (b)

show that for sufficiently clean interfaces, an analogous Readout
gap behavior is also present in the flowermon at high 3 U�� 2
twisting angles. To that end, we write the junction
Hamiltonian as [31]

H = HL + HR + HT , (5) ��� ���

where HL and HR represent the BCS Hamiltonians of

1 Control
the two layers, i.e., 0

ξkL,R c†kσL,R ckσL,R +

HL,R = FIG. 4: Manipulation of the flowermon logical states.
kσ (a) Logical states manipulation can be performed via the 2-
X  nd and 3-rd excited states in a regime where the 0-1 matrix
+ ∆kL,R c†k↑L,R c†−k↓L,R + H.c. , (6) element and frequency are near 0, but the amplitude of the
k 2↔3 transition is still finite. The control is performed by
standard microwave π-pulses between the 1-2, and 0-3 states,
with c†kσL,R and ckσL,R denoting creation and the desired control gate U pulse between the 2-3 states, and
annihilation operators of electrons with spin σ and again π-pulses between the 1-2, and 0-3 states. Alternatively,
momentum k in layers L and R, while HT represents the 0-1 transition can be driven indirectly by a Raman process
the interlayer tunneling via simultaneous off-resonant driving of the 0-3, 2-3, and 2-1
transitions (orange arrows). Note that this protocol works
X  even when ω01 → 0 because the selection rule forbids 0-2 and
HT = tkp e−iφ/2 c†kσL cpσR + H.c. . (7) 1-3 transitions. (b) A sketch of a possible implementation
kpσ of the device with control and readout lines.
The Hamiltonian H thus depends on a small number of
parameters, namely, the d-wave gap functions defined as

∆kL = ∆d cos(2θk ) and ∆kR = ∆d cos(2θk − 2θ), (8) Eq. (9). At high temperatures, high twisting angles
correspond to a larger quasiparticle relaxation rate due to
with θk denoting the polar angle in the plane kx , ky ,
the larger prefactor ⟨ψ0 | sin(φ/2)|ψ1 ⟩. On the contrary,
the electronic dispersion around the Fermi surface ξk =
in the low-temperature limit, high twisting angles yield
ℏ2 k 2 /(2m) − µ, and the interlayer tunnel amplitude
a strong exponential suppression of the quasi-particle
tkp . The latter plays a central role in determining the
rate Γ↓,qp , as nodal quasiparticles are forbidden from
junction’s properties, as discussed in Ref. [39]. Following
tunneling due to a momentum mismatch. The numerical
Refs. [31, 40, 41], we consider the coherent tunneling limit
results are well fitted by the simple analytical formula,
with the in-plane momentum conservation, tkp = t δk∥ p∥ , 2
Sqp (ω01 ) ∝ e−∆d /(kB T ) sin(2θ) , where, as mentioned
suitable to describe weakly disordered c-axis junctions
above, ∆d is the d-wave gap in the quasiparticle spectrum
[41]. More accurate microscopic treatment of tkp ,
at zero twisting angle; this result is reminiscent of what
including momentum dependence, has been previously
was found in Ref. [40], see supplementary material [34]
considered [42] and can affect the Josephson coupling
for details. This fit indicates that under appropriate
terms themselves in addition to quasiparticle tunneling
conditions the quasi-particles in twisted cuprate vdW
[43]. This full treatment is beyond the scope of this work
heterostructures are effectively gapped, in similarity to
and will be the subject of a forthcoming publication.
what happens in the s-wave junctions.
We calculate the quasiparticle-induced relaxation rate
using the approach developed by Refs. [38, 44, 45], which So far we considered only thermal quasiparticles
can be expressed as [34] but superconducting devices are often limited by non-
equilibrium quasiparticles [46–52]. We expect that the
Γ↓,qp = t2 |⟨ψ0 | sin(φ/2)|ψ1 ⟩|2 Sqp
(ω01 ), (9) gap behavior highlighted here will similarly protect
the flowermon from the decoherence induced by non-
where Sqpθ
(ω01 ) is the spectral density of the noise equilibrium quasiparticle tunneling [53]. Note that
fluctuations induced by quasiparticle tunneling. In the similar protection can be obtained by an s/d-wave
above equation, the θ dependence of the relaxation rate Josephson junction [20, 54].
can be traced back to the dependence of both the matrix The decoupling of the flowermon qubit from noise
element ⟨ψ0 | sin(φ/2)|ψ1 ⟩ and spectral density on the sources hampers the direct control and readout of the
twisting angle. qubit since the qubit energy ℏω01 (see Fig. 2(a)) and the
Figure 3(c) shows the results of the numerical charge matrix element n01 (Fig. 3(b)) are exponentially
calculation of the quasiparticle relaxation rate given by suppressed as θ→45◦ . However, the structure of the

flowermon spectrum allows for manipulation through the (ERC, cQEDscope, 101075962). The work of V.M.V.
higher energy levels without sacrificing protection, see is supported by Terra Quantum Inc. and partially
Fig. 4(a). Specifically, there is a wide range of angles by the US NSF Grant Awards No. NSF 1809188 and
where the qubit matrix element n01 is suppressed while 2105048. The authors are deeply grateful to Shu Yang
the coupling between the 2-nd and 3-rd excited states Frank Zhao, Philip Kim, Bernard van Heck, Carlo
n23 is still finite (Fig. 3b), e.g., θ = 40◦ corresponds to Di Castro, Rosario Fazio, Andrei Zaikin, Kornelius
n01 = 0.01 and n23 = 0.4. Thus, one can use the excited Nielsch, Francesco Tafuri, Giampiero Pepe, Domenico
states for manipulation. For example, a π/2-pulse in Montemurro, Davide Massarotti, and Pavel A. Volkov
the logical 0-1 space can be performed using standard for illuminating discussions.
microwave π-pulses between the 1-2, and 0-3 states, a
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Supplementary Material for

“A superconducting qubit based on cuprate twisted van der Waals heterostructure”

Appendix A: Flowermon’s spectrum

The flowermon’s Hamiltonian, given by Eq.(1) of main text, can be recast as follows in the charge basis:

H = 4EC (n − ng )2 |n⟩⟨n| − (EJθ |n⟩⟨n + 1| − Eκ |n⟩⟨n + 2| + H.c.) (A1)
n n

where |n⟩ indicates a state of n Cooper pairs. Starting from the above Hamiltonian we calculate numerically the
flowermon spectrum as a function of the different parameters governing the Hamiltonian, namely, the twisting angle
θ, the gate charge ng , the single- and double- Cooper pair tunneling amplitudes, EJθ = EJ cos θ and Eκ , and the
charging energy EC . When θ = 45◦ , the states with odd and even numbers of Cooper pairs are completely decoupled
and the spectrum reduces to a set of degenerate doublets, as shown in Fig.5(a). For the low energy levels the
degeneracy can be also related to the existence of degenerate classical minima at ϕ = ±ϕ0 = ± arccos EJθ /(4Eκ ).
Indeed as hinted at by Fig.5(b) the splitting the lowest levels scales exponentially as a function of ratio ∆UJ /EC
where ∆UJ is the potential barrier height defined by Eq. (2) of main text.
In the phase basis the time-independent Schrödinger equation has the form of a Whittaker-Hill equation[57]

∂ 2 Ψn
+ [a cos φ − b cos 2φ] Ψn = λn Ψn . (A2)

where we introduced the normalized parameters a = EJθ /4EC and b = Eκ /4EC and the normalized eigenvalue
λn = En /4EC . Analogously to the transmon, thanks to the large shunt capacitor, the flowermon is insensitive to
gate charge fluctuations. Specifically, it has a spectrum that becomes flat as a function of ng both in the limit
EJ ≫ Eκ ≫ EC (transmon) and in the limit Eκ > EJ ≫ EC (flowermon) as shown in Fig. 6. In the two limits, we
find an exponential decrease of the charge dispersion as we decrease EC .

(a) (b)

FIG. 5: (a)Doublet structure of the flowermon’s spectrum as a function of the twisting angle θ for EJ = 2000EC and Eκ = 0.1EJ
and ng = 0. (b) Log plot showing the behavior of the lowest doublet energy splitting ω01 . The red line shows the dependence
of ω01 on Eκ /EC for a fixed value of EJθ = 100 EC while the blue dashed and dot-dashed lines show the dependence of ω01 ,
on the ratio EJθ /EC for fixed values of Eκ /EJθ = 0.75, 2.

FIG. 6: Structure of the low-energy spectrum of the flowermon as a function of ng for different values of Eκ /EC and different
twisting angles.

Appendix B: Quasiparticle induced decoherence

Following the route outlined by Catelani et al.[44], starting from the microscopic Hamiltonian introduced in Ref.
[31, 39] and Eqs.(5-7) of main text, we cast the quasiparticle tunneling Hamiltonian as
X h φ † φ † i
HT = tkp (ukL upR − vkL vpR ) cos γkσL γpσR + i (ukL upR + vkL vpR ) sin γkσL γpσR +H.c. (B1)
2 2

where the γ’s are creation and annihilation operators of Bogolyubov quasiparticles in the left and right lead, while
ukM and vkM denote the Bogolyubov amplitudes of lead M
s s
ξk2 ξ2
ukM = 1 + 2 , vkM = 1 − 2k (B2)

p we assume ξk = ℏ2 k 2 /2m − µ in both leads and we denote as usual as EkM the quasiparticle energies EkM =
ξk + ∆2kM in lead M with ∆kM indicating the corresponding gap-functions. The latter, denoting as θ the twisting

angle, can be expressed as

∆kL = ∆ cos(2θk ) ∆kR = ∆ cos(2θk − 2θ). (B3)

Projecting the Hamiltonian (B1) onto the qubit eigenstates basis and switching to the interaction picture for the
quasi-particles we get:

V̂ (t) = sx Nx (t)σx + cz Nz (t)σz (B4)

Xh i
i(EkL −EpR )t †
Nx (t) = A+
kp ie γ̃ kσL γ̃ pσR +H.c. , (B5)
Xh i
i(EkL −EpR )t †
Nz (t) = A−
kp ie γ̃kσL γ̃pσR +H.c. , (B6)
h i h i
and sx = Tr Ŝσx and cz = Tr Ĉσz (B7)

with the matrices Ŝ and Ĉ defined as Ŝab = ⟨ψa | sin ϕ/2|ψb ⟩ and Ĉab = ⟨ψa | cos ϕ/2|ψb ⟩ and

kp = tkp (ukL upR ± vkL vpR ) . (B8)

Note that in deriving Eq.(B4) we used the approximate φ → −φ symmetry of the flowermon eigenstates, the symmetry
becomes exact for half-integer values of ng .
Starting from Eq. (B4) we can calculate the quasiparticles-induced qubit’s relaxation rate by means of Bloch-
Redfield theory. By doing so we obtain:

s2 ∞
Γ↓,qp = x2 ⟨Nx (t)Nx (0)⟩e−iω01 t dt (B9)
ℏ −∞

that using Eqs.(B5) and (B8) can be recast as

s2x X ∞ 2
|∆kL ∆pR |
Γ↓,qp = t kp 1 + fkL (1 − fpR ) ·
ℏ2 −∞ EkL EpR
i(EkL −EpR −ω01 )t
·e dt. (B10)

Following Ref.[31, 40] we consider the case of coherent tunneling with in-plane momentum conservation, tkp =
t δk∥ p∥ , suitable to describe weakly disordered c-axis junctions. This assumptions can be justified as discussed in Ref.
[41] considering the spatial dependence of the tunneling matrix element across the barrier. A simple calculations
shows that, starting from Eq. (B10) and introducing the quasiparticle density of states, Γ↓,qp can be expressed as

Γθ↓,qp = |⟨ψ0 | sin(φ/2)|ψ1 ⟩|2 Sqp
(ω01 ) (B11)

where we indicated as S θ (ω01 ) the quasiparticle spectrum for coherent tunneling,

EE ′ + |∆kL ∆kR |
S↓,qp (ω01 ) = N02 dE dE ′ p q f (E)(1 − f (E ′ ))δ(E − E ′ + ω01 ). (B12)
2π ∆kL ∆kR 2
E −∆ 2 ′
E −∆2 2
kL kR

where N0 denotes the density of states at the Fermi level. It is useful to compare the above results with case of fully
incoherent tunneling, tkp = t, applicable in the presence of strong disorder. In this case we can write the relaxation
rate as:
↓,qp = |⟨ψ0 | sin(φ/2)|ψ1 ⟩|2 Sqp
(ω01 ) (B13)

where we indicated as Sqp (ω01 ) the quasiparticle spectrum in the case of incoherent tunneling

EE ′ + |∆kL ∆pR |
dθk dθp
Sqp (ω01 ) = N02 dE dE ′ p f (E)(1 − f (E ′ ))δ(E − E ′ + ω01 ). (B14)
4π 2
∆kL ∆pR E 2 − ∆2kL E ′ 2 − ∆2pR

FIG. 7: Dependence of the first two doublets splittings on the twisting angles. We set EJ = 1THz, Ec = 500MHz,Eκ = 0.1EJ .
Dependence of the quasiparticle spectrum on the twisting angle. The dot indicate the result of a numerical integration of Eq.
−C∆ sin(2θ)2
(B14) while the red dahsed line represent the fit to an exponential e kB T
with C fitting coefficient.

As expected the above equation yields a quasi-particle spectrum independent of the twisting angle. Furthermore, for
a s-wave gap, i.e. setting ∆kL = ∆s , it reduces to the result of Catelani et al.[38] i.e.
16EJ0 2 −∆s /(kB T ) −ω/(2kB T ) ω
↓,qp → s e e K 0 (B15)
ℏπ x 2kB T
where K0 is the modified Bessel function of the second kind and we used EJ0 = N02 t2 ∆s /4π. A more detailed
microscopic analysis of the coherent and incoherent tunneling models and their relation with the properties of disorder
may be found in Ref.[39]. Starting from Eq.(B12), we can calculate the quasiparticle-induced relaxation rate as a
function of the quasiparticle gap ∆ and the twisting angle. By doing so we obtain the results shown in Fig. 4 of
main text. Furthermore, by fitting the numerical data, we were able to extrapolate a simple analytical behavior for
the quasiparticle spectrum, Γθqp (ω01 ) ∼ e−∆d /(kB T ) sin(2θ) , reminiscent of the Yokoyama et al. result of Ref. [40] as
shown in Fig. 7.

Appendix C: Design and qubit parameters

The calculations in the manuscript were done using the energy ratio EJ /Ec = 2000. In this section, we will use
realistic device parameters to obtain this regime, remembering that Ec = e2 /(2C) and EJ = Φ0 Ic /2π where C is the
total capacitance and Ic is the critical current. As a benchmark for operation at typical GHz frequencies, we choose
a Josephson energy EJ of 1 THz and so the corresponding critical current is Ic = 2 µA. In particular, a BSCCO
junction has a critical current density Jc of 0.1 kA/cm2 and then the area of the junction, i.e. the area where the
two flakes are overlapped, should be of 2µm2 . BSCCO junctions with this area are not impossible to realize but
they are challenging because the stacking process of the two flakes must be quick otherwise the interface will lose its
superconducting properties, becoming an insulator. Typical current junction sizes are ≈ 1000 µm2 and reducing the
junction size is expected to be the most significant limitation to the implementation of the flowermon qubit.
To achieve the corresponding capacitive energy Ec = 500 MHz, so that EJ /Ec = 2000, we need a total capacitance
C of about 40f F . This is well within achievable parameters, and using the simulation tool Ansys we designed and
simulated a large parallel capacitor, adapting its shape to obtain the desired value of C. The resulting design is
displayed in Figure 8a. The capacitor thickness (tc ) is 50 nm, the distance between the two plates of the capacitor
(gc ) is 40 µm and the total length of the central plate (Sc ) is 180 µm.

This parallel plate capacitor will be capacitively coupled with a Coplanar Waveguide (CPW) resonator to perform
the readout and to a radio-frequency line to control the state of the qubit (Figure 8b).

FIG. 8: Control circuit. a) Parallel capacitor of 40f F , the geometrical dimensions of the capacitor are displayed in the
figure. The capacitor thickness (tc ) is 50 nm, the distance between the two plates of the capacitor (gc ) is 40 µm and the total
length of the central plate (Sc ) is 180 µm. b) The capacitor is coupled to a CPW λ/2 resonator with the following geometrical
parameters: width of 12 µm, a gap of 1 µm and a length of 7 mm so that its resonance frequency is around 8.4 GHz.The signal
is transmitted to the resonator through a transmission line (Feed line) matched to 50 Ω with a width of 5 µm and a gap of 3

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