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Writing a literature review on ectopic pregnancy can be a daunting task for many students and

researchers. It requires a thorough understanding of the topic, extensive research, and the ability to
critically analyze existing literature. Additionally, organizing the vast amount of information available
on ectopic pregnancy into a coherent and well-structured review can be challenging.

Ectopic pregnancy is a complex medical condition that occurs when a fertilized egg implants outside
the uterus, typically in the fallopian tube. It poses serious risks to maternal health and requires
prompt diagnosis and treatment. As such, conducting a literature review on this topic involves
exploring various aspects, including its epidemiology, risk factors, clinical manifestations, diagnosis,
management, and outcomes.

Navigating through numerous research articles, journals, textbooks, and other sources to gather
relevant information on ectopic pregnancy can be time-consuming and overwhelming. Moreover,
synthesizing the findings from different studies, identifying gaps in the literature, and providing
insightful analysis require advanced academic skills and expertise.

For those who find it challenging to write a literature review on ectopic pregnancy, seeking
assistance from professional writing services like ⇒ ⇔ can be beneficial. ⇒ ⇔ offers expert guidance and support to students and researchers in writing high-
quality literature reviews tailored to their specific requirements.

With experienced writers who have in-depth knowledge of medical topics, including ectopic
pregnancy, ⇒ ⇔ ensures that literature reviews are well-researched, meticulously
written, and formatted according to academic standards. By entrusting your literature review to ⇒ ⇔, you can save time and effort while receiving a comprehensive and well-written
review that meets your academic needs.

In conclusion, writing a literature review on ectopic pregnancy requires significant time, effort, and
expertise. For those who struggle with this task, ⇒ ⇔ provides a reliable solution by
offering professional assistance from experienced writers. Trust ⇒ ⇔ to deliver a
top-quality literature review that showcases your understanding of ectopic pregnancy and contributes
to the advancement of medical knowledge.
Cigarette smoking as a risk factor for ectopic pregnancy. Rather, a more precise, complete anatomic
description that clearly states if the pregnancy is within or separate from the endometrial cavity
should be provided for any eccentrically located pregnancy in the cornual region of the uterus. An
understanding of the treatments, eligibility criteria, necessary follow-up, and pros and cons of each
treatment option can help clinicians ensure patient safety and autonomy. A, Transvaginal scan of an
ectopic gestational sac showing a thick hyperechoic rim and a yolk sac ( arrow ) within the anechoic
center, but no embryo is seen. Quality contraception, blood banking services and legalization of
abortion will mitigate the impact of ectopic pregnancy Download Free PDF View PDF Study of
ectopic pregnancy in a Tertiary Care Hospital Scholar Science Journals Introduction: An ectopic
pregnancy occurs when a fertilized ovum implants outside the normal uterine cavity. A,
Transabdominal midline longitudinal scan demonstrating the uterus ( small arrows ) surrounded by
clotted blood ( asterisks ), which also surrounds a small hyperechoic extrauterine tubal ring of the
ectopic gestational sac ( large arrow ). FOLFOX Combined with Mithramycin-A Has A Cytotoxic
Effect On The Primary Colo. A difficult diagnosis of intraductal papillary neoplasia of the bile duct
(IP. I found it very readable and just about the right length. Unless timely interventions, the
consequences of ruptured ectopic pregnancy can be life-threatening. Women who experience
infection of the reproductive system increase the incidences of having ectopic pregnancy because the
scar from these infections could cause adhesion in the fallopian tube. There has been no
documentation of a clear association between EP and oral contraceptive use, previous elective
pregnancy termination, or spontaneous miscarriage. List prices may not necessarily reflect the
product's prevailing market price. The severe Acute Hemorrhagic Necrotizing Encephalopathy in
Infected COVID-19. It destroys rapidly growing cells such as the trophoblast and the zygote.
Salpingitis isthmica nodosa, which is characterized by nodular thickening of the isthmic portion of
the fallopian tube accompanied by multiple diverticula, is found in more than 50% of surgically
excised tubal EPs. Spectral Doppler tracings should be obtained to confirm blood flow demonstrated
on color Doppler images, as color Doppler sonography is sensitive to motion, which may create color
artifact mimicking blood flow. Abdominal and adnexal tenderness are common, as is a palpable
adnexal mass; but absence of a detectable mass does not exclude ectopic pregnancy. 1 Pathologic
findings may include severe abdominal tenderness and pain, significant vaginal bleeding, passage of
clots, tachycardia, and orthostatic hypotension. A, Transabdominal longitudinal scan of the pelvis
showing the echogenic tubal ring of a small ectopic pregnancy ( arrow ) situated above the uterine
fundus (not shown). Biomarkers of trophoblastic function, corpus luteal function, angiogenesis,
endometrial function, inflammation, muscle damage, and impaired tubal transport are currently being
investigated. Methotrexate should not be administered to patients with liver or renal dysfunction,
lung disease, hematologic dysfunction, immunodeficiency, or peptic ulcer disease, or to those who
are breastfeeding. Expand 9 Save Ruptured tubal molar pregnancy. I. Yakasai N. Adamu HS
Galadanchi Medicine Nigerian journal of clinical practice 2012 TLDR A 35-year-old woman
presented with features suggestive of ruptured tubal molar gestation, and histological evaluation of
the specimen revealed complete hydatidiform mole, and ?hCG level normalized within 3 weeks of
follow-up. Abdominal pregnancy usually does not continue for considerable periods of time, but still
cases have been repeated on full-term abdominal pregnancy. The dead fetus macerates and
undergoes aseptic disintegration or mummification. PUL is a descriptive term referring to a
pregnancy that is detected biochemically (positive pregnancy test), but not yet visible
sonographically or laparoscopically. Pathologic specimen revealed a tubal ectopic pregnancy. First,
the incidence of multiple gestations has increased, mainly as a result of ART, and hCG levels for a
given gestational age would thus be higher in a woman carrying a multiple gestation, compared to a
singleton pregnancy, upon which earlier discriminatory numbers were derived. Based on the current
average annual rate of decline, the ratio is expected to further decrease to 0.36 death from EP per
100,000 live births by 2013 to 2017. Many patients with pain and vaginal bleeding are not pregnant,
and such symptoms are commonly due to hemorrhagic or ruptured ovarian cysts, PID, or
dysfunctional uterine bleeding. A large amount of blood would be lost, so blood typing and
crossmatching must be done in anticipation of a blood transfusion.
Wherever the embryo finds itself at that time, it will begin to implant. Divya Kanojiya Digestants
and Carminatives.pdf Digestants and Carminatives.pdf Koppala RVS Chaitanya GLANDS IN THE
ABNORMALITIES.pptx WINCY THIRUMURUGAN Work-role of Radiation Therapists in the
Consequences of Adaptive Radiotherap. Seminario biologia molecular-Universidad Pontificia
Bolivariana. This has also been described as the bagel, donut, or sugar donut sign ( Figs. 33-2B, 33-
3A, and 33-8 ). Timely detection of ectopic pregnancy is contingent on having a high index of
suspicion in all women of reproductive age, identifying patient risk factors, and then performing
appropriate laboratory testing and imaging. Use of this Web site is subject to the medical disclaimer.
A difficult diagnosis of intraductal papillary neoplasia of the bile duct (IP. Laparoscopy is the gold
standard for surgical management of ectopic pregnancy, with salpingectomy having higher success
rates than salpingotomy and comparable future fertility rates. The mortality rate from EP has
decreased in recent years likely in large part attributable to technologic advances in ultrasound
imaging, earlier sonographic imaging and diagnosis, more sensitive hCG tests, and improved
treatment with laparoscopy and methotrexate (MTX), along with heightened awareness of the
diagnosis among clinicians and patients. Risk Factors The most common predisposing risk factor for
EP is abnormal tubal anatomy, usually tubal scarring, which is most often secondary to salpingitis
associated with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) from sexually transmitted infections ( Table 33-1
). Although the presence of an IUP makes the probability of an EP much less likely, heterotopic
pregnancies have been reported in 1 out of 4000 pregnancies in the general population, and the
incidence is as high as 1 in 100 to 300 pregnancies in women who have undergone ART. Clinical
findings may also include abdominal or adnexal tenderness. Please consult a healthcare profession
for any medical advice. To sum up, we report a rare case of retroperitoneal ectopic preg-. Expand 1
Excerpt Save Partial molar pregnancy in the cesarean scar C. EPs in unusual locations may manifest
with findings outside the pelvis. Blood type, Rh status, and antibody screen are also necessary to
determine whether a patient who is Rh D-negative will require Rh immune globulin. Download Free
PDF View PDF Journal of South Asian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Trends in Ectopic
Pregnancy: A Prospective Observational Study from a Tertiary Care Center in Eastern India Shreya
Barik Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry,
preview is currently unavailable. So anything that causes a delay in transportation of the ovum will
cause ectopic pregnancy i.e. damage to the cilia or obstruction of the Fallopian tubes. Quality
contraception, blood banking services and legalization of abortion will mitigate the impact of ectopic
pregnancy Download Free PDF View PDF Study of ectopic pregnancy in a Tertiary Care Hospital
Scholar Science Journals Introduction: An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized ovum implants
outside the normal uterine cavity. Retrograde migration of a transferred embryo from the uterine
cavity into an abnormal tube may also occur. C, Hemoperitoneum, shown posterior to the uterus (U),
is nearly anechoic in this patient with a small area of low-level echoes ( arrow ). One study reported
the risk of EP within 10 years after tubal sterilization to be 7 per 1000 procedures. Disaggregated
Responses to Household Livelihood Questionnaires Joseph Bahati Download Free PDF View PDF
RIZKI A. The arguments are well balanced and the explanations clear. Trends in ectopic pregnancy
mortality in the United States: 1980-2007. FIG 33-2 Ectopic pregnancy in the ampullary portion of a
fallopian tube. B, Transvaginal scan shows the small tubal ring of an ectopic pregnancy ( arrow )
separate from and medial to the right ovary (ROV). Discover more of the author’s books, see similar
authors, read author blogs and more Read more Read less. All patients included in the study were
diagnosed with ectopic pregnancy, in reproductive age group of 15-49 years.
KETAN VAGHOLKAR A Rare Case Report: Tubal-derived Endometrioma A Rare Case Report:
Tubal-derived Endometrioma asclepiuspdfs Radionuclide Tracer Technology in the Diagnosis of
Thoracoabdominal Fistula a. Subsequently, a detailed TVS is performed to provide higher resolution
evaluation of the uterus and adnexa. A case of childhood Burkitt's lymphoma with gingival swelling
as the first sy. The uterus was soft, mobile, and nontender, and consistent in size with a gestation at
eight weeks. Effect of methotrexate treatment of ectopic pregnancy on subsequent pregnancy.
Diagnostic Tests Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hCG from the blastocyst is first detectable in
maternal serum 6 to 8 days following fertilization. Tearing of the blood vessels and its destruction is
the cause of the bleeding, and the amount would not be determined fully because some products of
conception and blood might be expelled into the pelvic cavity. A39 years old female was admittet to
our hospital because of blunt. Shi Xiao Liang Hui Zhang Yan Tan Medicine World journal of clinical
cases 2020 TLDR It is found that cesarean scar molar pregnancy was subject to intraoperative
bleeding, and uterine arterial embolization before surgery may be helpful. Whole tumor volume
based histogram analysis of ADC for differentitating betwe. An understanding of the treatments,
eligibility criteria, necessary follow-up, and pros and cons of each treatment option can help
clinicians ensure patient safety and autonomy. A, Transvaginal sagittal scan of the uterus
demonstrating an oblong intrauterine fluid collection with pointed margins ( arrowheads )
surrounded by a single decidual lining ( arrow ). A large amount of blood would be lost, so blood
typing and crossmatching must be done in anticipation of a blood transfusion. However, if a mass
adjacent to the ovary represents an EP, it will be separate from the ovary with an acute intervening
angle between the structures and no “claw sign” (see Fig. 33-17 ). When prodded with the
transvaginal probe or with palpation on the anterior abdominal wall, the EP will typically slide away
from the ovary, whereas a corpus luteum will remain attached to and move with the ovary.
Endometrial thickness has not been shown to reliably predict the presence of an EP or the outcome
of a PUL. Worldwide, EP is a significant cause of morbidity and death in women of child-bearing
years, especially in countries or areas with poor prenatal care. Note the thicker echogenic rim around
the early intrauterine pregnancy. Upset stomach or vomiting unrelated to morning sickness warrants
a call to your doctor. A case of viable interstitial ectopic pregnancy treated with intramuscular
methotrexate is presented and used to critically discuss its management in the light of the presented
evidence and we concluded by highlighting some practical points in reporting, diagnosing and
managing interstitial ectopic pregnancy. Biomarkers of trophoblastic function, corpus luteal function,
angiogenesis, endometrial function, inflammation, muscle damage, and impaired tubal transport are
currently being investigated. There has been much discussion in the literature regarding
discriminatory serum hCG levels above which an IUP should be definitively visible by TVS. IVF
patients are at increased risk of EP because of the high prevalence of tubal damage, the use of
ovulation induction therapy, and multiple ETs, which put the patient at risk for heterotopic
implantations. Methotrexate is a chemotherapeutic agent that is a folic acid antagonist. JohnJulie1 A
Case Report of Primary Ovarian Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Pathways (And Pitfa. RK, right kidney.
(Images courtesy of Mindy Horrow, MD, Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA.) Pitfalls
General limitations in the sonographic diagnosis of EP include lack of operator experience, training,
skill, persistence, or lack of attention to details. Laparoscopy versus laparotomy in the management
of ectopic pregnancy with massive hemoperitoneum. Other factors with less clear-cut associations
have been implicated as risk factors for EP. Diagnosis and treatment of ectopic pregnancy. BCMJ,
Vol. 63, No. 3, April, 2021, Page(s) 112-116 - Clinical Articles. EP is still a dare emergency in our
environment with most women presenting after it has ruptured. FIG 33-8 Ectopic pregnancies
presenting as tubal rings in three different patients.
The commonest age group of the patients was 25-30 years. 18(66.6%) patients presented in
emergency with rupture ectopic of which 9(50%) presented as rupture in shock. 9(33.33%) patients
were admitted, on the basis of early diagnosis, with incidental ultrasonography finding, or due to
any of the mentioned symptoms, and confirmed on ultrasound. Blood flow in the tubal ring of an EP
is more likely to be focal and segmental ( Figs. 33-8C and 33-11A ). It also analyzed reviews to
verify trustworthiness. Kirk and Bourne reported that in 8% to 31% of early pregnancies, the
gestation will not be visualized on the initial TVS. Differential effects of long-term Tai Chi practice
on brain networks in young. B, Transvaginal scan shows the small tubal ring of an ectopic pregnancy
( arrow ) separate from and medial to the right ovary (ROV). Expand 10 Save The clinical
presentation, treatment, and outcome of patients diagnosed with possible ectopic molar gestation
Alan Gillespie Alan Gillespie E. A. Lidbury John Tidy John Tidy Barry W. Current pregnancy tests
are immunoassays of hCG based on monoclonal antibodies to the ?-subunit of hCG and are highly
sensitive and rapid, with virtually no cross-reactions. If an ectopic gestational sac is not identified
between the uterus and the ovary, one must scan as far lateral as possible in the pelvis, recognizing
that this may result in some discomfort for the patient. Fertility outcome after laparoscopic
salpingostomy or salpingectomy for tubal ectopic pregnancy A 12-years retrospective cohort study.
This would be administered until a negative hCg titer results have been produced. C, Transvaginal
color Doppler scan of a third patient demonstrating a right adnexal ectopic pregnancy adjacent to the
uterus surrounded by a large hematoma ( long arrow ). There is a large perigestational hematoma (
asterisks ) that is less echogenic than the trophoblastic tissue at the periphery of the gestational sac (
arrowhead ). Both of these therapies would leave the tube intact and no surgical scarring. A,
Transvaginal scan of an ectopic gestational sac showing a thick hyperechoic rim and a yolk sac (
arrow ) within the anechoic center, but no embryo is seen. A Case of Tendon Saving Stapedotomy
with Postoperative Recovery of Acoustic R. E, Transvaginal scan shows a large heterogeneous pelvic
mass. JohnJulie1 Spontaneous Asymptomatic Unilateral Dichorionic-Diamniotic Twin Tubal
Pregnan. Justification for performing TVS prior to obtaining the serum hCG results includes reports
that up to 50% of ruptured EPs have extremely low hCG levels ( Although TVS is much more
sensitive than transabdominal sonography, most experts recommend that scanning begin with
transabdominal pelvic ultrasound, albeit without intentional filling of the bladder. There are reports
of patients discharged to home with presumed miscarriage subsequently returning with pain,
bleeding, and ruptured EP. Other causes of tubal scarring include tubal sterilization, reconstructive
tubal surgery, and tubal abnormalities related to diethylstilbestrol (DES) exposure in utero. There is
ongoing debate about treatment success, future fertility, and risk of repeat ectopic pregnancy after
treatment with salpingotomy versus salpingectomy. This chapter will review the role of sonography
in the diagnosis and management of EP, including EPs in unusual locations. Read instantly on your
browser with Kindle for Web. We assessed the risk factors for EP among women presenting at a
tertiary health facility, University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan, Nigeria. Majority (76.6%) were
ruptured while ampulla of the fallopian tube was the commonest site. The tubal ring of an EP is
typically thinner and more echogenic than the homogeneous thick wall of the corpus luteum ( Figs.
33-15A, 33-15C, 33-16A, and 33-17C ). The rate of recurrent EP is 5% to 20% after a single prior
EP, but increases to greater than 30% in women with a history of two consecutive EPs.
Epidemiology According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the
incidence of EP in the United States rose from 0.5% of all pregnancies in the 1970s to 2% in the
1990s. Magnification of the area of interest within the uterus or adnexa may improve visualization.
Importantly, for a subject that has undergone such change over the last few years, the book is
particularly well referenced.This is an excellent book for post-graduates and any clinician dealing
with patients who have an ectopic pregnancy. Laparoscopy is the gold standard for surgical
management of ectopic pregnancy, with salpingectomy having higher success rates than
salpingotomy and comparable future fertility rates. Prior tubal damage, mostly from pelvic infection
is the risk factor. This has also been described as the bagel, donut, or sugar donut sign ( Figs. 33-2B,
33-3A, and 33-8 ). Gonadotropin-releasing hormone and gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor
are expressed at tubal ectopic pregnancy implantation sites. This chapter will review the role of
sonography in the diagnosis and management of EP, including EPs in unusual locations.
Spontaneous Asymptomatic Unilateral Dichorionic-Diamniotic Twin Tubal Pregnan. A fallopian tube
filled with blood (hematosalpinx) will appear oblong on long axis and round on short axis. A difficult
diagnosis of intraductal papillary neoplasia of the bile duct (IP. Trends in ectopic pregnancy mortality
in the United States: 1980-2007. A10 year’s retrospective study of EP cases managed in UCH. In
1999 Banerjee and colleagues reported an 8% incidence (135 cases) of PULs in their series of first
trimester sonograms. On follow-up, 14% of these turned out to be EPs; 27% developed into normal
IUPs; 9% resulted in miscarriages; and 50% resolved spontaneously. Timely detection of ectopic
pregnancy is contingent on having a high index of suspicion in all women of reproductive age,
identifying patient risk factors, and then performing appropriate laboratory testing and imaging.
Objectives: To measure the incidence of ectopic pregnancy in the Niger Delta University Teaching
Hospital, determine its contribution to early pregnancy loss, case-fatality rate and investigate the
possible associated risk factors and other relevant correlates. Mohamed Medicine Novel Research in
Sciences 2020 TLDR Although rare, molar pregnancy can be extra uterine and histopathologic
confirmation of the final diagnosis, with or without the aid of other tests, is advised. Epidemiologic
studies have shown that cigarette smoking at the time of conception is a risk factor for tubal EP.
Histologically, the fallopian tube is comprised of mucosal, muscularis, and serosal layers.
Approximately 70% of women with EPs have a slow rise in serum hCG, slower than expected for a
normal IUP, or a slow fall in hCG, slower than typical for spontaneous miscarriage. Patient obesity,
leiomyomas, uterine anomalies, retroflexion of the uterus, or hydrosalpinx may also limit
sonographic evaluation. For the diagnostic criteria for retroperitoneal ectopic pregnancy. Although
rare, it is possible to occasionally see twinning in ectopic locations. Expand 60 1 Excerpt Save Molar
Cornual Ectopic Pregnancy N. Zite G. Lipscomb K. Merrill Medicine Obstetrics and gynecology
2002 22 Save Molar ectopic pregnancy in the uterine cornus. J. Hwang Jae Kwan Lee N. Lee K. Lee
Medicine Journal of minimally invasive gynecology 2010 18 Save Ectopic molar pregnancy in a
cesarean scar. However, both of these conditions are extremely rare. In present study, Abdominal
Pain was the most common symptom seen in 47 (94%) cases followed by amenorrhea and abdominal
tenderness. Second, data upon which earlier discriminatory numbers were based came from single
institution studies with small patient populations. A Case of Tendon Saving Stapedotomy with
Postoperative Recovery of Acoustic R. Texture analysis of quantitative ADC maps to differentiate
low from high grad. This is an error of zygote implantation outside the endometrial cavity with
consequent rupture and or death of the fetus because of the failure of implantation site to sustain
further fetal growth and development. Based on the current average annual rate of decline, the ratio
is expected to further decrease to 0.36 death from EP per 100,000 live births by 2013 to 2017.
Department of Radiology, Qingdao Jiaozhou Central Hospital, Jiaozhou, 266300, China.

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