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How do you escape feelings of existential vacuum?

Why am I even here? What brought me here? Well, I surely don't know the
reason for my existence i.e. the purpose of why I really am breathing through
my airy nostrils.

You see numerous people don't know why have they been living on this earth
for decades. Therefore, many people get absorbed into the horrific
“existential vacuum” where they just can't really perceive the meaning of life.
The purpose of their true and conscious existence. They are deeply grieved at
themselves and mostly get irritable with life, people and even circumstances.

Oh, how strange it really is that I have seen people with great luxuries and
splendor who don't even know what makes their life truly worth living and
meaningful whereas on the other hand people suffering due to acute poverty
and depression have that unique light shining brightly in their hearts which
tells them their efforts are not in vain but they are struggling and working for
the survival and livelihood of their greatest asset. Well, what could be their
greatest asset? It's their beloved children who they really want to see
successful and above all lead lives filled up with peace and contentment.

As Viktor Frankl so beautifully put it: "If there is meaning in life at all, then
there must be a meaning in suffering."

In life, one goes through lots of suffering but if we really are to pursue
meaningful lives then we must find the hidden opportunities in suffering.
Opportunities of becoming more stronger whether it's mentally, physically or
emotionally. Suffering can also be used to develop confidence, persistence
and resilience in order to handle and improvise over any uncertainty in life.
In other words, difficulties make the mind become calloused so that it can
become a different one from the majority.

The best way to live a meaningful life is to realize that your family and
closest ones depend on you and you owe them. In a world where everybody
is going after materialistic things, one should go towards living an infinite life
that involves the uplifting of the ones on the right of you as well as on the left
of you.
If we dare to live a life that is beyond ourselves then the life that awaits us
cannot be explained in words but can only be experienced by our hearts and

Fardeen Faisal Khan

44 – EE - C

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