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@ge: PROJECT WORK TO STUDY THE EFFECT OF NUTRITION IN AUTISTIC CHILDREN SUBMITTED TO THE IGNOU UNIVERSITY FOR THE AWARD OF THE DIPLOMA IN NUTRITION AND HEALTH EDUCATION (DNHE) SUBMITTED BY NAME - RUBY GUPTA ENROLLMENT NO- 190212058 DATE- 02\t0| 3.0.2 ANNEXURES | mart {To be filled and Submitted to the Coordinator of Your Study Centre at the time of ‘Submission of Your Project Report) Form for Submission to ‘Coordinator of Study Centre with Project Details 2, 3. 4. 2 Date: o77|(0(2022. ie Place: path Signatire of Candidate . Comments on Project Work Name © Raby Guapit Enrollment No. : 190212058 Address 14688, Showa Kathi , Pahauany -ss Name and Address of Recinas Project Counsellor + Palyanko Siqgh Name and Address of Field Guide Date of Submission of Approved Project Proposal to Study Cent zs: NOU HE PROREE S| NIVERSITY’ LTO, Balty (Give name and address) and Supervision by Project ‘Counsellor and Field Guide SECTION C- APPROVAL OF PROJECT COUNSELLOR { certify that | have examined the project proposal submitted by the candidate Ms. Ruby Gupta. and found it to be satisfactory. E. Signature of Project Counsellor Date Place 30 ee ANNEXURE 2 | SNE AURE ee [To be filled is duplicate Attach the original tothe frst copy of the project report and send to IGNOU; attach the second to the second copy of your project report and give!| send fo your study centre coordinator] Form for Submission of Final Project Report to School of Continuing Education SECTION A: BACKGROUND INFORMATION Name Enrolment No. 490212058 Name and Designation 2 - of Project Counsellor : Paiganka ae Name and Designation TREES to ar os oh nuhwiiion THEME SELEt I | 1 1 1 1 of Field Guide : i ! I | | | [ | ! ESaTy Project Proposal 2sfos|zo22 (Approved and Duly Signed) to Study Centre Coordinator 5 Date of Despatch of Project Proposal (Approved and Signed) to Schoolof Contimuing Education, IGNOU | ; | SECTION B: CERTIFICATE OFPROJECT ! CONSELLORAND FIELD GUIDE | | ‘We certify that the candidate Mr/Mrs/Miss I, meh — Kirby Guu pla, | basplanned and vonducted the projet cotied “Te, Shucly thi effect —Anitheitien. irs —Autisti, —childwan, ___ | | | under our guidance and supervision and that the report submitted herewith was the | result ofbonatide work done by the candidate in_ Pourvipenvfrem oa |o6|aara to I | 1 (place) (time period) rfolans {Dates a7] to(2e22 Signature of Project Counsellor Sadiureof Field Guide Cy COMMENTS OF CANDIDATE ON a mn | PROJECT WORK ea 200 words express your opinion 0° the project work you undertook 1g the 20st important conclusions you reached and the/stalls you learnt fromm 2p Place: Signature of Candidate Date: TOPIC. ss enirererneesernercent enc | Dake renee ete = Tene-1 SUDY THE EFFECT OF —__ |___NDIRITION IN AUTISTIC CHILDREN —___| Nome : RUBY GUPTA. a EL eases La Pxgucé subouk aubmitnd in, _paxtial [akitimunt of the | | ——— ai Senquisusumbs fe the " diplemna im, _tiutruitian _q Heath _| Ectutadicn” i “Teacher's Sigh wince L I WES “ToPR1e Crenclustor Teather s Signa tea Pousttsts ata Sse li SS eae tose belie) oot "out commen 4 iS x Sour aru Vitamin A Nasir ay Ita Bin Nacht Lt ee s_ASB Teche s Sigpiat ute, serene DENG rset Autisin Sputum disandim (ASD) —_j>_o._clavelapensimbal — —; -dupobitity cound cif yusore _im the —_bxainns thot oye — eur pings Gobundh jal —_Sthues _)_crrnmunicalty Jaan amd Achat .__— Se Authouglo —Qubism. Carn 8 — dingnend ob — amy 99%. ak ax dundee ono davelsfpmamtal —dinadns * _brseains— 4 io — Gacy offprass iy _tne- Pst 2— tran —ohy =| Resiarchiin suggests that food plays —_o— costal seals is. tho __davetsiponacct of —sustisen isnt encalatien af ASD _Sayenpheec —— Fiod_Jusletsd Janues push an aude cating eal -dabjcdengis ous afer _masnilystatian af; ASB. Teacher's Sgn “Th abititiin nud of nist —punphe van 4 | evelve oye end ._tshil. hems pinpls Ltn _audised __cam __| |-stive _Jadafandan johns haut pivots —_disabititien —d sug Teachers SigM suvremersons Tyres or ASD — Thu ons _S_di yu “typo shy Aira = = =| Sh ee pisoudin CASO). aay ca ——| rapt — Syn 8) | Bhatt Supa Sa ga ee hop Soe as $$$} dina, appa edasane a ____— ——— ay) chtatneod ostdaguative Sisantin 2 =a Kann’ _Syyndssmn._|_clasnic—_fiasiate —_Qlaandyng = 5)| Pexvontse _Divetopmuntoh _Ohasidiet — Nook sthuounaine apt _—____|_Ceon=nos) ‘Teacher's Sign thin apy 9d __ guilty _coenmen Late 2012 eres | usd mudicah eal a= hos cts te. —sadlanailsd ap _lavel 1 autisna — (i) — a. siti) sly) | dria apc | chamge Jad _pltels te ete —disoudiee by tint _DS=S" ie manual A -chitd —jalth thin _dybe mre fe —above olka! 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Also_meurn. ie tutus Sadie _{-asinarative—payshes jin =. 0. nuusndivelepmudal diana Astiard oy — i ve =| Aepmant-al _psckiaces si onuagt costa —.nbille._|-Sadal_fuatien- A child eupurbimed otraal —davetspenat: Gm_tune_aruad—cnty bo —] {hi_a_Seag-— afte —ogt 34 — tip tof 10 ——— —_| Case ty Unkneurd._. “Th inmate commer — ii _beyd shun the nodes thant —_sesgnastiens —puddamly _njoxt to. “besux Gn mots tram dus —_dvelapraurntal —anpds —of—th i ye | us child song 19st any af, Abs lla, Shula lung. etn thay ad —alaaodg bursa $$ -Aequisid Lamgungt [ yecaloulassas—— ——_— — _____Gii)|_ Sedat _antitle 4 —ado tive —bahavleta. “69 |_-Somna_ motets —nleillp —__ — yan _diswvund piythiataink L1o_Kannr | of _sSetam__HHephinn. SS ashi hs _chaviachaigts | 0 infantil —dubisen ——— = = |___elni tedster rally this _Bugadaurct ball Opbsay —atinartive Aisarncun putt 02 i) | Lack of _ernstiona) attach pith bhai ————— _ femmaunicaticn 4 Johnathon —challinges i)} —Unesetuathd abd =—— ae 4 lsisapakisl abitts —Lsitin mabe ims | difpiatts —(rasining ee — ethan — Atop SS = —____} social 4 Laraguage —dsiapend —— eeeaerian dala’ — In. _Lamguage —dauelaprearsd p—braliiog: — | deta ema nb u ____|__ Pep-nios an ctomshimad subsoad: fs ap UU Suthoushalal —— autism! on ib ipo fia ued to ds nvilie am _indiuiduos — thot rob osm tout neh all Sspmpteona — —Sousisen, —— Sravs & Symerons 3 | Sous Communication, 4 SntucatFenn Sie 4) | Avoid] heen ost deaap 7 ‘i} Deus not suapend_tr_namns._fy —9_menths_of— ag — il] as net pheur facial enpruantena toy ae My Benet ploy _ caliphs intuitive _¢ —fams— by} —la_meniind s}-a92 —— ¥)} Labs. |e gba — yg — 12 emena— 0g i)| Dees nek ninasa —Iniouabth — bith sthss by — 1S menthp of-092———_— vil] Oreo ak _ prink tn _Shevr-_.o._pomathing —Jatananttag — by 18 coon vii ee asia shun sth ots hued: f [Hsp big a metas oy. tk) ets nat action thus childs —d_forn Hates tn ibyg fay 36 jae sf 0g x)}| Gorn nek psusead wri ——__—} ploy — ay WR umaatind— sf 99% 8] Oats atop; dosens [ack fpt_yom fy 60. enonttn age | Rusbatehad | Rep skibive —lowhasshet 8 in ttp —Sayp f stun. ehasta gab —aipost talon etext charged TH] Raprats csotds { plotanns oven 6 ove CCld echolalia) iii)) Plays talkin Sy prada in sete — Mito —___{v}} pene ce we —____¥)|_ Gets —eeppale fai mint Casa gp si) hats she niTve fines Mii)|_ ut _| - cylin seeing vit} Etabn chased, sincks bad | Spfos sell tie. _ejatelas ty) ha ttrnunnal — -muoihiend tte tht ran —_ Shing pend + simsbt, | ests tee _f fps — tL gust cist vi}| Ctusisal ealing. ef —Slesping —drablt << is] Gantuatngentinas —stadusss (A516) tose Sipe) | iti) unudssal enced |e metizaal —s4iacfom x Prmadhatye— asbousn_| exunale hock aaa) ae | tank sf fear [mote _peath_SHanen —enpaala 7 Teacher's SGM mem mnm TOPIC raasesneeces cart qsasczasesceosscseesscalcuasecsesavamase DANI Peserenetesermeetaee erie — Assocater wma Autise haat pct sy sa fo | childern on 3 ip} etalon J tok of pupa cutter. i ii))|_ COennadhaeis at dakidants 1] Tend dha, ficsco. Pita Ul. Dirhydnatians Teacher's Signatures. Teacher's Signature... TOPIC... By —mabing sticky Ainiauy cselsio, tak —fetiget ofall 7 binat 1k tony be qaosilds ts sade —ausen “iohown= 8 sink =f shes that falpima nt bhlocn mid al ¢ Si Ato = i nad! ts i st i Te sti pi Aehauiiet Peak ids ish Digali tantly conte aor lho he he Tae picky salu — 3 d ( * ‘ Sees ate Sic pheur < ‘Teacher's Signature. STi Aevieus iora posit of, a Lange \imestalge Sipathiass—) on 4. ue sul abianahipa Jrehiseans sustnifanm 4 a sulali wos Letom —dinhasy| patina Hatapantir dist, ——— Baa cod_pusdusto 4 _autssiats mois 4 min. Geis hapa A\st iaa8 Asiod ono —sparlic. —alate pia ake guadiad ann tactael H ASD em stn alata d Cabein [sis diet Teacher's Signature... foe Autisi a rn las dun hugation — 2. Months AMPLE S\7E — “Total Sample Sine vallt’ be 10) ae ey Primes, Santis = Set a Sernndasy Gomis — Aadidis —Pipoitn, Course Thbunh - reaches Sigat ire TOPIC .... Prase =| = “Gescher's Signature... aa ent Smee ae Ew) Garegiver Questionnaire RE Ss 7 Ae 2 neces Bis OD DLER = eee Winnie Qunn, PhD, OTR, FAOTA Chiid's First Name:__Hosedi fe, Child's Middle Name: 4 cudy Lari None _ Rani i Child’ Proferred Name (jf different from above) ees Gender: 2Afale OFemalo ith Date: 10_/_08 / 2017 Tost Dates 12 /_L_ 12027 DaneremiceProkiere time Rasy, —osifbas af ar rar Completed bylcaregver’s Nemo: sam ged. — Pag oesb 5 Cateaiver's Relationship te Chids_— P1stiuhs es a en Was thie chid bom prematurely? O1¥es C1No Wt yes, by how many weeks? tn what order was your child bor in relation to siblings ({er example, 1st child, Srd chil, ete)? Dlonly Chid Citst 22nd Cised Cath Dsih Done Have there been more than th the past “2 montis? GiYes 2No PsychCorp is an imprint of Pearson Clinical Assessment, Pearson Executive Office S60 Green Valley Drive Bicontington, MN 55437 500.627.7271 wirw.Peacsontliniesleom ‘Copjight © 2014 NES Pearson, Inc Al rights reserved. 4 art ef tis publication may be reproduced or transmiste Io why farm or by any je or mectanical, including photocopy, recording, ot any ifermaticn storege end witout permission In ting from the copyright Own, lege. FeyehCorg, and Sensory Profile are bagemaris jp the US. andlor Pearson beveston, Ine, oF ts eMrate(s) ave S67 eS301 ef Ararics, AECOE Predict Number 0358 76058% [Herta e a 6 now [Recon = Tou [Raven Tints we cts Ins way that interferes with family schedules and plans. Feslgts Playing among other chiiren, Bie Withdraw from sltuctions. edictable shoe Tia on urpredetatie is easly awakened. misses sje contact with me during everyday Interactions. ‘gets anxious in new stat hy paje atierton If speak buy. == VISUAL Raw Seate pushes bvihily colored toys aay? {als to respond 16 sin the mirc becomes uoset when having nis timed [ese borg cock Tc upset when moving among speces wih very alferert somperstres (for example, colder warmet, Witbaraws (cm ebalack with ough, CO, orstichy Suraoss for rarely, camel. countetopsl eat 2st 5 nto thegs faling #6 notoe obits oF aopisin me wey 7 F pals at cothing Oreste geting Clothing Ot ‘enjoys splashing ding bath or swiatime.” bee vet town cothing, hands, oF face ae messy.” = lis wien waking or crmwing on gertalnsifaces (or exemple, ras, $000, cette” fesyataras ‘ram Unexpected touch.” Taam eet ett TODA Ra Bea TTODOLER Sentory rote? 52 Frac eena te Tecores pet when placed on he back foremost cheng res} _D MOVEMENT Raw Score sample, walking eround when being handed | | fasbes when mavad eround (or © ‘Sverto erother pereon! Sipps ake MONO oe Som (MOVEMENT Processing Comments: SS 4 SBronocen Seccory Prato? ON Taecier tomers | (== Aways WR or mone ‘Decavionaly = 25% ss temper anus. is clngy stays alm eniy wren belrg held ie fussy or table, {s bothered by naw satings ‘becomes so unset in new satings that he hard to calm down. BEHAVIORAL Roepences Comments: a A | ahi — Eee a) ee Baer [ODDLER _ SENSORY Prone. 2 Instructions Ee Thang

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