Literature Review Climate Change Adaptation

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Struggling with writing a literature review on climate change adaptation? You're not alone.

a comprehensive and insightful literature review can be a daunting task, requiring extensive research,
analysis, and synthesis of existing scholarly works. From identifying relevant sources to critically
evaluating their findings, the process demands both time and expertise.

Navigating through the vast array of academic articles, reports, and studies on climate change
adaptation can be overwhelming. Moreover, ensuring coherence and clarity in presenting the
literature's key themes and findings adds another layer of complexity to the task.

If you find yourself grappling with the challenges of composing a literature review on climate
change adaptation, fear not. Help is at hand. At ⇒ ⇔, we specialize in providing
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adaptation through a comprehensive and compelling literature review.
The section titled “Others” consists of only two studies that did not fit into any of the other
categories. A Climate Change Adaptation Planning (CCAP) Schema. EIS would be anticipated to
emit GHGs in quantities that an. L2064: What has been (or will be) the tangible benefit of improved
reanalysis resolution. Climate Change and Livestock Production: A Literature Review. Larsen, P., et
al., a??Estimating Future Costs for Alaska Pub-. L2130-2131 gives the impression that the state of
the art of correction of systematic. Methane emissions are higher when manure is treated in liquid
systems using lagoons or ponds. 3.2. Indirect Effects: Feed Production and Land Use Change 3.2.1.
Feed Production Emissions related to feed production, processing, and transport constitute about
45% of livestock-related emissions. The conceptual model reviews the vulnerability of the asset. In
terms of solely livestock production, crops and forages provide feedstocks consumed by livestock.
The members of the committee responsible for the report were. L500-501: a??there are fewer upper-
air observations than surface observations, and that. The development of such factors depends on
outside inputs from individual-level (managers) factors, institutions, and socio-cultural aspects.
Funding This research was funded by USDA AMS, Federal Milk Marketing Order Econometric
Pricing Model. Relevant factors were found to be: Construction thickness, water capacity of
growing layer and drainage material, their pore volume, and utilization of drainage boards. Journal of
Functional Morphology and Kinesiology (JFMK). It shows that the capability of reflective materials
depends on different factors, that city planners need to take precautions, and that the strategy has to
be developed on a city-to-city basis. This PowerPoint presentation provides a summary overview of.
National Research Council, Warming World: Impacts by. The proposed model invites further research
to test causal contingents and antecedents and their capacity for predicting organizational adaptation.
The impacts of climate change differ between different regions. L3924: a??mucha?? should be
replaced with a??manya. Forages of higher digestibility supply more energy per unit dry matter (DM)
consumed. Barriers constrain and shrink adaptive capacity, often by hindering adaptive governance
or exceeding its reach. The evaluation showed that climate change impact on design loads is more
significant during winter than summer, which could have a positive effect for building energy-saving
design. 3.4. Design Tools for Integrating Climate Projections How to integrate climate projections
into building simulation is an eminent issue, as is which tool to use when. SURFEX), dynamic
downscaling models and Computational Fluid Dynamics models (CFD-models) are included in the
section “Other simulations”. L2086-2087: Also, fully coupled systems have fairly coarsely resolved
ocean model. Charles M. Vest are the chair and vice chair, respectively, of the National Research. The
health sector is one of eight considered, along with infrastructure, coastal zones, water and river
flood protection, agriculture, fisheries, forestry and extreme weather events. MURIEL E. POSTON,
Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY.
SURFEX), dynamic downscaling models and Computational Fluid Dynamics models (CFD-models)
are included in the section “Other simulations”. ASCE; Scott Murrell, P.E., M. ASCE; and Susanne
DesRoches. Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, eds.R. K.
Pachauri and A. Reisinger. A methodological note is thus in order before synthesizing the results.
Finally, the study demonstrates that public policies, values, individual experience, and cognitive
capacity are important antecedents in the adaptation process. Adaptation measures are required to
ensure the long-term integrity and successful operation of the built environment. The course covers
the development of a climate change plan. It was found that the differences in architecture and
shading solutions are of more importance than the variations in climate. In what circumstances, to
what degree, why, and—critically— how. Limits to adaptation describe the extents of possible
adaptation efforts, beyond which increasing adaptive capacity is (actually or considered) infeasible
or impossible. Planning and Development Office, Environment Working. Compared to other
impacts, climate change effect on livestock disease is more difficult to estimate and predict due to
the nature of disease and climate-change-driven alterations to livestock. As decision makers in
various sectors grapple with information on climate change effects and how they may or may not
impact their core mission(s), they are turning to existing tools and approaches for guidance.
International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power (IJTPP). In the Adaptive Planning
phase, prominent planning concerns are addressed to produce a plan; Implementation based on
guidance from plans yields Adaptive Actions in the forms of projects; these, in turn become subject
to Adaptive Management practices for improving upstream and scaled-up efforts. Besides their
inherent human cost, ill health and premature mortality represent significant economic costs to
society. Because it is UNCORRECTED material, please consider the following text as a useful but
insufficient proxy for the authoritative book pages. Only publications of this journal from 2018 were
examined, due to the extent of the content published in it (40 volumes for 2018 alone). The
presentation shows that as a highly generalized depic-. ANN M. ARVIN, Stanford University School
of Medicine, Stanford, CA. An adaptation gap exists in the portion of the adaptation situation that
lies beyond the adaptive capacity realized within it. The categorization of the results is not discrete
but intersect to a certain extent. Future climate scenarios are notably absent from the categories
eclipsing qualitative research methods, presumably because their inclusion is not applicable in the
research design of such studies. Precipitation patterns and extreme climate events are also
influential, with the main impacts being production variation. However, data on losses and costs
constitute only the starting point for evaluation and action. Its efficacy is the sum of institutional and
planning efforts performed in the interest of CCA. With respect to risk analysis, the traditional
approach was fol-. Under “Greening”, several ways of implementing green solutions as a climate
adaptation measure on buildings are presented, while “Material selection” discusses the potential of
different materials to encounter the changing climate. These electronic databases provide tools for
narrowing the search and filtering out irrelevant results. Simultaneously, livestock is a climate change
driver, generating 14.5% of total anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions.
Feature papers are submitted upon individual invitation or recommendation by the scientific editors
and must receive. While none of these studies explicitly discusses the uncertainty of their results in
quantitative terms, they acknowledge it as potentially large and stemming mainly from climate
change scenarios, rather than economic components. Journal of Functional Morphology and
Kinesiology (JFMK). In an agricultural setting, adaptation can occur through ecological change or
human action. LaGuardia Airport, Stewart International Airport, Teterboro. The case study of the
municipality of Tomave (Bolivia). Survey Research into the Outcomes and the Quality of
Cooperation in PPPs. As a whole, the book challenges established perspectives of climate change
adaptation by taking into account issues of cultural diversity, environmental justicem and human
rights, as well as feminist or intersectional approaches. Climate Change: Implications for the
Assumptions, Goals and Methods of Urban Environmental Planning. Implementing Climate Change
Adaptation Planning in. A Transportation Research Program for Mitigating and. Find support for a
specific problem in the support section of our website. The impacts of climate extremes and the
potential for. It was found through analysis that summer seasonal thermal insulation cools the soil
and is significant for improving foundation integrity in a warming climate. Climate Change and
Livestock Production: A Literature Review. L3392: It is not clear what aspect of figure 3.1 is
referenced. ANTHONY C. JANETOS, University of Maryland, College Park. Public Deliberation:
An Alternative Approach to Crafting Policy and Setting Direction. This draft guidance memorandum
was issued by the Council. CEQ proposes that agencies ought to address the observed and. Many of
these steps are familiar and are seen in the plan-. This will further enhance the education function of
the document. Finally, some (7) focused on analyzing the behavioral aspects behind climate change
adaptation. Importantly, economic methods are also different, with crucial implications for result
interpretation. The volume of research on the consequences of climate change on buildings in cold
regions is surprisingly small, considering the pecuniary stakes involved. Such impacts persist beyond
the period when the hogs are exposed to heat stress. Studies Estimating Economy-wide Impacts of
Health Damage from Climate Change Rather than aggregating the costs of attributable health
outcomes, some studies utilize a combination of models to estimate the overall impacts of climate
change health effects on the economy. Rising temperatures, new precipitation patterns, and other
changes are already affecting many aspects of human society and the natural world. Strategic spatial
development through information and communication. It seems obvious from the results obtained in
this study that extensive research based on physical measurements in the laboratory or in the field is
needed to further understand the need for climate adaptation.
Barriers to adaptation are produced, encountered, and addressed by the sociotechnical and
biophysical domains, and in their interactions. The book was written as a basis for a forthcoming
illustrated booklet, designed to provide the public with accurate scientific information on this
important subject. The subsequent section examines the findings in terms of their approach to
climate change adaptation and considering the factors identified, introducing and detailing the
multilevel model. Draft Final Technical Memorandum, Task 1, Gulf Coast. Transportation and
Climate Change Adaptation,a?? prepared. A database in the form of spreadsheets was created to aid
in the analysis of data. Since the study resulted in a volume of literature too great to present in a
single paper, it was decided to divide the results into two parts. Climate Change and Greenhouse
Gas Emissions, Council on. LEED AP, of the Port Authority of New York and New Jer-. Documents
such as patents and conference papers were excluded from the search. Journal of Functional
Morphology and Kinesiology (JFMK). FHWA: Climate Change and Transportation, Washington. For
their part, institutions, while playing important roles in shaping and constraining planning and
defining various aspects of SESs, remain difficult to fully comprehend and describe when the same
considerations of uncertainty and change characterize the (conceptual) landscape in which they are
realized. DONALD F. BOESCH, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. L500-
501: a??there are fewer upper-air observations than surface observations, and that. Little concrete has
been found on the effect of future rain or wind events. The so-called transition around 1976 might
be an instructive. Coastal Zone Management Program), with assistance from the. Nevertheless, after
several screenings, thorough examination and discarding of a few irrelevant articles, it was possible
to separate articles into distinct categories. This chapter draws the distinctions among the various
kinds of. Recommendations were also made for the passage of com-. People know when they go to
New York City in winter, they should take a heavy coat. L4432-4433: a??Some rapid climate
transitions in recent decades appear attributable to. Strategic spatial development through
information and communication. Goats are less susceptible to heat stress than other ruminants.
However, given the scarcity of peer-reviewed scientific journals and books on the matter, researchers,
practitioners and policy-makers would miss important information if grey literature studies and
reports were to be systematically excluded from the relevant evidence base. Further, seasonal
insulation will be of importance for adapting existing arctic buildings to the expected raising
temperatures, and the amount may be selected based on future climatic predictions. The framework
for determining the criticality of certain transpor-. A Transportation Research Program for Mitigating
and. Livestock GHG emissions arise directly through raising animals, including enteric fermentation,
manure, and associated energy consumption.
The model identifies risk perception as one of the main contingent factors in adapting to climate
change. This article presents a systematic literature review on climate change adaptation and analyzes
the factors that influence organizations’ strategic decision-making. Future Delays,a?? Transportation
Research Record: Journal of. We also promote the formulation and effective implementation of
adaptation plans and measures at the national and local levels in Japan and abroad by providing
scientific knowledge and systems through A-PLAT and AP-PLAT. The review also identified many
possible areas for further. The interaction between ongoing climate change and demands for
increasing livestock production makes it challenging to increase production while lowering climate
impacts and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. As shown in Figure 2, keywords in the selected
articles were listed and counted. Office of Planning, State of Hawaii, Honolulu, 2009. Additional
copies of this report are available from the National Academies Press, 500. Adaptation, and
Vulnerability, Contribution of Working. The modelsa?? outputs provide a base case example, where.
Number of articles sorted by topic categories and by whether the articles consider future weather
scenarios. Phenomena in the biophysical domain engender sociotechnical efforts to establish or
expand (“realize”) adaptative capacity. ( b ) Adaptive capacity is generated by sociotechnical efforts
to adapt to biophysical features of the adaptation situation. Note that from the first issue of 2016,
this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. The filters used for each of the databases
are listed in Table 1. This systematic literature review demonstrated that the study of climate change
adaptation has received less attention than emission mitigation and it needs to be further explored.
Only publications of this journal from 2018 were examined, due to the extent of the content
published in it (40 volumes for 2018 alone). The databases have different options for filtering their
output, so it was necessary with some variation in the search strategy for each database. In order to
summarize the complexity of this scenario, this review proposes a multilevel model centered at the
organizational level and focuses on the paths to climate change adaptation as the main strategic
outcome ( Figure 3 ). International Journal of Translational Medicine (IJTM). Significant limitation of
measurements over some regions make detection of trends difficult. Second, it summarizes
projections of future climate changes and impacts expected in this century and beyond. This will
further enhance the education function of the document. It was found that the differences in
architecture and shading solutions are of more importance than the variations in climate. If the title
was found to be relevant, the abstract was examined. The climate scenarios and the impact evaluation
results the team develops are published on A-PLAT and AP-PLAT to improve understanding of
climate change risks in society. This is the case not only at national and local levels, but also at the
EU level and especially at the pan-European level when including EEFSU. Cooling demands were
simulated by utilizing projected weather data in the periods of 2020 to 2100. The health impacts of
climate change, if not averted, will thus add a component of economic stress and loss to society.
Though they may be nonmaterial (informal), institutions reify actual, tangible outcomes.
JAMES TIEDJE, Michigan State University, East Lansing. Finally, the study demonstrates that
public policies, values, individual experience, and cognitive capacity are important antecedents in the
adaptation process. For livestock, natural adaptation results from different mechanisms through
which animals adapt to climatic conditions. Ein Literatur Review zum aktuellen Forschungsstand. It
represents the amount of unrealized adaptive capacity. ( c ) Adaptive governance describes
sociotechnical efforts in shaping the adaptation situation: when effective, adaptive governance
increases adaptive capacity, thereby, ideally, shrinking the adaptation gap. There is also a major lack
of studies where future climatic conditions have been used as a basis for laboratory experiments or
field measurements, only three were found. By continuing to use the website, you consent to our use
of cookies. For instance, we excluded studies on the economics of climate-sensitive health outcomes
if they did not specify the additionality due to climate change. Tropical Medicine and Infectious
Disease (TropicalMed). Studies estimating economy-wide impacts of inaction or health adaptation.
Therefore, evidence-based planning of health protection under a changing climate requires an
evaluation of the economic costs and welfare losses, monetized or unmonetized, and data on the
distribution in time, space and society of the economic impacts analysed. In addition, future studies
using combinations of global physical and macroeconomic models addressing this issue should lay
out model-specific assumptions more clearly in order to facilitate comparability of results. Once those
records were screened against the eligibility criteria described above, only 95 records remained
eligible. International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power (IJTPP). Journal of
Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (JTAER). Environmental Quality,
Washington, D.C., Feb. 2010. Willows, R. and R. Connell, a??Climate Adaptation: Risk. Previous
Article in Journal Double Coating as a Novel Technology for Controlling Urea Dissolution in Soil: A
Step toward Improving the Sustainability of Nitrogen Fertilization Approaches. L4783-4794: The
discussion is missing a logical link: a demonstration that the absolute. In Climate Change 2014:
Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. ANN M. ARVIN, Stanford University School of Medicine,
Stanford, CA. While this is a compendium from largely secondary sources, it gives estimates for
CO2 per GWh for the three phases of resource extraction, facility construction, and facility
operation. Transportation and Climate Change Adaptation,a?? prepared. Similarly, understanding how
applied climate change adaptation efforts unfold through planning processes that are embedded in
broader institutional settings can be difficult to apprehend. Gout, Urate, and Crystal Deposition
Disease (GUCDD). L4553: a??anda?? should be replaced with a??and an average ofa. Robust
Decision Making, which uses many different climate. The PANYNJ experience provides a long list of
lessons learned. One of them develops an adaptation pathway framework, while the other study
presents a modular approach to resilient housing. F. STUART (TERRY) CHAPIN III, University of
Alaska, Fairbanks.
Further, the category “Design tools” explains tools for simplifying and integrating climate projections
for building simulations. “Frameworks and guidelines” on the other hand, gives a brief summary of
existing and suggested frameworks and guidelines for how to adapt buildings for the future climate.
Big questions, grand challenges, and the future of IB scholarship. Differences in geographical scope,
outcomes considered, timeframes, evaluation metrics, population dynamics, and other parameters
make generalizations highly challenging, if at all feasible. Geographical differences are relevant to
climate change adaptation, not only because of their physical vulnerability to climatic events but also
because of the different contexts of policies related to climate change adaptation. Future Delays,a??
Transportation Research Record: Journal of. The most relevant keywords were determined based on
frequency and qualitative judgment. The results can then be used to focus and direct future research
by addressing the knowledge gaps or by conducting more thorough reviews of narrower selections
of studies. New York City Panel on Climate Change (NPCC). The NPCC. Assessing Infrastructure
for Criticality in Mobile, Alabama. W hether marine or terrestrial, all organisms The American pika.
Maladaptive (ineffective or counter-productive) efforts reduce adaptive capacity. The health impacts
of climate change, if not averted, will thus add a component of economic stress and loss to society.
The model also identifies the role of various factors in the organizational strategy process according
to the contingencies or antecedents of climate change adaptation. The subjects, research methods,
and main findings of articles concerning climate adaptation of buildings has been mapped to provide
an overview of the extent of scientific studies in this field of research. The final sample consisted of
46 articles that were coded in terms of their research objective, methodology, the context of the
discussion, research approach, and factors investigated (see details in Exhibit 1 ). This briefing
explores the way in which the Tracking Adaptation and Measuring Development (TAMD) framework
uses simple techniques such as scorecards and baselines to help countries evaluate how well its
institutions are managing climate risk at all levels, and how ready they are to address emerging risks.
Integrated adaptation refers to the coordination and feedback between adaptation planning-based
practices and institutional processes of adaptive change that. This explains the major gaps of
evidence with regard to water-borne diseases, VBDs, and health outcomes from flooding and
storms. It also partly explains the rarity of proper sensitivity analysis in health damage cost studies,
where the compounded uncertainty of climate models, health impact models and economic estimates
would provide unacceptably wide confidence intervals. Specifically, adaptation planners should have
estimates of the costs of inaction, the costs of action (health adaptation) and the costs of residual
damage where relevant. Multiple requests from the same IP address are counted as one view. This
article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license ( ). The possibility of adopting five implementation strategies were
assessed by decision-makers in Dutch housing through an online survey. Adaptation, C.B. Field, et
al., Eds., Cambridge University. They can also be rendered in mechanistic terms, where dynamics of
some feature of interest logically or implicitly affect others, thus illustrating causal relationships. A
paragraph should be added to discuss the importance. Feature papers represent the most advanced
research with significant potential for high impact in the field. A Feature. This report was published
in the Annals of the New York Acad-. As such, it is equally important to review the extent of the
literature as its content. Regulations, language, unaffordability, and lack of awareness and demand
was mentioned as adaptative barriers, while their recommendations include regulatory form and that
relationship with other sectors should be considered. 4. Discussion In this paper, we set out to
address what is known from existing literature about climate adaptation measures for buildings, and
what are the most important gaps in the research. The anaerobic decomposition of organic material
releases methane, and nitrous oxide is released mainly from ammonia decomposition.

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