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International Journal of Production Research

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A complex systems theory perspective of lean

a b b
Tarcisio Abreu Saurin , John Rooke & Lauri Koskela
DEPROT/UFRGS (Industrial Engineering and Transportation Department , Federal
University of Rio Grande do Sul) , Porto Alegre , Brazil
School of the Built Environment, The University of Salford , Salford , UK
Published online: 19 Jun 2013.

To cite this article: Tarcisio Abreu Saurin , John Rooke & Lauri Koskela (2013): A complex systems theory perspective of lean
production, International Journal of Production Research, DOI:10.1080/00207543.2013.796420

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International Journal of Production Research, 2013

A complex systems theory perspective of lean production

Tarcisio Abreu Saurina*, John Rookeb and Lauri Koskelab
DEPROT/UFRGS (Industrial Engineering and Transportation Department, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul), Porto Alegre,
Brazil; bSchool of the Built Environment, The University of Salford, Salford, UK
(Received 14 July 2012; final version received 11 April 2013)

Lean production (LP) has been increasingly adopted in complex systems, such as healthcare and construction sites.
However, little is known of the extent to which the lean philosophy matches the nature of those systems, which have
different characteristics of complexity in comparison with manufacturing plants, in which LP was originated. This article
analyses the extent to which LP is compatible with the nature of complex systems, as a basis for the identification of
learning opportunities for LP from complex systems theory (CST). As a framework for this analysis, both the
prescriptions from LP and CST for designing systems are compared in terms of their potential impact on a set of charac-
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teristics of complex systems. Examples of how LP may learn from CST are identified as well as examples of how CST
may help to tackle common difficulties in LP implementation.
Keywords: lean production; complex systems; socio-technical systems; system design

1. Introduction
Lean production (LP), which will sometimes be referred to simply as lean throughout this article, may be defined as an
integrated socio-technical system whose main objective is to eliminate waste by concurrently minimising supplier, cus-
tomer, and internal variability (Shah and Ward 2007). This definition stresses the far-reaching intended impact of LP as
well as the need for an integrated management of the social and technical systems. As a result of this ambitious intent,
LP permeates all elements of a socio-technical system, thus making its implementation difficult and slow (Lian and Van
Landeghem 2007, Gelidas 1999). These characteristics imply that the design of the LP implementation process aims at
making the system components congruent, both among themselves and with the nature of the system (Liker 2004, Cua,
McKone, and Schroeder 2001).
Nevertheless, the systemic nature of LP has been so taken for granted by researchers that it has not been explicitly
analysed from the perspective of theories on systems functioning. The well-known house of the Toyota Production
System (TPS) (Liker 2004) is an example of how simplistically the systemic nature of LP may be portrayed and dis-
cussed. Spear (1999) undertook one of the most in-depth qualitative studies of the TPS, which is portrayed by him as
an exemplary approach to managing complex socio-technical systems. However, he does not conduct any explicit analy-
sis of the TPS from the view of complex systems. Kidd (1994) argues that while the TPS possibly uses correctly the
principles of systems thinking, it is not apparent that even its creators fully understood the theoretical reasons why and
how this is so. Lane (2007) presents recommendations for adapting lean practices to high-mix and low-volume manufac-
turing environments, which are referred to as more complex than low-mix and high-volume ones. However, he does not
abstract the recommendations to a point where they could be useful for other complex settings.
This superficial understanding is a particular drawback when implementing LP in sectors other than manufacturing,
where lean lacks a fairly long and well-documented history (Womack, Jones, and Roos 1991). Both lack of knowledge
and mistaken assumptions about the strengths and weaknesses of LP in systems of different natures may encourage
ill-thought-out applications, which lack a deeper reflection on principles and the particular practices which should be
adopted, and the best ways to implement them. Moreover, encouragement for simplistic applications of LP may arise
from the non-critical use of the proliferating literature directed towards practitioners (Farris et al. 2009).
These concerns have become increasingly relevant as LP applications in other sectors have become more frequent.
For example, there are reports of lean initiatives in sectors as diverse as construction, healthcare, chemical plants, steel
mills and higher education (Doman 2011, Khurma, Bacioui, and Pasek 2008, Abdulmalek and Rajgopal 2007, Koskela

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2 T.A. Saurin et al.

2000). However, these experiences are far from providing evidence of the theoretical and practical generalisation of
LP across a wide variety of domains (such as claimed by Spear and Bowen (1999), for example), since: (a) the use
of lean in other sectors is fairly recent, in comparison with earlier applications in manufacturing; (b) the experiences
have usually been limited to the application of a few lean practices and principles, rather than adopting lean as a
business philosophy (Joosten, Bongers, and Janssen 2009, Khurma, Bacioui, and Pasek 2008); and (c) rather than
describing applications in real-world settings, a number of studies of lean in other sectors are restricted to computer
simulations and theoretical discussions of the potential benefits of lean (Abdulmalek and Rajgopal 2007, Melton
This article sets out an investigation of the extent to which LP is compatible with the nature of complex systems,
since some of the sectors in which it has recently been disseminated are widely regarded as primary examples of those
types of systems (Bertelsen and Koskela 2005, Hollnagel and Woods 2005, Perrow 1984). This investigation is neces-
sary because complex systems require particular styles of management (Rooke et al. 2008, Siemieniuch and Sinclair
2002), advocated by complex systems theory (CST). Also, the management of complex systems is often out of step with
their nature, since those who work in such systems have a tendency to treat working situations simplistically (Blakstad,
Hovden, and Rosness 2010). Based on the analysis of compatibility between LP and the nature of complex systems, we
identify learning opportunities for LP from CST, which is the main objective of this article.
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2. Characteristics of complex systems

There is substantial variation in the number of characteristics of complex systems presented in the literature as well as
in the terms adopted to designate each of them. Indeed, complexity is never easy to define, and the term is often used
without definition (Hollnagel and Woods 2005). In this study, the characteristics of complex systems identified by Saurin
and Sosa (in press) are adopted as a basis. Differently from other studies that take for granted a list of characteristics of
complexity from a single author (e.g. Dekker 2011 and Carayon 2006), Saurin and Sosa (in press) compared the charac-
teristics presented by 15 studies of two kinds: (a) studies that emphasise complexity in socio-technical systems, taking it
as a basis to question established management approaches (e.g. Perrow 1984); and (b) studies that emphasise complexity
from an epistemological perspective, suggesting it as an alternative to the so-called Newtonian scientific view (e.g. Cil-
liers 1998). They then grouped the existing characteristics into four categories, which are summarised in Figure 1.

3. Prescriptions based on CST

The boundaries of the system in which the prescriptions will be applied should be established beforehand (Checkland
1999). Some criteria to define the boundaries are (Hollnagel 2012, Hollnagel and Woods 2005): (a) to include, within
the boundaries, functions that matter for the analysis; a function refers to what people, individually or collectively, have
to do in order to achieve a specific aim; (b) to include functions that can be controlled and that affect performance; and
(c) functions that cannot be controlled, and that do not affect performance, should be out of the boundaries.
In fact, prescriptions based on CST are relatively uncommon (Sheard and Mostashari 2009), and those defined in
this article arise from three sources: (a) disciplines that have used insights from CST for designing socio-technical sys-
tems, such as resilience engineering and cognitive systems engineering (Hollnagel et al. 2011, Hollnagel and Woods
2005); (b) reports on practical experiences of using CST insights to support process improvement in specific sectors,
such as healthcare and construction (Sweeney 2006, Stroebel et al. 2005, Bertelsen and Koskela 2005, Kernick 2004);
and (c) theoretical discussions on the possible use of CST to enhance the dimensions of organisational design, such as
leadership (Snowden and Boone 2007). Based on these sources, a set of prescriptions was identified and then they were
grouped according to their similarity (Appendix A). The six prescriptions based on CST are as follows.

(a) Give visibility to processes and outcomes: A number of well-known mechanisms can operationalise this prescrip-
tion, such as the use of warning lights and switches that read the presence of interactions and transmit relevant informa-
tion (Hollnagel and Woods 2005, Perrow 1984). Rather than only emphasising abnormalities, visibility should also be
given to informal work practices, which over time may be regarded as part of normal work, as they often contribute to
the production of expected outcomes. This is necessary since the mechanisms that lead to successful outcomes are
usually the same as those that lead to abnormalities, and so a number of learning opportunities might be missed (Hollna-
gel et al. 2011). Techniques of task analysis, such as cognitive task analysis (Crandall, Klein, and Hoffman 2006), are
frequently adopted to give visibility to subtle informal work practices and the context that encourages them.
International Journal of Production Research 3

Categories of Key aspects of the characteristics Sources


- The system changes over time Vesterby (2008),

Snowden and
A large number - The interactions are nonlinear, which means that small changes in the cause imply Boone (2007),
of dynamically dramatic effects in the outcomes Williams (1999),
interacting Cilliers (1998),
elements - The interactions take place among tightly coupled elements (e.g., interdependence in
terms of tasks, teams, production sequence), which allow for the quick propagation of Perrow (1984)
errors and create difficulty in isolating failed elements
- The elements are differentiated according to a number of categories, such as hierarchical Dekker (2011),
levels, division of tasks, specialisations, inputs and outputs Vesterby (2008),
Wide diversity Williams (1999)
of elements - The nature of the relations among the elements exhibits variety in terms of aspects such as
degree of co-operation, degree of shared objectives and degree of information exchange
- Uncertainty, which is a result of the richness of the interactions between the elements as Snowden and
well as of the fact that elements receive information from indirect or inferential information Boone (2007),
sources, especially in highly automated systems Johnson (2007),
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Sweeney (2006),
- Complex systems are open, which means that they interact with their environment, which Hollnagel (2004),
Unanticipated is in itself a major source of variability Kurtz and
variability - Emergence is a well-known manifestation of unanticipated variability. An emergent Snowden (2003),
phenomenon arises from interactions among the elements, independently on any central Checkland
control or design (1999), Cilliers
(1998), Perrow
- It is the systems’ ability to adjust their functioning prior to, during, or following changes Hollnagel et al.
and disturbances, so that the system can sustain required operations under both expected (2011), Dekker
Resilience and unexpected conditions (2011), Johnson
(2007), Cilliers
- Performance adjustment means filling in the gaps of procedures, whatever their extent (1998)
and reason, such as under-specification for an expected situation or inapplicability for an
unexpected situation
- Performance adjustment is guided by feedback, both from recent events and from the
organisation’s earlier history. The assumption is that the past of a system is co-responsible
for its present behavior
- Self-organisation, which enables a complex system to develop or change internal structure
spontaneously and adaptively in order to cope with the environment

Figure 1. Characteristics of complex systems compiled by Saurin and Sosa (in press).

Although the literature is mostly supportive of giving visibility to processes and outcomes, Bernstein (2012) makes
a counter-point. He introduces the notion of a transparency paradox, whereby maintaining observability of workers may
reduce their performance by inducing those being observed to conceal their activities. Conversely, creating zones of
privacy may, under certain conditions, increase performance. Bernstein (2012) argues that privacy is important in
supporting productive deviance, localised experimentation, and distraction avoidance. Of course, it can be argued that
the trade-off between visibility and privacy is only a major issue if visibility is associated with poor work relations, e.g.
managers who enforce the use of ineffective procedures, and punish workers for not following them.

(b) Encourage diversity of perspectives when making decisions: This prescription takes advantage of the diversity of
agents and relations in a complex system, building on this to tackle uncertainty (Snowden and Boone 2007), and there-
fore complexity. An assumption of this prescription is that decision-making in complex situations requires teamwork
and that the team must be formed by agents holding complementary skills. The effective implementation of this pre-
scription has a number of requirements, such as high levels of trust, identification of the most apt decision-makers for
each type of decision and the reduction of power differentials (Dekker 2011, Kernick 2004). As a limitation of this pre-
scription, it has little use when decision-making happens under severe time pressure.
4 T.A. Saurin et al.

(c) Anticipate and monitor the impact of small changes: This prescription arises from the nonlinearity and high con-
nectivity among the elements of a complex system, which implies that local optimisations may have global undesired
results (Dekker 2011). The emphasis on small changes is necessary because, unlike major changes, their planning and
monitoring is easily neglected if one assumes linear relationships. If the change is small, it can be mistakenly assumed
that its impacts are predictably small and thus of little relevance (Stroebel et al. 2005). Organisations should define their
own criteria with respect to which small changes are worth being anticipated and monitored, and they should also define
what counts as a small change. Otherwise, there is a risk of information overload and waste generated by monitoring
irrelevant changes.
Some examples of practical advice to apply this prescription are: (i) to identify the starting conditions on which
changes are made (Snowden and Boone 2007, Kernick 2004), since this provides a benchmark to assess their impacts;
(ii) to take advantage of existing change management routines, e.g. when a company purchases new machinery there
can be procedures demanding the anticipation and monitoring of the impacts of this change; (iii) the prescription for
encouraging diversity of perspectives may also be useful for the anticipation and monitoring of small changes, since this
can reduce the probability of taking details for granted; and (iv) to use work permits for changing methods specified in
procedures, especially when the change has safety, quality, environmental or productivity implications, e.g. work permits
may be necessary when maintenance workers decide to use a step ladder to change bulbs, rather than a podium (Reason
and Hobbs 2003).
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(d) Design slack: This prescription is mostly intended to reduce tight couplings in order to absorb the effects of vari-
ability. As a result, it aims at softening core characteristics of complex systems. More slack means available spare
resources, of any sort, which can be called on in times of need (Fryer 2004). Slack might take on a number of forms,
such as redundant equipment, cross-trained workers, underutilised space, excess of labour and machinery, and generous
time margins for task completion. The role of slack is vital where accidents may have catastrophic outcomes and, thus,
especially in these situations, management should not be so obsessed with small efficiency gains, since this can push
the system towards a critical safety state (Dekker 2011, Smart et al. 2003). It is also worth noting that, in tightly cou-
pled systems, slack must be designed in, while in loosely coupled systems slack is intrinsic to the system’s nature
(Orton and Weick 1990, Perrow 1984).
Of course, the choice of the right type and amount of slack is constrained by the particularities of each domain. For
example, while the design of time buffers is a fairly common and effective strategy in project management (Bertelsen
and Koskela 2005), the same approach is very difficult, and often technically impossible, in some process industries
(Hollnagel and Woods 2005).
It is worth noting that this prescription may have a detrimental side-effect on two of the other CST prescriptions.
Firstly, slack can contribute to keeping problems hidden, since the effects of disruptions will not be immediately visible,
and thus there will be no pressure to control their underlying causes (Shingo 1989). Secondly, the design of slack may
disguise small changes in the system, making their anticipation and monitoring more difficult.

(e) Monitor and understand the gap between prescription and practice: The use of standardised operational
procedures is a well-known strategy for reducing complexity, to the extent that it reduces unanticipated variability.
Complex systems, such as aviation and spaceflight, have relied on the use of procedures to reduce complexity for sev-
eral decades, an approach that has recently become a focus in healthcare (Drews et al. 2012, Degani and Wiener 1994).
From the CST perspective, designers and users of procedures should bear in mind that it is impossible for them to
cover all possible situations. Thus, the need for filling in the gaps of procedures should not be surprising, but rather be
seen as an opportunity for learning (Dekker 2003). A dramatic example of the insufficiency of procedures is reported by
Paries (2011), who describes improvisations made by the US Airways crew in the successful ditching of an airplane in
the Hudson River. In fact, all previous CST prescriptions should be applied in the management of procedures, to the
extent that the design of a procedure is an opportunity to design a small part of a broad system. For example, designers
should take into account the perspectives of several stakeholders in order to design effective procedures (i.e. they should
consider the CST prescription ‘b’, mentioned earlier).
A tricky part of the CST view on procedures is that a number of authors suggest that designers should be content
with setting minimum specifications, establishing boundaries and letting the system self-regulate into a condition that
satisfies (Snowden and Boone 2007, Kernick 2004, Clegg 2000). Nevertheless, the literature on CST is silent on how to
differentiate between what should be specified and what should not.
(f) Create an environment that supports resilience: Although resilience is an inherent property of a complex system,
it can be either supported or hindered by system design. The use of the previously discussed prescriptions is a means of
creating an environment that supports resilience (Figure 2), since: (a) the visibility of processes and outcomes tends to
International Journal of Production Research 5
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Figure 2. Relationship among the prescriptions for managing complex systems.

make it easier to identify when to adjust performance; (b) the monitoring of the gap between prescription and practice
can provide measures of the amplitude and frequency of the adjustments, besides raising questions about why they hap-
pen; (c) the anticipation and monitoring of the impact of small changes helps to track how variability is propagating
throughout the system, and thus how agents are adjusting to it; (d) the encouragement of diversity of perspectives when
making decisions reduces uncertainty in terms of when and how to adjust performance; and (e) the design of slack
makes processes loosely coupled, and thus it can provide time for the exploration of innovative solutions for adjusting
performance. Of course, a number of other prescriptions can support resilience, such as the delegation of relevant
decision-making to lower hierarchical ranks and training of high-level cognitive skills, such as planning and decision-
making (Dekker 2011, Patterson and Miller 2010).

4. Prescriptions based on LP
The core principles of LP have been extensively studied, ranging from the classical studies by Japanese authors of the
TPS (Shingo 1989, Ohno 1988, Monden 1984), to those that coined the term LP and popularised lean thinking
(Womack, Jones, and Roos 1991), books by academics (Liker 2004), by former Toyota managers (Dennis 2002) and
abstractions of LP to specific industries (Koskela 2000). Regardless of the different emphasis of each study, there is a
consensus that what characterises LP is essentially a set of management principles, which cannot be easily imitated from
Toyota (Spear and Bowen 1999).
In this article, the 14 management principles of Toyota described by Liker (2004) are taken as the main reference
for the LP prescriptions for system design. This choice is due to the broad perspective taken by Liker, which emphasises
the whole business, as well as to the fact that it is a fairly recent account of TPS. The principles, which from now on
are referred to as prescriptions, are organised in four categories: (a) philosophy: base your management decisions on a
long-term philosophy, even at the expense of short-term financial goals; (b) process: create a continuous process flow to
bring problems to the surface; use pull systems to avoid overproduction; level out the workload; build a culture of
stopping to fix problems, to get quality right the first time; standardised tasks and processes are the foundation for
continuous improvement and employee empowerment; use visual control so no problems are hidden; use only reliable,
thoroughly tested technology that serves your people and process; (c) people and partners: grow leaders who
thoroughly understand the work, live the philosophy, and teach it to others; develop exceptional people and teams who
follow your company’s philosophy; respect your extended network of partners and suppliers by challenging them and
helping them to improve; and (d) problem solving: go and see for yourself to thoroughly understand the situation; make
6 T.A. Saurin et al.

decisions slowly by consensus, thoroughly considering all options; implement decisions rapidly; become a learning orga-
nisation through relentless reflection and continuous improvement.
In addition to this, it is worth considering two prescriptions of Womack and Jones (1998) that are implicit in the
work of Liker: to specify value from the standpoint of the end customer and to eliminate waste along the value stream.
It is worth stressing that the lean prescriptions do not necessarily describe observable behaviour, even at Toyota. In fact,
they should be understood as a guide or source of orientation (Spear 1999). In the following sections of this paper, more
details on each of these prescriptions will be introduced as necessary, in order to support the discussion on the compati-
bility between LP and the nature of complex systems.

5. Framework for analysing the compatibility between LP and the nature of complex systems
The LP prescriptions are regarded as compatible with complex systems if: (a) they contribute to reducing the portion of
complexity which is both detrimental to performance and is largely a result of waste (i.e. unnecessary complexity); and
(b) they are not in conflict with the CST prescriptions. In Sections 6 and 7 of this article, an analysis is made on
whether the LP prescriptions adhere to these two criteria, considering their potential impacts on each of the characteris-
tics of complex systems presented in Section 2.
Of course, a drawback of these criteria is that it is not possible to strictly separate which characteristics of complex-
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ity, and to which extent, are necessary and desirable and which are not. Nevertheless, all socio-technical systems have a
portion of unnecessary complexity, or waste (Pennanen and Koskela 2005). In fact, complexity is inherent in some
forms of production simply because we do not know how to produce the output through linear systems, rather than
because complexity is intrinsically good (Perrow 1984). In other words, Perrow’s insight is that a portion of complexity
can be regarded as waste, although usually in hindsight, once the system design is improved.

6. The potential impacts of LP prescriptions on complex systems

6.1 A large number of dynamically interacting elements
Initially, it is worth recognising that the number of elements in a complex system is dependent on a myriad of factors,
which are independent of whether it is designed based on LP or CST prescriptions. For example, the size of the facility,
the number of employees and the type of equipment may be the result of technological constraints, customer demand
and regulations, among other factors.
Nevertheless, the use of LP is likely to reduce the number of elements (a well-known adage of LP is to make more
with less), once many of them do not add value (Marley and Ward in press). As an example of this type of impact,
Joosten, Bongers, and Janssen (2009) report operational benefits in hospitals using lean, such as reduced inventories and
reduced queues of patients waiting for a doctor. LP can also reduce the number of interactions without reducing the
number of elements, such as by producing product families in dedicated manufacturing lines or cells, rather than pro-
ducing a myriad of different families altogether in a functional department (Hyer and Wemmerlov 2002). Overall, it
could be argued that by eliminating unnecessary elements and interactions, LP contributes to eliminate unnecessary
A potential conflict may arise between the CST and LP prescriptions concerning their views on slack, since the for-
mer advises the preservation of slack and the latter encourages its gradual reduction, as a result of the elimination of the
waste that requires its existence. However, this conflict may not necessarily exist, since the reduction of slack promoted
by LP often implies a re-allocation of resources, rather than an absolute reduction. Joosten, Bongers, and Janssen (2009)
report an example of this re-allocation in a hospital, in which standardisation meant that a smaller number of physicians
was required to carry out routine tasks (i.e. it reduced the number of elements in that sub-system), freeing up the surplus
physicians to provide care to patients with more complicated conditions (i.e. increasing the number of elements in
another part of the system).

6.2 Wide diversity of elements

LP stresses the standardisation of working methods and quality specifications of a product or service, which can be
interpreted as the elimination of unnecessary diversity that causes waste. Although it can be difficult to separate neces-
sary diversity from unnecessary diversity, there are reports that the use of LP in hospitals has preserved natural diversity
of methods, which is needed to deal with differences between patients and their needs and deliver patient-centred care,
e.g. surgical procedures are never performed in exactly the same way, and this is not a drawback (Joosten, Bongers, and
International Journal of Production Research 7

Janssen 2009). It is also worth noting that LP encourages diversity that tackles waste, such as the use of multifunctional
labour to deal with variations in demand.

6.3 Unanticipated variability

LP supports the reduction of unanticipated variability and the design of means to deal with it. A number of lean pre-
scriptions are concerned with the reduction of variability, such as the use of reliable and tested technology, continuous
improvement and the encouragement to go and see for yourself, rather than relying on indirect sources of information.
The culture of stopping to fix problems can be cited as an example of a lean prescription to give visibility to unantici-
pated variability and to deal with it on the spot. Of course, since the underlying causes of stoppages have been investi-
gated and tackled, this prescription can also contribute to reducing unanticipated variability.
Nevertheless, it is worth noting the ambiguous impact of the LP prescription to create continuous flow. When it is
applied to a linear system, this prescription tends to reduce unanticipated variability, since designers can be quite certain
on the effects of disturbances. By contrast, continuous flow in a complex system creates more opportunities for unantici-
pated variability, due to the tighter couplings among the elements. For example, an insufficient number of staff in an air
traffic control system (i.e. lack of slack, which is a possible result of continuous flow) can encourage controllers to sim-
plify communications with pilots in order to maintain an acceptable workload. However, a number of safety hazards can
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result from not using standard phraseology.

Also, special attention should be paid to the LP prescription of standardisation. On the one hand, standardisation
supports the identification of unanticipated variability, which by definition encompasses situations not anticipated by
procedures. Standardisation can also provide guidance on which actions workers should adopt when they are confronted
with unanticipated variability (e.g. stop the line). On the other hand, the main emphasis of standardisation is usually the
reduction of unanticipated variability, although a number of tasks have a portion of human performance variability that
cannot be eliminated and another part that should not be. The portion that cannot be eliminated arises from the
unpredictability of the environment, such as in the emergency department of a hospital (e.g. a patient may have a health
condition that arises from a unique combination of illnesses) or in a construction site (e.g. unpredictable changes in the
weather play an important role in determining which tasks can be done and how). The portion that should not be
eliminated corresponds to the creative solutions found by those who respond to the unpredictability. Such solutions often
ought to be improvised, because the system cannot afford formal data analysis and planning.

6.4 Resilience
Concerning how the LP prescriptions support resilience, the following insights may be stressed.

(a) Considered altogether, the LP prescriptions support resilience to the extent that they provide a shared vision of what
the expected performance should look like. Thus, although each agent adjusts its performance mostly based on the infor-
mation available locally, they all share deeper assumptions (Liker and Meier 2006, Spear 1999). This makes it easier
that individual adjustments are consistent with each other.

(b) LP supports resilience by increasing the company’s responsiveness to variability arising from the external environ-
ment. For example, a lean way to deal with variations in customer demand is the use of multifunctional employees.
Another example of a lean way to be responsive to external variability is the design of adequate stocks, in terms of
mix, size and position in the value stream (Smalley 2004).

(c) A number of lean practices are strongly connected with resilience, such as: (i) pull production, since a process only
undertakes a value-adding activity when there is demand from another process, i.e. each system element adjusts its per-
formance to that of the other elements; and (ii) visual management, since availability of information through visual con-
trols makes it easier to know when and how to adjust performance. Middelton and Joyce (2012) report a case of using
pull production and visual management in the software development process, demonstrating how these practices facili-
tated teams’ self-organisation, which is an aspect of resilience.

(d) In a lean system, employees are challenged to pursue continuous improvement according to the plan-do-check-act
logic, which means that they should take a critical view on the procedures (Rother 2010, Liker 2004). In turn, critical
8 T.A. Saurin et al.

thinking skills encourage insightful analysis of available information, thus supporting performance adjustment (Klein
Nevertheless, it is worth noting that the LP literature does not stress the development of skills to deal with the unex-
pected (a key issue in complex systems), even though it is not contrary to this. This approach makes sense in a lean
manufacturing plant, in which adding-value work is usually as repetitive and monotonous as in a Taylorist environment
(Pil and Fujimoto 2007, Berggren 1992). However, in some domains the unexpected strikes more frequently and with
more serious effects than in a manufacturing plant shop-floor, and it usually brings together safety hazards, ambiguity
and severe time pressure. When LP is implemented in these environments, designers of training programmes should
seek advice from other disciplines that have dedicated theories and practices to develop a resilient workforce (Patterson
and Miller 2010, Flin, O´Connor, and Crichton 2008).

7. Discussions and conclusions

7.1 Is lean production compatible with the nature of complex systems?
The analysis of the compatibility between LP and the nature of complex systems is summarised in Figure 3. The LP
prescriptions included in Figure 3 are those that were explicitly mentioned in Section 6. The assumption is that the pre-
scriptions that were not mentioned in the previous section do not compromise the compatibility.
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Is unnecessary complexity tackled by the Is the prescription in conflict with

LP prescriptions
prescription? prescriptions from CST?
Eliminate waste Yes No
Create continuous flow Yes, since continuous flow requires that No, provided that necessary slack due to safety
waste is tackled reasons is not removed to create flow
Standardise tasks and Yes, since standardisation eliminates No, but LP should learn from CST that
processes unnecessary diversity of elements prescriptive procedures on how to do a task are
insufficient in a complex system
Use visual controls Yes, since visual controls make the system No, but LP should learn from CST that
less complex from the perspective of the visibility should also be given to informal
observer work practices, rather than only to
Use only reliable and tested Yes, since reliable and tested technology No
technology reduces uncertainty and unanticipated
Go and see for yourself to Yes, since going and seeing for yourself No. In fact, this prescription encourages paying
thoroughly understand the reduces relative complexity attention to details, which is in line with the
situation CST prescription that recommends anticipating
and monitoring the impacts of small changes
Stop production to fix Yes, to the extent that this prescription No. In fact, this prescription is aligned with the
problems, to get quality right encourages the reduction of waste CST prescription of giving visibility to
the first time processes and outcomes. Also, stopping
production to correct problems is a form of
performance adjustment, which requires
resilience skills
Pull production to avoid Yes, pull production strongly relies on visual No. In fact, pull production is a means of
overproduction management, thus making it easier to designing resilience into a system, which is
identify which items should be produced, desirable from the CST view
how much and when
Make decisions slowly by Yes, since uncertainty and unanticipated No. In fact, this prescription is fully aligned
consensus variability are likely to be reduced with the CST prescription of encouraging
multiple perspectives when making decisions
Develop exceptional people Yes, the more qualified an individual or No. In fact, this prescription is fully aligned
and teams who follow your team, the more visible the complexity is with the CST prescription of developing
company’s philosophy likely to seem to them resilience skills. Moreover, CST provides a
vision of what exceptional people and teams
should look like in a complex system (i.e.

Figure 3. Summary of the assessment of compatibility between LP and the nature of complex systems.
International Journal of Production Research 9

The overall conclusion that can be drawn from Figure 3 is that LP is compatible with the nature of complex
systems. In fact, LP contributes to tackling both relative and objective unnecessary complexity. Concerning relative
complexity, it can be reduced through mechanisms such as the use of visual controls. Indeed, the real elements of a sys-
tem can remain unchanged when there is visual management, but it becomes easier to make sense of them. Concerning
objective complexity, the most obvious example of reduction through LP consists of reducing the number of elements
in the system.

7.2 What LP can learn from CST?

Based on the discussion presented in previous sections, five examples illustrate how LP can learn from CST.

(a) Giving visibility to informal work practices subtly incorporated into everyday work, rather than only to abnormali-
ties. In this respect, it is necessary to distinguish between the CST and LP views on abnormalities. From the LP view,
an abnormality is the same as waste, and its identification is expected to be a clear-cut process, involving little or no
ambiguity (Spear and Bowen 1999). From the CST view, abnormalities only exist in hindsight, being regarded as such
only after an unexpected outcome (Hollnagel 2012, Dekker 2011).

(b) Emphasising the development of workers’ resilience skills, which help to fill in the gaps of procedures. These skills
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have usually been identified from knowledge elicitation from domain experts (Crandall, Klein, and Hoffman 2006). In
complex systems such as aviation and healthcare, the development of resilience skills has been operationalised through
scenario-based training (SBT), which encourages problem-solving in realistic and complex scenarios, including perfor-
mance measurement and feedback (Salas, Guthrie, and Burke 2007). The use of serious games, which is a widespread
strategy for teaching LP and operations management concepts in general, can be a means of operationalising SBT for
developing workers’ resilience skills. However, games for teaching LP usually have a lack of stress on soft skills as well
as a lack of realism (Badurdeen et al. 2010). These are major drawbacks from the CST view, since: in comparison with
technical skills, soft skills (e.g. interpersonal and social) perform a greater role in dealing with unanticipated variability,
as they are relatively less domain-specific, and are thus more generalisable (Saurin, Wachs, and Henriqson 2013); train-
ees are unlikely to practice the management of relevant unanticipated variability if the training scenario is unrealistic. In
fact, the way SBT is conducted from the CST view can be insightful for serious games aimed at teaching LP. For exam-
ple, SBT from the CST view encourages trainees to identify the work constraints (i.e. possible wastes) that create the
need for resilience skills. It also encourages trainees to identify work system design improvements that could either
facilitate or minimise the need for resilience skills (Saurin, Wachs, and Henriqson 2013).

(c) Stressing the importance of slack for safety reasons. Regardless of the benefits of lean practices for occupational
health and safety (Hafey 2009), LP does not have any formalised view on system accidents, i.e. events involving the
unanticipated interaction of multiple failures (Perrow 1984). Assuming that preventing occupational accidents implies
preventing system accidents is a well-known mistake (Baker 2007). Moreover, there are claims that the LP approach to
safety is strongly based on the assumptions of behaviour-based safety (Wokutch and Vansandt 2000), which has been
heavily criticised for its ineffectiveness in dealing with the complexity of system accidents (Hollnagel et al. 2011). Thus,
LP implementation in complex systems should provide slack for preventing both occupational and system accidents.

(d) Anticipating the side-effects of introducing slack, such as the creation of new possibilities for undesired interactions.
For example, the use of multifunctional workers (i.e. a form of slack) can increase the possibility of some forms of
human error, since people are more prone to perform non-routine tasks. This side-effect is more likely if multifunction-
ality increases work intensity too much. Similarly, reduction of setup times (i.e. a form of slack of capacity) may simply
be an encouragement for overproduction, rather than for producing smaller batches. This side-effect is more likely if
workers receive financial incentives to improve the efficiency of the machines under their control (Maskell and Baggaley

(e) Broadening the perspectives on the types of procedures that can be used to control a system. This is necessary
because the guidance provided by LP on the design of procedures is mostly focused on the work of front-line
workers doing repetitive tasks (see, for example, Rother and Harris 2001). Thus, designers of procedures in
complex systems using LP may be tempted to take this guidance for granted. Indeed, typical lean procedures are
supposed to include specifications on the content, time, sequence and outcomes of each task (Spear and Bowen
10 T.A. Saurin et al.

1999, Monden 1984). However, a number of other types of information could be included in a procedure, such as
triggers to identify when to engage an adaptation, how long an adaptation should persist, and when to disengage
the adaptation (Feigh et al. 2012). Moreover, for tasks highly unstructured and subject to much variability, goal-ori-
ented procedures could be sufficient, without any specification of the means. Blakstad (2006) presents an example
of what this kind of goal-oriented procedure looks like. It concerns the provision of resources for maintaining skill
levels in the workforce of the Norwegian railways: “the one who runs railway activities has to decide scope and
frequency for repetition of education for those tasks mentioned in … to ensure that built up knowledge, built-up
skills and attitudes are maintained”. The use of random storage, a warehouse management practice, is another
example of how procedures can, at the same time, ensure flexibility and rely on decisions made by workers on the
spot. While this type of storage is guided by some general rules (e.g. staff uses hand-held scanners to tell the com-
puter where goods are located), workers may store most goods on any free shelf, saving space and planning effort
(Tompkins et al. 1996).
As a drawback, it is difficult to implement the necessary conditions for goal-oriented procedures to be successful
(e.g. a resilient workforce is necessary). If these conditions are not in place, workers are likely to feel uncomfortable
with the absence of detailed procedural guidance (Blakstad, Hovden, and Rosness 2010, Fryer 2004). Moreover, goal-
oriented procedures can become as irrelevant as prescriptive ones in a highly unstable system, since operators may have
to trade-off goals under time pressure.
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Also, CST may support the control of factors that have been identified as contributors to failed LP implementations,
such as the following.

(a) Lack of managers’ ability, experience and knowledge to conduct the LP implementation process (Bhasin 2012, Pan-
izzolo et al. 2012). As discussed above, CST supports the identification of the limits of LP, and thus it helps managers
to identify when and how lean practices should be adapted.

(b) Lack of workers’ autonomy to make changes (Bhasin 2012, Scherrer-Rathje, Boyle, and Deflorin 2009). The recog-
nition of the limits of centralised control is at the heart of complexity thinking, thus granting autonomy and authority to
front-line workers is seen as consistent with the system’s nature. For instance, in a surgery team designed in accordance
with CST, any member of staff, regardless of rank, is trained and encouraged to speak up if he/she detects errors com-
mitted by someone else (Brown 2008). This is also an established best practice in aviation cockpits, in which the first
officer must supervise the work of the captain, and vice versa (Henriqson et al. 2011).

(c) Lack of anticipation of the systemic impacts of LP throughout all areas of the organisation (e.g. human resources,
purchasing, etc.), well beyond the shop floor (Hodge et al. 2011). Indeed, the emphasis on managing interactions,
managing trade-offs, and anticipating side-effects, is a value of CST. Therefore, a LP implementation process that con-
siders CST prescriptions should be naturally concerned with managing wider impacts of individual lean practices and
principles. These impacts simply cannot be ignored if the system is managed as a complex one.
From a broader perspective, the LP learning opportunities presented in this section indicate that LP implemen-
tations should seek theoretical and practical advice from other disciplines, an endeavour that is not encouraged by
the mainly practitioner-oriented literature. In fact, most, if not all, LP prescriptions can be associated with a spe-
cific discipline (e.g. decision-making and training), which implies that it can be studied and implemented from
many perspectives. LP prescriptions are underspecified to different degrees, and so they have theoretical and practi-
cal gaps that can be filled with support from other disciplines, as illustrated by the examples on standardisation
and training.

7.3 Limitations of this study

First of all, a limitation of this study is that it relies on a literature review, and no field study was undertaken to assess
the compatibility in a real setting. Also, if the application of the framework is envisioned for a field study, it should be
supplemented by other methods. For example, it may be necessary to characterise the complexity of the system under
analysis, so some guidance should be provided on which data is necessary for such characterisation. Likewise, an
assessment of the leanness of the system would also be necessary, which in this case could take advantage of a number
of existing methods for this purpose. Last, but not least, it should be stressed again that the proposed framework is
underspecified in terms of separating necessary from unnecessary complexity, which indeed would be helpful to identify
whether or not LP is tackling the type of complexity it should tackle.
International Journal of Production Research 11

7.4 Opportunities for future studies

A research agenda may be proposed based on the limitations and insights identified in this article: (a) to use the analysis
framework adopted in this article to undertake a deeper analysis of the extent to which specific lean practices are tai-
lored to the nature of complexity; (b) to develop methods for managing complex systems that integrate the lean and
CST prescriptions, building on their complementarities; (c) to analyse LP from the perspective of other theories on sys-
tems functioning (e.g. system dynamics, systems engineering and soft systems methodology), since this can support the
understanding of the relationships among the lean practices and principles; and (d) to compare the CST and LP perspec-
tives on how to describe a system, which is a requirement to design it. As an example of the importance of this line of
inquiry, while a value stream map is a lean way to describe a system, it is mostly a description from a technical per-
spective, neglecting social dimensions such as culture and relationships.


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14 T.A. Saurin et al.

Appendix A: Prescriptions based on complex systems theory

Prescription/sources 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Design slack
Provide sufficient time for the agents to do their work X
A system needs built-in redundancy X
Too much focus on short-term gains can remove adaptive X X
Make small experiments with unruly technology X
Design in layers that isolate elements with different rates of X
change from each other
Keep multiple options viable; provide clear alternatives for X X

Give visibility to processes and outcomes

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Make complexity visible, so the agents can learn X X

Systems should make problems visible X
Provide good predictions or support anticipation X

Create an environment that supports resilience

Learning must be based on everyday work, rather than only on X
Inspections of parts should pursue interconnections with X
surrounding parts, even those that are external to the sub-
Increase the variety of the controller X X X
Operator knowledge may reduce unexpected interactions X
Give feedback to support performance adjustment X X
Support people’s skills at judging when and how to adapt X X X
Study what people actually do and then consider whether it is X
possible to support that through design
Allow components to be used for uses that were not X
envisioned when they were created
Vision, mission and shared values guide the change process X
Creating time and space for reflection is necessary to adapt to X
Change requires leadership actively involved in the change X
process, ensuring participation from all members
Be attentive to the front-line, where the real work gets done X
Reallocate slack to create resilience X
Differentiate between normal times, high-tempo times, and X
emergencies. Decision-making should be different in each

Encourage diversity of perspectives when making decisions

Encourage diversity of opinions and perspectives, making sure X X X X X X
that there is a consideration of the weighting of their voices
Connect people and groups as much as possible X X
Find the right experts to participate in decision-making X

International Journal of Production Research 15

Appendix A. (Continued).
Prescription/sources 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Anticipate and monitor the impacts of small changes

Local optimisation may become a global disaster X X
Manage starting conditions and monitor for emergence X X
Do not neglect weak signals X
Forget the last bit of optimisation and freeze specifications of X
second-priority components early

Monitor and understand the gap between prescription and

Set minimum specifications and let the system self-regulate X X X
There are limits to the ability to design and plan; recognise the X X X
role of self-organisation
Procedures are resources for action, and good performance X
results from people being skillful at judging when and how
Downloaded by [University of Florida] at 07:04 19 June 2013

to adapt
Monitor and understand the reasons behind the gap between X X
procedures and practice
(1) Perrow (1984); (2) Clegg (2000); (3) Stacey, Griffin, and Shaw (2000); (4) Weick and Sutcliffe (2001); (5) Dekker (2003); (6) Smart et al. (2003);
(7) Kernick (2006); (8) Sweeney (2006); (9) Hollnagel and Woods (2005); (10) Stroebel et al. (2005); (11) Snowden and Boone (2007); (12) Sheard
and Mostashari (2009); (13) Dekker (2011); (14) Hollnagel et al. (2011)

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