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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Review Article

Allan H. Ropper, M.D., Editor

Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage

Kevin N. Sheth, M.D.​​

pontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage accounts for approxi- From the Division of Neurocritical Care
mately 10 to 15% of all strokes.1 Other disorders that result in bleeding within and Emergency Neurology, Departments
of Neurology and Neurosurgery, and the
the cranium, such as traumatic hemorrhage, rupture of cerebral aneurysms or Yale Center for Brain and Mind Health,
malformations, and hemorrhagic transformation of ischemic stroke, are not discussed Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT.
in this review except as they relate to the differential diagnosis. Dr. Sheth can be contacted at k­evin​
.­sheth@​­yale​.­edu or at 15 York St., LLCI
Room 1003C, P.O. Box 208018, New Ha-
ven, CT 06510.
Cl inic a l Pr e sen tat ion a nd E a r ly A sse ssmen t
N Engl J Med 2022;387:1589-96.
Patients with intracerebral hemorrhage present with focal neurologic signs that are DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra2201449
abrupt in onset but not instantaneous, as occurs with embolic ischemic stroke. The Copyright © 2022 Massachusetts Medical Society.

evolution is typically over minutes. Further differentiating hemorrhagic from ischemic

stroke are headache, nausea or vomiting, and, in many cases, a depressed level of CME
consciousness. The distinction between hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke is defini- at
tively made by imaging, as discussed below. A reduced level of consciousness usually
indicates compression of the arousal nuclei and pathways of the upper brain stem;
alternatively, intraventricular hemorrhage with hydrocephalus can cause stupor.
Hemorrhage in the basal ganglia causes contralateral hemiplegia and a gaze pref-
erence to the side of the bleeding owing to transection of the adjacent internal
capsule. Thalamic hemorrhage causes hemiplegia for the same reason, along with
peculiar eye signs, including downward and inward deviation, miotic pupils, and
occasionally “wrong-way eyes,” in which the gaze preference is toward the side of
the lesion; in awake patients, hemisensory loss may be detected. Focal neurologic
deficits with intracerebral hemorrhage in the cerebral hemispheres (lobar hemor-
rhage) correspond to the location of the hemorrhage and its transection of white-
matter tracts; these deficits include hemiparesis, hemisensory loss, and gaze prefer-
ence and may simulate ischemic stroke. Hemorrhage in the brain stem is usually
located in the pons and causes an impaired level of consciousness, cranial nerve
palsies, pinpoint (but reactive) pupils, absent or impaired horizontal gaze, ocular
bobbing (a sign in which the eyes rapidly and conjugately deviate downward and
then slowly upward to midposition), and facial weakness. Dysarthria may be present
in awake patients, but disruption of the reticular activating system in the midbrain
and upper pons leads to coma, obviating detection of this sign. Cerebellar intrace-
rebral hemorrhage usually originates in the region of a dentate nucleus deep within
the cerebellar hemisphere. Symptoms include vertigo, vomiting, and limb ataxia
(dysmetria and particularly gait ataxia), which may be the sole sign and is missed
unless the patient is taken off the bed or stretcher and asked to walk. Obstruction of
the fourth ventricle by blood that leaks from the brain stem during cerebellar bleed-
ing may lead to hydrocephalus and stupor or coma.

Epidemiol o gy a nd R isk Fac t or s

Over the past two decades, the annual incidence of intracerebral hemorrhage in the
United States has doubled to approximately 80,000 per year, and death from intra-

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cerebral hemorrhage has been estimated to occur Pathoph ysiol o gy a nd L o c at ion

in 30 to 40% of cases.2 Because most patients of In t r acer ebr a l Hemor r h age
who survive intracerebral hemorrhage have dis-
abilities and are at risk for recurrent stroke, cog- Typical spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage
nitive decline, and systemic vascular disorders, this occurs in deep brain structures as a consequence
disorder takes on particular importance among of damage to the walls of small cerebral blood
neurologic conditions. vessels that traverse these regions. These small
The main inciting causes of intracerebral hem- arteries and arterioles are in most cases branch-
orrhage in adults are hypertension, cerebral amy- es of large vessels of the circle of Willis that sup-
loid angiopathy, and anticoagulation. Older age ply the basal ganglia, thalamus, pons, and deep
is associated with an increased frequency of in- portions of the cerebellum. Hypertensive cerebral
tracerebral hemorrhage, owing in part to the as- vasculopathy and cerebral amyloid angiopathy
sociation of advanced age with cerebral amyloid preferentially affect vessels of this size.
angiopathy and with conditions such as atrial Intracerebral bleeding has long been attributed
fibrillation that result in exposure to anticoagu- to rupture of microaneuysms on small, deep ves-
lation therapy. Over the past several decades, the sels. Findings in pathological specimens have sug-
use of direct oral anticoagulants has reduced, but gested that the pathophysiological mechanism by
not eliminated, the risk of intracerebral hemor- which hypertension causes putaminal and tha-
rhage as compared with the use of vitamin K in- lamic hemorrhage is what C.M. Fisher termed
hibitors. Improved population-level blood-pressure “lipohyalinotic change,” a combination of hyalin-
control has also reduced the incidence of intra- ization and lipid deposition in the vessel wall. His
cerebral hemorrhage. determination that these are sites of vessel rupture
A meta-analysis of studies that had been per- and not microaneurysms that also result from
formed in 21 countries between 1983 and 2006 chronic hypertension was only apparent after
showed an overall incidence of intracerebral painstaking examination of hundreds of micro-
hemorrhage of 24.6 per 100,000 person-years.3 scopic serial sections.9 Investigations in the early
The risk estimates increased with age and were parts of the last century implicated these aneu-
approximately twice as high in Asian populations rysms (Charcot–Bouchard aneurysms) as the cause
as in White populations.3 In the United States, the of bleeding.
risk of intracerebral hemorrhage is approximately Lobar intracerebral hemorrhage, in which the
1.6 times as high among Black persons and His- hematoma is located in the white matter of the
panic persons as among White persons.4 frontal, parietal, temporal, or occipital lobe, is
Hypertension was the strongest attributable more common in recent series than deep intra-
risk factor for intracerebral hemorrhage in most cerebral hemorrhage. Chronic hypertension is also
populations that have been studied,5 and subgroup a risk factor for lobar hemorrhage, albeit to a
analyses from randomized trials of therapies to lesser degree than for deep hemorrhage; antico-
control blood pressure have shown that lowering agulation and rupture of arteriovenous malfor-
blood pressure decreases the incidence of intra- mations account for a larger proportion of lobar
cerebral hemorrhage. The Perindopril Protection hemorrhages than of basal ganglia hemorrhages.10
against Recurrent Stroke Study (PROGRESS) and Cerebral amyloid angiopathy is predominantly as-
Secondary Prevention of Small Subcortical Strokes sociated with lobar intracerebral hemorrhage or
(SPS3) trial6,7 showed a lower incidence of intrace- hemorrhage into the cerebellum and is a result
rebral hemorrhage among patients who had a of β-amyloid deposition in arterioles and capil-
low blood-pressure target for the reduction of laries emanating from the leptomeninges and
overall cardiovascular risk than among patients cortical vessels.11,12 In patients who have received
whose blood-pressure target was higher; how- anticoagulant therapy, especially in those with
ever, the absolute numbers of patients with intra- lobar intracerebral hemorrhage attributable to
cerebral hemorrhage were small in these trials. In cerebral amyloid angiopathy, the safety of con-
addition, mendelian randomization studies have tinued anticoagulation is unclear. With regard to
shown a link between polygenic risk scores for both lobar and nonlobar intracerebral hemor-
hypertension and the risk of intracerebral hem- rhage, ongoing clinical trials (Anticoagulation in
orrhage.8 ICH Survivors for Stroke Prevention and Recovery

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Spontaneous Intr acerebr al Hemorrhage

[ASPIRE; number, NCT03907046] Im aging

and Edoxaban for Intracranial Hemorrhage
Survivors with Atrial Fibrillation [ENRICH-AF; CT and MRI are sensitive and specific for the di-
NCT03950076]) will evaluate whether the use of agnosis of acute intracerebral hemorrhage, and
new oral coagulants will result in fewer recur- they establish the location and volume of the clot
rent strokes and with low rates of cerebral hem- (Fig. 1).21 As part of the initial imaging evalua-
orrhage as compared with aspirin in the first tion, a CT angiogram may detect an aneurysm or
trial and no treatment in the second trial in pa- vascular malformation that underlies intracere-
tients with atrial fibrillation who have had previ- bral hemorrhage, information that can facilitate
ous cerebral hemorrhages. the management of treatment; however, these
An age older than 60 years and the presence findings are not common if the clot is contained
of apolipoprotein (Apo) E2 and ApoE4 are asso- entirely within the brain substance. The guide-
ciated with β-amyloid vascular deposition. The lines of the American Heart Association regard-
ApoE2 and ApoE4 alleles confer a risk for intra- ing intracerebral hemorrhage suggest that CT
cerebral hemorrhage that is three to five times angiography be performed in patients who are
that in persons with the more common ApoE3 younger than 70 years of age and have lobar intra-
genotype.13,14 In cases of cerebral hemorrhage from cerebral hemorrhage, in those who are younger
amyloid angiopathy, magnetic resonance imaging than 45 years of age and have deep or posterior
(MRI) of the brain often reveals multiple (some- fossa intracerebral hemorrhage, and in those who
times hundreds of) tiny asymptomatic hemor- are 45 to 70 years of age and have no history of
rhages of different ages, dilated perivascular spac- hypertension.22
es, and superficial siderosis of the cortex owing to
deposition of blood breakdown products from A sse ssmen t Sc a l e s
previous episodes of bleeding.15
In patients with intracerebral hemorrhage, the The American Heart Association recommends
volume of the clot at the time of hospital admis- early assessment of the severity of intracerebral
sion is a predictor of the functional outcome at hemorrhage with the use of one of several vali-
3 months.16 An increase in volume between the dated scales.22 One scale that is commonly used,
first computed tomography (CT) of the brain the Intracerebral Hemorrhage (ICH) score, incor-
after presentation and a second CT (usually per- porates the Glasgow Coma Scale score, the pa-
formed within 6 to 24 hours after the first CT) tient’s age, the presence of infratentorial hemor-
occurs in about 25% of spontaneous cases and rhage or intraventricular hemorrhage, and clot
in 30 to 40% of anticoagulation-associated cases volume.23 The initial ICH score estimates the risk
and is likewise predictive of outcome, as dis- of early death and death at 12 months as well as
cussed below. Hematoma expansion that causes functional outcome,24 but the primary purpose of
worsening of clinical signs is particularly associ- the tool is for quality improvement and for use
ated with poor functional outcome at 3 months.17 by providers in discussions regarding clinical
Secondary brain injury begins immediately severity.
after the primary mechanical injury to brain tis-
sue caused by the clot and by perihematomal T r e atmen t of E a r ly
edema18 that is visible on imaging within hours De ter ior at ion a f ter
after the intracerebral hemorrhage. Perihematomal In t r acer ebr a l Hemor r h age
edema formation contributes to early neurologic
deterioration beyond that caused by the mass of The focus for treatment of patients after an intra-
the clot, and these changes can evolve for days. cerebral hemorrhage is the prevention of secondary
The volume of perihematomal edema varies, but brain damage. The elements of secondary damage
the ultimate edema volume may be as large as the that have attracted the most attention and that
initial hematoma. Every additional milliliter of are amenable to treatment are clot enlargement,
edema volume can as much as double the odds secondary brain edema, and intraventricular hem-
of a poor functional outcome.19,20 orrhage.

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Figure 1. Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage.

Shown are intracerebral hemorrhages as seen on noncontrast computed tomography (Panels A through J) and on magnetic resonance
imaging (Panel K). Lobar intracerebral hemorrhage (Panels A and B) and putaminal intracerebral hemorrhage (Panels C and D) are
shown with a rim of perihematomal edema surrounding the intracerebral hemorrhage (outlined by dotted lines in Panels B and D). Oth-
er panels depict a pontine intracerebral hemorrhage in the middle portion of the brain stem (Panel E); basal ganglia intracerebral hem-
orrhage (Panel F); intracerebral hemorrhage in the left cerebellum (Panel G); frontal intracerebral hemorrhage with extension into the
ventricles (compartments that contain cerebrospinal fluid), often referred to as an intraventricular hemorrhage (Panel H); an initial in-
tracerebral hemorrhage that originated in the basal ganglia but underwent considerable expansion of the hematoma in the first hours
after presentation (Panels I and J); and an intracerebral hemorrhage in the right thalamus (Panel K), with cerebral microbleeds in the
juxtacortical or lobar locations that are often seen on susceptibility or gradient-echo sequences and that are typical of cerebrovascular

Hematoma Expansion been tested to limit ongoing bleeding. In the Fac-

Expansion of a hematoma causes tissue destruc- tor Seven for Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke (FAST)
tion beyond that caused by the initial clot. This trial,25 patients were randomly assigned to receive
type of damage, which is not always present, is one of two dose levels of recombinant factor VIIa
apparent on serial imaging as mentioned, and or placebo within 4 hours after the onset of
typically occurs in the first 6 hours after the onset symptoms of intracerebral hemorrhage. The in-
of symptoms. Several hemostatic treatments have crease in clot size at 24 hours was 15 percentage

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Spontaneous Intr acerebr al Hemorrhage

points less in the group that received the highest cal outcomes in patients with intracerebral hem-
dose of factor VIIa; however, there was no differ- orrhage. In the Antihypertensive Treatment of
ence between the patient groups in the incidence Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage II (ATACH-2) trial,
of severe disability or death. The recently initiated 1000 patients with supratentorial intracerebral
FASTEST trial (NCT03496883) is testing treatment hemorrhage were randomly assigned to receive
with factor VIIa to limit the expansion of a hema- parenteral nicardipine to maintain a target range
toma when administered within 2 hours after the for systolic blood pressure of 110 to 139 mm Hg
onset of symptoms. (intensive treatment) or to a target range of 140
Patients with intracerebral hemorrhage that to 180 mm Hg (standard treatment) for 24 hours.29
is associated with anticoagulant use are at a risk Clinical outcomes were similar in the two
for hemorrhage expansion, neurologic deteriora- groups at 90 days. In the Intensive Blood Pres-
tion, and poor outcome that is three to six times sure Reduction in Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage
as high as that in patients with intracerebral hem- Trial 2 (INTERACT2),30 2783 patients were ran-
orrhage in the absence of anticoagulation.26 In a domly assigned to the same blood-pressure target
trial of patients with intracerebral hemorrhage ranges as were those patients in the ATACH-2
who had received vitamin K antagonists and who trial, but INTERACT2 investigators extended the
had an international normalized ratio (INR) that intervention for 7 days and left the selection of
was greater than 1.9, four-factor prothrombin antihypertensive medication to the treating cli-
complex concentrate was found to be superior to nicians. The INTERACT2 trial findings were
fresh frozen plasma for normalizing the INR and neutral with regard to the primary end point of
reducing the incidence of hematoma expansion.27 death or severe disability at 90 days. Some pa-
Guidelines recommend intravenous vitamin K and tients in the intensive-treatment group in the
prothrombin complex concentrate over fresh fro- ATACH-2 trial had acute kidney injury. After these
zen plasma if the INR is elevated owing to the use trials, uncertainty remained about the ideal blood-
of vitamin K antagonists.22 The reversal agents pressure target, choice of medication and mode
idarucizumab and andexanet alfa are available of administration, and duration of treatment.
for use in the treatment of patients with intrace- However, it may be reasonable to aim for an inten-
rebral hemorrhage that is associated with direct sive strategy of lowering the patient’s systolic
oral anticoagulants in the form of direct throm- blood pressure to 130 to 150 mm Hg, particu-
bin and factor Xa inhibitors; however, clinical larly if the systolic blood pressure exceeds 220
trials are needed to determine their effect, and mm Hg within 2 hours after intracerebral hem-
it has been suggested that prothrombin complex orrhage. Close monitoring of kidney function
concentrate can be substituted if reversal agents and volume status is advised.
are not available.22
To inform the treatment of patients with intra- Intraventricular Hemorrhage
cerebral hemorrhage associated with antiplatelet Intraventricular hemorrhage occurs in 30 to 50%
agents, patients in the Platelet Transfusion ver- of patients with intracerebral hemorrhage, and
sus Standard Care after Acute Stroke due to Spon- the resultant hydrocephalus owing to the added
taneous Cerebral Haemorrhage Associated with volume to the ventricular space, obstruction of
Antiplatelet Therapy (PATCH) trial were randomly cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow, and inflammation-
assigned to a group that received platelet trans- stimulated secretion of CSF leads to a decreased
fusions or to a control group.28 The group that level of arousal and poor outcome.31 Hydrocepha-
received transfusions had twice the mortality and lus that results in decreased wakefulness usually
higher rates of disability than those in the group is treated by the placement of an external ven-
that did not receive transfusions. As a conse- tricular drain to divert CSF and reduce intracra-
quence, American Heart Association guidelines nial pressure. In the Clot Lysis Evaluation of
suggest that platelet transfusions should be Accelerated Resolution of Intraventricular Hem-
withheld except in patients receiving aspirin orrhage (CLEAR III) trial, which evaluated 500
therapy who have intracerebral hemorrhage and patients with hydrocephalus after intracerebral
undergo neurosurgical procedures.22 hemorrhage, intraventricular administration of
Two trials have tested the hypothesis that alteplase was used to dissolve the ventricular
lowering of blood pressure would improve clini- clot.32 Although the overall comparison between

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

groups showed no difference in functional out- tensive monitoring improves clinical outcome in
comes, thrombolysis might have been associated intracerebral hemorrhage is not clear, and a trial
with improved survival.33 Patients who survive in- to test this question seems unlikely to be con-
traventricular hemorrhage typically have substan- ducted. Seizures after intracerebral hemorrhage
tial disability at 6 months. can occur, although the role of prophylactic anti-
seizure drugs in patients with intracerebral hem-
Mass Effect orrhage is unclear.37 In patients with a depressed
The most severe consequence of the mass effect level of consciousness after intracerebral hemor-
of an intracerebral clot and surrounding edema rhage, continuous electroencephalography may
is transtentorial herniation. Studies have shown detect inapparent seizures that require the initia-
that surgical removal of the clot, undertaken in tion of antiseizure drugs.38 Routine care in the
an attempt to alleviate transtentorial herniation, intensive care unit includes airway protection and
has had inconsistent or generally negative results. adequate pulmonary gas exchange for mitigation
These findings have led to variations in practice of secondary brain injury from hypoxemia, but
with regard to the performance of craniotomy the effectiveness of these measures is difficult to
for clot removal. The Surgical Trial in Intracere- prove. Assessment of swallowing, maintenance
bral Hemorrhage II (STICH II) trial examined the of normothermia and normal glucose levels, and
role of early clot-removal surgery in 601 patients prophylaxis for deep-vein thrombosis (a therapy
with intracerebral hemorrhage; the results showed that is considered to be safe despite the presence
that the incidence of unfavorable outcome was of intracerebral hemorrhage) reduce additional
similar in operated and conservative-treatment morbidity.
groups but suggested that the removal of lobar Systems for early prognostication may not have
clots located within 1 cm of the cortical surface adequate predictive ability to direct the withdrawal
might have been beneficial.34 of life-sustaining treatments after intracerebral
Randomized trials are not available to gauge hemorrhage.39 Patients who might otherwise have
the effect of surgical treatment for cerebellar survived may succumb if life-sustaining treat-
intracerebral hemorrhage. However, on the basis ments are withdrawn too early.40 Several studies
of large observational studies, the general practice suggest that withholding the determination of
has been to remove the clot if clinical or imaging prognosis in the first few days after hemorrhage
signs of brain-stem compression are present or if is appropriate, and these findings are consistent
the clot volume is greater than 15 ml.35 Cerebellar with American Heart Association guidelines.22,41
hemorrhage commonly causes obstruction of the Shared decision making to gauge the previously
fourth ventricle that leads to hydrocephalus, expressed wishes of the patient and family is a
which requires placement of an external ventricu- fruitful approach.
lar drain.
Osmotherapy is typically used to treat acute Sec onda r y Pr e v en t ion a nd
neurologic deterioration that is secondary to the R e sump t ion of A n t ic oagul a n t s
mass effect or edema associated with intracere-
bral hemorrhage, but the results have been un- Fewer than half the patients who survive intra-
certain. Raised intracranial pressure is usually cerebral hemorrhage have adequate blood pres-
treated with mannitol or a bolus of hypertonic sure control after discharge. Poorly controlled
saline.36 Data are lacking to support prophylacticblood pressure is associated with adverse events
infusion of hypertonic saline or administration such as recurrent stroke and death and is more
of glucocorticoids for conditions caused by the common among Black persons than among non-
mass effect of an intracerebral hemorrhage. Black persons.42 In addition to recurrent intrace-
rebral hemorrhage, survivors are at risk for
In tensi v e C a r e a nd W i thdr awa l thrombotic events both43in the brain and in the
of L ife-Sus ta ining T r e atmen t cardiovascular system. The Restart or Stop
Antithrombotics Randomised Trial (RESTART)
Despite the inherent appeal of admitting patients showed that resumption of antiplatelet agents that
with cerebral hemorrhage to an ICU, whether in- are considered necessary (e.g., in patients with

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Spontaneous Intr acerebr al Hemorrhage

coronary stents) after intracerebral hemorrhage between low levels of low-density lipoprotein
led to a modest increase in the rate of recurrent cholesterol and the risk of intracerebral hemor-
intracerebral hemorrhage.44 rhage.47 The Statins in Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Among patients with intracerebral hemor- trial (SATURN, NCT03936361) is evaluating the
rhage and atrial fibrillation, the safety of either resumption of statin medications in patients with
starting or resuming anticoagulation remains lobar intracerebral hemorrhage who are at risk for
unclear. In the phase 2 Apixaban after Anticoag- recurrence and vascular thrombotic events.
ulation-associated Intracerebral Hemorrhage in
Patients with Atrial Fibrillation (APACHE-AF) tri- F u t ur e Dir ec t ions
al, a slightly higher percentage of patients as-
signed to receive apixaban had nonfatal stroke In addition to the ongoing trials mentioned, trials
or vascular death than patients assigned to avoid of minimally invasive surgical evacuation of clots
anticoagulation (26% vs. 24%).45 The Start or (e.g., aspiration, stereotactic removal, and intra-
Stop Anticoagulants Randomised Trial (SoSTART) ventricular thrombolysis) could determine wheth-
showed that 8% of the patients assigned to start er these procedures are effective and whether
anticoagulation therapy had recurrence of intra- outcomes can be improved according to the type
cerebral hemorrhage, as compared with 4% of and location of the clot. Strategies are needed
the patients who did not start anticoagulation to test antiinflammatory and neuroprotective
therapy, but the trial was underpowered for stroke therapies.
events and the criteria for showing the inferiority Organized systems of care for stroke and clini-
of avoiding medication during the first 2 years cal trials may offer an improved outlook for pa-
after intracerebral hemorrhage were not met.46 tients. Recent small trials tentatively suggest that
The above-mentioned phase 3 trials (ASPIRE and mobile stroke units that are designed for the
ENRICH-AF) to assess the effects of factor Xa treatment of ischemic stroke could also facilitate
inhibitors (e.g., apixaban) as compared with as- prehospital detection, triage, and management
pirin in patients with atrial fibrillation and in- of intracerebral hemorrhage, but further studies
tracerebral hemorrhage are currently enrolling are needed.48
participants. Observational and mendelian ran- Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
domization studies have shown a relationship full text of this article at

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Spontaneous Intr acerebr al Hemorrhage

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