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Why Is A Literature Review So Important To Your Study

A literature review is a critical component of any academic research or study. It involves reviewing,
summarizing, and analyzing existing literature on a specific topic or research question. While it may
seem like a straightforward task, writing a literature review can be challenging and time-consuming.
Here's why:

1. Comprehensive Research: Conducting a thorough literature review requires extensive

research. You need to identify relevant sources, which can include academic journals, books,
conference proceedings, and reputable websites. Sorting through this vast amount of
information can be overwhelming.
2. Critical Analysis: A literature review isn't just a summary of existing literature. It requires
critical analysis and evaluation of each source's credibility, methodology, and findings. This
process demands a deep understanding of the subject matter and the ability to synthesize
information effectively.
3. Organizational Skills: Structuring a literature review in a coherent and logical manner is
essential. You must organize the information in a way that supports your research objectives
and arguments. This involves categorizing sources, identifying themes, and establishing
connections between different studies.
4. Writing Skills: Writing a literature review requires strong writing skills. You need to
articulate your thoughts clearly and concisely, while also maintaining academic integrity and
objectivity. Crafting cohesive paragraphs and transitions between ideas is crucial for ensuring
readability and coherence.
5. Time and Effort: Perhaps the most significant challenge of writing a literature review is the
time and effort it demands. It's a meticulous process that requires patience, perseverance, and
attention to detail. From conducting initial searches to revising drafts, every step takes
considerable time and effort.

Given the complexities involved in writing a literature review, many students and researchers opt to
seek assistance from professional writing services. ⇒ ⇔ offers expert guidance and
support for crafting high-quality literature reviews. Our team of experienced writers can help you
navigate the intricacies of literature review writing, ensuring that your study benefits from a
thorough and well-structured review of existing literature.

Don't let the challenges of writing a literature review hinder your academic progress. Trust ⇒ ⇔ to deliver the assistance you need to excel in your studies.
Reading examples of literature review online should give you a better idea. Initial programme theory
Search strategy and databases Search terms and appropriate databases were identified by the
research team in consultation with a subject librarian in Trinity College Dublin. Realist research in the
school of Pawson and Tilley is an explanatory, theory driven approach to understanding complex,
social, and open-ended interventions and areas of study. To illustrate the difference between
reporting and reviewing, think about television or film review articles. One of the most highly cited
scoping reviews in the eHealth domain was published by Archer, Fevrier-Thomas, Lokker,
McKibbon, and Straus (2011). Most exploration includes, in any event, a study or poll requesting
sentiments from a sensibly estimated test of applicable members. These archetypes if real were
placed within our minds by God. Our realist review presents causal pathways in this complex topic
where health interacts with social factors, gender, income, class, and other aspects. Conducting
Research Literature Reviews: From the Internet to Paper. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2005;
Hart, Chris. Bridging the research-practice gap in healthcare: a rapid review of research translation
centres in England and Australia. To communicate your key findings to those who don’t have time
to read the whole paper. Following is the most recent recording of the workshop, Conducting a
Literature Review. You identify: core research in the field experts in the subject area The Literature
Review: A Foundation for High-Quality Medical Education A literature review forms the basis for
high-quality medical education research and helps maximize relevance, originality, generalizability,
and impact. Whether schools admit it or not, students today are overburdened by too many
assignments. Well-crafted research questions often emerge from these gaps. For example, weave
references to other sources into what you are writing but maintain your own voice by starting and
ending the paragraph with your own ideas and wording. Where can you buy essays and assignments
you need a what can a literature review do for me clearly. Such logic is appropriate for fields like
medicine and education where findings of randomized controlled trials can be aggregated to see
whether a new treatment or intervention does improve outcomes. The review ends with a conclusion
section which summarizes the findings regarding the state of the research of the specific study, the
gaps identify and if applicable, explains how the author's research will address gaps identify in the
review and expand the knowledge on the topic reviewed. Every scientific research builds on
previous knowledge as a systematic investigation to spread new conclusions and establish facts. The
approach uncovers causation in areas of study where it cannot be readily measured but where data
are used to build theories about underlying, hidden powers which operate in the world to produce
observable outcomes. Methodological If you draw your sources from different disciplines or fields
that use a variety of research methods, you might want to compare the results and conclusions that
emerge from different approaches. Understand that the goal of a systematic review is to evaluate,
summarize, and document research that focuses on a specific (or clearly defined) research problem. 6.
Theoretical Literature Review Theoretical review focuses on examining theories that resulted from
an issue, a concept, or a situation. In other words, a complete understanding the research problem
requires you to deliberately examine how knowledge and perspectives have changed over time.
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February 1, 2024. Download Word doc Download Google doc Before you begin searching for
literature, you need a clearly defined topic. It should also have a clear structure, with sections or
subheadings that help to organize the review and make it easier for readers to follow. Unlike other
review types, critical reviews attempt to take a reflective account of the research that has been done
in a particular area of interest, and assess its credibility by using appraisal instruments or critical
interpretive methods. This leads to more success in enrolling and maintaining people in stop smoking
programmes (O). Within each of these sections, you would then discuss what the different literature
argues, remembering to link this to your own purpose.
Rely heavily on the guidelines your instructor has given you. For instance, Levy and Ellis (2006)
proposed a generic framework for conducting such reviews. Types of reviews 1. Define your
research question 2. It is important to follow the guidelines of the appropriate citation style, such as
APA or MLA, and to include full citations for all sources cited in the review. Anderson DR, Horn S,
Karlan D, Kowalski AE, Sindelar JL, Zinman J. This page offers you a list of resources and tips on
how to evaluate the sources that you may use to write your review. It causes you to comprehend the
advantages and disadvantages of the cases communicated in the diaries, from more than one
creator’s perspective. Indeed, we follow strict guidelines that ensure our editorial content is never
influenced by advertisers. As a student, you deal with other papers as well as examinations, reports,
and extracurricular activities. Table of contents Why write a literature review, examples of literature
reviews, step 1: search for relevant literature, step 2: evaluate and select sources, step 3: identify
themes, debates and gaps, step 4: outline your literature review’s structure, step 5: write your
literature review, frequently asked questions about literature reviews, introduction. In short, having a
literature review protects you from any threat of plagiarism. Problem formulation -- which topic or
field is being examined and what are its component issues? 2. They can head off any questions from
their peer group by referring to the financial incentive which can lend legitimacy to their stop
smoking attempt. Strategic reading of scientific articles could be beneficial for you to become expert
readers. The integrative literature review will be your only alternative if your research does not entail
primary data collecting and analysis. By the time you get to writing the thesis what can a literature
review do for me for your. If the same thing is being said, just by different people, then this likely
demonstrates that the research problem has hit a conceptual dead end. It, like this, impacts your
work’s general quality, making it dependable additionally, just as improved with truths and facts.
However, only include what is necessary for the reader to locate your study within the larger
scholarship about the research problem. We need to take a step back and look beyond the definition
of a literature review. The first step of any research project is to review the field. White JS,
Lowenstein C, Srivirojana N, Jampaklay A, Dow WH. AP English Review Mrs. Dibble. A New
Land, A New Literature. For that reason, stop smoking programmes should ideally be provided by
people who understand the difficulties of tobacco addiction and are familiar with the typical course
of quitting, including relapse, so rapport can be built and counselling can be provided in a person-
centred way without pressure. PhD Dissertation Literature Review Help is intended to provide an
outline of sources you have investigated while exploring a specific theme and exhibit to your
perusers how your examination fits inside a more significant field of study. Literature reflects our
humanity Literature is A poem, novel, etc. In the present context, the notion of rigour refers to the
reliability and validity of the review process described in section 9.2. For one thing, reliability is
related to the reproducibility of the review process and steps, which is facilitated by a
comprehensive documentation of the literature search process, extraction, coding and analysis
performed in the review. It should be relevant to the topic and written from secondary sources.
Conducting a Literature Review While there might be many reasons for conducting a literature
review, following are four key outcomes of doing the review. Carpenter Library Conducting a
Literature Review Benefits of conducting a literature review.
Conducting a Literature Review While there might be many reasons for conducting a literature
review, following are four key outcomes of doing the review. A literature review is an account of
what has been published on a topic by accredited scholars and researchers. Impact of population
tobacco control interventions on socioeconomic inequalities in smoking: a systematic review and
appraisal of future research directions. Literature Review Helps Identify The Theoretical Framework
3. If the literature review is part of your dissertation or thesis, reiterate how your research addresses
gaps and contributes new knowledge, or discuss how you have drawn on existing theories and
methods to build a framework for your research. Alliteration. The repetition of initial consonant
sounds in writing. Present the connections you made through the synthesis in an organized manner.
To develop an educated statement, you should initially attempt to figure out what you think about a
subject from your opinion or feel about a topic. Biological anthropology focuses on the physiological
aspects of people and our nonhuman primate relatives. Financial incentives for reducing smoking and
promoting other Health-related Behavior Change in vulnerable populations. It’s through this type of
review that a researcher can easily establish the kind of theories that already formulated, the degree
to what researchers have investigated them, and the relationship between them. Literature Review
Increases Understanding Of Cross-Sectional And Longitudinal Studies 14. Meta-analysis should
never be used instead of vote counting, and formal narrative synthesis methods should be used to
summarize and describe the evidence base. Table of Contents Toggle 15 Benefits of Literature
Review In Research 1. In what ways might geographers view the need for better distribution of
social service agencies in large cities than how social workers might study the issue. It also means
that you can easily identify, evaluate, and summarize existing research that’s relevant to your work.
2. Justify Your Research There’s more to writing a research paper than just identifying topic and
generating your research question from it. To achieve this ambitious objective, the authors performed
a bibliometric analysis of medical informatics citations indexed in medline using publication trends,
journal frequencies, impact factors, Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) term frequencies, and
characteristics of citations. These studies were identified through a formal and systematic search in
four databases between 2003 and 2013. Incentives for smoking cessation in a rural pharmacy setting:
the Tobacco Free communities program. Findings from eight rct s involving 6,615 participants were
pooled into meta-analyses to calculate the magnitude of effects that mobile text message reminders
have on the rate of attendance at healthcare appointments compared to no reminders and phone call
reminders. In a practical sense, an active imagination helps us perceive truth, make value judgments,
and deal with the complexities of life in creative ways. These were then reviewed and discussed
again by the full research team and the expert panel, who provided valuable input that challenged
and supplemented aspects of the analysis which supported the early development and later
refinement of the findings. Systematic Approaches to a Successful Literature Review. Let’s take a
quick look at the 400 years between it and The Canterbury Tales. Literature Review Helps To
Identify Problems One of the main benefits of the literature review is that it helps researchers to
identify problems, issues, or controversies in the existing body of knowledge on their topic. It can be
said that without a good literature review, any research study would be doomed to fail. Reprints and
permissions About this article Cite this article. Find Models Use the exercise of reviewing the
literature to examine how authors in your discipline or area of interest have composed their literature
review sections. In the present context, the notion of rigour refers to the reliability and validity of the
review process described in section 9.2. For one thing, reliability is related to the reproducibility of
the review process and steps, which is facilitated by a comprehensive documentation of the literature
search process, extraction, coding and analysis performed in the review. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Publications, 1998; Jesson, Jill.
Paying the price for an incentive: an exploratory study of smokers’ reasons for failing to complete an
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these independent reviews. Pharmacological interventions for smoking cessation: an overview and
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whom. For example, a book surveying the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict may include a
chapter on the role Egypt has played in mediating the conflict, or look in the index for the pages
where Egypt is mentioned in the text. Literature Review Gives Context To The Research Study 7.
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not necessary as the above methods of data collection yielded sufficient information to build, test,
and refine theory. In these cases, the lit review just needs to cover scholarship that is important to
the issue you are writing about; sometimes it will also cover key sources that informed your research
methodology. How to Write a Literature Review It provides an overview of current knowledge,
allowing you to identify relevant theories, methods, and gaps in the existing research that you can
later apply to your paper, thesis, or dissertation topic. The scope of your review will depend on your
topic and discipline: in the sciences you usually only review recent literature, but in the humanities
you might take a long historical perspective (for example, to trace how a concept has changed in
meaning over time). Since it is one of the basic needs for researches at any level, they have to be
done vigilantly. Narrow the Topic. The first step is to narrow down the topic. How to Add Speaker
Notes in PowerPoint Adding speaker notes to your PowerPoint allows you to present with
confidence while avoiding information. APA7 Style resources APA Style Blog - for those harder to
find answers 1. Have you indicated when results were conflicting or inconclusive and discussed
possible reasons. Theme The Text Setting The Central Conflict Plot--What happened. As mentioned
earlier, when rigorously conducted review articles represent powerful information sources for
eHealth scholars and practitioners looking for state-of-the-art evidence. Every field uses a different
style of literature review. It has a well-defined strategy that can be further divided into two types:
Meta-analysis and meta-synthesis. It, like this, impacts your work’s general quality, making it
dependable additionally, just as improved with truths and facts. The Puritans - not essential to
American Literary tradition however, the American character was shaped by the moral, ethical, and
religious convictions of the Puritans. We at CustomEssayMeister understand the necessity of high-
quality writing when it comes to acing your research writing class. Databases are filled with
impossibly vast amounts of resources, which means you simply cannot conduct research without one
area to focus on. It is mainly used in areas that are more technological and involve machine use such
as engineering and even finance. Healthcare professionals have embraced medical technologies and
other interventions to address this issue; an aspect that has reduce neonatal and childhood mortality
rate and increased survival of premature infants. Note that even when the lit review is a chapter in a
bigger work, you might still need opening and closing sections. When doing and writing a literature
review, it is good practice to: summarise and analyse previous research and theories; identify areas of
controversy and contested claims; highlight any gaps that may exist in research to date. Analyzing
and synthesizing data: As a final step, members of the review team must collate, summarize,
aggregate, organize, and compare the evidence extracted from the included studies. What you must
not do is just describe what one writer says, and then go on to give a general overview of another
writer, and then another, and so on.
If your results replicate past research, for instance, you can say that your work supports existing
theories. Upon completion of the literature review a researcher should have a solid foundation of
knowledge in the area and a good feel for the direction any new research should take. First, there are
the primary studies that researchers conduct and publish. Realist research in the school of Pawson
and Tilley is an explanatory, theory driven approach to understanding complex, social, and open-
ended interventions and areas of study. When you begin to write your literature review section,
you'll be glad you dug deeper into how the research was designed and constructed because it
establishes a means for developing more substantial analysis and interpretation of the research
problem. Critical thinking As with other forms of academic writing, your literature review needs to
demonstrate good academic practice by following the Code of Student Conduct and acknowledging
the work of others through citing and referencing your sources. Second are the reviews of those
studies that summarize and offer new interpretations built from and often extending beyond the
primary studies. Communications of the Association for Information Systems. 2005; 16:1. Kirkevold
M. Integrative nursing research — an important strategy to further the development of nursing
science and nursing practice. Conclusion As you can see, a review is quite a significant part of a
research project, so you should treat it with the seriousness that it deserves. Prepared by Prof. Mario
O. Castillo Rangel Survey of English Literature I and II January 2009. Health Res Policy Syst.
2020;18(1):117. Department of Health and Social Care. It serves two main purposes: To help
potential readers determine the relevance of your paper for their own research. To make this process
easier and faster, you can use a paraphrasing tool. Themes: what questions or concepts recur across
the literature. You have to elucidate the main argument of reading and its relevance to your study, no
matter which method you choose. It contains the most pertinent studies and points to important past
and current research and practices. Knowing the proper steps makes the process more organized and
therefore more efficient. What makes a literature review difficult is the nature of the project. All you
have to do is communicate with them so that they can write your paper according to instructions.
Findings from eight rct s involving 6,615 participants were pooled into meta-analyses to calculate the
magnitude of effects that mobile text message reminders have on the rate of attendance at healthcare
appointments compared to no reminders and phone call reminders. Good review of literature is a
sign of professional maturity. It also means that you can easily identify, evaluate, and summarize
existing research that’s relevant to your work. 2. Justify Your Research There’s more to writing a
research paper than just identifying topic and generating your research question from it. A literature
review is a piece of academic writing demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the academic
literature on a specific topic placed in context. Zero in on the research that relates to your project. The
strength of a literature review is the ability to improve your information seeking skills and enhancing
your knowledge about the topic under investigation. These studies were identified through a formal
and systematic search in four databases between 2003 and 2013. Table of Contents Toggle 15
Benefits of Literature Review In Research 1. Analyzing data using quantitative or qualitative
methods. To communicate your key findings to those who don’t have time to read the whole paper.
This is particularly true in disciplines in medicine and the sciences where research conducted becomes
obsolete very quickly as new discoveries are made.
If there are conflicting studies, why do you think that is. Making it the most accurate and reliable
proofreading tool for students. Developing and refining your literature review (pdf) Developing and
refining your literature review (Word) Developing and refining your literature review (Word rtf)
Writing a literature review has a lot in common with other assignment tasks. Determine The Purposes
For The Literature Review Recognize The Need For Becoming Familiar With The Library's Services
Distinguish Between Primary And Secondary Sources In Research Literature Recognize The
Importance Of Grey Literature. To develop an educated statement, you should initially attempt to
figure out what you think about a subject from your opinion or feel about a topic. Your professor
will probably not expect you to read everything that's available about the topic, but you'll make the
act of reviewing easier if you first limit scope of the research problem. In this regard, we concur with
Jesson, Matheson, and Lacey (2011) that clearly articulated research questions are key ingredients
that guide the entire review methodology; they underscore the type of information that is needed,
inform the search for and selection of relevant literature, and guide or orient the subsequent analysis.
This article is a quantitative research that aimed at examining the correlation between symptoms and
stress in 40 adolescents suffering from schizophrenia. Analysis and interpretation—discussing the
findings and conclusions of pertinent literature. Take some time to look over the resources in order to
become familiar with them. By critically evaluating the research, researchers can identify any
methodological weaknesses or limitations that may affect the validity of the findings. Fink, Arlene.
Conducting Research Literature Reviews: From the Internet to Paper. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA:
Sage, 2005; Hart, Chris. The challenge now is to find a path from evidence to implementation and
ultimately better outcomes especially for those of the greatest need. In most cases there will be
several different possible structures for your review. The literature review usually comes near the
beginning of your thesis or dissertation. Moreover, it is like the aspect of acknowledgment regarding
the writings of previous writings of the researchers, and consequently, it ensures the reader that the
research paper and writing paper is fully plagiarized-free. This can lead directly into your
methodology section. It’s through this type of review that a researcher can easily establish the kind
of theories that already formulated, the degree to what researchers have investigated them, and the
relationship between them. All in all, 130 articles met the criteria and their data were extracted
manually into a database. Several search terms relating to phr s were used during this process. Is
there a logic to the way you organised the material. Roughly how many sources would be
appropriate to include? 2. Problem formulation -- which topic or field is being examined and what
are its component issues? 2. Here are examples of other sections, usually in the form of a single
paragraph, you may need to include depending on the type of review you write: Current Situation:
Information necessary to understand the current topic or focus of the literature review. To begin
organising your literature review’s argument and structure, you need to understand the connections
and relationships between the sources you’ve read. Keep in mind that you might have to discard
some articles if they do not suit your purpose. Literature reflects our humanity Literature is A poem,
novel, etc. Reducing bias in a literature review It is important to be mindful of introducing bias as
precon-ceived ideas about your subject area whether intentional or not can affect all stages of writing
a literature review from identifying literature sources selecting articles to include and your evaluation
of the evidence. Information systems researchers, among others, have contributed to advancing
knowledge on how to structure a “traditional” review. Have you indicated the relevance of each
reference to your research.

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