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iGEM 2024 Global Slack Workspace

User Policy (as of January 15th, 2024)

By creating an account and signing onto the iGEM Global Slack Workspace you
automatically acknowledge and agree to the following Slack usage policy.

Welcome to our iGEM 2024 Global Slack Workspace and thank you for joining! We
hope that this group will become a bridge to connect all the iGEMers throughout the world so
that you can help each other with your projects, create collaborations, share resources or
simply share your thoughts and meet new people! To keep things organized and easy to find
for other users, we ask you that you follow this user policy.

Purpose of this Workspace:

● Communication between teams
● Discussion on various iGEM topics
● Connecting with iGEM Committees and Ambassadors
● Proposing ideas and giving suggestions
● Asking questions to the rest of the iGEM Community
● Collaboration with other teams
Please keep in mind that this is not our primary point of contact for questions and
inquiries. Any answer, suggestion, or advice given by anyone who is not: staff of iGEM
Headquarters, iGEM Ambassador, iGEM Community Coordinator, member of an iGEM
Committee - may not be the official standing of iGEM Foundation.

Teams should still use the official contact email (hq [AT] igem [DOT] org) to get in touch
with iGEM HQ, and the competition website to get all announcements and resources for

Any other official point of contact between iGEM Headquarters and teams can only be
carried out by iGEM affiliated members like iGEM Ambassador, After iGEM Coordinator,
member of an iGEM Committee. We do not recognize anyone who is not an official
member affiliated with the iGEM Foundation (such as Ambassador, Coordinator,
Committees, Staff) as a collective messenger or feedback gatherer on behalf of teams. The
only official information is located on

Allowed user types:

● Participants of iGEM 2024 Competition (team members, advisors, instructors, PIs)
● iGEM Headquarters Staff
● iGEM Community Coordinators
● iGEM Ambassadors for 2024
● iGEM Committee members
● We are not able to accommodate iGEM Alumni who are not affiliated with any of the
iGEM/iGEM Community Programs to join the workspace.
iGEM 2024 Global Slack Workspace
User Policy (as of January 15th, 2024)

By creating an account and signing onto the iGEM Global Slack Workspace you
automatically acknowledge and agree to the following Slack usage policy.

User identification:
● iGEM Participants should write their display name in the following format: First name
(Official Team Name)
● Only HQ Staff members, iGEM Ambassadors, iGEM Community Coordinators, iGEM
Committees are allowed to have the following identifications in their display name
(‘’HQ’’; ‘’Ambassador - Region’’; ‘’iGEM Community’’ ; ‘’Committee Name’’
respectively). Anyone misusing this feature will be permanently deleted and banned.

Channel rules:
● You are automatically added in default channels (numbered). You can also join other
available channels.
● You can request to create a new channel - by tagging @admin users with the
● We do not allow 1-team-only channels, as we want to promote wider inter-team
communication and collaboration
● Private channels are not allowed.

Other rules:
● Take a quick look at all the options Slack offers. This is also a great resource if you
ever have any technical questions on how to use it:
● When you reply to a message someone else posted, do so by starting a Thread
cussions-). This will keep the discussion organized and will make sure that the
person reads your reply! Other people can comment on this thread as well.
● No spamming! Please don’t send many messages, and use the same message box
to write the message. If there are additional comments, please do so by replying in
the thread. If Slack moderators notice spamming, messages will be deleted at our
● Anyone posting inappropriate content will be deleted and banned.
● Be respectful to each other! Avoid making hurtful comments about other cultures,
genders, ethnics or beliefs. This is a big diverse world so be open minded and
respectful! If you detect any signs of bullying or disrespect, please let us know in a
private email or message.

User termination:
● Slack moderators reserve the right to delete any users that violate this user policy.
● Anyone who is not an iGEM Participant in 2024 or an iGEM affiliated member will be
removed from Slack.
● Anyone who is impersonating another person will be removed from Slack.

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