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Title: Mastering the Challenge: Crafting a Literature Review on Prescription Drug Abuse

Crafting a literature review on prescription drug abuse is a formidable task. It requires meticulous
research, critical analysis, and eloquent writing. Navigating through the vast sea of academic articles,
journals, and studies can be overwhelming. Moreover, synthesizing the information into a coherent
and insightful narrative demands both expertise and dedication. Many students and researchers find
themselves grappling with the complexity of this endeavor, seeking assistance to alleviate the burden.

At ⇒ ⇔, we understand the challenges associated with composing a literature review

on such a critical topic. Prescription drug abuse is a multifaceted issue with profound societal
implications, necessitating a thorough examination of existing literature to provide meaningful
insights. Our team of experienced writers specializes in conducting comprehensive research and
crafting compelling literature reviews that adhere to the highest academic standards.

When tackling a literature review on prescription drug abuse, it's essential to adopt a systematic
approach. This involves identifying key themes, theories, and empirical findings relevant to the topic.
However, the sheer volume of available literature can often lead to information overload, making it
difficult to discern the most pertinent sources. Our writers possess the expertise to sift through the
abundance of material, selecting only the most relevant and credible sources to inform the review.

Furthermore, synthesizing disparate sources into a cohesive narrative requires analytical prowess and
writing finesse. Our writers excel in synthesizing complex information, drawing connections between
different studies, and presenting findings in a clear and concise manner. Whether you're exploring
the causes and consequences of prescription drug abuse or examining interventions and policy
implications, our writers can deliver a literature review that elucidates key insights and advances
scholarly discourse.

In addition to ensuring academic rigor, we prioritize timely delivery and customer satisfaction. We
understand the importance of adhering to deadlines and strive to deliver high-quality work within
the specified timeframe. Moreover, we value open communication and collaboration, allowing clients
to provide input and feedback throughout the writing process.

In conclusion, crafting a literature review on prescription drug abuse is a challenging yet rewarding
endeavor. With the assistance of ⇒ ⇔, you can navigate this complexity with
confidence, knowing that your literature review will be meticulously researched, expertly written,
and tailored to your specific requirements. Contact us today to learn more about our services and take
the first step towards mastering the challenge of writing a literature review on prescription drug
Designated medical providers can then better coordinate patient care and prevent inappropriate
access to medications that are susceptible to abuse. This question was asked to find out who had
influenced these drug addicts to get addicted to. Most common among these prescription drugs that
people are. Top essay writing services are identified by their reliability and high quality products.
These drugs can also raise the level of dope in the brain which gives a feeling of immense pleasure
and in other cases where it is snorted by the abusers, intensifies the feeling of euphoria which can
lead to severe medical consequences which includes nausea which consequently leads to vomiting,
mood swings, decrease in the activities of brain, seizures, coma and numbness. Ahmed, S. (2013).
Drug Addiction in Bangladesh and its Effect. A literature review compared the diagnoses,
heritability, etiology (genetic and environmental factors), pathophysiology, and response to
treatments (adherence and relapse) of drug dependence vs type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and
asthma. Drug dependence produces significant and lasting changes in brain chemistry and function.
Coordination. The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) coordinates and tracks
prescription drug abuse reduction efforts and funding of multiple federal agencies. Regulation. The
primary federal statutes governing prescription drug regulation are the Federal Food, Drug, and
Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) and the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970,
commonly called the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). Survey on drug use and health 2012
Prescription medications are the most abused drugs among. Short term effects of this addiction
include loss of appetite, increased heart. Cicero, T.J.; J.A. Inciardi; and A. Munoz. (2008). Trends in
abuse of OxyContin and other opioid analgesics in the United States: 2002-2004. Most states operate
prescription drug monitoring programs databases of prescriptions filled for PCS. According to
Goodman, abuse, and misuse of the prescribed medicines in the US. She is requesting increasing
methadone for relatively minor complaints that cannot be verified with objective data, there is
evidence that she is doctor shopping, her total daily dose of methadone is very high, but you note
that she does not appear intoxicated indicating high tolerance for the drug. Gradually her dose
increases to 80 mg daily, she still requests more methadone. Once teenagers become dependent on it,
they can’t live without those. Illustrate the wide distribution of opioid receptors in the brain and link
the use of opioids to increased vulnerability to addiction for some individuals. Figure 2 was updated
Jan. 4, 2017, to reflect this. Each of these individuals presented their own life stories and
experiences, offered strategies that would work against drug abuse, tried to reach other individuals
that were at all educational levels, praised the development of non-addictive drugs, and endorsed
pain treatment with prescription painkillers that did not contain opioids. Note: Results may vary
based on the legibility of text within the document. Most programs also provide beneficiaries with
instructions on how to give input on designated providers. This is 100% legal. You may not submit
downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. This shows society don’t consider
prescription drug addiction as a serious issue. Yes, I think my health is deteriorating day by day 8 25
%. Through PRRs, insurers assign patients who are at risk for drug abuse to predesignated
pharmacies and prescribers to obtain these drugs. In response, the RADARS (Researched Abuse,
Diversion and Addiction-Related Surveillance) system was developed as a means to survey the
reported abuse. These states’ PRR enrollment numbers range from 22 to 5,000. (These data are not
shown.). Point-of-sale edits occur when the plan includes safety controls (e.g., a maximum
cumulative dose or maximum days of therapy) resulting in an alert that prevents the filling of a
prescription until the pharmacy, prescriber, or patient has addressed the concern. Most people are
aware of basic dangers with taking drugs.
The article also revealsthat dentists are the third leading prescribers of opioid at 8% after internists
14. Universal Precautions in Pain Medicine: The treatment of chronic pain with or without the
disease of addiction. Prescription drugs that are commonly prescribed for this purpose include
fentanyl, hydromorphone, meperidine, morphine, and oxycodone. Although 11 states indicated that
they do not automatically exclude beneficiaries from enrollment, they may choose to do so if the
clinical review determines that the medication use is appropriate for these patients’ health
conditions. Therefore, it appears that tramadol is not a significant threat in the area of abuse and
should not be scheduled (Cicero, et al, 1999). Prescription drug addiction happens due to depression,
loneliness and. Prior authorization requires the prescriber or pharmacy to provide the insurer with
information demonstrating medical necessity before dispensing the drug. They belong to all kind of
occupation including students. Addiction: A Health Care Professional’s Resource Guide, pp. 1-2.
Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Seventy-six percent
of programs use at least five criteria, and 13 percent use over 10 criteria to identify at-risk
beneficiaries. According to Shazzad et al. (2013) Young people abuse drugs due to complex social
and. The article concludes that careful management of long-term pain treatment and continuous
monitoring are the keys to proper care. Often, the prescription drugs are abused by the means of
taking someone else’s. This goal is of utmost importance in the United States today. Social isolation
and alienation are very common. (p.84). Other public and private entities also have data that may be
analyzed to identify high-risk behavior among prescribers, dispensers, or patients. Fraser, A.D.
(1998). Use and abuse of the benzodiazepines: Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress of
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology. The problem appears to have grown, at least in
part, because of prescribing practices, easy access via the Internet, and drug formulation changes
(Fishman, et al, 2000 and Simoni-Wastila, Tompkins, 2001). Zacny, J.; G. Bigelow; P. Compton; K.
Foley; et al. (2003). College on Problems of Drug Dependence task force on prescription opioid non-
medical use and abuse: position statement. The abuser enjoys flouting parents and other authoritative
figures. This question was asked to find out to what extent people think that prescription drug is.
Curbing Prescription Drug Abuse With Patient Review and Restriction Programs. They belong to all
kind of occupation including students. The article successfully brings out the danger that is facing
the nation due to the continued misuse and abuse of the drug. This journal shows the results of
recent research efforts that have begun to characterize. According to Kim and Geistfeld, social
support, cognitive ability and health status are a combination of factors that suggest elder
vulnerability to abuse (n. Older age and polypharmacy were the most significant correlates of
discrepancy. See Appendix B for each state’s specific program criteria. The purpose of this question
was to see that if they still use it or not. 18 respondents out of 32.
I am grateful to all for pointing out my mistakes and helping me. Air Pollution.pptx Air
SEALANTS IN CASTLE HILLS OF LEWISVILLE 3. Other individuals presented issues
including various measures to prevent drug abuse, statistics on teen drug abuse, educational
programs, NASPER, multiple-level education, and the DEA (Manchikanti, 2006). Federal law
enforcement efforts may focus on geographic areas with higher rates of prescription drug abuse or on
High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) that experience a higher volume of illicit trafficking
of PCS. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Scheduling of PCS. The scheduling
status of a PCS (1) affects patient access to PCS (e.g., by limiting refills); (2) affects the degree of
regulatory requirements (e.g., supply chain recordkeeping); and (3) determines the degree of criminal
punishment for illegal traffickers. Teenagers feel that taking pills is a cheaper, less harmful way to.
Simoni-Wastila, L.and C. Tompkins. (2001). Balancing diversion control and medical necessity: The
case of prescription drugs with abuse potential. University of Michigan study, after marijuana,
prescription and over-the counter medications are. Purpose of this question was to find out how
society behaves towards this drug addicted people. Forty-one percent (16 programs) of responding
PRRs enroll their beneficiaries for 24 months, while 31 percent (12 programs) enroll them for 12
months. The term 'prescription drug abuse' refers to the use of prescription drugs and medication,
without. Short term effects of this addiction include loss of appetite, increased heart. A research
proposal on “the causes of drug addiction among street children in. Society often overlooks
prescription drug addiction and don’t. Similar to other conditions that may cause physician
impairment, substance abuse is a chronic disease characterized by exacerbations that are responsive
to treatment. Governments in many countries have established ministries to tackle the issue of
substance abuse. This question was asked to find out who had influenced these drug addicts to get
addicted to. Determining whether or not a person is abusing or is addicted to a prescription
medication can be a daunting task for officials. Survey on drug use and health 2012 Prescription
medications are the most abused drugs among. Fifty-six percent (22) of states responding believe
that prior authorization or quantity limits are the most effective mechanisms. Eighteen percent (7
states) find a combination of point-of-sale edits, prior authorization, or quantity limits to be most
effective. (See Glossary of Definitions.) Seven states— Alaska, Indiana, Louisiana, New York,
Nevada, South Carolina, and Wisconsin—find PRR programs to be the most effective. Most of the
drug addicted people think this addiction is not. American society and drug addiction essaysdrug
addiction is a problem that has been increasing immensely among our society today. Prescription
drug abuse is when someone takes a medication inappropriately, such as: Without a prescription In a
way other than as prescribed For the “high” elicited. In these cases, unrelieved pain drives patients
to take too much of their prescription medication (Kirsh, Whitcomb, Donaghy, and Passik, 2002).
The Pixar Way: 37 Quotes on Developing and Maintaining a Creative Company (fr. 9 Tips for a
Work-free Vacation 9 Tips for a Work-free Vacation Prescription Drug Abuse Symptoms 1.
Addiction, Alcohol law, Alcoholic beverage 1116 Words 3 Pages The illegal or harmful use of drugs
is a major threat to the world and to future generations. This journal shows the results of recent
research efforts that have begun to characterize. In such a program she can be treated for her opioid
addiction; this would include either maintenance or gradual taper. However, varied researches such
as those conducted by different government agencies like the National Drug Control Policy (NDCP),
National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC), National Institute on drug abuse (NIDA).
ONDCP’s Authority. Established by the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988. These included programs
that monitor prescription drugs, the reduction of malprescriptions, educating the public, getting rid of
pharmacies that are accessible via the Internet, and the development of non-addictive and tamper-
resistant future drugs (Manchikanti, 2006). Reduction in the rate of respiration, constipation, state of
feeling melancholy, and low blood. Addiction is also one of the problems that have resulted due to
misuse of these drugs and the patients find themselves ending up in rehabs. The journal talks about
the current situation of prescription drug addiction in America. Ahmed, S. (2013). Drug Addiction in
Bangladesh and its Effect. Point-of-sale edits occur when the plan includes safety controls (e.g., a
maximum cumulative dose or maximum days of therapy) resulting in an alert that prevents the filling
of a prescription until the pharmacy, prescriber, or patient has addressed the concern. It has become a
big health issue because of the dangers, particularly the. Through my research I want to prove that
prescription drug addiction among teenagers has. More Features Connections Canva Create
professional content with Canva, including presentations, catalogs, and more. Due to the addictive
nature of opiates, this practice is quite controversial. Survey on drug use and health 2012 Prescription
medications are the most abused drugs among. You decide to check the California Prescription
Monitoring Program and find that you are one of 3 doctors prescribing methadone and that her daily
dose appears to be 260 mg. Short term effects of this addiction include loss of appetite, increased
heart. Even some animals. Not all young people are equally at risk for developing an addiction.
Clinical Journal of Pain, Addiction and Pain: Assessment and Treatment Issues, 18(4): S52-S60.
Once teenagers become dependent on it, they can’t live without those. A Juvenile Court Perspective
on Related Issues Geoffrey A. Across the illnesses discussed above, addiction and relapse is similar.
During the adolescence years, teens have curiosity which builds up and leads to. Naltrexone is
administered in case of drug overdose. In almost all responding states, PRRs were one of several
tools used to prevent prescription drug abuse. Fifty-six percent (22) of states responding believe that
prior authorization or quantity limits are the most effective mechanisms. Eighteen percent (7 states)
find a combination of point-of-sale edits, prior authorization, or quantity limits to be most effective.
(See Glossary of Definitions.) Seven states— Alaska, Indiana, Louisiana, New York, Nevada, South
Carolina, and Wisconsin—find PRR programs to be the most effective. We use cookies to create the
best experience for you. Achsaya Saya 69 69 Christo Arias Cook County Board Agenda - October 3,
2012 Cook County Board Agenda - October 3, 2012 Cook County Commissioner Bridget Gainer
Space brochure Space brochure AuditWare Systems Ltd. Thirdly, Law should be strictly enforced on
selling over the counter. Is Anybody Else Sick Of This Guy Album On Imgur A c. However, reports
soon surfaced of its abuse as well, and this occurred on a widespread basis. In the most recent
household survey, initiates to drug abuse started with prescription drugs (especially pain medications)
more often than with marijuana. A research proposal on “the causes of drug addiction among street
children in.
Cicero, T.J.; J.A. Inciardi; and A. Munoz. (2008). Trends in abuse of OxyContin and other opioid
analgesics in the United States: 2002-2004. In many cases confronting a young adult or a friend
about. Prescription drug abuse is a growing problem among young generation in Bangladesh. It is.
Thirty-five percent (15 programs) use educational programs and training for prescribers of controlled
substances, and 30 percent (13 programs) offer pain management prescribing guidelines. Drug
dependence should be treated as any other type of illness would be (McLellan, Lewis, O'Brien, and
Kleber, 2000). It was introduced in 1995 on a non-scheduled status. In addition to covering all
controlled substances, 45 percent of states also include non-controlled drugs identified by that
program as frequently subject to abuse, such as those used to treat HIV. 5 This means that enrolled
beneficiaries will obtain all controlled substances, as well as identified non-controlled substances,
through their designated providers. They were, based on specific interview questions, labeled as
either low- or high-risk. The article narrates another disturbing source of opioid abuse whereby most
of the abusers of the opioid get them from their family members due to the leftovers stored in the
cabinets. Ashley Grubbs Senior Graduation Project Spring 2012. Effects on Brain and Body The
drugs that are directly related to the problem of drug abuse are opioids, CNS (central nervous
system) stimulants depressants that are most commonly used to pacify and ease the nervous system
in case of anxiety. Drugs are substances that are becoming more common in our communities as each
day goes by. Eighty-one percent of states use point-of-sale edits in combination with either prior
authorization or quantity limits to help prevent prescription drug abuse (see Glossary of Definitions
for definitions of point-of-sale edits, prior authorization, and quantity limits). Most of the drug
addicted people think this addiction is not. Drug Addiction A Social Problem Of Pakistan There is no
part of the world that is free from the curse of drug trafficking and drug addiction. When taken
different amounts or for different purposes than prescribed. Resources Dive into our extensive
resources on the topic that interests you. This journal talks about advances in the neurobiology of
drug addiction have led to the. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. The conclusions
read that most abusers of this drug had prior substance abuse records. Statistics Make data-driven
decisions to drive reader engagement, subscriptions, and campaigns. Introduction The term,
prescription drug abuse refers to the situation where there is drug intake without the prescription or
in the other case, taking it in for different reasons or dosages other than the prescribed ones. Other
times I have friends who have ailments who get lots of pills and sell them for cheap. Prescription
drug abuse affects a human’s life in various ways. However, managed care organizations generally
pay the provider on a FFS basis and absorb the loss if actual overall costs exceed costs projected
under the contract. Fifty-eight percent of PRRs allow beneficiaries to submit provider preferences
before these designations are made. The research would have been better if some interviews of
substance abuse counselor and. Thirdly, Law should be strictly enforced on selling over the counter.
The article also discusses pseudoaddiction, which appears on the surface to be addiction. Eighty-two
percent of Medicaid fee-for-service PRRs use pharmacists or registered nurses to perform the
clinical review (this includes the category defined as combination).
According to Shazzad et al. (2013) Young people abuse drugs due to complex social and. ONDCP’s
Authority. Established by the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988. Twenty-eight states operate PRRs in
both Medicaid FFS and managed care environments; 16 states administer PRRs only in Medicaid
FFS; and three states administer a PRR only in Medicaid managed care. Family and friends should
be supportive towards drug addicted people so that they don’t feel. Drug dependence should be
treated as any other type of illness would be (McLellan, Lewis, O'Brien, and Kleber, 2000).
Moreover I want to thank Dr. Fahmida Begum, Md.Shaphawat Hossain, and Aquib Bhuiyan to. A
soft drug is less addictive and consindered less. This shows society don’t consider prescription drug
addiction as a serious issue. Fifty-eight percent of respondents (22 states) indicated that their
Medicaid fee-for-service PRR program does not have access to the state PDMP. Different hospital
survey results have reported that the. Note: Results may vary based on the legibility of text within
the document. This threatens the society because such criminal activities involve murder and
sometimes rape. If the clinical review determines that the drug use is appropriate, plan administrators
will not enroll the beneficiary in a PRR program. Regardless of the fact, drug abuse is still on the
high rise. This study was conducted on the prescription drug Tramadol HCl (Ultram). I have friends
whose parents are pill addicts, and we borrow' from them. Presented By:. It’s Real. It’s Growing.
And, it’s Dangerous. Clinical Journal of Pain, Addiction and Pain: Assessment and Treatment Issues,
18(4): S52-S60. Often due to depression, teenagers feel frustrated and get. Dependence, a Chronic
Medical Illness: Implications for Treatment, Insurance, and. This PRR population approximately
equals that in states such as Maryland and Virginia, which have much smaller Medicaid populations
(1.1 million and 938,184, respectively). 3 Other factors, such as a state’s rate of prescription drug
abuse, extent of Medicaid program resources, and number and type of criteria used to identify at-risk
patients, may also contribute to state variation in PRR enrollment. Curbing Prescription Drug Abuse
With Patient Review and Restriction Programs. Aquib Bhuiyan ( 2015, August 5) Pharmacist,
Tamanna Pharmacy, Uttara. RachelPearson36 Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing -
A Real-World Look, present. Figure 10 was updated July 18, 2016, to reflect this. Across the illnesses
discussed above, addiction and relapse is similar. At the end of that time, patients are assessed for re-
enrollment based on a patient review. Addiction: A Health Care Professional’s Resource Guide, pp.
1-2. But majorities 37.5% (12 respondents) think they will not be able to quit. Drug abuse does not
only lead to addiction and instability it can also give rise to harmful chemical reactions which can
occur in the body due to medicine intake in inappropriate quantity.
By: Brittany Allen. Summary. Focus on prescription drug abuse within women located within the
United States Features a personal story, statistics, side effects, and treatment Serious issue that needs
more attention. Think About It. When the general public hears or thinks of “ drug problems,”. Daily
Fixation For individuals who use drugs on regular basis, lose the motivational drive and experience
lethargy and mood swings. This article discuss about prescription drug addiction about teenagers.
Once the beneficiary has met the maximum time frame, he or she is released from the PRR. Drug
abuse does not only lead to addiction and instability it can also give rise to harmful chemical
reactions which can occur in the body due to medicine intake in inappropriate quantity. This article
covers the fact that teenage drug abuse is showing a trend away from illicit drugs and more towards
prescription drugs. A powerful book. Drug Abuse How To Save A Life Pinterest Drugs Drugs Art
And. Addiction. The New England Journal of Medicine, p. 975. Family and friends should be
supportive towards drug addicted people so that they don’t feel. This article discuss about
prescription drug addiction about teenagers. This question was asked to learn if people have started
this addiction from their teenage or not. This debate is driven by a new willingness to consider the
potential -benefits of an approach that has been traditionally rejected as invariably, ineffective and
unsafe. You decide to check the California Prescription Monitoring Program and find that you are
one of 3 doctors prescribing methadone and that her daily dose appears to be 260 mg. Social
isolation and alienation are very common. (p.84). Through PRRs, insurers assign patients who are at
risk for drug abuse to predesignated pharmacies and prescribers to obtain these drugs. Forty-one
percent (16 programs) of responding PRRs enroll their beneficiaries for 24 months, while 31 percent
(12 programs) enroll them for 12 months. Figure 2 was updated Jan. 4, 2017, to reflect this. Ahmed,
S. (2013). Drug Addiction in Bangladesh and its Effect. Teenage is the toughest time in a human’s
life, during the adolescent stage a child goes. Daily Use The abuser is usually scared to lose contact
with the drug provider and in this regard starts missing out on school and work. There are various
explanations of why some individuals become. Fishman, S. M.; B. Wilsey; J. Yang; G.M. Reisfeld; et
al. (2000). Adherence monitoring and drug surveillance in chronic opioid therapy. U.S. Cancer Pain
Relief Committee. The purpose of this question was to see that if they still use it or not. 18
respondents out of 32. Overall, more males than females abuse prescription. This article focuses
exclusively on physician impairment because of substance abuse. This is 100% legal. You may not
submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Insurers identify at-risk patients
based on a combination of criteria that are unique to each Medicaid PRR. Once teenagers become
dependent on it, they can’t live without those. These drugs can also raise the level of dope in the
brain which gives a feeling of immense pleasure and in other cases where it is snorted by the abusers,
intensifies the feeling of euphoria which can lead to severe medical consequences which includes
nausea which consequently leads to vomiting, mood swings, decrease in the activities of brain,
seizures, coma and numbness.

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