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I ISSUE: 2-99 I




The Intumescent Fire Seals Association ifsa

The IFSA Code
Sealing Apertures and Service Penetrations to Maintain Fire Resistance

Published by
The Intumescent Fire Seals Association 1999

0 IFSA 1999

ISBN 0 9535166 0 1









B1 SCOPE Page B3


c1 SCOPE Page C3


D1 SCOPE Page D3
The Intumescent Fire Seals Association
The Technology of Passive Fire Protection

The Intumescent Fire Seals Association represents the leading companies in

the field of intumescent-based passive fire protection. Since its formation in
1982, the Association has pursued the objectives of promoting research and
development and establishing performance standards for the use of
intumescent fire and smoke seals. The membership embraces raw material
producers and the manufacturers and distributors of products for sealing
against fire and smoke at doors, pipe and cable penetrations, glazing
assemblies, ventilation grilles, expansion joints and most situations where fire
and smoke must be prevented from spreading through the apertures essential
in the building construction.

As the only trade association world-wide dedicated solely to the science and
application of intumescent-based sealing products, IFSA is an adviser on fire
legislation matters and is represented on committees for BSI, IS0 and CEN
standards. IFSA produces and regularly updates a series of Technical
Information Sheets on the properties and applications of fireseals and
associated techniques, to provide the latest data in this vitally important area of
building technology.

With the complexity of modern buildings and the ever growing need for services
to be distributed throughout the structure, architects, services engineers,
building control officers and fire prevention officers face increasing problems in
ensuring that fire-stopping and sealing at gaps and penetrations will perform
the required functions, during both normal use and in-fire. The problems are no
less difficult, and may be even greater, in upgrading and renovation projects.

This Code of Practice has been designed to present the essential information
on this very important aspect of fire protection design and practice in one
publication. The Association wishes to acknowledge the contribution made by
members and by its technical consultants, International Fire Consultants Ltd, in
making available and compiling their extensive knowledge and experience.

The Intumescent Fire Seals Association

20 Park Street, Princes Risborough, Bucks., HP27 9AH
TeI: 01844-275500 Fax: 01844-274002



Part A - Background and principles of sealing apertures

and service penetrations

The Intumescent Fire Seals Association 'fsa

Part A - Background and principles of sealing apertures and service penetrations Issue 2-99

Part A - Background and principles of sealing apertures and service penetrations



Al.l Introduction
A I .2 Defining the problem
Al.3 Specification parameters
Al.4 Definitions
Al.5 Legislative requirements for sealing
Al.5.1 National Building Regulations
Al.5.2 Fire Precautions Act
Al.5.3 Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997
Al.5.4 Large Building Requirements
Al.5.5 Hospitals
Al.5.6 Education Establishments
Al.5.7 Code of Practice for Fire Prevention on Construction Sites
A I .6 Insurance requirements
Al.6.1 LPC Design Guide


A2.1 Materials used for seals and barriers

A2.1.1 Intumescent Materials
A2.1.1.1 Ammonium phosphate
A2.1.1.2 Hydrated sodium silicate
A2.1.1.3 Intercalated graphite
A2.1.1.4 Interchangeability
A2.1.2 Low-intumescent ablative materials
A2.1.3 Non proprietary materials
A2.1.4 Fire barrier materials
A2.1.5 Demountable barrier materials

A2.2 Evaluating the fire performance of seals and sealing systems

A2.2.1 UK Fire Resistance Testing
A2.2.2 Harmonised European (CEN) Test Procedures
A2.2.3 C E markings in respect of the CPD
A2.2.4 IS0 Test procedures
A2.2.5 Using non-UK test evidence


A3.1 Limitations on applicability of test evidence

A3.2 The use and limitations of assessments
A3.2.1 The format of assessments
A3.2.2 The types of assessment
A3.2.2.1 Job specific assessment
A3.2.2.2 Field of application or global assessments
A3.2.2.3 Fire engineering assessments
A3.2.3 Validity of assessors

Part A Background and principles of sealing apertures and service penetrations Issue 2-99

A3.3 Quality and performance assurance

A3.3.1 Principles and benefits to user of general quality systems
A3.3.2 Performance linked Quality Assurance Schemes
A3.3.3 Performance Assurance Schemes

APPENDIX AA - Summary of legislative requirements

APPENDIX AB - Synopsis of quality assurance schemes

Part A - Background and principles of sealing apertures and service penetrations Issue 2-99



Al.l Introduction

This document has been prepared by the Intumescent Fire Seals Association (IFSA) in order to
define good practice in the evaluation, specification, selection and installation of sealing
systems to maintain the fire resistance of fire separating elements. It is intended to support
regulations B1 and 83 of the England & Wales Building Regulations, but is equally applicable
to Parts D & E of the Building Standards (Regulations) for Scotland, Part E of the Northern
Ireland Regulations and the LPC/ABI requirements as prescribed in the LPC Guide to the Fire
Protection of Buildings. The document is in four parts as follows:

PartA - Background and principles of sealing gaps and penetration

PartB - Sealing non-service apertures
PartC - Sealing around cables, metal pipes and service ducts
PartD - Closing-off plastic service pipes.

Incorrect selection and installation of seals between elements can compromise the fire
protection capabilities of the fire separating elements required for the construction of safe
escape routes (Regulation B1) or for separating risks or occupancies from each other or for
compartmenting-up unacceptably large spaces (Regulation 83). This document complements
the recommendations given in Approved Document B to the England & Wales Building
Regulations, but primarily addresses the ‘function’ as laid down in the regulations B1 and 83
and the equivalent other UK regulations.

The document is also designed to complement a fire safety engineered solution to achieving a
fire safe building. In such an approach it is important that the objective of containing a fire to
within the enclosure of origin (sub-system 3) is not compromised by the inadequate
specification of seals used for fire stopping or service sealing.

Increasingly fire safety is moving toward hazard and risk assessment based approaches. It is
envisaged that the new European Workplace (Fire Safety) Directive, which will apply to all
places of employment where at least one person is employed, will self-manage its fire safety
strategy. This Approved Document provides valuable assistance on the role of sealants and
sealing systems in maintaining a fire safe environment.

Al.2 - D

Most buildings incorporate walls and floors which have the function of either compartmenting
up the building to restrict the uncontrolled spread of a fully developed fire or to provide
protection to those escape routes needed for evacuation of personnel in the event of a fire. To
ensure an adequate level of protection these elements have to be of a fire resisting construction.
This means that they shall restrict the passage of flames or hot gases to ‘acceptable’ levels, not
become so hot on the protected face that they could transmit fire by conduction or radiation
and, in the case of loadbearing elements, maintain the loadbearing capacity and hence the
stability of the structure during fire. This reduces the risk of collapse and the associated risk to
life and also damage to adjacent property. The ability of an element to provide this fire
separation is adjudged by subjecting it to a fire resistance test in accordance with the
appropriate national standard which in the UK is BS476: Part 20 and its related parts. This test
exposes the element to pre-determined temperaturehime and pressure conditions which
examines the high temperature performance of the construction.

The level of fire separation provided by an element of construction is modified when it

incorporates a penetration of any type, e.g. door, window or in particular when it is necessary
to pass services through separating walls and floors. Once the service passes through the

Part A Background and principles of sealing apertures and service penetrations Issue 2-99

element it is necessary to make good any holes between the service and the surrounding
construction. If the service is made from material which would be destroyed by the fire it is also
necessary to ensure that any void caused by the service degrading can be adequately sealed
to ensure the resulting protection to the void has the same fire resistance as the adjacent
construction. There are no limits to the type or number of services which may pass through
these walls or floors and there is often a large range of sizes associated with each service type.
When specifying seals it is necessary to ensure that the proposed system is capable of
accommodating the variation of service sizes and service combinations to be encountered.

The ability of any particular sealing system to maintain the performance of a separating element
is also dependent upon the material composition, geometry and thermal behaviour of the
element being penetrated.

Currently there is a wide variety of products available in the market for sealing penetrations in
fire separating elements. The specifier needs to be able to specify products that have a field of
application that covers the intended use. The objective of this document is to highlight the
important parameters and the limitations that may apply to any particular product.

A I .3 Specification parameters

There are a number of prime design parameters which need to be considered when the system
is being tested, specified and installed.

1 Fire resistance duration required and the criteria to be satisfied, i.e.

integrity only or integrity and insulation, on the element, or also on the service.

2 Construction of the separating element.

3 Number, type, size and arrangement of penetrating services, if present.

4 Orientation of seal, i.e. vertical or horizontal.

5 Method of supporting the seal and services.

6 Method and quality of installation of the seal.

It is possible to prove the performance of the system for items 1 to 4 above, during fire
resistance testing. However, items 5 and 6 are equally, if not more, important than the previous
items. For example, it is not generally sufficient to install mineral wool fire barriers and seal the
edge gaps with mastic when there are complicated arrangements of penetrations passing
through the barrier and expect to obtain fire resistance periods in excess of 30 minutes. Joints
have to be made in the barrier such that they do not compromise the fire resistance and unless
the system is properly put together pieces may fall out during the life of the building. Any fire
seal must therefore be adequately supported and be installed in practice in a manner that
relates to both the tested and service conditions.

It is only recently that the need has been recognised to seal linear gaps in a manner that
recognises the purpose of the gap. It is also important to understand whether it is an
‘accidental’ or ‘designed-in’ gap.

‘Accidental’ linear gaps have always existed due to imperfections of fit and these have been
dealt with under the general regulatory requirement of ‘fire stopping’. Even for this purpose
different substrates often require different seal types and yet this has not been previously
recognised. ‘Designed-in’ linear gaps exist in buildings to provide expansion gaps or
movement joints between elements of structure. In such cases this movement must be
accommodated by the seal without dropping out, or causing a reduction in fire resistance. The
movement could cause the seal to be put into tension, compression or even into shear.

Part A - Background and principles of sealing apertures and service penetrations Issue 2-99

If the linear gap is at the perimeter of a separating wall which has a loadbearing function then it
may be necessary to transmit loads across the gap whilst maintaining a fire separating function.
Only certain materials will be suitable for this. This is considered in detail in Part 82.

The ability of a seal to accommodate cables will be influenced by the core to insulation ratio, the
softening and ignition temperatures of the insulation and the metal used for the conductor. The
number and distribution of cables will also influence the performance. Sealing pipes is no less
demanding. Obviously the diameter of the pipe, the pipe material and the thickness of the pipe
wall will influence the fire resistance. However, these influences can be masked by factors such
as whether the service is open (or becomes open) on the fire side or whether it is open on the
protected side. These factors are considered in Part C. The sealing of thermally softening pipes
is dependent upon the diameter and the wall thickness, but most of all by the exact composition
of the pipe material. The devices used to seal off such services rely heavily on the associated
construction for either support or a reaction force and as a consequence this is an important
feature when selecting the device. This is considered in detail in Part D.

To summarise, therefore, any apertures in a separating element can cause the anticipated or
required level of fire separation to be compromised either slightly or drastically. The technology
available to deal with gaps has developed rapidly and certain options are not generally known
to designers and specifiers. Under the old, prescriptive form of legislation the total package of
regulations was not unduly concerned about imperfections in the fit between elements or even
the existence of holes caused by the introduction of services. However, legislation is becoming
functional and more and more the designer is being asked to take on board the responsibility
for the fire safety aspects of the design. In doing this the modern designer must have a solution
for all problems as ignoring any of them may render him liable to negligence actions in the
event of a tragedy. This IFSA Code of Practice is designed to provide the designer with an
understanding of the problems and give recommendations as to the best way of maintaining the
separating function of the elements making up the modern building.

Al.4 Definitions

The definitions given below are common to all parts of this document. New definitions are those
considered by the Association to be most appropriate.

Al.4.1 Ablative

A term describing the phenomenon of fire protection by a material that is designed to be slowly
eroded away by the fire action rather than by a reactive system such as intumescent.

Al.4.2 Associated Supporting Construction

A form of supporting construction which is specifically designed to replicate the element to be

sealed in practice and which, when tested in conjunction with the seal, forms the direct field of

Al.4.3 Cavity Barrier

A construction provided to close a concealed space against penetration of smoke or flame, or

provided to restrict the movement of smoke or flame within such a space.

Al.4.4 Edge Seal

A seal located around the perimeter of the aperture to make good any lack of fit between the
fire barrier and the supporting construction.

Part A - Background and principles of sealing apertures and service penetrations Issue 2-99

Al.4.5 Fire Barrier or Bulkhead

A product normally rigid in form, which fills the bulk of the aperture when the penetrating
services fill a relatively small area of the hole in the separating element.

Al.4.6 Fire Safety Engineer

A qualified person with special knowledge of the fire behaviour of materials or structures and
preferably a chartered engineer or a corporate member of a fire related institution, e.g. Institute
of Fire Safety.

Al.4.7 Fire Seal

A seal designed to prevent the passage of fire, smoke or hot gases.

Al.4.8 Fire Separating Element

Floors, walls and other separating elements of construction having a period of fire resistance
determined in accordance with BS476: Part 20 or its associated parts (IS0 834)

Al.4.9 Fire Stopping

A seal provided to close an imperfection of fit or design tolerance between the elements or
components, excluding functional gaps, to restrict the passage of fire and smoke.

Al.4.10 Functional Linear Gap

A gap of the dimensions given in Al.4.15, but which is installed in an element or building for a
specific purpose e.g. a movement joint, rather than imperfections of fit.

Al.4.11 Generic Products

The materials referred to in the England and Wales Approved Document B to regulation 83.

A1.4.12 Intumescent

A term describing the phenomenon of expansion considerably in excess of normal thermal

expansion under the action of heat, normally generated by fire.

Al.4.13 Intumescent Mastic

An alternative term for an intumescent sealant.

Al.4.14 Intumescent Sealant

A sealant that remains flexible after curing and which contains materials that expand on heating
to produce a seal and resists the action of fire.

Al.4.15 Linear Gap

A gap with a length of at least 10 times its width and where gap width does not exceed 150mm.

Al.4.16 Linear Gap Seal

A seal used to maintain the fire resistance of the elements bounding a linear gap.

Part A - Background and principles of sealing apertures and service penetrations Issue 2-99

Al.4.17 Non-service penetration

An aperture in an element, that is not penetrated by a service.

Al.4.18 Transit System

A pre-fabricated metal construction containing fire resistant materials through which the cables
pass and which is either cast into or bolted onto the fire separating element.

Al.4.19 Pipe Closer Device

A pre-fabricated heat activated device which under fire exposure acts to crush plastic pipes or
ducts which pass through vertical or horizontal separating elements. The device normally
consists of a metal canister containing pressure producing intumescent material.

Al.4.20 Seal

A physical barrier introduced to prevent the passage of air, water, fire etc.

Al.4.21 Sealant

A sealing medium which is applied in a form that cures after application to form either a rigid,
or more commonly an elastomeric seal. Sealants may be applied by gun or trowel.

Al.4.22 Sealing Compound

A gunnable or trowellable material that sets rigid after curing and which contains materials that
are able to expand on heating to produce a seal able to resist the action of fire.

Al.4.23Service Penetration Large

A penetration, with single or multiple services passing through it, where the void between the
services and the associated construction is sufficiently large that it cannot be filled with a single
material and where the bulk of the aperture is filled by a bulkhead fire barrier (see AI .4.26).

Al.4.24Service Penetration Small

A penetration with either a single service, i.e. a cable or pipe, or a small number of services
passing through it where the void between the service@)and the associated construction can
be filled solely by a suitable sealing material.

Al.4.25 Standard Supporting Construction

The construction(s) adjacent to either a linear gap seal, penetration seal or fire barrier used
during a fire resistance test to create a boundary to the aperture. The standard supporting
construction is used when the end use of the product is not known. The selection of the
supporting construction should be made to produce the maximum field of application for the
tested product.

Al.4.26 Transit System

A pre-fabricated metal construction containing fire resistant materials through which the cables
pass and which is either cast into or bolted onto the fire separating element.

Part A - Background and principles of sealing apertures and service penetrations Issue 2-99

Al.5 Leaislative reauirements for sealina aarx and around services

Al.5.1 National Building Regulations

At the time of publication there are four main sets of regulations covering the subject of fire
stopping, penetration and linear gap sealing in operation in the UK and Eire. These are as

i) The England & Wales Building Regulations 1991 and associated

Approved Document B.
ii) The Building Standards (Scotland) Regulations 1990, Parts D & E.
iii) The Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1994, Technical Booklet E.
iv) The Building Regulations for Eire 1991, Technical Guidance Document B.

Details of requirements in Building Regulations are given in Appendix AA.

A1 5 2 Fire Precautions Act

For factories, offices, shops and railway premises where 20 or more people are at work at any
time, or where 10 or more people are at work at any time elsewhere than on the ground floor
then the building/premises have to be ‘certificated’. This process is undertaken by Fire
Prevention Officers from the local Fire Authority and the ability for a building to be issued with a
certificate is with respect to the requirements of the Fire Precautions Act. This is a very general
piece of enabling legislation and the operation of the Act is achieved by means of guides to the
Act, prepared by the Home Office and which cover the various building and occupancy types.

The Fire Precautions Act is only related to life safety issues and the guides are designed to
ensure that there are adequate provisions to ensure safe escape and that these provisions are
maintained. The guides are highly prescriptive in nature but do recognise that fire safety
engineering may sometimes be used as an alternative in complex buildings. A building that
complies is awarded a fire certificate which is a complex document that records all matters that
impinge on life safety.

The principle behind the act covers the provision of protected routes, i.e. routes bounded by fire
resisting constructions, along which persons may escape to a place of safety. The elements
forming these protected routes shall not have their fire resistant properties impaired by gaps or
by the penetration of services.

The guide identifies pipework and ductwork as being possible causes for reductions in the fire
performance, but ignores cables. The guide only refers to the need to introduce fire and smoke
stopping provisions in accordance with the appropriate national regulations, or in approved
guidance documents to regulations (England, Wales, N. Ireland and Ireland - see Appendix AA).

Any building built since the introduction of National Building Regulations in 1965 is covered by
a statutory bar which prevents any subsequent inspection requiring increased protection,
unless a change of use or structural modification has taken place which were not approved
separately by the local authority under building regulations. Revised layouts of partitions may
be deemed to cause a break in the statutory bar.

A1 S . 3 Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997

This legislation requires employers to ensure that the premises on which they are employing
people are safe with respect to fire, even if only one person is employed. There are no
prescriptive requirements and compliance with the legislation is proven on the basis of a hazard
and risk assessment, normally carried out by competent suitably qualified person or body, but
possibly self-performed. The risk associated with penetration of the walls and ceilings in the
designated route to a place of safety should not be overlooked. The benefit that good quality

Part A Background and principles of sealing apertures and service penetrations Issue 2-99

fire stopping and penetration sealing makes to reducing the hazard should feature in the
assessment of the risk.

Al.5.4 Large Building Requirements

When the Greater London Council (GLC) was disbanded in 1983 the England and Wales
Regulations became the basis for building legislation, replacing the London by-laws. However,
there was perceived to be an inadequacy in the England and Wales regulations as they did not
address the special problems associated with large buildings. In London these buildings were
always covered by the GLC Code of Practice London Building Acts (Amendments) Act 1939
Section 20 Code of Practice which applied to the following buildings:

a) Buildings with a storey or part of a storey at a height greater than 30m.

b) Buildings with a storey or part of a storey at a height greater than 25m

with any floor exceeding 930m2.

c) Warehouse, factory etc. with a total volume exceeding 71OOm3 unless

divided by division walls to ensure no division exceeds 71OOm3.

Despite not being part of the primary legislation, the Section 20 Code is still used as a guidance
document describing how fire precautions should be handled in large buildings. It does not go
into a lot of detail as to how penetrations should sealed, other than to use the term ‘fire stopped’.

Al.5.5 Hospitals

Hospitals built on behalf of the NHS Estates need to comply with the Firecode in Health
Technical Memorandum 81 (HTM 81) which, whilst being quite specific in some aspects of
passive fire protection, makes no special requirements in respect of sealing gaps or services.
Specific guidance is incorporated with respect of ducts although it ignores the need for seals
around ducts or dampers where they pass through a wall. It must be assumed that compliance
with appropriate Building Regulations satisfies these requirements.

Al.5.6 Educational Establishments

Educational establishments need to satisfy the requirements given in Department of Education

and Science Building Bulletin 7. There are no special requirements given for the sealing of

Al.5.7 Code of Practice for Fire Prevention on Construction Sites

This is a voluntary code drawn up by The Building Employers Confederation and the Loss
Prevention Council/National Contractors Group with the objective of reducing the vulnerability
of buildings under construction to fire. It is too general as a code to go into detail, but Section
8 highlights the need to plan work so that items such as fire resisting doors and ‘firestopping’
are installed as early as is convenient, in order to compartmentalise the building as quickly as
possible and reduce its vulnerability to rapid fire spread.

As services are one of the last items to be completed there is a temptation to leave holes in walls
and floors unsealed until the services are installed. The Code of Practice for Fire Prevention on
Construction Sites recommends that temporary seals are used to close-off these apertures
whilst the building is under construction,

The use of temporary sealing systems, in the form of seal bags (see C4.3.2), should be utilised
for sealing these apertures as soon as is practical, especially as they can be temporarily moved
to allow the introduction of new services as and when required and then subsequently resealed.

Part A - Background and principles of sealing apertures and service penetrations Issue 2-99

Al.6 Insurance reauirements

Al.6.1 LPC Design Guide for the Fire Protection of Buildings

The insurance premium that a building owner pays is directly related to the assessed risk and
the estimated damage that would occur in the event of a fire. The various national building
regulations have the primary objective of limiting injury and life loss of the occupants and only
consider the protection of the structure in the broader sense of health and safety. If the damage
to a building involved in a fire is to be limited, so as to reduce the insurance consequences, then
fire separation between areas of risk and the remainder of the building must be better than the
regulatory minimum. To ensure a uniform application of these higher standards the insurers
requirements are enshrined in the ‘Design Guide for the Fire Protection of Buildings’ which is
published by the Loss Prevention Council (LPC). Part 4 of the Design Guide addresses the
protection of openings and services.

The guide gives more detailed recommendations than the building regulations and places some
restrictions on the use of non-fixed sealing systems, e.g. pillows, sealing bags and wraps. It is
more specific as to where seals which comply with either integrity only or both integrity and
insulation criteria are allowed. Sealing systems which have evidence to show that they are both
robust and have longevity are preferred and such requirements are enshrined in the LPCB
approval for penetration sealing systems and sealants. The ability of the seal to restrict smoke
spread is also important.


A2.1 Materials used for seals and barriers

A2.1.1 Intumescent Materials

Most materials expand slightly when heated. Materials described as ‘intumescent’ have the
additional property that, upon reaching a certain temperature, they expand copiously and form
an insulating char, some to many times their original volume. This makes them ideal for sealing
any gaps that inevitably exist in fire separating elements. Properly specified and installed, these
seals can lay dormant for years only activating and expanding when subjected to the
characteristic temperature and pressure conditions of a fire.

A number of materials exhibit intumescent behaviour. Three types are currently in commercial

i) Ammonium phosphate
ii) Hydrated sodium silicate
iii) Intercalated graphite.

The characteristics of these materials are quite different from each other and significant
variations may occur within each type, according to the precise formulation used. The seals
may incorporate reinforcing fibres, binders and preservatives to give specific properties. Brief
details of the main characteristics of each type of material are presented below:

A2.1.1.1 Ammonium phosphate

Products of this type were originally based on mono-ammonium phosphate (often abbreviated
to MAP) but in recent years ammonium polyphosphate (APP) has also been used. The material
has an activation temperature of about 180°C and generates virtually no pressure during
expansion. It is an excellent gap filler and can accommodate significant movement of
components in fire conditions. Seals based on MAP or APP are hygroscopic and may be
protected by a suitable binder system or a surface coating applied during manufacture.

A1 1
Part A - Background and principles of sealing apertures and service penetrations Issue 2-99

A2.1.1.2 Hydrated sodium silicate

This material is also hygroscopic and the most widely used commercial version is coated with
an epoxy resin to protect against atmospheric water vapour. The expansion is mainly uniaxial
giving a hard foam which exerts considerable pressure during expansion, normally in excess of
1 atmosphere. This form of sodium silicate is probably the most resistant of all the intumescent
materials to high temperatures, since it vitrifies at around 9OO"C, but it is not able to
accommodate further movement in this state. The activation temperature of sodium silicate
intumescent is about 110 - 120°C and is the lowest of the commercially used materials
described here.

A2.1.1.3 Intercalated graphite

Intercalated graphite differs from ordinary graphite in having water molecules sandwiched
between the layers of carbon. On heating, the water is turned into steam causing the graphite
to exfoliate, producing a light 'fluffy' material. During the expansion phase a considerable
pressure is generated if the expansion is restricted (more than 10 atmospheres if the degree of
constraint is sufficient) and the expanded material is compacted but spongy. In practice the
degree of expansion and the pressure exerted by graphite intumescent seals depends on the
amount of graphite incorporated into the product. The free expansion may be 20 fold, with the
capability of exerting pressure of several atmospheres if sufficient graphite is used. The
activation temperature is typically around 200°C. Graphite is not hygroscopic so it does not
require protection from the atmosphere.

A2.1.1.4 Interchangeability of intumescent materials

It can be seen that, although intumescent materials have the common property of expansion
when heated, the initiation temperature, the increase in volume and the pressure generated
differ greatly, not only between types of materials but also within material types. In these
circumstances it must be understood that one product cannot be substituted for another without
due consideration of the behaviour of both products. Which material is 'best' will vary according
to what is required from the intumescent. The substitution of one type for another should never
be considered without consultation either with the intumescent manufacturer, or with an
appropriately experienced expert. IFSA will be pleased to give technical advice on the suitability
of intumescent materials for different applications.

A2.1.2 Ablative materials

Ablative materials with little or no intumescent action may be used to seal penetrations, with or
without penetrating services or linear gaps, provided that the geometry of the void being sealed
remains static during the fire exposure. If significant thermally induced movements are likely to
occur or if services will be destroyed or significantly distressed under fire exposure then these
materials are not likely to be suitable since volumetric expansion (i.e. intumescent activity)
would be required to maintain the integrity of the seal.

A2.1.3 Non-proprietary materials recognised by regulations.

Clause 83 of the Approved Document B to the England & Wales regulations gives a range of
prescriptive materials which can be adopted for sealing non-functional gaps, where appropriate,
and these include:

i) cement based mortar

ii) gypsum based plaster
iii) cement or gypsum based vermiculitelperlite mixes
iv) glass fibre, crushed rock, blast furnace slag or ceramic based products (with or
without reSin binders)

Part A - Background and principles of sealing apertures and service penetrations Issue 2-99

IFSA recommends that because of the inability of material types i) to iii) above to accept
movement either in normal use, or in particular when subjected to fire attack, limitations of these
materials needs to be seriously considered before specifying. Mineral fibre seals are able to
accept movement, but are dependent upon good quality installation if they are to restrict smoke
movement and not fall out in use. Because of the low melting temperature of glassfibre IFSA do
not recommend its use even though recommended in Approved Document B.

A2.1.4 Fire Barrier Materials

Where it is required to seal large penetrations which cannot be sealed adequately with any of
the ‘wet’ applied products listed in A2.1.3 and intumescent products alone cannot fill the gap,
then it is necessary to use one of the many types of rigid or semi-rigid materials to produce a
bulkhead to restrict the spread of flame or smoke.

Board systems will normally consist of the materials used for fire protection to form a solid panel.
Materials such as calcium silicate, vermiculite or even cement boards are used. These do not
normally offer such good insulation characteristics as fibre based boards, but do provide
integrity and smoke restrictions.

Mineral wool slabs may be used but, depending upon the density, they often require an
impermeable membrane on one or both faces in order to prevent percolation of gases through
the slab. This is achieved either by the use of metal foils bonded to each face of the slab, or by
the application of spray applied materials, often intumescent in nature.

Barrier systems generally incorporate some form of additional intumescent or ablative material
to seal the interface between the board and any services and also the interface of the board with
the associated construction.

A2.1.5 Demountable barrier materials (pillows)

Pillow systems provide an alternative to board systems for large penetrations in walls. Pillows
generally comprise a non-combustible bag filled with inert, ablative or intumescent materials (or
a combination of two or three types) which are stacked, sand-bag fashion, to produce a. rigid
wall. Pillow systems with dense infill materials are capable of providing a significant degree of
support to services should the original support to these services fail in the fire affected area.

A2.2 Evaluatina the fire performance of seals and sealina svstems

A2.2.1 UK Fire resistance testing procedures

It is important to state clearly at the outset that there is currently NO British Standard test for
determining the fire resistance of seals and sealing systems. All tests on such products are ad-
hoc in their nature and are carried out according to the general principles of fire resistance
testing of building materials, as described in BS476: Part 20: 1987.

The following is taken from BS476: Part 20

“The objective of determining fire resistance is to assess the behaviour of a specimen of an

element of building construction when subjected to defined heating and pressure conditions.
The method provides a means of quantifying the ability of an element to withstand exposure to
high temperatures, by setting criteria by which the loadbearing capacity, the fire containment
(integrity) and the thermal transmittance (insulation) functions can be adjudged

A representative sample of the element is exposed to a specified regime of heating and the
performance of the test sample is monitored on the basis of criteria described in the standard.
Fire resistance of the test element is expressed as the time for which the appropriate criteria have

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Part A - Background and principles of sealing apertures and service penetrations Issue 2-99

been satisfied. The times so obtained are a measure of the adequacy of the construction in a
fire but have no direct relationship with the duration of a real fire.

The test data can be used directly to show compliance with fire resistance requirements in
regulations, bye-laws or other safety specifications. The tests can also be used to study the
behaviour of constructions at high temperatures and obtain guidance on the effect of design
features on fire resistance. Due to restrictions of size and the absence of surrounding
construction the laboratory test cannot reproduce the actual behaviour pattern of an element in
a fire. However, test data can provide a basis for making engineering evaluations. ”

Further parts of BS476 give the methods for determining the fire resistance of various elements
of construction, for example:

(0 Part 21 loadbearina elements

flat roofs

(ii) Part 22 non-loadbearina elements

vertical partitions
vertical doorsets and shutters
ceiling membranes
glazed elements

(iii) Part 23 comDonents of structures

suspended ceilings
intumescent seals in timber doorsets

(iv) Part 24 ventilation ducts

vertical and horizontal ducts

However, having said that no British Standard exists for testing the fire resistance of penetration
seals or sealing systems, responsible sectors of the industry do test their products in a semi-
standardised way using the general principles of BS476: Part 20. This means exposing
specimens to the temperature conditions of BS476; using an appropriate furnace pressure and
applying as rigorously as possible the criteria of integrity and where appropriate insulation. The
integrity criteria can be evaluated as stated in the standard but the insulation criteria, which
requires measurement of unexposed surface temperature over the surface of the specimen, is
not physically possible if one is testing a penetration seal, or linear gap seal. An in-depth
understanding of the limitations applying to the evidence of a test, the test objective and the
likely behaviour of the material being evaluated needs to be known by the designer of the test,
acting as the manufacturer’s adviser. Some sealing systems are very sensitive to void geometry,
gap size, substrate material, rate of heating etc. and a single test result should not be
considered to substantiate all possible uses of a seal. The responsible manufacturer will seek
to determine the field of application of the product based on the results of testing by consulting
experts or suitably qualified staff in the testing laboratory. They will also make available to
specifiers, control bodies and other interested parties the test evidence which supports any
claims made in the company literature.

Linear gap seals should be tested in a range of substrates with various gap widths, gap
orientations and sealant depths. Pipe closers should be tested with a range of pipe diameters,

\' .

Part A - Background and principles of sealing apertures and service penetrations Issue 2-99

both horizontally and vertically and using a range of different pipe materials. The method of
mounting the pipe closer affects the performance and a range of mounting options needs to be
evaluated. Cable penetration seals should be tested with a range of substrates and cable sizes
and types in both horizontal and vertical configurations. Metal pipe service penetration seals
should be tested with a range of pipe materials, pipe diameters and substrates and should be
tested both horizontally and vertically with different methods of support if appropriate. The
sealing of service ducts should be tested in both the horizontal and vertical orientation with a
range of substrates. Products used for sealing larger apertures with or without services should
be tested with a representative range of aperture sizes in both the horizontal and vertical

A2.2.2 Harmonised European (CEN) test procedures

As part of the proposed European Common market for construction products a number of test
procedures have been produced in support of the Construction Products Directive. The
requirements for the products are given in the Interpretative Document (ID). Proposed methods
for evaluating penetration seals and linear gap seals are planned. These are given the following
standard numbers:

[pr]EN 1366-3 Penetration Seals

[pr]EN 1366-4 Linear Joint Seals

The penetration seal test incorporates standard configurations which have defined fields of
direct application which apply to the result. These standard configurations specify the services
that need to be incorporated so that all sealing systems are evaluated in an identical manner,
thus making comparison relatively simple. The standard configuration for cables has been
derived from that used in the German national method, whereas the standard configuration for
pipes was derived in the UK from a research programme funded by IFSA and the DOE (now
DETR) and performed at the Fire Research Station of the BRE.

Whilst the CEN test methods are likely to replace national standards in the member states e.g.
BS476: Part 20: 1987, sometime during 1990/2000 there will be a transitional period before all
products will need to be tested to the new standard(s) and for national regulations to call up
these methods. No period of transition has been set at the time of writing, but it is unlikely to
be mandatory for around 10 years. Changes in the equipment to be used for controlling the
furnace are likely to make the EN tests more severe, unless these are revised before final

A2.2.3 C E Markings in respect of the CPD

Compliance with the criteria given in the above EN standards for the periods specified in the
Interpretative Document will allow the sealing system, or sealing product, to be marked with a
CE mark showing that is conforms with the essential requirements identified for that product in
the Construction Product Directive. This mark can only be applied when the relevant reaction-
to-fire properties are also shown to be able to comply with the appropriate EN tests, but the
methods of doing this have, at the time of publication, yet to be agreed.

The tests are likely to be similar to the International Standards Organisation (EO) test
procedures for such material properties.

A2.2.4 International Standard Organisation (EO) test procedures

IS0 have two test procedures in the programme of standards giving procedures for evaluating
penetration sealing systems and linear gap seals. These are:-

I S 0 10295-1 Penetration seals

IS0 10295-2 Linear gap seals

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Part A - Background and principles of sealing apertures and service penetrations Issue 2-99

The tests are similar to those used in CEN, but will possibly not be completely identical in all
respects due to differences in the drafts at the time of voting.

A2.2.5 Using non-UK test evidence

Tests performed to methods other than those described in British Standards are not able to
directly satisfy the UK national recommended performance levels (other than the ‘EN’ tests in
due course) because of differences between the test methods. If the likely performance could
be established had the test been performed following the methodology of BS476 using the non-
UK generated data, then the evidence may be used subject to the agreement of the controlling
authorities. For this to be accepted the person or body making that judgement must be able to
demonstrate that they have a full understanding of the methodology and are therefore able to
predict the performance against other methods.

It is not possible to identify all relevant European and International tests. The differences that
are most likely to make it difficult to use evidence from other countries are:

Differences in furnace pressure

Differences in furnace fuels
Differences in criteria
Differences in laboratory procedures

In the USA fire resistance tests on doors, walls and floors are all performed at negativeheutral
pressure and it is incongruous that penetration sealing tests are performed to a similar pressure
regime as in the international test method I S 0 834. The tested assembly is, however, subjected
to a hose stream test which normally causes the seal to be specifically designed to withstand
this action. By contrast, in Belgium the furnace is run at a complete over-pressure which means,
depending upon whereabouts in the furnace the penetration seal is placed, the pressure will be
greater than experienced in the UK, and the seal design would normally accommodate this.

Many of the furnaces in Continental Europe are fired by oil rather than natural gas as is uniformly
used throughout the UK. Whilst measuring the furnace gas temperatures and controlling the
furnaces accordingly in the tests, the heat flux from the burning oil is different from that
generated from gaseous fuels. Even the quality of oil can have a significant influence on the
behaviour/result. The thermocouple is not necessarily sensitive to this change in flux and
therefore different exposure conditions are experienced by the test assembly.

When determining the unexposed face temperature rise for the purpose of satisfying the
insulation criteria, various countries have different positions for measurement and even different
thermocouple or thermocouple retaining procedures. These all influence the duration for which
the sealing system complies. In France most separating elements have been evaluated for
compliance with ‘par-flam’, whereby a small pilot flame is passed over the unexposed face to
see if volatile gases are being given-off. This procedure will be discontinued after the adoption
of European standards. This can lead to significantly earlier failures for certain sealing systems.

IFSA recommends that non-UK based evidence is only used if it has been subjected to a formal
assessment process whereby the performance is rated against the BS476 : Part 20/22 methods.
Significant differences in performance may result. Only assessors with a knowledge of the
relevant national procedures should carry out such assessments (see A3.2.3).

Part A - Background and principles of sealing apertures and service penetrations Issue 2-99


A3.1 Limitations on amlicabilitv of test evidence

Too often complete reliance is put on the presentation of a test report to substantiate that the
material has been tested and hence meets the legislative recommendations/requirements.
Rarely is that evidence analysed to examine whether it is appropriate for the intended task. As
stated in Clause A2.2.1 there are no defined procedures for evaluating fire stopping materials,
linear gap seals or methods of sealing penetrations. As a consequence the design of the
specimen is normally left to the seal manufacturer, sometimes enlisting the help of laboratory
staff and occasionally involving experts. Many of these tests are performed at small scale which
may be acceptable for evaluating seals for use with ‘stable’ elements of construction but, as
they do not reproduce the anticipated deflections, they may not apply to their use in elements
likely to distort more in practice. It is relatively easy to design a test for a pipe, cable or linear
gap seal that does not expose the potential weaknesses in the material and indeed a number
of sealant tests in circulation would probably have passed without the sealant having any real
fire properties at all.

Consequently test reports in isolation are not necessarily meaningful documents unless the
specifier or purchaser is willing, and able, to check if the test is suitable for the specific
application, e.g. substrates, size, position, geometry. It is safer if the product has been
evaluated by a third party, either as part of a third party Quality/Performance assurance scheme
or as the subject of an ‘assessment’ by a suitably qualified assessor. This is discussed further
in the subsequent clauses.

A3.2 The use and limitations of assessments

A3.2.1 The format of assessments

Any assessment must demonstrate quite clearly that the assessor understands the performance
of the product he is assessing because without this understanding he will not be able to pass
an informed judgement on the product. The Approved Document B to the England and Wales
Building Regulations gives some guidance as to who is suitable for assessing products but in
any case the assessment itself must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the building control
officer or hidher expert adviser, that the assessor really understands the behaviour of the

Each assessment or field of application statement/report produced from test results should have
the following components within it. The proposal should be clearly defined within the
assessment, the relevant test evidence pertaining to the product being assessed should be
listed, an analysis of the test result and implications of any changes that are being proposed
and why these changes are acceptable. Finally a conclusion should be clearly stated showing
that the opinion expressed in the document relates to BS476: Parts 20 to 24 when considering
fire resistance because the new approved document for England and Wales requires all
assessments to be in relation to Parts 20 - 24. This means that any tests performed to Part 8
have to be carefully considered when assessing to Part 20 to establish if the change in testing
procedure may have affected the performance of the product.

A3.2.2 The types of assessment

A3.2.2.1 Job specific assessment

In this case test evidence may be analysed to assess how design changes in the product or
differences in its intended use for a particular application or a specific problem encountered on
site may affect the performance of the product. It is worth noting that many aspects
encountered on site cannot be tested very easily and so it is necessary to judge and assess
whether these non-testable aspects of the design adversely affect the performance of the

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Part A - Background and principles of sealing apertures and service penetrations Issue 2-99

product and will reduce the fire resistance significantly. As its name implies, a job specific
assessment must clearly define the project to which it relates.

IFSA recommends that a job specific assessment should not be used for subsequent projects
which are not identical to the assessed design.

A3.2.2.2 Field of application assessments (direct and extended)

Another way to approach the relationship between proposals, test evidence and assessments
is the concept of a global assessment or a field of application of the test results. This type of
assessment will normally be based on primary evidence from United Kingdom Accreditation
Service (UKAS) approved laboratories, possibly supported by some secondary test evidence
from large or small scale furnace tests which may or may not be UKAS approved. In some
cases, European or IS0 based test evidence may be used for this purpose.

If one considers the example of a doorset then the field of application report covering the use
of intumescent seals in conjunction with that doorset should establish quite clearly from the test
evidence the maximum size to which the door can be built and still achieve the required rating
without a change in the seals, and then the size it can be made to if the seal specification is
varied, if at all. The influence of any variations in fixings, glazing details, ironmongery, for
example, have to be clearly identified and any limitations should be incorporated into the field
of application report.

A correctly designed fire testing programme will allow the manufacturer to characterise various
aspects of performance of the product which helps to build-up the evidence in support of a field
of application. In the case of a sealing system the field of application should try and predict the
performance against a range of services, a range of substrates, various gap widths and
appropriate durations. Having undertaken these tests, an analysis of the test evidence will give
an idea of the effects of the various governing parameters. Having considered all test evidence
it is possible to look at all the various parameters which govern the performance of the product
and to combine these to allow changes in the product or its application from that which has
been tested, whilst still maintaining the same fire resistance.

A Field of Application for a product has two distinct elements, direct application and extended

The field of direct application identifies the uses for which the product may be used without the
need for any calculations, extrapolations or expert judgements because these uses are less
onerous than the conditions embodied in the test. The granting of a direct application should
be an automatic process against predetermined rules laid down in guidance documents such
as the International Standards Organisation’s Technical Report TR12470. The persons granting
the direct field of application need not be particularly expert as there is no need for judgement
in this process.

A field of extended application identifies those applications for which the material or system may
be used if the conditions or performance do not replicate those in the test. Such a report
identifies any compensatory measures that may need to be introduced to achieve the
performance required in response to changes in other parameters, such as the gap width, gap
depth, orientation, pipe diameter, cable numbers etc. An extended field of application
assessment will normally be based on a number of test results with the range of applications
related to the range of specimens tested, allowing for interpolation and scientifically justified
extrapolation techniques.

IFSA recommends that extended fields of application need to be approached with care as it is
difficult to ensure that all conceivable factors have been considered, especially if an
extrapolation of the result is involved. Extended application reports can only be prepared by
‘expert’ assessors.

Part A - Background and principles of sealing apertures and service penetrations Issue 2-99

A3.2.2.3 Fire Engineering Assessments

The third type of assessment is a fire engineering assessment where it may be recognised that
the fire resistance ratings from a BS476 tests are not particularly relevant for this type of
construction. When performing an analysis of this type one has to return to first principles and
consider fire load, ventilation, the volume of the space being considered, the geometry of that
volume and how a fire might develop and how any subsequent smoke would move within that
volume. From this information it is possible to approximately estimate the temperature
characteristics of a fire within that compartment. However, it must be stressed that this
technology is in its infancy and the error band associated with any calculation of this type may
be quite large. Therefore suitable factors of safety have to be applied and engineered into the
design. Based on these calculations it will then be possible to establish equivalent fire resisting
periods for items of loadbearing construction and non-loadbearing construction. This would
allow manufacturers to provide, for example, a product which achieves a 24 minute rating for
integrity and provided that the designer has demonstrated that for all conceivable scenarios the
fire within that compartment can be contained for a reasonable period by a product with a fire
resistance of 24 minutes when tested to BS476; Part 20 then this will suffice with the current
functional regulations within England and Wales, where the fire engineered solution is an
accepted way of meeting the functional requirement.

The publication as a draft for development of the new British Standard (BS) Guide to the use of
fire engineering in buildings, DD 240: Parts 1 and 2: 1997, and the greater recognition by
regulations of this method of meeting the fire safety function, will inevitably lead to a greater use
of this type of performance assessment.

When considering a fire engineering solution it is often necessary to consider all aspects of the
design, i.e. not just the passive fire protection but also the active measures including detection,
evacuation and suppression of the fire, as these aspects form part of the total analysis of that
particular problem

A3.2.3 Validity of Assessors

The question is often raised as to ‘who is able to make an assessment of the fire performance
of a product, or construction?’ In England and Wales, under the Approved Document to
regulations B1, B2, 83, 84 and 85 suitable assessors are described as follows:-

1) Suitably qualified fire safety engineers

2) Laboratories accredited by UKAS for conducting the relevant test
3) Building Research Establishment
4) Other bodies such as The British Board of Agreement (BBA)
5) European bodies notified by member states to British Government

Unfortunately the use of the term ‘suitably’ does not give adequate guidance with respect to
validating any particular person or practice, although it does refer to ‘qualified’ fire safety
engineers. This implies that the assessor should at least carry recognised professional/scientific

Staff in laboratories that are approved by UKAS for performing the relevant tests obviously have
a wide knowledge of the test method and should have an understanding of the likely
performance of any material or construction against the procedures. However, with a complex
reaction as may be displayed by a multi-component construction when evaluated against the
fire resistance test, it is a knowledge of the product and the building response that may be more
important than a knowledge of the test. Sealing systems are materials where product
knowledge is particularly important.

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Part A - Background and principles of sealing apertures and service penetrations Issue 2-99

It is a requirement in making any assessment of performance that the assessor is fully

conversant with the behavioural characteristics of the construction to be assessed. In the case
where a manufacturer has carried out all of their tests at a particular laboratory and during that
period the laboratory has not had any significant staff changes, then the personnel in that
situation probably have adequate knowledge of the form of construction.

Under the functional route to satisfy the England and Wales regulations, there is no guidance
as to who might be ‘suitably qualified’ and as a consequence it is left to the recipient of the
assessment to judge the suitability of the assessor.

In both cases the recipient has to be satisfied that the assessment has been prepared by a
person or body with either the knowledge of the test, the fire science, the knowledge of the
specific construction and/or similar constructions, or both.

A3.3 Qualitv and Performance Assurance

A3.3.1 Principles and benefits to the user of general quality systems

Quality assurance takes several different forms and has several different objectives. The
simplest objective is to ensure that the customer gets what has been asked for and that it will
be reliable in use. At all stages during the process of providing a product the quality of the
product will be checked. Initially the process will check that the order is transposed correctly
and that the right products are put into manufacture or correctly identified for removing from
stock. For those products requiring manufacture, checks will be undertaken at various stages
to ensure that the materials and the methods all conform to the manufacturing specification for
that product. Further checks will be undertaken to ensure that the product that is despatched
to the customer is that which was ordered. This is done by a number of quality control checks,
the number often being related to the complexity of the processes involved. This has
traditionally been done by people in a supervisory role just checking on the actions of the staff
involved. More and more frequently it has been seen to be sensible to identify the checks
required, record all such checks and to formally identify the critical procedures and the
frequency at which they need to be checked. Once this formal procedure is in place this is then
known as a quality system. The quality system is normally documented thoroughly in the
quality manual for the company and the product. There is a necessity to be able to distinguish
between good and poor quality systems. As a consequence standards have been introduced
to control the quality of these systems and they are variously identified as IS0 9000, CEN 45000.
There is some pressure in the construction industry for products to be supplied from companies
who have quality systems that comply with ISO9000.

IS09000 does however come in several forms. If there is a significant design element then the
system needs to be different from one where there is no design function. IS09000 has the
following parts; ISO9001, IS09002, IS09003. Registration for Part 3 does not cover anybody
doing work of design and manufacture. It is therefore important to ensure that the company has
the correct registration for the services that it is providing. Where a construction company is
operating an IS09000 system this does not preclude buying from suppliers who do not have
ISO9000, but it is beholden upon them to introduce their own pre-acceptance checks to ensure
that the product that is supplied is suitable and is what was ordered. If that same company were
to buy from a quality assured source then many of these checks would not be necessary. In-
house quality systems may be as good as those covered by I S 0 recognition and purchasers
may wish to buy from non-accredited sources if they are happy with the quality of the product.

A3.3.2 Performance linked Quality Assurance Schemes

IS09000 does not address the issue of whether the product is a good product or a bad product.
It only identifies that it is a consistent product and is of the type that was ordered. When dealing
with performance products it omits an important link and that is to ensure that the construction
manufactured is related to the construction that was evaluated. During any manufacturing

Part A - Background and principles of sealing apertures and service penetrations Issue 2-99

process there will often be a need to change the product because of the need to speed up a
process, or as a result of supply shortages of materials etc. This can all be done under IS09000
where the new processes are identified and registered. However, there is no requirement within
IS09000 for the influence of that change on its fire performance to be evaluated. Therefore a
quality assurance system would ensure consistency of the product but not the performance of
the product unless further checks are put in place. This additional requirement is dealt with by
a performance linked quality assurance system which ensures that the construction of the
tested assembly forms the basis of the product specification within the quality system. A
number of bodies in the UK operate performance linked quality systems for fire rated products
and these are given in Appendix AB.

In most sealing projects the way to seal the gap or penetration has to be designed specifically
for that particular aperture. Because of the high design element it is considered important that
the company designing the seal has IS09001 accreditation. The materials then need to be
manufactured in accordance with quality systems and the solution needs to comply with the
field of application of the products supplied. A check on installation as part of a scheme is also

A3.3.3 Performance Assurance Schemes

There is an intermediate level which is not as effective as a full performance assurance system
but is far superior to not having any assurance system. This is to have a performance
assessment which identifies the allowable variations and the necessary design changes but
which is not linked to the QA system. The purchaser will be at least assured that the
performance limitations have been considered and that the product is therefore being supplied
within its field of application and if the company is also IS09000 approved then at least
minimum manufacturing quality requirements also apply.

Both of the IFCCAD, PYROCAD performance systems covering doors and glazing, operated by
International Fire Consultants Limited, approve constructions where the performance is linked
directly to the specification of intumescent sealing products, and are examples of Performance
Assurance Schemes. When the manufacturer has IS09000 systems in place as well, these
equate to a performance linked QA scheme, as long as the critical parameters are covered by
the inspection.

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Part A - Background and principles of sealing apertures and service penetrations Issue 2-99



AA.l Enaland and Wales

The Building Regulations 1991 are in operation at the time of publication of this document, and
there is a range of Approved Documents (AD’S)which give practical guidance on meeting the
requirements of Schedule 1 and Regulation 7 of the Building Regulations. Approved Document
B gives guidance on meeting the fire safety requirement of the Building Regulations and is sub-
divided into the following sections -

B1 Means of Escape
B2 Internal fire spread (linings)
B3 Internal fire spread (structures)
84 External fire spread
85 Access and facilities for the fire service

The requirements from Part B of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations (83) are:-

Reauirement Limits on application

Internal fire spread (structure)

B3 (1) The building shall be designed and
constructed so that, in the event of fire, its
stability will be maintained for a reasonable

(2) A wall common to two or more buildings

shall be designed and constructed so that it
resists the spread of fire between those
buildings. For the purposes of this sub-
paragraph a house in a terrace and a semi-
detached house are each to be treated as a
separate building.

(3) To inhibit the spread of fire within the Requirement 83 (3) does not apply to
building, it shall be sub-divided with fire- material alterations to any prison provided
resisting construction to an extent under section 33 of the Prisons Act 1952.
appropriate to the size and intended use of
the building.

(4) The building shall be designed and

constructed so that the unseen spread of fire
and smoke within concealed spaces in its
structure and fabric is uninhibited.

In the Secretary of State’s view the requirements of B3 will be met:

a) if the load bearing elements of structure of the building are capat.2 of withstanding the
effects of fire for an appropriate period without loss of stability.

b) if the building is sub-divided by elements of fire-resisting construction into


c) if any openings in fire separating elements are suitably protected in order to maintain
the fire integrity of the element, and

Part A - Background and principles of sealing apertures and service penetrations Issue 2-99

d) if any hidden voids in the construction are sealed and subdivided to inhibit the unseen
spread of fire and products of combustion, in order to reduce the risk of structural
failure, and the spread of fire, in so far as they pose a threat to the safety of people in
and around the building.

Section 9 of 83 deals with concealed spaces (cavities) which it states “provide a ready route for
smoke and flame spread”.

The Approved Document B lists several prescribed constructions for cavity barriers which may
be used to provide 30 minutes fire resistance (for integrity) and 15 minutes insulation.
Furthermore ’A cavity barrier may be formed by any construction provided for another purpose
if it meets the provisions for cavity barriers.

A cavity barrier may contain openings but any openings in a cavity barrier should be limited to
those for:

a) doors which have at least 30 minutes fire resistance;

b) the passage of pipes which meet the provisions in Section 10;

c) the passage of cables or conduits containing one or more cables;

d) openings fitted with a suitably mounted automatic fire shutter; and

e) ducts which (unless they are fire-resisting) are fitted with a suitably mounted
automatic fire shutter where they pass through the cavity barrier.

Section 10 of B3 deals with protection of openings and fire stopping.

The AD gives three alternative provisions for the protection of openings for pipes.

Alternative A: Proprietary Seals (any pipe diameter)

Provide a proprietary sealing system which has been shown by test to maintain the fire
resistance of the wall, floor or cavity barrier.

Alternative B: Pipes with restricted diameter

Fire stopping may be used around a pipe whose internal diameter is within the limits given in
Table 15 of the Approved Document, which includes plastic pipes up to 40mm diameter.

Alternative C: Sleeving

Pipes of low melting point material and of limited size may be protected using a non-
combustible sleeve extending l m both sides of the separating element, but no
recommendations are given in respect of sealing the sleeve into the structure nor the pipe into
the sleeve.

The AD directs the reader to BS5588: 1989 “Fire Precautions in the design and construction of
buildings Part 9 - Code of Practice for ventilation and air conditioning ductwork”, which sets out
alternative ways in which the integrity of compartments may be maintained.

In respect of fire stopping, Clause 10.12 of the AD states that -

a) joints between elements which serve as a barrier to the passage of fire should be
fire-stopped; and

Part A - Background and principles of sealing apertures and service penetrations Issue 2-99

b) all openings for pipes, ducts, conduits or cables to pass through or anv part of an
element which serves as a barrier to the passage of fire should be ...... fire-stopped
(which in the case of a pipe or duct should allow thermal movement).

Proprietary fire-stopping and sealing systems which have been shown by test to maintain the
fire resistance of the wall or other element, may be used.

It is clear that in addition to several prescriptive solutions, the functional approach to the
provision of cavity barriers, protection of openings and provision of fire stopping, is fully
endorsed by the Approved Document.

aA.2 Buildina Standards (Scotland) Reaulations

The Building Standards (Scotland) Regulations, came into effect in 1990, but have been
amended subsequently. The requirements of the Regulations can be satisfied in three ways:

a) by compliance with the relevant standards set out in the supporting Technical

b) by conforming with provisions which are stated in the Technical Standards to be

deemed to satisfy the relevant standards; or

c) by any other means which can be shown to satisfy the relevant standards.

Part D, Structural fire precautions, sets out the required standards for the Regulations. Any
service opening made in a compartment wall or compartment floor must comply with 02.16,
D2.17 or D2.18 as appropriate and any cavity barrier must comply with D2.19. Provisions
deemed to satisfy the standard are given in (D2.16), (D2.17) (D2.18), (D2.19).

The current Building Standards (Scotland) Regulations require similar levels of performance to
the England and Wales Regulations. However, these Standards incorporate prescriptive
solutions for means of escape, always dealt with by Codes in England and Wales as described
earlier. These prescriptive solutions to means of escape draw heavily on the old 885588
concepts and the old CP3. A study of the regulations reveals that one of the major differences
between them is the date of the test procedures referred to, which is a historical matter but
which sometimes causes problems. As will be discussed in another section this was/is critical
in the case of the fire resistance test, particularly in respect of ceilings and ceiling membranes
where additional measurements are made under the most recent test.

One useful feature that is unique to the Scottish system is that of class relaxations. These are
operated by the Scottish Development Department (SDD) and allow products that provide a
performance equal to those products prescribed in the regulations but are not covered by the
descriptive solution to be approved and granted a ‘class relaxation’. Currently class relaxations
are given to intumescent pipe closers.

The Scottish Building Standards are being modelled along the lines of the 1991 England and
Wales Regulations with possible trade-offs for active measures and reductions in fire resistance
periods. When published, however, there were some reductions but little of the trade off
proposals survived.

aA.3 The Building Reaulations (Northern Ireland) 1994

The Northern Ireland regulations are now similar in format to the England & Wales regulations,
namely they consist of the basic functional requirements with approved solutions being given in
Technical Booklet E which is similar to the England & Wales Approved Document B. The

Part A - Background and principles of sealing apertures and service penetrations Issue 2-99

wording does differ slightly and states in 3.3.4 (paraphrased), that; where a pipe passes through
a compartment wall, floor, protected shaft or cavity barrier it shall be;

a) provided with a suitable proprietary sealing system shown by test to maintain the
fire resistance of the wall etc, or

b) where a proprietary sealing system is not used then pipes of a greater diameter
than those given in table 3.8 shall be fire stopped with the hole being as small as
is practical.

Whilst ‘fire stopping’ (see 3.38) is defined similarly to that given in Approved Document B, the
Northern Ireland Regulations definitely display a preference for proven, tested proprietary
products and this should be taken into account when specifying.


The Building Regulations in the Republic of Ireland are very similar in arrangement and content
to the England and Wales Building Regulations.

The requirement 83 of Part B of the First Schedule to the Building Regulations is almost identical
to the requirement of B3 in England and Wales.

Concealed spaces (cavities) are dealt with in Section 3.3

Protection of openings and fire-stopping are dealt with in Section 3.4

There are no significant differences between 3.3 and 3.4 of the Technical Guidance Document
B in the Republic of Ireland and Sections 9 and 10 of the Approved Document 83 in England
and Wales. The main difference being that it is only the design that has to be shown to meet
the regulations. There is only the threat of random inspections to control the quality or
correctness of the supplied solution. The Technical Guidance documents have a similar role in
as much that they are not mandatory. They also use 885588 as the way of satisfying B1.

These documents are under constant review and because of this the recommendations in
respect of maintaining fire resisting barriers is given in Appendix A to this part of the Approved
Document. In most cases there are separate recommendations relating to the protection of
escape routes, horizontal and vertical, and the sub-division of buildings to reduce the volume or
to separate risks or ancillary accommodation.

Increasingly the requirements for fire safety, as enshrined in the various Building Regulations,
are able to be met by satisfying the function rather than by a prescriptive approach. In the
England & Wales 1991 Regulations all fire regulations can be satisfied by a functional approach.
A fire safety engineered approach is the most likely way of satisfying this requirement.

Part A - Background and principles of sealing apertures and service penetrations Issue 2-99



AB.l UK based schemes

There are a number of performance assurance schemes that deal with fire rated products. The
organisations that currently offer schemes in this area are:

LPCB - Loss Prevention Certification Board



The Loss Prevention Council (LPC) is part of the insurance industry in the UK They have a
register of approved products which have been tested under the supervision of the LPCB
product accreditation staff. The requirements are not very transparent in advance of the test and
one can only achieve acceptance by full co-operation with the technical assessors at the LPCB.
There is a general requirement that all tests are witnessed by LPC technical staff. The Loss
Prevention Certification Board is the body that controls the accreditation of products under this
system. The LPCB scheme covers a wide range of construction products but not seals for linear
gaps. At the time of writing there are no linear gap or penetration sealing systems registered.
They do have registered companies for penetration sealing systems. It is not a requirement to
use LPCB products but in the new LPC Design Guide for the Fire Protection or Buildings, LPC
Certified products are preferred. It is a requirement to have IS09000 accreditation to become
an approved product manufacturer and be listed in their directory of quality assessed
companies, but it is not a requirement to have IS09000 assessment in order to feature in the list
of approved products and services. They issue two separate listings. Most of the listed
products are ‘active’ systems.


CERTlFlRE is the Warrington Fire Research Group performance linked quality assurance
scheme for fire rated products. The quality system is administered by recognised QA assessors
and the performance .is under-written by Warrington having had the field of application drawn
up by a panel. Some of the CERTlFlRE schemes are very transparent with the rules of
assessment very easy tosee by any intended applicant. In other schemes, where it is less easy
to lay down the requirements, certification is granted on a technical assessment by Warrington
staff. Assessment against these less transparent schemes can only be achieved in conjunction
with Warrington technical staff. At the time of writing provisional performance schedules exist
for penetration and linear gap sealing products.


BM TRADA CERTIFICATION operate a number of truly third party quality assurance schemes
with built-in inspection schedules. These are true third party performance linked certification
schemes but unfortunately they do not cover many fire products. Most of the TRADA schemes
are aimed at timber industry components such as roof trusses and fire doors. No penetration
or linear gap seal manufacturers are registered as BM TRADA CERTIFICATION approved.

Part A - Background and principles of sealing apertures and service penetrations Issue 2-99

AB. 1.4

In addition to the formal quality assurance systems there has always been AGREMENT
CERTIFICATION. Agrement has offered endorsements for use, particularly for innovative
products, which shows they are able to meet the performance requirements of the appropriate
regulations and do this with a degree of longevity of performance. Any product seen to be
carrying a British Board of Agrement (BBA) Certificate would be seen to be at least as good as
any carrying formal quality assurance scheme identification. Whilst a BBA certificate will
indicate the areas of accepted use, it may not be quite as comprehensive as some of the other
global assessments in other schemes.

AB.2 Consideration of EuroDean Amroval Svstems

As stated in the previous section, Agrement Certificates issued by the BBA are used in the UK
primarily to support the use of innovative products. On the Continent the Agrement Certificate
is used much more like a product approval system and products need to carry such a certificate
if they are to be used.

In Germany the Institute Fur Bautechnik is the German Agrement Board. This is probably the
most restrictive of the European certification schemes and for many types of products it is
imperative that they have Institute Fur Bautechnik approval. However, not all products have an
approval category and items like partitions are often sold in a very similar way to in the UK

Agrement, as its name implies, is French and it is the system by which products are approved
for use within France. Without an Agrement Certificate it is difficult, but not impossible, to get
the product specified.




Part B Sealing non-service penetrations

The Intumescent Fire Seals Association ifsa

Part B - Sealing non-service penetrations Issue 2-99

Part B Sealing non-service penetrations



82.1 Vertical gap or aperture/side entry

82.2 Horizontal gaplside entry
82.3 Horizontal gap or aperture/top or bottom entry


63.1 Gaps between elements of unequal fire resistance duration

83.2 Gaps between elements with different criteria
83.3 Gaps between elements of equal fire resistance and similar criteria


84.1 Non-Functional Apertures (Fire Stopping)

84.1 . l . Non-Functional Linear Aperture Size Orientation Associated construction Service conditions Adhesion Fire performance

84.1.2 Non-Functional, Non-Linear Apertures Size Orientation Associated construction Service conditions Adhesion Fire performance

84.1.3 IFSA Recommendations IFSA recommended restriction on materials Use of rigid or flexible materials Use of intumescent or non-intumescent materials Summary of IFSA recommended product selection Classification of fire stopping materials Influence of duration on the volume of the sealing material

84.2 Functional Apertures (Linear gaps)

84.2.1 Functional Linear Apertures Objectives of functional linear gaps Gap width Orientation Associated constructions Testing implications Summary of IFSA’s Recommendations

64.2.2 Functional non-linear apertures

Part 6 - Sealing non-service penetrations Issue 2-99

Part B Sealing Non-Service Penetrations


Recommendations are given within this part in respect of specifying materials and systems for
use in maintaining the fire compartmentation or fire separation breaches within the separating
elements. This discontinuity may be functional or non-functional. Furthermore, it may be linear
or non-linear. Each of these factors require consideration when selecting the appropriate fire-
stopping method. Non-functional apertures which simply require fire-stopping to maintain fire
separation, are subject to simple rules governing use. However, whilst there may not be an in-
use function the selection of the seal needs to take into account any potential movement
induced by thermal responses. As a consequence it is incorrect to specify generic materials as
listed in various regulations (see 84) without evaluating their appropriateness for this

Where gaps in construction are functional e.g., designed to accommodate movement between
building elements the selection of the fire-stopping material requires special consideration,
since a loss of integrity can be accelerated as a result of differential fire induced movement.
Functional Non-Linear Apertures, normally provided to accommodate services have quite
specific requirements and these are considered in Part C of this document.


When specifying a seal it is important that the gap to be sealed is correctly identified. For
example, most seals work better in one orientation than another and if the gap is not specified
correctly then an unsuitable material may be offered. Gap related factors that influence the
performance of the seal are given in the following sub-clauses. IFSA recommends the
following ways of characterising the gap or aperture.

82.1 Vertical aaD or aoerture/side entry

This is a gap which occurs in a wall. Under normal circumstances post construction seals can
be installed from either side. Examples are expansion joints between the vertical faces of doors
and partitions and the adjacent construction, both of which are linear Figure B1, or a simple
non-linear opening, Figure 82.

Figure B1 : Vertical linear gaphide entry Figure 8 2 : Vertical aperturehide entry

Part 6 - Sealing non-service penetrations Issue 2-99

B2.2 Horizontal aadside entry (Linear Gap Seal onlv)

This is a gap that runs parallel with the floor in a vertical element such as a wall and has a lenath
much greater than its width. Post-constructionseals would be introduced from either side. An
example would be the gap between the head of a door frame and the wall, or the gap between
infill blockwork and a soffit, Figure 83.

Figure B3 : Horizontal linear gapbide entry

B2.3 Horizontal aaD or aDerture/toD or bottom entry

This is a gap that is present in a horizontal element such as a floor. Post-construction seals
could be introduced from below or above. An example would be a linear joint between two floor
slabs, Figure 8.4 or a non-linear opening, Figure 8.5.

The width of the gap is the distance between the two components and the depth of the gap is
always the thickness of the wall or floor being penetrated.

A major factor to be taken into account is whether the gap is static or dynamic in service and in
fire. This will have a greater influence on the selection of a material or system for use than any
of the other functions, IFSA recommends that the joint be analysed for its ability to
accommodate the anticipated movement both at ambient and high temperatures. The seal, or
sealing system, shall be selected against this specification. This consideration is particularly
relevant in the case of the linear gap seal.

Figure 8 4 : Figure 8 5 :
Horizontal gap/ top or bottom entry Horizontal aperturehop or bottom entry

Part B - Sealing non-service penetrations Issue 2-99



Within the Building Regulations the term ‘fire stopping’ is used to describe the act of sealing
gaps between elements or components in order to restrict the passage of fire or smoke and
maintain the separation. This covers any such opening whether it be regular or irregular in
shape, accidental or by design. The latter refers to structures where openings in the building
fabric are present to accommodate movement which may occur as a result of loading, thermal
change or seismic activity. These are functional apertures and are covered in Section 84.2. Fire
stopping materials must therefore be able to cope with the varied needs of these in-service

83.1 GaDs between elements of uneaual fire resistance duration

It is a requirement for ‘fire-stopping’ to maintain fire resistance by preventing the spread of fire
and restricting the leakage of smoke. This code recommends that the fire stopping should
provide the same duration of integrity, insulation and where appropriate the resistance to the
leakage of smoke, (i.e. adjacent to door frames) as the elements which abound the opening to
be fire stopped. Where this occurs between two elements of unequal fire resistance, e.g., a 30
minute partition and a one hour compartment floor, or an FS30 door assembly in 1 hour wall, it
must be assumed that legally there is no requirement to provide a seal with a resistance
duration in excess of that of the lower performance element. Regulations are, however,
minimum levels of performance.

IFSA recommends the specifier to select a fire stopping material that meets the higher level or
is at least capable of exceeding the minimum level by a significant margin. Where one of the
elements is expected to provide a smoke control function, e.g., an FD30S door assembly, then
the fire stopping should be selected with low permeability in mind even though the smoke
control function of the sealing material cannot be evaluated in isolation.

83.2 GaDs Between Elements with Different Criteria

Similarly where one of the adjacent elements is required to satisfy integrity and insulation and
the other only integrity, e.g., an FD60 door assembly in a compartment wall, IFSA recommends
that the ‘fire-stopping’ does provide a degree of insulation. This not only reduces the flow of
heat across the element, but can reduce the transmission of heat from the uninsulated element
to the insulated element. This transmitted heat can compromise the ability of the main element
to satisfy insulation close to the joint and, in extreme cases where combustible materials are
used in the insulating element, it could lead to ignition of the unexposed face.

83.3 GaDs Between Elements of Eaual Fire Resistance and with Similar Criteria

Where a gap exists between two elements which are each required to satisfy integrity and
insulation for an identical period, all fire-stopping that is in the plane of the surface shall provide
an equal integrity and insulation rating, albeit the maximum temperature rise criterion of 180oC
is more applicable than the mean temperature rise of 140oC, due to the small area. Where the
surface of the seal is below the surface of the associated construction and where the gap is less
than 12mm in width, i.e., below the width that can accommodate a surface temperature
measuring thermocouple the gap is exempt from the requirement to comply with the insulation
criterion. Where the gap is wide enough to accommodate the thermocouple and the seal
terminates below the surface then it shall be monitored for compliance with the insulation
criteria, although in the case of vertical or horizontal side entry gaps IFSA recommends that a
higher temperature can be tolerated because of the reduced risk of combustibles coming into
contact with the seal. Any thermocouple and cover pad spanning the gap in air in the plane of
the surface should not indicate a temperature rise in excess of 180oC, regardless of this

Part 6 - Sealing non-service penetrations Issue 2-99



The approved Document for England and Wales recognises that proprietary fire-stopping and
sealing systems (including those designed for service penetrations) which have been shown by
test to maintain the fire resistance of the wall or other element, are available and may be used.
It does, however, list the following fire stopping materials which could also be used.

Cement mortar
Gypsum based plaster
Cement or gypsum based vermiculite and perlite mixes
Glass fibre, crushed rock, blast furnace slag or ceramic based products (with or without
resin binders) and
Intumescent mastics

It does however qualify the list with the following statement:

‘These may be used in situations appropriate to the particular material. Not all of
them will be suitable in every situation’.

A further qualification is given in the England and Wales Approved Document in respect of the

‘To prevent displacement, materials used for fire-stopping should be reinforced with (or
supported by) material of limited combustibility in the following circumstances:

a) In all cases where the unsupported span is greater than 100mm, and
b) In any other case where non-rigid materials are used (unless they have been
shown to be satisfactory by test).’

Requirement b) is only relevant to the ‘glass-ore’, crushed rock, blast furnace slag and ceramic
based products given in the approved list as this is the only ’non rigid’ generic product listed
and all other proprietary products have to pass the test anyway.

Whilst the list included reference to ‘intumescent mastics’ this is thought to apply to any semi-
fluid intumescent materials that can be applied into such gaps which, in their cured state, are
able to cope with the predicted environmental and behaviour conditions. It should not infer a
product that remains flexible once cured as many of the other products in the list are rigid,
although there are distinct advantages in the material having some flexibility in use as will be
discussed later.

The range of proprietary products that are available commercially and can be broken down into
two basic classes are as follows:

Intumescent sealants
Intumescent gunnable compounds
Fire rated non-intumescent sealants

ProDrietary systems
Intumescent plaster
Intumescent non-gunnable compounds
Compressible intumescent coated pre-formed gaskets

The statement that not all materials are suitable for all applications passes the responsibility
back to the specifier to select a product, either from the list (see B4), or from the range of tested
proprietary products. IFSA recommends that when selecting a product for fire stopping the

Part B Sealing non-service penetrations Issue 2-99

following parameters need to be considered;

i) The size of the opening to be sealed.
ii) Orientation of the opening
iii) Associated construction
iv) Service conditions
v) Performance requirements

84.1 Non-Functional Aoertures

84.1.1 Non-Functional Linear Apertures

This section considers apertures where one dimension is at least 10 times the other, i.e., has an
aspect ratio of greater than 1O:l. Such gaps have no function and exist because of
imperfections of fit between components or gaps left to assist construction. These gaps are
generally sealed under the regulatory recommendations for ‘fire stopping’. Size

The size of the aperture will influence the use of some of the Building Regulation listed materials.
It is very difficult to apply mineral fibre based materials where gaps are less than 5mm thick.
Equally wet materials are not very suitable for sealing gaps wider than 1Omm, even in side entry
horizontal gaps which are the easiest gap to seal. When using proprietary gunnable materials
the tapered nozzle can normally be cut to produce a bead of the correct width, but some
materials will be very difficult to extrude out of a small diameter nozzle, whereas other products
will be too fluid to be used with large beads. Orientation

The orientation of the aperture to be sealed will play a major role in selecting a seal. Non-
elastomeric, wet products, will suffer slump when used in either side entry, vertical gaps in walls
or in floor gaps, particularly in gap widths greater than lOmm, unless they are specifically
designed for this purpose. If a ‘wet’ material is used with a minimal amount of water to reduce
slump this may lead to reduced adhesion making the seal more likely to fall out. The ability of
the seal to adhere to the sides of the opening, i.e., its adhesion characteristics, will influence its
ability to be used in the most onerous orientations (see 84.1.1S).

B4.1.1.3 Associated Constructions

The associated construction will have a large bearing on the performance. If the opening is a
simple fire stop it may be that the two adjacent surfaces have similar cold and hot behavioural
characteristics. However, it should be noted that a difference will exist between a) an opening
in a monolithic construction and b) a gap between two separate adjacent building elements of
the same material. Timber elements will gradually become smaller as the surface is charred
away. After 30 minutes at least 20mm of softwood or 15mm of hardwood will have been
consumed from the exposed face@) and even these rates increase if the exposed face is less
than 70mm in face width. Erosion of exposed surfaces also applies to a double skin
plasterboard construction where the outer layer will be lost well before 60 minutes is reached.
In this case, it is better that the sealant extends back to seal against the structural studs, rather
than against the sacrificial boards. Concrete would be expected to ‘spall’ and seals should not
rely upon the corners of concrete sections remaining square for their effectiveness.

The texture of the surface on either side of the gap will also have an influence. Smooth surfaces
should be avoided unless the material has been shown to be able to adhere to such surfaces;
both in normal use and in the event of fire exposure. Rough surfaces may make it difficult for
some sealing materials to penetrate into the joint.

If two materials forming the opening exhibit very different thermal behaviour then it is

Part B - Sealing non-service penetrations Issue 2-99

recommended that the product selected is able to demonstrate its capability of maintaining
integrity under these conditions. This will certainly eliminate the use of some of the materials
listed under 84. Service conditions

The service conditions can influence the suitability of materials. Where vibrations or frequent
small impacts occur then an elastomeric product is better than a brittle one, particularly if there
is a danger of the material not producing a good bond with the associated constructions due to
smoothness or a resistance to ‘wetting’. Mineral fibre based products have a ‘springiness’ to
help them stay in place, which is retained until quite high temperatures are reached making
them suitable for use in these slightly dynamic conditions, assuming the gap is large enough to
accept them easily in the first instance. Out of all of the material options mineral fibre products
are more dependent upon the quality of installation than the others. See also

Where the fire stopped gap is subject to weathering, or even partial exposure, then the products
do need to have a resistance to moisture. Gypsum based products are not readily suitable, nor
would be some of the water soluble forms of intumescent, such as ammonium phosphate
based or sodium silicate based products, unless they are formulated with binders or fully coated
to increase their water resistance. Areas experiencing low-humidity and high temperatures are
likely to cause any hydraulic setting materials to shrink which can be made worse if shrinkage
also occurs in the associated construction. If the adjacent materials were cured down to, or
supplied at, the predicted moisture contents before the sealant is applied then the use of a water
based rigid sealant may be acceptable, but if subsequent shrinkage were to take place then the
shrinkage cracks in these seals may render them ineffective. A non-shrinking, elastomeric
sealant would be preferred for these situations. If the gap were to widen too much then even a
mineral fibre seal may be rendered ineffective if the fibres were to relax and lose critical density.

B4.1.1.5 Adhesion

The orientation of the gap to be fire stopped has a direct influence on the selection of a seal.
Gaps in ceilings or floors require a sealant that is not easily dislodged whereas gaps in walls,
especially horizontal ones, demand very little from the seal if they are to stay in place. High
adhesion products are those that bond to the surface when applied or which retain a resilience
against movement and vibration both in use and during fire. Low adhesion products do not
have these characteristics. IFSA recommends that gaps of the following orientation should be
filled with seals that exhibit the recommended adhesion characteristics, whether high or low.

Vertical gaphide entry [ H/A (High adhesion)*

I Horizontal gaplside entry
I U A (Low adhesion)
I Horizontal gap/bottom entry 1 H/A (High adhesion)

Horizontal gapltop entry I UA (Low adhesion)

Table 81: Recommended use of high and low adhesion fire stopping materials
* If the surface of the gap is textured then LA products may be used for
fire stopping vertical gaps with side entry. Fire performance

The fire performance required is the critical part in the specification. The Approved Document
B to the Building Regulations lists a selection of the recommended materials, which are
accepted without the need for test evidence, but gives no guidance as to the quantity of material
to be used to achieve any specific rating.

In the absence of any other guidance the sealant could fill the joint from one face to the other.

Part 8 Sealing non-service penetrations Issue 2-99

In practice this will rarely happen as fire stopping is part of a post-primary construction process
and it may be difficult to completely fill such gaps after components have come together.
Equally it will be useless if the materials used only penetrate the gap to a small depth, especially
if the substrate is being eroded away.

Where the gap filled is h an element, or in a position which needs to satisfy insulation as well
as integrity then a greater depth of material will generally be needed than for applications where
only the integrity criterion needs to be satisfied. Consult the manufacturerfor the recommended
depths for the deemed-to-satisfy materials related to the duration of fire resistance required.

For proprietary materials or systems, not covered by the deemed-to-satisfy status, the seal shall
be supported by evidence of performance generated by an appropriate test in conjunction with
the associated, construction. The amount of material shall be covered by the field of application
in respect of the width of the gap and duration.

Where the seal is adjacent to a smoke control doorset, or even at the perimeter of an element
containing a smoke control doorset, then the sealant material needs to be impermeable.
Mineral fibre products are probably not suitable for these applications unless they are very
heavily compressed or capped off with an impermeable sealant. Poorly fitted or cracked rigid
sealants are unlikely to meet the smoke control requirements and proprietary elastomeric seals
are preferred if smoke control is to be achieved.

64.1.2 Non-Functional, Non-Linear Apertures

This section considers the round, square or irregular openings which frequently occur (by
design or accident) in a construction which can compromise the integrity of the separation
element. It is important that the influences of such openings are fully understood and the seal
specified accordingly, since most fire-stopping materials operate under fairly specific
conditions. The various criteria relevant to this are detailed in the following sections. What is
not considered here are the engineering solutions sometimes utilised in very large openings.

The guidance given in 4.1.1 for linear apertures is generally applicable except where identified
below. Size

Non-linear apertures can be of any dimension where the ratio of dimension is less than 1O:l.
Such apertures may occur in any element due to the removal of a section for gaining temporary
access, by accident or as a result of a change in design. If the aperture is made whilst the
appropriate craftsmen are on site, e.g., bricklayers, dry liners, carpenters, etc, then the hole may
be made good using the original materials. After that time the aperture will be filled (fire
stopped) with suitable materials that can maintain the integrity and insulation characteristics of
the element when tested by the methodology given in BS476: Part 22. In some cases the
aperture will be able to be filled by a single material, including some of those given in 83.1.
depending upon the size. Above the size that can be filled by a single fire stopping material,
and that will vary depending upon the product, a solid material with the correct thermal
characteristics will be used to fill the majority of the void and this will be sealed into the aperture
by a suitable material. This effectively creates a non-functional linear gap and the selection of
product for sealing this gap shall be made using the guidance given in B4.1 .l.

If a service passes through this sealed aperture then the selection of the bulkhead barrier and
the surround sealant shall be selected using the guidance given in Section C, for a small or large
penetration seal depending upon the size of the aperture and whether a single material or a
system needs to be used.

IFSA recommends that where the size exceeds those given in C4.5 for bulkhead seals, used
as the basis of large penetration sealing systems, and they are in a position which may be of
danger to persons, then the sealing system should satisfy the recommended restraint on/or
impact and loading recommendations in that clause.
Part B Sealing non-service penetrations issue 2-99 Orientation

Orientation is even more important in selecting materials for a non-linear aperture than it is with
a linear gap because the self-adhesive qualities of the sealing material may have a greater mass
of material to retain in place. The perimeter to cross-sectional area ratio therefore has to be
considered when selecting product. In vertical elements the influence is not so great, as it is
with horizontal elements as the product is less likely to fail by slumping or softening when hot
or be subjected to load as a result of persons or items falling on it. Seals for horizontal apertures
shall be specified with these characteristics in mind.

IFSA recommends that, with the possible exception of thick cementicious products which
achieve a similar state of cure and strength as the material from which the element is
constructed, apertures greater than 0.1m2 in horizontal elements should incorporate some form
of mechanical support. Where no mechanical support is used evidence should be available or
sought to demonstrate the product’s ability to remain in place under normally anticipated loads
and conditions. Associated construction

The large non-linear aperture is not so prone to differential movement problems as a linear gap
because the larger dimension is normally able to accommodate greater movement. A large
aperture is quite likely to be formed within an element rather than at a junction between
elements and in this situation there will be little differential movement and this is taken into
account when formulating the guidance given. When an inert material is used as a primary
‘bulkhead’ seal the potential for differential movement between this and the structure that
incorporates the aperture within it will affect the selection of the perimeter sealant.

IFSA recommends that the selection of the perimeter sealant around an aperture filled by
means of a primary bulkhead shall take into account;

differential movement between the element/materials bounding the aperture, if

differential movement between the bulkhead materials and the bounding
element, and this may vary on different edges.
Where the barrier is not able to withstand the weight of a person it shall be
permanently barriered or suitably marked with an appropriate warning.
The likelihood of the bounding construction to erode or shrink and, if applicable,
the potential of the bulkhead to do likewise.

Evidence of performance shall exist to show that the sealanthealing system is able to
accommodate the above. The summary of IFSA recommendations as to whether flexible or
rigid, or intumescent or non-intumescent given in Table B4, should be used as a guide in the
selection of these seals. Service conditions

Consideration of the service conditions given in B4.1.1.4 are applicable to those larger
apertures, but in addition the possibility of load or impact needs to be considered as discussed
in 84.1.2. Adhesion

As for non-functional linear gaps. Fire Performance

As for non-functional linear gaps

Part B Sealing non-service penetrations Issue 2-99

B4.1.3 IFSA Recommendations

As discussed earlier in B4 the process of selecting an appropriate fire stopping material or

sealing system requires many factors to be taken into account. This section contains IFSA
recommendations based upon these considerations.

B4.1.3.1 IFSA Recommended restriction on materials

Whilst the Approved Document list permits glass-based mineral fibres, IFSA does not
recommend these for applications requiring greater than 30 minutes fire resistance in linear
gaps and not at all in non-linear apertures unless backed up by other materials or by mitigating
circumstances. Glass fibres soften at temperatures less than 700oC,temperatures which are
reached in the furnace soon after 15 minutes and the seal is likely to be lost before the 30 minute
duration is reached.

B4.1.3.2 Use of rigid or flexible materials

When non-functional apertures occur within or between different elements then the service
condition of the element and its potential fire behaviour needs to be considered when deciding
whether the selected fire stopping material should be rigid or flexible in nature. When the
aperture is within an otherwise homogeneous member, e.g., a concrete floor slab or a masonry
wall, then there will be no differential movement in use or even in fire and therefore a rigid
material is suitable. Where the aperture is between different unconnected members of the same
material, then rigid sealants may be suitable if their cross-section and hence thermal response
would be similar. If the sections differ and the thermal response is also different then a flexible
material should be used.

Table B2 below shows the IFSA recommendations in respect of whether the seal system used
between common adjacent forms of construction should be rigid (R) or flexible (F). Where rigid
seals are permitted then so are flexible seals, but g&t vice-versa. The self adhesive qualities will
also need to be considered when taking orientation into account.

Table 82: Compatibility of seal with associated construction

* treat as functional linear gap with movement in fire

(1) restricted to 30 minute applications Use of Intumescent or Non-Intumescent Materials

Where there is likely to be significant erosion or distortions of one or both of the building
components forming the gap or bounding the aperture, then the seal should be able to
compensate for any increase in the size of the gap or aperture. In this situation the use of
intumescent materials are preferred to inert fire resistant barriers. Table 83, identifies the areas
where non-intumescent materials may be used, for example the opening does not distort or

Part B Sealing non-service penetrations Issue 2-99

erode during the fire. The matrix refers to either the materials on either side of the gap or the
bulkhead material and the bounding structure.

The self-adhesive qualities will also need to be considered when taking orientation into account.

Table 83: Areas where non-intumescent and intumescent based seals may be used

N -
- non-intumescent may be used
I - intumescent only
N/I - Either

(1) non-intumescent seals are only suitable if protection does not degrade during

(2) when sections are significantly different in section then only intumescent based
products should be used. Summary of IFSA recommended product selection

Table 84 below gives the IFSA recommended product characteristics for fire-stopping the
gaps between the materials identified. These take into account all of the criteria discussed.

Masonry Concrete Timber Gypsum Fire Steel

Masonry R. I/F.N(2) R. I/F.N(2) F.I. R.I. R. I. (2) *
Concrete I I R.I/F.N(*) I F.I. R.I. R.1.W I *
Timber R.I. F.I. F.1.W I *
Gypsum FA.* F.I.(2) *
Fire (3) R. I.(2) F.I.(2)
Steel (1)
* * * * * F.N.

Table 84: Summary of recommended materials

(1) restricted to 30 minute applications

(2) whilst a rigid intumescent (R.1) material or a flexible non-intumescent (F.N)
material can be used, a flexible intumescent material will be beneficial

(3) may be non-intumescent if protection does not degrade at all during heating
* treat as a functional linear gap seal

Part B - Sealing non-service penetrations Issue 2-99 Classification of fire stopping materials

A list is given in Table 85 of the various generic and proprietary products that may be used for
fire stopping application. Each product is given a proposed grading with respect to its
properties as identified utilising the symbols given in Tables 81 - 83.

It is noted that R,F,HA and LA are relatively subjective and in due course tests will be required
to confirm this classification. The statements given in table B5 are estimates based upon on-
going experience.

non-intumescent sealants
Compressible pre-formed gaskets F I or N HA*

Table B5: Product Classifications for Fire Stopping Products

* Depends upon degree of compression, texture and method of retention

B4.1.3.6 Influence on duration of the volume of the sealing material

All of the IFSA recommendations given in 84.1.3 are related to the nature of the aperture
and/or the gap and recommendations are given to help the specifier locate a material, either
generic or more probably proprietary, that will be able to withstand the ‘in use’ ‘in fire’
conditions. Evidence of performance shall be sought for all materials to show that they have
indeed been successful in sealing gaps or apertures of the type existing for the required
duration. This latter aspect is critical and as all building and sealing materials progressively
degrade under the continuing exposure to fire temperatures the test evidence will normally
indicate the depth of sealant, sealing material or the thickness of a sealing system to achieve
the duration specified.

IFSA recommends that it is vital that this aspect is reproduced on site and any instruction given
in writing, or by means of a drawing, should state what depth or thickness of material should be
applied to seal the gap or aperture in question. This information will be extracted by the
specifier from test evidence or more likely from field of application reports provided by the
materialhealant supplier. It is likely that in the case of linear gaps the width of the gap will be
related to the volume of material and the duration of fire resistance required and if this is so then
any variation in depthhhickness directly related to the width shall be communicated to the site
in the instructions.

Part 8 Sealing non-service penetrations Issue 2-99

NOTE: Depths of fill are not specified for the generic materials recommended in guidance
documents in support of regulations. For safety it must be assumed that in the absence of
evidence any gap must be filled to the full depth.

84.2 Functional ADertures (Linear GaDsl

84.2.1. Functional Linear Apertures

84.2.1 .l. Objectives of functional linear gaps

Many buildings contain linear discontinuities between elements or within the elements
themselves, in order to satisfy a particular design function. Such as;

i). Accommodation of load deflections

ii) Accommodation of thermal movement
iii) Accommodation of subsidence/settlement
iv) Reduction in the transmission of heat
v) Reduction in the transmission of sound
vi) Reduction in the transmission of vibration
vii Seismic

As is the case with non-linear openings these discontinuities can reduce the fire resistance of
the elements unless they are sealed in a way that can maintain the fire separation to the same
level as the adjacent construction. They need to be selected on a different basis to non-linear
voids (See B.l). If the seal is to accommodate cyclic movements resulting from thermal
changes then a rigid seal must not be used. Similarly, if the seal is to reduce sound
transmission, then the seal needs to possess the correct sound attenuation characteristics. All
linear gap seals will be proprietary in nature, as none of the recognised generic fire stopping
materials are considered to be able to meet the in-use fire sealing performance that a
designed-in joint will require.

As for the fire stopping in general, where there is a discrepancy in the performance of the
elements each side of the gap being sealed, then legally there is not requirement to provide a
fire resistance greater than that of the lesser of the two. As the regulatory requirement, or
Approved Document solution, represents the minimum standard IFSA recommends to use a
material that can either meet the requirements of the greater or at least provide a resistance
significantly in excess of the lesser.

Where one of the bounding elements may have a reduced insulation requirement then the
advice in 83.2 applies as do the recommendations relating to gap width, seal position and fire
resistance performance also given in this clause. Gap width

The width of the linear gaps being sealed has a considerable influence upon the performance
of the system selected to reinstate the integrity of the elements involved. Obviously the
narrower the width the lesser the risk (and task) required. Very wide gaps encountered in
seismic areas often call upon engineered solutions which would not function in conventional
building joints The mechanical properties of the material under fire load have considerable
influence over the width of gap which can be adequately sealed against fire. IFSA
recommends that any sealing system be used for sealing conventional building joints shall
have been tested for fire resistance at the maximum width to be used in practice. Orientation

As with non-linear openings, the orientation of the gap (see Figures B1-5) will influence the
selection of the system. When selecting a sealant it is recommended that the system has been

Part B - Sealing non-service penetrations issue 2-99

tested in a manner whereby the field of application covers the intended use. For guidance the
following orientation of the test specimen covers the identified fields of application

i) Horizontal gapltop and bottom entry covers vertical gaphide entry and horizontal
gaplside entry

ii) Vertical gaplhorizontal entry covers horizontal gaplside entry

iii) Horizontal gaphide entry covers no other applications

B4.2.1.4 Associated constructions

Linear gaps can be more complex than just two abutting edges, as is probably the case with
the non-linear void. Where significant in-service movement is anticipated then tongues or cover
strips may form part of the system. The materials and finishes of these additional components
will also influence the performance of the sealant and as such any testing needs to replicate the
complete assembly. For example steel strips or tongues may conduct heat which could cause
materials to break down prematurely or over-activate an intumescent system. Much of the
guidance given in Clause B4.1.3 in respect of erosion in the fire also applies to linear gap seals. Testing implications

The function of a linear gap seal can present a more complex fire stopping requirement than the
non-linear variety. The principle difference (although not always the case) is the degrees of in
service and fire induced movement. In the majority of cases these factors may not be
significant, but extreme cases of the latter require consideration and evaluation by test. For
example it may be necessary to induce movement in the specimen during the test in order to
accurately replicate the fire event.

Three separate possibilities exist. The seal may be;

i) Static in service and static in fire

ii) Static in service and movement in fire
iii) Movement in service and movement in fire

Furthermore, the seal should be shown to be capable of providing the required level of fire
resistance in any of the positions that it may be found in practice, i.e., fully compressed and fully
relaxed. The extreme conditions need to be established both in respect of magnitude and
direction of the movement and it may require tests at both extremes of use unless one of the
extremes can be demonstrated to represent the worst case. Furthermore, it may be deemed
necessary to pre-cycle the seal prior to test.

These severe requirements are only considered relevant when the gap is greater than 20mm,
the movement accommodation factor of the seal system is greater than 2 10% of its mean joint
width and the gap in question is shown to be critical to the integrity of the situation.

B4.2.1.6 Summary of IFSA’s Recommendations

IFSA recommends that only proprietary sealing systems be used for sealing functional linear
gaps because of the need to satisfy the in-service conditions and the gap size. The use of rigid
or flexible materials shall comply with the recommendations in Table 82 subject to rigid
materials not being used when there is in-servicemovement and that the material system meets
the in-use performance needs. IFSA also recommends that test evidence or field of application
performance apply to the sealing ability of the system at the extremes of its use conditions. This
may require more than one test.

Part B - Sealing non-service penetrations Issue 2-99

NOTE: Test evidence or a field of direct or extended application of the result should be available
to substantiate fire performance at either extreme of the anticipated gap size. Unless they
interfere with achieving the ‘in use’ function the recommendations given for product selection in
84.1.3should be used.

84.2.2 Functional non-linear apertures

The major functional use of non-linear apertures in buildings is to accommodate the passage of
services, e.g., pipes, cables, ducts. The whole of Parts C and D are dedicated to this subject,
considering seals used around pipes and cables (Part C) and the use of closing devices for
plastic pipes (Part D). Guidance on the selection of materials for these functions are to be found
therefore in the following sections.




Part C - Sealing around cables, metal pipes and service ducts

The Intumescent Fire Seals Association 1.f sa

l m o u n d cables, metal pipes and service ducts Issue 2-99





C2.1 Characterising the penetration

C2.2 Characterising the orientation



C3.1 Characterising the influence of various services

C3.1.1 Influence of the supporting construction
C3.1.2 Metal pipes (MP)
C3.1.3 Cables (C)
C3.1.4 Small cable trays (CT)
C3.1.5 Metal service ducts (MSD)

C3.2 Expressing performance claims

C3.2.1 Expressing the field of service application for the seal

c3.3 Qualifying the rating

C3.3.1 Metal pipes (MP)
C3.3.2 Cables (C)
C3.3.3 Cable trays (CT)
C3.3.4 Metal service ducts (MSD)

c3.4 Use of the standard configuration for characterising sealants for use
with services other than metal pipes



C4.1 Defining a large penetration

C4.2 The function of the bulkhead barrier
C4.3 Characterising the barrier material
C4.3.1 Fixed bulkhead barriers
C4.3.2 Demountable bulkhead barriers

C4.4 Influence of the associated construction

C4.5 IFSA’s recommendations for evaluating bulkheads and seals

C4.6 Influence of multiple services

C4.6.1 Cable groups
C4.6.2 Pipe groups
C4.6.3 Cable/pipe combinations
C4.6.4 Considering the influence of ‘live’ services


Part C - Sealing around cables, metal pipes and service ducts Issue 2-99



Recommendations are given within this part in respect of specifying materials and systems for
the sealing of apertures in fire separating elements which are penetrated by:-

i) metal pipes
ii) cables
iii) cable trays and ladders
iv) metal service ducts
v) combinations of the above

This section considers all aspects from a single service through a small penetration to a large
number of services passing through a large penetration. It covers seals designed solely to
reinstate the fire resistance of the element and those designed to provide insulation on the

Some consideration is also given in respect of ensuring the fire survivability of services.

The sealing of plastic pipes and ducts is dealt with in Part D of this document.


When a service penetration passes through a separating element such as a compartment wall
or floor, it can drastically reduce the fire resistance of the element. In the context of testing, the
element is referred to as the associated construction. It is therefore necessary to reinstate the
associated construction back to its original fire resistance in terms of either insulation (I) and/or
integrity (E); unless a reduction in the performance in respect of one of these criteria can be
tolerated without compromising the fire separation function. A temperature rise on the surface
of the penetrating service (Is) in excess of the criteria for insulation given in BS476: Part 20 may
be tolerated unless combustible materials are in direct contact with the service itself. Even in
this situation the resulting point of contact is less likely to be a problem than when a large flat
area is in contact with combustible materials.

Most regulatory requirements are met by a sealant or sealing system that purely reinstates the
integrity (E) and insulation (I) of the wall being penetrated. Various industry based codes e.g.
tunnels, insurance, will also require the service on the protected face of the barrier to satisfy an
insulation criterion (Is), albeit this will often require a two part sealing system. Advice is given in
respect of both of these criteria.

ISFA recommends that services normally only satisfy the ‘maximum’ temperature rise criterion
on the unexposed face or on the service for a distance of not less than 500mm from the
unexposed face of the barrier, unless there is a specific requirement.

c2.1 Characterisina the nenetration

For simplicity this Code considers small penetrations and large penetrations separately. It
defines these as follows:

Small penetration - where the fire resistance can be reinstated by means of

a single material, e.g. a gunnable sealant, or a
proprietary unit.

Large penetration - where the fire resistance can only be reinstated by a

sealing system, i.e. materials used in combination to
construct a barrier.

Part C Sealing around cables, metal pipes and service ducts Issue 2-99

A small penetration will normally contain a single service, i.e. a pipe, a cable, a duct etc., but
may also contain a small number of services as long as the void between the service and
associated construction is small enough to be filled just with a single material, preferably a
proprietary sealant or sealing product, rather than a multi-component sealing system
constructed on site.

A large penetration may occasionally contain a single service but more commonly will contain
multiple services of different types, dimensions etc. In this case the void between services and
associated construction is sufficiently large that it needs to be fitted with a system consisting of
a bulkhead barrier in conjunction with suitable sealants.

The evaluation and specification of suitable seals for sealing single services through a small
aperture, of multiple services through a small aperture and multiple services through a large
aperture are considered separately in subsequent clauses, C3 and C4.

c2.2 Characterisina the orientation

The orientation of the penetration can have a significant influence on the effectiveness of the
penetration sealing system. In the vast majority of cases the penetrating service will pass
perpendicular to the wall or floor, perpendicular to the surface and will therefore be either
horizontal or vertical. It is generally more difficult to ensure effective sealing of vertical
penetrations through floors, than of horizontal penetrations through walls, but it must also be
remembered that in the case of a compartment wall, any penetration sealing system must be
effective in resisting fire attack from either side of the element. More complex is the case where
the penetration is at an angle other than perpendicular to the wall or floor and in such a case
extreme care must be taken to ensure the effectiveness of the seal, and additional testing will
be needed.

The sealing system will generally be fitted towards the end of the construction period so that the
service will be adequately supported along its length without requiring support from the sealing

The construction of the wall or floor will influence the selection of sealing system as more robust
forms of construction such as solid loadbearing walls or floors e.g. concrete or masonry, may
offer advantages in terms of their ability to offer an unyielding reaction to the expansion forces
developed by some sealing systems, or materials.

IFSA recommends that evidence of performance used to substantiate the performance of a

specified sealing system is directly related to its orientation in use, i.e. vertical or horizontal
element and is only permitted for use in other orientations when the change in orientation has
been assessed as suitable on the basis of expert judgement.



This section deals with the specification of sealants and proprietary devices that are capable of
reinstating the integrity and insulation rating of an element penetrated by either single or a small
number of penetrating services, as a single sealing component. Multi-component systems are
considered in C4.

C3.1 Characterisina the influence of various services on the fire Derformance of

the construction

This section discusses the manner in which the penetrating service(s) may compromise the fire
resistance of the element through which it passes. Pipes of various sizes and materials and
cables of differing diameters, will all affect the ability of a seal to maintain the fire resistance and

Part C - Sealing around cables, metal pipes and service ducts Issue 2-99

it is important that the material’s ability is established in conjunction with the type of service
penetration to be sealed.

The only way that the influence of the various services can be established is by means of a well
planned series of tests. Such evidence shall be established by subjecting small penetrations
penetrated by a suitable range of services to a fire resistance test using an ad-hoc procedure
using the methodology of BS476 : Part 20 : 1987, or in accordance with [pr]ENl366-1. In the
case of small apertures penetrated by metal pipes the [pr]EN1366-1 test incorporates a
standard configuration developed by IFSA in conjunction with the DOE (DETR) which is
designed to give an extended field of application. This is discussed in greater detail in Clause

When establishing the integrity of the sealant the criterion of continuous flaming, or glowing or
ignition of the cotton pad test is appropriate, as is the use of the 25mm diameter gap gauge.
When establishing compliance with the insulation criteria for the element (I) being penetrated
the sealant forms part of the unexposed face. Unless the width of the sealed gap around the
service is too small to permit the unexposed face temperature to be measured in this vicinity,
normal surface temperature measuring thermocouples shall be fitted to the seal and the
supporting construction. Therefore it is important that when setting up a test the unexposed
face of the sealant or sealing device has a large enough flat area to allow the measurement of
the unexposed face temperature in the normal manner, or by roving thermocouple, so that the
insulation performance can be properly quantified. It should be noted, however, that if the heat
is prevented from escaping freely from the unexposed face by the presence of a thermocouple
and its cover pad, this may cause an earlier loss of integrity as the sealant may become
overheated. This needs to be taken into account when fully quantifying the seal performance.

When the temperature rise on the surface of the service (Is) is a relevant criteria then the
temperature on the service shall be measured by means of an appropriately fitted thermocouple
at a distance of 500mm from the unexposed face of the wall.

IFSA recommends that the code letter ‘I’ be used to identify the duration for which the
Insulation criterion is satisfied on the supporting construction and ‘Is’ on the service. ‘Is’ may
be used on its own in lieu of ‘I’ when the supporting construction and the surface of the service
both comply with the temperature rise criterion.

It is assumed that the support to the service is adequate or else the sealing system has been
selected to provide the support that the service requires. This should take into account any
anticipated thermal distortion. Whilst small scale furnaces are normally adequate for evaluating
sealants or sealing systems for use in small penetrations (unless there is a very large range of
services to be evaluated simultaneously), larger specimens may be needed to evaluate the full
effect of distortion on the sealing system and expert judgement may be needed to establish the
influence of distortion if small specimens are used.

C3.1.1 Influence of the supporting construction

The nature of the element being penetrated, in terms of its propensity to erode, its thermal
conductivity and its distortion under fire will all influence the ability of the seal or sealing device
to maintain the fire resistance of the element.

IFSA recommends that the evidence of performance used to substantiate the performance has
been generated in conjunction with a supporting construction which is either identical to that to
be used, i.e., the associated construction, or one which is covered by an extended application
report due to either its similarity or its quantifiable difference from that tested.

Part C - Sealing around cables, metal pipes and service ducts Issue 2-99

C3.1.2 Metal pipes (MP)

Metal pipes penetrating a fire resisting element can compromise the fire resistance by
conducting heat through to the fire protected face which may, in turn, lead to ignition of the
unexposed face of the element should it incorporate combustible materials, e.g. a timber floor
or carpeted concrete floor. The sealant or proprietary device will normally be selected to
prevent this risk. This conducted heat may also cause ignition of other services, decorative
items or combustible goods stored in contact with the service or immediately adjacent to, but
not directly in contact with, the element itself. In such cases protection will need to be applied
to the service for some distance either side of the wall or floor. Metal pipes that are installed
after construction often leave a clearance gap that can lead to integrity failure unless suitably
sealed, or passed through a suitable sealing device.

The amount of heat that will flow along a metal pipe will be significantly affected by the end
conditions of the pipe. A pipe that is open (or becomes open as a result of the fire) in the fire
compartment will not only transmit heat by conduction but hot gases will get into the pipe and
may flow to the other side of the barrier. The rate at which these gases will flow will also be
related to whether the pipe is open or closed on the fire protected face of the barrier. This is
one of the most important parameters when assessing the risk of fire spread as a result of

IFSA recommends that any evidence of performance used to substantiate the use of a sealant
or proprietary device shall have been obtained in conjunction with pipes where the end
conditions replicate the in-use situation and the pipe material and dimensions are also similar.
The melting of joints or the destruction of equipment attached to the pipe on the fire side shall
be taken into account when analysing the appropriate end conditions.

C3.1.3 Cables (C)

There are very large numbers of different types of cables, varying from cable used for sending
data (used in offices) to power cables used in power stations.

Based on the function of the cable the sheathing materials can incorporate diverse materials
including plastics, rubber and metals. The former are combustible and could increase the
chance of flaming, whilst the latter type of sheathing will have a much higher thermal
conductivity and will increase the chance of an ignition failure due to conduction.

Individual cables can compromise the fire separating function of a compartment barrier by
conducting heat through to the protected face which, like a pipe, can ignite the construction
itself, decorations or other services and goods. Unlike metal pipes, however, the conducted
heat may ignite the cables own insulation on the unexposed face. In addition the insulation on
heavily insulated cables may burn out, or melt out, leaving a gap that could lead to an integrity
loss. Armoured cables may cause additional conductivity problems depending upon the
amount of protection used. If the cable is to satisfy the insulation criteria of BS476: Part 20 in
order to comply with the regulatory recommendations, or is to remain cool enough not to cause
ignition of other services or stored goods, it may be necessary to wrap the cable for some
distance away from the element. This may affect the rating of the cable and should be
considered before treating.

Some insulations may interact with the sealant, possibly reducing its service life significantly.
The chemical compatibility between the cable and the sealant should be checked.

C3.1.4 Small cable trays (CT)

When a small bunch of cables is supported on a ladder or cable tray this can add to the
conduction risk as a metal tray will conduct heat in a similar manner to a metal pipe, which may
cause indirect ignition of materials in contact with or near to the protected face.

Part C - Sealing around cables, metal pipes and service ducts Issue 2-99

If insulation of the associated construction has to be maintained to ensure fire safety then it will
be necessary to ensure that the cable tray is protected up to a specified distance away from the
associated construction. This distance will depend on the insulation used. The current
Approved Document B for England i 3 Wales gives prescriptive requirements for such additional
protection required, but testing or calculation is the only way to establish this distance with any

C3.1.5 Metal service ducts (MSD)

Metal service ducts have similar thermal conductivity risks as thin walled metal pipes, but with
the added problem of normally carrying probably combustible insulated cables inside them.
They also have the added complication of a relatively large internal void being present. This
void can lead to an enhanced risk of an integrity loss, in addition to the likelihood of insulation
failure associated with thin walled metal constructions. Fire stopping or penetration sealing of
hollow metal service ducts must address the sealing of the internal void by sealing internally in
the line of the barrier, as well as any void between the duct and the associated construction
through which it is passing. Disruption of the seal due to possible distortion of the thin walled
section where they pass through the wall needs to be considered when selecting the sealing
system and hence only tested systems should be used.

C3.2 Exoressina Performance Claims

It is difficult to make simple claims about the ability of a sealant or product to provide a certain
integrity and insulation, or even reduced insulation, performance for all types of service for
which it may be used. The duration for which it will satisfy the integrity and insulation
requirement will invariably depend upon:

the nature of the service.

the width of the gap between the service and the element.
the depth of sealant, which may also be restricted by the thickness of the element

This ignores differences in the construction of the element (the supporting construction) which
will also affect the behaviour of the sealant and manufacturers will need to impart this data as
supplementary information.

3.2.1 Expressing the field of service application for the seal

Seals and sealing systems are often sold without a clear expression of their suitability for use
with the range of services for which they may be used. It is seen to be the specifiers
responsibility to ask the manufacturer if there is test evidence for the product for the actual
services that the designer requires. It would be easier to use the product if the limits of
applicability of the rating to the service could be expressed in coded terms. This section makes
some proposals in this connection.

IFSA recommends that manufacturers use a code system based upon the above service types
for which they have evidence of performance in order to simplify their claims and to aid
specification for the intended user. This code summarises the evidence of performance that the
manufacturer has to support the product, either in the form of test results or in conjunction with
direct and extended field of application reports. The code shall be as follows:

Metal pipes - MP (180/120/60/30 etc)

Cables - C (180/120/60/30 etc)
Small cable trays CT (180/120/60/30 etc)
Metal service ducts - MSD (180/120/60/30 etc)

1 Part C - Sealing around cables, metal pipes and service ducts Issue 2-9911

Where the insulation duration, as measured on the face of the seal, is less than the integrity
rating then the code can be modified as follows:

MP (E180: 1120)*(1)

Where the insulation criterion measured on the service (Is) is also satisfied then the result should
be expressed as follows:-

MP (E180: 1180: ls120)

In some cases, e.g. where the risk of ignition of materials on the protected side of the element
is low, then it may be acceptable to permit the temperature to rise to a higher level or
alternatively meet the insulation criteria for a shorter duration.

*(')This uses the European system of identifying integrity as ' E' and insulation as ' 1'. If however
the regulatory requirement is for integrity only, see C2, then only the E value needs to be used.

c3.3 Qualifvina the rating

C3.3.1 Metal pipes (MP)

It will be possible to express a rating based upon the above code system for any specific
service, e.g. a 75mm diameter copper pipe passing through a 125mm thick wall. The code
system will however then consist of the following, MP (El 20: 160)*(2)but will need to be qualified
for example with the following information; for example:

Material- copper
Diameter (max) - 75mm
Wall thickness 1.5mm
Depth of sealant 125mm
Gap width (max) 18mm
End condition - open fire side/closed non-fire side

A description of the associated construction shall also be given.

*(2) It will be beneficial if it is clearly stated whether any failure with respect to the insulation
criteria results from the rise in temperature as measured on the service or on the seal.

Such evidence shall have been generated using an ad-hoc specimen using the methodology of
BS476: Part 20: 1972 or fully in accordance with [pr]EN1366-3. This draft EN standard
recommends the use of a standard configuration, developed by IFSA in conjunction with the
Department of Environment (DETR), which is similar to that given in Figure C1, and is designed
to develop the maximum field of application for seals and sealing systems used in conjunction
with metal pipes.

It is important that the unexposed face of the sealant or sealing device has a large enough flat
area to allow the measurement of the unexposed face temperature in the normal manner so that
the insulation performance can be properly quantified. It should be noted, however, that if the
heat is prevented from escaping freely from the unexposed face by the presence of a
thermocouple and cover pad this may cause an earlier loss of integrity as the sealant may
become overheated. This needs to be taken into account when fully quantifying the seal

Part C - Sealing around cables, metal pipes and service ducts Issue 2-99

IFSA recommends that if a manufacturer has a number of tests which have generated a variety
of results then that the product claims should be presented in a tabular form as given in Table



c - - i


4 200 L -4 200 c

Thickness : 1OOmm +/-1 Omm

Blank aperture (to define maximum dimension 'x')

2 Aperture containing one steel pipe (90mm 0, 5 2 2mm wall thickness)
3 Aperture containing one copper pipe (40mm 0, 2.5 k 1.5mm wall thickness)
4 Aperture containing one steel pipe (150mm 0, 6 k 3mm wall thickness)

5 Aperture containing two steel pipes and two copper pipes (2no. 60mm ersteel, 2170.
25mm 0 copper)
6 Aperture containing one copper pipe (nom. 12mm 0)

Note 1. All dimensions are given in mm.

Note 2. Dimensions a1 to a6 shall be chosen/agreed by test sponsor in order to establish

relationship between unsupported dimension of sealant with respect to time in a
rationalised way.

Figure C1 : Standard configuration from the draft European test method [pr]EN1366-3
for testing materials for use with metallic pipes (modified slightly by the
addition of aperture 6, introduced as part of the standard configuration proposal
for cables - see figure C2)

Part C - Sealing around cables, metal pipes and service ducts Issue 2-99

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Part C - Sealing around cables, metal pipes and service ducts Issue 2-99

Whilst this method of presentation of evidence is recommended by IFSA, on the basis that it
harmonises the method of claiming performance, it is cumbersome if a large number of ad-hoc
tests have been performed.

An alternative method of achieving a universal rating for a sealant is to use the standard
configuration given in Figure C1, which is similar to that which forms part of the [pr]EN1366-3.
test procedure. In this test procedure the standard configuration has been selected so that all
metal pipes, regardless of material, diameter and wall thickness can claim the achieved
integrity(E) and insulation(1) rating up to the maximum sealant or product width indicated by the
' blank' penetration.

Should any one of the penetrations fail integrity at an earlier stage than the best achieved, then
the penetrating service/penetration aperture ratios have been selected to permit a rational
analysis to be carried out in order to determining the modified performance claims that may be
made for the sealant as an extended field of application analysis. The principles for this are
given in the notes to the standard pipe configuration appended and are taken straight from the
[pr]EN1366-3 standard. If there is more than one premature failure then the results may need
to be presented in a tabular manner as expressed in Table C1 but it is intended that variations
in performance will be directly proportional to sealant width and the integrity and insulation
claims be varied accordingly.

C3.3.2 Cables (C)

Cables are more complex than most of the other items because of the variety of types. The
conductor dimensions and material can vary as can the insulation dimensions and types. An
outer sheathing may also be present in the case of armoured or mineral insulated cables and
this may affect the conductivity along the cable. Any ad-hoc tests must take these factors into
account when designing the test assembly if it is to produce the maximum field of application
for the sealant. Nonetheless, the fire resistance of a sealant for use in sealing a penetration
which only has either a single cable or a small number of cables passing through it can for
example still be expressed as C(E120: 1120*(2)),but the information needs to be qualified with
much more information, for example:

Number of cables 1
Cable type power cable
Total cable diameter 25mm
Conductor diameter 15mm
Conductor material copper
Depth of sealant 60mm (2 x 30mm)
Width of seal 20mm

A description of the associated construction shall also be given.

*(*) It will be beneficial if it is clearly stated whether any failure with respect to the insulation
criteria results from the rise in temperature as measured on the service or on the seal.

The evidence supporting the above shall have been generated using an ad-hoc specimen using
the methodology of either BS476 : Part 20 : 1972 or [pr]EN 1366-3 where appropriate. Whilst
this draft European Standard does not incorporate a standard configuration for evaluating
sealants for small cable penetrations, Figure C2 proposes a standard configuration that may be
used for establishing the field of application of seals for use with cables, in a rationalised manner
(see 3.4).

As with pipes the test construction shall be instrumented up so as to establish the insulation
characteristics of the sealant or sealing device (I)and, if appropriate, the insulation of the service

Part C - Sealing around cables, metal pipes and service ducts Issue 2-99

IFSA recommends that as for pipe types, for consistency of expressing the results a tabular
approach is recommended as given in Table C2. Again this is fairly cumbersome and whilst
[pr]EN1366-3 does not include a standard configuration for small apertures penetrated by
cables, guidance is given in C.3.4. on this approach.

c3.3.3 Cable trays (CT)

Similarly the fire resistance of a seal used in conjunction with a cable tray may be expressed as
CT (E90: 190*(1))but again as an example the following qualifications will need to be applied to
the claimed performance (ref Figure C2); for example:

Tray width (w) - 300mm

Tray depth (d) - 30mm
Depth of sealant (s) - 1OOmm
Gap width (dim ‘a’) - 15mm
Gap width (dim ‘b’) - 40mm

VCable tray protected for a distance of ‘x’mm from the face of the wall or floor.

a v / / / , ‘,I I

I-I I.
protected area of
cables and tray

Fiaure C2 Critical dimensions for evaluatina a cable tray

a = maximum gap between aperture and either the side or the base of the tray.
b = maximum gap between the aperture and the base of the tray or the upper surface
of the cables

c3.3.4 Metal service ducts (MSD)

A similar approach can be taken for metal service ductshunking where the performance can be
expressed for example as MSD(E6O: I15) with the additional supplementary information being
required, for example:

Duct material - steel

Duct dimensions 1OOmm x 1OOmm
Depth of external sealant 120mm
Max width of external seal 25mm
Min depth of internal seal 1OOmm
Internal seal material - mineral wool (5Okg/m3)

Part C - Sealing around cables, metal pipes and service ducts Issue 2-99


0 0
m m

0 0
(D m

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c "!
7 c


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0 h

E0 ci
n a,

Part C - Sealing around cables, metal pipes and service ducts Issue 2-99

c3.4 Use of the standard confiauration for characterisina sealants for use with
services other than metal DiDes

An alternative to performing a large number of ad-hoc tests is to use a standard configuration

that gives a wide field of application for the sealant when tested in a number of common

IFSA recommends using a slightly modified supporting construction from that given in the
standard configuration for pipes incorporated in [pr]EN 1366-3(see Figure C3)the pipes have
been replaced with a variety of penetrating cables. The modification includes the addition of a
small hole, 25mm diameter near the centre of the construction (aperture b) which is included to
evaluate the ability to seal a small communication/detector cable.

NOTE: For convenience may also be included in the standard configuration specimen for
pipes, but not necessarily be used for evaluating a 12mm diameter pipe and can either
be filled as a blank penetration or used for ad-hoc purposes.


m ; 6 '


200 +

mln. 1000 (furnace exposed) 4

Figure C3 : IFSA proposed standard configuration for testing materials for use in small
apertures penetrated by cables, based upon draft CEN configuration for

Thickness : 100mm +/-lOmm

Specimen Description
1 Blank aperture (to define maximum dimension 'x3
2 Aperture containing 3nO. power cables (185mm2 CSA conductor)
3 Aperture containing 1no. power cable (400mm2 CSA conductor)
4 Aperture containing 1no. cable tray (200x 35mm) containing a bundle of cables
(lno. 400mm2 CSA power cable, 6no. 50mm2 CSA conductor, and 5170. 75mm2 CSA cables)
5 Aperture Containing 5nO. power cables (5no.185mm2 CSA conductor cables set 8r2mm apart)
6 Aperture containing 1no. mineral insulated detector cable (70mm 0)
Part C - Sealing around cables, metal pipes and service ducts Issue 2-99

Note 1. All dimensions are given in mm.

Note 2. Dimensions a1 to a6 shall be chosen/agreed by test sponsor in order to establish

relationship between unsupported dimension of sealant with respect to time in a
rationalised way.

Note 3. Cables to be type H07Z-U or type R (CENELEC code)



C4.1 Defining a Large Penetration

There is no absolute definition of what constitutes a large penetration. Section C3 considers the
sealing of single services penetrating walls or floors. There are a number of areas where there
will be several services penetrating the wall/floor and where the hole will be significantly larger
than the services that pass through it. This section deals with large apertures which in the
context of this Code is where the cross-sectional area of the services are less than 40% of the
total aperture, where the aperture has dimensions greater than 300mm x 300mm and where a
bulkhead barrier needs to be installed as the primary method of sealing through which the
services pass and into which they are sealed. Large apertures may occur either in vertical walls
or horizontally, particularly in shafts.

C4.2 The Function of the bulkhead barrier

The bulkhead forms an important part of a large penetration because it replaces a significant
area of the element being penetrated. The bulkhead therefore has the following performance

i) The unpenetrated parts of the bulkhead must provide the same integrity (E) and
insulation (I) performance as the element into which is installed except where the
barrier takes up less than 50% of the area of wall or floor being penetrated when
there may be a relaxation of the mean unexposed face temperature rise criterion.

ii) In specific cases the surface of the service shall comply with pre-determined
temperature rise criteria as measured 500mm from the unexposed face of the
element being penetrated (Is).

iii) The bulkhead must be able to accommodate the seal that is to be installed around
the service to maintain the integrity of the junction between the service and the

iv) The bulkhead must restrict the passage of smoke and be impermeable.

v) Large bulkheads with a clear unpenetrated area of 500mm x 500mm shall not
produce an unacceptable safety risk in respect of persons. It is therefore
recommended that barriers in vertical walls, where the aperture extends to below
1.1m from floor level, shall have an appropriate impact resistance. Horizontal
bulkheads, must have an appropriate degree of loadbearing capacity (see C4.5)

c4.3 Characterising the bulkhead barrier materials

C4.3.1 Fixed bulkhead barriers

Barrier materials across the bulkhead may be constructed from any material capable of meeting
the performance recommendations given in C4.2. The following materials are known to be used
for such purposes;

Part C - Sealing around cables, metal pipes and service ducts Issue 2-99

Mineral fibre batts. (MF)

b Intumescent coated mineral fibre batts. (CMF)

Calcium silicate and other cementicious boards. (CS)

Cementicious and fibre sprayed mesh using vermiculite, plaster etc. (CM)

Mineral fibre batts are deformable in use and have the ability to be deformed locally to
accommodate a penetrating service which invariably means that a tight seal can be achieved
around the service in question. Mineral wool is not, however, a very robust material and it can
be damaged in use. The intumescent coated version is self-healing in as much that any
localised damage would probably be protected by the activated intumescent when fire occurs,
assuming that the damage is not excessive. This may not completely satisfy insulation but
should be able to ensure that the integrity rating is maintained.

Calcium silicate boards being brittle are prone to damage at their lower densities and should be
inspected regularly. They are not able to be deformed around services and as a hole has to be
made to accommodate the service a gap will normally exist between the service and the barrier
which will need to be sealed by a suitable sealant. Such boards are stronger than mineral wool
and will be able to satisfy the mechanical aspects more readily.

Cementicious and fibre sprayed meshes are robust, and general impermeable, but are
sometimes less easy to use when post installing large services as the mesh will generally need
to be cut through. This may damage the mesh leave a large hole which will need sealing.
The mesh does provide mechanical resistance.

The thickness of the bulkhead material will be set by the fire resistance period and the ability of
the material to satisfy the relevant integrity and insulation criteria. All barriers should be
permanently fixed into the aperture so that they cannot be removed during the barrier life. Joints
made in bulkhead materials need to be sealed in a manner that has been tested.

C4.3.2 Demountable bulkhead barriers

When services are likely to be added to frequently, due to the nature of the processes in the
building, it is possible to use demountable systems. The most common form of these are
‘pillows’ or ‘fire-bags’ although modular barriers, in the form of ‘fire bricks’ or ‘blocks’, generally
constructed from coated mineral fibre batts, are also available. The pillows are normally
manufactured from heat or flame resistant fabrics, which contain a granular intumescent or
ablative material which deforms around the service causing a close fit or ‘seal’, thereby avoiding
the use of a mastic or paste sealant.

One disadvantage of a demountable system is that it is only as good as the willingness of all
parties to reinstate the barrier properly after new services have been introduced or old services
have been taken away. It is important that the use of such systems is subject to ongoing
management control, e.g. a ‘permit to remove’ system. When new services are introduced,
somebody should be instructed to ensure that evidence of performance exists to demonstrate
the ability of the system to provide the requisite level of fire performance for the service which
is to be introduced.

Demountable systems are primarily designed to close-off apertures in vertical elements. The
use of them to seal apertures in horizontal elements should only be considered in exceptional
circumstances and only after consultation with the manufacturer of the system.

Pillows or fire-bags containing compounds including intumescent materials are more likely to
provide a seal than ablative materials and are therefore preferred when the quality of fitting or
the range of services is not able to be fully defined at the time of specifying.

Part C - Sealing around cables, metal pipes and service ducts Issue 2-99

Demountable systems are ideally suited for use during the construction phase of a building
when buildings are vulnerable to the maximum effect of fire spread. Unsealed temporary
apertures allow almost unrestricted fire spread.

IFSA recommends that in normal use a fixed bulkhead barrier is preferred to the demountable
barrier. The choice of bulkhead material needs to be made in the knowledge of the performance
characteristics that the barrier will be expected to provide and have adequate strength for its
application. The barrier material shall only be used with the manufacturers recommended and
proven sealant.

Demountable systems, such as pillows or fire-bags shall only be used on a permanent basis if
there is adequate management control to ensure adequate maintenance and inspection of the
barrier, including a ‘permit to remove’ system.

During construction of the building all apertures in fire resisting walls or floors shall be sealed to
appropriate level on a temporary basis whilst services are being installed, normally by use of a
demountable system such as pillows, fire-bags or fire-bricks/blocks.

c4.4 Influence of the associated construction

Almost all fire separating elements of any construction will distort when heated. In the case of
a masonry wall the distortion may be expected to be relatively minimal, whereas a plasterboard
clad steel stud wall may be expected to move a significant amount when heated on one face.
Similarly composite steeVconcrete floor slabs would be expected to distort more than a timber
joisted floor which is under-drawn with gypsum board. Because it is a recommendation of this
Code that the bulkhead barrier is permanently installed in the construction, it must appreciated
that the bulkhead will then follow the movement profile of the element into which it is installed.

If the services run continuously through the barrier then these are likely to remain in a fixed
position relative to the barrier and when selecting both the bulkhead barrier material and the
sealant, their ability to accommodate the anticipated thermal deflections shall be considered.
Seals for services that are more reliant on the barrier to fix their positions rather than those that
may be fixed to the service are likely to be more able to maintain a seal when relative distortion
occurs between the two components. Intumescent based seals have a greater ability to cope
with differential movement purely by the nature of the way they activate. If there is likely to be
significant in-service deflection then barriers that are slightly flexible rather than rigid are
preferred. The sealing system between the barrier and the supporting construction should be
subject to similar considerations. Rigid barriers such as calcium silicate boards will be more
able to accept deflection if the edge seal is flexible, such as an intumescent/closed cell foam
sandwich seal.

IFSA recommends that when testing sealing systems for use in constructions that may flex in
use the test should be performed with realistic levels of distortion.

c4.5 IFSA recommendations in resDect of evaluatina bulkhead materials and

associated sealina svstems

All large penetration sealing systems shall be tested for fire resistance by either an ad-hoc test
procedure using the methodology of BS476: Part 20 or the [pr]EN1366-3. Where the barrier is
only to be used in applications where one of the primary dimensions does not exceed 1m then
the test can be performed in a furnace of reduced dimensions, with a minimum opening size of
1m x 1m. Where the barrier is to be used with both of the primary dimensions in excess of 1m,
then the barrier shall be tested at full size, or not less than 2.6m x 2.6m to include an allowance
for a representative area of associated or supporting construction to be incorporated, nominally
200mm on all edges, within the furnace specimen frame.

Part C - Sealing around cables, metal pipes and service ducts Issue 2-99

In respect of the need to satisfy integrity this will be measured by means of the cotton pad,
reduced in size if necessary as permitted in the European Standards [pr]EN1366-3, and the
insulation shall comply with the maximum temperature rise criterion of 180OC unless the
bulkhead represents more than 50% of the wall or floor area into which it is being installed, in
which case it shall comply with the mean unexposed face temperature rise criterion of 140oC.
Where this is impracticable then these temperatures may be exceeded as long as a hazard
assessment of the in-situ barrier shows that the environment can tolerate increased temperature
rises without the risk of fire being initiated.

With respect to the ability of the bulkhead to accommodate the correct sealing system for the
service penetrating, test evidence shall be available to show that the integrity will be maintained
for the appropriate period using a bulkhead of the same material and thickness as that to be
used in conjunction with the system sealant, and the services in the tested construction being
of the same type, and similar in quantity and number, or preferably being covered by the field
of extended application for the system. When tested, the bulkhead barrier system shall
incorporate joints in the barrier, at right angles to each other, constructed as they would be in
practice (see Figure C4).

Figure C4 : Typical layout of joints to be incorporated in a bulkhead barrier when

it is to be tested

Smoke resistance is not directly quantifiable as there is no dedicated test and therefore visible
impermeability of the system is vital. All joints between the bulkhead and the surrounding
structure shall be sealed with a suitable high temperature sealant and any joints within the
barrier shall be similarly sealed. The barrier material shall be impermeable to airflow.

In respect of safety in use the barrier should comply with one of the following;

Metal strapping or reinforcing rods of not less than 40mm* cross-section shall be
incorporated at not less than 400mm centres, or at mid point of any aperture less
than 800mm which is not penetrated by a service and adequately fixed to the
adjacent surfaces or,

Vertical barriers shall withstand an impact from ‘soft’ body with an energy level of

Horizontal barriers shall be able to support a weight of 75 kilograms.

Part C - Sealing around cables, metal pipes and service ducts Issue 2-99

In addition to the above, all horizontal barriers that are not designed for walking on and cannot
take the above weight shall be barriered-off and clearly marked with appropriate permanent
signs visible from all approaches.

The acceptable rigidity of the bulkhead barrier will be defined by the level of anticipated
distortion in the supporting construction. Flexible or semi-rigid bulkhead barriers are generally
more able to be used than rigid barriers and intumescent coated mineral fibre batts are likely to
provide a significant restriction to the spread of smoke.

Edge sealing and fixing specifications shall take into account any predicted erosion of the
aperture edges during fire exposure.

C4.6 Influence of multiDle services

This section considers the effect of multiple services of different types and sizes passing
through the bulkhead barrier. This section does not repeat the issues discussed in respect of
single services, but considers problems which only occur when a large number of services are

C4.6.1 Cable groups


A problem associated with selecting a cable penetration sealing system is that there are multi-
various types of cables, having different diameters of conductor core and insulation types and
thicknesses with different external sheathing material. The cables may be bundled together or
laid out on cable trays. The problems associated with predicting the performance of these two
types are considered separately.

a) A large number of cables bundled together, containing different conductor diameters

and different sheathing material (C).

This arrangement could result in a number of small through holes located between
cables within the bundle. This may not prove to be a problem providing the gap does
not increase in size when heated as this increases the chances of flaming of the cables
on the protected face or a leakage of hot gases, which may cause a loss of integrity as
measured by means of the modified, i.e., 30 x 30 x 20mm, cotton pad. The dimensions
of the modified cotton pad are given in [pr]EN1366-3 as the size of the standard pad
(100 x 100mm) renders it difficult to use in confined spaces.

When tested the bundle should include a range of large diameter core and small
diameter core cables including some metal sheathed cables.

b) Cables fixed to a cable tray or ladder (CT)

This arrangement is likely to induce gaps between the cables and the flat surfaces of
the cable tray. The use of cable trays will increase the transfer of heat through the
supporting construction. It may be necessary to bed the cables onto intumescent
materials to ensure the gap between cable tray and cables is adequately sealed. The
tray will normally require protection on either side of the bulkhead if the insulation
criteria (Is) is to be satisfied on the service.

It is possible that there could be ‘through-gaps’ in the system when the cables are installed
which would be filled once the material is activated. It is recommended that any through gap
should not, however, be in excess of 6mm. The 6mm is based on the 6mm diameter gap gauge
used in the fire test but eliminating the 150mm linear movement of this gauge. This guidance

Part C Sealing around cables, metal pipes and service ducts Issue 2-99

will enable a judgement to be undertaken on an installation comprising of different sized cables.

Gaps that exist in the cold state are, however, likely to leak smoke and this needs to be
considered if ‘cold smoke’ leakage is an unacceptable risk. When services are installed through
an aperture before the bulkhead seal is in place it is of benefit if the cables are not fixed to one
side of the aperture as the bulkhead seal can only be pressed up against one face. If a gap is
left between the services and the perimeter of the aperture, then a resilient seal can be fitted to
close up these gaps.

Application such as this, where different sized cables are used, are ideal for spray type or gun
applied materials as these materials will be capable of providing a seal up to the perimeter of
the cables, and can be used to insulate the service as well as the barrier.

It is very likely that additional cables will be installed during the life of the building and located
in the same cable runs. It is therefore advantageous to provide an easily demountable system
using ‘bricks’ or ‘pillows’ if, necessary as part of the fixed imperforate barrier. However, in the
event of the system not being demountable it must be demonstrated that any remedial repairs
to make good around the cable will not adversely affect the performance of the barrier. An
easily plugged series of low conductivity, high temperature resistant, easily plugged tubes could
be incorporated in order to facilitate an increase in the number of services. The likelihood of a
repair affecting the performance is greater when using a wet system compared to using a dry
system, because of the problem associated with the bonding of a spray material to other cured
parent material, unless properly prepared.

IFSA recommends that test evidence should be provided to demonstrate that the bulkhead
barrier is capable of providing adequate fire resistance when penetrated by both types of the
cable combinations described above, i.e., ‘C’ and ‘CT’ or else the field of application shall be
restricted only to that service for which evidence exists.

When specifying a sealant it is vital that the thermal insulating effect is taken into account in
respect of the rating of the cable, particularly if protection is applied along the length of the

If possible cables should not be directly fixed to one side of the aperture before installing the
barrier. A special ‘plugged’ area should be incorporated in any fixed bulkhead barrier, designed
to accommodate future services.

If demountable systems, such as pillows or bricks are used then the maintenance and
inspection of these shall be adequate to ensure that the barrier will be complete after any new
work has taken place (see C4.3.2.). All demountable systems shall be specified such that the
field of application for the system covers all anticipated services.

C4.6.2 Pipe Groups

The performance of the bulkhead barrier, particularly the ability of the seal between the barrier
and the service to maintain the fire resistance of the element, is likely to be adversely affected
by the presence of highly conductive services. Metal pipes are likely to be the most conductive
of these services because they have a high surface area to mass ratio, due to the hollow centre.
Large single pipes, especially those with a thin wall section are worse than those smaller pipes
with a large wall thickness. Also clusters of pipes are likely to be even more conductive
because of the ratio of the surface area to the cross-sectional area of the total void in the centre.
Clusters of pipes are likely to include voids between the individual pipes unless special
measures are introduced during the installation of the pipes to ensure that a seal exists between
the individual pipes. These voids may allow unrestricted passage of smoke.

When selecting a sealing system for a large penetration it is important to establish the influence
that multiple pipe groups will have on the fire resistance. A bulkhead barrier shall have been
tested with the following pipe arrangements penetrating it in order to achieve the widest range

Part C - Sealing around cables, metal pipes and service ducts Issue 2-99

of applications:

i) Single large diameter pipes of cast iron, steel or copper.

ii) A row of medium to small diameter thin wall pipes (60 to 19mm diameter) of steel
or copper varying from 1 to 15mm wall thick in equal increments.

iii) A triangular or round cluster of pipes with a total overall dimension of at least

Where the barrier is large enough to accommodate a number of pipe groups the test should try
and establish the influence of spacing between services. Clusters of pipes should be installed
at, say distances of 50, 100 and 150mm from each other, to establish whether there is a critical
distance where the ability to seal is reduced.

From this information a field of application should be able to be derived covering the
recommended distances between groups of pipes and or cable trays for the durations under

Plastic pipes need to be considered separately, see Section D.

IFSA recommends that bulkhead barriers for use with multiple metal pipes (MP) have evidence
of performance with a range of metal pipes penetrating the aperture to be sealed, which follows
the above recommended groupings, where the pipes to be used in practice are within the field
of application for the system derived from test. This should cover both the anticipated type, the
sizes and the clustering/distribution of the pipes. It is unlikely that exactly the same combination
will be covered by the evidence as will be present in-use and therefore an element of expert
judgement will need to be made when selecting an appropriate large penetration sealing

The recommendations made in 4.6.1 with respect to the design and construction of the barrier,
i.e., fixed or demountable apply equally to large penetrations sealing groups of pipes.

C4.6.3 Cable/pipe combinations

When cable and pipe groups are to run through the same bulkhead barrier this does not present
a problem subject to the barrier being tested and approved for both types of service and the
two system being kept separate. If the quantity and type of sealant has to be different for each
type of service then the specification shall be modified accordingly, especially when maintaining
the insulation rating on the service (Is). Cable penetrations and pipe penetrations should be
kept at least 50mm apart, or no closer than the distance approved in the field of application for
the product when one exists.

Metal pipes should never share the same cable tray or ladder as cables and certainly not be in
contact with the cables themselves. Similarly, cables should not run along the top of the pipe
clusters as a form of support for the same reasons. The only exception to this is when test
evidence exists on mixed systems, showing that the integrity is not compromised and, if
appropriate, the temperature of either the cable or the pipe (Is) does not exceed the 18OoC

IFSA recommends that cables and pipes which penetrate the same bulkhead barrier should
be kept separate and evidence of performance should exist for each penetration seal type.

C4.6.4 Considering the influence of ‘live’ services

Testing is invariably carried out on pipes and cables that are not carrying any gas, liquid or
power and which are at ambient temperature. In practice these services are incorporated in

c 21
Part C - Sealing around cables, metal pipes and service ducts Issue 2-99

buildings for the purpose of carrying liquids or gases or for the supply of power. The influence
of these should be taken into account when specifying the appropriate seals and/or sealing
system. Pipes that contain cold water may even remain cool if the fire does not immediately cut
out the pump used to circulate the water. On the other hand, pipes carrying superheated steam
may be half way to reaching the temperature rise failure criteria before fire takes place.

Pipes running at these temperatures will expand significantly when their temperature increases
in response to the circulation of the hot water or steam. If they are sealed into the associated
construction or bulkhead barrier when cold then the seal may become damaged when the
service goes ‘live’. Allowance must be made for this at the time of installation both with respect
to the suitability of the material to withstand the operating temperature without degrading and
also to accommodate the anticipated expansion.

Pipes that are carrying combustible gases can present a special hazard in use and there may
be a requirement, or even just a benefit, in providing such pipes with special protection.
Similarly, when pipes carry gases that are harmful, e.g. ammonia, then special measures may
be justified. The method of sealing such pipes passing through fire walls and floors must
provide as much protection as may be applied elsewhere.

Cables that are carrying high levels of current will run warm and this may cause the insulation
to be closer to its ignition temperature on the protected face, even without fire attack. When
evaluating the ability of a seal to satisfy the integrity criteria as a result of preventing ignition of
combustible cable insulation the influence of pre-warming should not be overlooked. A
breakdown in the insulation would increase the risk of ignition should the service remain live.

IFSA recommends that the operating conditions are taken into account when specifying seals
and sealing systems for use with pipes and cables and any evaluation of test evidence may
need to take this into account.


It may be necessary to ensure that the cables remain working for a specified period of time in
some applications. This may be necessary to ensure communications are maintained or for
critical equipment to continue to function etc. This criteria is not part of the fire resistance test
which only considers fire separation between areas. Fire survivability of the cable is specified
in terms of keeping the cable below a limiting temperature for a specified period of time. The
limiting temperature for cable survivability will be below that of the limiting temperature given for
the insulation criteria.

The temperature measured on any protection applied to the unexposed face of a service during
a penetration sealing test is not a true indication of the effective insulation of the protection,
because the unexposed face is being cooled by the ambient temperature of the air on this side.
This will not occur when protecting cables which are running through the fire environment.
Therefore characterisation of the insulating characteristics can only be achieved by locating a
thermocouple between any protection and the cable, on the fire exposed face of a separating
construction, or by the use of validated computational methods.

This subject of fire survivability is not within the scope of this document and therefore no
solutions or recommendations are proffered. There are no current British or European (EN)
testing standards covering the subject, although there are some industry requirements, and as
a consequence the solution will vary according to the service and the objectives. When
survivability is a criterion;

IFSA recommends that an IFSA member ‘be consulted for guidance, or alternatively the IFSA
technical advisory service be contacted directly.




Part D - Closing-off plastic service pipes

The Intumescent Fire Seals Association ifsa

Part D Closing-off plastic service pipes issue 2-99

Part D - Closing-off plastic service pipes




D2.1 General
D2.2 Characterising the material from which the pipe duct or trunking is
D2.3 Available products for sealing hollow plastic services
D2.3.1 Metal canister pipe closers
D2.3.2 Combination closing devices
D2.3.3 Pipe wraps


D3.1 Relating evidence to the characteristics of the pipe

D3.2 Use of the pipe
D3.3 Orientation
D3.4 Support to the pipe
D3.5 End conditions of the pipe or duct
D3.6 Fixing of metal canisters to the structure
03.7 Mounting method of canister and combination closing devices
D3.8 Installation of pipe wraps
D3.9 Combination closing devices


1 Part D - Closing-off plastic service pipes Issue 2-9911



Recommendations are given within this part in respect of specifying suitable heat activated
devices for closing-off low melting temperature, predominately plastic services, which penetrate
a fire separating element. Such services may be:

i) Pipes of circular cross-section designed for the passage of air, gases or liquids.

ii) Ducts for the passage of air or fumes.

iii) Trunking for carrying other services such as cables or small bore pipes, where
the trunking is not fire stopped internally at the point where it passes through the
element, nor where it is more than 75% full of conductive services (cable
conductors, metal pipes, etc).

Whilst certain regulations, or guides to regulations, may suggest that plastic pipes of 40mm
internal diameter or less may pass through a fire separating wall with only fire stopping applied
to the gap between the pipe and the associated construction, IFSA recommend that as these
would not pass the BS476: Part 20: 1987 test methodology for even 30 minutes, all low melting
point penetrating services should be closed-off with a suitable device.


D2.1 General

There is a wide range of service pipes, ducts and trunking in buildings which are manufactured
from plastic and polymer materials. Where such services pass through a compartment wall or
compartment floor or protected route they create a potential weakness in the fire resistance of
the separating element. In the event of a fire, once the ignition or softening point of the material
is reached, the service will be destroyed leaving an opening in the wall or floor which must be
sealed if the fire resistance of the element is to be maintained. These materials soften or ignite
very early in the development of a fire.

These low melting point services have a greater potential for compromising the fire and smoke
containment strategy for a building than any of the gaps or services described in Parts B and C
of this Code, both because of their size (up to 300mm 0) and the likelihood of total loss of the
service. Any device provided to compensate for the loss of the pipe, duct or trunking shall
maintain the integrity of the wall or floor for the duration specified by the designer or the
legislation and also satisfy the maximum temperature rise criterion for a similar period.

D2.2 Characterisina the material from which the Dine. duct or trunkina is made

This section deals with sealing circular pipes or rectangular ducts designed to carry liquids or
air throughout a building. Plastic trunking that carries electrical services or sealing metal pipes
are covered by the recommendations given in Part C.

Plastic pipes and ducts may be manufactured from:-

* Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

Polyvinyl chloride unplasticised (PVCU)
Polypropylene (PP)
Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)
Polyethylene (PE)

Part D - Closing-off plastic service pipes Issue 2-99

All of the above material types have very different physical properties associated with them. In
terms of crushability (the ability of a pipe closer device to seal a pipe) the important physical
properties of the pipe are:

the softening temperature

the propensity to ignite (ignition temperature)
the compressive strength of the material
the rate at which the material softens with temperature
the diameter
the wall thickness and the shape of the service, i.e. circular pipe, rectangular trunking,
or other profile.

These properties will determine the ease or difficulty with which the pipe or duct may be
crushed and hence the opening be sealed and shall be taken into account when specifying. In
some cases material that can ignite will need to be kept below its ignition temperature on the
unexposed face even when a suitable device is fitted.

When the service remains in place on the protected side of the element there is little chance of
the insulation criteria being exceeded because of the low conductivity of plastic.

D2.3 Available Droducts for sealina hollow Dlastic services

D2.3.1 Metal canister pipe closers

These devices comprise layers of pressure forming intumescent material e.g. sodium silicate or
intercalated graphite fixed within a metal canister. The internal diameter of the wound layers
equates to the O.D.of the pipe to be closed-off. Such devices operate when the ambient
temperature is sufficiently high to activate the intumescent layers which expand inwards due to
the restraint offered by the canister, thereby crushing the pipe when it reaches a temperature
where it has begun to soften or at least lose some of its strength. In addition to the influences
on closer performance highlighted in D2.2,the method of fitting the pipe closer itself, i.e.
whether it is surface mounted or cast-in place can dramatically influence its effectiveness (see
D3.6). The method of clipping the container together can affect its efficiency and a number of
different systems are used from toggle clamps to sliding clips.

D2.3.2 Combination closing devices

When large diameter plastic pipes or ducts are to be sealed it may be necessary to fit a device
which both cuts the pipe and forms a secondary seal in addition to the reaction of the
intumescent windings due to the size of the void and the delay that may occur in closing the
softening pipe. Manufacturers test evidence shall be examined to establish whether the
standard closing device is suitable or whether a combination systems is needed. However,
developments in intumescent technology are gradually reducing the need for combination

D2.3.3 Pipe wraps

Where the intumescent material is not contained within a canister, but is supplied as a formable
material in protective wrapper, e.g. a pipe wrap, it must rely on the reaction of the associated
construction to develop sufficient force to crush the pipe. Therefore, all such devices must be
fully cast into the supporting construction and are generally only suitable for use in masonry or
concrete constructions (Figure D1 ). Generally the activation of the intumescent remote from the
exposed surface will be significantly delayed compared with surface mounted canister closers.
Test evidence supporting the use of the wrap in conjunction with a particular pipe type at the
particular size in the correct orientation should always be sought before specifying any kind of
wrap seal. Pipe wraps are prone to abuse during installation and when such wraps are fitted

Part D Closing-off plastic service pipes Issue 2-99

by third parties IFSA recommends post-installation auditing to ensure that the wrap is of full
thickness and contains the amount of intumescent material that is specified for that wrap.

Pipe wraps can be used with small ducts as well as pipes subject to evidence being available
to justify them

Wrap In postt~on

Y x' T
i 0

Figure D1 : Typical pipe wrap and normal approved method of installing


D3.1 Relatina evidence to the characteristics of the DiDe

There are a number of critical parameters related to the pipe that control its ability to be sealed.
When specifying or auditing a closing device it is vital that evidence of performance is available
to substantiate the use of the closer system and that the evidence is related to:

material used (see D2.2)

diameter of the pipe
wall thickness
shape of the cross-section
ignition characteristics

All of the following factors also need to be considered, but the general rule is that if a closing
device works effectively with a pipe of a given material, outside diameter and wall thickness,
then it can generally be expected to work for pipes or ducts in the same materials which are
smaller and/or have a thinner pipe wall thickness, as long as the depth and volume of
intumescent material in the canister is not reduced.

Part D - Closing-off plastic service pipes Issue 2-99

D3.2 Use of the r>be

Testing of pipes is always carried out solely with air in the pipe as it is practically impossible to
incorporate any other gas or liquid. As a consequence, if the pipe is used to transport anything
other than air, this will affect the performance of the pipe and the closing device. Water filled
pipes can, for instance, influence the softening behaviour significantly.

IFSA recommends that expert advice, possibly from the IFSA technical department, should be
sought to establish whether the test evidence remains valid.

D3.3 Orientation

Vertical plastic pipes penetrating horizontal elements fail in a different way to horizontal plastic
pipes penetrating a vertical element. Vertical pipes tend to soften and/or melt and fall cleanly
away from the element and the closing device on the exposed face. Care has to be exercised
when considering a vertical pipe made from material that may soften on the protected side and
which may ignite if it should slump back onto the closing device Horizontal plastic pipes have
a tendency to fold over as they soften, only partially coming away from the closing device. It is
acknowledged, however, that this effect is influenced by the amount and nature of any support
provided to the pipe, see D3.4.

When specifying closing devices it is vital that the evidence of performance exists for the
orientation in which the pipe/device combination is to be used. There is no direct application
that allows horizontally tested devices to be used vertically or vice-versa, although an extended
application may be possible if the support/restraint conditions are specified and complied with.

D3.4 Sumort to the DiDe

The evidence of performance for the use of a device will be related to a specific method of
support. If the support is close to the penetration this will generally be beneficial and as a
consequence the support in practice should not be further away than that tested. If the support
on the fire side was more than 600mm from the penetration when tested then the service can
be considered not to require special support provisions in practice.

D3.5 End conditions of the DiDe or duct

The rate at which a pipe melts or collapses will be influenced by the temperature change which
is often related to the condition of the end of the pipe on the protected face. If the pipe is open
to the atmosphere on the non-fire side then fire gases will flow readily along the pipe, and
possibly melt the pipe on the non-fire side of the device before it has had an opportunity to be
crushed, or sealed-off. If, however, the pipe is attached to some equipment at its end then the
flow will either be much reduced or not present at all. In this case the risk of melting on the
protected face is less. Should the pipe terminate at an extract fan which is not switched off
automatically upon detection of a fire then the fire gases will be more readily encouraged to flow
along the pipe and cause melting on the protected side of the device than in the case of even
an open pipe.

IFSA recommends that the pipe closing device should only be used when the evidence of
performance is applicable to the end conditions prevailing in use, i.e. closed at the protected
end, open at the protected end. When powered extraction is used then the manufacturer of the
device should be consulted to ascertain its suitability.

Part D Closing-off plastic service pipes Issue 2-99

03.6 Fixing of metal canisters to the structure

Where a pipe closer is either fully or partially cast-in then no additional fixings are required.

Where a pipe closer is surface mounted there will generally be a rough hole around the pipe
and behind the closer which could allow egress of hot gases if the interface between the closer
flange and the surface of the element is not a very close fit. The closer flange should therefore
be sufficiently well fixed to the structure to prevent the egress of gases behind it, and to support
any loads which might be transferred to it due to the melting of the pipe on the fire side.

This may require a compressible gasket or a gun applied intumescent sealant to be used to fire
stop any gap between the pipe canister, the pipe and the associated construction and/or
between the flange and the wall or floor. If light (daylight or torch light) can be seen from behind
the flange when fitted in place then a sealantlgasket shall be used or when a gap of 2mm or
greater exists between the flange and the face of the element. Where erosion of the lining is
likely to occur, e.g. plaster, then an intumescent seal shall be fitted under the flange.

When fixing a flanged closer to a wall or the soffit of the floor by means of screws it is not
permitted to use plastic wall plugs (because of the likelihood of softening). Expanding, metal
bolts are highly recommended and should follow the specifications from the closer supplier.

There are a number of details associated with the fixing of a pipe closer which also need to be
considered when specifying a closing device.

a) When the closer is fixed back to the construction, is there any likelihood of there
being unsympathetic distortion of the construction with respect to the pipe and its
closer? If such distortions are possible then the juxtaposition of the closer and
the separating element will change during exposure to fire possibly allowing hot
gases to circumvent the closing device.

b) If the closer and the pipe move in sympathy wlth the separating element then
there will be no disassociation between the pipe and the barrier. However, if the
pipe is restrained on the unexposed face and the element, in the vicinity of the
pipe, moves towards or away from the heat then the pipe and barrier will
separate. The induced separation could, in extreme cases, cause the barrier to

If distortion of the barrier is anticipated, e.g. in the case of an unprotected metal deck floor or
mineral wool cored, steel faced sandwich panel, then the manufacturer’s advice, or the advice
of the IFSA Technical Consultants should be sought.

The device shall never be only fixed to the pipe because as the pipe melts or collapses the
canister will come away with the pipe leaving a hole through the element. When flanged metal
canisters are fixed to stud or joisted constructions it is important that ‘blocking’ is installed in the
construction so that direct fixings may be accommodated and not rely solely on fixings into the
linings. Evidence of performance and fixing details should be obtained from the supplier.

IFSA recommendsthat canister type closing devices shall never be fixed solely to the pipe and
when fixed to the associated construction they are seated on a gasket of intumescent materials
to protect the gap between the closer and this construction. Only all metal fixings shall be used
unless specific evidence of performance exists to justify an alternative fixing

Part D - Closing-off plastic service pipes Issue 2-99

D3.7 Mountina method of canister and combination closina devices

There are several options available for the installation and method of mounting a metal canister
pipe closer

A surface mounted closer on each side of the element

A partially cast-in closer on each side of the element
Two fully cast-in closers, each one flush with the side of the element
A surface mounted closer on one side*
A single partially cast-in closer on one side*
A fully cast-in closer flush with the surface of the wall element on one side*
A single cast-in closer in a thin element**

* Note: Only if the direction of fire exposure is known, in which case the device
is fixed to the fire exposed face unless test evidence shows that it is effective
when fixed to the unexposed face.
** Note: Only where the thickness of the wall or floor is less than, or equal to,
the length of the metal canister.

The critical direction of fire exposure cannot always be predicted for walls, although for floors it
is always from the underside.

Considering the behaviour of a closing device fitted to the fire side of the element, then there
are three options, i.e. surface mounted, partially cast-in, or fully cast-in flush with the surface.
The performance of any given closer will be highly sensitive to the method of mounting, so it is
very important to understand the mechanisms involved.

A surface mounted closer will heat up quickly and the intumescent within it will activate relatively
quickly and will be able to begin to crush the pipe passing through it as early as possible. Such
a method of fitting the device results in effective performance, but this is not always the case.
Where the pipe material is very strong, has thick walls, or has a high softening temperature, then
early activation of the intumescent in the closer could have serious consequences because if
the pipe does not yield then the canister may possibly burst open or split.

IFSA recommends it is vital that surface mounted closers are only used with the type of pipe
for which the manufacturer has test evidence.

Closing devices which are fully cast-in are protected from the heat source to a significant extent
and so the activation of the intumescent is delayed compared to the surface mounted closers.
The time to activation depends on the particular type of intumescent used, but it is also
influenced by the thermal conductivity of the supporting construction and the thermal
conductivity and geometry of the metal canister. A canister with an exposed flange flush with
the wall will be more efficient in conducting heat into the intumescent than a canister with small
lugs. However, as stated previously, it may sometimes be desirable to delay the activation of
the intumescent until such time as the pipe material has softened. This is particularly the case
for high pressure pipes manufactured from ABS or polypropylene with thick walls. Cast-in
closers are generally not suitable for use with pipes that require a rapid activation because of
low melting temperatures or ignition characteristics.

Canisters can be partially built-in if the physical properties of the pipe and the required fire
resistance duration require it. When part of the canister is exposed this may activate early, but
by having some of the canister protected by the supporting construction this may delay the time
at which the intumescent becomes exhausted.

IFSA recommends that for cast-in closers the amount of the canister exposed should be
dictated by the physical properties of the pipe, the duration of fire resistance and the tested
conditions. It is critical that any specified pipe closer has been tested and subsequently

Part D - Closing-off plastic service pipes Issue 2-99

installed in compliance with the method of mounting appropriate to the pipe type, and the
evidence of performance.

D3.8 Installation of Dioe wram

As identified in 03.3, the performance of a pipe wrap in respect to its ability to seal-off a plastic
pipe is highly dependent upon the nature of the associated construction. If the wrap is to
develop pressure sufficient to close-off a plastic pipe the surrounding element must not contain
or produce voids into which the intumescent material could be lost, nor should the structure be
eroded away by the heat, allowing the void to increase and the pressure to be lost.

The fire performance of the pipe wrap system may also be affected by the density of the
construction being penetrated, because of its higher or lower levels of thermal conductivity
which may possibly cause the wrap to become exhausted early and reduce the integrity

As the wrap is not physically fixed in place it is highly dependent upon the penetration into
which it is placed being able to provide sufficient compression or friction to retain it in position.
It is convention to skim over the end of the wrap with mortar to hide the device and make good
the aperture. It is important that the mortar is not so thick that it over-protects the intumescent
materials used in the wrap and increases the delay before activation. It is of benefit if a
removable flange could be fitted on one face to aid auditing and inspection. It is important that
the wrap is fully contained as shown in Figure D1, or preferably fitted with a metal flange on the
exposed face(s) especially when fitted in horizontal elements. See Figure D2.

,Sand/ cement pbq

Figure D2 : IFSA recommended method of installing pipe wraps in floors

IFSA does not recommend the use of pipe wraps for sealing vertical pipes penetrating
horizontal elements unless a metal flange is fitted on the underside and recommends that a
flange is fitted even on vertical elements to aid inspection and auditing.

Part D Closing-off plastic service pipes Issue 2-99

D3.9 Combination closina devices

There are many factors to be taken into account when considering the installation and fixing of
combination closing systems and the advice of reputable companies shall be sought when
specitying such components to ensure that they are installed in a manner that will not negate
their ability to provide the required seal.


IFSA recommends that only pipe closing devices that are covered by evidence of performance
for the application in question be used for sealing-off plastic pipes and ducts. That evidence
may be in the form of test evidence, using test procedures that are analogous with the methods
given in Part 20 or BS476: Part 8 (subsequent to 1981), together with field of direct and/or
extended application reports or other forms of assessment evidence for the product in question.
That evidence of performance shall take into account the following parameters:

Orientation of the pipe

Material of manufacture of the pipe
Cross-sectional area of the pipe
Thickness of the wall of the pipe
Support provided to the service
The end conditions of the pipe or trunking on the protected face
The gas or fluid in the pipe at the time of the fire

Metal canister and combination closing devices are preferred to pipe wraps because of their
greater reliability and tamper resistance. Where pipe wraps are to be used they should be
audited after installation. Pipe wraps are not recommended for pipes penetrating horizontal
elements, although the use of a metal flange on the soffit may improve their performance When
the pipe wrap is not a good fit in a hole in a vertical element a flange should be fitted to prevent
the wrap from dropping out. Removable flanges do aid inspection.

The method of fixing metal canisters is important and the device should be face fixed or cast-
in, in accordance with the evidence of performance. Face fixing will require additional sealing
if the surface erodes under heating or where a good fit cannot be achieved. Fixings should not
be set into thermally softening plugs.

It is further recommendedthat devices which are accredited by a third party or alternatively IFSA
members’ products are used if the performance is to be assured.

The information submitted in this publication is based on the current knowledge
and collective experience of the membership. Whilst every effort has been made
to ensure the accuracy of the advice given, the Association cannot accept
liability for loss or damage arising from the use of the information.

IFSA 1999


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Price: f25.00

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