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Title: Unlocking the Depths: Navigating the Complexity of Literature Reviews on Job Satisfaction

and Motivation

Embarking on the journey of writing a literature review can often feel like navigating through a
labyrinth of scholarly works, theories, and research findings. Particularly, when delving into the
realms of job satisfaction and motivation, the task becomes even more challenging due to the
multifaceted nature of these concepts and the plethora of theories surrounding them.

The process of crafting a literature review demands not only an in-depth understanding of the subject
matter but also keen analytical skills to synthesize diverse perspectives, identify gaps in existing
literature, and offer insights for further research. It requires meticulous attention to detail, rigorous
critical thinking, and the ability to articulate complex ideas in a coherent manner.

One of the primary challenges encountered in writing a literature review on job satisfaction and
motivation is the vast array of theories that have been proposed by scholars over the years. From
Maslow's hierarchy of needs to Herzberg's two-factor theory, and from Vroom's expectancy theory
to Locke's goal-setting theory, each framework offers a unique lens through which to examine the
dynamics of employee satisfaction and motivation.

Furthermore, the literature on this topic is constantly evolving, with new studies, perspectives, and
methodologies emerging regularly. Keeping abreast of the latest developments and incorporating
them into a comprehensive literature review can be a daunting task for researchers and students alike.

In addition to the sheer volume of material available, another challenge lies in the need to critically
evaluate the quality and relevance of each source. Not all studies are created equal, and
distinguishing between reliable, peer-reviewed research and anecdotal evidence or biased opinions is
essential for maintaining the credibility of the literature review.

Given the complexities and challenges inherent in writing a literature review on job satisfaction and
motivation, many individuals may find themselves overwhelmed and unsure where to begin. In such
instances, seeking assistance from professional writing services can be immensely beneficial.

⇒ ⇔ offers a solution for those struggling to navigate the intricacies of literature
reviews. With a team of experienced writers who are well-versed in the nuances of academic
research, ⇒ ⇔ provides tailored assistance to help individuals craft comprehensive
and insightful literature reviews.

By entrusting your literature review to ⇒ ⇔, you can alleviate the burden of this
challenging task and ensure that your work meets the highest standards of quality and academic
rigor. With their expertise and guidance, you can confidently explore the diverse theories and
perspectives surrounding job satisfaction and motivation, knowing that your literature review is in
capable hands.

Unlock the depths of scholarly knowledge and embark on your journey of exploration with
confidence. Order your literature review from ⇒ ⇔ today and unlock the door to
academic success.
Another respondent noted “staff days” increase their job satisfaction. Financial income, autonomy,
career advancement opportunities and challenge were also associated with men while the needs
associated with life-quality improvements such as interpersonal relationships, job security and work
environment were typical of women (Arnania- Kepuladze, 2010). Moreover, questions from 5 to 8
were constructed in reverse order, to limit the respondent’s tendency to get adapted to mark in the
same order. Working one-on-one with youth; friendly co-workers; pleasant environment; using my
skills. We recommend any items affecting workplace health and safety be. Finally, it gave a choice
to continue or exit the survey and if the latter option was selected, the participant was directed
immediately to the end of the survey. Some of the responses had raised several issues around
physical resources. There is a perception for some respondents that while they receive the. I t is an
affective reaction to a job that results from the comparison of perceived outcomes with those that are
desired (Kam,1998). I sometimes count the hours until I can go home from work. Relationship
building with our youth foremost; support of my team(2nd); dynamic nature of. An example of a job
demand is managing a high workload of at-risk, volatile patients. When the. Job Characteristics
Model The Job Characteristics Model (JCM) explains that job satisfaction occurs when the work
environment encourages intrinsically motivating characteristics. Rather, it is moderated by the
abilities and traits and the role perceptions of an employee. At times the work isn't as challenging as
I would like. I. Hackman and Oldham’s model claims that attention to these five job characteristics
produces three critical psychological states (Tosi et al., 2000). A small percentage of respondents felt
there was some organizational alienation and expressed. Motivation and job satisfaction are key
factors in employee retention and client service. The. Choices for Youth, in consultation with the
researchers, have identified the motivation and job. I sometimes regret going into the type of work I
do. For example, Abdel-Halim (1983) investigated 229 supervisory and non-supervisory employees
in a large retail-drug company and concluded that individuals who have high need-for-independence
performed better and were more satisfied with high participation for non-repetititive tasks (Kam,
1998). In Masculine countries people live in order to work, managers are expected to be decisive and
assertive, the emphasis is on equity, competition and performance and conflicts are resolved by
fighting them out. An ideal teacher can easily make the teaching-learning process more interesting
and effective. This study also found meaningfulness is linked to work motivation, behavior,
performance, and engagement, along with personal fulfillment and even career development. This
can be seen with the enactment of Law No. 20 of 2003 on the National Education System
(Education). The goal of this intervention is to help clients consider potential ways to craft their
current job and experience more joy in what they do. Furthermore, Lawler and Suttle (1972)
flattened further the hierarchy and proposed two stages; the physiological stage as the first stage and
a combination of the remaining levels to form a second stage named higher needs. This call must be
considered within the transformation discourse that arose in South Africa after the fall of the
apartheid regime in 1994 and the need to equalize educational opportunities, reduce poverty and
improve lives through education. When this is satisfied, the employees can focus on feeling as
though they belong to the workplace. This is also important for the organization to retain valued
Positive co-worker interactions; high employee morale; team cohesiveness. To browse
and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser.
Intense positive moods include being enthusiastic, excited, and elated. This reliance on people’s
competencies and skills makes it important to understand job satisfaction and its precedents. The
intent of this guidebook is to offer useful resources to support students during their final course.
Moreover, motivators’ absence and hygiene factors existence will not result in job dissatisfaction but
only push the satisfaction to a neutral point. Although this research has been conducted in the 40’s
the results may be still applicable today. Topics on gender and leadership style have attracted many
researchers from various field of study particularly in psychology and management discipline. The
various components of these five themes that affect and influence overall satisfaction can be.
Supervision, benefits, coworkers, nature of work had a high mean value of 4.827 (SD 1.214), 4.323
(SD 1.123), 4.641 (SD 0.958), 4.769 (SD 0.993) respectively which can be interpreted that software
developers were moderately satisfied with supervision, benefits, coworkers and nature of work.
Oliver has worked in several inpatient Psychiatry settings after qualifying. For this research study,
any reference to the Educators class is referring to the categories of teachers, KE’s and LSE’s. P.10).
For almost 25 years, Choices for Youth has been operating within the local St. John’s. Table 1:
Demographic Information - Choices For Youth. Those events trigger changes in emotions that
eventually give way to changes in mood. For example, the theory ignores individual differences and
wrongfully assumes that all employees react similarly to the changes in motivators and hygiene
factors (Wikipedia, 2009). Research reveals that people in Latin countries (in Europe and South
America) do not like uncertainty. Moreover, as this philosophy demanded data collected was
quantifiable so statistics for analysation could be extracted during all processes used. Motivation
refer to the interaction between individual and a situation. Muntasir Minhaz Muntasir runs his own
businesses and has a business degree. While some respondents expressed frustration at restrictive.
This theory became known as the ERG theory of motivation. However, a review of literature
revealed criticisms of the motivator-hygiene theory (Karimi, 2008). I want to continue in my present
type of work for a long time. Most prominently, there is research evidence that self-esteem, self-
efficacy, emotional stability, and locus of control comprise a broad personality construct, which
contributes to how an individual sees. When an employee is satisfied with his assigned task and can
discharge his responsibility satisfactorily, it is called job satisfaction. The evidence for this approach
can be divided into indirect studies and direct studies. Putting these needs in a workplace
environment they translate into adequate work-space and light and pay for work. The results of
observations conducted by researchers for Download Free PDF View PDF Tarbawi: Jurnal Keilmuan
Manajemen Pendidikan This study aims to test and find out (1) the effect of leadership style on
teacher work motivation, (2) the effect of the work environment on teacher work motivation, (3) the
effect of leadership style on teacher performance, (4) the effect of work environment on teacher
performance (5) the effec. By undergoing these experiences, a higher level of job satisfaction and
motivation is obtained.
The policy draft must serve at campus senate for further input, the policy draft must serve at senate
executive committee with a standard operating procedure for recommendation for Senate approval
while for non-academic policies, consultation must begin at the initiate state of the policy, the draft
must be tabled at Institutional Management Committee (IMC) by the relevant institutional manager
with the standard operating procedure for further input. Instrumentality is the degree to which an
employee’s performance is good enough to achieve the desired result. The organization retains a
quasi-governmental structure and many of the features of a publically. On the other side, the teacher
who is dominated by stress makes the teaching-learning process duller. For example, it has been
applied to the study of more than 40 000 participants’ performance in well over 100 different tasks in
eight countries in both laboratory and field settings (Durant et al., 2006). The goal-setting theory
suggests that difficult goals demand focus on problems, an increased sense of goal importance and
encouraging persistence to achieve the goals. When this is satisfied, the employees can focus on
feeling as though they belong to the workplace. At times the work isn't as challenging as I would
like. I. To explain and understand the phenomena of job-satisfaction several theories have been
suggested by Maslow, Vroom, Adams, McGregor, Herzberg, Alderfer’s and other authors, however
theories on employee job satisfaction varies with time and place, the old theory needs to be either
modified, or replaced with a new model. This research aims to develop the curiosity among the
readers and promote other researchers to further research regarding the role of perceived stress on job
satisfaction in several fields. The emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job
experience. This book surveys the scholarly research that studies the influence of mediated
communication systems on the human construction of social worlds, the perception of reality, and
personal sensemaking strategies. Atmosphere; interaction; freedom; RRSP plan is excellent; fair
salary; vacation days are. I get a lot of support and social enjoyment from my colleagues at.
Download Free PDF View PDF SSRN Electronic Journal An Effect Of Occupational Stress On Job
Satisfaction Of Private School Teachers prakash kundaragi Download Free PDF View PDF
International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (ijasre) Effect of Principal
Leadership, Teacher Job Satisfaction and Teacher Work Motivation, on the Quality of Education in
SMPK Kolose St. Similarly, investigations into the link between the five-factor model of personality
and job satisfaction revealed neuroticism, conscientiousness, and extraversion to have moderate
relationships with job satisfaction. Our findings provide support for some elements in this model, but
not all. Surveys were distributed to forty-nine employees from Choices for Youth Incorporated.
These. These factors are optimism, hope, happiness, resiliency, confidence and self-efficacy. The
author opted to build the questionnaire in an electronic format and store it online using the platform
of SurveyMonkey (2019) since it was deemed beneficial for the questionnaire design and responses’
analysis. Low UAL societies maintain a more relaxed attitude in which practice counts more than
principles and deviance from the norm is more easily tolerated. A total of 713 respondents (382
teachers, 65 kindergarten educators and 266 learning support educators) took part in the study.
According to Robbins et al. (2009) motivation is a drive toward out come and satisfaction is the
outcome already experience. As social creatures, human beings pay very close attention to the
opinions and behaviors of the group. Porter and Lawler (1968b) stress that effort does not lead
directly to performance. Their original formulation of the job characteristics theory stated that the
outcomes of job redesign were influenced by several moderators. It is a very general theory that
suggests that people have innate dispositions that cause them to have tendencies toward a certain
level of satisfaction, regardless of one’s job. Ubuntu refers to values such as a kind person, generous,
living in harmony, friendly, modest, helpful, humble and happy towards others and the other value
which very important and which shows or reveal humanness within a person. Along with the current
pace of reform in education reform efforts and devices education in Indonesia continues to be, the
result appears some rules for complementary education and improvement of regulations that are no
longer relevant to current needs. A review of 169 correlations between each of four affective
constructs (i.e., self-esteem, self-efficacy, emotional stability, and locus of control) and job
satisfaction found that as self-reported levels of self-esteem, self-efficacy, emotion stability, and
locus of control increased, so did job satisfaction. This means there is a high preference for a loosely-
knit social framework in which individuals are expected to take care of themselves and their
immediate families only.
Research has confirmed that worker's satisfaction in the non-profit sector is high, despite low.
However, its main tenants apply to the work setting and have been used to explain job satisfaction.
Lack of policy; nowhere to move up internally; lottery fund. For example, Abdel-Halim (1983)
investigated 229 supervisory and non-supervisory employees in a large retail-drug company and
concluded that individuals who have high need-for-independence performed better and were more
satisfied with high participation for non-repetititive tasks (Kam, 1998). Many theorists have tried to
come up with an explanation for why people feel the way they do in regard to their job. These
resource factors are at times interwoven with the relationship factors. It is the degree to which
employees enjoy their jobs (McCloskey and McCain 1987). What specific facets do employees
consider when evaluating their job satisfaction. Within an organization, financial compensation and
healthcare are some of the benefits which help an employee meet their basic physiological needs.
Another theme that was evident in the survey responses was the dual nature of working with at-. He
also found that people who take their job as prime interest experience high level of job satisfaction.
Also, Ghazi, Shahzada and Khan (2013) citing Brenner, Carmack and Weinstein, (1971) argued that
Herzberg’s method fails to ensure valid and reliable results. Jill Baldwin MA, MCIPD, FHEA, PGCE
Senior Lecturer Work Based Learning Ashcroft International Business School. First, this study
conducted a principal component factor analysis with varimax rotation to extract occupational stress
factors. Communicating and interacting with the clients can be difficult and challenging for the
front-line. Additionally, they felt no inspiration for job training and advancement. Furthermore, the
required steps were taken to eliminate any bias in the questions for data validity and reliability
(Galdas, 2017). How would you breakdown the remainder of your working day? (Please list
additional activities). Five key job characteristics, skill variety, task identity, task significance,
autonomy and feedback, influence these psychological states. Similarly, the concept of expectancy
from cognitive theory plays a dominant role in the process theories of job satisfaction (Luthan, 2005).
This step was indispensable for the author to gain knowledge and understand deeper the concepts of
motivation, job satisfaction. Supervision, benefits, coworkers, nature of work had a high mean value
of 4.827 (SD 1.214), 4.323 (SD 1.123), 4.641 (SD 0.958), 4.769 (SD 0.993) respectively which can
be interpreted that software developers were moderately satisfied with supervision, benefits,
coworkers and nature of work. The drive to bond is best met by a culture that promotes collaboration
and openness. When this is satisfied, the employees can focus on feeling as though they belong to
the workplace. Kun Andras Istvan University of Debrecen, Hungary Faculty of Economics and
Business Administration. For the senior high school teachers throughout the State Central Tapanuli
need to evaluate themselves on work motivation, job stress and job satisfaction perceived, so as to
improve its performance. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 1 (1), 48-63. This
was done by sending the questionnaire to ten pilot test contributors, knowledgeable about the
Maltese educational sector. The evidence for this approach can be divided into indirect studies and
direct studies. Policies are therefore drafted to inform workers of Walter Sisulu University on how to
carry out certain functions and managers manage departments by utilising the same policies.
Some responses noted the absence of functional office space to complete necessary paperwork, a. To
explain and understand the phenomena of job-satisfaction several theories have been suggested by
Maslow, Vroom, Adams, McGregor, Herzberg, Alderfer’s and other authors, however theories on
employee job satisfaction varies with time and place, the old theory needs to be either modified, or
replaced with a new model. When this is satisfied, the employees can focus on feeling as though they
belong to the workplace. Once a need is satisfied, it no longer motivates the person (Luthan, 2005);
Maslow (1943) identified five levels of needs. From a population of 70 people, 70 people become the
sample. Research has confirmed that worker's satisfaction in the non-profit sector is high, despite
low. The study adopted a desktop that was designed primarily as a descriptive study to source
literatures on motivation, job satisfaction, and theories. Company vehicle; travel passes with airlines;
travel opportunities for work. Theories need to be restructured according to the new areas of research
in human psychology. Instrumentality is the degree to which an employee’s performance is good
enough to achieve the desired result. This theory suggests that a person’s job satisfaction comes from
what they feel is important rather than the fulfillment or unfulfillment of their needs. There is a
perception for some respondents that while they receive the. This study uses a quantitative approach
using path analysis through SPSS statistical analysis software. Job advancement opportunities were
identified in the. In short, our values inform our expectations, and the closer these are to reality, the
more satisfied we feel. Hierarchy of Needs Although commonly known in human motivation
literature, Maslow’s needs hierarchy theory was one of the first theories to examine the important
contributors to job satisfaction. What specific facets do employees consider when evaluating their
job satisfaction. Test requirements include the analysis of test data normality and linearity test data.
These factors are contextual, such as company policy, administration, supervision, salary,
interpersonal relations and working conditions (Herzberg et al., 1959). Categorized under growth
opportunities are training; employee recognition and job. According to value-percept theory, job
satisfaction depends on whether you perceive that your job supplies those things that you value.
Download Free PDF View PDF An Empirical Study of Employees’ Motivation and its Influence Job
Satisfaction IJAERS Journal Human Resource Management is getting more important in the business
nowadays, because people and their knowledge are the most important aspects affecting the
productivity of the company. Participants were assured anonymity and provided with the contact
information for the. Moreover, as this philosophy demanded data collected was quantifiable so
statistics for analysation could be extracted during all processes used. To browse and
the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser.
Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous
Carousel Next What is Scribd. However, intrinsic motivation is initiated only by activities that inspire
intrinsic attention. Figure 7. Another variable related to job satisfaction was scheduling flexibility.
Those who. Career paths in the organizations are straightforward and. The guidebook also provides
resources to assist students in their transition from academia to industry.
Since employees deliver this service to members, human resource management and employee job
satisfaction and motivation becomes paramount. The implication for improving the Chinese
workforce, in particular blue-collar occupations, is discussed. Research showed that improvements in
workplace environment increase productivity and job satisfaction while lack of improvement
increases absenteeism (Clements-Croome, 2000; Roelofsen, 2002). Employee recognition can be a
valuable way to improve motivation and job satisfaction. It can. The target population consists of
educational institutes, banking sector and telecommunication industry operating in the city of Quetta,
Pakistan. Many probable influences affect how favorably an individual appraises his or her job. This
shows that employees are the main key to the success of a company. Therefore, the feeling of overall
satisfaction or satisfaction is a holistic feeling that is dependent on the intensity and frequency of
positive and negative experiences (Cherrington, 1994). By using the Slovin formula to determine the
number of samples, a writing sample of 91 people was obtained. These are the theory based on the
discrepancy between what the job offers and what is expected, the theory based on what an
individual needs, and the theory based on what the individual values. I sometimes feel I am a true
partner with my clients in their efforts to. The main question is: how to achieve high work
performance. Seashore and Tobor (1975) proposed an alternative model that divided the antecedents
into. This study contributed to gain a better perspective of the topics and increased the understanding
of the Maltese education sector. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. This is
because self-actualised employees are likely to work at their maximum creative potential. This
thinking emerged from the argument that so far psychology has been exclusively preoccupied with
controlling negative, pathological aspects of human behavior. An ideal teacher can easily make the
teaching-learning process more interesting and effective. Overall Satisfaction: Overall satisfaction
focuses on the general internal sate of satisfaction or dissatisfaction within the individual. It is a very
general theory that suggests that people have innate dispositions that cause them to have tendencies
toward a certain level of satisfaction, regardless of one’s job. Founded and writes on
various business subjects. However, before this effort is translated into performance, the abilities and
traits and role perceptions of employees on the efforts used for performance are considered.
Experienced responsibility is a function of autonomy and knowledge of results is dependent on
feedback. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a
few seconds to upgrade your browser. While job satisfaction is a concept in flux (Zhu, 2013), the
various. The organization retains a quasi-governmental structure and many of the features of a
publically. Dispositional Approach Another well-known job satisfaction theory is the Dispositional
Theory. It represents several related attitudes and is an emotional response to a job situation. It also
deals with the effect the culture has on employee satisfaction. Nash (1985) has extensively reviewed
the nature of job satisfac tion in the industrial world and found that job satisfaction is attributed not
only to one but many factors and varies in its impact on individuals satisfaction with life because
work varies in importance from individual to individual.

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