Cloze Exercise 3

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Cloze exercise 3

It was midnight when the last guest left. I sighed heavily as I looked around.
The living room was ___1___ of cigarette smell and stale perfume. As I
looked around, I ___2___ wet patches of spilt beer on my best Persian carpet.
My antique vases were totally smashed. They had even ___3___ my antique
oak tables as ashtrays. These guests of ___4___ had done their best to destroy
my expensively decorated living room ! What a night this had turned ___5___
to be.

I shook my head. The mess would ___6___ hours to clear. Getting ___7___ of
the smell would require days. My housekeeper would had resigned ___8___
the spot if she saw the mess. i had to do ___9___ fast. I could not afford to
lose her ___10___ she is the best cook I ___11___ ever had

I had no choice. I went to the bookshelf, took ___12___ the book 'The
Evolution of Man' by Charles Darwin and pressed on the wall behind
___13___ . A small hole in the wall appeared ___14___ my right. I reached
___15___ and took out a long object. Then I waved it in the ___16___. The
room started to clean itself ___17___ . Even the antique vases started fitting
themselves ___18___ so well that one could not tell they had been ___19___.
As you might have guessed by ___20___, the long object is a wand, and I am
what they call a witch.

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