5ENT1124 Introduction and Application of Control System Assessment 1

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5ENT1124 Introduction and Applications of Control

2023-2024, Semester B

Control System CAD and CAS using MATLAB

Name: Nithila Gomis

Student ID: 21055858

Date: 19th March 2024

Problem 1 – Laplace Transform Calculation

% Define the symbolic variable t and the Laplace transform variable s
syms t s

% Define the unit step function u(t)

u = heaviside(t);

% Define the function f(t)

f = t^8 * u;

% Compute the Laplace transform of f(t)

F = laplace(f, t, s)

% Display the result


Answer: F = 40320/s^9

% Define the symbolic variables
syms t s

% Define the unit step function u(t)

u = heaviside(t);

% Define the function f(t)

f = exp(-5*t) * cos(7*t) * u;

% Compute the Laplace transform of f(t)

F = laplace(f, t, s);

% Display the result


Answer: (s + 5)/((s + 5)^2 + 49)

% Define the symbolic variables
syms t s

% Define the unit step function u(t)

u = heaviside(t);
% Define the function f(t) without the exponential part
f = sin(2*t) * u;

% Compute the Laplace transform of f(t) without the exponential part

F = laplace(f, t, s);

% Apply the first-shift theorem to include the exponential e^(5t)

F_shifted = subs(F, s, s - 5);

% Display the result


Answer: 2/((s - 5)^2 + 4)

% Define the symbolic variable
syms s

% Define the expression to decompose

expr = 1/(s^2 + 10*s + 25);

% Compute the partial fraction decomposition

partial_fractions = partfrac(expr, s);

% Display the result


Answer: 1/(s + 5)^2

Problem 2 – MATLAB command environment

% Define the coefficients of the numerator of the transfer function
numerator_coeffs = [1];

% Define the coefficients of the denominator of the transfer function

denominator_coeffs = [1 10 25];

% Create the transfer function

G = tf(numerator_coeffs, denominator_coeffs);
% Display the transfer function


% Define the coefficients of the numerator and the denominator of the transfer function
numerator_coeffs = [1, 1]; % For s + 1
denominator_coeffs = [1, 10, 25]; % For s^2 + 10s + 25

% Create the transfer function

G = tf(numerator_coeffs, denominator_coeffs);

% Find the poles and zeros of the transfer function

poles = pole(G);
zeros = zero(G);

% Display the poles and zeros

disp('Poles of the system:');
disp('Zeros of the system:');


% Define the coefficients of the numerator and the denominator of the first transfer function (a)
numerator_a = [1];
denominator_a = [1, 10, 25];

% Define the coefficients of the numerator and the denominator of the second transfer function (b)
numerator_b = [1, 1];
denominator_b = [1, 5, 5];

% Create the transfer function objects

G_a = tf(numerator_a, denominator_a);
G_b = tf(numerator_b, denominator_b);

% Multiply the two transfer functions

G_product = G_a * G_b;

% Display the resulting transfer function



% Define the coefficients of the transfer function obtained in (c)
numerator_coeffs = [1, 1];
denominator_coeffs = [1, 15, 80, 175, 125];

% Create the transfer function

sys = tf(numerator_coeffs, denominator_coeffs);

% (a) Obtain the system model in pole-zero format

figure('Name', 'Pole-Zero Map', 'NumberTitle', 'off');
title('Pole-Zero Map');
shg; % Brings the current figure to front

% (b) Obtain the system step response

figure('Name', 'Step Response', 'NumberTitle', 'off');
title('Step Response');

% Obtain the system impulse response

figure('Name', 'Impulse Response', 'NumberTitle', 'off');
title('Impulse Response');
Answer Part (a):

Answer Part (b):

% Define the coefficients of the open-loop transfer function
numerator_coeffs = [1, 1];
denominator_coeffs = [1, 15, 80, 175, 125];

% Create the open-loop transfer function

G = tf(numerator_coeffs, denominator_coeffs);

% Define the coefficients of the feedback path transfer function

feedback_numerator_coeffs = 1;
feedback_denominator_coeffs = [1, 1];

% Create the feedback path transfer function

H = tf(feedback_numerator_coeffs, feedback_denominator_coeffs);

% Calculate the closed-loop transfer function

T = feedback(G, H);

% Display the closed-loop transfer function

disp('Closed-loop Transfer Function:');

% Optionally, if you want to plot the step response:

figure('Name', 'Closed-loop Step Response', 'NumberTitle', 'off');
title('Closed-loop Step Response');

Problem 3 - Controller Design Using Simulink


Simulated block diagram for part a

Simulated block diagram for part b

Comparison of simulation diagram of A and B

The two block diagrams simulate a similar system with an identical transfer function. Both
display a feedback loop and a steady-state response, but the first image shows a more
pronounced initial ramp-up in its curve, suggesting a difference in transient behaviour. This
could be due to variations in simulation parameters or input signals. The second image's
curve is smoother, indicating a more gradual approach to the steady state, possibly due to
different initial conditions or a modified step input. The exact causes of the differences
cannot be determined without additional details on the simulation setups.



Comparison of simulation diagram of B and D K15

The first image depicts a feedback system with a second-order transfer function, exhibiting a
gradually levelling response on the scope, indicative of damping. The second image shows a
different system with a transfer function suggesting a faster, less damped response, and
includes a constant input of 4.25. The comparison reveals distinct transient and steady-state
behaviours, with the first system appearing slower and more damped, while the second reacts
more rapidly to the constant input.

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