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Germ Cells

conclusions are mainly based on the study of

REVIEW injected extrachromosomal DNA, and it there-
fore remains unclear to what extent the limited

The Maternal-Zygotic Transition: machinery model applies to endogenous genes.

The rapid cell cycles lacking G1 and G2

Death and Birth of RNAs

phases might constitute a third strategy that
interferes with productive transcription during
early cleavage stages (the “rapid cell cycle
Alexander F. Schier model”). DNA replication can interfere with
transcription, and mitosis can lead to the abortion
Maternal gene products drive early development when the newly formed embryo is of nascent transcripts (7). Conversely, experi-
transcriptionally inactive. During the maternal-zygotic transition, embryonic transcription is mentally induced cell cycle lengthening can lead
initiated and many maternal RNAs are degraded. Multiple mechanisms regulate the birth of zygotic to premature transcription (8).
RNAs and the death of maternal RNAs. Genome activation appears to rely in part on the Although the excess repressor, limited ma-
sequestration of transcriptional repressors by the exponentially increasing amount of DNA during chinery, and rapid cell cycle models can account
cleavage divisions. Maternal RNA degradation is induced by the binding of proteins and microRNAs for some aspects of MZT, they do not explain
to the 3′ untranslated region of target RNAs. why several genes are already activated during
early cleavage stages and why zygotic genome

o achieve the striking increase in cell the timing of MZT (the “excess repressor activation is a gradual and gene-specific process
number after fertilization, most animals model”). The key factors that need to be titrated (9–11). These observations suggest that some of
devote their early development to rapid are still elusive, but it is conceivable that his- the mechanisms underlying zygotic genome
and synchronous cell cycles (1). Whereas the tones or other chromatin components maintain activation remain to be discovered. Moreover,
overall amount of cytoplasm in the embryo silencing until a critical amount of DNA is present mammals activate zygotic transcription at very
remains constant, the number of nuclei and the (4, 5). Gene-specific DNA methylation has also early cleavage stages (e.g., the mouse genome is
amount of DNA increase exponentially. During been implicated in repression. Depletion of the activated at the two-cell stage) (1). It is con-
this period, mRNAs and proteins provided to the methyltransferase Dnmt1 or of Kaiso, a transcrip- ceivable that in mammals there might be
egg by the mother drive development. sufficient time to assemble transcription
By contrast, the embryonic genome is complexes at early cleavage stages be-
transcriptionally activated only at later cause the cell cycles are very long, but the
cell cycles. This transition from a exact mechanisms are elusive.
maternal to a zygotic mode of develop- Whereas zygotic mRNAs are synthe-
ment has been called the midblastula sized during embryogenesis, many mater-
transition (2) or maternal-zygotic nal mRNAs are degraded. Degradation
transition (MZT) (Fig. 1). It often removes gene products that might inter-
coincides with cell cycle lengthening fere with later development. This reg-
and the degradation of many maternal ulated maternal mRNA destabilization is
RNAs. Here I review our current mediated by sequences in the 3′ un-
understanding of the mechanisms that translated region (3′ UTR) (12). Regu-
regulate the birth of zygotic RNAs and latory RNAs or proteins such as Smaug
the death of maternal RNAs. or EDEN-BP bind to these sequences and
At least three mechanisms have induce the deadenylation of target
been implicated in the silencing of Fig. 1. The maternal-zygotic transition (MZT). Maternal RNAs are mRNAs, which are then prone to degra-
the zygotic genome during early de- deposited by the mother into the egg and drive early development. dation by nucleases. Recent studies in
velopment: (i) chromatin-mediated These RNAs are degraded during different stages of embryogen- zebrafish have identified the microRNA
repression, (ii) deficiencies in the tran- esis, including blastula and gastrula stages. The embryonic miR-430 as a potential link between
scription machinery, and (iii) tran- genome is initially transcriptionally inactive until the MZT, when zygotic genome activation and the decay
scriptional repression or abortion by zygotic genes are starting to be transcribed. of maternal mRNAs (13). MicroRNAs are
rapid cell cycles. The first evidence for short RNAs that bind to the 3′ UTR of
repressors was provided 25 years ago, when tional repressor binding to methylated DNA, target mRNAs to repress their translation and
Newport and Kirschner reported that a premature results in the premature activation of a subset accelerate their decay. miR-430 targets several
increase in the number of nuclei or the amount of of genes (6). These studies suggest that multiple hundred maternally provided mRNAs by binding
DNA resulted in premature initiation of cell cycle chromatin-mediated mechanisms prevent zygotic to complementary sites in their 3′ UTR and
lengthening and zygotic transcription in Xenopus genome activation. promoting their deadenylation. In the absence of
embryos (2, 3). These results, and related studies A dearth or inactivation of components of the miR-430 activity, these mRNAs accumulate and
in Drosophila and zebrafish, have suggested that transcription machinery might be a second are thought to interfere with embryonic morpho-
the nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio and the titration of a strategy for gene silencing before MZT (the genesis. miR-430 expression initiates at MZT, thus
transcriptional repressor by the exponentially “limited machinery model”). For example, pre- linking genome activation and maternal mRNA
increasing amount of genomic DNA determine mature expression of TATA-binding protein degradation.
(TBP), a component of the transcriptional In summary, multiple mechanisms regulate
Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard machinery, can induce premature activation of a RNA synthesis and degradation during early
Stem Cell Institute, Center for Brain Science, Broad
Institute, Harvard University, 16 Divinity Avenue, Room
subset of genes (4, 5). Analogously, misexpres- embryogenesis. It remains unclear, however,
1027, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. E-mail: schier@fas. sion of strong transcriptional activators can cause whether most of the observed phenomena can precocious transcriptional activation. These be explained by a few key regulatory princi-

406 20 APRIL 2007 VOL 316 SCIENCE

ples, such as the nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio or References and Notes 10. D. K. Pritchard, G. Schubiger, Genes Dev. 10, 1131
microRNA-induced mRNA degradation. Future 1. P. H. O’Farrell, J. Stumpff, T. T. Su, Curr. Biol. 14, R35 (2004). (1996).
2. J. Newport, M. Kirschner, Cell 30, 675 (1982). 11. S. Mathavan et al., PLoS Genet. 1, 260 (2005).
studies may also be relevant to the field of ani- 3. J. Newport, M. Kirschner, Cell 30, 687 (1982). 12. W. Tadros, H. D. Lipshitz, Dev. Dyn. 232, 593 (2005).
mal cloning. Cloning experiments rely on the 4. N. Kikyo, A. P. Wolffe, J. Cell Sci. 113, 11 (2000). 13. A. J. Giraldez et al., Science 312, 75 (2006).
reprogramming of donor nuclei by enucleated 5. M. N. Prioleau, J. Huet, A. Sentenac, M. Mechali, Cell 77, 14. I thank K. Eggan, N. Francis, D. Kimelman, M. Michael,
eggs. Thus, the milieu that silences the zygotic ge- 439 (1994). S. Mango, P. Sabeti, G. Seydoux, and members of my
nome also reprograms transferred nuclei. Hence, 6. A. Ruzov et al., Development 131, 6185 (2004). lab for helpful discussions. Supported by grants from
7. A. W. Shermoen, P. H. O’Farrell, Cell 67, 303 (1991). NIH, the Human Frontier Science Program, and the
understanding the mechanisms that underlie zy- 8. B. A. Edgar, G. Schubiger, Cell 44, 871 (1986). McKnight Endowment Fund for Neuroscience.
gotic genome silencing will inform the design of 9. J. Yang, C. Tan, R. S. Darken, P. A. Wilson, P. S. Klein,
reprogramming strategies (4). Development 129, 5743 (2002). 10.1126/science.1140693

REVIEW Maskin. Maskin binds the cap-binding protein

eIF4E, preventing the recruitment of the trans-
Regulation of the lation initiation factor eIF4G. During oocyte mat-
uration, phosphorylation of CPEB stimulates

Oocyte-to-Zygote Transition polyadenylation and recruitment of poly(A)-binding

protein bound to eIF4G. Incoming eIF4G dis-
places Maskin from eIF4E, allowing formation of
Michael L. Stitzel1,2 and Geraldine Seydoux1 the initiation complex (7).
Oocytes, the female germ cells, contain all the messenger RNAs necessary to start a new life As first recognized in clam oocytes (10),
but typically wait until fertilization to begin development. The transition from oocyte to fertilized translational activation of oocyte mRNAs is often
egg (zygote) involves many changes, including protein synthesis, protein and RNA degradation, linked to poly(A)-tail extension, but the two can
and organelle remodeling. These changes occur concurrently with the meiotic divisions that also occur independently. For example, in Dro-
produce the haploid maternal genome. Accumulating evidence indicates that the cell-cycle sophila eggs, cyclin B mRNA is kept translation-
regulators that control the meiotic divisions also regulate the many changes that accompany the ally silenced by the RNA binding protein Pumilio
oocyte-to-zygote transition. We suggest that the meiotic machinery functions as an internal (11). During egg activation, the PAN GU kinase
pacemaker that propels oocytes toward embryogenesis. activates (by an unknown mechanism) cyclin B
mRNA translation and poly(A) tail extension

x ovo omnia (Everything from an egg) (1). addressing strategies of gene activation, gene (4, 11). In pan gu mutants, forced expression of
inactivation, and organelle remodeling. poly(A) polymerase is sufficient to rescue poly-
How does an egg become “every- adenylation of cyclin B but not translation (4). De-
thing”? The journey begins with one of In with the New… pletion of Pumilio has the opposite effect: translation
the most complex cell transformations in biol- Oocyte maturation requires the synthesis of new is restored, but polyadenylation is not (11). These
ogy: remodeling of a fertilized oocyte into a proteins. Interdependent translational activation observations suggest that both polyadenylation-
totipotent zygote. Remarkably, this transition events ensure that proteins are produced in the independent and polyadenylation-dependent mech-
occurs in the absence of transcription and there- correct succession (7). For example, early during anisms activate translation in oocytes, and a challenge
fore depends on messenger RNAs (mRNAs) oocyte maturation in Xenopus, translation of the for the future will be to define the requirements
accumulated in the oocyte during oogenesis. Fully cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)–binding protein for each mechanism. Another important question
grown oocytes contain a dizzying array of RNA RINGO/Spy activates maturation promoting factor is the extent to which microRNAs contribute to
messages, corresponding to 20 to 45% of all mouse (MPF; CDK1/cyclin B1 complex). Active MPF in translational repression in oocytes. A recent survey
genes (2, 3) and 55% of all Drosophila genes (4)! turn stimulates the translation of proteins needed to of nearly 1000 Drosophila oocyte proteins found
These transcripts guide oocytes during two make- maintain metaphase II arrest in the matured oocyte only 4% with increased abundance in Dicer mu-
overs on the way to becoming zygotes: oocyte (Fig. 1). During egg activation, additional RNAs are tants, suggesting that microRNAs regulate only a
maturation and egg activation. During oocyte recruited for translation. A study comparing matured minority of mRNAs in oocytes (12).
maturation, extracellular signals stimulate oocytes oocytes and zygotes revealed dramatic differences
arrested in prophase of meiosis I to enter meiotic M in polysome-associated RNAs, with nearly one- …And Out with the Old
phase and initiate the meiotic divisions (5). third of transcripts (29%) showing differential Oocyte maturation and egg activation also
Typically, oocytes are ovulated and become translation between the two stages (8). Oocyte stimulate mRNA degradation. Fifteen percent of
competent for fertilization before reaching a polysomes were enriched for transcripts encoding transcripts are degraded during maturation in mice
second arrest point (metaphase of meiosis II in proteins implicated in cellular homeostasis, whereas (3). Degradation is selective and preferentially
mammals). Egg activation, triggered by sperm zygotic polysomes were enriched for transcripts removes transcripts required for prophase arrest
entry in many species, completes the transfor- implicated in macromolecular biosynthesis. and oocyte maturation (3). Further degradation
mation to zygote by signaling the completion of How are oocyte mRNAs activated for trans- occurs after fertilization to usher the transition to
meiosis, the formation of pronuclei, and the first lation? In many cases, activation depends on zygotic control (2, 9, 13). Mechanisms of RNA
mitotic division (6). In this Review, we discuss the liberating mRNAs from complexes that block degradation and activation of zygotic transcription
changes that accompany each of these transitions, translation initiation (7, 9). For example, in mouse, are discussed in an accompanying Review (14).
clam, and Xenopus oocytes, mRNAs that con- Proteins are also targeted for degradation during
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics and Howard tain cytoplasmic polyadenylation elements (CPEs) the oocyte-to-zygote transition. Components of the
Hughes Medical Institute, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, in their 3′ untranslated region are stored with ubiquitin-proteasome pathway are well represented
725 North Wolfe Street, PCTB 706, Baltimore, MD 21205,
USA. 2Predoctoral Training Program in Human Genetics and
short poly-adenylated [poly(A)] tails and bound in the oocyte transcriptome (2), and several studies
Molecular Biology, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, 725 by a translation-repressing complex containing have reported examples of protein turnover in
North Wolfe Street, PCTB 706, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA. the CPE-binding protein (CPEB) and its partner, mouse (15–17), Xenopus (18), zebrafish (19), and SCIENCE VOL 316 20 APRIL 2007 407

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