Palavras em Inglês

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fiery - burning strongly and brightly

soothing - calming, reducing pain or discomfort

thorn - espinho
admonish - reprimir / admoestar / corrigir
eventual - occurring at the end of or as a result of a series of events; final;
pastime - passa tempo
stroll - to walk slowly and camly
stave something/someone off - to stop something bad from happening, or to keep an
unwanted situation or person away, usually temporarily
jackal - chacal (canídeos de porte médio presentes na Ásia, na África e na Europa)
fright - the feeling of being scared
freight -
1. goods transported in bulk by truck, train, ship, or aircraft (a decline in the
amount of freight carried by rail)
2. be laden or burdened with (each word was freighted with anger)
damp - slightly wet (her hair was still damp from the shower)
to disapprove of - to think that it is wrong
to be fond of - to like someone or something
moan - to make a low sound when feeling pain or sadness (gemer no sentido de
lamentar ou queixar-se)
oblivious - to be unaware of something (abstraído, esquecido, desatento)
pit - a big hole in the ground (poço, cova, fosso)
rim - the outside edge of a round thing (aro, borda: the rim of the cup)
roost - a place where birds can land and rest or sleep (poleiro)
soar - to fly high in the air (planar, pairar, subir muito alto)
utterly - completely
weep - to cry
ivy - a plant with long vines that grows upward typically on walls (hera)
awhile - a short time (wait here awhile, and I’ll bring some tea)
alas - a word that people say when something bad happens (I looked everywhere for
my purse, but alas, I couldn’t find it) infelizmente
envision - to imagine that something may happen (imaginar, visionar)
evenly - at the same rate or level (The food was handed out evenly among the hungry
people) uniformemente
patch - a part of a surface that is different in appearance from the rest (There
was one small patch of grass in the sand-covered desert) remendo, trecho
pop - a short, loud sound (I heard a loud pop; then my computer screen shattered)
estouro, estalo
rail - a horizontal bar made of metal or wood (The cat was sitting on the rail of
the fence) trilho, grade, corrimão
conceal - to hide something
deed - a certificate that proves that someone owns something
grip - to hold something very tightly
impending - going to happen soon
perspire - to sweat
snap - to break something suddenly, which causes a loud noise
sly - sneaky or good at tricking people (astuto)
feeble - small or weak
outraiged - very angry
plea - a request that is urgent or emotional (to make a plea for something)
refrain - to avoid doing something (to refrain from doing something)
lure - to convince them to do something by using a trick (the store lures people in
with big signs)
sort - separate (to sort something by color, size, etc)
bid - an attempt to do something (he made a bid to become the President)
owe - to have to pay or give back something received from another person (I owed
him twenty dollars)
outline - the plan for a story or essay (Before you write, make an outline)
silly - with lack of thought (I made a silly mistake of dropping mom’s vase)
bead - a drop of liquid (Beads of water collected outside the glass)
zoom - to move quickly (The cars zoomed along the road)
flush - when the face becomes red due to heat, illness, or emotion (the runner’s
face was flushed)
shatter - to break something suddenly into many tiny pieces (When the ball hit the
window, the glass shattered)
sift - to remove all the large pieces (The baker sifted the flour into a large
sparkle - to shine brightly with quick flashes of light (The stars sparkled in the
winter night’s sky)
stale - (mainly food) not fresh but dry, hard, and not good to eat (The cookies sat
on the table so long that they became stale)
utter - (mainly a word or a sound) to say a word or a sound (The lost boy was so
scared that he could barely utter a single word / The two senators were uttering
insults at each other)
lump - a small piece of something that is solid (a lump of clay, of coal, etc)
due - expected to happen or be done at that time (The papers were due on the 19th)
leash - a rope or chain that is used to lead an animal
midst - the middle of something (She was in the midst of cleaning when the
telephone rang)
pound - to hit it many times with a lot of force (He pounded the nail with the
lone - the only one of a kind (A lone man walked along the street)
puddle - a pool of liquid on the ground (When the ice melted, it formed a puddle)
gather - to collect several things usually from different places (Sam gathered some
flowers for his mother)
altogether - completely (I've stopped using sugar altogether in my food)
bind - to bring people together (to be bound by a reason)
glimpse - to see something for a short time (She glimpsed outside the window)
hoop - a ring made of plastic, metal, or wood (basketball hoop)
plead - to ask for something you want very badly (He pleaded for his parents to let
him go to the soccer game) implorar
sake - the reason for doing it (The parents worked hard for their children’s sake)
stern - very serious (The stern teacher didn’t allow the students to speak during
stitch - to use a needle and thread to join pieces of cloth together (costurar)
thump - the sound of a heavy object falling (They heard the thump when the bowling
ball hit the floor)
den - a living space for some types of animals, such as lions (covil)
Dew - the drops of water that form on the ground outside during the night (orvalho)
flock - a group of animals, such as birds, sheep or goats (rebanho)
loom - to seem very large and often scary (The ominous clouds loomed over the
school) pairar
mighty - strong and large (a mighty wrestler)
reeds - tall and skinny plants that grow in groups near water (junco)
sway - to move slowly from side to side (She swayed while she listened to the
music) balançar
wade - to walk in or pass through water (The child waded in the water at the beach)
vadear, atravessar pelos lugares menos profundos
blink - piscar
errand - incumbências OR a short journey either to take a message or to take or
collect something (I'll meet you at six, I've got some errands to do/run first = to
run/do a few errands. / She asked Tim to run an errand for her.)
ponder - to think about it carefully (She sat in the park and pondered her problem)
regard - to think of something in a certain way (The boy regarded the girl as a
good friend)
to be worth - to cost (Our house is worth a lot of money)
flip - to press a switch quickly to turn it on or off (To turn on the lights, just
flip this switch)
to be idle - not to do anything (She read a book to keep from being idle)
tray - a flat plate used to hold food (bandeja)
blast - a loud noise made by something that explodes (There was a loud blast when
the police officer fired the gun) explosão
dent - damage caused by something heavy hitting something else (There is a small
dent in my car door) cavidade
rife - something is very common in that place (This part of the country is rife
with disease) abundante, corrente
tuck - to put something somewhere so that it is neat or safe (He looked sloppy
without his shirt being tucked into his pants) dobrar, esconder, botar para dentro
Bait - something used to trick a person or thing to do something (The best bait for
catching fish is a big, fat worm) isca, engodo
chronicle - to record an event or speech (The daily newspaper chronicles local and
world events)
itch - to rub the skin with your fingernails (The rough fabric in his shirt made
the back of his neck itch) coçar
teller - a person who works with a bank’s customers (The teller at the bank helped
Kelly put money into a savings account)
trustworthy - honest and truthful (confiável, fidedigno)
deplete - to use up all of something (All the driving he was doing was depleting
his car’s fuel supply)
to heed something - to obey or follow it (You should heed the advice on the sign)
To hitchhike - to travel by asking for rides from passing vehicles
to mock someone - to tease them in a cruel way
temper - someone’s mood or a chance that they might get angry (She has a temper,
even the slightest mistakes make her angry)
victor - a group or person that wins in a contest (the blue team was the victor)
to be stricken by/with something - to be badly affected by it (Mike was stricken
with a horrible illness)
cunning - good at tricking people
growl - to make a deep, angry sound (rosnar)
snatch - to take something away with a quick motion (He was so hungry that he
snatched an apple from a tree)
stagger - to move in an unsteady way and almost fall over (He staggered around
after having too much to drink)
stumble (almost fall) vs tumble (fall)
withhold - to not give something to someone (They withheld all information until
she paid her fine)
tour - a short trip in which you see many sights (I took a tour of Europe and Asia)
hardy - strong and can live though difficult conditions (The farmer is a hardy man)
swamp - a very wet area of land (pântano)
barley - cevada
hose - a flexible tube conveying water (mangueira)
flint - a hard stone that people used to make weapons for hunting (pedra)
to harass - to annoy or trouble someone
avail - help (His studying was to no avail because he failed the test)
dread - fear of something that could, or is going to, happen (I dread the idea that
I will not get into college)
scribble - to write something quickly without caring about how it looks
shrine - a religious building built to honor a person, event, or god (santuário)
stark - utterly different (There is a stark contrast between their test scores)
to enhance - to make something better
foul - extremely unpleasant (Those toilets smell foul!) - repugnante, asqueroso
heed - to pay attention to something, especially advice or a warning (The airline
has been criticized for failing to heed warnings about lack of safety routines)
doomed - something that is going to fail or be destroyed (My date with Jane is
doomed since I've got no money) condenado
scramble - to move somewhere quickly and desperately (The hikers scrambled down the
side of the hill)
sheer - complete and very strong (I was impressed by her sheer dedication to
jogging) - puro, absoluto
wailt - to show sadness by crying loudly (The baby wailed because it was hungry)
to remark on something - to say something
steady - under control (The problem was hard but she remained steady and solved it)
hooves - the feet of animals like deer and horses (cascos)
to sink into - The boat had a hole in it, and it sank into the ocean
to allot something - to give it to someone (The coach allotted each team five
minutes to prepare a strategy) - atribuir, distribuir
appall - to horrify, shock, or disgust (The boy was appalled when he saw the
accident) - horririzar, assustar, amedrontar
dearth - an amount or supply which is not large enough, lack of sth, paucity (There
is a dearth of money in my bank account) - escassez
dire - terrible and very serious (Thats was a dire situation for him)
elapse - to pass, as in seconds, minutes, or hours (A few seconds must elapse
before you can take another picture) - passar, decorrer
fanciful - unusual or unrealistic (She had fanciful ideas about doing well in
school without studying) - fantasioso, fantástico
gripe - to complain constantly, to grumble (Lawrence always gripes when he has to
do chores) - queixar
grueling - very hard to do (The climber faced the grueling task of reaching the
top) - esgotante, cansativo, fatigante,
outrage - a very strong emotion of anger or shock
paltry - very small (a paltry sum of money)
rectify - to correct something
resourceful - good at dealing with hard situations
adjoin - to be next to or attached to something else (She can listen to her
brother’s conversations because her room adjoins his) - adjacente, contíguo
grumble - to complain (He grumbled about having to work late on Friday)
ragged - old, torn, and falling apart (his ragged shoes)
assert - to state sth with confidence (afirmar, declarar)
bachelor - an unmarried man
harness - to control and use sth, usually to make energy (The sails harness the
wind in order to move) - aproveitar
to dispose of something - to get rid of something (He disposed of the can by
throwing it into the recycle bin)
merchandise - goods ready to be purchased or sold (The store added more merchandise
because there were more shoppers)
astonish - to greatly surprise
haste - speed in movement or action (In order to get to the meeting in time, he
proceeds with haste)
devise - to have an idea or plan about it in the mind (inventar, imaginar, idear)
impair - to damage sth or make it worse (Drinking coffee impairs my ability to go
to sleep)
to be indigenous to somewhere - to be originally from, or native to, a place
(Tomatoes are indigenous to the Americas) - originário
limb - galho de árvore (syn. branch)
migraine - a painful headache that makes one feel sick (My sister gets a migraine
every time she has a lot of stress) - enxaqueca
quest - a long and difficult search for something (The treasure hunter went on a
quest to find an ancient gold necklace) - busca
ridge - a long, narrow piece of raised land (cume, crista, cordilheira)
to resort - to depend on sth in order to solve a problem (I hope they don’t resort
to violence to end the argument)
to convey - to communicate or make ideas known (That picture of a crying child
conveys a feeling of sadness)
reputation - to have a reputation for something; the opinion that people have about
someone (The doctor had a reputation for helping people)
coarse - sth that has a rough texture (The coarse sweater made my skin itch)
feat - impressive or difficult achievement or action (The elephant’s standing up on
one leg was a feat) - feito
temperate - on weather, a place that never gets too hot or cold (In Peru, the
weather is temperate and rarely gets too hot or cold)
stranded - left without the means to move from somewhere (She offers a lift to a
stranded commuter) - helpless / without resources / in difficulties
adept - very good at doing sth (The carpenter is very adept at building houses)
barren - no plants growing on it (People cannot farm in barren lands) - estéril,
árido, improdutivo
the intake of (fruits and vegetables) - the amount of food you eat (I need to
increase my intake of fruits and vegetables)
likewise - the same way as someone else (If Joe is staying away from school to go
swimming, I want to do likewise)
meager - lacking in quantity or quality; lean, thin (They were forced to
supplement their meager earnings) - magro, escasso, deficiente
obscure - not well-known (The old man travels the world in search of obscure books)
strive - to struggle to achieve something (People who strive to succeed often do) -
esforçar, lutar, ambicionar
squash (noun) - abóbora, abobrinha
the drawback of something - a disadvantage (The drawback of having a car is that it
is very expensive to maintain)
fad - something that is popular for a short time (It was a fad for a few years, but
it soon lost its popularity) - mania, novidade, capricho
impose - to interrupt or force your ideas on other people (He imposes on his wife
every morning by expecting her to make breakfast)
to weave - to make cloth using horizontal and vertical threads (We saw a woman
weave a blanket on our vacation to South America) - tecer, entrelaçar
ought - the right thing to do (I ought to take my library books back) - dever
rid somewhere or smoething or something else - to make a place free from it (We rid
our home of mice by using traps)
to do something out of spite (noun ONLY) - someone who wants to be mean (He snuck
into his sister’s room and stole her bag out of spite) - malice
contempt - the feeling of having no respect for something (The judge had contempt
for the wicked criminal) - desprezo, desdém
to be indifferent toward something - to lack interest in it
sow seeds - to plant seeds in the ground (He always sows his garden seeds in the
springtime) - semear, disseminar
spade - a tool used for digging (pá)
banquet - a grand formal dinner
to boost - to increase or improve sth (Lowering prices boosts customers’ interest
in shopping)
to compel someone to do something - to force them to do it (Traffic signs compel
drivers to drive safely)
notorious - well-known because of something bad (This area of town is notorious for
gang activity)
overall - when the whole thing is considered (Overall, the party was a huge
to appoint someone to a job - to give the job to them
to confer with someone - to discuss and make a decision (I will have to confer with
my wife before I can purchase a new car)
crude - not exact or detailed, but it can still be useful (She drew crude hearts on
the ground to show how much she loved him) - bruto, cru, rude
symmetry - the state of having two halves that are exactly the same
carve - to cut into something (My father usually carves the turkey for
Thanksgiving) - esculpir
to take pride in sth -
to compose - to combine together to form a whole
dine - to have dinner
handle - the part of an object people hold while using it (The pot is very hot. So
pick it up by the handle.)
cater for somebody/something - to provide food and drinks for a social event (Most
of our work now involves catering for weddings)
degrade somebody - to show or treat somebody in a way that makes them seem not
worth any respect (This poster is offensive and degrades women)
A heap of things - a large pile of them (After the building was torn down, all that
was left was a heap of bricks)
hound - cão de caça
bud - a part of a plant that turns into a flower or a leaf; a sprout (broto)
imprint - to have a great effect on something so that it cannot be forgotten,
changed (He imprints his own personal style on his work) - imprimir, gravar
rack - prateleira
cardboard (boxes) - papelão
fleet - a group of ships (frota)
mast - mastro
pouch - a small, flexible bag that is usually made of cloth (I keep my money in a
small pouch) - bolsinha
to use sth as a crutch - [often disapproving] something that provides help and
support and that you depend on, often too much (Humor can be a crutch for shy
be in the grip of sth - to be experiencing something unpleasant that you have no
control over (The country is currently in the grip of the worst recession)
float - to move on top of water without sinking (The boy’s toy boat floated in the
pool) - boiar
correspond - to match or to be similar to something (his story didn’t correspond
with his mother’s)
outlook - a person’s opinion or way of thinking about something (He changed his
outlook about rats after he read a book about them)
kin (old-fashioned or formal) - a person’s family and relatives (His kin were all
to sever (/ˈsevə(r)/) something - to cut through it completely (He severed the
string using scissors)
shaft - a handle of a tool or weapon (The golf club had a long wooden shaft that he
held in his hands) - haste
compound - an enclosed area such as a prison or factory (The workers waited outside
the compound for the gates to the factory to open)
foe - an enemy or opponent (It was hard to believe that anyone could be his foe)
hack something - to cut it into uneven pieces (My uncle used the ax to hack the
tree into many logs)
To nick someone - to cut them slightly with a sharp object (The cook nicked his
finger with the edge of his knife)
buoy - a floating sign that warns boats of dangerous areas (bóia, flutuador)
grease - an oily substance put on moving parts, so they work smoothly (graxa)
to offset - to use one thing to cancel out the effect of another thing (Increased
wages are offset by higher prices for goods) - compensar
to overlap something - to cover a piece of it (The gift on top overlaps the other
gift on the bottom) - sobrepor, cobrir
slot - a narrow opening in a machine or container (To operate the machine, put your
coins into the slot) - fenda
intricate - with many small parts or details (The intricate painting was lovely /
The new sewing machine was made up of many small parts and details)
complement - to make them better (The wool scarf complemented her lovely eyes) -
ratio - a relationship between two things expressed in numbers or amounts (The boy
to girl ratio is one to three) - proporção
astounded - very surprised (I was astounded that Monica won the art competition) -
admirado, assombrado
dash - to run or move quickly (Helen dashed up the stairs, so she wouldn’t be late
for her appointment) - correr, precipitar-se
disgust - a feeling of distaste and anger caused by something rude or unpleasant
(He felt disgust toward his partner)
dreary - boring and making you feel unhappy (A dreary little town) - lúgubre,
enfadonho, triste, deprimente
to live apart from - not close together (The couple decided to live apart from
each other)
to be arrested ___ something (for)
breed - a group of animals within a species (I like small dog breeds) - raça
to be convicted of - to prove that someone did a bad thing (He was convicted of the
crime) condenar
to resume something - to start it again after taking a break (I put the newspaper
down to eat breakfast. Then I resumed reading.) - recomeçar, retomar, reiniciar
to rob someone of something / to rob someone or something - to take their property
by using force (A thief has robbed me of my passport)
barn - a large building on a farm in which animals or hay and grain are kept
distinct - easily noticed or different from other things (That girl has distinct
pink hair)
distinguish - to recognize differences between things (The twins look exactly the
same. It is hard to distinguish between them.)
mount - aumentar (His fear mounted as the monster crawled out from under his bed)
steep - rising or falling at a sharp angle (A steep roof) - empinado, íngreme
to marvel at something - to feel surprise and interest in it (We marveled at her
excellent piano playing) - maravilhar-se
to recall something - to remember it
to be prone to - likely affected by something (I'm more prone to becoming sick than
other people) - ser propenso
deceptive - making you believe something that is not true (The scary-looking man’s
appearance is deceptive, he is actually very nice) - ilusório, enganoso
breadth - the distance from one side to another (largura)
debris - broken or torn pieces of something larger (escombros, entulho)
embed - to fix something firmly into a substance (incrustar, cravar)
gloom - feelings of great unhappiness and loss of hope (desânimo); a situation in
which it is nearly dark and difficult to see well (penumbra); strong sadness or
lack of hope (melancolia)
roam - to move about or travel, especially without a clear idea of what you are
going to do (All day the cows roamed around the field eating grass) - errar, vagar,
caminhar sem destino
to conform to - to behave according to the usual standards of behaviour that are
expected by a group or society (The new student had to conform to the school’s
dress code)
to lease something - to make a legal agreement by which money is paid in order to
use land, a building, or a vehicle for an agreed period of time (arrendar)
landlord and tenant - landlord = a man sb rents a property from (senhorio); tenant
= a person who pays rent for the use of land or a building (inquilino)
utility - a service that is used by the public, such as an electricity or gas
supply or a train service (If you don’t pay the utilities, you may have your
electricity turned off) - serviço de utilidade pública
whereby - by which way or method (The mayor had a new bridge built whereby the
citizens could cross the river) - por meio de que, pelo qual
to crash into - to hit and break something (There was a loud noise when the car
crashed into the tree)
to ____ a big loss - to suffer a big loss
bold - not frightened of danger (The bold man climbed the high mountain) OR strong
in colour or shape, and very noticeable to the eye (bold colors) OR not shy,
especially in a way that shows no respect (He was a bold and defiant little boy)
cardinal - the most important one (Raising your hand in the classroom before you
speak is a cardinal rule)
drill - furadeira
to perceive - to notice or become aware of something (I perceived a change in his
behaviour) - perceber, ver, considerar
to cling - to hold on tightly to somebody/something; to stick to something (The
smell of smoke still clung to her clothes) - agarrar-se, grudar
termite - a small tropical insect that eats wood (cupim, térmite, térmita)
twig - a small, thin branch of a tree or bush, especially one removed from the tree
or bush and without any leaves (graveto)
mound - a large pile of earth, stones, etc. like a small hill (monte)
to hum - to make a low, continuous noise (zunir, cantarolar)
inward - not expressed or shown to others (She had an inward feeling of guilt when
she lied to her mother) - interior, para dentro, particular
to recur - to happen more than once (Burglaries seem to recur over and over in our
neighborhood) - repetir, recorrente
to stall - to stop a process and continue it at a later time (If you give the car a
push, it won’t stall) - morrer, parar, atrasar, enguiçar
inventory - a detailed list of all the things in a place (inventário, relação)
goggles - special glasses that fit close to the face to protect the eyes from
chemicals, wind, water, etc (óculos de proteção, esp. ski goggles, [a pair of]
safety goggles)
cast - throw
virtual - something that is very close to being true or accurate (Joe is the
virtual leader of the group)
appeal - to be interesting or attractive to someone (Sleeping all day appeals to
me, but I have to go to school)
dull - not exciting (chato, desinteressante)
urge - to strongly advise or try to persuade someone to do a particular thing
(instar, insistir)
convention - behavior that is considered to be common or polite (In the US, a
popular convention is to shake hands when you meet someone)
intrigue - to cause an interest in someone (Her mysterious past intrigued her new
misplace something - to lose it (I misplaced my wallet, and I didn’t find it until
a week later)
To probe into something - to ask questions to discover facts about it (The bank
probed into his financial history to see if he qualified for a loan)
excerpt - a short piece of writing or music taken from a larger piece
tusk - a long, curved, pointed tooth of an elephant, boar, or walrus (presa)
walrus - morsa
compromise - to agree to something that is not exactly what you want (We both
compromised about the game we decided to play)
crook - someone who is not honest or who commits crimes (The manager was arrested
by the police for being a crook) - trapaceiro
a hybrid of a man and a horse - a mixture of different things or styles
to rig something - to dishonestly arrange it (The bad politician rigged the
election so that he would win) - fraudar
to tow something - to pull it (The truck was towing a trailer behind it) - rebocar
to tramp - to put your feet down in a loud, heavy way as you walk (The baby tramped
across the floor as he was learning to walk) - pisar forte, andar pesadamente
reunion - the meeting of people or things that have been separated (Every summer we
have a family reunion at the lake) - não envolve trabalho
forge - to make or produce, especially with difficulty (Stacy and Heather forged
their friendship when they were teenagers) - falsificar
preach - to talk about and promote a religious idea (pregar)
deceive someone - to make him/her believe something that is not true (He tried to
deceive his friends as they were playing a game)
lodge - a house in the mountains, used by people who hunt or fish
to venture - to go to a place that may be dangerous (Even though it was dangerous,
they ventured up the mountain) - ousar, correr o risco
chore - a job that you have to do but don’t like (It’s Nikki’s chore to do the
dishes) - tarefa, ocupação
bolt - parafuso, cavilha, ferrolho
wrench - chave inglesa
sled - a small vehicle that you use on snow (Marvin likes to ride his sled down the
hill in winter) - trenó
to tease - to laugh at or make fun of them (Jake teased Charlie because he was the
new student) - provocar, importunar
valentine - someone you love or admire with great affection (Harry wanted Molly to
be his valentine)
disrupt something or someone - to prevent them from working (The loud crash
disrupted the class lecture) - perturbar, romper
to err - to make a mistake (The pilot erred in his estimate of the time it would
take to make the trip)
frantic - to behave in a wild way because you are frightened (The cat became
frantic when I tried to give it a bath) - frenético, agitado
hull - the main body of a ship (casco)
inadvertent - done without realizing what you are doing (an inadvertent error) -
por descuido, inadvertido, negligente
nuisance - a person or thing that is annoying or causes a lot of problems (The
teenager considered her noisy little brothers to be quite a nuisance) - incômodo,
estorvo, aborrecimento
to revolve around something - to keep it as the main feature or focus (My life
revolves around sports)
soothe - to calm someone who is angry or upset (The mother soothed her crying baby
by rocking him in her arms)
stranded - prevented from leaving a place (When the plane left, my sister and I
were stranded in China) - encalhado, abandonado, sem recursos
conceive - to be able to imagine or believe it (The child could not conceive the
actual size of the Earth) - imaginar, conceber
endeavor - an attempt to do something, especially something new or original (The
company’s new advertising endeavor ended in a horrible failure) - empenho, esforço,
engrave - The couple engraved their names onto the old pine tree (gravar)
jagged - with a tough, uneven shape or edge (jagged rocks) - dentado, recortado
locale - a small area or place where something specific happens (localidade)
outright - open and direct (an outright lie) - completamente, indiscutível,
imediatamente, francamente
stationery - papelaria ou artigos de papelaria
plaster - a smooth paste that gets hard when it dries (He used plaster to fill in
the cracks in the old walls) - argamassa
shovel - pá
vicious - violent and cruel (The vicious dog tried to bite the small child) -
cruel, maldoso, violento
feud - an argument that has existed for a long time (a family feud) - rixa,
craze - a brief and popular activity or object (Wearing bright red socks was a
craze when I was in high school) - moda
hallmark - a unique characteristic of something (Pasta and tomato sauces are
hallmarks of Italian food) - característica, marca
pad - a thick piece of soft material used to protect or clean things (enchimento,
strap - a narrow piece of leather or other strong material used for fastening
something or giving support (alça, correia)
tangle - an untidy mass of things (emaranhado, entrançado, embaraço)
to vie for something - to compete against others for it (The three boys vied for
the prize in the chemistry contest) - disputar, competir
swell - to become larger and rounder than usual (inchar, crescer, aumentar)
decay - to be destroyed naturally (The old wooden house was slowly decaying) -
apodrecer, desintegrar
acquaint - to get to know something or someone (Christie acquainted me with her
city’s library) - familiarizar-se
flashlight - lanterna
spoil - to turn bad or rot (We left the fruit out too long, and it spoiled) -
wicked - very bad or evil (My boss is a very wicked man) - mau, malvado, maldoso
bump - a small raised area on a surface (The monkey got a bump on his head because
he was hit by a rock) - galo, protuberância, batida
drawer (furniture) - gaveta
in the rear of something - in the back of something (The man loaded the rear of his
truck with boxes) - traseiro
worm - minhoca/verme
underneath - below or lower than something (The roots of a tree are located
underneath the ground)
chunk - a part of something, especially a large part (a chunk of text) - pedaço
din - a loud, unpleasant confused noise that lasts for a long time (the din of the
traffic) - barulheira, alarido, algazarra
fuss - excited or annoyed behavior that is not useful in any way (The child made an
awful fuss because she didn’t want to go to bed) - alvoroço, confusão
kettle - chaleira
ordeal - a very unpleasant and painful or difficult experience (Driving in the
snowstorm was an ordeal she’d never forget) - provação, martírio
outspoken - not afraid to say what he/she think (franco, direto)
to overwork someone - to make him/her tired with too much work
pungent - it tastes or smells strong and sharp (pungente, acre)
soundly - done in the best or most complete way (She won the race soundly) -
profundamente, completamente (= completely, thoroughly)
apologetic - arrependido, que contém desculpas (The boy felt apologetic after
loosing his sister's toy).
to char - to burn and become black (Grill the peppers until the skin starts to
char) - carbonizar
dogged (adjective) - keeping on at what one is doing in a determined and persistent
manner (Her dad bought her a new jacket after her dogged requests for one) -
distress - a feeling of extreme worry, sadness, or pain (It had caused her extreme
emotional and psychological distress) - sofrimento, aflição
ensue - to happen after something else, especially as a result of it (The police
officer said that he had placed the man under arrest and that a scuffle had ensued)
- suceder , decorrer
gasp - to take a short, quick breath through the mouth, especially because of
surprise, pain, or shock (When she saw the money hidden in the box she gasped in
surprise) - dar um grito sufocado
relay - (He ran the last part of the relay) corrida de revezamento
restate - to say something again or in a different way (Mrs. Jones restated the
test question to the class)
sesame - gergelim
on the verge of - the point at which something is about to happen
wary - cautious or mistrusting (She was wary of going to school because she hadn’t
done her homework) - receoso, desconfiado, cauteloso
to waver - to be unable to decide between two choices (I wavered between eating the
apple or the cake for a snack) - oscilar, hesitar
sip (sorver) - opposite of gulp (to eat or drink food or liquid quickly by
swallowing it in large amounts = beber de um gole, tragar)
ashore - if something goes ashore, it goes from water to the land (Glen pulled his
boat ashore, so it wouldn’t float away) - em terra firme
to be devoid of something - to be missing it (The movie was devoid of any violence)
- destituído de, desprovido de
elude - to avoid being caught by something (The rabbit eluded the wolf by hiding in
a bush) escapar, esquivar-se
to fend off something - to push it away and avoid it (Dave spent all night fending
off bugs instead of sleeping) - defender-se
to plunge - to move down into something very quickly (We ran down to the beach and
plunged into the sea) - despencar, precipitar-se, cair velozmente, mergulhar
sparse - there is not very much of it (disperso, escasso, esparso)
to be enthusiastic ABOUT - to be excited by or interested in something
to trim something - to cut it a little bit (I had my hair trimmed this afternoon)
to ail a person or group - to cause difficulty or pain (My brother went to the
doctor to see what was ailing him) - afligir, adoecer
to boast - to speak too proudly or happily about what you have done or what you own
(We all became tired of listening to him boast about himself all day) - gabar-se,
to crawl - to move slowly on your hands and knees (The baby crawled across the
floor) - rastejar, arrastar-se, engatinhar
dial - the front of a clock (I looked at the dial to see what time it was) - disco
sore - painful and uncomfortable because of injury, infection, or too much use (Her
back was sore) - doído, dolorido
sting - picar
to strain - to try very hard (Casey strained to lift the heavy box) - esforçar-se
deception - the act of lying or tricking someone (The magic looked very real, but
it was only deception) - engano, engodo, farsa
dung - solid waste material produced by animals - esterco
dusk - the time in the evening when it begins to get dark (crepúsculo)
to hone - to improve something and make it very good (Lisa honed her chess skills)
- aprimorar, afiar
strife - conflict, fighting or quarrelling (A country torn by strife) - conflito
freight - a set of items carried on a train, boat, or airplane (Trade ships only
carried valuable freight like silk and spices) - mercadoria, frete, carga
liable - very likely to happen (Hikers in the forest are liable to see deer and
elk) - provável de...
overboard - into the water from a boat (Someone pushed him overboard) - ao mar,
para fora do navio
to unsettle someone - to make him or her anxious or worried (The dark clouds in the
sky unsettled Beth) - abalar, desconcertar, perturbar
warp - entortar, distorcer (The heat had warped the plastic)
elusive - hard to find (The elusive fish only came out at night) - ardiloso,
indefinível , esquivo , difícil de conseguir , difícil de lembrar
to forage for - to look around for food (Many animals hide food in the fall since
little can be foraged in winter) - buscar, vasculhar
to stun someone - to make them unable to speak due to surprise or shock (Tim fell
off the swing and was too stunned to cry) - aturdir/atordoado, impressionar,
to creep - to move quietly and slowly (The cat slowly crept down the tree) -
deslizar, rastejar, andar furtivamente
to pat - to hit something softly with your hand (I patted some lotion onto my face)
- dar palmainhas/tapinhas, afagar,
wrinkle - a line on a person’s face that happens as they get old (My grandfather
has some wrinkles on his face) - ruga
marsh - a type of wet land covered with grasses and short plants (The marsh looked
so lovely against the mountains) - charco, brejo, pântano
puff - a little bit of smoke or steam (A puff of smoke came from the burnt match) -
tragada, sopro
rag - a small towel (Please use a rag to clean the dust off the table) - trapo,
to scatter - to make it go in many places (I accidentally scattered all of my
pills) - espalhar
convection - the flow of heat through a gas or a liquid (Warm air rises by the
process of convection) - convecção
to be discharged from - to be allowed to leave, usually a hospital (I was
discharged from the hospital after three days) - liberar, receber alta
omen - a sign of what will happen in the future (A broken mirror is an omen of bad
luck) - presságio
to be overcast - with clouds in the sky and therefore not bright and sunny (The sky
was overcast in the morning) - encoberto
poignant - something which causes a very strong feeling of sadness (The girls cried
at the end of the poignant movie) - pungente, comovente
ranger - a person who protects the forest or parks (Peter wanted to be a ranger) -
guarda florestal
rubble - the piles of broken stone and bricks (The bomb reduced the house to
rubble) - escombro
to seclude someone - to keep him/her away from other people (She was secluded on an
island for over a year)
sideways - in a direction to the left or right, not forwards or backwards (The
fence is leaning sideways) - de lado, lateralmente, para o lado
to sob - to cry loudly (I sobbed when they got married) - chorar, soluçar, soluço
causado por choro
a speck - a very small mark or amount (A speck of blood appeared where the mosquito
bit him) - partícula
landslide - a mass of rock and earth moving suddenly and quickly down a steep slope
(deslizamento de terra)
to marshal - to lead or show the way to / to arrange (forces, facts, arguments etc)
in order (Give me a minute to marshal my thoughts / We marshalled the whole group
into a large room) - ordenar, conduzir
unrest - a state of anger about something among the people in a place (It is feared
that the civil unrest could lead to full-scale civil war) - agitação
cramp - a sudden painful tightening in a muscle, often after a lot of exercise,
that limits movement (cãibra)
faucet - a device that controls the flow of a liquid or gas (Turn off the faucet
when you are done brushing your teeth) - torneira
grin - to smile a wide smile (That joke makes me grin every time I hear it) -
sorrir mostrando os dentes
mound of something - a large pile of it (There was a mound of clothes on the floor)
- monte, pilha
numb - if a part of your body is numb, you are unable to feel it, usually for a
short time (I was lying in a weird position and my leg went numb / My fingers were
numb with cold) - dormente
slate - a dark grey rock that can be easily divided into thin pieces, or a small,
thin piece of this used to cover a roof (ardósia, telha de ardósia)
stool - a seat without any support for the back or arms (banco, banqueta)
to drift - to be moved slowly by wind or water (The large chunk of ice drifted in
the water) - ficar à deriva, sem rumo, ser arrastado
to startle - to scare someone suddenly (The loud crash startled the sleeping woman)
- sobressaltar, assustar
trigger - gatilho
vessel - a large ship or boat (We toured the area aboard a luxury vessel) -
to bond with someone - to become friends with them (The women bonded after several
hours of conversation) - unir-se, ligar-se
impolite - rude (Roger is impolite to everyone he meets)
to scold - to criticize one angrily because they have done wrong (Jesse was scolded
by the teacher for not paying attention) - ralhar, repreender, admoestar
affair - an event or a thing that happened (My wife and I attended a formal affair
over the weekend)
to curb something - to prevent it from happening or increasing (She curbed her
anger by listening to a relaxing song) - limitar, conter, coibir, frear
to enact something - to make it into a law (The council enacted a law that would
only allow buses to drive downtown) - concretizar, promulgar, representar, decretar
onset - the onset of something unpleasant is the beginning of it (At the onset of
the battle, the enemy wasn’t prepared for such a large attack) - começo, de início
to pledge - to make a promise to do something (Her mother pledged that she would
find her daughter’s lost kitten) - promessa, compromisso
rash - an infected area of the skin with redness, bumps, itching, or dryness (The
new perfume left a horrible rash on my skin) - erupção cutânea, brotoeja
to render something - to make it become something else (His report was rendered
unimportant by the release of new information) - deixar, tornar
smallpox - varíola
to contend with something - to struggle to overcome it (Stacy had to contend with a
learning disability throughout high school) - disputar
a cot - a small portable bed (berço ou cama de armar)
handbook - an item that gives specific information or instructions (manual)
lush - full of a variety of large, healthy plants (The lush jungle was filled with
plants) - exuberante, arborizado
marrow - medula óssea, tutano
a paw - an animal’s foot that has claws or soft bottoms (pata)
quiver - to tremble or shake (The flame on the candle quivered whenever someone
opened or closed the door) - estremecer
to stray - to go in a wrong direction and often become lost (He found himself lost
because he had strayed from the tour group) - desviar, perdido (adj.)
tract - a large area of land (On the other side of the mountains was a long tract
of forest) - extensão, lote
weary - tired (Jane was weary after a long day of work. / Weary of lies you are
sending home.) - cansado, fatigado, exausto
squad - a small group of people trained to work together as a unit (esquadrão)
hazard - something that could be dangerous to a person’s health or safety (Smoking
cigarettes poses many health hazards) - perigo, risco
a practitioner - a doctor (She made an appointment with the practitioner to treat
her cough) - someone involved in a skilled job or activity (profissional)
to replenish something - to make it full or complete again (We planted nearly one
hundred seeds to replenish the garden after the fire) - reabastecer, encher de novo
sterile - completely clean and free from germs (The hospital room looked quite
sterile) - estéril, esterelizado
imperative = extremely important and must be done vs. paramount = more important
than anything else.
to reminisce about - to talk or write about past experiences that you remember with
pleasure (My grandfather used to reminisce about his years in the navy) - recordar
velhas histórias, rememorar
callous - showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others (His
callous comments about the murder made me shiver) - heartless, unfeeling, uncaring,
coldcold-hearted, hard (insensível, cruel)
to be given a punishment
to be sensible - to make good decisions (It was sensible for her to save some money
each month) - sensato, razoável
to swell - to become larger and rounder (My sister’s stomach began to swell after
she got pregnant)
tidy - clean and in order (Leon has always been a very tidy boy) - organizado,
to dismiss - to say it is not important (He quickly dismissed my idea about a new
project) - demitir, recusar, dispensar
to retrieve something - to find it and get it back (She retrieved her mail from the
mail box) - recuperar, trazer de volta
shallow - not deep (The kids were playing in the shallow water) - raso
slope - ground that is not flat (declive)
to span - to exist or continue for a particular length of time (Tennis has a
history spanning several centuries) - continuar
to feel sympathy for someone - I felt sympathy for my sister (compaixão,
to wander - to walk without going to a certain place (The boys like to wander in
the woods) - perambular, vagar
to blaze - to burn brightly or powerfully (The small fire soon blazed into a large
dangerous one) - arder, queimar
to retreat - to run away because you have been beaten in a fight (The army
retreated because they were losing the battle) - bater em retirada, recuar
summit - the highest part of a hill or mountain (Snow covered the summit of the
mountain even during the summer) - cume, pico
to yield something - to give up control of it or to give it away (He had to yield
his turn because he was in checkmate) - render-se, ceder
a culprit - someone who did a crime or other bad deed (The police were still
searching for the culprit from the robbery) - culpado
a mob - a large, angry crowd, especially one that could easily become violent (The
angry mob outside the jail was/were ready to riot) - turba, multidão
scrutiny - the careful examination of something (A scientist should always practice
scrutiny with their work) - fiscalização, investigação, olhar atento
uproar - a loud noise caused by people who are very angry or upset (The fans made a
great uproar when their team lost the game) - tumulto, revolta
to do somehting anew - to do it again and in a different way (Though he had failed
his driving test, he decided to try it anew) - novamente, de nova forma
dreary - dull, dark, and lifeless (After the fire, this section of forest is rather
dreary) - lúgubre, enfadonho, triste, deprimente
ingenious - very smart (Charles was the only person ingenious enough to repair the
plane’s engines) - engenhoso
to spur someone - to encourage an activity or development or make it happen faster
(The coach’s speech spurred her team into playing the best game of their lives) -
incitar, animar, impelir, instigar
tenacious - someone who do not easily give up (I’m sure that he’ll finish that
difficult sale. He is very tenacious.) - tenaz, firme
glide - to fly on extended wings with little or no effort (When the wind is
blowing, birds can glide easily through the sky) - deslizar, planar
[spelling] meteorology
cove - a part of land where it curves inward around the sea (They hid the boat in a
small cove on the south side of the island) - enseada
hearty - loud and happy (The grandmother ended her story with a hearty laugh that
pleased her grandchild) - caloroso, vigoroso
manor - a large house with many rooms (The manor had over forty rooms) - mansão
outstretched - extended to its full length (The cat stood on its back legs with its
front legs outstretched) - estendido, alongado
winding - something that follows a twisting course (The winding river turned and
looped around the bases of the hills) - tortuoso, sinuoso
to plot - tramar (The group was plotting to ruin the company’s financial reports)
to sneak - to go somewhere secretly, or to take someone or something somewhere
secretly (I managed to sneak in through the back door while she wasn't looking) -
ir às escondidas, mover-se silenciosamente
to spare something - to give it because you have more than you need (I wanted to
help him but I couldn’t spare a tire) - dispensar, ter de sobra
stem- talo, haste da planta
supper - a main meal that is eaten in the evening (We usually have supper around 6
o ’clock at my house) - ceia
beneath - to be under something (The largest part of an iceberg lies beneath the
waterline) - abaixo de, debaixo
a cub - a baby animal, such as a bear or lion (filhote)
dawn - the time of day when the sun rises (amanhecer)
twilight - the period just before it becomes completely dark in the evening (I
could make out a dark figure in the twilight) - crepúsculo
to be done with ease - not hard to do (The monkey climbed the tree with ease) - com
hail - small, hard balls of ice that fall from the sky like rain (The hail from the
storm was the size of golf balls) - granizo, chuva de pedra
to howl - to make a long, loud sound like a wolf or a dog (The wolf howled at the
moon) - uivar
to leap - to jump a long distance (He had to leap over the gap to reach the other
side of the hill) - saltar
to seize something - to grab it quickly or strongly (The man seized as much money
as he could before anyone could see him); (He seized the chance/opportunity of a
free flight "with both hands" [= with eagerness or enthusiasm]) - agarrar,
terrific - very good (My youngest daughter is a terrific painter) - espetacular,
trait - a particular characteristic that can produce a particular type of behaviour
(Arrogance is a very unattractive personality/character trait) - traço,
clan - a group of relatives or friends (The Lee clan meets every year to celebrate
the New Year) - clã, família
dim - not giving out much light (Working in a dim room is bad for your eyes) -
turvo, tênue
to glow - to make a soft light (The small flame glowed softly) - brilhar,
hollow - to have an empty space inside (Straws are hollow, so liquid can flow
through them) - oco, vazio
stiff - hard to move (The bird was standing on the tree’s stiff branch) - duro,
to stroke - to move a hand over something or someone (She stroked her cheek to see
if there was something on it) - acariciar
spelling: accustomed
airway - the passage through the mouth and throat that carries air to the lungs
(Since he was sick, mucus would occasionally get stuck in his airway) - via aérea
Almighty - a name for a god in a religion (They thanked the Almighty for their
food) - Todo-Poderoso
definitive - the most official (This library has the definitive collection of books
on ancient Egypt) - definitivo, insuperável
to equate one thing with another - to compare them and consider them very similar
(She equated the man’s messy appearance with a lack of responsibility) - equiparar
outmoded - no longer in fashion or use (Black and white television sets are
outmoded) - ultrapassado
to pertain to something - to be related or connected to it (All of the lawyer’s
questions pertained to events around the night of the crime) - concernir a algo,
ser pertinente a algo
primal - very basic or related to the origin of something (Cooking the food over
the camp fire felt like a primal way of making a meal) - primevo, primordial
seizure - a sudden illness in which the body loses control and shakes (Bright
flashing lights can cause seizures in children) - convulsão
to dump something - to throw it away or get rid of it (She dumped the garbage into
the trash can) - desfazer-se de, jogar fora
to move to and fro - to move backward and forward or side to side (Her long hair
went to and fro as she swung on the swing) - de um lado para o outro, para frente e
para trás
[spelling] intermittent - not constant (It was hard to focus because intermittent
noises came from the workers outside)
a swarm - a group of flying insects (A beautiful swarm of butterflies filled the
summer sky) - enxame, multidão
to tickle - to touch them in a way that causes laughter (The mother tickled the
little boy’s foot, and he screamed with laughter) - fazer cócegas em
to censor information - to remove it if it is rude or rebellious (To protect
innocent people, the location of the bomb was censored)
to flatter people - to praise them in an effort to please them (He was just
flattering me when he said that my new dress looked gorgeous) - bajular, adular
infamous - well known for something bad (That news channel is infamous for
presenting biased information) - infame, famoso
lame - manco
limp - mancar, manquejar
outburst - a sudden, strong expression of an emotion (There was an outburst of
cheers when the comedian took the stage) - explosão
pathological - extreme, unacceptable, and uncontrollable (The pathological liar
could not even tell the truth about unimportant matters) - contumaz
to tackle something - to deal with it in a determined and efficient way (Such
social problems need to be tackled right away) - enfrentar
tattered - (of cloth) damaged by continuous use or age, esp. torn in strips (Old
tattered flags) - esfarrapado, andrajoso, maltrapilho
to dye - to change the colour of something using a special liquid (Valery got her
hair dyed at the salon yesterday) - tingir
extent - how large, important, or serious something is (He ate to such an extent
that he became overweight)
to peer at something - to watch it carefully (She peered at people through the
window) - olhar fixamente, examinar, perscrutar
to steer something is to control where it goes (He steered the go-cart around the
track) - virar o volante, fazer curva, dirigir, pilotar
a tame lion - a lion that is not afraid to be near people (domesticar, domar)
[spelling] commission
fierce - angry or violent (Wolves are fierce animals) - feroz, selvagem, furioso,
forte, poderoso
to mow grass - to cut it to make it very short (I mow our lawn every weekend) -
cortar, ceifar
an outlaw - a criminal who hides from the police (The police passed out posters of
the outlaw to all the people) - fora-da-lei, bandido, criminoso, foragido
rod - a thin stick made of wood or metal (I bought a new fishing rod to use while
on vacation) - vara
it seldom happens - it doesn’t happen very often (It seldom rains in southern
Arizona) - raramente
earnest - honest (The child was very earnest when she told her mother how she broke
the dish) - sério, sincero
[spelling] solemn
tact - the ability to avoid offending people when dealing with problems (Since both
sides would not agree, it required someone with tact to make peace) - tato
to undermine someone - to betray or weaken their efforts or authority (The
documents helped to undermine the workers’ trust in their bosses’ honesty) - minar,
prejudicar, enfraquecer
firsthand - from an original source (If you want firsthand knowledge, ask someone
who saw it) - em primeira mão
appetizing - looking and smelling very good (The appetizing plate of cookies was
gone in half an hour) - apetitoso
blizzard - a severe snow storm with strong winds (We did not dare to go outside
during the terrible blizzard) - nevasca
frigid - extremely cold (We decided not to go on the hike because the weather was
too frigid) -
oversee something - to make sure that it is being done properly (His job was to
oversee the progress of the construction project) - supervisionar
to pierce something - to make a hole in it using a sharp object (The arrow pierced
the target in the very center) - espetar, perfurar
to abide by something - like a rule, means to obey it (If you want to play the game
with us, you must be willing to abide by our rules) - sujeitar-se a algo
to cram things - to put them into a place that can barely contain them (He crammed
all of his shirts into the top drawer of the dresser) - enfiar, espremer,
abarrotar, encher, congestionar
to defer - to arrange for an action to happen at a later time (The girl was very
sleepy, so she chose to defer her bath until morning) - adiar, postergar
output - the amount of something that a person or thing produces (The boss hired
more workers to increase the factory’s output of products) - produção, produto
a scrap of something - a small amount of it (Chris liked to use many scraps of
paper when thinking up ideas) -
[spelling] baggage
bundle - a number of things that are tied together (I was shocked when he showed me
a bundle of money) - fardo, feixe, pilha
to graze - to eat grass (The cows grazed in the field) - pastar
lane - a small road (The lane passes directly in front of our house) - alameda,
viela, ruela, caminho, estrada rural
to have the nerve to do something - (He has the nerve to think that he can actually
wrestle with a lion) - bravery
scratch - to make small cuts with a claw or fingernail (I used a stick to scratch
my back)
to derive something from another source - to get it from that thing (Red’s nickname
was derived from the color of her hair) - obter algo de, derivar de
[spelling] dynasty
frost - geada
lieutenant - an officer of middle rank in the armed forces (tenente)
to be underlying - a hidden cause of something else (Her underlying fear of flying
reduced her traveling options) - subjacente, debaixo
aside - on or to one side (The man stood aside and opened the door for me) - de
lado, ao lado
[spelling] autumn
drain (noun) - a pipe that carries away water from a building, such as in a kitchen
(The water in the sink goes down the drain as you wash your hands) - ralo
a fuse - a string that you light on fireworks to make them explode (The boy lit the
fuse on the rocket and waited for it to burst in the sky)
[spelling] receipt x recipe
to acknowledge something - to accept that it is true or that it exists (The teacher
acknowledged that the young student was hungry) - admitir, reconhecer, confirmar
[spelling] spectacle
a stack - a pile of different things (There was a stack of paperwork on his desk to
complete) - pilha, {bundle}
[spelling] exaggerate
[spelling] ambassador
industrious - to work hard (Dennis was very industrious, so he never had problems
finding a job) - diligente, esforçado
[spelling] mimic - mimicked (= emulate, imitate)
misguided - based on bad judgment or wrong beliefs (The snake bit Molly during her
misguided attempt to grab it) - enganado, equivocado
to scorn someone - to behave without respect toward him/her (The criminal was
scorned by everyone in the community) - menosprezar, desdenhar
staple - standard or basic (Hamburgers, steaks and hotdogs are staple foods to cook
on a grill. / staple diet. / staple foods.) - básico, de primeira necessidade
to constrain something - to limit its development (Jim cannot join us because he is
constrained by previous plans) - tolher, restringir
a depot - a bus or train station (He waited for his mother to arrive at the depot)
- estação (mas também: depósito, garagem, armazém)
forefinger - indicador
janitor - a person employed to take care of a large building (zelador)
to prod - to push someone or something with a finger or pointed object (The bully
prodded me in the chest with his finger) - cutucar, empurrar, pressionar
a ransom - a sum of money paid to a kidnapper to set the person free (He kidnapped
the prince and demanded $1 million as ransom) - valor de resgate
to restrain someone or something - to use physical strength to stop them (Mike
restrained Allen from reaching the door) - impedir, conter
a stunt - something that is done in order to get attention or publicity (The man
jumped over the cars as a promotional stunt) - golpe publicitário, cena perigosa
[spelling] yawn
a deputy - the second-highest-ranking person in a business or government (While the
sheriff was ill, the deputy took over his duties) - substituto, suplente
earl - conde
[spelling] funnel
[spelling] hymn
bland - not having a strong taste or character or not showing any interest or
energy (I find chicken a little bland) - suave, brando, sem graça
seasoning - a substance, especially salt or pepper, that is added to food to
improve its flavour (tempero)
[spelling] tyranny / tyrant
[spelling] vinegar
to jog - to run slowly (He jogs every day so he can be healthier) - fazer cooper,
to poke something - to push it with your finger (I poked my finger on a thumb tack)
- cutucar
tide - the rise and fall of the sea that happens twice every day (high/low tide;
the tide is out/in) - maré
to cope with a difficult or stressful situation - to deal with it (He copes with
work stress by exercising three or four times a week) - dar conta, aguentar, lidar
to approve of - to have a positive opinion of someone or something (She doesn't
approve of my friends. / He doesn't approve of smoking.) - aprovar, aceitar,
to frown - to make an unhappy look with your face (Melissa frowned when she found
out that the party had been cancelled) - franzir as sobrancelhas, franzir o cenho,
fechar a cara
gaze vs glance - gaze at (contemplar, fitar) = to look at something for a long
time; glance around or over/through (olhar de relance ou de soslaio, olhadela) =
to look at something quickly
[spelling] license - an official document that gives one permission to do something
to trace something - to follow over it with the eyes or a finger (He traced over
the graph with his finger) - seguir a pista de, rastrear
an appliance - a piece of equipment used for jobs in the home (Many homes have
appliances like ovens, toasters and refrigerators) - eletrodoméstico, aparelho
basin - bacia, forma, lavatório, pia
to hop - to jump a short distance (The kangaroo quickly hopped away from danger) -
saltitar, dar pulinhos, pular
a stain - a dirty mark that is difficult to clean (He had a red stain on the collar
of his shirt) - mancha
a strip - a long, narrow piece of material or land (He had long strips of film that
held images of his trip abroad) - tira, faixa
to swing something - to move it back and forth or from side to side (He can swing a
golf club very powerfully) - balançar
adjoining - next to or joined with a building, or room (I couldn’t sleep because
the people in the adjoining room were loud) - adjacente, vizinho
to allege something - to say that it is true without offering proof (The little
girl had alleged that her older brother hid her favorite doll) - alegar
casualty - a person killed or injured in a war or an accident (The only casualty in
the car accident was a woman who broke her arm) - vítima, ferido, baixa
foul - extremely unpleasant (He wouldn’t let his dog drink from the water because
it had a foul smell) - repugnante, asqueroso
to heighten an emotion - to increase the intensity of it (The pleasant music
heightened their enjoyment of the wonderful dinner) - realçar, intensificar,
slab - a large, thick, flat piece of stone, concrete, metal, or wood (I looked at
various slabs of stone to decorate my house) - pedaço, bloco
turf - a section of grass and the dirt in which it grows (After the game, the turf
looked ragged) - grama, turfa
pebble - a small smooth round stone, especially one found on a beach or in a river
shack - choupana, casebre, cabana
bulk - large size or mass (It was a document of surprising bulk) - volume, tamanho
to comprise something - to have things or people as parts or members, to consist of
(The course comprises a class book, a practice book, and a CD) - formar
a grove - a group of trees planted close together (All the trees in this grove are
apple trees) - pomar, bosque
ore - rock or soil from which metal can be obtained (iron and copper ore = minério
de ferro e cobre) - minério
to tilt something - to (cause to) move into a sloping position (She tilted her
glass and almost spilled some of the wine inside) - inclinar, inclinar-se
whereabouts - the place where a person or thing is (He is thought to be in the
Caribbean, although his exact whereabouts are/is a mystery) - paradeiro
gravel - cascalho
haunt - to cause repeated suffering or anxiety (Fighting in Vietnam was an
experience that would haunt him for the rest of his life) - atormentar
moss - musgo
to peck - to bite or hit something with a beak (The birds pecked at the seeds on
the ground) - bicar
a streak - a long, thin mark that is easy to see (Her hair was brown except for a
streak which she dyed blonde) - risca, mecha [de cabelo]
grasshopper - gafanhoto
hatter - someone who makes hats (chapeleiro)

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