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1. As a practicing manager, what should Probaho do in the immediate term?

Probaho should promptly implement a strategy and people-focused approach to tackle

the issues at the Gangapur factory. Instead of choosing rapid layoffs, which may result
in extended conflicts and harm the company's image, Probaho should pursue open and
transparent dialogue with the union and employees. This entails arranging town hall
meetings or forums where individuals may express their issues, promoting a feeling of
inclusiveness and comprehension.

Concurrently, Probaho should evaluate the past productivity data and comprehend the
current obstacles in the production process. Considering options such as voluntary
retirement schemes can be a more agreeable approach to accomplish staff
reorganization. Probaho can establish trust and showcase a dedication to industrial
democracy by engaging the union and employees in the decision-making process.

In addition, Probaho should take advantage of the knowledge and skills of its employees
to effectively adopt technical improvements. Training programs and upskilling initiatives
can narrow the disparity between the current skill set and the demands of
contemporary manufacturing technology, guaranteeing a seamless transfer without
compromising employment.

2. What is his target productivity range for him? Please show the calculation.

When calculating the desired productivity range for Gangapur, Probaho needs to strike
a compromise between ambitious growth and practical reality. By examining Exhibit 1,
which quantifies production as million packets per man-month deployed, Probaho may
determine the aim for 2021-22 by making a conservative assumption of yearly increase.
The target productivity, computed at around 1.12 million packets per man-month,
represents a 10% annual growth compared to the historical baseline of 0.57 million in

Analyzing the productivity data from Exhibit 1, let's calculate the target productivity
range for Gangapur in 2021-22:

Target Productivity= 0.57 *(1 + 0.10)^7

Target Productivity= 0.57*1.967

Target Productivity= 1.12 million packets per man- month deployed.

Nevertheless, this objective is not merely a quantitative objective; it represents the

strategic necessity for Gangapur to conform to industry standards, adopt modern
production methods, and make a substantial contribution to the overall effectiveness
of BMD Corporation. To reach this goal, it is necessary to adopt a comprehensive
strategy that includes optimizing processes, enhancing skills, and possibly integrating
Probaho plays a significant part in accomplishing this objective that extends beyond
simple numerical results. The individual must cultivate a transformation in the
Gangapur factory, instilling a dedication to innovation, flexibility, and ongoing
enhancement. This entails allocating resources towards training programs aimed at
enhancing the proficiency of the staff, so ensuring their ability to effectively manage the
changing requirements of contemporary industrial technologies. Probaho's leadership
will play a crucial role in fostering a feeling of ownership and pride among employees,
ensuring that their actions are in line with the common objective of achieving
sustainable productivity development.

3. What is your insight/thought about the core problem?

The fundamental issue at Gangapur encompasses a complex dilemma that extends

beyond the superficial concerns of efficiency and personnel reorganization. This text
explores the complex interplay of organizational culture, historical labor relations, and
the fragile equilibrium between operational efficiency and employee well-being.

The surplus workforce, which is a result of past behaviors, requires a strategic solution
that takes into consideration the human element of the company. The long-standing
resistance to change presents a significant obstacle that cannot be overcome just
through technical solutions. The recent revocation of the union's registration
introduces further intricacy, underscoring the necessity for a comprehensive solution
that encompasses both operational and human aspects.

Probaho's leadership is crucial in navigating the organization through this complex

terrain. In order to be effective, his strategy needs to include more than simply specific
goals. It should also focus on fostering a change in culture that promotes flexibility and
teamwork. Incorporating the union in decision-making processes, considering options
such as voluntary retirement schemes, and promoting transparent communication are
essential elements of a viable and lasting solution. Probaho's success stems from its
adeptness at integrating operational efficiency with a people-centric approach,
fostering a work environment that seamlessly combines innovation, empathy, and

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