73 Magazine 1972-06

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for radio amateurs. --=--=....:....===-..:==
".141 JUNE 1972 _
2 Amat eur Radio Newspeqe 1 7 Six Ele me n ts o n T we nty Meters VE 3GEJ
6 Re peat er Up d at e E liminate QRM .
6 Social Event s 21 Slo w Sca n Televi sio n G5 ZT
7 H ot Gear Basics.
7 Wit h the FCC 2 7 Beaming the Ve rt ical Antenna W6AJ E
8 Never Say D ie W2NS DI1 O n the low ba nds .
10 MA RS 36 Active F ilter Design an d Use K3PUR
11 New Pr od ucts All ki nds o f f ilter s Pa rt I .
11 Novice Co lum n 45 Antenna Pa rt y W0 BMW
12 SST V Scene Si mp li fied e rec t io n .
12 50 MH zBand 5 1 Radio Ast ronomy for A mateurs (Pa rt II ) W4 Z BE
13 Microwaves Projects for a mateu rs to tackle .
13 Letter s 6 1 Pat entin g Your Invent ion Henry Hunter
16 Cavea t Emptor Wh y not . _ . w hy?
160 Propagati on 6 7 20 dB "Bea ms K1CL L
160 A dver t ise r Index Design a nd co nst r uct ion o f VH F ant e n nas.
STA FF 75 Convertin g the Progress Line WB9CXE
Edlt o. -Publ i.n... F M featur ette .
Wayne Green W2NSD /1 85 Phasin g Mult iband Ve rti cals K0WF
Awn"n l Editor T e n thru e ighty meters.
ErocfaikolK 1NUN 89 Ham TV a nd Public Se rvice . ....... .. .... ..... . • •W9JER
Technical Edit or
. PR .: t he name o f the game .
Ed "Wffib W4FQM / l 93 Modif ied Suction Cup Ant enn a WZEE4
Assista nt Publ ish",.
. Not too modified .
vve rte Gr imes WABULU / I 97 300 MHz Frequency Sca ler K20AW
E xtend s freque ncy co u nters to VH F.
Auoc:ill te Editors
J ,m Ky le K!iJKX 101 73 Revi ews the Savoy Antenna W4FQM/1
Mik e Frye WBBL BP Two and three band w it h vacu u m t ra ps.
BIll T urner W A0A B I
J im we« W B6 BH I 109 Care a nd Feeding of Tape WA6PIR
Harry Si mpson W5SCFIA 5SCF RT TY teat uret te .
Dave Ingra m K4TWJ 111 Cir cuits, Cir cu it s, Circ u its Staff
WTW Ed it or A nd mo re circ u its .
Dave Mann K2AGZ 115 RTTY F il ters W5EZM
Technical C o nsu lt a n t
E lliptic fu ncti on filt ers.
B,II H o isIngto n K rc u, 123 Step On the Klutz! K1YSD
Adve,tioi nll Ma nillgeFl
Bob Manning rides aga in.
Lin G reen 129 Trouble Shoo ting F or t he Novice WA80lK
John M ,ner You don 't have to se nd it back .
An Oi'K IO' 13 3 LowCostC D Ign it ion W1KNI
Roger Btock It has adva ntages.
P,oduchon 139 Lightning! W2FEZ
P h Ili p PrIce lts ca use a nd c ure .
G raph ,eslPhotogl'aphy 145 73 Tests the Regen cy Amplif ier . . .. . ..•. .... .. W4FQM/1
Donna A. Lavoie 2m amp lif ier fo r FM is a beaut !
Com po5lt,on
R ulh......ry 0 ...... "
S h ell y Steon

Su bsc. , p t ,ons
Oorolhy G ibso n

C"'; Uhlllion
B...-t-.. B lock

Com p t .o....
73 .11agaz in e is publi~hed monthly by 73. l n c . , Peterboro ugh, New
Ge::"g"'nlJ $age H am psh ire 03458. Subscription rate s are $6/or o ne year in Nor th
Pubh Q lIons America an d U. S . Zip Code areas overseas. 7 per year e lsewhere.
B ltf Mahoney Two years $1 1 in U.S. and $ 12 overseas. T hree years $ 15 . a n d $ 16
Bruce Ma,,1W1l overseas. Seco nd cress oostoee paid at Pe teroorouen N H. an d a t
addi t io nal mailing ottices. Printed a t Me nasha, Wisconsin 5 4952
T•• ff ,c U.S. A. En tire con ten ts copyriRht 1972 b;\' 73 In c .• t'e te rb o rou uh N fl
T iIV lor Sage 03458. Ph o ne : 603 -924 ·3873.
Ph Ilip COll ie H e re are a few messaves : . •
P, opagou o ..
D o n't fo rge t the 73 Tour in Sep te mbe r. ..se n d m one y n o w for a
Joh n Nelso..
reservatio n. Turn t o t h e las t pa/te a nd ma rk rea der's se rvic e you
want literature f rom (or se n d li s t O il you r QS IJ cardJ . B u y a g ift
Draftong subscriptio n for yourself, a f rie nd or even an e nemy an d get a book
B Ill M o.ell o pe r o ur rtatcuto usrv ge n e rou e eubscrip no n o ffe r. T ry P.M . T ry S ST V .
Wayn e Peeler K 4MVW H ave fun . . . th at 's wh at it 's all abou t. It is f orbidden to let a friend
R. K W,ld........ W6MOG borrow th is is su e of 73 .. . let him buy h is OW 'l .

JUN E 19 72 © ClarkWardOrange 1

Lo uis R. H uber h' lUU
A classic demon stra tion of a moni- t he " ki ller wind" struck . Bill opera tio n - es pecially with mo biles.
loring service's ca pa bility in an emer- Tuomin en WA 7 KKC, has been a Ii· The latter includ ed K7S UX. W7 SNY.
gen cy occu rred Apri l 5 . 19 72 . when ;1 ce nse d ama te ur o nly a li ttle ove r two K7SUQ and o thers.
torna do struck Vancouve r. Washin g- ye ars. His performance in th is in- . T he IliO biles we re used fo r various
to n. Six peo ple wen.' killed ou tr ight. sta nce. and fo r the nex t th ree d ays. chon's, checki ng ou t d eta ils and pro-
with hundred s su ffe ring injuries. $(l. 2 leave s no do u b t as to h is pro- vidi ng co m mu n ica tion where need ed
million dolla rs d amage was d on e by Ilciency - it was tops! by the Red Cross n ews.
demolit ion of a school. a su perma rke t. WA 7KCC's so n. Mont y . was home Alth o ugh NAMS ceases operation
a bo wling alley and porti on s of other o n vaca tion fro m college. He spread at 5: 45 P.M. daily . the 3960 kH z
bu ild ings. ou t a map o f the city a nd circled the NA\ tS eme rgency ope ra tion kep t
The tornado struck a t 12:49 P.M .. devastat ed area. " Give us ad d resses:' right on througho ut the nigh t and into
PST. NAMS ( Nort h west Ama teur said WA 7 KKC fo r health and welfare the next mo rn ing until a bo u t ~ : OO
Monitoring Service ) received rh..' first inq uiries were already comi ng in, "and A.M . Two nets. Col um bia Basin and
news of the disaster when K?SUX we' ll sec if th ey're in the di saster area . Northwest Eyebank , which normally
mobile c hec ke d in with Mo nito r Con- T ha t's th e bes t we can do right now ." usc 3 960 k Hz . graciously moved to
tro l (W7 DF L Taco ma) as 2: 18 P.M. Bi ll es t ima tes th at some where o ther frequencies so NA~IS co uld
"l'm on my way to Ked Cross head- aro und 1.0 00 inquiries were hand led con ti nue its work uninterrup ted .
qu arters: ' h e said. Th at is also th .., tha t same day o ver h is sta tio n and Fro m other po int s in th e Paci fic
me ding place for the Clark County o thers in Van couve r. Some thing le ss Northwest and West. health and wel-
Amat eur R"H.l io Club . K7SUX con te m- than that during the nex t day , plu s a fare inqu iries originate d through a
pla ted putt ing th e d ub sta tio n o n the fe w stragglers o n the third a nd fourth large nu m ber o f ham sta tions who go t
air; ho wever , it was o u t of o rder and days after th e di saster. Th ere were in to uch wit h th eir lo ca l Red Cro ss
he con tinued to do wh at he could as a proba bly ~ ,OOO o r mort' suc h calls. offices. where such inqu iries are
m o b il e . Later the club sta tion Telephone se rvice was destro yed in placed.
IW7AIA ) d id get o n th e air with a th e d evastated area and remai ned ou t The coopera tion of all NA\t S mem-
tr an sc eiv er b roug h t d own by locall y u n til mid-afternoon Friday. bers and non-members proves the re li-
WA 7MQC . although so me tele phones go t in to abili ty of th is kind o f service and the
With the first raw news o f the o pe ra tion sligh tly before th en . In- efficie ncy wit h which hams ca n mobi-
disaster from K7SUX . NAMS' cog- co mi ng long-dis tance culls were mel lize 10 perform eme rgency comm uni-
whe els jumped a bit - wo nderme nt at by a reco rde d an nounce me n t du ring cat io ns.
fi rst , than castin g a bo ut as to wha t th is pe riod so a ma te ur rad io was the
best to do . WA 7NV F and W7 ZF in o nly way relat ives had fo r fi nd ing ou t
Por tl a nd . Oreg on ( a cro ss th e ho w their k in had far ed . HAM OPERATORS
Colum bia River from Van ccuver l WA7K KC was o n the air co nrin u-
were well aware of the vicio us wind o usly u n til 6:30 P.'\1.. a stre tc h of AID TANKER
because o f to rn-off shin gles and o ther fo ur ja mpacked hours. lie then d rove Two ham rad io opera tors who es-
debris flyin g a bo u t. Th ey were o n the over to the Red Cross head q uarters. tab lished commu nica tions with the
a ir along with W7 UY. Sea ttle. and By th is time W7AIA . the Clark Cou n- Milit ary Sealift Comma nd's USNS
Monito r Co n trol W7DFL. ty Amat eur Radio Club sta tio n. was CU SSIlIu l a fte r the shi p's system failed
A local contro l sta tion was se t up o n the air by me an s o f WAn H.)("s have been comme nded by Marin e
o n 3 960 k l tz . with NA,\IS kee pin g o n transceiver . Bill mann..-d till' city map Transport Lines. Inc.. ope ra to rs of the
as usual o n 3 970. a t the cl ub statio n, c hec king o u t tanka . Joh n Previrera WB ~ B A R ,
About this time WA7 KKC. Vanco u- add resses o ne hy one as they came in. Bron x. N.Y.. an d Willi am Taylor
ver. was d riving in the torn ad o -s truck Mid-eveni ng brought so me phone- WA J II RO Tho rt on , Pu .. answered
area . He had to deto ur aroun d the pat ch act ivity through other Van- Cossato t Ca pta in Finn Bjomey's call
devast ated area to reach his ho me and couver ham sta tio ns; W7 EEA. wlro is for assistance . and est abli shed a co n-
so he kn ew a lmost precisely th e lim its to tall y blind , han dled a n um ber of nection with th e co mpany's ho me
o f the devastat ion . "1'1 1 take it and go the m wit h grea t efficie ncy o n 3950 o ffice in New York Ci ty. T he ta n ke r
down 10 3960,' said WA 7KK C. as k Hz. WA70 AS. Sally . an XYL. with was d irec ted to Trin id ad fo r repairs.
soon as he got o n the air. This was <It other Vancouver hams had t wo -meter R eprinted from the stilitary Sealift
~:40 P.M.. less than tw o ho urs afte r gear in operation for Vanco uver area Comma nd Xe wslrtter,
© ClarkWardOrange
lW S of the World 73 MAGAZINE
Scien tists o f th e Co mmerce Depart- banccs can cause short-wave fad eo ut
ment's Nat io nal Oceanic and Arme s- and signa l distorti ons. A fai rl y regular
pheric Administra t ion have developed fl u ctuation in the io no sphere 's elec-
a radi o telesco pe array which o bserves tron de nsit y result s fro m atmo spheric
radio stars and upper atmo sphere d is- tides prod uced by th e sun and the
co ntin uities simu ltaneo usly. moon . Erra tic ionospheric di stu r-
Moreo ver, the inst rumen t is so ba nces can be CUUSI.· u by me teors.
eco no mica l, with a hard wan: cost o f solar nares, and magn e tic sto rms.
approx ima tely $ 100 0, that it shou ld Small-scull' io nospheric irrcgulari tes
bring import an t new radio astro nomi- are o fte n rela ted to the larger-scale
cal and io nospheric studies within t he upheava ls, but th e exact relation ship
reach o f unive rsities and private re- is not a lway s cle ar. These sma ll-scale
sea rche rs.Jargc and sma ll. fluct uations in elec tron densit y a ffec t
The presen t NOAA array consists tra ns-ionospheric radi o commu nica- Lee Wilkinson WA4QXc. was the
of 16 sma ll zigzag antennas with a tio ns from sa telli tes to ea rt h . Th is is first guest a t th e new mo tel in Tennes-
signa l-combiner. Co nceived fo r the particu larly signific an t in the equa- see. Each roo m has inde pe nden t beam
pu rpose of studying small-scale irregu- to rial an d polar regions where scin til- ante nnas. a full kil owatt o n each
larities of the io nosphere, it was d e- lati o n at su per-h igh freq ue ncies (1.5 band . and long-term guests can usc
signe d a nd developed by Dr. Cliffo rd 10 6 GHz) arc so met imes h arm ful to FM han d held uni ts while visit ing.
L. Rufen ach . Dr. Will ard ~L Cro nyn co mmunicatio n channels. Stop .by fo r a visit bu t kee p yo ur
and Kerry Nea l. o f NOAA ' s Space Defining "small-scale" as any ir- came ras rea dy : we move fast.
Environmental Labo ratory , Bo uld er. regu larity less than about 2 kilometers
Co lorado.
" Rad io astronomical ob servations
a t frequencies less than 100 Mll z
in size, Rufcna ch says: " We wanted to
loo k simultaneo usl y at th e various
dimensi ons invo lved in sma ll-sca le ir-
The Elkhart Red Cross AR C held
n o rma ll y r e q uire huge an tenna regularities. We first set ou t to de sign an eme rgenc y test o f its cormnu nica-
arrays," Rufen ach said . " The p ro to- a sma ll scale pro to type radio tele- t io n facilit ies o n March 26. Making
type telescope array which we built sco pe. O ur init ial observa tio ns with use o f th e K9HDH clu b re peater,
allows us to ex am ine the ionosphere this l o-elemen t a rray haw been very several mo biles were direc ted to
at many diffe rent radio frequencies promising." specia l ass ignme n ts while base sta tio ns
simu ltaneo usly ," The prototype rad io telescope is were o n han dy call via 94 direct to
The new NOAA radio telesco pe located in th e moun ta ins beh ind the relay messages to hf ne ts. The emcr-
design re presen ts an ad vance in o bser- front range of the Co lorado Rockies gency ce nter was a specially prepared
va tiona l fl exibilit y. Each eleme n t is to avo id radio and television in te rfer- trailer that the dub set u p for Fie ld
triangular in shape with a wire zigzag- ence. Day , 1971. W9FJA an d WA 9WYY
ging from the narrow to p to the broad The broad-band multi-frequen cy co o r.d ina ted the projects. Participan ts
base. A rad io wave co ming down o ver rad io telesco pe also offers a tech nique wer e . mobi le s K9SRI. K9 AD'F .
the triangle is picked up by an a ppro p- that should find future applications in WB9 BFU, WA8CEN. KQFUP; ba ses
na te length o f the zigzag wire whose solar radi o a ~ t ron om y and in terplan et- WA 9 R NT , K 9FAP ; headquarte rs
active portion is ab o u t one-third of
the radio wavelength. Different wave-
r-;; iii; ==::; =; ;;; ••••~ K9 I XB.
ary scin tillation studies.

length s may be picked up by d iffere nt

len gths o f wire simu ltaneo usly . The
present array can receive radio wave-
len gth s be tween 3 an d 12 me ters.
Absorbed radio ene rgy travels up
the zigzag wire o f the elemen t in to a
line that ca rries it along with the
signals fro m the o ther 15 ele me nts.
into a cen tral signal combiner tha t ••
amplifies t he o utpu t of the arr ay.
Large-scale disturbances occu rring
in the io nosphere have long been /
interesting to scientists because they
affect the Quality and, a t times. the
feasibili ty of radio communica tions IVA 9WY Y in commu nicatio ns trailer h'9FJA keeping track of mobile's lo-
o n earth . Such io nospheric dist ur- during emergency test. catio " during emergency test.
© ClarkWardOrange
Spo nso red by cq elJe ll"onica Magazine. 5- 13 Feb-
ruary 19 72 .
A 8 C 0
W9N T P IlO 40 63 "60
PA eLAM 75 60 SO 6 .750
VE3GMT 8. 40 51 6 ,315
16CGE IlO SO 3B 4 .940
W4MS 60 30 53 4 .770
G5Z T 75 40 41 4 .7 15
F6AXT 6S 40 39 4 .095
W5PPP SO SO 40 4000
12 KBW IlO SO 30 3 .900
K9BTU 40 30 4S 3 _150
F9XY 4S 30 24 , .800
ISBNT 4S 30 24 1.BOO
SO 30

'SCW 1.52 0
Hat' are the hams wh o founded th e SIRA tSociedad lntemacionat de Radio SM 0BUQ 4' 40 "
17 1.445
'l ROL 55 30 1,360
Aficionados) Oil Dec. 4 . /971. in Miami. Florida. They also elected a W1JKF 2. 20 27 1.21 5
provisional Board i ll order 10 elaborate tile Articles and By-taws. Seated left EA4 0 T 40 20 20 1.Z00
fa right are: WN 4J 'QII Orlando Marl in . Treasurer: Jl K ] CJD German W5QKR 30 '0 aa 1.1 20
SV 1CG 3. 20 15 82.
Ordonez , Delegate: IIK3CAIJ Heman ,Ifelo. Secretary : h'A4ZZG Rafael ,II. WB2MEX 2. 30 15 82.
Estevez , President; I1'B4TElJ Tony Urbi:u. Delegate: and lIe :!IP Hector K4TWJ 2. 20 18 810
Patino , Delegate. Standing felt to right: CO:!AH Gel/am Rguez.. IIIX4PXA VKSMF 40 40 '0 800
W7FEN 15 '0 30 7SO
Marra 1::.\"/ ('1 '1.':: , COl t '/:,." Puh/io Mahhmudo, Il'8 4SA'C Alberto Co r a, SWL ISCG 4S 20
f;dgar Bueno. YN I .. I L O Adrian lispinosa. CO,n;l1 Tomas M U fl O Z, WIJ 4JSS WB60MF 15 '0 "
JW:. e Caruncho. C03JR R aul Fd ez., 1I'N4 VSX Eduardo Gtez.. IVN 4 U1L y.'l F UQ

Jorge Quintero. A'4CitG Carlos Hdez. and TGQMP R en e Alvarez. Picture EA4KJ 20 20 10 400
tak en by 111'1 HI Fernando Henriq ue. The SIRA welcomes an)" radio FOSOO 20 20 8 320
amateur 1\'110 wishes to iotn their Society.. vtaiting ad dress is S IR A. 1'.0. Box K61V 15 10 12 300
WB6ZYE '0 10 15 300
71, Miami Int ernatio nal A irp ort, .lliumi FL JJ J.lS. G3ZGO 15 m
10 "8 240
11LC F 75 SO '8
11BAY 90 40 46 5 .100
ON 48 X 75 30 33 3 .465
WOX4lKZ 3. 30 31 2 .0 15
I IAAR 40 30 '0 700

A- Cou mr y
8- Con tinent
C- Contacts
0 - Sco re

Here is a partial group of l.atin and A merican hams who attended the
Annual Luncheon. Th ey usually m e et and IUI/ ch th e last S unday of the year
since 19" 8. Th ere were 6-/ persons at the last o ne. /10 111.\' f rom VEl, C02-J .
R. )'1'5. JUS. nc: II}\]. T/ 2. II'J. I~ '-/. KP-/ , )'X I , L U3 and TGQ were at the
luncheon. Picture was taken by II'IJ-/SXC. Release hy Rafael M. Estevez
W...l 4Z Z G. 1',0. Btlx 24-/2./lialeuh Fl. 330 12.

COMMUNICATIONS Readers will no doubt be whelmed
IS OKAY ! to hear that a " q uie t" sno wmo bile
The instruction book let tha t comes engine has been announced by the
wi th the n ew S R-CI 4h t ran sce ivers is Out board Mar ine Cor p, This d andy
the fi rst tha t we have seen which has a so un d o utp ut of " o nly" 73 dB
recommends the usc of 146.52 fo r at 50 feet di stance wh en ru nning full
simplex o peration ... hoora y ! It did throulc ' Isn't that somewh ere in the
not coo l our en th usiasm to sc:e 73 and range o f so u nd that ca n cause perman-
several 73 ho o ks given as prime refer cn r damage to the ear'! [Thank s to Reprinted from the Old Timers Hul-
en ces on usi ng F ~ 1. K 9,HGX) tetin.
© ClarkWardOrange
R eprtntrd from the Pad , tear's Cheese swi m m ing pool, t he y would c ause the
T he Te c hnica l Aid Grou p is a band
Bits wate r t o fl o od pl a intiff' s lawn . of volun teers who o ffe r their servic e s
The fo llowi ng is cx rrac rcd from a Defenda n ts te a se d a nd hara ssed to those who a rc befuddled wit h
complainr fi led in Comm on Pleas pl a intiff's fa the r (now deceased) tro ub les. Wh e n mak ing a req uest ,
Court of Philadel phia again st one o f whene ver he wa s ou ts ide tending to p lease usc an SASE. For mo re mem-
ou r du b members. th e la wn Of s h ru bbe ry by sic cing the ir bers with t heir s pe cia lity a reas and
Fo r a pe riod in excess of th ree d og o n h im a nd b y calling him na me s , information o n jo ining t h e T AG , sec
ye a rs, defen dan ts ha w systema tic ally Since 19 M). d efend a nts con sta ntl y Ma rch '72 73.
hara ssed an d pe rsecuted p laintiffs honk t he ho rn of t heir car to harass Alle n Ho chst et ler , WA4H NX , 15 24
w ith o ut reaso nable C:.lUSt' o r ju sti fica- pl a intiffs. The y opera te t he ir c a r a t Valencia St .. Clearwa ter F L 335 1(1.
tion as fo llows: grea t spee d a nd screech to a ha lt in All en is a b le to help anyone w ith HF
Since l Y66 d efend ant has ope rated fro n t of p lain ti ffs h o m e a nd bl ow t he tra nsmi tter an d re ceiver p roblems ,
a wi rele ss radi o set a t his resid en ce horn lo udly a nd rep ea tedly. T hey solid s ta te matter s, and ICs . Allen is
whic h inte rfere d w ith the- p icture a nd fo llow pla inti ffs in th e ir auto whe n- also a ble to locate need ed parts.
voice o n p laint iff's tel evisio n se t. eve r plain tiffs le ave t he ir h o m e . Ple a se do not fo rget t o inclu d e an
Plaint iff's co mplai n ts ove r t h is in ter- O n Sun day, J u ly 6 , I %Y , defen- SASE when wri t ing t o TAG m embers ,
fen.. nee w ith t he ir quid enjoyme n t of d ants had a lawn p arty wh e re in defen- as the y are strictly volunteers a nd it is
the television set in their h ome has d a n ts and their g ues ts amu sed -th em- not fair to ma ke th em s pe n d lots of
cause d d c fcndu nrs t o e ngage in a selves b y t h ro wing fire cra ck ers a t a n d postage mone y wh en t hey a nswer lo ts
course of co nd uct. vilifica tio n an d aga inst pla in tif fs re sid en ce , t hereby of q uest io ns.
h ar assment , in te nded to cause pla in- interfering with pla in t if fs qu iet enjoy-
ti ffs to mo ve fro m t heir resid en ce . mc nt o f th eir h o me and ca using them
S inn.' 1966 d c fcnd an t ha s engaged t o beco me fearfu l and app reh en sive.
in the un lice nse d a nd u nuu t ho rized On t h is o c ca sio n. the d efend an ts sa id
salt: a nd repair o f wi reless radio re- " I wish thi s wa s a bomb ." On e o f th e
cci ve rs a nd tele vision se ts a t h is resi- defend an t's g uests sa id " I w ish th ey
d e nce , th e re b y causing. t he com mo n would come out. I co u ld tak e ca re o f
d r ivewa y t o be fille d wi t h au tomo biles them and make it lo o k like In a cci-
so th a t pla intiffs we re denied t he right d e nt. "
o f en trance and d e pa r ture. De fend ants ha ve often e x p ressed
In th e summe r of 19(16. a ttempted their in tent ion and d esire t o fra m e
to ente r pl a intiff s reside nce and plainti ffs and have them arre sted . In
claims t o have aut hority under F.C.C. J ul y 19 6 0 d e fendants fa lse ly acc use d
rcguta tious to search thei r re sidence t o p lai n t iffs o f havin g st o le n th ei r ca t
re mo ve th e th ermo sta t from pl a intiff' s an d caused a pol iceman to sea rc h t he ir
re frigerato r a nd a ir con di tio 111.'r be- home a nd ga rage for th e c a t.
C:.lUSt.' th ey in terfered wi t h th e r ece p- De fe nd a n ts o pera te a n electri c gaso-
t ion o f his wireless ra d io se ts . line ge nera tor in thei r ga ra ge whi c h
Defcndu nr often takes pictures of e mi ts n oxi o u s f ume s wh ich seep into
plai n ti ffs w ith a camera to confuse. plain tiff's h ome . In Memorium - James R. Lightfoot ,
in t imi date a nd ha ra ss them . S ince this All o f t he a bo ve specified ac tio ns o f WA1KRN
t ime defen dants h ave cursed p la in tiffs th e d efend ants haw caused pl a inti f fs Wo rd wa s re ceived on ECA RS
o n many occasio ns a mi ad d ressed lo ud to beco me nervous. upse t a nd ill. to March .:!Oth o f the sud d en p assing o f
a nd abusive la nguage and threats at lose sleep a nd peace o f mind , t o spe n d one o f the found ers o f ECARS , J im
the m. substantial su ms o f m oney for cou nsel Ligh tfoot. Jim had a ma ssi ve c o ro na ry
Si nce I W16. defenda nts h ave con- tees. a ll wi t hout reasona ble a nd pro- a t tac k a t the age o f 35. He will be
sta n tly- and repeatedly ba nged o n th e ba ble cause . mi sse d grea tl y by all his fr ie nd s. J im ,
pa r ty wa ll of thei r home . slummed t he Where fo re . p laintiffs bring th is uc- a lo ng with the late K I LTO and
d o o r, as wel l as bange d on pia no ke y s. tion in the natu re o f a Bi ll o f Pea ce WA JGAL, wa s o ne o f the origi nal
thereby in ter fering w it h pl a intiff s an d p ray the Court t o : triu mvi rate tha t got ECARS sta rted
quid cnjoymcnr of t he ir home. a.Enjo !n d efendants fro m fu rt h er o ne wi ntry day a few years b ack .
Since 19 61{ , d efe ndan ts have calle d hara ssmen t o r persecu tion o f the T he p re ss of h is job as ge n era l
plaintiffs Foul a nd vile name s a ll m a ny pluin tflffs . from tre spa ssing upon or manage r o f WBZ in Boston became
occasions. d ama gin g p lain tiff's propert y a nd to o grea t to co n tin ue ed it ing a nd
In t he fall of 19 ()(l . defen dan t fro m th rea te n in g or assau lt ing pla in- pu blis hi ng th e l-:C'A R S Monit or a s well
a t te mpted to strike p lain tiff J o se p h ine t iffs. as mai n ta ining all th e ECA RS m em-
- with a moto r ve hicle o n se ve ra l b. Dire ct t ha t d e fen d ants pay t he ber sh ip record s. I-Ie did c o n t inue
occas io ns. De fendan t a tte mp ted to costs of t hi s su it. p ri n t ing and m ai ling the Monito r. It
p u sh a baby coach in to J collisi on c. G ran t such othe r relief as ma y was o n ly w hen WA 1KR N be came
wi th a mo tor vehic le be in g opera te d appea r p rope r to th e Cou r t u nder the President of Fire stone Conununica-
by pla in tiff J oh n - circ u ms ran ees. tio ns an d moved to the New Yo rk
E ve ry summe r since 1966. d efen- Yo u sec w ha t a T VI co m p la in t can Ci t y area tha t h e h ad to seve r fully his
da nts repea te dly a nd co ns tantly ho sed lead t o. Afte r y ou fi n ish la ughing working con nect io ns w ith t he se rvice.
the com mo n pave me n t fro m th e fro n t a bo u t th e c harges, co nsider seve ra l b u t he c o n t in u ed to be as a ctive as
doors t o the st reet wi t h grea t and th in gs : possible o n the air a nd to su p po r t t he
e xcessive amoun ts o f wa ter causi ng I . An att orney wi ll haw to bt' service in e ve ry wa y possible.
pl aint iffs t o get th e ir shoes wc t in re t aine d t o d efend the su it (approxi- Jim just re ce ntly m oved to San
o rde r to leave o r retu rn t o th eir h orne. m atel y S15 ( 0 ). D iego to t ak e over a broad cast sta tion
Since 196 (1, wh enever d efcn dun ts '.:! . It c o uld ha ve been y o u. t he re , and it wa s in California that he
dumped t he wa ter from th ei r porta bl e © ClarkWardOrange K 3JJZ pa sse d away .
Circle June l Oth and I Ith o n yo ur
1- -_. _ ~ calendar. TIle Atlanta Ama te ur Radio
Club will hold its annua l hamfest on
the Mal l at the Len ox Squ are Sho p-
ping Cente r. A banquet will be held
I Saturday night , June 10th. Main
pri zes inclu de your choice o f a Drake
TR-4 transce iver with AC Supply o r a
RCA Home Ste reo Center. A Regen cy
FM WEST, the First Ann ual West- HR-2A will also be given along with
CA WA6ZQO MonterllY :sT-97
o the r fi ne prizes. Expert s o n Tele type,
(formerly K6L V) ern Amateur FM Con ference. will be
CO K0PHF (Delete) hel d in conj unct io n with the Cali- FM , DX and many o ther subjects will
CT WAlOHR Ellington 04-64
forni a Amateu r Relay Coun cil mee t- be present. For further informa tion
CT KI lle Avon 28 -88 contact W4JM, J ames G und ry, 2498
22 1.02-224.02 ing o n J une 2-3. Friday nigh t's
CT K1TBA Hartford 22 1.86-224.86 cha mpagne party an d th e Saturday Echo Drive , N.E., Atlanta , Geo rgia ,
CT WA1JTB Bridl/llport .295 - .895
technical talk s and exhibits guaran tee 30345.
07 -67
19-79 an excellent program . Satu rd ay 's ba n-
• ••
IL WA9EAE Oak lawn 18 46-.. que t, a scrumptio us affa ir, will be
IN WA9HRK (Delete)
followed by door prize announce-
IN K9LEH Ind ia napo lis 16-76
Soon to be K9LPW ments and individual rep eater movies
LA ShrllVoporl and ta lks. The co nfere nce will be held
LA Shreveport
at the Trop icana Lodge , 406 1 N.
MA WA 1LEM Waltham
NJ K2TYV!2 Denv ille Black stone, Fresno . Motel reservations
NM W5SRW Las Cruces mu st be made before May 20, and
NY K2AVP Valha lla
specify you are attendi ng FM West.
NY W2FWG NYC Con tact WB60SH for mo re informs -
NY WA2UWS gcrre tion .
NY WB2SEQ}2 Yonkers
NY WA2KEC NYC There are also 10 ope n PM repeaters
OH WA2NVT Whiteface MI.
OH K8ALB Toledo
and 3 pro pose d with in a 150 -mile
OH To ledo radi us of L.A .
OH Toledo Of the 20 operating rep eaters in
fA WA3KUV (Delete)
fA W3ZLQ Erie 34-94 South ern Cali fornia , onl y two are on
standa rd 600 kHz spaci ng and stand-
TN WA4JSX Nashville
145 .75- 449.65 ard channe ls. All the others are on
TN WB40FW Nashville 16-88 The 1972 Ja ckson Am at eur Radio
TN WB40ES Nashville 28-76 channel pairs that most li ke ly arc
Club hamfest will be held J uly 29 and
52.920-52.525 unique to this area.
449.45-448.45 30, 1972 . All events will be held
There are rumors of a Repeater
TN W4RFR Nashville 34-94 inside the Heid elburg Ho tel in down-
TN WA4YND Nashville 146.70-147.70 Owner's Council of so me so rt being
town Jackson MS. The banq uet begins
TN WA4TDA Nashville 10 - 64 form ed , bu t at present , no such organi-
at 7:3 0 P.M . on Sunday , July 29. The
(formo rly W4A VI zatio n ex ists. It should be pointed out
TN WB4EKI Nashville PL 114.8 Hz 40-700 price will be S6 per perso n. The
that if we don 't organ ize soon, there
TN WB40EY Gallatin 146.04-147.18 harnfest begins at 8:30 A.M. Su nday,
TX W5NEC (Delete) will be at least eleven other repeaters
July 30, in the Victory Room. A
TX WA5VTO Austin (Delete UHF)Add 34-9~ to co nsider in the near futu re.
TX WA5YZO Austin 449.1-444.1 TEMPO I with ac su pp ly is the I1 rst
Interesting activities have been oc-
WI mAIO Sturgeon Bay T 1.95 16-76 p ri ze . Writ e to Charles Rogers
CANADA curring o n WB 6ZDl , the Palisades
WA 6FII . P.O. Bo x 837 1. Jack son MS
Nova Scotia Am at eur Radio Club's Rep ea ter. The
VE1JB New (;Iasgow 46-94 39204 fo r marc informati on .
PARC Repeater operates o n 146.61
Thank s to W3ZLO, K9DKW , in , 147.33 out, and has ap proxima tely •••
IVA IOJX , NERA, V EI SH, IVA8ZID , 300 hams populating it. Apparently
K 2IX N, 1V5ZBC, K4IKV , IVN6LQQ , this conce ntratio n of hams attrac ted MASSACHUSETTS
1V 9RSV , IVB4EKI, IVA 2ROJ, the FCC to monit or ZDl since in the AMATEUR RADIO WEEK
IV 2 LOY , IVBQDMQ , 1V9HTK , past few week s the re have been several Operating times are from 000 I
1V5EZM . cita tio ns handed o ut fo r im pro per GMT J une II to 24 00 GMT on June
identification (n ot signing the call, 17. Massach usetts a mateurs must
CALIFORN IA FM SCENE urea , i.e. 76) and out of band opera- work 16 o ther Mass. ama teurs. The
Bob Greenberg WB 6INR /6 tion . The la tter was the sec ondary rest o f New England State ama te urs
The FM scene in Los Angeles ha s violation in both cases so far, with must wo rk 8 Mass. a ma teurs. All other
gained a certain deg ree of infam y, du e Technician class li cen sees being re- ama te urs in the U.S. m ust work 5
to the rapid , unorganized growth of peated out o f their band segme n t. At Mass. amateurs. DX , incl uding KL &
FM in the last few years. It is well pre sent , the FCC ha s not replied to KH mu st work 2 Mass. amateurs. An y
known that the So uthern California the cited 'a ma teurs' lette rs. Each o ne band and mode mav be used. All
area has had numerous problem s with sim ply sta ted they were only tran smit: sta tio ns participating will exch ange
desen sitization , simu ltaneous freq uen- ring in their assigned band , o n 146.61 signa l rep ort. Cou nty, and Sta te. Logs
cy use by different modes, inte rmod u- MH z. Has anything similar happened mu st show da te, time , and frequen cy
larion . e tc. in o ther part s of the co untry? More of co ntact. Applican ts must include a
Acco rding to a survey d one in on this next time. No. 10 size (business size ) self-
Novem ber , 197 1, by Jack WA 6JXG , Information abou t the rest of the -addressed sta mped envelope (DX en-
there are at presen t the following West Coast ha s been non-ex isten t so close o ne IRC) With ap plicat ion w hich
rep eaters in L.A. : 4 o pe n FM, 3 closed fa r, and co ntribu tions would be wel- must be rece ived no later th an July
FM, 2 AM , I RTIY , plus an addi- co rne d . Please mail them to Bob 3 1, 197 2. Su bmit applica tions to
tional 8 o thers pro posed (plus in- Gr e enb e rg, 16705 Dalton Ave. , Will iam Holliday , WA I EZA , 22 Trud y
numera ble remote ba se statio ns ). Gardena , CA 90247. Terrace , Canton ~I A 0202 1.
© ClarkWardOrange
T he Music Ci ty Ham fest will be _ _ ..._.-."'-7
. .. ,- -- ~
prese n ted by the Xu...hvil le IT,\') A RC
J une .1 8 rFat hcr's Day ) a t Lo ck Two
WITH -- .... .. - ~

<J{f.~. , ~IJi~
~ - - . . .....,.
inasmuch as the n u m ber o f d evices
a ffec ted is small. There fo re . in rh c less
Park . t wo miles no rth o f O pry land
USA. F lea market. refreshmen ts and
THE ....,'". ....:Y·!i>./tJ.Wi
. •
' , ~
t han o ne percen t o f t he instances
where in terfere nce is caused by in...u f·
mo re. Prize d ra wi ng will be held a t
I :30 P.M. T alk-in call is K4 CPO o n
FCC t """:.
I...::, '.:',-i,
~~._ fl cicn t rej ect io n of st ro ng unwa nted
sign als by the d evices, ma ny mu nufu c-
t urers. d ea lers and serviceme n have
75 m and F ~ l 14 6 .94 . Fo r more info r- worked ou t pro ced ures and procc...ses
mation write Music Ci ty Ham fcs t. The f ollowing FCC Bulletin appeared for interference elimi nat io n in such
P.O . Box 8085. ~ a sh \' il1e T :-': 37~07 _ ill Florida Skip. speci fic cases. The st atemen t of a
Federal Co mrrwnicattons Comm ission sa le...ma n or d ea ler th at he sells a good
••• Field Engineering Bureau quality d evice , is not enough . Pe rsons
BLillet in recei ving interferen ce mu st full y re-
The Nin t h Ann ual Pen n - Cen tral " Manufact urers of audio d evices fo r cognize the sit uat ion invo lved . The
Hamfest will be held by the Milt on home use d o n ot d esign such equ ip- a ud io device may be an excellen t o ne
and Willia ms po rt clubs on Sund ay . ment t o opera te in t he pre sence o f in performing t he task it was d esign ed
J une a th . st ar t ing at I ~ :OO noon at s t rong ra d io signals fro m nearby radio to d o . Regard less of the q uality o f the
the Union Township Volunteer Fire o r sh o r twa ve sta t io ns. Strong radio dev ice . sp ecial treatment o f it fo r
Grou nds o n Ro ute 15 in Win field PA . signals which cau se interference t o rejection o f s tro ng unwanted sign als is
Bring your own lu nch o r use the s nac k aud io d evices require that special esse n tial in so me lo ca lities.
bar. T here arc ind o o r and o u tdoo r t rea tmen t be give n t o the a udio d evice
facilit ies fo r a ucti on . con test , and receiving the in terfere nce . The Co m- " R F in terference to t ransisto rized
swap ping. Ga te registration is $ 2. 50 mission can no t give any p rotecti on to aud io amp lif iers can be eliminated in
( XYL and child ren free! an d park ing audio devices from in te rfe ring signals . mo st cases by connecting ca paci tors
is f ree . Talk -in frequencies: 3 94 0. The o nly 'cu re' is by treatmen t o f the o r bo th ca paci tors an d RF ch o kes
50. 4. 146 .94 0 ~ meter F M. For more au d io dev ice receiving t he in terfe r- d irect ly from base to grou nd o f the
information . writ e to Pau l Mit ch ence. in p ut t ra nsisto r. If the au dio am pli fie r
W3LX N. RD ~ . Milto n PA 1784 7 . " You shou ld, there fo re , co n tac t t he Is part of a stereo system, then this
dealer or manufactu rer of you r audio has to be d one o n both ch an nels. In
••• d evice (or t ele p ho ne co mp any for in terference cases o f th is nat ure the
telephone interferen ce) for assist an ce. volu me co n t rol is in th e in put circu it,
AKRON . O HIO .- T he Goodyear The st a te o f t he e lectronics art is su ch conseq uen tly , it h as no effect on t he
Amateur Radio Club will h o ld it s 5 th t ha t it is po ssible t o ma nufa cture RF in terfe re nce ,"
Ann ual Ham fest Picn ic o n J u ne 18 a t 'cu st o m built' aud io d evices ; th at is.
Goo dyear Wingfo o t La ke Park east of ·t o install in the co mp le te sh iel d ing
Akron . I mile wes t of Suffiel d . O h io and special c ircu its to rej ect n earl y a ll ERRATUM
o n Co u n ty Rd 87 nea r Ohio Ric 4 3 ty pes of unwan ted signals. Cost o f
En tertainment , swa p-a nd-shop , p rize suc h specia l design an d circu it ry Mr . A Prose Walker has adv ised u s
award s, and good fellowsh ip. Ref resh- would n ecessit ate an in crea se in t he t ha t several of the fig ures in his speech
ments. display s. h uge Ilea ma rket. p rice o f th e d evices. (reported last month o n pages 85
Ho urs: 10 A .M. to 6 P. ~I. Family through 8 9 ) were in correc t. On page
" Pe rhaps less than o ne p ercent o f 86 , the path lo sses sho u ld have been
ad missio n $ 2 prepa id . $ 2_5 0 a t gate.
the t otal nu m ber au d io dev ices in app roxima tely 17 6 d B a t 4 3 5 MH z
For details, tick ets and map wri te
o perat io n today will ever be loca ted and 166 d'S a t 146 MH z. Thus the
Euge ne J . Cooke K80RL 3 0 79
Ro se bay Blvd .. Norto n OH 44 ~ 03 . ne ar en o ugh to any kind o f radio syste m in the examp le would have less
s ta t io n so that th e device wou ld re- ca paci ty a nd /o r sign al to n oise ratio
s po nd to u nd esired radio signa ls, tha n ind icated . Ho wever , vario us
••• which it is n ot design ed to receive co mb ina t io ns o f ground t o sa tellite
when in th e st ron g fi eld of a n earby eq uipme n t ch aracterist ics can be
The Kansas Nebraska Rad io Club s tat io n. If it does, it needs ad dit ional ass u m e d. e ac h g iving d ifferent
will hold it s ann ual h amfest o n A ugu st fil tering o r sh ielding, o r bo th . Man u- cap abilit ies fo r an overa ll system
6 at th e Moo se C lu b a t Concord ia. fac tu rers belie ve it unfa ir to bu rden a n design . Needless t o say . th e ex amp le
Kan sas. Regis tra t io n wi ll sta r t at e n t ire p opul ation wit h th e add it ion al u sed was not in te nded to be u sed in a
0900. AU amate urs are welcome . cost of speci al ci rc ui ts and design hardware pro posal fo r a sy stem .

Lin from Pan Issues : Mi$Co mini$pkr. Sgt . Hopk in$ 202
Mfr., Model. Ser. No . Owner Issue
Wilm. DE seuce

HOT GEAR aem. SR46A, No .446100

Reg.• HR ·2, No .04'{)3505
So,..-, FM3601 , No.1003
Coil., 75A4, No .804
9/7 1 SwanSW174 No . 4 16-5
n 01 Reg. HR2A NO.04-05896
11!71 HR2A, No.04-6208
l Z/71
HNths8 102.No.1J2-128107 W.Singl!l' 3f72
GE, Portable, No .l04 1218 K2AOO 1/72
C o ll ins 6 25 1 t ra nsverter. SIN cen.. 75SE-B, No.15640 CoI.St .U. 1/72
Woodbridgll VA
107 28, sto le n from t he Michigan State Coli, 21S3. No.12000 CoI.St .U. 1/72
CoII.,516Fl .No .1649 Col.St.U. 1/72 Yaeli... FT-1 01 No. 107036 WA2YSW 402
University ARC on Ma rch 22 . Co ntact Standard 2m FM No . 102703 W6NPV 402
Simp. Mod ·A , No.35457 W2PWG 1/72
Electrical Engin ee ring Dep t., MS U, S8 E S8·33 No.103906 WA5JGU 2/72 Drake M L.2 No. 20 189 WB2 L. L.R 402
East Lansing , MI. o r MS U Dep t. o f Heath HW22A No.907 ·1835 W18DX 2/72 Standard SRC·806M
Pu bli c Safety (5 17-3 55-2 221) . Nat'l HROSO No.280019 WA50QF 2/72 No. 0092 10 K 1TLP 5/72
aem.. SRl60 No.416000· AerOt oroe aM 355 L.T,
108039 K9YVA Z/72 No. 685064 RR Poli Cll 502
WA9EYL. 2/72 Grd.CtTt.Trm l.
WRL D u o -B a n d er 8 4 S I N Drakll T R3 No .3a58
60 10 AT 30 2 s to len from p ark ed car in
cen..KWM 2A No 13815 ARRL. HO Z/72 NYC
M. Godwin Standard SRC·806M,
Po r tla nd O R on Fe b . 15 , 197 2. Ge rald Coli.. 31284 No .59920 No . 102703 C. Mathia$ 5/72
Dimmitt WA6 FCY-WA 7MMD . 7 10 ccn., 30L.l No. 40084 Lafay en e HA -d10
Coll. MPL No . 44507 No. 009210 WA2 KDG 5/72
Eas t Ave . K*S, Lancaster CA 9353 4 . Coli. MM 1 (mo b. mike)
© ClarkWardOrange

ginning to sh o w now too ... I did see
dozens of th em. They ' re ju st ge tting
sta rted. Oh . by the way , watch o u t for
the Standard 145 , . , thi s is t he
Japanese model and is sta rt lin gly d if-
ferent from the 146 ... di fferent
transmitter in particular. It u-e s I ~
MH z crys tals. in case any one trie s to
fo ol yo u. The 146 u ses 8 :"lH z c ry-
stals. like the 826. We had a 145 here
at 73 for a few days and were unable
to tweak it on ch annel because th e rig
DAYTON! t hem ... but h ad to mi ss virtually all had so many outputs that th e coun te r
The Ha mve n rio n is hands down the since I had to stop by the 73 booth
cou ldn ' t decid e which was the o ne to
biggest ha m eve nt of the ye a r. The now an d then , . , see the o ther ex-
co un t. I d o n ' t sec an y way tha t un it
o nly re al criticism I can make of it is h ib its ... try and sel l a few ads
can me et Fer specifications. I guess
that it shou ld ru n fo r two o r three (almo st i mpossible in the h uh-
the y d on't ca re a bou t sp urio us ou tpu t
day s msrcud o f one single d ay . The re bub ) . .. a nd pu t in a fe w words fo r
lila I is almost as strong as the in-
isjust to o m u ch to do. se ve ral o f the fo rums w hen I ma naged
tend ed o utput in Ja pan . We ca re.
If you have a ny in te res t in bu ilding to get, to the m at an appropria te time ,
Be ware .
o r b uy ing eq uip men t t hen yo u ca n' t I tried to make the Midca rs foru m.
pass lip th e flea mark et. I wou ld but got th ere ear ly a nd la te . , . I MIDWEST FM SYMPOSIUM
estima te th ai t here were a co up le o f wanted to try and let th em know that On the eve ning befo re t he Dayton
hundred " boo th s" set u p in th e park - I in te n ded to co nvince repeater groups Hamv enrio n a special FM Symposium
in g. lo t with e normous p iles of ham to se t u p a down link to 72 55 kHz fo r wa s held at the Im pe rial Motel.
gear ... from the m o st sophistica ted eme rgen cies so th e two meter repeat- Though there w as little time to' pass
slo w sca n and F .\! gear righ t on bac k e rs cou ld work 7 ~55 sim p lex when th e word a bout the meeting , represen-
to Wo rld War I mili ta ry su rplus. To ns wider a rea e me rge ncy co verage is t ati ves o f 4 6 midwestern re pe at ers
u p on to n s of part s ... equip- n eeded . I just got o ne o f the li ttle were present. along with a bou t 300
ment ... s t uf f'. They had more there J ust in side ba nd tran sceive rs a nd h ope FMers.
tha n t he Allied ca tal og. I spe n t a n to have a c ha nce t o se t it u p wit h ou r 1111.' main topic fo r th e e vening was
h o ur browsing t hrough th e pla ce a nd repea te r tWA I KGOI for this se rvice , the plans for o rgan izing a se rio us
wished I had several more h o urs a nd a o pera led b y a ~ 300 Hz tone burst to e ffort to save the ~ ~O MHz band from
p ick u p truck ... pl u s u n limite d cash . make the d own link til' in . th e EIA and a handful of greedy
The man ufa cturers' exh ibi ts were ' 1 h ad my slides o f J o rd an a lo ng, hut manufacturers. The main a p proach to
lavish . There was no wa y t o see th em d idn't se e m y sel f on th e progra m so I hold ing the band' Is t o usc it . .. " USE
in less t ha n a cou ple of hours ... and wa sn 't su re wh en to d rop in o n the IT OR LOSE IT "
to d o that you would h ave to sk ip a DX forum th ey see med busy when This Sy mposium wa s a follo w-u p
lot o f inte rest ing things. Man y ne w [ we nt by and I missed sho wing 011 the ~:)JlC in Shrewbury (~a ss .) in
ite ms were bein g shown th ere fo r the fhe1ll. O h well , ['II have a new set o f Fe bruary where re p resenta tives o f
first t ime . To m Litty KM{AD had a slides of Jordan in a few week s My over 50 eas tern repea ter associa tions
TJlL Co m m unica t io ns booth und o thers are two years o ld now. Time agreed t o se t up ~~O MH z repeaters as
sho we d his new 2 20 Mll z t ran scei ver Ilies. so o n as practically pos...ible . With in
wh ich should be o ut in Jul y in quan- So me of t he co mpanie s tha t d idn't day s of that meeting the firs t ~20
tit y . se lling ,'o r about 52 20. lit' a lso tu m up as e xh ib itors were intere sting repeaters were se t up a nd operating,
had hi-, su per b lin e of so lid st a te for their a bsence . There ha s been coo rdina te d by F2BOfWI. K4GGI/I
amplifiers for 146 .\H1 z. 2 20 Mllz a nd some my ste ry a bo ut whether R pt and WA I KEC the co m mi t tee for
4 50 .\lll l. These items are bei ng me r- magazine was s ti ll in business or not. eastern U.S. coo rd ina t ion .
chandi-ed by Henry Radi o unde r t he The last issue I've seen o r heard about The repeater representatives at
name of Te m po and a re bu ilt in was February . They didn't show a t Dayton also agree d 100"k to get on
Califo rn ia. Da yton , .. b ut a good friend of mine 2~0 as soon as possible , This leaves
Ed Clegg wa s there with h is new d id show there sport ing a disk jocke y only th e southwestern a n d western
:::20 tran scei ver , al so due ou t in July magazin e jus I being s ta r te d by the parts of the co un try st ill nor co m mi t-
in pro duction runs. H ·fe rs also lo o ked ers t w llile publi sher of Rpt ... and he ted to going 2 ~0 im me d ia te ly . Ho pe-
longingly a t the 27 A Clegg unit o n sai d t ha t Rpr wa s on ice . 1 think I full y the repeater groups in these areas
d isp la y . Drake su rprised eve ry o ne mentioned th a t special inte re st ham will get together a t F resno in J u ne and
with th e ir new :::2 0 t ran sceiv e r. m ad e m agazines haw a w ay o f never making put their repea te rs o n the line 10 back
by the sa me fo lks who make the it. the project t o save l~O , Ca lifornia
Marke r Lu xury 2m rig. There was no Dycomm ex hibit needs 220 more t ha n any other part
The re were so ma ny new things ei ther! When you consider th a t th is of the co u n try. so perhaps t h is w ill be
t hat the re is no way t o reme m be r all was the biggest F M event in the an ad ded ind ucemen t.
of th em. J&R Electronics w e re sh o w- co un t ry th is seems very significant. Conside rable equip ment is co m ing
in g the ir new slow sc an monitor ... Incidentally , 73 will no lo nge r accept along fo r 220. Ed Clegg sh owed his
sho uld be a winner. Robot was wow- advertising from Dycomm. ne w 2~O tra nsceiver a t the Sympo-
in g them wit h their s lo w sc an gea r a nd Judging from the number of Motor- siu m. This unit ha s a great many
sho wing what can be done . Slow sc a n o la HT- 2 ~0 's I sa w a t Da yton , the interesting features and sho uld be in
was rea lly big a t Dayto n ... it look ed Motorola co m p any must have added production by July and se ll fo r under
like about 500 ac t ive slo w sc a nne rs a t a t least o ne more assem bly line , It S300.
t he forum to me ... a nd the o rders looke d lik e thousands of th e litt le Bob Bo oth W3PS , co u nse l for the
for ou r upcoming slo w sc a n book beasties , th o ugh it probab ly w asn 't ARRL. was prese n t a nd spoke about
poured in, a ny more t h an 500 o r so . They were the need for coopera tio n be t wee n all
T he fo ru ms ra n all day long a nd I in pockets a nd hanging from belts groups if th e ban d is to be saved . Both
wa nted to see a nd hear eve ry o ne of every where . Th e S tand ard 146 is be- ARRL and 73 are working for the
© ClarkWardOrange
same goals and work ing in th e same arguing heatedl y with ama teu r radio band . If we start moving down a ren't
d irections ... now if o n ly CQ and sports fan s as they p assed o ver them. we li able to ge t a big war sta rted'? I
Ha m Radio would lend a hand! I can just see a dozen or so ama- doubt it.
The Midwestern Symposium was teurs across the co un t ry ru shing in to I've bee n t uning the lower tw o MHz
ce rtainly fun _. _and a success. th e kit ch en a n d t elling th eir o f the band fo r some month s n ow and
wives ... "Hey , I j ust , talked with I hav e so far beard ex actly o ne ( I) A'I
73 PROTECTS YOU Howard Cosell! " And I know what sta tio n o n the Zm band from up
Some o f the FM u n its th at we have the wives sa id, to o . "Who' s he?" around the New Hamp sh ire a rea. On e
checked ou t have n ot been wri tten up Fellows, I know just how it feel s. A weekend I tun ed the band in New
in 7 3 ... and this is no acciden t. They few week s ago King Hu ssein ca lled me Yo rk and all I heard t h ere was o ne ( I )
just d on 't pass mu ster . When we ru n on 20m and we ta lked fo r a wh ile. AM sta tio n a il weekend! Eit her I
into rigs that are n o t up to sn u ff we After I signed I wa s busti ng to tell ma naged to listen at all the wrong
not on ly refu se to run articles o n so me o ne abou t it and a t that pa rticu- times and missed hearing all the AM
t hem, but we generally re fu se to lar time the b aby sit ter arrived so I activity o r else all those chaps have
accept ads fo r them, unlesss the prob- casually men tioned to her that I had moved up in to th e FM hand . I suspect
lems are marginal. You ma y be su re ju st fini shed talking with King t he latter. Who wou ld st ick with A"
that when we do write about a rig that Hussein. She h ad never h eard o f o n ::!m wh en FM is so very mu ch
we have checked it and we like it. him . . . o r Jordan . I'm n ot sure she better'!
A reader recently wrote, in . regard- has eve r heard o f Israel. If my su rvey is correct. t hen we d o
ing one of t he transceivers that 73 has have so me channels availa ble fo r FM
NOT advertised . "Ha ve had much K20RS NOMINATED ! wh ich will not in con venien ce a ny
trouble. The receiver desensed 100% Jean Sheperd K:!ORS, frequ ently other o ps. I sugges t th at instead o f
by nearby low power transmitter. heard through the repeaters around using th ose con fo u nded spli n te r chan-
Factory insta lled trap cured that prob- New Y o r k . . . par t i cu la r ly n els in the 14ti range t hat we sta rt
lem lntermod tremendous. Local taxi WA2S UR ... via his Te mpo FM P u sing stand ard ch an nels in t he 14 5
and sherif f's repeater cause full scale transceiver, and hear d ni ghtl y t hrough segme n t.
deflection of signal strength meter. WaR , has been n o mina ted fo r an If we sta rt easily, o pen ing up abo u t
local 2m repea ler desenses receiver. Emmy award this yea r. Jean Sheph erd six FM repeate r chan ne ls, th en.' sh o u ld
Sensitivity changes with vibration. and Jane Fond a were the nominee s be a min imu m of blo od shed . I su ggest
Squ elch much too touchy ; meter im- for the Most In terest ing New Perform- that th e repeater in put be high and
possible to read at night in the car; er o n television for 19 71 . If you h ave the o u tpu t low, wi th t he fo llowing
insuf ficient audio fo r mobile opera- any fri ends who se vo te coun ts toward cha n nel s used .
tion; channel numbers difficult to the Emmy, nudge them re Shep .
read; cover scre ws strip easily ; etc. ", Shep wa s the featu re spea ker at the
145.71 - 145. 11 145.S0· 145.:!0
This ch ap h as a Sonar 230 I that he FM Symposium in Shrew sbury in
145.74 - 145.14 145.83 - 145.23
lik es an d a Standard 14 6 he t hink s is February . The array o f walk ie talk it's
145.77 - 145. 17 145 .86 - 145 .26
" great." From all t hose d ese nsing th ere got to hi m. and he h as bee n an
pro blems you migh t ex pect this cha p act ive F Mt'r ever since, usua lly talking
to be in New York City . . . he is in fro m his office high up in the WO R Thi s syste m will leave the hottom
Nevada . buildi ng o n Broadway . 100 k Hz o f the band o pe n fo r AM
o pera tion . .. side ba n d , whatever. It
WHOM TO WRITE MORE TWO METER FM CHANNELS will a lso leave the su rplu s crystal
If you are u ptigh t over th e idea of The FCC d oes not have any in ten- chan nel of 14 5 .3 5 o pe n ... as well as
turning o u r desp erately needed :!:!O tion o f giving us th e green light for the 145 .9 146 .0 for sa te llite input.
MHz band in to a screamin g me ss of re peating Tech s above 14 7 ,1H z. I realize tha i th is is probably im-
C Bers ... if I may put th e case to y ou Though t heir rules are qui re explicit p ractical in Lo s Angeles. but perhaps
factu all y and unemotionally ... th en and it would be e xceedingly d ifficult it will wo rk elsewhere . Any co m-
why nol drop a lin e giving your to interpret them as p rohib iting a rnenrs" An y ta kers'!
thoughts to one or two o f th e mem- repea ter f rom ret ra nsm itting Techs
bers of the Electronic s Ind ust ries above 14 7 . it is o bvio us ly easier to 60 0 k Hz Uber A lles
Asso ciation Ex ecu tive Commitee? avoid a fight t h an to go a fte r o ne .. . The u n iversa l change in the easte rn
You migh t write to th e Chairman so most re peaters have been avoiding part o f t he co u n l ry to 60 0 kH z
of the Ex ecutive Commi ttee , Richard th e 147 MH z ra nge . repeater spaci ng was n o t acco mp lished
Horn er. E. F. .Jo h nso n Company. The 14 0 - 14 7 seg me n t is F UL L in without so me d ifficult ies. Th e wond er
Waseca MN 5609 3. Or y o u might get man y parts of th e co un try a nd th e o f it was tha t the batt les we rt' so few
in to uch with And y Andro s. the pre si - pre ssu re is mounting for more F'-1 and fa r be tween.
dent o f fl y-Gain Electron ics. lin coln repeater chan nels. where to go? Once Some of th e skirmish es h ave recent-
N86 H50 1. If they ca n' t stop the drive gea r is availa ble in qu an tity for :!:!O ly been se t tled . Fo r instance t here was
to take away this band, a t least they MHz t h at is the obvious band fo r the litt le ma tter of WA I KF X on ~lt .
can pu ll th eir company o u t o f the EIA fu rthe r repea ter expansion . . . but it Snow on 31 -91. This repea ter, oper-
and stop fu rnish ing the mon ey which will be q ui te a wh ile befo re th e a red by Gordon Pugh W ~ GHR , had
is being used to lobby for it in manufacturers are a ble to supply us bee n o n 31 ~ 88 fo r some years and
Washingt on . with en o ugh :!:!O gea r to ma ke t ha t the n sudde nly appeare d on 3 1-? I
ban d reall y u seful for everyone . In t he earl y th is sp ri ng . . . not lon g afte r the
CONTROVERSIAL FM 'ER mean time we mu st h ave more FM Mt. Gre ytock repeater shi fted fro m
T he o t her day Carl Lin deman ch an nels ... an d t hey mu st be o n Iwo 04 - 91 to 3 1- 9 1. T hus there were
Wl t\1 LM, NBC's VP of sp orts, was meters. T he answer is o bvious . . . t wo clo sely s paced an d fu r-reaching
flying across the country . T R-22 in they. will hav e to co me out of th e repeaters both o n 31 -9 1. Th e resu lt
hand , talking thro ugh various repeat- 145 -146 MHz segme nt . wa s an incred ible mess and th e hardest
ers. With him wa s con t rovers ial sp o rts- But won 't we get into a big fight o f hard feelings.
writer Howard Cosell . Ho ward ' s in te r- with the A'-' c ps d own th ere '? We Many repea ter peo ple h ave been
est in th e pro ce ed ings qu ickly rose to sta rte d in a bove 146 MH z because t he severely critica l of Pugh fo r jamming
where he spen t mo st of the trip AMers di dn 't© ClarkWardOrange
use that part of t he (continu ed 011 page 10)
W2 NSO/ l con tinued est VHF repeater, on Brasstown Bald
Military is now in its l Bth veor! This repeater
the Grey lock re peater and ha ve been Affiliate was utilized to bring immedia te hel p
ope nly hostile to the attemp ts o f Pugh during a recen t tragic occurrence. A
Red;o camper-trailer went through ;1 guard
to fo rm a repea ter o rganizatio n in
view of his lack of cooperatio n o n System rail into Lake Har twell in South
3 1-91. Pugh was the instigator of the Carolina. A4AZT,, witnessing the acci-
North East Repeater Associatio n and New Chie f MARS Army , A3ZL H, is den t, called through the repeater into
became its fi rst presiden t. off from the starting gate faster than a At lanta reaching AA4Y BT, who
Appa ren tly t he pressures grew to spee ding bull et! Inn ovatio ns already alerted the South Carolina Highway
where something had to give ... and announce d are plans fo r updating the Pa trol. Although help arrived within a
Pugh gave. WA I KFX would go o ff week ly WAR Broa dcasts. a new SIC ma tt er of minu tes. it was too la te.
3 1-9 1 a nd would mo ve to some o ther 439-2 Co mmun ications Manual and Fifth Army Directo r Roland Belk
open channe l. possibly 0 1-61, since new carpets for the office! Chee! has been on th e road for mo n ths
tha t seeme d open fo r th at are a. Sou the rn New England has a new attending Sta te mee tings throughout
RAIT ne t on 4035 kHz at 190 1Z the area. One of the largest was the
It sho uld he poin ted out tha t Sundays. A3NFS won the First Army Texas meeting at San Antonio. Still
WA 1KFX, tho ugh it has been on the Com ma nder's Annual MAR S Tro ph y. upcoming: I o wa , 3-4 June ,
air for several years, is remo tely A I VF B is new Maine Army Mars Minneso ta 8-9 July and Illinois on 31
enough loca ted in Vermont so it has Direc tor. MARS Direc to r. A very July-I August. AD0N IC was named
seen litt le use. It has been off the air well-attended Spring meeting was held Fifth Army Operator of the month,
entire ly for the last few mo nth s. so at Natick, Mass. As most such mee t- and AA5 WHN is new Training Officer
the sudden appearance o n 3 1-9 1 was ings, it included a "happy hour." of Fi fth Army. New Manual REG.
quite a shock to the K I FFK groups, Fifth Army MARS called it by a 1054 , is being distributed to mem-
whic h n um ber close to 200 . diffe ren t name at their four-s ta te con- bers.
KFX is reacha ble in Apri l o nly on ve n ti on in Fort Le aven wo rth . The Texas RATT Net has gone to
skis and the first reports are th at Pugh Kan s a s - "A ttitude Adjustment 170 Hz shift - a growing natio nal
did fo llow through with his agreement Ho ur!" trend . If you have been using
to turn off the repea ter, but that he Delaware MAR S held t heir seml- WBR/70, Miami WX, to adjust your
bro ke a leg on his way back do wn the annual meeting in Dover, comple te printer, etc., don' t ,~ e su rprised when
mountain. The Grey lock group wishes with Crab Imperial, Crepes Suze tte they go to 100 wp m on I July.
him a spee dy recovery. and a Swap-Sho p. Their first tw o Lo uisiana has a new VHF emergency
Ano ther hassle was ove r 146.76 me te r repeater should be in opera tio n communication plan , under whic h the
around the Lo ng Island- Con necti cut soon (in 148.0 1, ou t 143.99- as are 2 and 6 meter MARS repea ters are
area, with WA2UlE o n 16-76 and mo st MARS Army installations). A tied together to cover a large part of
Bridgeport WA I KGK on 22 - 76 . "did you know" item: Office of Civi l their area. Meetings in that state were
Power and feelings had esca lated Defense has hired Systems Develo p- held in Shreve port and Alexandria.
abou t evenly and the grievan ces were ment Corp. to make a study of Misso uri State MA RS meeting is being
ma ny an d strong . .. UlE was there RACES. Wonde r whom they will ask held in Lebanon, with VHF repea ters
first by abou t ten years ... KGK had for o pinions? Armed Forces Day high on the agenda. A new Missouri
more users and a wider range .. . and cross-ba nd operatio n was greater than repeater is in operation m the Cape
so it went. The solu tion came when ever, with NSS, NPC, AIR and WAR Giradeau area - your ed itor accesses
the two prin ci ples finally sat down at rep o rt ing hundreds of co ntacts with it often, but perhaps th ey don't
the bargaining ta ble and worked it hams thro ugho ut the world. Yo ur answer AR 's.
out. Ul E would stay o n 76 ... KGK QSL cards and certi fica tes will be AA6 TOV has been appointed
wo uld move to 10 - 70 .. . the Ul E mailed soon.
crew wo uld guarantee to move heaven Director of Research & Develo pment,
Air Force MARS is undergo ing a Southern Californ;a Army MAR S.
and earth to get the RTTY' ops o n geographical reo rganizatio n . Details
Long Island to change fro m 70 to That group's very fine Monthly Signal,
have not bee n officia lly announced, edited by AA6GJY , has ju st fi n ished a
146.55 as an RTTY simplex chan- bu t a relia ble source' informs us that
nel ... and this' is not simp le because fine series on the Apollo program, and
there will be three major divisions. is now fea turing a first-perso n account
it means coming up against Byro n each bein g divide d into several smaller
Kretzman W2JTP and occupying his of th e sinking of the USS Milwaukee
groups of states. The new Air Force in 19 17 , a story to ld by AA6LJ . In
"private" channel. The Staten Island MARS manual is bein g· distri buted an d
group agreed to mo ve WA 2Y ZZ off addit ion to the Usual 148 .01 -143.99
one important change is noted : AF repeaters, the Southern Califo rn ia
70 R TTY to make roo m for statio ns are n ow allowed to cross sta te
KGK ... an d so it went. KIABR in group has repeaters on 143.41 5 in,
lines with VHF repea te rs as long as 148.650 ou t. Also, while we are fool-
Rhode Island will probably mo ve operation is within th e same region .
fro m 10- 70 to 0 1-6 1, thus giving ing around with those 2 meter fre-
KCK more elbow room. Third Army 's Fifteen th Annual quencies, they already have nets going
On e other sore point was solved MARS Conference was attende d by on 432 an d 1296 MHz ! The Arizona
too , with the WA3BKO Philad elphia more than 700 members and guests! MARS meeti ng will be held in Tucson
group agreei ng to ge t the higher They too had an " Attitude Adjus t- in conjunction with: the Old Pueblo
powered base statio ns to stop using 28 me nt Ho ur," a portion of the activ i- Rad io Club Hamfest.
an d use the 16- 76 Philly machine, ties which can only inc rease in popu- This co lumn is designed to keep
thus permitting WA 2YYQ on Staten larity as t ime progresses. Congratu la- you info rme d of ma tters MAR S. If
Island to mo ve fro m 25~88 to tio ns to Director Hal Mulkey for the yo u ha ve info rma tio n that should be.
28 -88. fi nest co nference ever. Assistan t Chief included , or if you wou ld like to
Things are really falling into place MARS Army Joe Ziglinski was a beco me a mem ber of o ne of the th ree
for universal eas tern 600 kHz spacing. welcome guest. Congra tulations to MAR S p rograms, contact Harry
AD4DQQ, honored at the Conference Simpson, A4SC F, P.O. Bo x 270 15,
... Wayne
as Third Army 's Operato r o f the Memp his TN 38127. ZKJ ~ wh ich is
mo nth . In passing, Third Army's old-
© ClarkWardOrange MARS-esc for Q RT.
Mik e Frye WB8LBP
640 Dauvitte Dr.
NEW LINE A R T RA NSISTOR Day ton 0 1145429
The Rad io Am ateur Satell ite Cor-
Alaska is a rare sta te fo r mo st po rat ion (AMSAT) was formed in
peo ple. not j us t Novices. In fac t there 19 69 to p rovide ama te u r sa telli tes and
are o nly a bou t I. ~ OO hams in Alaska, space ex pe rime n ts for the ama teur
- which is abo ut 0 .4% of the total se rv ice. Mem b er ship cu rren tly
nu mber o f hams in the en tire U.S. n u mbers 4 60 . including o ver 40 mcm-
Alt ho ugh it lo o ks hopeless fo r the be r socie ties, and is world wide with
Novice to find an Alaskan ham. m uc h a ma te u rs from some thirty coun tries
less an Alaskan Novice ham. th ere is a re presen te d.
way . On most wee k nigh ts at about AMSAT is cu rren tly ac tive in
TRW Semiconductors has d evel-
0700 GMT. there is a Novice Net that pre paring for the launch of A~I SAT·
o ped a ne w transisto r that wi ll have OSCAR..c (A-o-e). sche d u led to go
wide-reaching effect upon us all. Their is based in Alaska on ~ 1.~~5 MH z.
Active sta tions in the net inclu de lip in J uly . 19 71 . A-O-C will featu re a
PT5 740 series can be driven with less ~4 cha nnel ~I o rse code telemet ry
than a watt for outputs of over WL7HH ). WL7H ET . and WL7I1JR .
Alt ho ugh it may seem unlikely th at sys te m d evelo ped by W5CAY : the
twenty watts at t welve volts. This is 4 3~ -14 fi ~lHz ten watt linea r tran s-
signi ficant for transistor powe r am pli- you migh t get in to Alaska at that
hour. keep listening. This is the kind lator developed by DHZC and
fiers t hai can be used in your cu r with DJ 5KQ in Marburg . Germa ny: the
fl ea power d rivers. Four of them can of act ivity for wh ich many top DXe rs
look . Tu ne the frequency a t the time two -ten meter linear tran slator bu ilt
be driven to ove r 100 wat ts ou tpu t by W4R UD . WA4DG U. and K3JTE .
wh ich is perfect for driving mo st t ube that the station is normall y o n. a nd
keep d oing this until the mo me n t the 35 fun ct ion comma nd system
kilowat t. amplifie rs cu rren tly on the provided by WA I-Project Au stralis.
market. QRPPCfS ca n easily go QRr or comes that you work the rare o ne. He
may be booming in due to frea k and the instru me n ta t io n converte r
QRO with a single tran sist or. provided by W3GEY. A-O-C project
conditio ns or he ma y be very weak in
the noi se. But keep try ing. He's in manager. CODESTORE . a Morse mes-
there waiting for you . sage sto rage uni t was develo ped fo r
sto ring e me rgency messages, opera-
EDT. o r any o the r time . The beau ty tiona I in formation on the sa tel lite and
o f this clock is that it will run fo r orbital informa tion fo r repeate d tran s-
almo st two yea rs on a sta nda rd Ceize missio n to the grou nd over th e sa rcl-
Ilash light battery . This handsome lite 's telemet ry syste ms .
clo ck will look beau tifu l in you r sh uc k When A-O-C is read y fo r launch ing
and it w ill help you mee t your nets it will ride piggy back o n NASA' s ITO
There are simp le circ uits tha t can and ske d s. It is on ly $2 9 .5 0 from S·D meteo ro logical sa tellite in to a
be d uplicated to ma ke b road band Tempus Instruments. Villa l talia Cen- pla nn ed 1500 km po lar orb it.
power a mp lifiers th at will amp lify a ter Suite 594, 7200 W. A lameda A l'e.. AMSAT has also su b mitted a p ro-
one watt signal to over a hundred Denver CO 80226. posal to NASA to pro vi de for amateur
watts o ut put at 14 MHz. all from a experiments aboard the ATS-G Appli-
12.5V d e so urce, no t 28 volin as is cat ions Techno logy Satellite sc hed-
NEW SSB /CW XCVR uled for 197 5. The space wou ld be
required o n several o the r similar c ir-
cu its. As the ampli fier is b roadban d , pu t to good use with a SYN CART
no tuning is necessary from 80 (SYXCluonous Amateu r R adio Tran s-
through 10 me te rs with a SOn lo ad. lator) e xpe rime n t. AMSAT will pro-
TRW ha s the tran sist o rs available . and vide NASA with a 146 -4 3 5 ~ l lI z 10
their applica tion notes .give all the watt line ar translato r for in tegration
info rmation nee ded to mak e th e po w- into the ATS-G package . The sa te llite
er amp lifie rs. Write to TR IV' Semicon- will be pla ced in a geostationary
ductors. J.l520 A viation Blvd.. Lawn- (synchronous) o rbit. Ir will con ta in a
dale Crt 90260 and ask fo r CT-l ~ ~ - 71 3 0 foot parabolic refl ector whi ch is
and CT-l 13 -71. availab le fo r the SYNCART ex pe ri-
Hall icrafters has a ne w sideband ment. This will ena ble ama teurs fo r
COROLE SS 24 HOUR CLOC K the fi rst time to use a sy nc hro nous
tran sceiver that deserves investiga tion
if you're looking for a new o r second sate llite o n a more o r less regular ba sis
rig. The FPM-3 00 featu res all solid - wit h modest ama te ur eq ui pment.
state construction wit h o nly two The SYNCART package is designed
t u b e s and modular cons truct io n for eme rgency com mu nca tions. ed uca-
th rougho u t. Th e rig ru ns a cool 1 50 tional training and ex per ime n ts wit h
wa rts PEP o r 180 wa tts CWo Yo u w ill sma ll terminal mul tiple -access com-
sound m uch stronger o n sideband. munications.
however. because there is an Ie speech A~ ISAT members a t the NASA
compressor fo r emphasizing audio Godd ard Space night cen ter and many
p unc h. Full coverage of all band s and o ther manned flight ce n te rs have been
Traffi c men and Dxers wh o need to buil t-in ac and d c power sup plies assisting with these projects. Dr . Owen
wat ch the time in tw o time zo nes will co mp leme n t the rig fo r a grea t fi xed Garriott. one of. the as trona u ts in
want to bu y th is :!4 hour clock w ith a o r mo bile signal. Hatlicraft ers Co.. 600 training for ' SKY LA H. has indicated
second hour hand fo r kee pin g t ime in Hicks Rd.. R olling Meado ws IL his su ppo rt. Dr. Garriott happen s to
local time, Greenwich time , EST, 60008. © ClarkWardOrange be W5 LFL and a member of AMSAT .

The 50 MHz Band

As of this writing then.' has bee n no
furth er word on the VPS RS Dx pedi- Slow scan acti vit y h.IS s ta rted ro
tion planned by WolG DS, bu t knowing pick up o n ten me ters wit h mo st o f
Bob's ability 10 ge t things done it t he act ivit y ce n te red o n 2S.hSO ~l ll z
would be safe to assume th ai every- Saturd ay mornings and Sun day a fter-
thing will come off as sche duled. noon . A fa ir amo un t or act ivi t y from
Webst er defines a hobby as " 3 Europe: a nd Afri ca t here abo.
pursuit o u tside o ne's regu lar occ upa- A fe w mon ths ago I noticed Denso n
tion enjoyed for rela xation ." Public Elec t ronics' la rge ad in 73. So I
service aspec ts aside. ama teur radi o is chec ked into them ami fou nd a real
supposed to be f un . It therefo re hI:- gold mine of fas l and slow scan T V
hooves each of us 10 a....oid doing g.ood ies. Zoo m lens. ru rrcnts. p rojec-
things wh ich depri ve o thers of their t io n TV systems and much more. The
video tape recorders really caught my have a very interesting picture for
pleasu re . Do you call a rare o r OX the column this month . T h is was
sta t ion every time h e s tops tran smit- eye. Some we re u nde r S400! Wh at
possib ilit ies ! Video tape those ATV reco rded by \nA B\\', and photo-
ting'! Do you inqui re if the frequency
QSO' s . o r ma ke lip programs 10 feed graphed (and described to mc j by
IS in usc be ro n: calling CQ or tun ing
when you're not usi ng the came ra. WO SMQT about t wo years ago , Notice
up? Do you o wn an d USE a d umm y
first the skewed lines running from
load . even o n VHF? »0 you make Cou pled with an on-off timer and T V.
you cou ld work up a sys tem to tape t he bor rom lef t 10 the to p righ t of the
transmissions so long th e band fo lds pictu re. Here the play hack recorder
before you co mplete o ne schange" Do favo rite TV programs fo r la ter view-
ing. Our d a y of dreams is ra pidly was running slightly faster than the
you ca ll CQ so long t he p ro spective
a pproaching. reco rd ing tape rec order. t im... the lines
co n tac t ge ts tired o f wait ing and loo ks
elsewhere? We h ave all ex perienced L~:::---":':-c--=-=------", "lcun" toward t he righ t. If t he p lay-
bac k recorder h ad been slowe r t han
signals ~O, 30 o r 40 kH z wid e obli - Those su ffering TVI would do we ll
to t ry the ban dp ass filt er desi gn hy t he record ing recorder, till.' lines
terating a goodly segme n t o f th e ban d .
WA5S:VD/ 6 descri bed in t he Janu ary would be skewed fro m the top righ t
A mal fu nc tio n can hap pen to an yon e,
19 70 Issue of 73. Severa l o f th ese a re to till' bottom left . If t he two tape
bu t all to o often th e cause is Fred
in use in th is area and nrc d o ing a reco rd e rs were runn ing at th e same
ta lking 10 Harvey d own t h e blo ck
go od joh of red ucing T VI o n th e lo cal speed t he lines would be vert ical. an d
with h is Band Bu rner VI (or the
cha nnel 2, t he callsi gn o f whi ch is a n<.> t no ticeable. except fo r fo ur very
matching linear ) crank ed into sa tu ra-
very ap pro priat e KTV I. slight "hu mp s" at t he very to p of t ill'
tio n . . . just li ke th e last t ime th e
. Doc WA7 FL B, re ports a ve ry quiet picture. It is th ose fo ur "humps' ( flO
ba nd wa s o pe n. QR M fr om o ther
wmter, wh ich is probably j u st as wel l. cy cles d ivid ed h y fo u r t tha t makes th e
stat ions in QSO and t un ing up, e rc ..
Doc has had unren nu diffi cult ies bU I skewe d lines. TIle picture starts c rrat i-
has become as co mmo n as o n t he ca lly on the righ t top . A perf e ct SST V
pro mises to be ba ck in full operatio n
lower ba nds. Bu t it need not be so.
sho rt ly . K9 SDF is recove ring from picture starts th e fir st lin e two t h ird s
Rarel y , even during th e widest open-
d o uble hip surgery and e xpe cts to he of the way across t he fop . (Th e b la n k
ings. do cs o ne hea r act ivity a bove
out o f the ho spit al an d on han d fo r all period is t he vert ical re-t racc .) No tice
50 .2. With 4 Mll z uvuilublc . doesn ' t it
o f the spring open ings. V ery good the tex t ure o f the hair. and th e white
see m a h it ridicu lo us to congre ga te in
pla nning. Ga bc! Larr y Phan r W~lRV F , o f the co llar this is evidence o f a
t he fi rst 50 k llz? Would it no t be
works the nigh tshirt o n h meters, high quality gray sculc. There is a
reasonab le to assume th at all wo uld
seldo m ge tti ng o n befo re mid n ight. sligh t ligh t re fl ect ion in th e ce n ter o f
pro fi t if we were to make be tter usc
You late night types wou ld d o well to th e left eye. showing th e defi nition a
o f th e ba nd d uring openings'?
turn yo ur beams in t he general dircc- 120 line slow sca n pictu re is capable
A report has been received 10 t he
tion of 51. Lo u is in t he ea rly mo rn ing o f prod ucing. Now remem ber . a ce r-
effec t that WA5 lfNK wo rked CE4CP
hours . tain amou nt o f qu ality is lo st each
? n "far~h ~~ th. n tis 10 my k nowledge
It see ms that not many 6 meter time a pic tu re is re p roduce i. thus the
IS the fir st Chilean con tac t since Urlv.
~a ms are aw are t hat man y T V ma nu- o rigina l image o n t he sc reen was bet-
CE 3QG . was act ive seve ral years ag~.
fac rurcrs will supp ly high pass filte rs ter than t he pho to and t he photo
XE I PY remai ns active wi t h seve ra l
a t no cha rge: o r fo r a small h and li ng better than the magazine pictu re . So
sta t ions repo rting con tacts du ring the
charge. I wo uld be pleased to send a the: magazine pic ture: is I hird rail' to
past month . Bob WAOTXV . is looking
copy o f a list of manufucturcrs ad- the original viewed on the screen.
fo r sca tte r and /or groundwave con-
dresses co llected over a period of . R.oho t Research is busy these.' days.
tac ts o n Su nday mo rn ings from 0500
years to anyone sending an SAS l: to F hci r SS T V d irecto ry is in the works
to 0800 CST.
my ho me add ress. Th is list i~ not an d should be available wry soon . If
The comment in th e March issue
comple te in that many "house and you haven' t sen t them a po-t card yet
relative to t he lac k of ac tivity in
!mporkd brand s art' not included. hut telling of your SSTV ucrivitv better
Kent ucky reall y stirred up a h o rn ets'
It does cover a good eros,...sec tion of do :-.0 righ t away or you may get left
nest. T o ny WA4JQS, informs us th at
t he more popu lar brands. Pe rhaps I out . They are also publishing a short
he and Ken WB4 UQC. are act ive from
am leavin g my sel f o pen for mo re th an SS T V newsle tt er which is usually
Some rse t. Both arc wo rk ing o n lincars
I ~an hand le . hut I will a lso offer available from au thorized distributors.
wi t h 3 500Zs. T his indust rious pair
~"lsta n.ce to anyone who n eed s help ~ t is refreshing to set' a com pany
will be ope ra t ing from a fire to wer a t
III ge t tm g on th e ai r, louri ng TV I. or II1 t~rested in just mo re than selling
1590 fl a bove sea level d uring th e
any o t he r pro blem . as long a~ it t he ir product, and Ro bol is as gu ng-ho
VH F con tes t and will be happy 10 pertains to 50 ~ lJ l z opl'ralion. I can't on slow Sl'an as we are.
make selleduk's o n 39M) k Hz. Ab o Tlult fl'llow with t he: h igh coun lry
gua rantee an yth ing ot he r Ih an a ,i n-
a d d H am p WB4SB U a nd Don cere: e ffort. Sl'e you on (I . tot al o n SSTV is Gl' nl' WSYEK . who
WA4V IR of Jdl T own ,lIld Fort has 4 4 coun tril's confi rmed . Close
Bilf TUrl/ n h'..! " A Hf
Cllnpbdl to lill' list of ac tive ~ t.lt io ns .5 Cltes/lII11 Court hl'hind him is Eddie W4 MS . with 40,
in Kentul·ky . . St . Pt' l n.~ M O (l./.1'76
© ClarkWardOrange an d WA C/SSTV. WS UUS and a l.'Ou pk
Tho se amateu rs wo rk ing a t the

h ighe r mi c rowave freq ue ncies will be 1

glad 10 k now th at t he Na tion al Bu reau
o f Standard s f Bo ulder CO ) ca n now •
measure frequencies on the o rde r o f
~5 tcruh ertz (or S5,OOO GH1) t o an that yo u pri nt V I
accuracy o f a bo u t t 10 parts pe r bil-
lio n. The ap pa ratus use d as a mix er K IND WORDS No Block + No Mann ing + No
fo r these measureme n ts uses a m icro- Wit h so mu ch co mp u ter ta lk now in te rest = No ME!!!
sco pic version of the ca t-whiske r intere sting hams - and yo u r in te rest Cal Enn-rso n
d iode. Shade s o f 192 3' in vario us usages o f "73," have you If you want humor. read CQ. Their
AT&T has proposed tha t the land eve r noticed how eve nly this co mes A pril Foo l sur vey article was a laugh
mobile telephone service be moved out as a binary number : 10 0 10 01? and a half
from 50, 150 and 450 M Hz t o 85 0 All'X ll lldN S h'wllrl W lTD
Mll z so that mo re chan nels ma y he Ca mden ME EUR OPEAN TOUR
accommoda ted . The FCC has rcspo n- Haven 't noticed.
ded by o pen ing a new band fro m 8 06 "Th ree so li d week s wit h Wayn e
t.o 88 1. MHz. to be used exclusively Green'! " All I can say is Y UK !!!
lor mobi le com mu nicatio ns. If th is n. M. Ca ssel ma n WA0GSY
plan is implemented . there is go ing 10 I have bee n in the ARRL for the
Conwav 51Irin" !'l K5
be qui te a hau l of VHF su rp lus FM last yea r b ut Q ST just d oesn 't cu t it
Three so lid week s with D. M.
. "
gear on the market from people evacu- fo r me . No t enough article s that are Casselman? Double Y UK .'!!
ating to rb e new band . Watch th i... really for a begin ne r lik e me , so I've
colu mn fo r more info , o r see March had to go out and bu y 73 o ff the
stand. Yo u r " General Class Licen se PLATE PLIGHT
72 Micro waves. T here is so much to say a bou t
An added note : Moto rola objec ts to Study" is a help for my ne x t ste p th e Ap ril issue I'll try to keep my self
the AT&T plan , a nd in stead as ked for which I'm su n: is goi ng to come o u t
down to a few choice wo rd s so as not
another band at 90 0 MHz ; no f. CC o n the passing side. Keep u p the good to take to o much of you r time . Th is
action o n this p roposal is kn own of a t work . Guys like me need a mag like issue was so great that a few o f us go t
this time . 73 .
Earl Baeh WN0A VU toge ther j us t to sit and p ra ise it last
Ne w Micro wave Products evening! Y ou reall y h it the to p with
Microwave Sent!co nd uctor Co rp. ,\ Iinlleapo lis !\I N
this issue!
(f\.1SC) has sco o pe d the bipo la r ind us- r o u keep up th e Rood work , Earl. Wa tch for so me fire from Neb raska
try aga in by announcing a 5 wa tt Ham radio needs guy s like you. in th e nex t yea r or so about license
(ou tput po wer) device at 4 .0 G Hz. At plates : seems the legislatu re here said
$4 00 apiece , I sincere ly d ou b t you o r any o ne who wanted special plates
I will put one o n the ham band s so o n, Please accept my co ngratu la tio ns
could pay a $50 fee and many people
but don ' t forget that the 2 N38 66 was fo r you r co nsisten t production o f a d id . Then they sa w amateu rs with call
over $ 100 just ten or so yea rs ago . p u blica tion that co n tains usefu l, au th- plates and learned that the ha ms paid
Base and emitter Iinewidths o f o ne orita tive articles. These articles are o nly abou t $2. Peo ple go t m ad and
micron allo w minimal parasitic reac- written so they are ea sily u nderstood wro te their congressme n. No w we
ranee while still providing maximu m without regard to the comp le xity o f wai t! I lik e Alaska's syste m for ama-
power gain at 4 GH z for th e MSC their su bjec t matter. teu r plates if rumors are correc t :
4005. F. W.H arland
$ I .0 0 total cost if veh icle has mo bile
Last month's mention o f arsen ic Abing ton PA
eq ui p me n t regularly installed in it.
tra nsisto rs has led some ama teu rs to This could encou rage some grow th in
commen t that . 15 GH z is a p retty hi gh I have enjoyed you r magazin e for the rank s if nothing else will.
frequency to be foo ling around with so me time now. I find it more in te r-
G. Wa~'nt' Heck WB9HJM/0 -i\0TUB
transisto rs. While I must ad mit th at 15 est ing than Q ST. I am in terested in
7·-1-0 1 Sou th 3 :1 5 1.
GH z is the "state-of-the-art as far as yo ur IC applica tions articles. Ho w
Omaha ~B 611 147
bipolar tran sistors are co nce rned . I about a feature article o n SSTV which
fee l I must mention that there are sum ma rizes the d cvelo pm en ts to d a te
com me rciall y available FET's· th at for so meo ne who kn ows ve ry little I wan t to tell yo u about a bu m deal
have cu to ff frequen cies (FT ) o f 4 0 about SSTV , we arc abou t to get from the Mich igan
Gf lz. Now , th at's really moving! J).n.. id A. Boll man n legislature . Mich igan amateurs were
Jim Weir WB6BIII Be thlehem PA able to get thei r call letters o n their
P.O . Bo x 232 33 Coming. auto plates for $2. 00 over the regular
San Diego CA 9 2 123 cost of plates. This isn' t any th ing new
of o thers have WAC o n SSTV also, ...ANO A RASBERRY ! but wha t is new is that so me group
and Bi ll XW8AX ha s le ft La os and ha s p ushed a bill th ro ugh the Senate
ret urned to th e U.S. Bu t a las . .. there Cripes! Just shelled o u t one bu ck (Marc h 16, 197 2 ) boosting the fee to
are some 4 X4 's o n S5TV ha nging fo r yo u r April issue ! It's a ca talogue $ 25 . The bill is Substitu te Senate Bill
aro u nd 1 4 . ~ J O . ... not a maga zine! You lost a lon g- 240, ' I believe . By chance , o ne ham
Well. su mme r is here . and ma y all -stand ing reader"! WH EN you elim ina- (W8AQA Saginaw ) found it o u t and
yo ur ha mfests give Ro bot gear a s ted the jokes. WI YS D, and W:.! NSD / I the resu lt is angry mu ttering all over
prizes. fu n ny co m me n ts and went all FM it Michigan . If it can happen here it can
was Baaaaa!!! Bu t turn ing 73 into a happen in o ther sta tes. We kn ow
Dave Ingram K4T1"J (' B'ers have been stu m ping fo r their
R te. II . 8 0x 49 9, Eastwood Vii. 5 ON, ca talo gue. phooey ! I can get f ree
BirminghamAl. 35 21 0 ca talo gues and©broch ures.
ClarkWardOrange [co n tinued overleaf]

LETTERS continued else and co uld n' t be disturbed . She and they will take a mile . I know
ack no wledged receipt of my letter and several CBers who arc running against
call letter plates for so me time. This said that she would have him either eve ry regulation the FCC has put
may the the state's way of shu tting call me back or get a letter out to me forth . I have co nverte d a few o f them
them up and a t the same time stop- in the next da y's mai l. Two weeks to amateur radio . I showed them how
ping co mplain ts o f favorin g ceriain lat er. nothing. easy it was to ge t a Novice ticket. I
groups, but I think it still is a bum A friend who is the owner o f a believe tha t if everyone who is a ham
deal. nearby repea ter saw me a wee k later would get toge the r wit h the CBers and
R, Dring KRYQC and I tol d him of my unsu ccessful show the m how easy it is to become a
1100 Ii., Hill Rd. attemp t to buy a re peater fro m ham operator, there wou ldn ' t be a
Flint l\tl 4U:;07 Dycom m (he had ordered a Dyco mm need fo r the EIA pro posal at all.
mach ine ea rlier bu t had no t receive d William D S tee n WA 6HnM
It seems like th e license plate issue is it) an d he said he wo uld be ta lking to This is where the local ham club plays
lip again in different parts of th e Pen ny in a few days and would a role in building PR o With another
nation . How have other grou ps mention my plight, which he did . He f ew hundred thousand hams our voice
worked to repeal this f orm of dis- told me that Penn y was sorry as hell would be much louder.
crimination against hams ? Please send and had misplaced my letter and
information to either/or bo th of th e would I please by so kind as to drop EU ROPE REV ISITED
gentlemen above and send a copy to him an other letter . which I did . I sent
73. him a Xerox of the first letter to him Top Tour and Swissair vacation
with a note at the bottom telling him plan as described in CQ for March may
that I had also called him. To this date indeed ap peal to some ama teu rs and
Amateurs all o ver the world mu st be a good undertaking. But, one
have a quiet chuckle to themselves as I have nut heard from Dvconnn. We
have since bought a solid state GE should carefully check what one is
they watc h the goggle-box and any-
re pea ter ($700). ge tting and tota l all the costs involved
th ing to d o with rad io crops up - for against other available p lans. The
the TV-me n AL WA YS goof it! Here in I though t you would be intereste d
in how one of your advertisers re- Swissair ad in CQ makes reference to
England we ge t all yo ur "Cops and
sponds to req uests for informa tion. " 1st Class Ho tels." So me of those
Robbers" films and I was rather idly
Also I guess you are not the only one described under the plan are first class
watching o ne recently wh en th e
who has trouble getting them to read but so me are definitely not. For in-
stro ng ann of the law burst o pen the
their mail. stance. the " ho tel" in Germany does
d oor of the baddies' hideout. The
~ all)f' withheld not fall under any o f the officially
local police-inspector looked pu zzled
No furth er ads will be accepted from establishe d categories of hotels of the
at what he saw inside the room . but
Dy comm for the R epeater Bulletin. first , second , third or fourth class. It is
the kn ow-all FB I agen t explained
73 Magazine, or any other 73 publica- a so-called "Gasthaus" or in n. The
rather airly, " Aha, yes. that's a wry
tions. hotel in Zweisimmen. Switzerla nd is
high powered ma rine wire less trans- officia lly listed as a hotel of the
mitter. " second to fo urth class (depe nd ing o n
No wonder the inspector lo oked the roo m). The postal au thorit ies in
puzzled , fo r the came ra zoomed in on A NOT H ER CHA NCE! OH , WOW! the co u ntries me n tioned who con trol
a typical Novice se tu p. complete with the issuance o f ama teur licenses, are
You are pro bably wo nde ring why I
DX-40. usually very friendly people , but the
too k so long to renew so I'll te ll you . I
When will the film producers learn idea of obtaining your " own special-
was considenng dropping you because
to consult an am ateur? ized personalized callsign." as the ad
I did no t like your sideways format
Dunghill Byrne G:I KPO states. when native amateurs canno t
and the fine print was too much strain
Spa ld ing, England generally obtain such service is
on my far sighted eyes , and also you
A t our FM S ymp o sium in did not put your yearly index in the stre tc hing things. Your personalized
Dec, 197 t issue. What I do like is your call sign will usually be your W call
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, une ham
construct ion art icles and al so you followed by the norma l coun try pre-
walk ed around talking into a Minox
camera with toothpick antenna. keep me posted on what the o ther fix, such as W8XXX/D L. There are
mags do wrong. I get them all . o ther po ints one could men tio n such
Pl ease pu sh for mo re activity on as : wh at d oes one see of Europe
LJYCOMM D ISS ECT ED 220 MHz even if it is FM repea ters so staying in insol ated spo ts? Ever d rive
we don't lose it. I am a 2 meter AM around in Europe during the to urist
After seeing your "Dycomm De- operator and also some 6 meter SSB. I peak? Those 1-2 hou r "theoretical"
mand" story in the April issue,1 have also operated on 220 but there d rives to sigh ts o f in terest become
thought I would sha re with you an wasn 't mu ch activity so I shelved it 6-8 hour grinds. What is so DX'y
expe rie nce I have had with the good temporarily . I de cided to give you about signing W8 XXX/ DL? There will
folks at Dycomm . another cha nce so don 't disappoint be no pileups waiting to work you .
December 21 . 1971 . I wrote J im me with an y more cockeyed formats. Name wit hheld
Penny a t Dycomm and ind ica ted our Joe "Iurph~' WA2F"EK Visiting Europe during the slimmer
CD group was in the process of months can be a terrible grind. My
installing a rep ea ter and I wante d own preference is in Mayor in the
information o n the Dycomm repeater. fall - September and October, when
We had been co nsid ering a Motorola Readin g your J anuary issue , there is the ho tels have rooms, there are seats
unit . Two months passed . we ha d o ur a le tter from Ed Broo ks Jr. W3GAB. ill the restaurants, and weather is just
mo ney in our hands. but no word Well I agree with him hi m 100% about a bit 'cool, but not cold. I like th e
from Dycomm the EIA proposal to allocate 146 - 148 smaller hotels better than th e firs t
I called Dyco mm the latter pa rt of MHz to CD hobby opera tions. Wh y class Hilto n type sanitized and plastic
January , talked to the secretary who get ano the r mess sta rted, If you give American type hotels. And who wants
an swered the phone . explained to her them another one of o ur bands, they to sit in a hotel room watching a
the situation . and she said that Penny may a t a later date wan t more . As the German-dubbed rerun of December
was in a co nference with every body saying ©goes, you give them an inch
ClarkWardOrange Bride?
lm o n a 3-mo n th bu...inc...... tri p to our tails for 50 years and le t ourselves Zealand , to ~lc~turdo Statio n. Al-
Kl." Y west . Drivin g across coun try I be led aroun d and dictated to by an though the pla nes had bee n able to
wo rked in to ma ny FM repeaters and organization that claim... ~7 (if of ou r infonn ~lcMlITd o of their cha nge in
du tifully used your " FCC Official" 10 1. C'mon fello ws and YL's. wake up. plan , due to high lati tude co mmu nica-
log bo o k that I go t fro m the 73 boo th we can d o be tte r than th is ! tio n in te rru p tio ns neither they nor
a t Las Vegas. For my part . si nce all the dissension Me Murdo were able at th at time to
On th e way d own the Florida Keys began 3 yea rs ago. and new o rgani- no tify New Zealand o r to req uest the
my car with lo ts of an tenna s an d the zat ions have cr o pped up (one 0 1 nee de d ligh ting at the airpo rt s th ere.
" FCC OFFIC IAL " was spo t ted by a which is doing very well) and I 'm By working an ama teur circ uit wi th
Cit izen Bande r at a service sta tion, He proud to he a mem ber o f Nu Sigm a Palmer Sta tion you were perhaps t·ht'
passed the word down th e Keys that Alp ha , amateu r rad io has never been o nly person in th e Un ited St ates in
th e FCC was comi ng, There was a mad mo re excit ing. Le t's face it. compe ti- radio commu nica tio n with Antarct ica
scramble to di sconnect li nea rs and tion is fo od fo r th e soul, we a ll mu st a t that time . By relay th ro ugh Palmer.
lo wer a n te nnas by the lo cal Cb'e rs. have it. win o r lose. we do th e best we and the nce through you to the Office
This info was passed o n to me a fte r ca n for ou r co lors.' I can think of of Po lar Programs, McMurdo St atio n
I was he re a couple o f weeks. no thing more bo ring th an to boast was able to re po rt this o pera tional
Tom OR n W6 EIF/-t that I belong to th e one and o n ly eme rgent.]. '. We were th en able to
Key west , Florida maj o r ha m rad io o rganiza tion in th e telephone New Zealand authorities to
cou n try. We 've had 50 yea rs of this verify tha t the sit uatio n was know n to
Th ese log book s are available from d rudgery . and another 5 or 10 years the m and tha t the airport s were read y
73 4/SI, They are designed to be used wo uld parallel t he Chin ese wa te r tor- to receive the flights. Both plan es
as FA! mo bile logs. The cover was ture. S9 let's let ARRL continue the landed safely,
designed to help keep fuzz off' the car. way they wis h, let's d evelo p o ne o r Your p romp t and capable assistan ce
the idea being to casualty teave the log two more o rganiza tio ns an d with it provided a reassuring back up com m u-
book on the dashbuard with th e ' 'FCC develop some frie nd ly competi tion for nication capability fo r wh ich all con-
OFFICIAL .. fac ing up wards. The CB a c hange. It may uncover a few "d usty ce rned a re grate ful.
reaction is a side benefit, bu t one old rigs, so lid ify the p resent me mber- j oseph O. Fletcher
certain ly worth pursuing. shi p o f ARRL and bring bac k so me of Head, National Sci.'m 'e F ou nd a tio n
the compe titive ...pint into an a rea W3i'<h ington DC
CHAPIN REBUTTED where i t has been hereto fo re v irtually
no n-existen t. MARKETING MAGIC?
I wo uld like to com me n t o n yo u r Boh Linker WA9 Vm Reference the " thin 73" item at
guest ed itoria l in Jan . 72 issue o f 73. Chicago H. p , I0 of th e December 1971 issue. Was
which inci den ta lly was a grea t way to o ne o f the Massachusetts bandit s, by
begin the new yea r. An excellen t I cannot agree with YOII more. It is any chance. my favo rite a na thema.
ed itio n (slim or otherwise"). onty with competition that products Herb Gordon o f Woodchuck Hill? As
Admitted ly, Mr. Chapin is well improve and progress is made. Any your files will di sclose I wrote yo u o n
in forme d o n the in ner workings of the company or organization that has a Oct. 2, 19 70, co ncern ing my effort s
for me r IRE and A lEE . now IEEE and monopoly stands only to protect its to induce that ind ivid ual to e ither ship
h is argu me n ts o ffer mu ch for tho ught mo nopoly and great efforts are often me rchandise o rdered or refund my
with regard to the ARRL and its made tn crush any smaller organize- paymen t for it.
obv iou s problems in the are a o f fi nan- tion that threatens to upset the status Ultimately I turned the ma tter o ver
ces, membership & P.R .. b ut to struc- quo. A bou t a decade ago, a small to my attorney and all no rmal legal
ture th e A RRL in the m anner he group organized til e In stitute of A ma- ste ps of a p rel iminary na ture we re
suggests is pure fo lly , I will agree that teur R ad io . T h is organizatio n taken . Gord on blithely ignored all
every o rga niza tio n goes thro ugh a promised to make many reso unding correspondence (including mine). so
cycle. begin ning with its embryonic changes in our hobby: but this pro red we decided it would be rid iculous to
stage to its fina l plea fo r recognition . (() be such an earth-s haker that the spend a couple o f hundred dollars in
and iron ically enough, tha t is where well established organization took eourt to re cover $99.95, th e amount of
the simi lari ty in our th in-ing also di es. great efforts 10 stop the competition.
Forming a new or gan ization by t he What can be done now? Well. fo ra th e check I had sen t Go rdon . I pub li-
ac t of merging does not guarantee starr, a new organ ization is needed to cized h is performa nce via a co u ple of
con tin uit y of th e o ld o rganizatio n, it offer services. pro duce some son of OT organizations to whi ch I belong. I
is merely a way of saving face . in mo st tnfonnation d isseminating system. and wo nder if he is still in business?
cases. it is the final plea fo r rec ogni- present ideas to its membership. The In any even t, I'm m inus the
tio n as men tioned ea rlier. On ce the resultant competition need no t be $99.9 5 - and the wattmeter,
merger is com ple te the o ld o rga niza- vicious nor cruel. but may be do ne Further concernin g material in re-
tion is gone forever. I wo uld like to with a keen eye 11) the o ther to see ce n t issues. You have ind icated ' an
know how ~Ir. Cha pin is able to d raw what is being done so that it may interest in th e possibility o f introdu-
a paralle l bet ween the IRE & AlE E vs. impro ve upon the latest offerings. The cing things o f a new nature which
ARRL & WHOM? The ARRL simp ly consumer has the ability 10 vote for might have departmental aspects. So
has no co mpetition. Ho w can you the system he appro ves of mo st, and how would yo u lik e t o bankrupt the
draw a parallel be tw een the ARRL & that vote he casts is in the fo rm of th e o rganiza tio n via a thing that migh t be
CW & RC & TFC & Non/TFC & OX & dollar. Obviously th e organization en titled " \{ arketing Magic?" It would
er e." Any ran k SWL realize s that the that offers the most will win . That be concerned with the type o f ream-
real p roblem ste ms from the fac t th at which off ers nothing will stagnate. ing I to o k from Gordon. It would
ARRL sim ply has no competi tion.' I report complain ts from amateurs who,
know I repeated it , ma ybe by now it The follo wing tetter was received in fact or in fan cy , have been victim-
has su nk in so me where between the by Peter Lo velo ck 1V6AJZ , fo r his role ized by su p pliers. It would be based
head phones. Sho w me an o rganiza- in saving two Navy aircraft from upon letters se n t to 7 3 b y victims
tion o r co mpany with sole righ ts and disaster. such as WIGAA . It would co n ta in
dist ributo rsh ip o f a product o r service I wish to thank you for the excel- nothing libelous. but would rather
and I will show you an infe rio r pro- len t assistance wh ich you , as a n am a- constitu te a factual and o bjec tive re-
duct or service ! teu r radio operator. gave the United cord that would , hopefully , d ifferen-
You know it . I know it . and Mr. States antarct ic program o n February tiate be tween the su pplie rs who deal
Chapi n knows it along with 200,000 28 . 19 72 . At tha t time two Un ited above the table and those who d on't.
ot her a ma teu rs in the U.S. We live in a States Navy LC- 130 aircraft had bee n Allo wing fo r m y undo u b ted b ias, I
cou ntry who se economy is based and forced by headwind s to turn back o n think so meth ing of this na ture wou ld
fo und ed on com pe tit ion, ye t we sit on a fligh t from Ch ristch urc h, New (continued overleafl
© ClarkWardOrange

Hamfest . Aug. 20. Giant fl eamart . ma nual , 9 0 pages: AN/ARTl 3 .A.B
swimming. picnic king. all free . Dis- man ual. 400 pages. bind er . WANT:
pl ays. mobile check-in. Camp ing Han son Corrill Bryan 100R phase-
Available . Yankee Lak e . Rt. 7 near sensit ive Volt meter manual: ln srru-
1-80 . Details : QSL WSVTD. ment Electronics 24 7 VTVM manual ;
0 - 400V regulated power su pply.
P"ce - S2 per 25 words 10< roon..:ommercoal A5 MAGAZINE: The all new ATV
ads . S10 per 25 words 10< bus,ness wn tutes. No publication covering all modes o f ham IACC PICN IC/HA MFEST. Interstate
d,splay iIds Or iIgeOCV d'SCOOni. loc'ude your
c hec k ... l1h o rder .
TV . Subscriptio n $2.5 0 per year. Bi- all the way ; 2 hours Chicago; 2 hours
monthly . P.O. Bo x 651 2-B. Ph ila- Cinci n nati; 2 ho urs Lo uisville. Ju ly 9.
[)Ndhne lor iIds 's the lst o f the month t'lYO delphia . Penna . 191 38 . FAIRGROUNDS , LAFAYETTE ,
mon ths prOOf '0
pubhcatlon Fo< e ~ amp le INDIANA . Indiana Radio Club Coun-
J lIn uary 1st IS the delld.....e l or the Millrc h is....e
...h,ch ...,UbI! m,..
led o n the 10th o f Fffiru ill' y ,
Will TRADE a General Radio pri- cil.
m ar y frequency sta ndard model
Typ" copy. P hrase and p unc TuaT" "~ 3Ct l y illS I IOO-A for a Hewlett Packard sign al
you ... ,sh , t 10 appear, No all-ca p ,t al &<1s, generator model 608-D/E. The GR SALE - like new with origina l in-
I IOO-A will measure frequen cies from struc tio n .boo k (3) Art 13 Au to tune
100 k Hz to 50 Mll z to I part 10 9 for Aircraft Transmitters with all tubes,
We ... ,11 be the judge of sUI ta b IliTy of ads. Our
respo ns ib ,li ty lor errors e~lencl$ o nl y 10 p ri nt-
mg a co rrect ad"., a late. 'SSu e. sho rt term stability. Co mplete with a ll $50.0 0 each . Also : (3 ) new Pan a-
manua ls alnJ cabinets and precision daoters. Be IOJ I with spa re tubes and
Fo r $ 1 'e ~ tr a 'Nt! can ma, nta ,n a repl y bo ~ l o r master oscillato r, clock , co mpara to r power cord and original tech . manual.
you .
scope and transfer oscillators . Te ch $7 0 .0 0 each. Shipping costs co llect.
Edi to r, 73 Magazine . W3RYJ , R.D. 4 . Bo x 368, Reading.
We CillnnOI c heck .nto each adve rt ,ser, so C.... eat
Emptor .
PA.1 9606,
FOR SALE . Ro ss & White 19 72 mod- HAMFEST Sunday Sept. 17. 197 2.
el FM tra nsceiver wit h twelve chan nels Gas Co. Park . o n Thompson Rd . FOR S ALE Drake TR-6- with AC-4.
and three frequ en cy tone burst built Between Frank lin Rd . & Five Points MS4 RV 6 . AM filt er. " ~i n t"
in by the fac tory. Lo ud speaker on Rd . Admission 5 1.00. Vend ors Free 5600.00. Will trade . Swa n-TV2- B -
front panel fo r best audio resul ts. Hourly Prizes. Refreshments. For info $200.00. Jimc- WIVYB . 53 Lot h ro p
Scmete r. hot front end. protected rf Write Bili Evans. P.O. Box 19449 , St. . Beverl y . Mass. 019 15.
tran sisto rs. all crysta ls easily changed Indianapol is. Ind . 462 19.
and trimmed . 0. 1. 1.0 and 10 watt FIFTH ANNUAL RADIO SOCIETY
ou tpu t. mechanical filter fo r selec tivi- FIGHT TVI with the R.S.O. low Pass OF ONTARIO Co n ve,n tio n -
ty. six IC's in one o f the most modem Filter. See p i 15. March 1972 , 73. Ki tchener, November 3 and 4 . 19 72 .
circui ts ye t produced This tran sceiver Write for brochure . T aylor Commun i- Canad a's Biggest - excell ent forums
sold for $405 with th e 180 0 . 1950 catio ns Manufacturing Company . Box for OM' s and XYl's. Write R.S.O.
and 2 100 li z tone burst. The first 126 . Agincourt . On tario . Canad a. Conve n tion. Kit chener-Wate rl oo Ama-
check fo r $20 0 will get this unit ,
brand new, used only fo r test s at 73 11
-;:==============i1 teu r Rad io Club . Box 8 12, Waterloo.
Ontario , Canada .
HQ . 73 Magazine, Peterborough NH
034 5R , TECH MANUALS for Govt su rplus
gear o nly $6 .50 each: R-38 8/URR ,
FET VOM' s, CD IGNITION SYS- R - 3 89 /URR , R - 3 90 /URR ,
TEMS. Natio na lly ad vertised . Goo d R- 3 9 0A /URR , R - 220 /URR ,
discount. All equipme n t guaran teed. R - 2 74 /FRR , C V-59 I A /U R R,
Must see specs to appreciate . Rodgers T8-497B/URR , URM-25D. W31HD,
& Son (73). Bo x 3583, An ah eim CA. 4905 Ro anne Drive, Washington . DC
20021 .

CLEANING OUT SHAC K, ga ra~e and

a ttic. Six new su rplus 6C2 1 tri odes.
mise xmfrs. cho kes. ca ps & xtals. List
available. WA70TN. 18 5 East 55 0
be a real service to all hams. But of North. Bountiful. Utah 840 10.
course it might take 73 out of the
picture - or. lik e the vario us co n- Be The First! BUYING ? SELLI NG? TRADING?
su me r's magazines, it might sta rt a Are you gomg to let the EIA steal one of Don't make a mo ve until yo u've seen
boom for yo u. our most promising ham bands without a our new publication . Free Sa mple
I'd be d eligh ted to ed it such a fight? Are you going to sit still while this copy! Six issue s $ 1. HAM ADS. P.O.
co lu mn. What d o you thin k? piracy takes place? Or are you going to BOX 46-653R, L.A. , Cal. 90046,
AI Smi th WI GAA/K3ZMS fight back? Are you going to get on 220?
Temple Nil Are you going to help get a repeater on ,
220? Are. you going to let the manufac- FIELD DAY ma sts: 9 \12' x 3" o.d .
There are a few cases where a turers know that they can't buy our ham alu minum alloy ; ex tre me ly rigid ; 20
warning to th e reader is in order, but a band by lavishing dollars in Washington? Ibs. each. $8 .25 each. Kleinschmidt
good percentage of the complain ts To help you get the spirit started with teletypewriter (K SR ), very go od con-
that have been received at 73 have your club 13 is oHering these shirts - 220 dition , $49 . Mod el 14 repcrf', good
been exaggerated. Th e 73 policy has - USE IT OR LOSE IT - you may be the cond ition, S IS. Unused : 4CX 250K ,
been to ref use f urther advertising to first in your club and make everyone eat 538; 4CX300A, 52 6: 4XI 50A , 517.
firms which generate legitimate com- their heart out Wear these to hamfests and Air craft emergency hom , 2SWi:5.5 A
plaints fro m custo mers. A good p er- conventions - let's get the word out. (lo ud !). $35. New 28LPR reperf in
centage of th e 73 advertisers are in- These 220 shirts are $2.50 each postpaid ogn l sea led carton, 579. RCA4500
votved with mail orders so we try to - state size desired - small, med ium or vidicon for SSTV. unused , (New:
do everything we can to make sure large - state color desired as long as it is 5480), 599, K3MNJ, 836 1 Langdon
that everything is on the up-and-up. blue. USA only. St. , Phil a. Pa . 191 5 2 . T el :
73 is also suing Mr. Gordo n. th ough 73 Magazine , Peterborough NH 03458 215-725-2373,
nu t with any remarkable success. © ClarkWardOrange
Peter R. Jenn ings VE 3GEJ
600 Peach Avenue
Niagara Falls, On tario

iterall y h undreds of a r t i~ Ies have been have. There are tw o major reaso ns for this:
L writte n over the past few years de-
scribi ng ante nna arrays ranging from di pole
They don't have the room o r they d on ' t
have t he money . Well, he re is a high-gain
simplici ty to full-size 40m q uads . Still, it ante n na which was bu ilt in a 55 x 35 ft
seems that mo st hams do not have as good back ya rd at a total ex pe nse o f abo u t $5
an antenna syste m as th ey would li ke to for an ten na wire plus so me left over hard-
ware from a 75m dipole.

Fig. 1. The general shape of the an tenna.

© ClarkWardOrange
JUNE 1972 AN 18 17

F'"., " i'o ""1- ", 0 '0 ",0 ""~- 9 ::-'; i' I" - 9 " ., "--j--'O ,,-. i' -T' "., "1
'--------j(;) 0 Q (;) 0 Oc------'
4 t il
t3 rei
Z nd
I Sf

Fig. 2. Spacing o f th e elem en ts on th e support wire.

Checki ng back over th e past two years eno ugh to reach easily fo r pru ning. With
of 20m o peration I discovered that 62% o f the guys which hold th e ele me nts in shape
all co ntac ts were with sta t io ns in Europe. atta ched to a fence at th e e dge o f th e y ard,
The remainder were mostly co n tac ts in the forces are d irected to th e side in st ead
Canada, South Am erica , a nd a sma ll co un- of downward s, thus putting less st ress o n
try to t he sou t h know n as t he U.S. t he suppo rti ng wire.
Alt hough J was working a fair number of Although I will explain t he metho d of
sta tio ns, th e re ports were usually . " You construction in consid erable detail here ,
have a go od signal here, but there is plenty the me chanical st ru ct u re is not ve ry critical
o f QRM on the frequency , 73 and hope t o a nd is o nly prese nted for the use of th ose
see you wh en th e ba nd is qu ieter. " Of wh o wish to du pli cat e my antenna exac tly.
course. t he ba nd has no t yet q u iete ned First , measure off a 52 ft le ngth of guy
down. Since I enjoy ragchewing mu ch WIfe, which will be th e su pporti ng ca ble.
more than th e quick " re po rt exchange " Slide six of th e st rain insulators onto th e
co n tac t, I decided to take stock o f what I wire and space them acco rding to th e
had in my junkbo x and build th e best PULLE Y ____
unidirectio nal a ntenna I co uld devise in th e
space availa ble.
My searc h co m plete, I came up with
two 33 ft TV masts, a few hundred fee t o f
guy wire, a nd a bo x of egg t ype st rai n
insu lators. Afte r purchasing 4 50 ft of
an te nna wire, a roll o f nylon clo t hes line,
and tw o sma ll pulleys, J had all th e parts
for my superbea m. Several months ago I
had the idea o f suspe nd ing a quad from a
wire boom. Closer exa mina t io n o f this id ea
sho wed th at if the sq ua re ele me nt co nfig-
urati on was to be used , tw o booms would
be required . if the diamond configuration
CL A MP TO "",-
were t o be used it would be diffi cult to FASTEN
fo rm th e sq uare shape necessary and th e
eleme nts th emselves would almost t ouch Ft.EXIBLE WIRE
the ground . OF SUPPORT 9001II

Suddenly while playing about with dif-

ferent ele me nt co nfigura t io ns, I realized
that th e m ost co mpac t sha pe with a I A
pe rimeter would be a triangl e. So I ca me
up with the an ten na shown in Fig. I . This
requires o nly o ne su ppo rt ing wire, and the
element sha pe ca n be adjusted so that th e
height above grou nd is about 7 ft. AI· Fig. 3. Details of m asts. Do not anchor guys to
though this so u nds low, it t u rns ou t t o be grou nd until the mast is vertica l. Th en tighten
just high eno ugh t o mow th e lawn , yet low guys as tension on the antenna is increased.

© ClarkWardOrange
spacing sho wn in Fig. 2. The insulators I ./'- SUPf"ORT CAkJ!:

used have the two holes drilled perpendic-

ular to each othe r, which makes them
excellent fo r supporting the elements of
this antenna. Electrical tape was used to
hold th em in position.
Second, set up the masts according to
the details of Fig . 3. The poles I used are
TV masts made to a length of about 33 ft
each by adding three lOft sections with
swaged ends and a 4 ft scrap of tubing to
be buried in the ground. A pulley is
attached to the top of the mast and 50ft HORlZOffTAl. .... PO&lla..f. 00 NOT
of flexible guy wire is pulled through it.
This will be used to lift the antenna into Fig. 5 . Details o f the elem ent mo un ting .
position after the masts have been erected ft . The loss in RG-5 8 is 1.7 dB /lOO ft. In
and lower it for changes o r servicing. Two watts that means that 100W output from
guys attache d adjacent to the pulley are the transmitter at the end of 100 ft of
use d to balance the tension on the support- RG-5 8 is only 68W at the antenna. But
ing wire. In addition, two more guys are with RG-8, IOOW at the transmitter means
attached halfway up the masts to hold 83W at the antenna.
th em straight. The entire assembly is light Next, attach the support wire ends to
enough to be walk ed up into th e vertical the wire on pulleys of the masts and hoist
position and dropped into a 3- 5 ft hole. the antenna into the air. Atta ch nylon
Th e earth ca n the n be fille d in aro und the clothesline or heavy string to the insulators
mast and the guys temporarily an chored. and pull the eleme nts into a triangular
Next, measure the wire for the elements shape. These guys should be attached as far
according to th e table in Fig. 4 and insert from the antenna as possible or even better
the wire in the insulato rs as sho wn in Fig. as high from the ground as possible . This is
5. Make sure you do not mix up the to prevent the stra in of the guys from
elements at this point. Add two more pulling the support wire ou t of sha pe.
insulators to each element and spread the Now you are ready to prune the ele-
wire out o n each side o f the boom so that ments. This can be done by setting a field
it will no t tangle when the antenna is being strength met er in front o f the antenna and
lifted into place. The feedline should be trimm ing the elements for a maximum
attached to the driven elemen t and taped readin g. If this is not possible , a reasonably
along the suppo rt wire to the end nearest good approximation can be made by reson-
the shack. Any son coax will work well ating the elements to the frequencies
(depending o n th e power you are running). sho wn in Fig. 4 with a grid dip meter. To
Incid entally . the loss in RG-8 is 0 .7 dB /lOO be sure that the calibration of the grid

E lement Length of W ire Needed Resonant Frequency

Reflec t or 71 '9 " 13.8 MHz
Dr iven E lemen t 70 '0" 14.17 MHz
F ir st D ir ector 6 8 '3 " 14.60 M H z
Second D ir ec t o r 6 6 '6 " 14.90 MHz
Thir d D ir ector 6 4 '9 " 1 5 .40 MHz
F o urth D irecto r 6 3 '0 " 15.90 MHz

L engths are gi ven for a reso n a n t frequen cy of 14.170 MHz . If the frequency is
higher, the y should be sho rt e ned accordingly. IMP ORTANT : These lengths are
rou gh e st imates and sho ul d not be u sed without pruning with the a ntenna in
the air .

Fig. 4.
© ClarkWardOrange
AN 19 19
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Marine and Portable Operation
\ Pa c kaged for APO and FPO Shipping ,w. Z:.

lllEU caIPLElIll I U n ElPl80fU 1. ' :1

t.3 :1
1.4 '1
I .Z:I
1.1 :1
~ 1 EL EMENTS 1:1-

14 .0 14.1 14.2 14 .3 14 .4
Fig. 6. A plot of swr vs freq uency sho ws that the
antenna is quite flat acro ss the entire band. In
Ban ds fact the swr does no t exceed 1. 5 : 1 on an y
frequen cy.

dipper is not being pulled by the antenna

elemen t, a co mm unicatio ns receiver can be
co nne cte d to th e ante nna which will pick
up the signa l and assure acc urate calibra-
1·24 + RI·l C,mbill,ti" NIt 194.15 tion . Last, trim the driven element fo r a
RI·3 I.OICI" K~ 1"~ 1 N.t 131.95 mmimum swr.
The first ti me I plu gged th e ante nna
6·10·15 ·20 into th e transmitter I th ought so me t hing
METERS had gone wrong with my swr meter. No
The ti me proven
8 ·24 4-Band an. matter h ow far I advanced t he sensitivit y I
tenna combine s
Patented maximum etu - could not get a reading in th e reflected
cfencv and com .
pact d es i g n to position . The swr was a flat 1: I . The final
Bands 6·10-15·20 Meters r rovide an excel-
e n t an te n na
where space is a
resona nce swr is sho wn in t he graph of Fig.
Power Rating 1400 Watts P.E.P.
factor. New end
[ I. l ength 11 ' loading for max- The fir st statio n I worked was OZ7K B,
imum rad iati on
Turn . Radius 7' efficien cy . No who re po rted my signals to be S9 , and o ne
Tot al Weight 13 Ibs. center loading .
of th e few YEs co ming through at that
Single Feed Line 52 ohm Model 8·24
SWR at Resonance 1.5 10 1.0 mall. Net $62.95 tim e. Receivi ng, his signals were also S9 . A
few mo re con tac ts with more S9 reports
MULTIBANO COAXIAL ANTENNA using ISOW PEP confi rme d that th e an te n-
for 6·10 ·15·20 METERS na was working well.
Needs no ground plane radial s. Full electncat
If.! wave on each band. Excellent quality Comparison reports with a vertical show
construction, Mount with inexpensive a co nsiste nt 10 to 15 dB gain o n both
TV hardware. Patented .
Power Rating 1400 Watts P.E.P. receive a nd transmit. The antenna has the
Total Weight 6 Ibs . add ed bonus of cu tt ing o u t the QRM I
Height 11' used to get from the South Ameri can
Single Feed line 52 ohm kilowatts.
SWR at Resonance 1.5 to 1.0 malt.
Since I am no an tenna engin eer, I
Model C4 Net $36,95 cannot give any rigid theo ries as to ho w o r
See our entire line at your nearby distribu tor why th is an tenna works. I do not even
or wr ite the factory for furth er info rma tion
and li te rat ure.
know what t he po larization is. All I can say
with certainty is that it works for me and I
am quit e pleased with it s performance .
Incidentally , I do not see why th e ante n na
ca n 't be ex te nde d to more elements if th e
Call 814 - 454·2171 room is available. Like, how about a chea p
1001 W. 18th Street· Erie, Pennsylvania 16502 12-element 20 m beam?
. .. VE3G EJ -
20 © ClarkWardOrange
Harold Jones G5ZT
:3 Bircham View, Austincres
Egg Buckland, Plymouth
Devon, England

la w Sca n? What is t hat, OM?" "Slow Scan ? Wh at is th at , OM " When I

S Yes, believe it or not , th at is th e
question I am aske d time and time again
ex plain th at I have been send ing Slow Scan
ama teu r tel evision pictures, th ey invariably
when I have transmitt ed ama teu r tel evision say so me th ing like this: " Sorry, OM , I did
Slow Sca n pictures on 14 230 k Hz and not know that sound was Slo w Scan . I have
an nou nced the fact on SSB, only to find often hea rd it bu t th ought it was some
some DL, OK, SM, and even W/K sta tio n co m mercial RTTY o r high speed Morse - I
responding as if I had o nly t ran smitted a deliberat ely used the frequency for testing
ph one CW call. When I repl y that I am read y and tuning-up purposes. Television on these
fo r Slow Scan transmissio ns a nd ask , " Have DX bands would be mo st interesting ...
you t hat facility?", they ap pea r puzzled : please explain all abou t it and tell me how I
can get eq uip me n t goi ng and where I can get
the eq uip men t o r circuits."
Hence this article to ex plain in simple
terms what SSTV means and what equip-
ment is required. Mu ch ha s been written
abou t this su bject bu t it seems to m e that it
has been too tec h nical fo r man y uma tue rs.
T hey have just gi ven th e article a cu rso ry
glan ce and then forgotten all about it.
SSTV is a means wh ereby amateurs can
transmit and receive television pictures
world-wide using the normal na rrow band
wavelengths in the ama teu r bands of 80, 40,
20 , 15 and 10 meters.
All ama teu rs wiII und erstand the prin-
G5Z T a t his station. ciples o f co mme rcial broad cast television .

© ClarkWardOrange
JUNE 19 72 T V 12 21

Versatility plus! ... in a

2 Meter 1M Transceiver
Over-the-shoulder, mobile, or at home
Completel y transistorized , compact, portable.
Capac ity fo r 6 channels. Buil t-in telescoping
antenna, and connector for external antenna.
Use barefoot or w ith accessory amplifier. Ex-
ternal 12 V DC or internal ni-cad batteries,
built-in 120 VAC battery charger.
Complete with: Dynamic Mike, GENERAL: • Freq. coverage: 144- 148 MHz . 6 channels, 3
O·T·S Carry ing Case, 120 VA C supplied • Pu sh -to-tal k Xmit • DC Drain: Rcv, 45 rnA;
and 12 VDC Cords, Speakerl Xmit, 450 mA. Size: 5-3/8" x 2·5/ 16" x 7·1 /8" , 3·3/4 lbs,
Headphone Plug and 10 Nj·Cad
Batteries. RECEIVER: • Transistorized crystal-controlled su perhet . t st
IF: 10.7 MH z, 2nd IF : 455 kHz. Ant. In putlmped: 50 ohms

$199 !~ur Net

• Sensi tivity : 1 J.lV or less/20 dB S+N/ N • Audio Output :
0.7 W. Built-in speaker.
TRANSMITTER. RF Outpu t over 1 W • Freq. Oev. adj. to
AA-22 Amplifier $149.95
MMK-22 Mobile Mount $6.95 15 kHz max., factory set to 5 kHz.
BBLT·I44D Hustler Ant. $27.95


mI ®
540 Richard st. Miamisburg, Ohio 45342
Phone, 15131865-2421 • rerex. 28WI?

fe w miles, se ldom ou t o f t he ama teur's own

cou ntry .
By using SSTV. television pictures can be
tra nsmitted using a bandwidth o f no more
than 2.5 kHz so that transmission is perfect-
ly possible in the 8 0 t o 10 m eter bands
where world-wide c o mmunicatio n is quite
normal. Not only is this possible , but ,
because of the narrow bandwidth used. it
easily co mplies wit h intern atio nal regula-
tions, co vering no wider a cha nnel tha n SSB
does and even less than that of AM or FM .


,· 0
SSTV DX! Transmitted by W4LAS, the picture is
of h is niece. ~ECE I VE~

This must be tra nsmitte d and re ceived o n

VHF o r UIIF because o f the w ide band-
with - a n yt h ing from 2 MHz t o 6 Mll z
,· 0
depending o n the country . To use a mini- TAPE
mum of 2 MHz ba ndwidth for amate ur
te levison means that hams have to use the MONI TO~

4 3 2 MHz o r eve n higher freque ncy b and s, Fig. 1. Block diagram of interconnections for the
whi ch they do, but ac tivity is comparatively short-wave viewer and transmitter for television
low and communicati on is normally only a reception . .

© ClarkWardOrange
The catho de ray tube is the special
\V long-persistence ty pe, usually P-7 p hosp hor.
The incoming signal is truly slow scan and,
TAPE OUT MIKE TRANSM ITTER unlike co mme rcial televisio n wh ich appears
RECORDE R to be instantaneous due to th e high line and
frame ra te , appears to pain t the picture from
the to p left t o the bottom right of the
\V cat h o de ray t ube, taking a total o f eigh t

seconds to complete the picture on the tube.
That is why you have to use a P-7 phosphor.
When this eigh t seco nd period reaches th e
botto m of the tube, the sy nc signal sta rts the
\V process over again. The norma l practice is to
transmit each pic ture for three o r more
CAMER A OUT INPUT TRANSMI T ree frames, enabling the rece iving amate ur to get
F 1.9
a full pic ture and tape record. Inten sity o f
the picture is fre quency - modulat ed ac-
Fig. 2. Block diagram of in tercon nections for the
cording to the standards already listed, i.e .
transmission of pictures.
fo r highest b righ t ness, 23 00 Hz , for bla ck ,
1500 Hz, a n d for line a nd fram e sy nc h ro ni-
The difference between amateur tele- zat ion by 1200 Hz blacker th an black pulses
vision on 4 32 MlI z , where objec ts ca n he at the line an d frame rat es. The b andwid th is
seen moving, and SSTV, is th at the picture thus limited to the normal voice grade
m ust be sta tic . Call signs, photographs of co mmunicatio n frequencies into the tra ns-
self, y l, xy l, fa mily. shack, cartoons and mitt er microphone socket fo r transm itting
writte n messages can be easily transmitted and into the receiver circuits for recept ion.
anywh ere in the world with surprisingly good Now don't think that this is 100 co mp lex
definition . But it is fascinating to contact a for you. I only co mme nced o perating in this
sta t io n 10,000 mil es (or even 50 miles) away m ode on April 22 , 1971 , and have already
and exchange a series o f pi ctures. had over 80 two-way television contac ts
To mak e this technically feasible o n a with Greece, Swe de n, Ital y , Alask a, U.S.A. ,
world-wide basis, a standard has been Puerto Rico , and Guadelo upe Island . I have
reac hed which all SST V a ma te urs u se , as received short -wave viewers' reports from
follows: Norway, Russia. Czechoslovakia . Singapore,
Number of lines 120 Austria and Australia. This sho uld prove to
Tim e per frame 8 seconds -
the d 0 'l.bt ~rs what a great deal of ac tivity
Modulati on ( white ) 2300 Hz Modulation FM
Modulation (black) 1500 Hz
Sync. 1200 Hz
Sync durati on
Horizontal 5 millisecond s
Vertical 30 milliseconds
Normally aft er tra nsmitting video signals,
the same frequen cy is used fo r sound to
announce the fac t that yo u are lo oking for
slo w sc an contacts. Alth ough technically it is
possibl e to use vision and sound simulta-
neously on either sideban d , I have not h eard
of this method in use yet. For reception of
the pictures, all that is necessary is for the
o utput from your communicatio n receiver
spea ker terminals to be fed into a cathode
ray assembly called the monit or. Typical logo used by SSTV hams .

© ClarkWardOrange
JUN E 1972 TV 13 23


I. Use a video tape recorder. Get an SSTV
ON'OR SPEECH amateur to make a video tape of your call
M'KE~o- \lI sign, photographs, etc. All you do is feed
recorder output into your transmitter
TRANSMITTER microphone socket.
F 1.9
2. Use a Flying Spot Scanner. With t his, you
can make up your own versio n of y our
call sign to feed int o the transmitter.
3 . Use a video camera. This is the ultimate
\lI for SSTV. You can have a target stand in
front of the camera o n which to place any
writing or photographs or you can tum
the camera on yourse lf, your shack, etc.
Camera output again is fed into the
transmitter as in the o ther methods.
l- The video signal is adjuste d to give the
same transmitter rf o utput level as y our

0 0 0
voice peaks, or just slightly lower, being
careful on SSB not to go beyond the
specified carrier insertion levels or, if using
an AM or FM transmitter, the same levels. If,
Fig. 3. SSTV interconnections at G5ZT. for example, your SSB transmitter instruc-
tions say speech peaks of 150 m A, th en I
there is ; it is increasing daily . I understand would adjust the video level to aro und 100
that there are over 30 countries using SSTV rnA .
and that so me amateurs already have over 20 If you build your o wn equipment, see th e
C. to the ir credit. I predict that by 1975 the' appendix for numerous articles on equi p-
first DXjCCjSSTV certificate will have been ment. If you want to get on the air quickly
issued . by purchasing commercial equipment , there
I t is a pleasure to find the slow scan are three firms that I know o f producing
amateurs such a friendly bunch , with no equipment:
rush to get rid o f you for th e next QSO . R o bo t R esearch II/ C., 759 / COI/voy
Contact for an hour o r more is quite normal Court, SOl/ Diego CA 92 / 11. Came ra and
and the experts are always willing to give monit or.
you every assistance and advice . The most
po pular freq ue ncies in use are 3845 , 3740,
7050, 14 230, 2 1100, 21430 , 28 100 and
28600 kHz , the two main lo ng distance
frequencies being 14230 and 21430 kHz.
All you have to do is to tune your
receiver to the signal which sounds similar to
RTTY or high speed Morse with a noticeable
"pip" every eight seconds. If you hear the
stat ion on sound then that is the correct
tuning position to receive the pict ure.
A tape recorder is almost a "mu st," since
you should tape all signals. Then you can
play them back at leisure for chec king
purpo ses, proving reception to y our friends
or taking photographs of the pictures.
For• tra nsmitting • you can use any of the
following met hods to feed the pict ure into The ID picture of FG7XT, as received in England
your transm itter microphone socket : by G5ZT.

© ClarkWardOrange
Convert your ham station to a complete
SSTV station in 7 easy steps:
Just add a Robot monitor and camera and
follow these simple instructions:
All popula r ham radio sets may be used wi th the Robot SSTV equipment and
absolutely no mod ifi cation is re quired. Pictu red above is a complete SSTV sta-
tion . The inset photo shows the back o f the Robot moni tor, w ith all connecting
cab les. To co nve rt your existing amateu r station to an SSTV sta tion:
Co nnec t the cab le su pplied with the Rob ot ca ble ® which is c onnecte d to the receiver
Model 80 camera to th e soc ket CD on the back by mean s of a " Y" conne cto r in th e speaker
of the Model 70 monitor. Power is th en sup- lead.
pli ed to th e ca me ra from the monito r and th e SSTV signals are connec ted to th e phone
video i mage from yo ur camera is displayed on line (0 to provid e two-way SSTV ex cha nge
the monitor. with othe r Robot SSTV sets connected to the
Ne xt, con nect the transmi tte r connecti ng c a- phon e line.
ble ® to the microph on e jack on you r trans- After these connec tio ns are made, the sta-
mitter or transceiver. Yo ur microphone ca ble tion is operated by swi tches on the monitor
now c onnec ts to the mic ropho ne jack provided front panel.
on the back of the Robot Monitor ®. That's all the re is to it. As you can see, abso-
Paone jack <D co nnects the signal fr om your lutely no modific ati on s of y ou r existing equi p-
camera o r rad io receive r to your tape recorde r ment are requ ired. All necessary cables are
so that it may be reco rded fo r later viewing included wi th yo ur Robot monitor and ca mera.
o r transmitti ng .
Phono j ac k ® also connects to yo ur tape For a demonstra tion of Robot SSTV equipment,
rec order so SSTV signals previou sly rec ord ed con tac t your Robot dealer. Write us for com-
on audio tap e may be displayed on th e Robot ple te in fo rmati on on Robot SSTV equipment,
moni tor for viewing , or transmitted, wheneve r and the name of your nearest dealer.
yo u wish.
SSTV sig nals comi ng fr om any rad io receiver
o r transce iver are relayed to th e Robot mon -
itor fo r viewi ng and recording by mean s of ROBOT
COURT, 5AN D'EGO, CA . 2111 (714) 27.-.43.
_... .

Macdonald. C. "A New Narrow-Band Im age Trans-
mission Sy stem," QST August and September,
Macd o nal d , C. "Slow-Scan Image Tran smission. A
Progress Report," QST A pr il. 196 O.
Macdo nald, C., "S.c.r. M. An im p roved system fo r
Slow-Scan Image T ransmissio n," QST January and
February 1961 .
. Plow man, J .A.• "S low-Scan Picture Transmitter."
The British Amateur Television Club . London.
1961 (out of print).
Macd onald. C.• "A Compact Slow-S can TV Moni-
tor." QST March. 1964.
Macdonald. c.. "A Slow-Scan Vidicon Camera."
QST June, July and August . 1965 .
Macdonald, C.• "Twent y-Meter Slow-Scan Te sts."
QST September, 196 6 .
Simpson, R. , "Narrow-Band TV Using Pseudo-
This is how SM4AMM must look after receiving Random Do t Sca n," in Tech nical Co rrespo ndence,
TVI complaints. QST Januar y, 196 7 .
Su lu, G.V . (Ed itor) . Amateur Te levision Issue,
L.E. Babcock; & Company, Inc.. P.O. Box SIRAN Journal of the Bangalore Amateur Radio
28/. A ct oll MA . SSB transceiver with SST V Club (South Ind ia Radio Amateurs New sreel) .
add-on units. See 73 magazine May 71 . March, 1967.
E.K. Y. Video Vision Co.. Box /5. S to ck - Cohen. TJ., "An Economical Slow-Scan Television
holm NJ. Monitors, monitor kit sets. See 7 3 Monitor," 73 July, 1967.
Hu tto n, L.L , " A Slow-Scan Television Picture
magazine April 71. Generator," 73 October 19 6 7.
It will take you no more than one hour Anon.. FCC Proposal on Slow-Scan TV. QST
after receiving the ready-made eq uipme nt to November. 1967.
be on the air . .. as simple as th at ! Recep- Anon., AR RL Commen ts on fCC Pro posal on
Slow-Sca n TV , QS T February, 196 8 .
tion is remarkably good since even signals as Anon., FCC Approval of Slow-Scan TV Docke t,
low as S3 will provide a picture and S7 QS T September, 196 8.
signals will take a lot of QRM punishment. Taggart. R.E., "Slow-Scan with Regular Vidicons,"
Various simple cabling connections for the in Technical Correspondence, QST December.
viewer and transmitting amateur are shown Hu lto n, L.I ., "A Fast-Scan Vidicon in the Slow-
in Figs. I and 2.
Scan TV Camera," 73 February 1969.
The big advantage of taping all co ntacts is Watson, D.J . and Horne. S .~t.K. , "New Solid-State
that you can edit the tape, keeping the best Camera and Monitor for Slow-Scan Telcvi son, Ham
Radio Aprit, 1969.
pict ures and sound reception as a permanent
Popki n-Clu rm an, J .R .• "A Simple Inex pensive FM
record to photograph at your leisure . I used to AM Conver ter fo r Slow-Sca n TV and Facsimile;
a sta ndard Philips tape record er which cost 73 J une. 1969 .
me $ 10 se condha nd , and I bought an ordi- Hu tton , L.I., "A Slow-Scan Te levision Signal
nary camera for $20. Having set up the Genera tor," 73 J uly, 196 7.
"liIler, D.C., "S low-Scan Television" CQ July and
camera for correct aperture and focal length, August, 1969.
give the film an eight second time exposure Taggart, R.E., "A Procedure for the Reception of
when the picture on the monitor starts at Slow-Scan Color Pictures Using Additive Syn-
the top . It will take eight seconds to reach thesis," 73 November. 1969.
the bottom. The photographs in this article Backman. A., "SSTV" 73 December, 1969.
Taggart, R .E., "S low-Scan Television," Ham Radio
were taken by this method . Times for lo ng December, 1969.
distan ce communication will be the same as Cohen, T J., Har mon, D., and Veazey, D., "Samp-
fo r phone co ntacts mainly ope rating on ling Techniques," in, Taggart, R .E., "Slow-Scan
142 30 k Hz or 2 1430 k Hz. It is j ust a Television ," Ham Radio December. 196 9.
question of being on the air at the right time Bac kma n, A., "S low-Scan Television, Radio Com-
mu nicution "(R.S. G.B .) February, 19 7 1
to catch the DX - often 0300 GMT for me!
. . .G5ZT

© ClarkWardOrange
Peter A. Lovelock W6AJZ
1330 California Avenue •
Santa Monica CA 90403


t e

..... - 1

T he user of a ground plane or trap-

vertical type antenna experiences the
limitations of its omnidirectional character-
such an array, but rather to present some
ideas which I have found to accomplish
effective directional characteristics for my
istics. Heavier QRM during reception and commercial trap vertical. These are equally
reduced radiation in a desired direction are applicable to any v,.-wave vertical, and may
inherent to this type of antenna, despite be adapted to the needs and space avail-
the low vertical angle of propagation which ability of the individual. The final section
is favorable for DX work . describes how such parasitic elements may
One classic solution is to utilize two be fabri cated from readily available mater-
identical verticals , spaced %-wavelength a- ials at very modest cost.
part, and phase driven with an appropriate
length of interconnecting feedline. Such Vertical Reflector
arrays will exhibit a cardioid or "figure-S" The simplest application of a parasitic
horizontal pattern, dependent upon the element is a vertical reflector spaced 0.25
phasing-line length and feed point. This wavelengths from the ground plane driven
arrangement is suitable only for single band element. The photograph shows a 21 MHz
operation due to the phasing requirements, reflector used in conjunction with a popu-
and in the case of trap verticals may lar trap vertical. Figure I illustrates the
involve the significant expense o f the dupli- arrangement of the reflector with a single
cate antenna. The directional pattern is band ground plane antenna.
broad , fixed to the plane of the twin 0.25 wavelength spacing between
antennas, and can only be reversed by elements is suggested for several reasons:
somewhat complex coaxial switching of (a) It affords the optimum gain for a single
the phasing line. parasitic element. (b) The reflector length
The fact that verticals lend themselves is an electrical %-w3ve at this spacing to
to the application of parasitic elements in achieve correct phase relationship. (c) The
Vagi-type configurations, seems to have base of the reflector should be connected
been somewhat neglected . The purpose to the same electrical ground as the
here is not 'to give detailed construction of antenna. This may be achieved by

JUNE 1972 ©AN

20 27

However, to achieve worthwhile results

directors must be spaced 0. 1 to 0.15
wavelengths from the antenna (and each
other) . T his requires that they be adjusted
to an elect rical length shorter than 0.2 5
(dependent o n ac tual spacing) for correc t
phasing. The additional elements and close
spacing will significantly reduce the anten-
na feed point impedance , requiring special
matching arrangements if SWR is to be
kep t Iow a n th e fee dline. T his is no t
conducive to switching o ut the parasitic
O. 2 ~A.
GROUND-PLANE elements fo r o mnidirectional operation,
unless a complex relay system is acce pt-
able. For the 2-3 dB extra gain , the cost
and effo rt increases o ut o f proport ion , and
th e single refl ect or o ffers th e most for th e
RADIALS (4) least.
For those who desire it , formulas fo r
deriving t he pro per length to spacing o f
direct o rs are the same as those used for
horizo ntal Yagi-bearns, divided by 2.
Fig. 1. Sim ple reflector for ground plane antenna.
Variable Directivity
connecting it directly to the end o f o ne While the single fixe d reflecto r provides
radial used with a groundplane. (If the an easy method of fixed direction beaming,
vertical antenna is ground mounted the ability to vary directivity may be
without radials, a ~-wave wire should be ultimat ely desirable . Figure 2 depicts an
run from t he base of the reflector to the array utilizing four fixed directors arranged
antenna feedpoint ground.) (d) 0.25 wave around the vertical antenna at 90° inter-
spacing has the minimum effect o n th e vals. The eigh t-position switching system
antenna's radiation resistance, and thus sho wn operates relays at the base of each
minimum change to feedline matc hing and refl ect or, so that one o r two reflectors are
SWR. ac tivated for a given switch position. This
If the base o f the reflector is o t herwise effectively allows 360° rota tion in 4 5°
insulated , the element may be made steps. Since the beam wid th with a single
non-functional by breaking the connec tio n reflect or, at Yz po wer points, is approxi-
to the radial wire . This can be done by mately 60° , the rotational capab ility is
inserting a switch, or remote operated pretty adequate.
relay , close to the reflector base. A simpler version can be made using a
Directional or omnidirectional o peratio n four position switch, and acco mplishing
may then be selected at will. elec trical "rotation" in 90° steps. Ho w ever
True, the single, fixed position vertical the difference in cost is just t hat of the
reflector is constrained to "beaming" in switch .Another meth od of beam rotatio n,
one direction . But when so me added punch app licable to the 28 and 2 1 MHz bands, is
to a particular part of the wo rld. is desired , sho wn in Fig. 3 . Here the reflector (and if
th e 5 dB gain from this simple expedient is desired , direct or) are mounted o n a rota-
well worth a fe w dollars for the aluminum table boom. The boom is attached to a
tubing used. The equivalent increase of x4 beari ng and brack et assembly , clamped to
power would cost up to one hundred time s the mast which supports the vertical anten-
as much. na , and is at "ground" potential. The bo om
Direct or elements may be added in-line can be rotated by the "armstrong" meth-
for improved gain and front-to-back ra tio . od, and incorpora te a means of lo cking in a

28 © ClarkWardOrange 73 MAGA ZIN E

- '- -_
.. --.-•
, • ~'I :
-; • • •.•J from Ross and White

The 1st 2 meter

FM transceiver
with a built-in tone burst
/' 12 channel capabil ity
/' , 4 crystals installed.
---Tone burst
encoder built-in
with 3 tones variable
from 1600 to 2400 Hz

All the Qhjaliry performance and flexlbtlity

that hams want and need for all-around
2 meter FM repeater operation.
• All solid stale desig n-no l ubes.
• Individually performance tested bef ore
shipment. AVAILABLE
• Comp lete package includes mike and DIRECT
coil ed cord.
Model RW-Bnd
• Front panel power output selector
switch : .1 . 1 and 10 watts. with tone burst encoder ...
• Can be used with power boosters . ONLY $279.95!!
• Mobile mount ing bracket.
• Postpaid in U. S. A. Same unit
without tone burst ...
ON LY $239.95


fanW :)RossUihite
~ company
SI NCE usa
TE ·2. rts AND H ·P
.•••••••. e Iectroracs
50 w. DUNDEE AD .. WH EELING . ILL. 60090
312/ 537-0060

A N 21
© ClarkWardOrange

(4) 0. 2 ' REFLECTORS



:. ., c;
,, " , 0
,, )
, 6 *12
I,, o )

I 0

I. .,- I

~ I ,
,, ,,


Fig. 2. Four reflec tor array [or variable direc Hvit y .

prescrib ed direction . Or a suitable motor band, this may prove adequa te. But for the
drive will permit remote o pera tion fro m man who has a five band trap vertical, and
the shack . wants to benefit fro m DX on more than
The parasitic elements may be clamped one ba nd, the p roble ms multip ly .
directly to the boom, in wh ich case the If you have a lot of real estate, o r a very
permanent electrical co nnection will not large flat roof and complacent neighbors,
allo w for omnidirectional use of the an ten- you can extend on the method of Fig. 2 .
na. If the latter is desired, the parasitic All it takes is four more reflectors and
ele me nts must be insula ted fro m the boom relays for each ba nd, suitably spaced from
and connected by relay switching fo r beam the trap vertical. This is possible fo r 28
applicatio n. Detailed meth ods appear un- th rough 14 MH z. For lo wer f reque ncies,
der the co nstructio nal sectio n below . full length ",-wave reflectors get to be big
A single boom may incorpora te parasitic and cumbersome, and a full 5-band array
elements for both 28 a nd 2 1 MHz, eit he r wit h 20 asso rted elements is an unlikely
by using separate elements of the right prospect fo r t he majority .
length and spacing or, alternatively by The situation can be compacted by
using a method described under the using a 318-wave reflector on the upper o f
"Multi-Band" section that follo ws. In the two bands ; say 14 and 7 MH z. The
latt er case a compromise in spacing will be reflect or will be long on the higher
necessary . frequency band and display inductive
reactance . Th is may be adjuste d by
Multi-Band Applications
incorp o rating the co rrect value o f ca pacitve
So far we have using
considered react ance be tween th e base of the reflector
parasitic elements basically for a single an d t he g roun dplane (radia l wire) .
ba nd . For those wh o have a favorite DX Similarly, t h e reflector will be sho rt fo r the

30 © ClarkWardOrange 73 MAGAZI NE
wave spaci ng a t 2 8 MH z. A gain o f 5 dB
ANTENNA ca n be ac hieved o n both 28 and 21 MH z.
"" It sho uld be noted, however, th at the
O. 2 ~A REFLECTOR closer spaci ng o n the lower bands will have
P·"" OPTIONAL DIRECTOR more effect on the ante nna im pedance,
matching, and tran smission line SWR .
For the lower frequency bands of 7 and
1--- - 0.2.,l. - - - II-- - o.,.,l.- - 3.5 MH z, a more compact single reflector
may be constructed utili zing the same trap
"" principle appli ed to multi-band vertical
ante nnas. The reflect or is split int o two
"" sec tio ns, in sulated from each o ther. The
lower sect io n is made a resonan t length for
th e high er f req ue ncy ba nd ( 7 MH z) . A
parallel tuned circuit is connected between
the two sectio ns, and resonated to th e
Fig. 3. Rotatable reflector fo r vertical an tenna. higher frequency band to function as a
high impedance at thi s frequency . The
upper sec tio n is adjusted to a length that ,
lower frequency band , with capacitive in conjunction with the lower sectio n and
reactance which can be tuned with a series inductance o f the tuned circuit, will
induct ance. function as a tun ed reflect or at the lower
T he 3/8t h wave reflecto r for 14/7 MHz frequ ency (3 .5 Mll z ).
will be approxi ma tely 24 fee t high ; Figu re 5 shows a t y pical tra p asse mb ly
probably the prac tical maximum for mo st which may be made from 2Jh in. diameter
installations. However the princi ple can be sta ndard coil stoc k. The parallel ca pac ito r
appli ed for 7 and 3.5 MH z wh ere space is a mi ca type , rat ed at 2,500V. Re sonance
permits, and strong enough material is used is accomplished by removing coil turns
for Ih e 50 foot height. whil e che cking with a grid-dip meter, until
A 3/8 th wave reflector for 2 8 MH z can b e the tuned circu it is adjust ed to the middle
resonated with a series indu ctance o n 14 of the 7 Mllz band .
Mll z. Since t he reflector length is a bo u t 12
ft , it ca n be resonat ed bot h o n 2 1 a nd 2 8 3/8 A REFLE CTOR
(AT Z8 MHZ )
MH z wi th different va lues of series
capacitance, pe rmitti ng tri ba nd opera tio n T RAP
with a single parasit ic ele ment. Figure 4
illustrates the triband reflect or, using two
relays to insert the appropriate value s o f
ca pacitance or induc tance. Ornnidirection
is o btained by switc hing to one of the
bands not bein g used . CAPACITORS
In all cases th e 3/8 th wavelengt h
reflec tor will require a comp romise in
spaci ng fro m the ante nna. 0 .2 5 wavelength
at the highes t freq ue ncy is reco mme nde d.
This will result in 0 .125 spaci ng at hal f
freq uency with inductive loading, and less
6 -12
tha n o pt im u m gai n . About 3 to 4 dB gain VAC RAD IAL
s ho u l d b e att ainable with careful
adjustment. In the case of the triband
..---J:~~ - WIRE

version , spacing at 21 MH z will be about T

0 .1 8 wavelength when th e reflector is Fig. 4. 318 th wave reflector fo r tri-ben d opera -
spa ced 8 feet fro m th e a n te nna for 0.25 tion.

JUNE 1972 AN 22
© ClarkWardOrange 31

Appropriate values for a 7 MHz trap ,,

are: Capacitor - 50 pF. Inductance - 9
microhe nrys. I .__- UPPER ELEMENT
Using Barker and Williamson ty pe I
3905-1 coil stock, approxima tely 18 turns I ,
r - - -,
will be required. HOSE CLAMP - ,
T he trap-type reflector should also be
spaced 0.25 wavelength at the higher POlYSTYRENE
, I

frequency (7 MHz), from the antenna. INSUl ATOR ROO

Construction icAA""'TUR
Previously I mentio ned that parasi tic
eleme nts could be in expen sively fabricated I
I ,
from readily available material. My source HOSE CLAMP - ' , I
of such mate rial is the ' "do-it-yourself" L __ ...J
aluminum rack of the better hardware 1 I
stores. Practically all such stores carry a I I
, I
, 1
supply of aluminum tubing of various I I ' - - - LOWER ELEMENT
diameters and lengths; the larger the store, , I SECTION

the better the variety.

For handy reference the fo llowing table Fig. 5. Trap assem bly.
lists the sta ndard sizes of aluminu m stock
which are distribu ted for consumer use, the in ner sectio n afte r adjusting to th e
and are suitable for construction of total req uired length .
parasitic elements. Unfortunately the I and I ~ in . tu bing
do not fit snugly. Also you may not be
Type Outer Wall Length lucky in finding all t he mati ng sizes at your
DiameterThick ness local hardware store. In such cases
Solid ro d 3/8 in . 72 and 96 in. undersized inner sectio ns may be clam ped
Round tube5 /8 in . 0.093 in. 72 an d 96 in. to outer sec tio ns using the trick shown in
Round tube3 /4 in . 0.055 in. 72 an d 96 in. Fig. 6. I cu t a I I> in. length wise slot in o ne
Rou nd tube7 /8 in . 0.055 in. 72 and 96 in. si de of t he outer tubing. At the
Round tube 1.0 in. 0.055 in. 72 and 96 in. te rmination of the slot the tubing is cut
Round tube I 1/4 in . 0.055 in. 72 and 96 in. crossw ise for half of its diameter. The slot
Square must be wid e enough t ha t t he resulting two
stock I x I in. 0.062 in . 72 and 96 in . ears can be compresse d with a suitable size
hose clamp to securely grip the inner
section. The pho tograp h shows such an
The 96 in . lengths are convenient fo r 28 assembly for a 15m reflect or, using I in.
MHz use. For other bands it will be an d % in . O f) t ubing.
necessary to assemble elements from two The consumer-available hardw.are store
or more telescoping sections. Diameters tubing is ma de of a relatively soft alloy.
listed above that provide snug telesocping
fit s are as follows :
3/8 in. OD rod in to 5/S in. Ol) t ube 1- 112 on
5/8 in. aD tube into 3/4 in . Ol) tu be HOSE
3/4 in. aD tube into 7/8 in. Ol) tube

7/8 in. Ol) lube into I in. Ol) tube SCT
I assemble two telescoping sections by
cutting a I I> in . long, lengthwise slit in I in. DIA SEC TION 3/4 III. OIA SECTION

both walls of the larger dia mete r of the

mating tubing. A stainless steel hose clam p
aro und th e slitted end will securely cla mp Fig. 6. ~e tho d for j oining unmatched sections.

32 © ClarkWardOrange 73MAGA Z'N E

Ty pical join t of unmatched sectio ns of tubing. Weatherpro of tuning box assem bly .

While co nvenient for elem ent s up to 2 0 ft mounting clamp sho wn also serves as the
i n h ei ght , l onger length s are 110t electrical connection to the reflector ele-
re c ommended with out guying. Three ment. The lid of the box is attached after
telescoping sections o f 72 in. length s is assembly and the jo int seale d with poly-
preferable to two o f 96 in. Tele scoping styrene cem ent. Alternatively the joint
rein forces and reduces top weight. may be covered with a couple of lay ers of
Referencing Fig. 3; the rotatable boom plastic insulating tape.
can be const ructe d from a 96 in. length o f
1 x 1 in. square stock, joined to a 72 in . Conclusions
length of the same sto ck with two short I said at the beginning that this was an
sections o f 1 in . angle stock, bolted to the idea-provoking articl e. Obviously it re-
square stock to make a reinforced joint. quires complemen tary imagination for the
Parasitic elements are made from 5/8 in . individual to suit his own requirements.
lower and 3/8 in. upper sectio ns. The The fell ow with a vertical mounted o n a
elemen ts may be attached to th e boom by roof peak will be hard put to install
drilling a snug fitting hole through both multiple reflectors. But a sho rt boom (even
sides o f the square stock. The element is of wood) will enable him to in stall a 28 or
inserted through both holes and secured on 21 MHz refl ector.
each side with a small diameter clamp . If Some o f the techniques suggeste d may
th e elemen t is to be insulated from th e be combined . For example, the 3/8 th wave
boom for switc hing purposes, a 2 in. length
of 3/8 in /D plastic hose o r tub ing sho uld
be slipped over the lower end of the FREEZER BOX
ele men t . The holes in the bo om will have SOX L ID (CEME,.T
to be increased to accept th e larger diam- AFTER ASSEMBLY)
eter o f the insulating sleeve .
Weath erproof housings for acc ommo-
dating re lays, coils and capacitors are also REFLECTOR
available fro m yo ur neighborhood hard- CLAMP
ware store . These are better kno wn as
"fre ezer bo xes," and are made from so ft
polyethelyne material. The sq uare Y2and I
pint sizes are most suitable for prote cting
antenna co mpone nts. The soft material
compresses under hardware, forming a na-
tural moisture-tight gaske t for mounting
and terminal screws.
Figure 7 illu strates a typ ical installation ,
with a DPDT rela y switching a reflector Fig. 7. T ypical w eatherproof box assem bly for
tuning indu ctance o r capacitor. The mast reflector tuning comp onents.

© ClarkWardOrange
AN 23 33
JUN E 1972
reflector sho wn in Fig. 4 can be use d wit h
VHFFM the rotat able bo om in Fig. 3 .
No fo rm ulas fo r element le ngths on
MODULES vario us ba nds have been in cluded , as th ese
are well covered in th e regula r ama te ur

$19.95 - $39.95 rad io handbo oks which sh ould be in eve ry

shac k ... for convenience a referen ce gu ide

Write for info is included.

While the hardware sto re alumin um
st ock is suggested for most applica tio ns, it
VHF ENGINEERING mu st be em phasiz ed that for heights ex-
1017 Chenango St., ceeding 20 ft , o r where severe wind or icing
Binghamton NY 13901 conditions prevail, precauti onary measures
must be taken t o avoid collapse of the
rather soft alloy . If in doubt , str uctu ral
tubing of the 61 ST vartety , available from
large metal supply h ouses, is th e b est bet.
1. "T he Radio Amateur's Handbook" chap ter 14,
2. "The ARR L ,Antenna Book" chap ter Mu lti-
Element Directive Arrays.
3. "Radio Handbook" Editors and Engineers
Ltd., chapter High Frequ ency Antenna Arrays.
.4. "Beam Antenna Handbook" by William I.
Orr, W6SAI; Radio Publications, Inc.

NEW TIC 724 adiv,table

p olished
bra ss
h o u r har~
for loea time.
2502 T o wnshi p Line R o ad
adiusra ble
b lack PaI~ted

eqffl{dete '?1It fD(U~ TWO

h our lian
fo r seco n
time z o ne.

FOR THE PRICE of a RIG! ZONE p olished brass

minute h and
24·HOUR .Ideal for y our
CLOCK onl y $29.50postvaid h am shac k
2 o r more $27 .50 eac h U.S .A.• l d e al a s a g if t
FEATURES f or h am fr-iends
• High Q u a lity Unbreak able Acry lic, 6" x 6" x
1/ 2 " thick
• With adjustable al u minu m br ac ke t , f o r u se as
t able m odel
• With hanger , f or use as wall model
• With h igh quality West G er man transi storized
battery m o v ement, w it h four je wels
• M o vement r uns f or almo st t wo years o n
regular flashlight battery
•SBE SB-144 FM TRANSCEIVER • Movement guaran teed f or o ne y e a r, from d a te
of purchase . S e rv ice station s alt over the
•MOSLEY 5/8 wave ANTENNA wo,ld.ORuER FR OM :
•1972 ARRL Handbook I 7200 W. Alameda A ve.. Denver CO 8022 6
•20 ft. RG·58/U coax /.\ Please ship me , Postpaid, 1 TI C 724 $29 .50*
with connector l..!J (2 or more) .. ..TIC 7 24 each$27 .50*
* Please add sales taxes where applicable
ALL FOR ONLY $239.00 Enclosed find D e heck CJ MOfor $
Major Credit Cards Accepted STREET" _
Vince Barr, Mgr. Ben Schaefer
WA3ICS WA3ATP Dea er i n u iries inv it e d .

34 © ClarkWardOrange 73 MAGAZ INE

With Apologies To The
Crystal Manufacturers
Of The World ...



FM ·27 A
$ 449 .95 Complete wi th Noise Cancelling
Mic ropho ne and Ant itheft Mobi le Mo unt

Only the FM·27 A offers the 2 Meter FM'er the complete freedom of
frequency-receive and transmit-with accuracy and stability comparable
with conventional crystal control.
In addition-the FM-27A provides the hottest performing receiver and most
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See your Clegg Dealer today or write or phone our factory for detailed data
sheet on the fabulous FM-27A.


INrER/WIONAJ -(....!!2!t!f-
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3050 Hempland Road
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17601
Tel: (717)299-3671 • Telex 84-8438

TH 10

© ClarkWardOrange
--- 1

F. Dale Williams K3PUR

807 Walnut Street
S tat e CoJJege PA 16801

f yo u have ever tried to " ho mebrcw" an mined. Ever y filt er may be primarily iden -
I i-f ba nd pass fil te r, or in corporat e a
variable not ch filte r or Q-m ulti plier in yo ur
ti fied by the number of branches con-
tai ning L o r C components. Thus. Figs. I
receiver 's ex isting circu it ry, yo u have an th rou gh 3 all show two-pole filters o f the
idea of many of t he problems asso ciated seco nd order ; F ig. 4 a six-po le d esign .
with pa ssive RLC filters . Imagine b ein g Resistan ce norma lly sho wn in RLC filt ers
abl e to build a filte r not o nly Io ssless, hut as input / out put impedance is no t co nsid-
with gain ; o ne ca pab le of mat ching differ- ere d part of t he passive net w ork , alt ho ugh
ent input / output im peda nces. without o t her valu es of resistan ce suc h as th at
bulk y and inacc ura te coils, a nd a ll in less fo u nd in the co ils an d t he valu e o f co nd uc-
spa ce a nd with be tter pe rformance tha n ta nce in ca pacito rs. together kn own as
th e o ld iron core, resista nce-co u pled blac k di ssipation . ca use insertion lo ss and a d e-
bo x . Active filt ers, co nst ructed b oth fro m gra de d respo nse shape at t he hand ed ges,
tran sist ors a nd integrated circ uits . o ffe r all Naturall y , th e t igh te r t he specifica t io ns fo r
of the above advantages in add ition to ease a filt er, th e more co mp lex the d esign mu st
o f alt er ing performance with out rewinding be, five- a nd six-po le t y pes being co m m o n.
coils or u t ilizi ng taps. T he d esign of pa ssive filters is mo st ly
accomp lished with the help o f tables con-
Figures I through 4 sho w sim ple fi lte rs taining constant value s for the d esired
wit h s pe cific fun ctions. Digging back in to co m po ne n ts necessary for a part icular
filt er design th eory fo r a sho rt w hile will sha pe fac tor. T hese consta n t figu res arc
help us t o sec ho w t he co mpo ne n t values th en sca led to real co m po nen t val ues.
and th eir placement in th e filt er is d ete r- Design ing R LC filt ers "fro m scratch" is a

© ClarkWardOrange
22'er FM

Regula r Amateur Net Price $384.95!



$284.95 com plete with

3 transmit crystals, PTT m icrophone.
Self co ntained base and mobile PIS .

Wri te or phon e on e of these Clegg Dealers for "off t he she lf"

delivery of this terr if ic value . Only a limited quantity avai lable
at th is price.


SUPPLY 8rownsville Road P. O. 80 x 178
4828 W. Fond Lae Ave . Trevose. Pa. 19047 Ellent o n, Florida
Milwaukee, Wise. 532 16 Phone: (2 151757·5300 Phone: (8 13) 72 2· 1843
Phone: (4 14)442·4200
T H 11

© ClarkWardOrange

( A)



-l w
( 8)
- lw

(8 )
6 00J\. 6 7.5 mH

60D J\.
mH 600,1\.


Fig. 1. Low-pass Butterworth (ideal re- (C)

F ig. 2. High -p ass titter.

task of great complexity and more suited sta nd how filte r design is fitted to the
to computer analysis. By utilizing a com- desired frequency response, we should be-
plex plane with theore tica l compo nen t gin wit h basic passive fi lter t y pes.
values plo tte d in complex imp ed an ce fo rm, l n the design of th e lo w- pass filter
a pole-zero plot of the filter is mad e. sho wn in Fig . I , we begin by specify ing th e
Figures I A through 4 A show th e pole-zero desired para mete rs. If we desire a fil ter
plots for four simple filte rs of differe nt with less tha n I dB atte nuation from 0 to 2
types. Since current /voltage no de values k Hz, and more tha n 20 dB atte nuation
are necessary to de termine the resulti ng above 7 k Hz, with 600n inpu t /output
waveform, this design proce d ure do es not impedan ces, we mus t first determine th e
lend itse lf to amateur filt er co nst ruc tion. bandwidth ratio:
Alt hough ac tive filte rs d o away with 7 k Hz _
inductances, in orde r to sim ulate the de- y = 2 k Hz = 3 .)
sired response, they must provide the same
basic parameters as the coils in the passive
The attenua tion ratio of Butt erworth
fi lters. The main d iffere nce in opera tio n is
response filte rs is given as:
the ab ility to inc rease t he Q , or gain o f th e
act ive fi lter. In add itio n, th e act ive filt er
can be designed so that cha nging in put ! A =v I + w 2n

output impedances, as a resu lt of tuning

internal or external circuits, has little or no Where w= I radia n per second, any value of
effect on filter response. T o be tter u nd er- n, o r nu mbe r of poles, will give an atte n-

38 73 MAGAZ I N E
© ClarkWardOrange
uation rati o equal to V 2. Nat urally , su bsti- Sin ce this performan ce is bett er than
tuting o t he r values o f frequency for w will our specified ratio , all requirements can be
provide a pa ssba nd atten ua tion fo r Butt er- me t wit h a two-p o le Bu tt erworth d esign .
worth filt ers. By computing these vario us To preclude otherwise ne cessary co mpu ta-
frequen cies with different values o f ll , we tions involving resonant frequencies and
can o b tai n a simulated response shape for cutoff formulas, we ca n design by means of
filt ers with various numbers of poles. A a normalized prototype . A low-pass proto-
two-p ole Butterworth filter provides 0 .9 3 type is normalized for I n termination s and
dB att enuation at 0 .7 of t he cu to ff fr e- a cu to ff o f I rad ian per second . From these
quency of 2 k Hz. values, as sho wn in Fig. 5, the resistan ces /
As th e frequ en cy co mpo nen t of ca impedances and cu to ff frequency must be
becomes higher, the attenuation increases. alt ered to fit ou r speci fica tio ns. By means
Similarl y , as the number of poles increases, o f impedance scali ng, we ca n alter the
so does the filter attenuation , thus creating resistances to allow the filt er to operate
a sharper sto p-band cutoff. At 3 . 15 of the . bet ween termi nations of any value . Im ped -
cuto ff fre quen cy, the sto p-band atten ua- ance scali ng do es not affect fi lte r respo nse,
tion o f a two-pole Bu tt erworth filte r ap- and is ac complished by simply multipl ying
proaches 20 dB . A reevaluation of th e
bandwidth ratios gives :
3 . 15
y; 0 .93 ; 3 .3 9

- - - --7',
I \
/ \

( A)



( a) LI L2
;; ~C2

33.7 mH ,.. -c ,0918 ).IF 600A

tc )
Fig. 3. Bandpass filter.
Fig. 4. Bandstop filter .

JU NE 1972 ©TH
12 39
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1
all resista nces by the desired imped an ce
va lue. 60 0n in this case . In order to adapt
the normalized cutoff freq uency to 2 k llz,
we e mp loy freq uency scaling. Freq uency
scaling lea ves all impeda nces u nc ha nged
but applies a co ns tan t to th e rea ctive
clements. In scaling the ind ucta nce to t he
REVOLUTIONARY required filt er value , th e following for m u la
DESIGN BY is used :
Wh ere the pr imes
L' = ( R ) ( wi w) L de no te values af-
3EL. 40M 46 LBS.
• COMPLETE t e r impeda nce
3EL. 20M 21 LBS.!"' r
3EL . 15M 15 LBS. WITH BALUN, sca ling.
Substitut ing the filte r values in th is
PLATE MOUNTS formula gives an ind uct a nce co ns ta n t of:
HANDLES (600) (I)
POWER FAR IN - (I) (2 IT X 2x I0 3 ) L
LEGAL LIMITS. = 4 7 .71 Lx10· 3
This comp uted value is the inductance
constant in m illihenrys. Applying this con-
EL. & BOOM. stant to the pro totype gives :
2. EL 25 % TO BAND. (47.7x I0· 3 ) (1.41 4 ) = 67 .5 m il
CORROSION· In scaling th e ca pacit ance t o th e re-
3. NO TUNING FREE CON· quired fil ter valu e , t he follo w ing fo rmula is
used :
NEW LOWER PRICES C' = ( ~I) ( ~) C
MODEL 7MH2 · 2EL 40 METER Substituting the filter values in this
WAS $435.00, NOW $345.00 formula gives a capacita nce constant of :
MODEL 7MH3· 3EL 40 METER - (I) (I) C
WAS $665.00, NOW $525.00 (60 0 ) (2IT X 2x 10 3 )

MODEL 14MH4 · 4EL 20 METER = 0 .1 3CxlO'·

WAS $379.95, NOW $299.00
This co m pu te d value is the ca pa cita nce
MODEL 14MH5· 5EL 20 METER constan t in micro farad s. A ppl yi ng the con-
WAS $479.95, NOW $379.95 sta nt to t he pro toty pe gives:

MODEL 21MH5· 5EL 15 METER (0. 13xl 0'·) (1. 4 14) = 0 .184 pI'
WAS $339.95, NOW $269.95
The completed fil ter is shown In Fig.
I C.

Highpass filt er design is sim plifie d t o th e
exte nt that the res po nse requirements can
be ap plied t o lo w-pa ss filt ers by inversion
45459 PHONE 513/433 ·3102 of th e high-pass requ ire me nts. T hus, if we
change th e positio ns of th e inducto r a nd

40 © ClarkWardOrange 73 MAGAZINE
capacitor ,in the low-pass filt er just com-
pleted , and replace th e ele ment values by
th eir reci procals, we have a protot ype fo r
the high-pass filter. By utilizing the same
specifications, t he lo w-pass respo nse ca n be
used as high-pass res po nse by allo wing th e
atte n ua tion to rem ain as is and treating th e
freq uencies as reciprocals. Figure 6 sho ws
the resulting proto type for specifications
similar to the lo w-pass filte r, and Fig. 2C FIBERGLASS
gives t he end val ues .
Normal bandpass filt ers are sy m me t rical SUPER-QUAD
abo ut a cente r freq ue ncy . Figure 7 shows
the bandpass response with shape pa rarn-
eters. Once again the design process is Arra
simplified by u tilizing a suita ble lo w-pass THE STA ND A RD OF COMPARISON
design. If th e value o f Q is co rrect , th e 18 Y EA RS OF DEVELOPMENT AND
band widt h will be t he sa me for th e lo w- PR ODUCTION PLACES US NUMBER
pass and bandpass fi lter. T he req uired value ON E WOR L DWt D E. ORtGINATOR

If, for simplicity , we use the original WHY ACCEPT METAL ARMS,
low-pass requirements, we obtain a value of
Qe : 3
MODEL 1322·2El. TRI ·BAND 10
Q = 1 ~1 0 =0.5
e 2x I 0 3 15·20, WAS 159.95. NOW $129.95
This low value of Q is not typ ical for a
bandpass filt er, but is due to the simple MODEL 1323 3EL. TRI·BAND 10·
requi rements on the original low-pass filter 15·20. WAS 299.95. NOW $219.95
and serves to show the necessary calcula-
MODEL 1324 4EL . TRi ·BAND 10·
15·20. WAS 399.95. NOW $299.95
Having chosen a suitable lo w-pass proto-
typ e, it must be frequency scaled to the MODEL 882 2EL . DUO·BAND 10·15
cu to ff frequency we: WAS 99.95, NOW $89.95
we = Q - --;;-;~
0 .5 = 2 MODEL 883 3El. DUO·BAND 10·
e 15. WAS 139.95. NOW $134.95
Due to the fact that the bandpass filter
will be resonated at W o = I , the LC MODEL 884. 4EL , DUO·BAND 10·15
compo nen ts must have reci pro cal num bers. WAS S189.95. NOW S179.95
Referring to the calculatio ns for th e high- MODEL 40MXQ20 2El. 7MHz AR·
pass filter, it will be noted that th e
RA Y. WAS 499.95. NOW $389.95
pro totype element values for this fi lter
were also recip rocals of the low-pass ele- • SH I PPI N G F .O ,B . DAYTON . OHIO
men ts. In designing t he h igh-pass filter , we
nee d o nly transform the values o f the low
and high-pass filte rs. The cuto ff fre que ncy
(the highes t freq ue ncy at which ma ximum $)3~ IT rnl~ E:~
attenuation occurs in the passband) of we
45459 PHONE 5131433·3102
in t he low-pass filte r becomesf2 (Fig. 7) of
© ClarkWardOrange
41 TH 13 JUNE 1972

VHf fM Transceiver
GENERAL. Freq. coverage:
144-1 48 MHz . 12 channels,
3 supplied . Push-to-talk Xmit
• AC drain: Rev, 6W', Xmit ,
50 W • DC drain: Rev, O.5A;
Xrnit, 4A • Built-in Power
Supplv : AC, 117V 5().60 Hz',
DC, 13.5V+10% . Size: 7·7/8"
x 2-3/4" x 1()'1 /4", 8-1 /4Ibs.
Including transceiver, 3
channels supplied, mobile TRANSMITTER: _ Transistorized with 6360 output tube .
mount, dynamic mike and RF Output: over 10 W • Freq. Dev: Adj. to 15 kHz max.•
built-in AC- OC power sup ply. Freq. Stability : ±.OO l% or less • Output Imped : 50 ohms.
RECEIVER: • Compl etely transistorized , crysta l-controlled
supe rhet . Intermed. Freq: 1st 10.7 MHz, 2nd 455 kHz .
Input lmped: 50 to 75 ohms . Sensitivity : a.s,uv or less/20
d B quieti ng; 11'V or less/30 d B S+N /N at 10 kHz dev ., 1 kHz
Accessory SS l T·1 440 Antenna: mod . • Audio Outpu t, 0.5 W . Spurious Sens., > -60 dB.
Hustler 3.4 dBgain $27.95

R. L. DRAKE COMPANY I<11§> I!Iim:D ®

540 Richard si, Miamisburg, Ohio 45342
Phone, (513) 866-2421 • Telex, 288-017

I .J\. 1.414H
an in crease is necessary, t he insertion loss is
raised . Designing wit h active RC filt ers

O>- J __'_·4_'4_F-<>-_-C ,-"- solves these prob lems by first of all re-
moving the inductance . This so lves the
problem of stray coil capacitance, low Q at
F ig. 5. L ow-pass filt er prototype. low frequencies, and mut ual co u pling be-
the bandpass waveform. Similarly . the cu t- tween coils.
off frequency of w e for the h igh-pass filter T he ba ndstop filter of Fig. 4 ca n also be
becomes II o f t he ban d pass wavefor m. 'In considere d as aco rn bination of t he lo w-
order to maximize the waveform at /0' we pass an d high-pass designs, with t he trans-
need the least amount of attenuation at formation utilizing the reciprocals of the
this frequen cy. The sim p le bandpass of Fig. bandwidth ratios used for the bandpass
3C will be recogni zed as nothing more tha n design . If we rem o ve L2 and Cl from the
a parallel resonant circuit at 10 , To increase design of Fig. 4C, we are left with a
't he attenuation on either side of /0 (nar- low-pass filter and a h igh-pass filte r. As
row the passba nd), we must either increase not ed , transfo rmations of an adequate
the gain or the Q. When using RLC circu its, low-pass design are possible ; ho wever, to
we can only decrease R as far as possible
and increase Q to maximum. As the fre- O>--- - -)II----<p---.......-
quen cy o f interest becomes lo wer , highe r .707 F
values of Q be come increasingly more .707 F IJ\.
difficult to achieve.
In order to achieve a smaller ba ndwid th
in passive circ uits, we mu st increase the
number of fi lter sections used . When such F ig. 6. H igh -p ass filter prototype.

© ClarkWardOrange
me thod of obtaining complex values for
" poles and zeros in order to simulate t he
require d wavefor m. Phase shifts become
more important and feedback is necessary
to match impedance , stabilize the filter,
increase gain , or a co mbinatio n o f these. As
in the design of any circuit , tradeoffs must
be made fo r optimum operation . The
overall active ne twork exhibits a value of
sensitivity which affects its operation . Net-
works employing positive feedback are
subject to oscillation, which might be
created by element variations in a Q-
sensitive circuit. Negative feedback tends
Fig. 7. Ban dpass response parameters. to decrease the gain to un ity , b ut nearly
preclude degradation of performance, ad- eli minates the Q sensitivity . Gain is direc tly
ditiona l measures are sometimes necessary . related to the input /output impedance
In the bandstop design we have paralleled a ratio. This level may be changed by ap-
high-pass and a low-pass filte r. Once the propriate resistance ; however, the optimum
input and ou t pu t ter minals of th ese filters dc cu rre nt value must not be lowered in the
arc co mmo n, t he impeda nce value o f t he process. Choosing high-ga in tra nsisto rs
original filters is no lo nger 60051 . Conse- (minimum beta of 150 ) will allow max i-
quently. the response shape of the filter is mum circuit alteration to achieve the de-
nearly unrecognizable. To prohibit loading sired response without making the circuit
of the circuit. each filter must have a high un sta ble .
impe dance in that portion of the circuit Figure 8 shows a two-pole active filter
which produces an overla p ping response incor porating positive feedback. In addi-
with t he o t he r filter. O t herw ise, th e best tion to t he fac t t hat C I provides positive
response that cou ld be expected wou ld signal feedbac k to the first amplifier, it also
appear like the dolled line in Fig. 4A . acts as a complex zero function without a
Inserti ng a component presenting a high dire ct ground referen ce. Consequently, a
impedance in the series branch of the input change in device parameters caused by
or ou tp u t o f each net wo rk will serve to te mperatu re or impedance may allow this
separate the filt er responses. In the case of " floa ting" zero func tio n to alter it s posi-
the lo w-pass section, we already have an tion in t he frequency plane, thus d istorting
inductor in the series branch of the input, the desired filte r waveshape . If we consider
so another coil is added to the output Amplifiers A I and A2 as transistor stages,
branch. In the high-pass section, the output Fig. 8 would show them them connected in
bra nc h is already coup led by a capacitor, a common emitter co nfiguratio n. Ho wever,
so we ad d a ca pacitor to th e series in put cha nging the o utpu t po ints of each stage to
branch. the emitte r ' will provide a network wit h
Sin ce we will be working with amplifier unity gain , low Q and freedom from
stages in the design of active filters, the
same requirements to asssure stable oper-
ation at needed gain are valid . Conse-
quen tly , the first para mete r to be specified RI
>-~--<>OU T
fo r an ac tive filte r sho uld be necessary
gain. Unfortunately, we cannot simply say
a gain of 10 dB is ne cessary between input
and output terminals, as we might be able
to do with a normal amplifier stage. Be-
cause we have remove d th e inductors from Fig. 8. Active filter with positive feedback.
th e passive network, we must substitute a
© ClarkWardOrange
..... - . --- T.., 14 43
possible oscillatio n. In such a co nfigura-
tion, a large ratio of co mpo nent valu es will
be required and the so urce must be a
curren t amplifi er. " "
Figure 9 sho ws a high-gain opera tiona l " "
amplifier u tilizing a t win-tee netw ork to •"""\ ,,- - -
provide negative feedback . This network
operates as a bandpass filter , thus requ iring IN .v •
high Q a nd gain . The inherent high gain of
th e operatio nal amplifier allows th e filt er
shape, or Q, to remain insen sitive to Fig. 10 . Resistive dam pin g m aintain s sta -
cha nges in amplifier level. T he require d bility.
ratio of network va lues in th is design is
low, but the parameters are diffi cult to co nsiderably eased with out having to wor-
adjust du e to the numb er o f elemen ts ry ab out coil probl ems. Depending o n th e
required . Figure 10 shows the same type of circuit ry chose n, Q and bandwidth are
ac tive filter using tw o ope rational ampli- vari ed by eit he r resistors o r capacito rs. The
fiers. This circuit incorporat es resistive tolerance of these compo nents is usually
damping to preclude o pe ration as an oscil- within 10% and t he capaci tors sho uld have
lat or. A minimum number of co mpo nen ts reasonably go od th erm al stability . Active
are ne cessary and the filter adjusts easil y. A netw or ks ut ilizing tran sist ors will require
co nstant-curre nt so urce assures freedom biasing resistors in addition to the fre-
from impedance loading which might af- qu en cy co mpe nsa ti ng co mpo ne nts. Opera-
fect the filt er response. tional amp lifie rs will requ ire a minimum of
An additional adva nt age of induct orless outboard components fo r frequ en cy co m-
RC networks is the possibility o f tempera- pen sat ion . An overa ll co mpariso n of cost
ture co mpensation. A posit ive temperature between the passive and active netw ork s is
coefficient exhibited by a resistor can be hard to make . At the lo wer frequencies,
offset by a negative temperature co effi- the active net works are mu ch cheaper to
cient ca pacito r. design and co nst ruct due to th e cost o f
There is virt ua lly no co mpa riso n in heavy inductors used in th e LC circuits. At
physical size bet ween the passive and active the higher freq ue ncies, co st is somew ha t
networks. This becomes mo st eviden t when dep endent on perfo rman ce, but there is
co mparing low frequency filters using large never a time when cost is pro hibitive .
iron core inductors, to integrated circuit Normally, co mpo nent costs fo r th e ac tive
networks. The small size is furth er en- filter mo re th an co mpe nsate for the pro b-
han ced d ue to the fac t tha t shieldi ng and lems and labor requi red in design an d
physical separation of compo nents to pre- constructio n of inductor filte rs.
clude mutual co upli ng is o f minimum Perfo rmance of th e ac tive filt ers su r-
importance in most active filter designs. passes th at of th e pa ssive netw orks at th e
Component specificatio n problems are low er fre qu en cies, and more th an eq uals
th em at the higher frequencies. all with th e
main adva ntage of doing away with th e
man y problems associated with induc to rs.
. . .K 3PUR -
0 ...
): - Referen ces:

,. .v Simplified Modern F ilter Design . Philip

R. Gcffc: Rider Publi shers
Active Filters: The Road to High Q .
Joseph Mittl ema n; Electro nics. May 27 .
Active Filters: Positi ve Results From
Fig. 9. Twin-tee network provides nega tive Negative Feedback . Gunn ar Hurtig ; Elec-
feedback. tronics. March 3 1, 1969
© ClarkWardOrange
44 7 ':l 11." A r- 1\ 71 " ":::
Denys G. Fredrick so n W0 BMW
3923 East Funsto n
Wich ita KS 672 18

Or, raise your own an tenna and eat the goodies yourself.

s soon as I can afford a tower. I'm going for the saddle and install it. Drill p ilot holes
A to put up a beam." Ho w ofte n have you
heard o r said th at very th ing '? Pull up a
alterna te ly o n each side of the pole fo r large
lag sc re ws t o he in st all ed for ste ps. You may
shovel an d sit do wn and rela x a mo me nt. have a desire to clim b it for o ne reason o r
while I describe an economical antenna ano ther. The view is certa inly n ice fro m up
tower you wou ld be proud to erect. there . Be sure the steps arc positio ne d so
First, scout around the community for a they will not interfere with the drive shaft.
ta ll telephone po le ... then a t n igh t : .. no , Set t he po le so th e to p of th e sad d le is as
th at won' t work. On seco nd th ought , go to level as po ssible . T o acco m plish t his yo u can
the t elep hone o r po wer co m pany a nd ask if eye ba ll it , usc a plumb bob o r a level. A 40
they are planning to ta ke down a ny poles in o r 50 ft po le should be se t in th e grou nd
the ncar future . Tell them you woul d like to approx imately 8 ft. Insta ll 5/8 in . lag screws
have one so you can erect an antenna to for steps, and now you're ready to do so me
assist in d isa st e rs o r t rack ing to rn ad o es - measu ring a nd lo ca t ing of co mpo nents o n
public se rvice, you know. For (J sm all fee th e po le.
th ey may deli ve r, d ig a h ole . a nd se t th e pole
for you. We have d ream ed lo ng e no ugh. so Saddle Construction
let's get down to copper tacks and go to To determine the le ng th of If-channe l
work . require d and how much overhang is needed,
Pre pare the pole before sett ing it by one must fi rst de ter mi ne ho w fa r the drive
sawing the to p off st ra ight so t he sadd le sha ft will be fro m th e pole. This w ill be
( F ig. 4) will bolt on pr ope rl y . Drill th e holes dependent up on th e rotator and mount
© ClarkWardOrange
It . Ill . C 1 Q..,") AN 74 45
position . A piece of 4 o r 6 in . iron U-channel installed, from jumping out o f th e pulley
may be utili zed fo r th e sadd le. Cut the end grooves. Cut and weld a 16 in. piece of
on each side as sho wn in Fig. I , and then U-channel to fit inside of the saddle as
bend the end down and weld as shown in show n in Fig. 4, so the center of the sled slot
Fig. 2. is the same d istance from t he po le as the
cente r o f th e ro tato r drive assemb ly. The
ta per of th e po le may have to be considere d
so the drive sha ft will be perpendicu lar when
installed . Drill a 5/8 in . hole approxima tely
6 in . down from the top and another hole
approximately 14 in . fro m the top. Before
F ig. 1. installing the saddle, make the sled to fit the
saddle-sled slo t without binding.

Sled Constr uction

The base of t he sled is co nst ru cted from
1/8 in. stee l approx ima te ly 7 in . long and
Fig. 2.
ap prox ima te ly as wide as t he D-channel. Cut
a 2 in . hole near the ce nter and bend the
Obtain two narrow st u rdy p ulleys and a front as shown in Fig. 5. Drill a 3/8 in. hole
steel rod for axles. Cut th e slo ts for the sled in the cen ter at each end approximately Y.!:
and pulleys as sho wn in Fig. 3. Install in . from the edge.
pulley s in th e slots and weld or bolt axles to
the underside o f the Ll-ch annel . Drill a Y.z in.
hole near the center of th e U-channel for lag e
screwing into the top of t he pole .

Fig. 5. Sled.

I o I Using I in . st rap iron , bend it to fit t he
shape of the slo t in the sadd le as shown in
Fig. 6.. Weld this guide to the bottom o f the
sled as sho wn in Fig. 7. Be sure it is
F ig. 3.
positioned so the drive shaft will he vertical.

Weld a short piece o f Y4 in . steel rod nex t Visit a salvage yard and purchase a thrust
to the pull eys an d bend th em over t he beari ng t hat will slip over a 1Y4 in . pipe. The
pulley s to preven t thc steel ca ble , whe n thrust bea ring is used to carry t he weight of
the ante nna system on t he saddle and not o n
the ro ta tor, plus allowing ease of ro tatio n.
r ;. The thrust bearing is not required if these
features are not desired . Positio n the thrust
p bearing on top o f the sled and over the hole
so the drive shaft can be inserted through
V both assemblies. Weld the outer race of the
0 beari ng to the sled so t hat when a load is
placed on top of the bearing it will be free to
rota te . This completes t he sled co nstructio n.
Fig. 4. Saddle assem bly.
Fig. 6. Guide.
© ClarkWardOrange
Chew the rag all
or win the ests...
the CX7A makes them both easier.
There are a co uple o f different ways to look at It lets yo u do things no other rig lets you do.
si gnal / on e's CX7A. Yo u might c ompare it to a car. And do all of them better. Sitting at the console
For th e rag -ch ewer 's con ven ien ce and ease o f th e CX7A you 're in command o f the amateur
of ope ration, it's stri ctl y in the Rolls-Royce rad io un iverse.
catego ry. Wh eth er yo u're a Rolls-Royce type or a
For th e competitive- minded amate ur, Ferrari -minded guy.
it's li ke driving a Ferrari. See the remarkable CX7A at yo ur signal /o ne
That's because the e X?A was designed with deale r's. Or write for a deta iled brochure.
un comprom ising quality. With more features For $2,195, you'll be th e coolest rag-c hewer
tha n yo u ca n imagine. The rig equals a roo m in town .
fu ll of ge ar, all neatl y enclosed in a com pact, Or the hottest co mpetitor.
desk-top un it.

slgnslj one
a subsidia ry of
Computer Measurements, Inc.
1645 West 135th Street
Gardena , California 90249

© ClarkWardOrange
A'" "'I':
o () t-' f-J

Fig. 7,

Drive Shaft Bracket ~

T he drive shaft Lbracket stabilizes the
hinge poi nt duri ng ro tat io n a nd lo wering of
--- f-J
th e ant e nna . 1\ 4 in . wide a nd ap p roxi ma te ly
12 in . lon g piece of 1{8 in . stee l sho uld be
1--- --=p.

bent into an "L" shape . The hole in the

bracket for the drive shaft ca n be measured -- --- --
--- -- -_.
an d cut after the d rive sha ft is te m po rarily h h
insta lle d . to m ak e it easie r to locat e the
exact posi tion for th e ho le. Th e dri ve shaft is
then pla ced through the hole of the bracket.
Fiq . 8 . Hinqe assembly.
The bracket is positioned just be low the
hinge point and t hen lag screws arc used to when co mplete d . It is suggested that a
fast e n it t o the pol e . Th e h inge poin t can no t washe r be insta lle d to a llo w ease o f re m oval
he deter min ed u nt il the a nte n na height o f the lo we r dri ve shaft after the wel d ing
above the po le is know n . The an te nna height opera tion . Rem o val of one bolt will allow
above the po le can be l O ft or greate r the drive shaft to hinge on the other bolt.
depending upon weight and wind lo ad of the T wo bolts arc use d fo r added stre ngth.
an tenna. Th e hinge po in t will be a ppro xi- Th e up per d rive shaft is in sert ed t h ro ugh
ma tel y half way be tw een th e a n te n na and th e the sle d assembl y, winch insta lle d o n the
ground . The length of the lo wer po rtio n of pole, an d !4 in . steel ca ble run from the
the I Yz in . drive shaft is from the ro tator to winch up over the two pulleys on the sad d le
the hinge point and the upper portion from
and down to the grou nd, where it is attached
the hinge po int to th e antenna .
to the fron t o f the sle d . In se rt t he lo wer
Hinge Co nstruc t io n dri ve sha ft th rou gh t he ce n te r brac ket a nd
attac h th e o ther e nd o f the d rive shaft to th e
Cut two pie ces of I Yz in . pipe. 24 in. lo ng. rota tor. Ho ist the upper drive shaft so the
Drill a half-in ch hole . 3 in . from one end,
through ea ch piece. Drill ano ther ha lf-i nch
ho le . 9 in . fro m th e sa me e nd. T hese ho les
have t o be d rill ed acc u ra tely , so hal f-in ch
bolts ca n be inserte d th ro ugh bo th pieces. It
is suggested that when one hole is drilled
through each, they be bo lted to get her before
d rilli ng t he se co nd ho le . Th is will assure
align me n t of th e t w o pieces. Tw o simil a r
holes must be d rilled in t he lower dri ve shaft
and these must be dri lled accura te ly so <J II
three pieces can be bolte d toge ther as show n
in F ig. 8 .
Weld th e tw o pieces to th e up per portion
of the dri ve shaft o r bolt them t ogether if
desired . In either ca se, keep the lo w er Fig. 9.
sec t io n bolted toge ther to assure alignmen t

© ClarkWardOrange

• • ,•
1"-"-'. ,
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-• .
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THE R·599 RECEIVER: .5 microvolt sensitivity THE T·599 TRANSMITTER: Clear, stable, select·
(amateur bands 1.8-21.0 MHz) • Dial readout able side-band, AM and CW • 4-way VFO Flex-
to lh kilocycle. Special detectors for SSB, AM, ibility plus Receiver Incremental Tuning (Rln
and FM • Transceive operation with T·599. when used with the R-599 • Amplified ALe •
Built-in 100 kc and 25 kc crystal calibrator. Built·in VOX • Full metering, including cathode
Built-in 500 cycle CW filter • Provision for two current. plate voltage, ALe and relative Power
meier and six meter coverage with optional ac- Output. Built-in CW Sidetone monitor and semi-
cessory self--contained converters • Advanced automatic break-in CW • Built-in power supply.
"Space-Age' styling • Adjustable threshold Maximum TVI protection. Employs only 3 vac.-
squelch. The price •• • only $329.00· uum tubes. The Price . •• only $365.00 ·

TH E KENWOOD •••••• •• •••• •••••••••••••

•• •••••••••• ••••••••
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15·5115 ••
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••••••••••••• ••• • •••• ••• • ••
• • • •••
• • ••• •••
TRA NSC EIVER •••••••••••••
• • ••••
•• • • • •••• ••••••••• •• • • • ••• •
• • •• • •••• ••• •••• •• ••• •••• ••
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••••••••••• •••••••••••• ••••
•••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
The Kenwood TS-511S is a :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::
five band SSB and CW trans- " "- - -' -'-
ceiver pack ed with power FREQUENCY RA NGE: 10, 15, 20, KC (at 6 db) with 2 to 1 slope ratio
and perform ance .. . offering 40 & 80 meters (Amateu r Bands) CW m o re t ha n 0.5 KC (.11 6 db) 0
fea tures never before avail- o MODES: l SB, USB, CW 0 A.F. OUTPUT: more than 1
abl e in its price range. For INPUT POWER: 500 wall s PEP, walt (10% distorti on) 0 TUBE &
exa mp le : built-in VOX, crys- 300 watts CW nominal. 0 SOLID STATE COM PO NENTS : 10
tal calib rator, noise blank er, SENSITIVITY: 3.5-21.6 mH z band; Tu bes, 1 IC, 37 Transistors, 4 FET,
receiver incremental tun ing, 0.5 uv SIN 10 db 2B.0-29.7 mH z 52 Di odes 0 PRI CE: $39B.00·
1 kHz frequ en cy readout, 8 band ; 1.5 uv SI N 10 db a nd le ss ACCESSO RIES: Power Supply with
pol e filler, stable FET VFO, than 100 cps frequ ency drift per built-in sp eaker $105.00: Exte rn al
dual co nversion and acces- 30 minutes aft er warm-up 0 VFO $99.00: CW Filter $35.00·
sory CW filter. SELECTIVITY: SSB m ore than 2.4 • Prices sub jec t to im port surcharge

© ClarkWardOrange
,--PVlLEYS -~

\.. \..
--- -- ---
--- -- ---

--- --- ---

'---CA8l..E GUlDES--'

Top view of saddle.

'-v -:

r i:

Hinge por tion of drivesh af t. AEt..IEF CASLE- 80m
I 1/4 ,n
I , CAIll.E
Side view of sled. I II C£NTER ORIV[

~~ ~
~ II
~ II
.::::. II
~~ MD" "

" 'll1I'll1I'll1I'll1Im m mrmm m 7Tll,'I,mm
Bottom vie w of sled. The whole shebang.
Fig. 10.

hin ge sect io n ca n be mated by inserti ng a goo d ground system. I have used this type of
bolt. After drive shaft and sled are hoisted to system for over ten years at two different
the o perati ng po sition , ins ta ll ce nter brac ket locati o ns wit hou t one spec k of tro uble .
an d mar k the pipe eve n with the to p o f the Mo re rece nt ly a Cliff Dweller ante nna was
thrust bearing. Lo wer upper section and installed above th e TA-33 Tri-band Mosley
weld inne r race o f thrust bea rin g to the pipe beam with excelle nt results. No guy wires
a small frac tio n o f a n inc h belo w th e ma rk , clu tter up the ya rd, an d antennas ca n be
so the weight w ill be carried by th e bearing lo wered and raised single-handedly , It is
and not th e rota to r when in operating suggested that a piece of st rap iron as sho wn
position . Attach an te n na and ro u te cable in Fig. 9 be welded to the pipe where th e
do wn cen ter o f pipe and ou t of the hinge. antenna attaches with If-clamps. This will
Pro vide sufficie n t slack in cable t o allow fo r preve nt the anten na from rotating o n the
more th an 360 of ante n na ro ta tio n. A pipe o r slipp ing do wn t he pipe i f it should
reversing switc h can also be installed, or a loosen.
lim it switch, if desired . Be sure to install a ... WIlBMW

50 © ClarkWardOrange 73 MAGAZINE
Ed. Note : The first half of this two -part interna tional broadcasting, VHF television,
series contained figures numbered J - 4 . and UHF television broad casting.
lienee, in this section, wh ich is a logical It would seem that the last 25 or 30 in .
continua tion from Part I, the figures are of the yardst ick or 25 - 30,000 MH z would
numbered sequentially from 5 to 8. be the bes t place for obse rving with the
radio telescope. But at frequencies above
The radio spectru m extends up to about 3000 MH z it becomes a major problem to
40,000 MH z, and is grouped into seve n reduce noise coming from the so urce in
classifi cations becau se of the vast differ- space.
ences throughout the total radio frequen cy While the problem at superhigh frequen-
spectru m. cies is atmospheric absorption, at lower
10 - 30 k Hz Very lo w freq . frequencies the ionosphere reduces the
30 - 300 kH z Low freq. signal level of waves passing through the
300 - 3000 kH z Medium freq. charged layer. In addition, this layer in the
3-30 MH z High freq . upper atmosphere can cause signals at low
30 -300 MHz Very high freq . angles to skip back into space just as radio
300 -3000 MH z Ultra high freq . signals on the reverse side are bounced
3-30 G Hz Superhigh freq . back towa rd th e earth .
If the ra dio spectru m were a ya rdstick, The upper la yers of the atmo sphere
th e first 10 in . would con tain 98% o f all (Fig. 5) form thi ck layers or bands of
radio co mmu nica tio ns used fo r milit ary. ionized particles when the se atoms are
avia tion , radar. two-way radio, ship-to- excited by ultravi olet energy from the sun.
shore, ham radio o pera tions, mobile tele- Obviously , while thick bands o f ionization
pho ne, AM broadcasting, FM broad casting, are formed during th e day this same upper
© ClarkWardOrange
1I 11\1t: 1Q7 ') TH 1 5 51

The Rosett e nebula - a ra dio stellar source observed at the 10 em wavelength or about 3000 MHz .
The wh ite lines outline the radio contours and are superimposed on an optical telescope pho tograph of
the Rosette nebula. Numb ers alon g the base of the photograph are kn own as right ascension (RA ),
which together with the declina tion angle along the le ft side of the photograph give the astronomer
the exact position of the source on the celestial sphere. NGC·2237·46 located in th e lower right corner
indicates the ne w general catalog n umber of the source. This was a list o f optical star clusters, nebulae,
and galaxies compiled in 1888. The cataloging of so urces is a must in order to Jet astronomers locate
sources quickly . T his particular nebu la is relatively young and hot; no tice how the areas of in tense
radio energy correspond to areas of intense visual light. ( Natio nal R adio Astro nomy Obse rvatory.)

rather than an audio signal varying at an intensity, for plotting relative intensity and
audio rat e. This vary ing dc drives a pen actua l intensity at the receiver.
which is set in a moveme n t very similar to
a meter movement. A change in voltage Types of Radi o Telescopes
causes the pen to swing in the same mann er T elescopes may be eit he r of the radiom-
as th e needle of a voltme te r. ete r t yp e or of the in te rfero meter type .
If th e variation s o f the pen fo llow ea ch The radio mete r is a simple single radio
small cha nge of inp ut. the final product te lescope used to observe radio so urces
will end up being a mass of confusion so mu ch like an optical telescope .
so me way must be used to smoo th out the An inte rferome ter consists of two or
rat e o f pen movement. The exact rate more an te nnas which are used in conjun c-
dep ends on the type of observatio n being tion with eac h o ther. If two anten nas are
made . No rma ll y a capacito r and resis to r arc used t hey both fee d a single receiver.
placed in th e pen circuit to even out the The usc of two antennas as in Fig . 8
flu ct uations. (See Fig. 8 .) actually increases the effective aperture of
An other impo rta nt stage in t he tele- the telescope; thus much more resolutio n
sco pe is th e no ise gen erator, which pro- can be built into a rece iver wi thou t making
vide s a calibratio n source of a known it physically larger.
© ClarkWardOrange
52 73 MAr"A 7 1N~
Today's newest and most advanced keye r . 50 0 Marke rs at 5. 10 . 25. 50. roo. 200 and 400 kHz .
bit/4 0 character Read-Wr ite memo ry. Stores a ny 4 00 kHz c ry st al . No unwanted m a r ke r s . Latest
m e ssa g e i nst a ntly. Near-Fun and ove rloa d a la rms . low powe r les. Buffe red e sc. and o u t p u t .
I n clu d es all Space·Mat ic 2 1 features .
$32.95 (Less Batteries)

.... .-"-_.
.. ...
, , ,~~
• • •
.- - - :
-. --
_ _ _ N_OO<' •
_ . ...-00


Instant self-starting, self-completing d ots. dashes. The solid -state d e sign d e tec ts th e mere t ouch of
and associated dot, dash . character and w ord y ou r fi n ger and e li mi n a tes such p ro b lems as
s p a cing . Adjustable weighting. 3 .5·85 wpm . Bu ilt- co ntac t bou nce, p rop e r a dju stme nts a n d d irt y
i n sidetone and speake r. Iambic. Dot and da s h c o n t ac t s. Opera tes with all keye rs . Weig h t ed .
memories. Su itable for use with all standard keys .
$22.95, $25.95 (With SP OT Switch O pti o n.)


LOOK - The CRICKET is here - and it has the ju mp on

all the others in its field!

This low-cost keyer has more features for y o u r dollar than

all the others in its pri ce range . Even so me in a higher
price range! Go ahead - loo k aro und - co m pare the rest!
Then buy the BEST - Data Engineer ing's new CRIC KET
• Jam-proof spaci ng .3.5 t o 50 wpm
• Self-completing dots and dashes • " F ull -Co nt ro l" weight rat io
• Sidetone osc. and speaker • Speed, volume and tone co ntro ls ,
• Built-in key • Transm itter tune switch
• Relay keys 300V at 1 amp • Auto-Sem i-auto . sw itch
• Keved time base. Instant start • AC powered. Can al so operate from 12V battery. $49.95
Why don't you get the jump on all the others - too-


Now, f or the f irst time, you can be EXACT with your
channel spacing and deviation .
This deluxe marker allows you to check your receive and
transmit spacing fo r channels in the 10,6,2, and 1 3/4
meter FM bands. Mar kers are at 5, 10,15,20,30,40,60
and 120 k Hz. Prec ision 12 MHz crystal. Osc. and output
buffered. No unwanted markers. R ich harmonics beyond
220 MH z.
$44.50 (Less Batteries)
Five-Year Guarantee_PPD U S A _ S e n d for brochures
Box 1245· Springfield, Virginia 22151
TH 16
© ClarkWardOrange


Fig. 8 . En ergy from space arrives at telescope 2 first , causing a phase differential be tween the two
antennas; this "difference" is useful in de termining astronomical da ta .

An te nnas longer t han 20 mete rs a movab le an tenna

One of the most important fac to rs in becomes almost impossible even for the
the performance of a telescope is the professional with unlimi ted funds.
antenna. The antenna of a dish type The dish is a broadband device with a
teJescope does the exact same job as a rather flat gain curve over several mega-
mirror of a refl ect ing-ty pe op tical tele- hertz. It is impor tant to be broad banded
for most rad io ast rono my app lications. It
scope. It gathers energy and fo cuses it to a
specific point. does no good to have a broad in terme diate
frequen cy if th e an te nna has a sha rp gain
Parabolic. T he dish is no t th e on ly response.
an te nna being used for radio astronomy ; in The higher in fre que ncy onc goes wit h
man y cases th e dish is th e most inefficient the same size dish antenna th e more
anten na which might be selec te d. For efficient th e ante nna will pe rform . This is
exa mp le, because a dish nee ds to be at least because t he highe r t he frequen cy the
10 wavelengths in diameter, at wavele ngt hs sho rte r t he wave leng th: T he wave length (X)

Twin 90 ft telescopes at Owens Valley Observatory operated by the California Institute of Technology
through funds provided by the Office of Naval Research. (Office of Nava l Rescarch.}
© ClarkWardOrange
54 7 ::1: M .6r.:.o.7 1"1 E:
-, /

"- " SIG UlS /


" fRO M /
'\ Sf"C( /
-, /

-, /
-, /


F ig. S. T h e E and F ionosph ere layers reflect signals from space as well as signals from earth.

atmosp here is tran sparent to me dium a nd The Basic System

high radio frequencies d uring the night. Al mo st all rad io telescopes in usc today
The io nosp here is not one solid layer consist of a n a ntenna, receiver, da ta
but co nsis ts of a series of layer s a t di fferent record er, and no ise gene rato r for calib ra-
he ight s above th e ea rth 's surface . ti on .
At a height of about 70 miles. the first F igure 6 shows a block diagram of a
ionized la yer (E) exists. The seco nd laye r simple syste m.
consists of a single la yer of io ns dur ing t he The re ceiver o pe ra tes o n th e standard
night bu t sp lits int o two se para te la yers supe rhe tero dy ne prin cip le not to o u nlike a
d uring t he day. T he ave rage he igh I of the F sta nda rd ho me television se t.
layer is I 75 miles. A n expa nded te lescope is diagrammed
in Fig. 7. No te t hat the various stages of
the rece iver portions are displa yed In
\lI gre at er detail.
A signa l is induced into the an tenna and
is t ransferred t o t he inpu t of the rf
ampl ifier stage via a coa xial tra ns mission
line. T he rf am plifier is usuall y a broad-
RCVR band device with a low internal noise an d
10- 30 d B 01 overa ll ga in. T he rnost impor-
tan t func t io n of the rf am p lifie r is to
esta blish a low no ise level thro ughout th e
syste m. It is obvious tha t excess noise
genera te d in th is stage will be fed back and
a mp lifie d alo ng w it h the des ired signa l in
eac h of th e succeed ing amplifier st ages of
• th e re ceiver.
The n ext stage after the rf amplifie r is
t he m ix er. This stage along with the osci l-
lat or co mb ine t o lo wer t he ou tput fre-
F ig. 6. Simplified d ata ga thering system consis ts qu ency to th e int erme diat e freq ue ncy.
of a noise so urce, receivers an d antenna, and a The oscilla tor is remove d in freq uency
method for re cording t he incoming information. fro m th e carrier frequency by a difference

JUNE 19 72 © ClarkWardOrange
TH 17 55
o f t he intermedia te freque ncy. T he oscilla- rece iver output is a speaker or a dc
tor can he made to ope ra te either above or amplifier if the final output is to be a pen
be low the ca rrier frequency but always the re cord er.
d iffe re nce must be tha t of t he in termed iat e If a pen recorder is used a de amplifier is
fr equ e ncy . need ed to conve rt t h e sig nal t o a varying d e
This stc pdow n in fr equ en cy is th e h eart

o f th e su pe rhe te ro dy ne p rinc ip le f o r it is
eas ier to att ai n h igh se nsit ivit y, se lec tivity , -
and stab ility a t th e lowe r fr equ en cies t han
a t th e h igher ones.
J ust as the rf amplifier de termines the
noise level of the entire receiver. the i-f
amplifier determines the sensitivity and
selectivity of the entire telesco pe. T h e i-f
amplifier is usua lly mad e u p o f a t least ~ o r
3 ampli fie rs ; an d 30 to 120 d B in tot al ga in
is t he norm , Th e ba nd wid t h d epen d s on
the ty pe o f signal t he o bse rve r wishes to
receive . If so me d iscrete narrow band signa l
is being received the bandpass of th e i- f
amplifier mus t also be na rrow, Such a
signa l might come from a spacecraft or
satellite .
Fo r natural rad io noise a wide bandpass
mu st be use d, on t he or de r of 3 ~6 MHz.
At lo we r freque ncies it is almost impossi ble
to fin d 3 Ml lz wi t h no o ther ma n-m ade
radi o signals wh ich wo u ld int erfere with
th e observa tion. As a co nseq ue nce, t he
rad io ast ronomer must be con ten t w it h This un ique receiver was designed and built at the
lon ly a few kilohertz of han d pass at fre- NRA O and is used for receiving spectral lines of
quencies below 100 MHz. elements which fall within the radio spectrum.
After the i-f stage has amp lified the The i-t amplifier is con tained within the rack on
the left. The i -t stage is the first stage inside the
signal and established the receiver's band- "shack It; this is because the rt amplifier and
pass, the signal is sent to the de tec tor stage , mixer stages are moun ted ou t at the antenna.
where the i-f is b lo cked h y a d io d e , leaving Several narrowband filters are located in the i-f
only th e varia tions whic h ap peared o n th e stage to allow for a very accura te determination
of frequency. The rack on the left con tains the
original fre que ncy.
digital switching system, a m emor y bank, and
A ft er th e detect or the sig nal is sent t o various power supplies. (Nat ional Radio Astron-
either an au dio frequency amp lifie r if th e omy Ohsc rva tor y.)



Fig. 7. Block diagram of a complete radio telescope system.

© ClarkWardOrange
SYNTHESIZER Size: 1 3/S" h igh x
3 5/S" wide x 8"
• 1000 ch an n els from one cr y st al (yes, th at' s Ion 9 .
o ne t housand) selectable every 10 K Hz. fr om PRICE: $119.95 ppd.
140 .0 0 to 149 .9 9 MH z. NOTE: NY State
• Bette r th ~n .0 005%0
(5 pa r t s per 0million) residents add sales
from - 10 to +60 C down_ to _ 30 C w it h
accessory heateravail able later. tax.
• T hu m bwhee l sw itch es w it h d ig ital readout • Operates fro m 10 to 15 VDC . In cludes 3
for fast se lection . precision IC vo ltage regul ato rs (one for each
• Use s a su pe r precisio n c rysta l reference majo r c irc u it f unct io n) to p revent in te rac t ion
source operating at 5 M Hz. for easy ch ecking and to ta ke ca re o f those wide vo ltage swinQ5
with WWV . R F ou tpu t is obta ined f rom a in mo b ile installa t io ns. Can also be u sed on
VCO tightl y locked to the referen ce sou rce 110 volts AC with a small 12 volt 1/2 amp
in a d igita l p h ase-loc k ed lo o p ci rcui t . power supply. 50 onm output for remote op-
• Present model is ava ilable wit h o utpu t in t he eration.
6 • 12 o r 18 MH z . band (corresponding to COMING SOON : A frequ ency sy n th esizer for
144 MHz.! fo r d irec t su bst it u tio n of trans. 45 MH z. rece ive c ry stals, a co m b ination trans-
mi tt ing crystals. Bu ilt- in compUter selects
the a pp rop r iate frequ ency when you set the mit and receive sy n t hes ize r, a sy n t hesizer with
read out to th e transmitter output you want . dire ct output in the 144 and 220 MH z _ band ,
• C ha nges freque ncy almost as fast as you can and a whol e se r ies of sy n thesizers to cover fro m
sw itch. Settl ing t ime is in millisecond s even su b -a udio to m icro wave frequ encies.
• •
when swit chi ng from o ne band limit t o th e IMPOR T A NT : Whe n o rder ing be su re t o state if
other . No h unt ing or false 'loc·k s as wit h some yo u wa nt t he 6 , 12 o r 18 MH z. output.
other sy nt hesizers.
196-23 Jamaica Ave.
VANGUARD LABS Hollis, N.Y. 11423

is eq ual to the freq uency (f) di vided by t he wo uld have a ba ndwi d t h of less than 1
spee d of ligh t (e) . . MH z, which would impo se serio us li mit a-
Collinear . T ho co llinea r ( pha sed array) tions o n perfo rman ce. A pa rallel would be
ante nna is defin ite ly an "up an d co ming" an o p tica l telesco pe with bo th ends o f t he
an tenna. The nee d fo r phased-array an te n- visible light spect ru m fil te red ou t.
nas has come about as a resu lt of t he need If o ne specific narro wband signal were
to track high speed missiles at close range, to be observed, suc h as a wea ther sate llite,
where it becomes impractical to t urn t he a yagi wo uld be a superior an ten na because
antenna mechanically . Many satellite t rack- in terferen ce several megah ert z remo ved
ing antennas as we ll as the ABM radars are wou ld be part iall y filte red o u t by th e
of t he phased-array t yp e. Du ring th e 19 50s ine ffi cie ncy of t he yagis at t hose fre-
and 19 60 s paraboli c (and parabo lic d eriva- q uencies.
tive) an te nnas were used . The fir st rad ar The yagi itself co nsists o f, one driven
signals bounced off of t he mo on we re cleme nt and seve ral parasitic elemen ts . A
made using a phased-array rada r ante nna. longer eleme nt in back of t he di pole serves
Phased arrays like the parabolics are - as a re fle cto r: Shorte r elemen ts in front of
broadband antennas. Unlike the parabolic, th e dr iven element serve as "directors."
which must be built to close tolerances, the H elix rl IJ reIJ IJQs. A quite popular anten-
phased array is not particularly critical. na for telemet ry and wea t her sa telli te
Yagi Beams. Very h igh gains' can be ha d acq uisition is th e helix . -Th e heli x is a
with th is an te nna: however, it has o ne co mpro mise ante nna. For a given size and
serio us drawback : As th e eleme n ts are cost th e heli x is sligh tly less efficient than
ad de d to achieve more gain, th e freq ue ncy the o t he r an ten nas alrea dy descri bed . Ho w-
resp on se is narro wed . Th is is no t a real ever, it is ex t reme ly broadband ed and wi ll
proble m at freq ue nc ies below 30 MHz : receive signa ls po larized horizontal , verti-
howeve r, at VHF and highe r a yagi wit h cal, or circu lar.
the same gain as a collinear or pa ra bolic
JUNE 19 72 © TH
18 57
In a yagi which is polarized vertical or thing to do with the famous red spot on
horizontal (depending on the position of J u pit er?
the dipole), a loss of 2 d B occu rs whe n a 2) lIo w an d why do sunspots usua lly
signal is re ceived wh ic h is opposite in a ppear o n the su rface of th e su n a t abo ut
polarity from the receivin g an te n na. the same time that ultravio let ene rgy causes
A helix overcomes this loss eve n if t he cha nges in the ionosphere?
antenna itself does not have as m u ch t o ta l 3) T he rad io o bservat io n of sun fla res.
gain as the yagi. These unk nowns still exist even though
jovian noise, general sun noise. and sun
Problems t he Amateur Can Work On fla res may be received with relatively
In this day of massive governme nt si m ple equipme nt; an d many books, ar ti-
spending what chance has th e ama teu r in cles, and pape rs have bee n written abo ut
making a significant break thro ugh'! A ctu- th e su bjects. Mayb e, if you are no t af raid
ally, the chances are fa irly goo d if the ha m to adv en ture in t o th e unk nown, it migh t be
is willing to put forth some extra effor t. you who discovers th e origin of jovian

Owens Valley Observatory 130 [t telescope operated by the California Institute ot Technology
through funds provided by the Office of Naval Research and the National Science Fo unda tion . (Owens
Valley Obse rvatory.)

Much listening can be done with standa rd no ise or the me cha nics of a solar flare . The
ham gear; most communications receivers public libra ry in sec tion 522 has nume rous
that cover 15 meters are capable of books on astro nomy and radio astronomy.
receiving noise from Jupiter and the sun Yo u as an in dividua l have the too ls and
and of hearing genera l galactic noise. m uch of th e k now ledge to again le t ham
Some of the unknowns are: rad io ma ke a meaningful con tribu t io n to
I ) Ho w d ocs t he plane t J upiter pro du ce science and tech no logy.
it s strong radio noise? Docs it ha ve so me - ... W4ZB E •

58 © ClarkWardOrange 73 MAGA Z I N E
(c h eck o ne)
0 01 0 61
D O. 0 6.
Name _ 0 07 0 67
0 10 0 70
Ca ll _ 0 13 0 73
0 16 0 76
0 19 0 79
Ad d ress _ 0 22 0 82
0 25 0 85
Cit y _ 0 28 0 88
0 31 0 91
0 3. 0 9.
Sta te Zi p _ 0 37 0 97
0 52 0 52

Ma ke & Mo del Tran sceiver _

$ e nclosed
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u ununu uw n unu
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Why wait un til n ex t week?


Crystal s are availabl e for th e following *We realize that this is a con tradiction of terms.
two meter FM transceiv ers at th is spec ial
pri ce offe r: Drake, Regency, Simpson, Crystal s in HC·25/U holders for th e 146
SBE, Sonar, Standard, and Tempo. Pl ease MHz cha nnels listed in th e order blan k are
spec ify th e ma ke and model transceiver availa ble for
when you place your order so we can be
sure to send you the correct compensated
crystal s. Crystals are available for all
other FM t ransce ivers, for all bands . . .
please wr ite for prices ... very reaso nab le
. . .plus 5011 per comp lete order fo r postage
prices. Repeater owners sh ould ask abo ut and han dlin g.
our temperature compensated repeater
Eastern customers may appreciate o ur fa st mail service . . . it can save yo u days to weeks on you r
order. Western cust ome rs ma y appreciate getting crystals that w ork on cha nnel the very fi rst time and
don 't have t o be returned for fur ther com pensat ion to match y ou r set.

Valpey Fisher - 40 lo ng ha rd years of experience.

[YFI H[R CORP Dealers - Have we got a deal for you!!!

UAlP [ [ 1015 F'IRST, H OLLI STON MASS 0 1746

© ClarkWardOrange

© ClarkWardOrange
Henry Hunter

Henry Hunter (the name is a nom de plume ) is a lawyer and registered patent attorney.
He holds degrees in both engineering and law and is a licensed amateur radio operator.
Requests for additional information cannot be answered by the author and shou ld be
addressed instead to a registered patent attorney or agent of the inquirer's own selection. See
the Directory of Registered Patent A ttorneys and Agents cited in the bibliogra phy
acco mpa nying this article.

ma teurs have co n trib u ted mu ch to t h e groups a nd large la b orat o ries will p robab ly
A adva nce me n t o f t h e rad io a nd elec-
tronic a rts. No twithsta nding the d o minan ce
co n tinue to pou r fo rt h d iscoveries and inven-
tions, no t all men of inventive tal en t will
of resea rc h a nd d evelopment in recen t ye ars necessarily join their staffs, and ind ividual
by the tec h nica l a nd scien tific staffs of inve nt ors in sma ll laboratories , base me nt
insti t u t io ns, universities, a nd large corpo ra- wo rk sh o ps, a nd un iversit y carrels will also
tio ns, t he in d ep enden t inven to r has no t co nt in ue to co nce ive and discover a sign ifi-
bec o me o bso le te o r even less effec tive . Large ca nt pro po rt io n o f t h e invention s of the
orga niza t io ns have the adva ntage o f fund s fu t u re .
with wh ich to pu rchase eq uip me n t a nd t he While large researc h o rga nizations an d
pooled tale nt requi red to u tilize such most labo ra to ries u sually have patent counsel o n
effectively . but tru e inve n tive ness - wh ich is th eir staffs o r o n retai ner, individual inve n t-
a mo re modest term for ge niu s - is bo rn, o rs a nd sma ller o rga nizatio ns usu ally d o n o t.
no t bough t. Wh en God wishes man to This arti cle is n ot inte nde d to serve that
discover mo re - o r u tili ze o ne of - His wo n- need , h o wever , but merely to provi de so me
d ers. He does n o t fo rm a corpora tio n, float a general o rientatio n a nd a nswers to certai n
bo nd issue, or b uild -a la boratory . Inst ead a co m mo n, ge ne ra l questio ns , and to poi nt o u t
child is born: a Marconi, a Morse , a Fleming, th e necessit y of seeki ng co mpe ten t profes-
a n Ediso n , o r a Tesla . Alt hough research sio nal advice im mediately when needed .

JUNE 19 72 M 11 61
© ClarkWardOrange
Is Your Invention Pat entable? Uni te d Sta tes from makin g, using and
A United Sta tes p at en t may be ob tai ned selling h is inven tio n within t he scope o f t he
by an y person who has inve nted o r dis- pa te n t cla ims for 17 years from t he d ate t he
cove re d a ny new a nd usefu l art , ma ch in e, pat ent issues. T he pate ntee can manufacture,
manu fac ture , or co mposit ion o f matt er, or use, and sell his inve n tion wit h'in t h e Uni ted
any ne w an d u seful im prove men t th ere of, Sta tes so long as h e d oes not infri nge on
not k now n or used by o thers in t his co untry so meo ne else 's pa te n t (alt hough he can a lso
before h is inve n tio n o r discovery t here of, do these th ings wit ho ut a pa te nt). He ca n
and no t pa tente d or described in a ny pu bli- sue an d recover da mages and a n inj u nction
catio n in this o r an y foreign co un try b efo re agai nst th ose who infringe his pa te nt. He can
his inven tio n or discove ry t hereof, or more also a ssign all o r part of his patent to o thers
t ha n o ne ye ar prio r to his a pplica tio n . or license o thers to ma nufactu re, use or sell
Paten ts are no t gra nte d for inve n tio ns his inven t io n in all or cer tai n parts o f the
th a t are use less or inope rable, for t he literary United St ates. These are t he usual ways in
co nte nt of prin ted ma tt er, or for met ho ds of whic h pa ten tees may pro fi t from thei r inven-
doi ng business. Paten ts may b e ob tai ne d, ti on . A pate n t is a ba dge o f t he inve nt ive
ho wever, fo r designs and fo r ce rt ai n ty pes of abi li ty of th e invent or an d may afford hi m a
plant s. measu re o f perso nal satisfactio n in addi tio n
Publi c use o r sale o f an invention in t his to wh atever mone tary rewar d it may bring
co untry more t ha n one year be fo re fili ng a to him.
pat ent app licatio n, w hether by or with the The co mmercial va lue of a pate nt t o a
conse nt of t he inven tor or by an o ther pa te ntee is ext reme ly di fficu lt to app raise.
person , perha ps a n indepen den t inve nto r of Where t he inve nto r is " ahead of his t ime,"
th e same id ea , or per ha ps one who has take n t he invention may not ac hieve co mmercial
th e id ea wit hou t a ut hority, will bar the gra nt success for a co nsiderab le lengt h of ti me.
of a pate nt. Additio nally, use o r pu blication So met imes t he in vention may have its most
of t he inve ntio n in t his co u ntry, befo re a successful application in a fiel d o f u se quite
pa te n t a pplica tio n h as bee n filed, ma y pre- dissimilar fro m t ha t in w hic h t he inventor
vent th e inve ntor fro m later ob tai ning first sough t to market it. So me ti mes, too,
foreign patents. Since it usually t a kes seve ral due to high man u fa cturing costs, fir m ly
wee ks, at least , to prepare the dra wings a nd esta blishe d competitio n, fa ilu re of t he pu blic
specifications of a paten t applica tion, if an to accept the inventio n, or for ot her re aso ns,
inven tor wishes t o a pply fo r a pate nt o n h is the inve n to r is una ble to re alize a ny fin an cial
invention he is usuall y well advised t o rewa rd fro m his pate nt, no matter how
co nsu lt his pa te nt att orney as soo n as inge nio us a nd usefu l it may be.
possible a ft er first mak ing h is inve ntio n. The fin al t est o f co m mercia l value lies in
In order th at your patent a tt orney may th e market place. Un til a pa te nt issues to t he
give you a n o pinio n as to t he p at enta bility inve ntor, ho wever, or at least u n til a paten t
of your idea and th e probable costs of applicati on has bee n filed wit h t he Patent
preparin g a pate n t a pplication, it is u sually Office , a n invento r who reve als his inve n tio n
necessary that a pre liminary searc h fi rst be to a p ro spective pu rchaser does so a t t he risk
made on t he pat en ts previo usly issue d b y t he of losing it . A n expressly confidentia l dis-
Unite d St ates Paten t O ffice. T his searc h closure ca n reduce t his risk, bu t ma ny
usually takes t hree to fo ur weeks t o co m- manu fact u rers will refuse to examine an
plete. O nly a registered paten t atto rney or inven tio n revealed to t hem in confide nce for
agent is qu alified to re nder a pro fessional fear of su bse q ue nt cla ims aga inst t hem in t he
opinion as to t he pate ntability of an inve n- eve nt t ha t they, t hemse lves, have in ven ted or
t ion . are worki ng o n the same idea. On the ot her
han d , if one to whom an inven tor discloses
Will A Patent Guarantee a Profit? his in vention, eve n in confide nce, steals it,
A pate nt is a d ocum en t issue d by the the inventor's remedy in the co u rts may be
United St ates gra nti ng to an inven to r t he ex t reme ly expensive, time-co nsuming, a nd
righ t to excl ude all o ther perso ns wit h in t he uncert ain . If the inventio n is believed to

© ClarkWardOrange
have a ny subs ta ntia l va lue, it sho u ld he prosecutio n of the app licatio n . T his process
wort h protect ing by the fili ng o f a pate n t is repeated until the Patent Office decid es t o
applicatio n at t he ea rliest possi ble d ate . The take fi nal a ction. a t whi ch ti me it ma y e it he r
filing o f a pate nt application esta b lishes with refu se to issue a patent a t all o r may issue a
the Pa te nt Offic e a date o f invention fo r t he gran t wit h o nly t hose cla ims wh ich it ha s
app lica nt and gives him so me pra ct ical pro- de cided to a llow. Your patent att orney may,
tect ion for his claim of prio rity a nd excl u- if yo u elect to d o so, appeal any rej ection
sive o wne rshi p o f his in venti on so that he first to the Board of Appea ls of th e Pa te n t
ca n thereaft er sta te t hat t here is a " Pat en t Offi ce an d th en to eit he r th e Court of
Pend ing" o n his inve ntio n a nd reveal it t o Cus to ms and Pa te n t App ea ls or to the
o t he rs with mo re sec urity. Co nsi dera tio n Unit ed Stat es District Court.
sho uld also be give n by th e inventor t o t he There is an additi onal proceeding kn own
de sirabil it y o f filing fore ign a p plicat io ns in as a n inte rference in whic h a pate nt app lica-
th o se co un tries in wh ich the in vent ion may tion ca n be come involved in the Patent
ha ve co m mercia l value wit hin o ne year of Office. This pro ceeding is held t o d etermine
the Uni ted Stat es fi ling. wh ich o f two or more appli cants for pat ent ,
Th ere is no objective te st of the pe rsonal o r an app li can t a nd a)pate n tee who se pate nt
value of a patent. For so me, th e p restige o f ha s been issu ed less th an o ne y ear, is e n ti tled
havin g a pat ented inve n tio n ca n result in t o pa te n t ce rta in claims . While the prosec u-
advan cement or job sec urity. For o th ers, t ion of a patent application may take from
personal sa tis fac t io n alon e may, or may n ot , six mo nt h s to seve ra l years, if a n application
be worth the ex pe nse o f see k ing a patent. becomes involved in a n interference pro ceed-
This is a n individua l matt er whic h th e ing th e pro secution period may necessa rily
inventor alone ca n de cid e. A pat ent will , be e xte nde d a n additi onal yea r or more .
however, give your invention lega l prote c- It is th us impossible to forete ll h ow
tion, a nd hence mak e it a more saleab le mu ch , in a ll, it will cost t o seek a patent o n a
co mmo dity . bu t it will not guara n tee a sa le part icular id ea . Howeve r, your patent attor-
nor a profit. ney ca n usually give y o u an estimat e, in
advan ce , of the cost o f prepa ring and fili ng a
Cos t of a Pa ten t pat ent appli cation o n yo u r invention . Also,
Fi rst of all, th ere is no gua rantee tha t t he after the positio n of the Pat en t O ffi ce o n
Pat e n t O ffi ce will gra n t yo u a pat ent o n your case is revealed by th e first " O ffice
your idea . If y ou a pply for a pat ent , y our Action ," if prosecutio n is nee de d h e will be
patent a tto rney will pre pare a pa te n t a p p li- able to give an es t ima te o f th e cost o f
catio n for you: a tech nical d ocument co n- prepa rin g a n d fil in g a resp onse th ereto . The
taining an o ath , a speci fica t io n p recisely and cos t of f urther re sp onses to Office Acti ons
fully d escribing y o ur invention in cer tain ca n be sim ilarl y est imate d by h im, in ad-
form, a nd a n umb er of cla ims "stak ing o u t" va nce , aft er eac h O ffice Action is received .
yo u r invention . In preparing and pro secut ing These services, a nd th e cha rges therefo r, a re
your pat ent a p plica tio n y o ur pat ent a tto r- usu ally sp read over severa l years. Further ,
ney is st riving t o o bta in the broad est po s- you are at lib erty t o abandon your appli ca-
sible clai ms for y our in vent ion , so as to t ion a t a ny tim e, if you sho uld wish t o do
reduce th e risk o f so me o t her inventor so.
"inventing around " yo ur invention , and t o The Pat en t Offi ce minimum fili ng fee for
give y ou th e st ro ngest possible patent. It fi ling a patent appli catio n is $65.0 0 . but ,
usually ta kes u pward s o f a month or six depending up on th e numb er a nd type o f
weeks t o pro pe rly pre pa re t he app lica t io n. cla ims , ca n be $ 100.0 0 o r more . If an
T he Pat e nt Office, afte r a n e xte nsive search assignment is to be record ed a t t h e time o f
of it s records, all ows th e claims o r, mo re filin g th e app licati on , the Pa ten t Offi ce
fr eq uen tl y , objec ts t o o ne o r more of th em req uires an ad d it io nal $20.0 0 recording fee
as claimin g to o mu ch . Yo ur pat ent a tto rney fo r th is purpo se. There is in adition a final
may then respon d by am endment of t he fee requir ed by the Pa ten t Office when a
ap pli ca t io n a n d by argum ent. This is ca lled pa tent is issued . This charge varies with the

64 © ClarkWardOrange 73 M AG A Z IN E
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1

Add a TPL VHF or
UHF Ciassc amplifier
to your present
transceiver and give it
the range of today's best.
Only one amplifier outperforms
all competition . . . costs less to buy
... is completely reliable . • • TPLII
TPL amplifi ers are designed primarily for the land mobile
market; walkie talkies, hand held portables, low power
transceivers and surveillance equipment. TPL has achieved
economy, small size and reliability through many unique
engineeri ng concepts. Microstrip circuitry is used through-
ou t. Onl y balanced emitter silicon transistors are used and
are 100% tested before being installed in the amplifier, thus
assuring the user reliable operations, even under the ' most
demanding conditions. Additionally, these transistors are
op erated well under the manufacturer's suggested limitations
to assure long dependable life. Antenna switching is accom-
plish ed through a high quality plastic encapsulaled relay,
activated by an RF sensing circuit consisting of a diode
detector and transistor amplifier. In the event the amplifier
is conn ected to the wrong polarity, a voltage protection diode
will protect the power transistors from inevitable damage.

PA3·1AE 50-2 50mw 15· 25W
136·17SMHz PA3·1DD S- 15W 60-aOW 136-11SMHz
, "
PA3·1AB .75.-3W 20·25W
.... PA3·1EE 50-250mw 80· 120W
PA3-1E G
SO-150m w
PA3· 1AE
80-120 W
80- 120W ..
PA3·1D e 6-15W 30-S SW PM -1DE 1·4W 20-30 W 400-51 2MHz
PA3· 1EO 50-250mw 60·60W PA6· 1AD 4·10W 2S ·3 5~ "

FCC typ e accepted lor op eration under parts For complete specifications on any of the
21, 81 , 89, 91 , 93, 95. Meets FCC specific a- above units please write.
lion : Part 5, subpar t C, paragraph 5 103 (a).
Oth er produ cts: TPL amplifiers are lor commercial applica-
VHF FM 25-50 MHz Class C amplifiers tions . For non-commercial uses please con-
BOW UHF FM Class C amplifiers tact your local Tempo dealer.
90W UHF FM Class C amplifiers
Wide ba nd linear amplifiers in any frequency Dealer inquiries invited.
range on special order. MANUFACTURED IN U .S.A .

13125 YUKON AVENUE/ HAWTHORNE , CALIF . 90250/ (213) 679 .0131

© ClarkWardOrange
nature of t he case, bu t usually approximates and its probable subseq uen t prosecuti o n, an
S124 .00 to $ 135 .00. Drawin gs required to inve nt or or his fin ancial bac ker is alm o st
acco mpa ny the app licatio n must be mad e by invariably well ad vised to ob ta in th e o pinio n
an ex perience d pa te nt dra ftsman and cost of his patent attorn ey as to th e pate n tabilit y
from $40 .0 0 t o $45.00 pe r sheet. T he Paten t of the in ven tion , based upo n a preli minary
Offi ce has special req uire men ts which draw- searc h o f t h e Pat en t Offi ce record s mad e by
ings must me et or be rejected an d with an ex perienced pat ent searc her selecte d by
which o nly an ex pe rie nced patent draftsman th e pate nt att orney .
is fami liar. T he nu mbe r of sheets o f drawin gs If t h e in ventor wishes to assign an in terest
required will be d et ermined by yo ur pat ent in th e inve nti o n to a no the r perso n - as, for
att o rn ey and depends upo n t he co mplex ity ex amp le , to a fina ncial ba cker in ret u rn fo r
of th e inve n tio n a nd the parti cular views fina nc ial assis ta nce in preparing and pro se-
th ereo f necessary to su pple me n t the specifi - c uting th e pat ent a p plica tio n - such an as-
ca tio n. sign men t ma y be made at the tim e the
The fee of the patent att orney fo r pre- patent appli ca tio n is filed , wit hout t he
par ing t he app licati o n d epe nd s upo n th e necessit y o f waiti ng for a pat e n t to issue .
a mo unt o f time which m ust be spe nt in
pre par ing th e speci ficatio n a nd claims and How to Apply for a Patent
co nfe rrin g wi t h t he pate nt d raft sman plus, if St ep J. Reduce y o ur id ea to written
no t billed separa te ly , time spe n t in co nfe r- fo rm, describin g it co mp lete ly in writi ng a nd
ence with th e inven to r relative to t he ap pli- also prepari ng a sim ple ske tc h o r sk etc hes to
catio n. Separate sta te me n ts are c usto ma rily illustrate it.
re ndered fo r co nsula tio ns wh en no a pplica - Step 2. Sho w and ex pla in yo ur inventio n
tio n is file d, and for co nsulta tio ns co nce rn - to two peop le wh om you trust a nd wh o are
ing matters no t germa ne to the fili ng of a tech nicall y ca pab le of full y understand ing
Unite d States a pplica tio n. the st ruc tu re a nd o pera tio n of your inven-
It might be said t ha t an inve ntor sho uld lio n . Have t he m sign and dat e a stateme n t to
be prep are d t o expe nd a total o f at least th is effec t. Kee p t his .
$65 0. 00 to $8 0 0. 00 to file and pro secu te Step 3 . Sho w your sketc hes, written
th ro ugh to final Office Action a United description , and an y model yo u may h ave
Sta te s pat ent a pplica tio n coverin g a simple (tho ugh a model is not essen tial) to a
me cha nical inve n tio n, and fro m $8 00. 00 to registered pat e nt atto rn ey o r age nt. This can
$9 00.0 0 o n a moderat ely co mp lex mechani- o fte n be d o ne initiall y be mail , but it is
cal inve ntio n or a sim p le che mical o r elec t ri- usually desirabl e fo r the proper protection
ca l inven tio n. The cost of seeking a pat ent in of you r invent ion t hat he be a ble to discuss
mo re co mp le x cases inc reases propor- th e invention wit h you d irectly , in person ,
ti onat ely. T hese estimates are in add itio n to before p reparing t he applicatio n . Co m plete
the cost of th e usu al preli mina ry pa tenta- co mm u nicatio n relati ve to th e inve n tio n is
bili ty searc h and o pinio n, which is usually esse ntial to o ne see king t he broad est po ssible
from $ 10 0. 00 t o $20 0.0 0, dep end ing up on a pat ent p ro tection the reof. For th is reason it
nu m ber of fact ors. Of co urse, if t he paten t is usu ally best to co nsult a registere d paten t
applica tio n becomes invo lved in an int er- att o rn ey o r age nt in your sta te in preference
fe re nce p ro ceedin g o r if an ap pea l is tak en, to o ne with whom yo u ca n co mmu n icate
conside ra bly more ex pense may be in volved . o nly by mail.
All of th ese q uot ed figu res ca n be ex pected Step 4. If you r pat en t attorney o r agen t
to change from tim e to t ime , in ste p wit h recommends a p reli minary pat enta bility
cha nges in th e req uir ed govern me n t fees a nd sea rc h , adva nce th e expe nse thereof, all ow
the fees fo r o t he r kinds o f professio na l him to obta in such a search fro m a patent
services. The ex pe nse o f filing fore ign paten t sea rc her selec te d by him, and request him to
ap plica tions d ep end s upon th e co un try and rend er his o pinio n th ereon .
in many cases m ust inclu de t he co st o f Only a pat ent atto rney o r agent registered
tra nslatio ns. by the Unite d States Pat ent Office is qu ali-
Befo re investin g in a pa tent appli ca ti o n fi ed o r lice nsed to give you a professio nal

JUNE 19 72 M ©13
ClarkWardOrange 65
op inio n as to t he pat entability o f your Catalog No. C 21.14 /2 :D 78 . $.30 .
inve ntio n, and registered patent att o rn eys Patent Laws, 1965. Catalo g No. C 2 1.7:965.
and agen ts ca nnot et hically , and do not , $.5 O.
adve rtise. Registered patent att orneys and Pa ten ts and In vention s, An Information Aid
agents are su bject to t he Rul es o f th e United for Inventors, a Step-by-Step Guide to Help
Sta tes Patent O ffice and mu st con fo rm to the Inventor Decide Whether to Ap ply for a
the sta ndards of et hical and professional Patent , Ob tain Patent Protection , Pro mote
co nduct generally applicable to attorneys His Invention . Cata log No. C 21.2 :P
be fore t he cou rts o f t he United States. 27/10/96 6. $. 15
Furth er , regist ered pat ent atto rneys mu st Rules of Practices in Paten t Cases. Jan.
co nfo rm to the Cano ns of Ethics o f their 19 70 . Su bscriptio n price : $2.00; 50¢ add i-
respective Bar Associati ons. tional for foreign mailing. [RPCI Catalog
Step 5. On the basis o f ex amination of No. C 2 1.1 4: P 27/97 0.
th e prior patents revealed by the search and Subscription service includes revisions for an
the p ro fessional opinio n of your patent indefinite period.
atto rney o r agent as to th e patentability of Trademark R ules of Practice of the Patent
your invention , you will then be in a Off ice with Forms and S tatutes. Catalog No.
posi tio n to decid e whet her or not you wish C 2 1.1 4: T 67/2/966. $.6 0 .
to file a patent applica tio n. If so, your For fu rther info rma tio n relating to patents
pa te nt atto rney or agent will be able to and trad emarks write t o : U . S. Patent Office,
quo te you t he cost of preparing and filing Washington, D.C. 2023 1.
th e drawin gs, spe cification, claims, petition Rules require re mitta nce in advance of ship-
and oat h which co nstit u te yo ur application ment. Check or money order should be
fo r Unite d States Letters Patent on your mad e payable to the Su perintende nt o f
inventio n. Documents. Postage stamps and foreign
Hunter money are not acce p table.
Publicat ions Relating to
Patents and Trademarks
Availab le from Superin te nden t of Do cument s FREQUENCY STANDARD
U.S. Govern me nt Printing Offi ce
Washington DC 20402
Directory of R egistered Paten t A ttorneys
and Agents, Arra nged by Stat es and Cities, Only
as o f Dec . 1968 . Catalog No. C 21.9/2 :96 8.
$1.50. ... ..
(less barreries'
"Do Yo u Know Your Economic ABC's?"

Patents, Spur to American Progress. Cata log
No. C I.2:P 27/2/969. $.35. '-
General I nf ormation Concerning Paten ts , A • Precision crystal
Brief Int roduction to Patent Matters Includ-
ing th e Workings o f th e Patent Office, What • fully guaranteed
Applicants Must Do, Definitions o f Patents,
Copyrights and Trade marks, Answers to • Marleers at '00, 50, 25, '0 or 5 kHz se-
Ques tio ns Commo nly Aske d About Patents. leered by front pone' swirch.
Catalog No. C 2 1.2 :P 27/969. $.3 0. • Zero adjust se's 10 WWV. Exclusive circuif
suppresses unwanred markers.
General Inf ormation Concerning Trade- • Compoer rugged design. Arrracf;ve, com-
marks, A Brief Introduction to T rade ma rk pletely self con'ained.
Matters, In cluding Definiti on and Functions • Send for free brochure.
of Tradema rks, What Applicants Must Do ,
Forms for Tradema rk Cases. Catalo g No. C PALOMAR
2 1.2 :T 67/966. $.35 .
Guide for Paten t Draf tsm en , Selected Rul es ENGINEERS
of Practice Relating to Patent Dra win gs. BOX 455, ESCONDIDO, CA 92025

66 © ClarkWardOrange 73 MAGA Z INE

Bill Hoisington K 1eLL
Fa r Over F arm R oad,
Peterborough NH 03458

In times past in o rde r to make an one 50 o h m point, and pr o ceed . Here's wh at

ex te nde d ex pa nde d bea m w ith bo th vertica l happened .
and ho rizo nta l spa cing great er than a ha lf I . The ca ble proved pa rticularly d ifficult
wave, I have go ne to great tro uble a nd to ha nd le. It is q u ite stiff, and th e 300 o hm
expe nde d lots o f time o n im ped ance mat ch - wires ar e q u ite small and get cu t o ff easily .
ing lead s from ant enna ele me nts to a co m- This probabl y cou ld have been o verco me.
mon fifty ohm poin t, like with the 3 2 2. T he proh lem develops. Most TV ant en-
element s on tw o meters in th e following nas are d esigned for 300 o h m ca ble, so that
pa ragrap h. is no problem for t h e T V people, b ut mo st
Two 50 o h m lead s from two 2-e1eme n t amateurs need 50 ohms.
yagis bro ugh t together makes :J 25 ohm 3. The problem gets worse. This new
point , and t hen a coaxial qu arter wave cab le is design ed to be 300 o h ms und er
tra nsfo rme r is need ed to b rin g it back up to balan ced co nd itio ns. When n o ! bala n ced . it
fift y o h ms again. When t hese tw o y agis were no longer is 300 o hms beca use th ose two
mat ch ed and p hased together, a no t he r fo ur wires are close to t he sh ield . And I certainly
elemen ts had to be match ed , and th en go wasn 't read y to put 4 32 mh z baluns o n 16
through the whole affair again . I did this small ya gis (on ea ch onel} mu ch less o n 3 2
eight times, plus a lot more like 4 and 4 of them if a seco nd 32 eleme nt was need ed
(four times'), then 8 and 8 an d th en 16 and for that last 3 db of gain .
16, an d finally got a beautifu l 32 elemen t 4. It also looked now as th ough it would
job with exciting gain , but heavy ! need a balun for each ca b le at th e dist ri-
There were so darn many qu art er wave bution bo x end also . That did it. Crossing
transformers, pieces o f RG 8/ U, co nnecto rs, off the use o f that nice new shielded 300
etc., tha t I co uld n 't eve n ha ul my regular o h m ca ble (a nybody fo r 100 fee t at half
mast u p wit h th is heavyweight o n to p. For price") , I went to th e 50 o h m unba lan ced
abo ut on e day and night I did get it up o n a lin e bo x you see d et ailed later in this article,
"jury-rig" o ut by t he barn and started BASE e OAI'lO
o perating an d working are as I never kn ew TOP V I E W

ab out before , on strictl y ground wave wit h- /'

Sf P" "

o ut an opening. The seco nd day a high wi nd

BI'lAI 0

, , <,
starte d th e ma st swaying, and with the
weight o f all tho se mat ching sec tio ns and
NO. 1

cables it was too mu ch . 1/ 4"

Ano the r Wrong Path c,

If*! "'"'0'
Yo u can profit by my mi stakes and save ""
yo ur time . In any Read a nd Do progra m it is
easy to make a fa lse sta rt with an idea th at FRO". OSC
look s fin e from a d istance but soo n bogs ~
d own in "details, details. " TO YAGI
NO. ;,
This is what ha ppened with the projected BI'lA SS
use o f t he new 300 oh m sh ielde d ant enna BAI<[UTE
cable. The idea here was to wire up six small
yagis with th is ca ble , jo in th em toge t her at Fig . 1 . S t r ap line rf d ist ri b u t io n b ox .

J UNE 1972 AN 27
© ClarkWardOrange 67
whi ch not o nly did a fin e jo b, but remo ved In st ead of using two-ele me nt yagis, you
the limitation of having exa ctly six, no more can in crea se yo ur t otal powe r by using more
and no less, sma ll beams to ad d togeth er. than two ele me nts per y agi. Your inter-
Several day s were lost on th at one. Be my ele me n t yagi spaci ng will change then, so
gue st. watch that it em . Some exa m ples will be
A Right Way To Do It sho wn later. I just chec ke d again yeste rday
The making up of big beam s of an for ma ximum-gain in terspacing o n 4 32 wit h
arb it rary numb er of ele me n ts by adding one the "standard" 2 eleme n t yagis descri bed
or more 2 e leme nt yagis at a ti me is herein . Ma ximum gain side spac ing rad iato r
accomplished by th e use of a distribution tip t o tip is 10 in ches. Verti cal spacing is
box . We will st art with th e sim ple strap lin e 18%" , CC ( cent er to cen te r of ele me nts ).
type of unit a nd work on th e basic 2, 4 , a nd This o ut lines th e useful capt u re area and
8 eleme n ts first. sho ws th e fallacy of th e hal f wa ve ty pe of
This stra p line rf d istribu t ion box is spacing, if yo u want to ge t t he max imum
sho wn in Fig . I . With this little gem you ca n gain fr om all that aluminum yo u bo ugh t, p ut
add o n an uneven numb er of 2 el eme nt yagis together, and are t ryin g to keep way up
if you wan t, and have th em mat ched and th ere.
phased properl y . I have ju st finished check- Details of the "Standard" Two- Element Vagi
ing this. Not tha t yo u would normally be to Get You Started
att racted by a co mbinati o n of 3, 5, o r 7 I have had goo d luck wit h alu minu m
sma ll yagis, but th ere can be time s wh en it clo th esline mat erial , es pecially for ind oor
might be co nven ient. This ca n co rne abo ut
on six or ten met ers wh en yo u have a
two-a ver-two and want t o add ano ther t wo, REFLECTOfl RADIATOR
as in Fig. 2. 3/4"X 3/4"

Overall Beam Size

As alwa ys in vh f beam work, mechani cal
~ "'OM
considera tio ns cree p in , es pecially in a mid- I" X r"
winter bli zzard! " If t he beam st ay ed u p over
th e winter, it was t oo sma ll," is the old-time
vhf man 's sloga n.
F ig. 3a. Side vi ew. b asi c 2 e leme nt detai l.
RADIATORS o 13 " -------~

r-2 1/ 4"
I" o

0 jr

I" X2 " " "XI"

V ERTI CAL ............. REDWooO

Fig. 3b. T op v iew, basi c 2 elem ent vagi, 4 3 2

F ig . 2 . 3 vagi b eam. mhz .

68 © ClarkWardOrange 73 MAG AZ I NE
Professionally Engineered Antenna Systems
Single transmission line "TRI-BAND'" ARRAY"
By th e only test that means anything . . . weight and except iona l strength
on the air comparison . . . this array con- to weight ratio
tinue s to outperform all competition . .. • St ainless steel electrical hardware
and has for t wo dec ad es. Here's w hy With a Telrex Ttl-band Array yo u get 49
· . . Telrex uses a unique trap design Ibs . of educated aluminum engi neered
em ploying 20 HiQ 7500V ceram ic co n- an d bu ilt to pro vide man y, many years
den sers per antenna. Telrex uses 3 opti- o f perfo rmance unmatc hed aro und the
mum-s pace d, optimum -tuned refl ecto rs wo rld by any othe r make. Longest ele-
to provide maximu m gain and true FIB ment 36 ft. Turni ng radiu s 20 ft. Sh ipping
Ttl-band perform ance. we ig ht 65 Ibs. Shipping container 13 in.
ONLY TELREX GIVES YOU ALL x 5 in. x 13 ft.
THESE FEATURES • . . Note: If not available from yo ur dealer,
• Power rating 4 KW PEP .. . o rder direct. Yo u' l get fast, person al
rain or shine se rvice .
• Wind rating survival 110 MPH Telrex Labs are design engineers, inno-
• Patented broad-ba nd coaxial Ba lun vators and manufacturers of the worl d's
• Heavy-duty stee l gusset moun ti ng finest ¥4 to 160 mete r c omm unication
plate systems an d ac cessories priced from
• Aluminum boom 2 in., 2V2 in. 0 .0. $25 to $25 ,000.
x 18 It.
• Large diameter, .058 wall tap er- For tec hnic al data and prices on co rn-
swaged dural elements for minimum plete Telrex line, write for Cata log PL 71.


Multi -Band
Array s Avai lable

Elements shorte ned

to show det ails.


15 M 3 17 - "M o narch ", 10 DBD , 3 E I., 4 KWP, 2-1/2 " 0 .0 , 17' boom 5 175.00
20M 326 . "M onarch", 10 DBD, 3 EI., 8 KWP, 3·112" 0 .0 , 26' boom 5 355.00
2M609 - " M o narc h", 14 DBD, 6 E I., 6 KWP, 1" 0 .0, 9' boom $ 39 .95
2M8 14 . " M onarch", 16 DBD , 8 EI. • .8 KWP, 1.3 75 " 0 .0, 14' boom S 59.00
6M5 16 - " M onarch ", 13 oBD, 5 E I., .8 KWP , 1.5" 0 .0, 16' boom $ 63 .95
and ------ many, many more! send for PL -71 Dept. C

• I
TV And Comrnurucatr ons Antennas Since 1921
Asbury Park, New Jersey 07712 201-775-7252
© ClarkWardOrange
A N 28
The "STANDARD" 1 "
18112" (CENTER TO SlOE
- - - -_ 10" _ RADIATORS


Fig . 4 a. El ement sp acings, basi c 2 element'
ya g l.

and mobile wo rk . If yo u acc ide n tly sn ag it

on some t hing, no harm done , just straig h te n
it o ut an d kee p ca lli ng! It also can be fo und
in almo st eve ry hard ware sto re .
Fig . 33 shows so me details an d th e use of
th e I by I red woo d, also hand y in mo st
lum ber co mp any stoc ks.
Strong, Light, No Upkeep You ca n ma ke up lots of li nen-ba se o r
Self-Supporting fib erglass-base ba keli te %" x %" ca b le and
Easy to Assemble & Erect cle men t holders, if yo u're shoo t ing fo r the
big beam. Remember, as fa r as booms are
All towers mounted on
hinged bases co nce rne d, you ha ve a choice be tween a
large nu m be r of 2 ele ment yagis or a smaller
Complete Telescoping and
num ber of 5 eleme n t o nes. I hop e t o find a
Fold-Over Series available
good bala nce for yo u o n this ma tter b efo re
I'm through .
·50 light you can Fig. 3b is th e to p view o f th e same basic
put it up all by
yourselfl No t wo ele men t job. All th is work is don e on
climbing, no jin 432 mhz , which can be transla te d to o ther
poles, no heart band s by sca ling up o r down . Ho wever, my
attacks. adv ice is not t o tru st th is scaling imp li city .
Check it o u t with a small an te n na ra nge
And now, with motorized yo urse lf. I even do this o n twe n ty meters,
options, you can crank it an d f ind that I can light • a bulb in an
up or down, or fold it over,
from the operating posi- alu min um dip ole five hundred feet in fro nt
tion In the house.
of a go od 20 meter 3 eleme nt beam ( t he
Se. your local distributor, or write for 12
kind I used t o ma ke a n se ll at UH F
page brochure giving dozens of combina- Reso nato r Co., Ry e, NY) . 1"11 a d m it t he re
tions of he'aht, weiKht and wind load.
was a good kw behi nd th at beam at the time.
The basic 2 ele men t desc ribed is inexpen-
HEIGHTS sive, bu t no t "cheap," By t he tim e yo u' re all
do ne and ge t that st ill-far-a hea d 20 d b gain,
MANUFACTURING CO. th ere will be lots of tim e and wo rk spe nt by
NOW In New ur••r Fac&litle.
yo u.
In Almont Hel&hts Industrl.. P.rk T he joint bet ween th e cable, ce nter, CI
Almont, Michl. ." 48003 and its me chan ical support can be im proved
for o utside work. I have snarle d this it em o n

70 © ClarkWardOrange 73 M A GAZIN E
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RADIATOR --""1""-" sure of the effect. And then , yo u might j ust

need it.
REFLE CTO f t - - - - f ! f --
The "Parasitic" Colinear Effect
While tu ni ng u p a fo ur eleme n t job as in
Fig. 5 and co mpa ring gains with and without
yagi no . I plugged in, I found lhat the
presen ce a/on e of yagi no . 1, without being
attached to anything, ca used an increase
from 10 to 13 o n the meter dial , while
plugging it in again jumped the meter to l 5
3 VZ " LOHGtR or 16 , wh ere it sho u ld be for th e fu ll fo ur
elemen t syste m. Un plugging it an d removing
it from t he vicinity of th e test sta nd caused
the meter to register ten , which it sho u ld be
- R F IN
for th e test set-u p involved wh en using o nly
one yagi. So , fo r a gain chec k, rem o ve the
whole yagi, not just the plug !
This is the first time I have observed
Fig. 5 . Unequal cab l e length set up . parasitic effects from co li near type elements
ou t o n the side. Might be so me po ssibilities
th ere.
bran ches and been o ff the air o n top of a "Insertion loss" of the RF Distribution
mountain more than o nce! One of th ose Box.
little plast ic bo xes will do t he tri ck fo r an Th is b usiness of insertion loss, a favo rite
enclosure. term of precision e nginee rs, o nly becomes
The 3 DB Gain of the Second Yagi imp ortant fo r you wh en it is large eno ugh to
Just finished the secon d o ne and ho ok ed be measured with your home-brew equip-
it up using the half wave distribution box [rf ment. Nat urall y eno ugh, wh en an engineer is
that is) sho wn in Fig. 1. Wow, the old meter hand ed a ten or twenty page specificat ion
sure clim bed ! Haven't ch ec ke d yet for su re from a military age n cy, and it says "inser-
by the d istan ce method, but it looks like at tion loss sha ll not be greater than 5 db ," he' s
least 3 db , prov idi ng th e diode is in a po rtio n got to get crac kin' o n acco u nt of a little ite m
of its curve wh ich is reasona bly li near. called "Source Inspect ion " whe re so me Civil
Figs. 4a and 4b show t he ma ximum gain Service lad fro m t he military agency
spacings fo u nd, as ment io ned before. involved comes to t he plant trying to ship
Effect of Unequal Cable Length Feeding the so me o f th ose co nt rac te d ite ms and says,
Small Yagis "What a bo ut the insertion loss?"
With the four eleme n t beam being
Using th e te st set u p sho wn in Fig.5 , a
worked on, th e insertion loss of the rf
3 \1," cab le was added to ca ble no . 2 to check
the effect o n the phasing using un equal ca b le
lengths. It worked out exactly as it is
supposed to . ca using the placeme nt o f yagi
no . 2 to mo ve fo rwa rd several inches fo r
max imu m gain . The ad ded ca ble length III 1/2 "
ca uses a delay , wh ich is co mpe nsa ted by
putting y agi no . 2 nearer the receiver. This
po ints up th e desirabilit y o f possibly slo tt ing _ _ _ _ _ .__ ," .1-_

the boom bolt holes to all ow a final phase NOTE '

tune-up . So far I do not intend to do this, as REFL ECTORS , SEE TEXT.
I a m co un ting o n reasonably eq ual cable
lengths to put th e individual yagis in phase, F ig . 6 . 8 element sp ac ings.
but it is interest ing to make it ch eck and be

JU NE 1972 © ClarkWardOrange
AN 29 71
distribution box being used (Fig. I ) canno t
be found t o any great exactness because it is
so. small. As a matt er of fa ct, checking the 2
element beam with and without the distri-
bution box, at times it even sho ws a gain
with it. There is a possibility that it is acting
like a • secondary " cavity so me t im es used
with certain microw ave oscilla t ors t o sta bil-
ize and increase the total Q of the sys t em
rx e' /
and raise th e output. At any rate, it is IIERTI CALS
certain that good rf distribution boxes can
be made for amateur uhf a t low cost. Fig . 8 . Mounting detail , top v iew .
Six and Eight Elements
checks run so far , the se are not needed .
Just for fun I tri ed o ut th e gain from the Theory says that when the cen ter-co nd uc to r
addition of only o ne 2 el ement yagi to a n leaves th e co nfi nes of the coax ia l ca ble, as a t
existing 4 element beam , and sure enough, it the co n nec t io n t o th e st ra p, indu ctive rea ct-
had iots of gain. an ce begins t o build up and requires th e use
A word of cau tio n for indoor , table-top of a series capacitor to ca ncel th e indu ct-
antenna work. If your receiving antenna is an ce. Evide n tly the di stan ce o f '!4 in ch is t o o
too close , (example, on ly six feet) it is small to notice at 4 32 mhz. As yo u can see
possible that its main cone of rece pt ion (lO in Figs. 1 and 7 the fo ur 50 ohm ind ividual
db points in this case ) will be too narrow to yagi ca bles are sold ered directly t o the st rap.
see the additional third yagi in question. In
Basic 8 Element Beam
this case you will not register the real gain
on th e met er. Fig. 6 sho ws the basic 8 ele men t beam
with the final spaci ngs of the elements and
Series Coupling Capacitors and the Strap
yagis. 0 , th e spacing between radiators and
Line Resonator
refle ctors, is a little co n troversial at present.
The use of th e st rap line resonat or only a D i eq uals 21. inches, D2 eq uals 2V" and D3
quart er of an in ch from th e ground plan e and D4 eq ual 3 in ch es. This is pro bably due
evide nt ly has a f urt he r advant age. Looking t o th e Gamma mat ch capac ito rs, in whi ch
at Fig. 1, series ca pacitors can be add ed case one percenters ma y be called fo r. Will
between th e st ra p lin e and th e ends o f eac h see what th e an swer is with th e "Big Beam."
cable center-co nd uct or. However. in all the Mayb e a final tune-u p point of this kind will
give you that last db you 're lo oking for.
Fig. 7 is th e sc he ma tic o f th e 8 element ,
an d Fig . 8 sh o ws boo m mou nt in g deta il.
Yf- i' "
" The gain of this basic 8 ele men t beam
looks very good . In the seco nd pa rt of this
"20 DB Beam " article care ful gain measure-
I" ments using the dist ance meth od will be
giv en.
The dipole ; 2 ele me n t : 8 ele me nt ; a 14
ele me n t yagi tuned u p for ma ximum gain;

I and th e 16 and 32 el ement bea ms bein g

I "
" r-l~ designed at present will be me asured. Severa l
other co m binatio ns may be tr ied as well ,
such as f our 5 ele me n t yagis, fo ur 10
" I" ele me nt yagis, e tc. A no ther 3 2 ele me nt ma y

" be add ed to th e first for that last needed

add iti onal 3 db . This articl e may run in to
Fig. 7 . Cabling diagram , 8 element. th ree parts, so j ust keep rea ding!
. . K Ie LL

72 © ClarkWardOrange 73 MAGA ZIN E

11 years ago the
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Hustler and only Hustler gives you 11 years of proven performanc e. m ech an i-
cally and electrically superior to all others. You get exceptional r eport s on
every band, lowest SWR and broadest bandwidth . Matching devices are not
required . Use any convenient length of 52 OHM feed li ne. Choose from
either standard or super resonators and buy the mast and resonators for the
bands you operate .
Convenien te of fold-over mast for rapid band change or easy garaging,
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One Setting for TOTAL BAND COVERAGE...

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• •

n t he surplus co mmercial FM equipment designation . Table I will explain what each

I market, th e Genera l Elec t ric Progress
Line equipmen t has o ft en been overloo ke d
de signation mean s. While th e informatio n
given may not be an exact in terp reta tio n as
in favor of t he somewha t mo re pop ular, and migh t come fro m the facto ry , it is ade qua te
possibly mo re available Mo torola gear. The
lack of good co nversio n info rm ation basic Table 1
enough for the PM new comer, such as has Station Combination Identification
been availa ble o n t he Mo torola gear, has F I RST LE TTE R - Cab inet Des ignatio n
undoubtedly contrib uted to t he lack of M T r u nk mou nt
F Front mount
in terest in GE equipme nt. I ho pe to provide T Table top
some basic info rm ati on to t he ham who has W T ru n k mount mo b ile telep hone application
WT T abl e t op mob ile t elephon e app licatio n
o r may acquire a 150 MH z Progress Line
SECON D LETTER · Power Supp ly Designat ion
unit and wo uld li ke to use it o n 2 meters. A 6 volt vibrator
The Progress li ne has gone through the E 12 volt vib rator
usual adapta tio ns and imp rove me n ts right up A l E Dual vibrator type
T 12 volt transist or
to th e pr esent fully transist orized models. U 24 volt
With the exce ption of the transistorized o 11 7 VAC cont in uous du ty
I 11 7 VAC i nte rmitte nt duty
versions, and so me later MTS combinatio ns,
they all con ta in similar and inte rcha ngeab le NUMBE RS· Station Combination Series
transm itter and receive r st rips with all th e 36 40-50W
sta ndard features incorporat ed that th e aver- 37 100W
age ham would requ ire. Because it is mo re 38250W
likely that you will come upon o ne of the Note : Other designations may be found from time
ea rlier Progress Li ne units we will direct ou r to time, but those included here are the most pre-
vale nt. Th is is not in te nded to be an all-i nclusive
discu ssion toward them. list .

Equipment Identification E xample:

As a mea ns of describing the complete
unit GE employs a co mbina tio n nornencla-
MAlE - 36 X )(
,. "L
Control designatio n

ture which tells u s thre e things; th e typ e o f

housing or ap plica tion, th e ty pe o f power
l lR ecei ver bandwid th (W or NI
eries co m b inat ion
Power Supp ly
Cabinet designatio n
supply and its voltage, and fi nally, the series

© ClarkWardOrange
JUNE 1972 FM 53 75

for our purposes and covers most statio n for mobile telephone serv ice are generally
combinations in the 144 to 174 Mllz band . distinctive by their somewhat longer cases,
One or two letters may follow the combina- usually 20 in ., required by the speciai
tions series number to indicate receiver accessory deck needed to make it opera te as
bandwidth and the type o f con tro l. Where a telephone. These unit s wil l have a designa-
the statio n is locally controlled, no designa- tion like IIITA-] ] -III o r 111/-] ] a nd are basi-
tion is used. call y MA /E-33 unit s which were manufac-
Unlike the Motorola designations, the G E tured to Western Electric speci fica tio ns. All
combination nomenclatures do not tell ex- the standard functions of a straight two-way
actly what kind o f transmitt er and receiver rad io are incorporated in these units and
strips are employed in a particular unit. In appear at th e 21 pin con trol cable jack .
most cases the strips are interchangeable, as Inside the unit the stri ps are connec ted
mention ed above, and you may actu ally find by a wiring harness that originates in the
most anyt hing inside the case. The o nly way power supply chassis and terminates in
to be sure is to loo k. Type numbers are seve ral color-eoded plug-ended branches and
found o n the top of the chassis along the the 2 1 pin con tro l cable jack . In ea rl y
rear edge and will lo ok something like : mobile telephone co mbinatio ns the VS I
4ET20A 1 R ev. B. A quick look at Table 2 Selector panel can be removed with out
will tell you just what eac h st rip is. In the affecting th e normal fun ctions. If the multi-
exa mple yo u will note that th e type number frequency deck is missing, single cha nnel, and
is followed by an add itio nal set of letters possibly two channel, o peratio n can be
indicating the particular revision of the ba sic accomplished by plugging th e crystals into
strip. GE, like all the other manufa cturers, the appropriate sockets on the transmitter
have a penchant for changing a resistor value and receiver stri ps. Ju st let the two plugs,
so me where along the line o r possibly adding the black and the blue o nes , which connec -
a capacitor to improve the performance. ted the Selecto r pane l and the mu ltifre-
Don't worry to o much about this because quency deck hang loose, as they will not
the stri ps are esse ntiall y the sa me regardless hinder the operation. Somed ay you may
o f the revisions. acquire a multifrequency deck and all you
It is possible that you may come across a will have to do is plug it in and do a bit o f
unit that was used originally as a mobil e minor retuning.
tel ephone. These sho uld not be confused All tube typ e 150 MH z Progress Line
with the later mobile telephone versions combinatio ns employ 4 ER25 model receiver
which were called "MTS M obiles." The strips with the su ffix A th ro ugh F. If yo urs
earlier Progress Line units which were used is an E or F, lo ok fo r a lot more work, as

Table 2
Frequency Range 144-1 52 MH z 152-174 MHz
Nominal Povver 1 Freq. 2 Freq . 1 Freq . 2 F req .
20- 25W 4ET 20 A 1 4ET 20A 11 4ET ?O A? 4ET 20A 12
40- 50W 4ET21 A 1 4ET21A 11 4ET21 A 2 4ET 21 A1 2
All tran smitters are cont inuously adju stable for 0 -1 5 kH z deviation for
narrow or wide band operation .
Frequency Range 144-152 MH z 152-1 74 MH z
1 F req . 2 Freq . 1 F req . 2 Freq .
Na rrow Band 4ER 25A 1 4ER2 5A 11 4ER25A 2 4ER25A 12
Wide Band 4ER 2581 4ER 25811 4ER 258 2 4ER 2581 2
N arrow Band 1 4ER25C1 4ER 25C11 4ER 25C2 4ER 25C1 2
Wide Bend- 2 4ER 25D1 4ER25D11 4ER25D 2 4ER 25D12

I These receivers are later versions and employ fewer tu ned st ages to at-
tain th e same rat ed perfo rm ance.
2 M ode ls 4E R25D03 and 13 are 130-150.8 versions.

© ClarkWardOrange
(A) FM RINGO 3.75 db GAIN: The most
popular - high performance. half-wave FM
cotennc . Gives peak gain, and efficiency,
instant assembly and installation.
AR-2 100 watts 135-175 MHz $12.50
AR-25 500 watts 135-175 MHz 17.50
AR-6 100 watts 50-54 MHz 18.50

(B) 4 POLE : A four dilJol~ array with mount-

ing booms and coax harness 52 ohm feed
up to 9 db gain.
AFM-4D 1000 watts 146-148 $42.50
AFM-24D 1000 watts 220-225 40.50
AFM-44D 1000 watts 435-450 38.50

(C) FM MOBILE 3 db GAIN : Fiberglass %

wave professional mobile antenna for roof
or trunk mount. Superior strength , power
handling and performance .
AM-'47 146-175 MHz mobile $26.95
(0) 11 ELEMENT YAGIS 13.2 db GAIN: The
standard of comparison in VHF communi·
cations, now cut for 2 meter FM and
vertical polarization .
A147-11 1000 watts 146-148 MHz $17.95
A449-11 1000 watts 440·450 MHz 13.95
(0) POWER PACK 16 db GAIN: A 22 ele-
ment, high performance, vertically polarized
FM array, complete with all hardware,
mounting boom, harness and 2 antennas.
A147.22 1000 watts 146-148 MHz $49.50

(E) 4 elEMENT VAGI 9 db GAIN: A special

side mount 4 element FM yogi can be fixed
or rotated-good gain and directivity .
A1444 1000 watts 146·148 MHz $ 9.95

(F) FM TWIST 12.4 db GAIN: A Cush Craft

exclusive - it's two antennas in one. Hori-
zontal elements cut at 144.5 MHz, vertical
elements cut at 147 MHz, two feed lines.
A147.20T 1000 watts 145 & 147 MHz $39.50


© ClarkWardOrange

2nd OSC 9 CONY


84 10 kH.
< \ \ \

~> -,"\
~ ~
12 AT 7
\'tc. 4 ~9'
XFM A , 1 @"
6Ai<~ u@ A -

8.7 MH. ce U

@ @
O~ @ ..
,,... ' -,,, GO \'
( (
0o 68...-,

6AL' ~
,., LOW I·F
6 . ... G UM<' 6AL'
L. 11lI

290 kH. r c, r-.., C

0..... / ..... ) I •
I • I
Lc." 0.. H6

"-L,"'~'4 !/
2"" l I MITER


0.' Q.' f;) (;)
ffi .' .' w
., •• .,
0 8 GJ ,. f)
.' .
., b O",--j
(f = == =

0 I: l Ito
'0 11 ,
L30 3 : L302 L301
CJ ,. 2

..._/ -
~\~_ ":... TB IS a


Fig. 1. Location of com pon ents on receiver chassis.

these are used in lat er du plex combinatio ns ste ps will bring the unit into the FM portion
and will require ex ternal mod ification to o f the 2 meter band.
provide squelc h and volume controls. You
can also expect to rewo rk or replace the Crystals
power supply as it will be delivering power For best results and ease of ordering,
to both the tra nsmitte r and receiver at the comme rcial standard crystals are th e easiest.
same time . You will also find that your All yo u have to d o is specify the type
Progress Line unit will have eit her a 4 ET20 number of the strip y ou are orde ri ng the
or 4ET2 1 tra nsmitter strip in it, even in the crysta ls for, the crys tal frequency, t he cha n-
duplex combinatio ns, alt hough the du plex nel frequency and whether yo u inte nd to use
versions utilize a du plexer which will have to it in an oven. Check you r favo rite crysta l
be replaced by an antenna relay or a TR catalog for th e specific info rmation they
switch . A rece nt ar ticle ( QST, June 19 7 I) requrre.
may help in co nve rting from duplex to The tra nsmi tters have a mu ltiplicatio n
simplex opera tion in the later MTS Progress fac to r of 24 , so just divid e the desired
Line units . operating frequency by 24 to determine the
Now let's get dow n to the business o f the crys tal frequ ency. The first oscillator crys ta l
act ual co nvers io n . More than likely y ou will frequ en cy for the re ceiver can be det ermin ed
find that yo ur unit will be for th e 152 to by subtrac ting 8 .700 MHz from th e channel
154 MH z portion of th e band. A few sim ple fre quency and dividing th e results by 12. If

© ClarkWardOrange
you are lucky the receiver will have the i-f the leads fed through to the bottom sid e and
crystal in it ; if not, o rder one for 8.4 10 soldered in place . Reversing this procedure,
MH z. While you are waiting for you r crysta ls while difficult , is probably better th an trying
to co me in the mail. you can start on the to remove the can without unsoldering,
nex t ste ps. aJthough I have done it in this way. Remern-
Receiver Conversion ber to tag the leads. The following list
To o btai n at least ra ted sensitiv ity ! it is indicat es th e required padding capaci to r
necessary to pad severa l places in the receiv- values.
er. Th e trimmers used in th ese receivers can Coil Capacitor Value Change To
be turned a full 360 and will give the Antenna L1 10 pF IC21 14 pF
im pression o f be ing fully peaked when Transformer L2 6 pF (C4) 10 pF
ac tually yo u are only passing through the ---------------------
Rf Trimmer L 301
's 3 p F (C3091 7 pF
maximum capacitance point of th e trimmer. (see note L 302 9 pF (C306) 13 pF
below) L303 None 4 pF
You can approach th e padding in one o f two
ways : install a new capaci to r of the correc t
Mult;·2 L1 7 pF (C21 11 pF
value at each point to be padded or get a Transformer L2 10 pF IC3 1 14 pF
ha ndful of 4 p F capacitors and parallel the N ote: In the C and D models L303 has been
e xisti ng capacit ors with them . The purists eliminated. Ho wever. use the values given fo r
among us will und oubtedly usc the first way , L3 03 for L3 02 in th ese receive rs.
the rest o f us the second way . Eit her way
If the receiver strip is eq uipped with a
use go od qual ity 500 wvd c tu bular ceramics
0 trimmer be lo w th e o pening marked f B, th e
wit h _ 80 te mperature coe fficie nt.
receiver is capable o f two frequency o pera -
In th e A and B models there are seven
tion . How ever, upon inspec tio n y ou may
places to be padd ed and six places in th e C
and D models. Start by removing th e st ri p find that pin 3 o f the first oscillato r tube
. '
from the unit to facilitate handlin g as yo u socke t had been perma nently so lde red to
will be turning th e chass is o ver severa l times. ground , wh ich makes channel A operative
Refer to Fig. I to locate the coils that are to co ntinuo usly . Assuming y ou want tw o fre-
be padded. Be su re to check Table 2 to quency operation , unsolder pin 3 from
de termine if padding is necessary in the ground and ad d a short length o f hooku p
receiver yo u have . wire betwee n pin 3 and lug I of TB 15 (l ug I
A quick inspe ction o f th e antenna trans- is th e one w ith th e green braid covered wire
form er and th e rf trimm er cans will tell y o u leading directly to it from the cable) . TB 15
wh at is required to rem o ve th em so the coils is directly below the antenna transformer
can be reached . L1 will co me off with the (see Fig. I). If it is not already in place, ad d
can and can be removed by takin g o u t the a wire simila rly between pin 8 and lug 2 of
three screws on the side of th e can near the TBI5 . Leave both of the 0.02 uF disk
antenna input jack. Note th e position of the capacito rs in place on TB J5. Also so lder a
screws in th e slo ts so that LJ can be repJaced short piece o f ho o kup wire between pin s I
in esse nliallly the same place , alt ho ugh you and 6 to co mplete th e plate circuit o f the
may want to slide it up or down for best sec tio n o f th e osc illa to r. You sho uld now be
results as indicated ' by th e LIM·l meter able to select channel A or B from th e
readin g when yo u tune up. chann el selecto r switch o n th e control head.
The can wh ich con tains th e second multi-
If the co n trol head is not eq uipped with a
channe l selec to r switch one can be added
plier coils is far more difficuJt to rem ove and
easily . Install an spdt toggl e switch in a
care must be exercised to prevent damage to
co nve nie nt location o n th e control head and
the components insid e. When th e re ceiver
ground the co mmo n terminal. If th e co ntrol
was man ufactured th e com ponen ts were
cable lead s are marked . co nnec t wire # 12 to
installe d in the lo ose ca n and then wir ed .
o ne side of the sw itch for channe l A and
The can was positioned on th e cha ssis and
wire # 13 to the o p posite side for channel B.
I Rated se nsitivity: 0 .5 J.1V (20 dB quieting If you -are ad apti ng a co n trol ca ble that is
method). not numbered , simply ri ng o ut for con ti-

JUNE 1972 © ClarkWardOrange

FM 55 79
nuity between pins 4 (c hannel A) and 5 Next, move the test lead to th e MULT
(c han nel B) of the 21 pin co ntrol cable plug jack and tune the first multiplier coil, both
and connect the lo ose ends to the control top and bottom alternately , for maximum
switch as described above . meter reading.
All 4 ER25 type receivers can be con- With the meter probe in the DISC jack,
verte d to tw o frequency o pera tion by adding connect a signal generator to the antenna
a 39 K, ~W, 10% resistor and a 3 to 12 pF input jack and zero the ge nerator to the
ce ramic trimmer as shown in Fig . 3 and discriminator. Move the meter probe to the
making the changes described above for LIM- l ja ck and redu ce th e generator o u tp ut
frequen cy selectio n. to the lowest value that give s an indication
o n the meter. It is po ssible that you may not
Tuning the Receiver get a reading at this time. If this is the case.
With the ap pro priate cry stals in their move the meter probe to the LIM-2 jack and
sockets, apply power to the receiver and let with maximum signal genera tor o utput, ad-
it warm up . Using a 20K o hms/volrvo rn just the ant enna transform er top and bot-
with a 2Y,- 3V de scale, ground the positive tom, the tw o t rimmers o f the MU LTl-2
lead to th e unit in th e GND test jack o n th e transformer and the tw o o r three rf trimme rs
power supply chassis. Insert the o ther lead for maximu m indication . Return the meter
into th e OSC test jack . Tune the first lead to the LIM-l jack and repeat each o f
osc illator tank to maximum and then back these ste ps. As the meter read ings increase

off o n the gentle slo pe side until you have a due to tuning , reduce the generator o utput
reading o f about 1.35V. If you are using to the minimum ne eded to give an ind ica-
commercial standard crystals cut specifically tion . Too mu ch signal will sa tura te the
for the un it , you will generally get the limiters and give a po or indica tio n. Occasion-
greatest output from them at or very near ally move the me te r probe back to the DISC
th e correc t frequency . Adjust the oscillato r jack and zero the generator as necessary .
trimmer (fA o r fB ) for maximum meter Finally . with an ante nna co nnec ted to the
reading and then readjust the tank coil until receiver, listen for an on-the-air signal and
you again have about a 1.35V meter reading. adjust th e OSC-l trimmer so th at you get a
In multifrequency applica tions the osc illato r zero discriminato r reading. Rem ember that
mu st be tuned on the highest chan ne l the guy you hear may not be exactly on
fre que ncy . frequency, but if someone else can hear him
r 0.,,




\.. ~R

Fig. 2A. Location of componen ts on transmi tter


80 © ClarkWardOrange 73 M A GA ZINE

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FM 56
© ClarkWardOrange

I-'" in.
lo op. To make coil remo val and replacement
easier, remove th e nut holding th e PA plate
tuning capacitor and the two screws on
- (0.080 In. dkll
either side of it and slip the coil, capacito r
and th e stea tite posts ou t o f th e housing.
Unsolde r the large recetangular plate co il
and remo ve it from th e clips. It may be
possible to make yo ur new coil o u t o f th e
,- 318 in .
1/ ~ old one ,although I have never tri ed it. In sert
the ends of the coil in to the clips to the
!lIS in. 1.0.
10.6 2!l ... 1 ~•.
JItOlJNO 112 ill.

... DRill err.

I' PEI',ttT
approximat e positi on and so lde r one side.
Reinstall the ent ire assembly in to th e
~ ,j wtCN Ml£AS£D
housing. Adjust t he coil up o r d own unti l it
is even with the load co il by heating first o ne
Fig. 28. Power amplifier plate coil replacement.
sid e, the n th e other, and making slight
adjustments in th e coil height until the
co rrect position is reache d.
it's a goo d bet that he is at least clo se . You
With the lo ad ing coil turn ed fu lly cou n-
can always touch it up a bit later on when
tercloc kwise , adjust the new plate coil so
you find so meone kn own to be o n frequen-
the re is 1/1 6 in . betwee n it and t he lo ad ing
cy or when yo u acq uire th at second ary
standard ; coil. Sold er th e free end o f th e rf cho ke to
th e ce n te r bottom of th e front loop of th e
It is worthwhile 10 go ba ck over all o f the
above adjustments while listening to a new co il. i.e , as you look into th e o pe n end
steady. clea n signal that gives abo u t 0 .5 to of th e PA housing. Be sure that in so lde ring
I .OV L1M-I read ing. in the rf choke you have not shorted t he
That's abou t all th ere is to getting your plate coil. Recheck the coil turn spacing and
receiver to work reasonably well. Adju st- th e distan ce bet ween th e tw o coils, and if all
is well replace th e tubes, plate caps and th e
ment o f th e i-f, limiter and discriminator
housing co ve r and proceed to tunin g up th e
sta ges will usually not be necessary and
transmit te r.
sho uld be avoide d . If yo u must adjust th ese
stages get a co py of the approp riate ben ch Tuning th e Transmitter
alig nme n t proced ure pu blishe d by GE, if
Tran smitter t un ing is basically a matter of
possi ble, before yo u atte mp t it. The co ils in
peaking and dipping th e va rio us stages and
th ese stages are overcoupled and mu st be
should present no formidable problems.
loaded with th e proper load resistor to make
With the proper crys tal in its socke t, ap ply
them critically co upled and th en tun ed In
power and let the tr an smitter warm up. Fl ip
th e pro pe r seq uence for good results.
th e T UNE-OP ER ATE switch to t he tu ne
Transmitter Conversion positio n and tu rn th e ANT COU PLING
Only one relatively simple change is co unt ro l fully clo ckwise (u nco up led ). The
required to make th e 152 to 174 Mllz units transmitter mu st be in its case or resting o n a
work in th e 2 meter band. The power metal plate while it is being tun ed o r it will
amp lifier plate co il (L11 3) must be replaced be detun ed when it is returned to th e case .
with a new co il mad e up as sho wn in Fig. Connect th e unit to a d umm y load for the
2B. The coil shou ld be fab rica te d o f tinned initial tun eup pro cedures.
16-gage wire (0.08 in . diameter) wound I Plug th e positive meter lead into th e GN D
1/3 turns at five turns per inch , to an jack on th e power su pply and th e negative
internal co il diam eter of 0.625 in . (5 /8 in .) , lead into the MULT-I jack. The oscilla to r
Rem ove the perforated cover from the and modulato r sta ges are working pro perly if
pow er amplifier housing, pull o u t th e 2E26 the reading is 1.5V o r more. Move the meter
drive t ub e and th e PA tube so yo u ca n reach lead to th e MULT-2 jack and tun e ZI OI for
the coil to wo rk o n it. Carefull y unsolder the maximum met er reading. Do not key th e
rf cho ke attached to th e bottom of the coil tran sm itter fo r longer than 30 seco nds at a

82 © ClarkWardOrange 73 MAGAZINE
Z30 1
For eac h of the fo llow ing steps th e
negat ive met er lead mu st be plugged in to the
,-----~~~~---,--~I ---~I -- - ,I
GN D jack and the positive lead into the
CAT H PA jack .
'0< I I I I Tun c th e PA PLATE for a d ip . Oil'
l--; ,- ~MIK #3-12pFl MULT-4 PLAT E and PA G R ID (if it is
"oF :
I I prese n t). Fli p th e T UNE-O PERAT E switch
I ''''' I
to the o pe rate po sit ion and q uic kly red ip
I I I ,
~ I I th ese co ntro ls. Alt ern ately tun e the PA
L _ ---
- -:---l- __
...J PL AT E and ANT T UNI NG con t ro ls un t il a
lo we r readin g canno t be o btained . Wh en the
minim um rea di ng is reach ed . re tu ne A NT
G CONT1'tOl CAlM [
T UNI NG fo r a peak . If the re is no indicatio n
' -_-'; • -.l o f a peak increase the co upling by turn in g

, . th e ANT COU PLI NG con t rol slight ly co un t-

erclockwisc until a pea k ca n be seen. In-
crease th e ANT COU PLING u nt il th e meter
read s 1.4 V a nd agai n adju st the ANT
Fig. 3. First oscilla tor circuit o f receiver. A dd T UNI NG for max imu m ind icat io n . T he ANT
dot ted wiring for two frequency o pera tion.
COU PLI NG sho uld now be in crea sed u nti l a
time until after the MUL T-4 pla t!' has been readin g o f 1.6V fo r ET-20 models a nd 1.5V
t uned. for ET-2 1 mod els is o bta ined.
With th e meter lea d in th e MULT-3 jack , Mo ve th e nega tive met er lead bac k to th e
alte rn ately pea k Z I 0 2 and Z I03 for ma x i- PA G R ID jack a nd th e positive lead to t he
mu m met er readi ng . The bes t ,..'ay to tune GN D jac k a nd retune MULT-4 PLAT E a nd
this stage is to tu rn th e adjusti ng screws in PA G RID for maximum indi cati on . Once
abou t l,4 turn eac h alte rna tely , until th e this is done , and wi th an ante nna co nnec te d,
maxim um reading is rea ched . If a peak ret u rn the meter leads to the CATH PA and
ca nno t be o btained. co nnect the me ter to GN D jacks as in th e ste ps just above, and
the scree n (p in 6), using the 300 V scale, of adj ust the ANT T UN ING control for max i-
the 6 8 H6 seco nd multiplie r a nd t un e Z I0 2 mum meter readi ng. The ANT CO UPLING
fo r a slight dip in scree n volt age . It is sho uld be readj ust ed to 1.5 or 1.6V .
possib le to tu ne Z I 02 and Z I 03 to th e T he tran smitt e r sho u ld n ow b e p u tt ing
wrong harm onic of th e crystal frequency . I f o ut at le ast its rat ed powe r of about ~5 W .
this is suspecte d, turn bo th of th e adjusting Greater o ut put can be o btained by in creas-
screws all the wa y o ut ( cou nte rclo ckwi se) ing t he ANT CO UPLING or replacing t he
and retune to the first peak in the manner 6 146 fi nal wit h a 6 146 8 in th e ET-20
noted above . models. T he re is the danger of o ve rlo ad ing
Next , plug th e meter int o th e MU LT-4 the power supp ly, ho w ever, unless th e unit is
jack and alt erna tely t un e Z I0 4 a nd Z I 0 5 fo r eq uippe d w ith a high power su p ply (t wo
max im um met e r read ing . If this stage is tran sfo rm ers ) wh ich may be present , parti cu-
badly misali gned , pretuning can be acco m- larl y . if the un it had o nc e bee n used as a
plished by tu ning Z I 04 for a sligh t d ip with mobile telep ho ne . In th is case it may be
the me te r lea d pl ugged into th e MULT-3 test possib le to ob ta in up to 4 0 o r 4 5W fro m a
jack. single 6 146 8 fina l. The mod ifica t ions d es-
No w move the me ter lead to th e PA c ribed above should resu lt in performa nc e at
G RID test jack and alte rnate ly tun e MULT-4 least equal to the ma nu fact urer's ratin gs
PL AT E a nd PA G R ID con trols fo r a pea k assu mi ng all o f th e tub es are good . A gain
(MU LT-4 PL AT E on ly in ET-2 1 typ e tra ns- ante nna will help imm e nse ly and wit h a
mitte rs). A small volt age re adi ng will be goo d pream p ahead o f th e recei ver, se nsi tiv i-
presen t at the start becau se o f the fixed bias ties as lo w as 0 . 1 to 0 .2 m V are poss ible .
at th is point. .. .W8 9CXE

© ClarkWardOrange
FM 57
JUNE 1972 83

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4033 BROWNSVILLE ROAD, TREVOSE, PAn 19047 PHONES: (215) 357,1400/(215) 757,5300
© ClarkWardOrange
Peter L. Burbank K0WF
822 Cheryl Lan e
Lexington, KY 40504

Most amateurs don't have the space for If you are presently using one trapped
rota tab le d irec tiona J ante nnas for the 40 vertical , you already have a lmost half the
meter band -not to mention 80 meters- yet syste m. I a m sure every d ed ica ted 40 meter
th ese are o ur most cro wded bands under opera tor will take pleasure in hearing Radio
avera ge conditions. Some sor t o f direct ional Moscow drop 20 to 30 db at the flip of a
ante nna is of tremend ous value for sta teside switch.
co n tac ts and almost a mu st fo r OX. Many Some Theory
hams with limited space are using trapped Sin ce many handbooks barely ment ion
multi band verticals. With a decent ground pha sed vert icals, a lit tie theory is in order.
syste m, t hese are wonderful an te n nas, but
For a n examp le, let's use two identical
they aggravate the QRM pro ble m even more
vertica ls spaced o ne-ha lf wave length apart
with their o mnidirectio nal chara cteris tics. (Fig. I) and driven equally and in phase . The
The use o f two or more multiband
fields of the antennas are uniform in all
trapped verticals and the proper phas ing and
directions in the horizontal plane and look
switch ing set up pro vides an inoffensive (to
like point so urces of circular waves as viewed
t he neigh bors, I mean) and very effective
from above . Any point along the line W-E is
method o f obtaining directivity . This is
a half wave length further from one vertical
esse ntia l fo r o verco mi ng at least so me o f t he
than the othe r. In o ther words, at any point
QRM o n receiving, and fo r giving that ex tra
along the W-E line, th e two rad iated waves
kick to your signal that can mean the are 180 0 out o f phase and cancel. At any
difference between a solid QSO and none at point al ong the N-S line (broadside) the

r r
r I
I r
r r
r r
I r

-- - - - - - -L ~.I~j -- - - - - - -E
_-----_-------1------_-- 9 r DIRECTION OF
1---- - 1/2 WAVE - -_ ANTENNA
s s

Fig . 1 . Top view of 2 vertica l antennas with

Y:. wave spacing . Fig . 2 . Top v ie w with Y2 wave spacing .

J UN E 19 72 AN© ClarkWardOrange
30 85
,,. 'M .... '*AVE



,,. FULL
00 00 00

F ig. 3 . Phased ve rtical radia t ion p a t t erns f or va rious spac ings.

waves are in phase and reinfo rce . T his the n is Practical Design
a broadside array . The first step in setting up a p hased
If the antennas in Fig. I were driven verti cal sys te m is to dec ide on the spacing.
180 0 o ut of phase, by fee ding o ne antenna This will be deter mined by either physical
directly a nd inserting a 180 0 coa x d elay line limitations (how big your ya rd or ro of top
in th e o ther feeder , there would be rein- is) o r by your choi ce o f ba nds. For exa mple,
forcement along the WoE line (e n dfire) a nd if y ou enj oy 40 meter DXing, quarte r-wave
cancellation on the W-S line. So b y using the spacing for 4 0 meters will result in very
same antennas an d switching t he appropriate usuable eighth-wave an d half-wave patterns
length of coaxial cable in an d out of th e for the 80 a nd 20 m eter ba nds respect-
feedline, we have a cho ice of two directions, ivel y . The antenna will be mo st effectiv e o n
N-S or E-W. 4 0 because the quarter-wave spacing also
If the verticals are spaced a qua rter wave y ield s a cardiod patt ern o n t his ba nd . The
length apart ( Fig. 2 ) an d driven 90 0 out of three-q uarter and fu ll-wave spacing resu lt in
phase with the west lead ing, the pattern will the fo ur lo bed patterns on 15 and 10 m eter
be a cardio d (heart-shape d) toward the east. bands.
Broadsid e gain for half-wa ve spacing is 3 .86 T he seco nd ste p is decid ing in w hich
db and 2 .3 db for endfire with side a t t en t ua- directi on to beam th e patterns. For instance ,
lion aro u nd 20 db . A fro nt to back radiation mounting th e vert ica ls o n t he N-E- S-W
of up to 30 db can be achiev ed wit h q uarter plane will pu t a 4 0 met er cardiod pattern
wave spacing for the cardiod pattern . Radia- towards Europe and another towards Austra-
ti on patterns fo r various spacings are shown lia an d New Zealand . T he broa dside pattern
in Fig . 3. will fa ll on Alaska an d South or Central
As with any multiband sys tem, there are Am erica . Referen ce to a grea t circle chart
so me d isadvantages. Definite endfire- cent ered o n yo ur QTH will resolve this
bro adside patterns are o btaina ble with problem.
eighth-wave, quarter-wave, an d half-wave Step t hree is tougher : the physical
spacing. For fu ll-wave and th ree-quarter- mo unting of the two ra diators . As with any
wave spacing, the pattern s are not so cut and verti cal an te nna, success or fa ilure lie s in the
dri ed . A full-wave broadsid e pattern so me- ground syst e m. There are to o many hams
what resembles a 4-bladed prop eller, and the wh o curse th e verti cal anten na that they
full- wave endfire pa ttern fills in t he gaps
between the 4 lobes (or blades) . Even so,
----=====~~~~r RADIAL POINT
this directivity can be used to advantage by BRAID AT
carefu l plo tting on a great circle map o r by
Fig. 4 . TV rota t or cab le cu t as a 4 band
the use o f an "S" meter. radial.

© ClarkWardOrange
:f ,


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" tried back in 19 a nd Blah Blah" and too k loo k like a gia nt spid er's lair. Measure and
do wn t he fo llowing spring because it did n' t cut each co nd uc to r to a q uarter-wa ve fo r
wor k. Almo st invariab ly , fu rt her Questioning eac h band d esired , as shown in fig . 4. Tie
reveals a n inadequate ground syste m o r a nd solder t he anten na end to a lug and
attempts to use t he a nte nna fo r co nsiste nt you 've go t a mu lt iband radial. Three such
short range work. Having successfully used radia ls droo ping from the base of the vertical
vert icals at five different lo cat ions in fo ur make a very effective counterpoise. A roof
sta tes, I would recommend a roo f o r mast mo un t in the average location has the added
mount with at lea st t hree d rooping rad ials ad vantage of allowing you to mount the
for each ban d . Multiconduct or TV ro tator radia tors well clear of near by o bjects, t hus
cable ca n be used to avoi d h aving your yard helping ma intain identica l rad iati on patterns.
Bear in mi nd that t he success o f th e phasin g
de pend s on t he words "ident ical p att erns."
. - - AN Y L ENGT H ( SAME)
If you are fo rt una te and li ve in a swamp, it
FROM ANT. TO SMACI( would , of course, be best to use buried
All directio nal and band switching can be
d on e from inside the shack. Ide ntical co ax

~~------------ I....
BAND fee ders o f the same lengt h are brought fro m
O£SlRE O the base of each antenna into the shack. The
lengt hs o f t h ese lines can be ign ored fo r the
pha sing line ca lculatio ns because th ey are
112 WAllE !)2 .l1.
COAX CABLE the sa me lengt h.
Phasing Lines
TO Fig. 5 illustra tes the basic e ndfire -broad-

F ig . &. Basic broadside-endfi re switch ing. side arrange me n t using fu ll to one-eighth-

© ClarkWardOrange
JUNE 1972 AN 3 1 87

w~ve spacing. Feeders F I and F2 are any WEST ANT. EAST ANT.

equal length needed to bring the feeders to \1/ \1/

the switching point. FS is shorted for broad-
side, and switched in the circuit fo r endfire.
Fig. 6 shows a cardio d pattern setup for two
directions. F5 in this case is one quarter- " "
wave long, and the antennas are spaced a
qua rter-wave length apart. If F5 is switched
out of both feed lines, the ant ennas are in ---- -T-----
phase and a broadside pattern results. I
The phasing line lengths can be calcu- I
lated fro m the fo rmula : 'o ne-quarter wave x
veloci ty fact or freq ue ncy. The velocity fac-
" I
"0 L,J
tor for regular coax is .66, and for polyfoam I
it is .75. It is necessa ry to switch phasing "" 206'-0'680 I
I 10 l!ll2C
• 80
I _ _ ___
_____ ..l..
lines F3, F4, and FS for each band. This
seems rather complicated at first glan ce, b ut -- - ----T - --
it can be done with two switches. The ~~~ 1m)
switches can be mounted in a large minibox e e i' I •
I e •
with coaxial connectors on the rear for all
~, ee
the phasing lines and antenna feeders . The
"40M II4A
va ".
use of coaxial switches would be the best A re
approach although rather expensive. Excel-
8 0 , U .9. 80.
20M In A I~2
\ .
lent resu lts can be obtained with good
quality ceramic switches such as ones cur- FI 80 F2 ° EQUAL LENGTHS OF 02 .1\. ccsx CA BLE.
rently available on the surplus market. If the FO* f'HA5I NG LI NES OF 152 .1\. ecce CABLE .

switch box is b uilt using coaxial con necto rs 51 SWITCH POSITIONS

for all t he phasing li nes, it might be wise to 2 . 80M END-FIRE . AND 20M ENO·FIRE.
purchase these surp lus also in ord er to keep AND 20M END-FIRE. a .1OM ENO-FIRE.

costs down . F ig. 7 . Swit chi ng a rran geme n t for 5 ban d

tra p p e d verticals.
Switch Bo x Construction
A practical example of a band switching
system evolves from Fig. 5 and 6. This is

shown in Fig. 7 . Two switches are used: a 5

position, 4 pole and a 6 position,S pole . If
the trapped verticals in your installation
cover 40 through 10 meters, o ne position
can be eliminated or te rminated in your
d ummy load for tu ne-up purpo ses. Keep
leads short and no prob lems with_high SWR
will be experienced.
To avoid confusion, bo t h ends of each
phasing lin e can be marked wit h adhesive
1/4 WAVE 02 .....
COAX CABL E tape and a ball point pen. The phasing lin es
" can the n be neatl y coiled an d stacked in a
box (or perhaps a wastebasket) un der the
operating tab le. A lo t of effort is involved in
a good antenna system. and this o ne is no
TO exception . I think you'll find, as I did , that

F ig. 6 . Basic cercnce switching with quarter

the ret urns versus effort ratio is pretty high.
wave spacing. .. . KIlWF

© ClarkWardOrange
88 73 M A GA Z IN E
Jerry Selenke W9JER
V ocation Central
Donaldson IN 46 51 3

• •
U IC ervlce
am radi o has, since its inception, been ( La bor Day ), so me 15 ,0 00 people viewed
H permitted and so me times tolerated by
the fe deral govern me n t primarily beca use o f
th e annua l Blueberry Par ad e in Plym outh ,
Indian a. Among th ese were 100 sh u t-in
its valu e to the n ati on in ti mes of disaster. nursing home pa tie nts . T he latter we rt: pro vi-
As a co nseq ue nce of this, ha m ra dio clu bs ded wit h th e televised coverage of the parade
h ave freq ue ntly allied th emselves to t he through the courtesy of th e Ma rshall County
various Civil Defense programs around the Amateur Radio Club.
country. Like many of these clubs, t he Shortly afte r an article on h am TV
Marshall County Amateur Radio Club of activity in this area appeared in the local
Ply mo uth , Indian a, has followed this route. newspaper I was approached by the publici-
Unfortunately (?), no calamity appeared to ty chairman for the parade . After consider-
afford ou r club t he opportunity to make use able discussion wit h other act ive ham
of our met iculous preparations. OU T energies TV'ers, Wayne Zehner WA9l NM and Bob
were cha n neled toward prepa ring fo r even ts Newco mbe K9ZLMr , who co nfirmed that t he
whose possibility of co ming abo ut were projec t was wit h in th e realm of technical
remo te . capability even' wit h our h omeb rew and
Co nseq ue n tl y, the clu b began lo oking for so me ti mes downright cru de eq uip me nt, it
a service-ty pe project to whi ch the club was d ecid ed to app ro ach the club with th e
could d evot e itself. Although so me members idea . After th e qu esti on of legali t y was
p ut t he project descri bed here o n a par with solved, the clu b d ecid ed to give it a try and
the above me ntioned ca lamity in terms of p re parat ions began in earnest.
actually reac hing fruition, the club d ecided Since t he purchase of 432 MHz ante n nas
to give the project a try . was beyond our fina ncial resou rces, an an-
The motto that "amateur radio exists tenna co nstruction fest was orga nized. These
because of t he service it renders," took on antennas were bow-tie types with a solid
real meaning for our club , . On September 6 metal reflector constructed out of blocks of

JU N E 1972 ©QR
2 89

wood and aluminum salvaged from discarded

highway signs. To facilitate construction it
was decid ed to not use gain antennas at t he
receivin g end of the network with the
exceptio n of one nursi ng ho me whic h was
located ap proximately 5 miles from the
tran smitt ing si te . At th is lo ca tion a 16-
element coll inear coupled with a pream p was
installed . T he lack of gain at the rece iving
ends was offse t by a 10-ele ment vertica lly
polarized co llinear transmitting ante nna
(July 7 1 73 ) constructed by WA91 NM and
K9ZLM . Vertical polarization was manda-
tory since the nursing homes were scattered
at all points of th e compass.
WAY )NM began converting a surplus
ART-28 for an outboa rd on a Mo to rola T-44
st rip. Afte r exha ust ing the ex pletives in th e
English langauge. WA9 1NM found that th e
Motorola strip wouldn't develop eno ugh
d rive for the th eoretically ha lf-gallon
ART-28 . Due to a lack of test equipment
ope ra ting in the 430 MH z range, this fact
was discovered too late to allow time to start
over. It was decided to use an RCA CMU- IS
bare-foot. T he fa ct that it deve loped an
adequat e 20 W in a test ru n two weeks prior
to th e actua l para de proved this unit. to be Ten-element collinear transmit ting antennas con-
more tha n suffic ie nt to insure co mp lete ly structe d accordin g to description in th e July issue
of 73.

snow-free pictures at all 5 receiv mg lo ca-

tio ns.
After the ante nnas we re const ru cted, th e
only problem - equipmen t wise - was ob-
tai ning conve rte rs fo r each of the receiving
locatio ns. Somehow th e club managed to
scrape up a sufficient number o f ultraverters
of th e type America ns used to use before th e
FCC required manu facturers ma ke UHF
t un ers standa rd o n all T V sets . These ultra-
verters were slugged to tu ne 43 2 MHz and
used cha nnel 3 for the i-f.
On the test day everyt hing was set up as
closely as possible in the same ma nne r as it
wo uld be o n festival d ay . The 10-element
collinea r t ran smitti ng ante n na and trans-
mitter was set up on top o f th e 60 ft
Pl ym outh Building 'on Michigan St ree t next
W9JER asking for a video check from WA 9INM at
the business end of the in line and off th e air to th e reviewing sta nd. The transmitti ng
monitors. WA9TZP, club president, is at left next ante nna was o n top o f a 30 ft po rta ble mast
to the club TV idiot card. which gave us a to tal of 90 ft . To achieve

90 © ClarkWardOrange 73 MAGAZIN E
am ply bl essed with o p tim ism, the club as-
sem ble d an d began se tti ng up the trans-
• mit ter, camera and all o ther related para-
phe rnalia . Just wh en we began to lo se some
of that opti mism, Mother Nature coo pera ted
and the moisture ceased. Despite being a
little damp , every th ing worked, and the club
me mbers took up their statio ns; Dick
Basham K91 L U and Dale Schro m K9KRT.
tran smitt ers ; Bill Washburn WA 9TZP ( the
club president) as came ra spo tte r and public
rela ti ons ; Wayn e Zehne r WA91NM and Bob
Newco mbe K9Z LM as t roubleshoo ters;
Eve rett Eas terday WB 9GSI , Red Easterday
WB9AlIF, Carl Bovee W9DIIF , Mildred
Bovee K9ZLB . Clarence Shaffe r WA 9VRK
~A91NM watches f or parade as W9JER pans local
cenery. and F red Doss WA9VRV a t the various
nursing homes ; an d I was o n the camera .
:h is height , it was necessary to ru n 400 ft of For 10 purposes a test patte rn containing
RG -59 U vid eo line from lhe TV camera at WA 9I NM' s call lette rs und er whose call the
st reet level to the transmitter. In order to televising was conducte d - and who inci-

overcome the li ne loss the target on the den tall y was the prime mover behind th e
ca mera had to be turned up to an undesir- wh ole project - was positioned so that it
abl e level. Regardless of the negative effec t could be sho t at 10 minute int ervals.
this would have o n the camera wh en op- Amazingly , everything proceeded as
erating continuously for at least 2 hours, the planned , with o nly o ne exce ption . The first
v-i deo information portion of the signal rose time J erry W9J ER , the ca merama n, t ried t o
to almost o r equal level as the sy nc pulses zoo m in a we ll-e ndowed majore tte , he got
which made fo r considerable tearing of the th e fu ll force o f 100V. Somehow there was
pict ure. Dick Basham K91LU solved t his ac on the camera chassis. This coupled with
problem by procuring a video amp from our wet feet made for a "shocking experience."
lo cal telephon e company and his employer. Not wanting to interrup t the coverage,
He also obta ined five combinatio n h eadset- WA9I NM , th e ch ief enginee r, declined to
microphone se ts from th em which were used reverse the ae plug . The tel evising co ntinued,
fo r closed communica tio ns with the camera , but the sit uatio n ease d as everything bega n
tra nsm itte r site and camera spotters. drying out .
Reali zing th at the FCC might frown up on About m idway throu gh the parade the
duplication of services provided by commer- od or o f burning insulation permeated the
cial concerns, it was necessary to use the ca me ra platform. The thought o f a $ 1200
audio portio n of the tele cast from WT CA , camera going up in smoke sent everyone
th e lo cal radio station. The lo cal engineer scurrying to ascertain the source o f the odor.
coo pe ra te d full y by se tting u p th e an- The problem was so lved by an untechnical
nouncers' table directly across th e street by stander wh o pointed out th e smo king
from our camera site. Each nursing home brakes of a horse-drawn wagon . It seems th at
was then provided with an F M radio, and in the old time rs constructed their wago n
effect had a d escription of each pa rade en try brakes o ut o f mate rial si milar to that used in
as it passed, because the came raman was today 's wire in sulation. At least they sme lle d
plugge d into a porta ble radio and th us was th e same .
able to keep the camera o n the e ntry being Aside from a brief light shower. the
described by the radio announcer. remainder of the pa rade we nt off without a
The day o f th e para de itsel f fi nally hit ch and even the transmitte r did not blow
arrived with - yo u guessed it - rain . How- as ex pec te d, since a e MU- IS is not rated fo r

ever, since hams in ge neral have always been continuous du ty . As soon as the last parade

JUN E 1972 OR ©3 ClarkWardOrange 91


Professional Quality for the Professional Amateur!

High Performance
2 Meter Transmitter
The Finest Printed Circuit
Materials and Exclusive
Design Techniques Provide
the Best in Professional Qualit)


• a Channels with Instant Push Bulton Iwitching • Military-grade, glass-epoxy printed circuit.
• Solid State. Finest quality silicon transistors • serviceable design, compact construction
• Netting trimmer lor each receive and transmit crystal • Diode protected Dual-ga'e FET mi.e,
• -Hig h quality mechanical filte, lor adjacent • 25 transislors , 1 IC. 1 MosFe., 16 Diode.
channel rejection • Overload protected receive' R.F. I lage

Model FM-3601-10 Watts _.'299·' Model FM-3602-25 Watts. _$350.

Each unit comes w ith 2 pai r crysta ls (34T/94R and 94T/94R)
Model PS·2923-AC Reg ul ate d Power Su pply .... $31.15

Sonar Radio Corporation 73 Wortman Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. 1120

tw o or more came ras, coverage to all nursing

h omes in the c oun ty, a TV repeate r so t ha t
mobile units co uld be utili zed , and (get th is)
televising in color, Fortunat ely , Mother
Natu re in te rr up te d t hese discussions before
t hey got ou t of hand by provid ing a drench-
in g do wnpour e xac tl y 15 minut es afte r the
pa rade c nded .
Besid es giving the small Ma rsha ll County
Amat eur Radio Club a project o n which to
wo rk together. the project - more im por-
ta n tly - provided so me of our sen io r citi-
zens wi t h a little happiness and a break in
t he dail y routine.
Each o f the nursing h omes mad e fo rma l A part of the audience viewing the parade at one of
com me nts to th e loca l newspaer, and a the nursing h omes.
rep resentative fro m th e National Nursi ng entry had disa ppeared down th e st ree t,
Ho me mann ed by WB 9GSI sen t in th e everyone ch ip ped in and began disassembling
fo llowi ng: " It was j ust fab ulo us! We we re so wh at to o ur mind was th e grea test thing that
glad we were inclu de d an d it gave our ever hap p ened to Marshall Coun ty. All re-
em ployees a chance to see the pa rad e a lso. ports fr om the nursing homes were su pe r-
The men coming in beforehand to set lative, not o nly from th e hams stationed
every t hing up gave the pa tien ts a great deal there, b ut also fro m the pa tie nts and staffs.
of enjoy me nt. If th e club eve r t ries t o do Even before th e eq uip ment was full y
this agai n, we ho pe they th ink o f us." di sassembled , talk turned to how we could
.. .W9J ER improve the syste m next y ear ... such as

92 © ClarkWardOrange 73 MAGAZINE
John J. Schultz W2EEY
40 Rossie Street
Mystic CT 06355

fe w simple modifications to t he o rigi- time and , therefore, have more freedom in

A nal suc tion-eu p an te nna provide great-
ly simplified tuning. The modifications also
the pla cements o f th e t uning componen ts.
With the modificat ion , tuning becomes a
permit the anten na's tu ning network to be matter of simp ly tu ni ng a variab le capacitor
used as an ante nna coupler for random- instead of adjusting t wo co il tap positions.
lengt h single-wire an te nnas, th us fu rt her Ge ne rally a single coil ta p positio n need o nly
ex te nding t he versa tility of th e u n it as a be cha nged when cha nging ba nds.
simple, m ultiband , portable an te nna.
The o riginal suctio n-cup a nte n na consis-
ted of a surplus foldin g w hip an ten na ab out
lOft long with a loading co il at its base. It
was intended for quick set up, particularly on
an aut omobile , when ever a multiband an-
tenn a was desired for temporary o peratio n.
Ap parentl y, the idea was a ppealing to many
a ma te urs who wanted so me portable
ope ra ting ca pa bility whil e o n vacation or
some o t he r trip but didn 't want to install a
regu lar mobile a nten na insta llation. The l A'
whi p a nd coil were wired toge ther as sho wn
in Fig. I (A).
The main objection that was hea rd a bou t
the ante n na was the di fficult y involved in
fin ding the tw o correct coil tap positio ns,
parti cularl y when large freq ue ncy excursio ns
were ma de . Although a procedure was o u t-
lined for find ing the positions, many ama- -,
teurs appare ntly found th e pro cedure to o
tim e-consuming when they sim ply wanted to
set u p for portable o pera tio n for a short J

period o f tim e. Various means were explored

to si mplify the tunin g o f the ant enna.
Details are given o n o ne method t ha t lends
itself to simp le modification of t he o riginal I.'
ante nna and other methods are me n tio ne d Fig. 1. The basic antenna load ing scheme (A ) a nd
fo r the be nefit of those who might like to th ree networ ks which were considered in order to
construct a suction-cup an ten na for th e first provi de simplified sin gle-band tuning (B).

JUN E 1972 AN 32
© ClarkWardOrange 93
Tuning Methods ted fro m t he frame or rotor). A screw is used
There are several ways by which the co il directly to attach t he lower whip b rac ket to
taps sho wn in Fig. I (A) can be replaced fo r the cap acitor.
single band opera tion by a co n tinuous tu- Since the middle brack et ca rries th e
ning sche me. Some o f these possibilit ies are mounting screw fo r o ne o f t he au to mobile
illustrat ed in Fig. I (8). The simplest scheme top carrier-type suction cu ps, a small flat
is probably t hat there a variable capacito r is metal bra cke t abo ut I in . long is used to
placed from th e coax center co nd uc tor to offset the capa citor mounting from th e
ground and an extra inductor added to the bracket. Instead o f d epending solely upon
basic whip loading coil. The ex tra inductor the bracket's elec t rical co ntac t to the whip ,
and the capacito r fo rm an " L" network a No. 10 piece o f wire is also run from a
which can be tuned as desired to match t he ground lug on th e lower mo unting hole on
load ed whip . Although the sche me is gen- the capacitor to th e terminal co nnec tio n at
erally simple fo r new const ruc tio n, since the bottom of th e whip. The lower end o f
only one indu ctor need be used which the loading coil is co nnecte d to o ne o f the
co mbines the loading and " L" network sta tor terminals o f th e ca pacitor. Abou t an 8
inducta nces, it does have a disadvantage in in . piece of wire with an alligato r clip is
that th e variable capacito r has to be fairly con nected to the o ther stat or terminal in
large . In fact , several thousand mmf may be order to effect bandswitching by shorting
required o n 80 meters for a 10ft whip. out portions of th e loading coil.
Fixed capacitors can , of course , be paralleled
with a wide ra nge variable capacitor. An-
o t her possible scheme is to leave th e coil . /- WHIP ANTENNA
ta ps as in Fig. I (A) but use a 100 - 200 mmf
va riable capacitor across th e en tire coil. Such GROUNO CLIP Sl. EEVE

a sche me will eli minate the need to cha nge

the uppe r co il tap for o peratio n over most of 2- 2-112
In- -;''
one band but the capacitor is su bjec t to a INSIOE MA IN
fairly high voltage gradient and ha s to be a
wide-spa ced typ e for any appreciable tr an s-
mitt er po wer. The bes t co mpromise sche me
seems to be that sho wn in the middle of Fig.
I ( 8). Li nk cou pling is used to cou ple to the
loadin g coil in order to elimina te t he tra ns- , ¥ ~ -70A
10 1fI , STOCK""""'" , COAX
mission line coil tap. The series capacitor LENGTH '2-112
TO 3 In. OIA,
modi fies the effec tive co il reac ta nce so that e-IO t. p.i. COIL
adj ust men t of the one co il tap left is o nly 2008, 2406, IPK.

neede d for bandswitching. A capacito r o f

250 - 325 mmf and medium spacing is suf-
fici ent fo r medium power transmitters.
Modified Antenna Construction
Figure 2 sho ws how th e o riginal suctio n-
cup ante n na was mo dified . Note tha t the
ground en d of the load ing ind uc to r is ac tual-
ly at t he top of the ind uctor. As in the
o riginal, t he coil is suppo rted by tw o metal
brackets (h omemade of thin brass o r cop per WIRE STRAP TO
strap ) attached to th e lower whip sectio n.
An additional bracket is added to support
Fig. 2. Construction of the tuner components on
the variable capacito r (a Hamrnariund RMC
the lower section of th e whip . The suc tion cups,
ty pe un it). The capacitor ha s two thread ed attached to the top two metal bracke ts, are n ot
mount ing holes o n the bottom (n ot insula- sho wn.

94 © ClarkWardOrange 73 M A G A Z I N E
The coaxial tra nsmission line co upling
link is mad e of a piece of standard coil stock Incomparable
one diame ter smaller than that of t he load-
ing coil. It fits easily within t he top portion
of the loadi ng coil an d is cemented in place
by Duco ce me nt used be t ween the ribs of by CX7A
the two differen t diam eter coil stocks . The
coa xial transmission lin e is tap ed to the whip
an te nna rod, as sho wn in Fig. 2, wit h the
inner con ductor con nected to the link coil
and th e shield to a lug on the upper whip
bracket. Care must be taken that the shield
of the transmission line is insulated from the
whip an tenna where it is taped to it for
mechanical suppo rt.
The fo regoing paragraphs were not in-
tended to provi de an extre mely detailed
description of the antenna's co nst ruction
FeatureS :
but mainly to highlight those areas which • RE L IAB IL ITY IS NOW standa rd equipme nt. Every
CX7 A " b u r n t -in" and c yc l ed more t h an 4 8 hou rs .
m ight require cla rification. The u se of com-
• QUAL ITY -PL US . Every compo n en t is i n st r u m e n t
po nents of widely differen t manufactu re or grade. A meric:an-made, and in d ividu ally tened .
• ALL M ODE S 10 thr u 160 meters in f u ll 1 MHZ bends
construction will yield the same results but w ith ove rla ps.
the same basic construction techniques • BR OAD -B A ND TUN ING . I n st en t band c h an ges w ith-
o ut tu ni ng . _
should be observed. • TRUE BREAK -IN CW w ith T /R swi tc hi n g.
e l F S HI F T _ d el u x e QRM sl ice r.
Adjustment • PRE ·IF N O I SE -BLANKER that really works.
• R F ENVELOPE C LI PP I N G - wunds l ike a Kw.
Proper adjustment of t he a ntenna re-
• TW O V F O'S Transce iver Plu s rece iver .
quires, at least initially, the use of an swr • BU I L T ·I N : Sp o tt er, FS K shift , transm i t o ffset , watt ·
mete" SWA mete r, e lectron ic CW K eyer .
meter placed in th e t ransmission line as near
Specificati ons :
to t he anten na as possib le. The capacitor I . S E N S I T I V IT Y : Bette r than 10 d b signal -plus-noise -to -
sho uld be set at its mid-scale value. On any r at io for . 2 5 mic rovolts at 2B M HZ.
• S ELECTlVITV : 2 .4 KHZ IF - 6 d b . 1 .B :1 16 :6Odbl
selected frequency band , the ba nd coil tap shape factor. 116 pole c r y st al lettice F itt ers ) o p ti o n al :
on t he loading inductor is then experi- • CW -300 end 4 00 HZ . FSK ·1200 HZ .
. C A R R I E R and unwanted sideband suppression. M in i -
mentally determined to produce the lo west mum 60db .
• I M AG E and IF REJECTION : m ore than 6Odb.
swr. Varying the capacitor sett ing will then
. PO W E R LEVE L : 300 to 500 watts p .e.p . plus,
allow operation with the same coil tap c o n ti n uou s duty cyc le.
• POWER AMPLIFIER : 8072 f inal c o m plet el y broed -
positio n over a major portion of any lo w-fre- banded driver an d f inal. 1 50 watts continuous d issipa-
t io n ratin g .
quency a ma te u r band . Once the correct coil
tap posi t io n has b een found for a band, it is It's Perfection
not necessary to moni tor the t ransmission for $2195
lin e swr. Th e variable capacitor can simply
be adjusted for maxi mu m field-strength indi- If you want to move up to the BEST.
cation respo nse using the coil tap deter- give Don Payne, K41D, a call for personal-
mined to be correct fo r mid-band o perat io n. ized service. a brochure. and a KING-
If desired, once the correct coil tap position SIZE trade-in on any gear you have - one
for a band has been determined , a pin and piece - or the whole station.
jack arra ngement can be used for ba nd -
switching. Standard bana na-t y pe plugs and
jacks, fo r in st ance, are very su itable . The PAYNE RADIO
jacks are solde re d o n th e coil at th e correct Box 525
m id-band position, as determi ne d by swr Springfield, Tenn. 37172
measurements, and t he alligator clip shown N ites
in Fig. 2 replaced by a bana na plug. D ay s (615) 384 -5 5 73 Sundays (615) 384 -5643

JUNE 1972 AN 33
© ClarkWardOrange 95

E ST A N D A R D 826M
R 12 ch.nrlel, 14 with (,yst.I,)
10 Watt oo lput
1i,1 'I' ••• r,1.1 .
All soItd ,Wt
f., ....ry ,.-.ri l
Oldy mu~
5 o..wwl, 9tI.. . .... 3011 . . . ."",,,"
.3 uv , .. __ '5W tr_ n.
Co"'Pl'C' -- r 'h. Tw. l ~d
Full II. . of (tptionlol I _Mot ine"'......,.......
_ _..-"' '''. - - top ....... - - " , t ubby " I n-
Auil.blol NOWI - - Only 1211.00


' 002..:1 &·2& ~. l00 ·' 3 !!o n t1l mo
All U.S. Ma.cU 1002 -38 ' -2.1S ns '20·130 "' u,.
80' 5 ·'2 n. 70-90 . SUSI5

. ," ( 1l1USON .,oul Mldqu¥ltll lor 'II yGUf rM n~'

00'8 ' ·2 .15 n.
5 -115 w ltftl
1-2.15 ....n .
eo·90 W-'1'
3 5-& lIwIMU
4 5-&0 ..11111
, ..
" 80

, ..
242·...2 ' ·2.11 ..ltftl 25 -30 ...ln.
And man )' m_ from SB B IClfl"IGI Add1nl'
ERiCKSON COMMUNICATIONS kfln~An ~ n_ 8~c~gb"flm~L __n
.u • . !lin 1M A.... C..iuto. •1..-.0 um J3U2OD

• Summary
T he suction-cup antenna can easily solve
the anten na problem for many te mporary or
porta ole opetating situations. With variable
tu ning, the basic antenna becomes even
more versatile and easy to adjust. A very
han dy featu re of t he modified an tenna is its
ability to serve also as an an te nna co upler.
For ins ta nce, if one is in a po rta ble sit uation
where it is possible to erect a long-wire
an tenna for greater efficiency, the tuning
network of the suction-cu p antenna can be
quickly converted into an anten na co up ler
for t he long-wire anten na. A shorting con-
nection (by means of clip-on leads) is made
fro m the ro tor termi nal of the va ria ble
capacitor to the upper (ground end) terminal
of the loading coil, thus forming a parallel
resonant circuit. The long-wire antenna
termin al is then tapped on th e main coil at a
point producing min imum swr in the coaxial
transmission line wit h the parallel resonant
Typjca] installation of the modified suction-cup circuit peaked for maximum transmitter
antenna. Placement of the tuning capacitor at the loading. Almost any random length of long-
bottom facilitates ease o f tuning. Use of a Mueller wire antenna can be easily tuned in this
63C insulated clip instead of the uninsulated type manner.
shown is preferred.
. ..W2EEY

© ClarkWardOrange 73 MAGAZI N E
Peter A. Stark K20A W
196 Forest Drive
Mt. Kisco N Y 10549

his summer 73 Magazine is publi shing

T a t hree- pa~t article o n building an IC
freque ncy counter good up through the
IC's together will tak e a l SO Mll z signala nd
divide it d own to 1.5 Mll z.
The IC's ne ed a voltage between +5 and
VH F ran ge. That d esign has a built-in fre- about +5.3 volts. While you co uld build a
quency scaler, and is good through almost po wer supply, that o nly increases the cost.
300 Mllz. For those wh o have a low- The easiest way to provide power is with
freq uency coun ter and just need a scaler to fo ur 0 ce lls o r a 6-volt lantern battery ,
extend the range , here is a simple design which provides +6 vo lts. The I N400 I diod e,
whi ch ca n be built fo r abou t $20. o r ano ther silicon power diode , drops th is to
The heart o f the un it is a Fairchild about +5.3 volts. The scaler need s abo u t 150
1'6B9511905 9X divid e-by-l 0 scaler IC, which rnA, so a set of four () cells will la st ab out
costs abo ut $ 16 in unit quantities; we call it 10 o r 20 hours with intermittent use .
a 9 5H90 fo r sho rt, and it 's ICI in Fig. I , th e Figure 2 sho ws a printed circuit board
schema tic diagram. The o u tpu t of this IC is layout which can be used to mount the
fed into a 2N577 1 I'NP transistor which scaler, and Fig. 3 sho ws the parts placement
amplifies the o utput and provides a voltage o n the board . Leave the co pper border
cha nge. If y ou have a counter whic h will go around the board, to act as the ground
u p to abou t 15 MH z, th en th is part alo ne co nnec tio n fo r the boa rd. Use phone jacks
will extend your range to 150 MH z. But if o r rf connectors, and bypass the +6 volt
yo u have a slo wer cou nter, then yo u will lead . The p urpose is to let rf into the bo x
need IC2 as well. This is an inexpensive o nly via the input lead.
($ 1.30 o r so) SN7490N TT L decad e cou n t- In use, avo id o ver-driving the scaler. Start
er, which does a second div ision by 10. Both with a low input level, and feed in just

, I,
.18 I(
, ';' 10 SC AL E R
, rca
SN 74 9 0
95 H90 (OPTIO NAL)

, , ,
) 2N 5 77 1 ,
1N 914 , f \ " or
-¥2 .J," t 2
''0 o "• 0 I--------fO) -;. 100
" . :r OUTPUT

>30 < .-)Hfci~~PUT
5 ~2 .3. 6 .7, 10
I N 4001
t3V ~

·6V I N
.-L -L

Fig. 1. VHF scaler schematic diagram . All .0 1 capacitors are disks. All resistors are klW, 10 %

JUN E 1972 T E 18 97
© ClarkWardOrange

ree ree
A The Novic e C lass Li -
c en se S tudy G uide h as not
yet been publ ished in 73 or
in any other magaz i ne.
T hi s b ook co n tains all the
basic technical info rmation
need to pass the No vice
License wi t h flyi ng c o t- E T he 73 O X
ors.. .a nd i s in valuable as a ha ndbook h as e very
bas ic: t e x t for u nderstand - O X aid you could
i n g the Genera l Cl ass Study hope fo r . . .OSL
G ui d e. Profusely i llustrated Bureaus , p ostage
and so c l ea r l y written that rates w o rl d w i d e ,
j u st reading it is eno u gh to OXCC and WTW
permit most applica nts to cou ntry lists and re -
pass their exam. $3 .95 cord pages, maps of
v alu e . many areas of the
world with pref ixes,
plus a c o m ple t e
wall -sized w o rl d
AMATEUR RADIO map wit h ea ch
book ! I t is p rofusely
GENERAL B The 73 General Class illustrated with pic -
CLASS Study G uid e has helped M BULLETI tu res of many of the
thousands to e asily pass • top OXers, p lus art-
LICENSE the ir G enera l Lice nse t he icles o n working DX
f irst t ime t h rou g h . A t $9 a on t he different
STUOY w h ac k , isn't it foolis h not ban d s. T here ar e
GUIOE to h ed g e you r bet with t h is g rea t circle bearing
c o m p r e h e n si v e and simp le maps ' and c h ar t s,
book ? No o t her st udy a nd m ore...more
g u id e is as complete o r as .. .more.
easy t o r ead. None. A
$ 4 .95 v a l ue.
F The F M A nth-
o logy h as r ep rin t s of
all the art ic les a nd
tec h n ica l data from
C The A dva nced Cl ass the ea rly issu e s o f
S t udy G uid e has pro ven to
be t he onl y c o m p lete text . ' - -
for p r e paring t o pass th e
-'= '":::...~
th e FM J ournal . N o
F M li brar y is c o m -
p l ete wi t ho u t t h is
AMATEUR Adva nced C lass l i c ense data, m u ch of it j u st
RAOIO , exam. Never before h as
THE no t ava i lab le e lse-
radio t h eory been m ade so BEST w here. $5 .95 va lue.
AOVANCEO simple. After just r eadi ng
t his boo k it is almost im-
possib le to f ait t h at exam.
And r emember t hat i n ad -
fM G Th e BEST
F M is a comp ilat ion
o f t he best arti c les

STUOY ditio n to t he t ro uble o f

t hat appeared in the
going to the FCC to t a k e
GUIOE that exam, t here is a li t tl e FM Jo ur nal from
m a tte r of $9 yo u h av e to March 1968 t hrough
ante up . W hy take a cha n ce June 19 6 9 , the l ast
on failing ? $5.95 v a l u e. af t he magaz tne.
Read the extremely
controversial Chron -
icl es of 76 . Plus do -
p ' ! .,.
ze ns of tec hn ical
a nd circu it articles
a vai lable n o w h ere
else. $ 4 .95 value.

TAI NSISTOR H Transistor Pro -
RADIO '<: PRO)ECTS0 j ects for the
o The E x t r a Cla ss License
for the Amateur is c r a m,
EXTRA Study Guid e makes all that m ed w ith over 4 0
co mplicat ed e lectron ic the- AMATEUR i n t e r est i n g construc -
ory seem simple. A little Q tio n projects cover-
LICENSE study wit h t his b ook and
• i n g recei vers, c o n -
you will be r e ad y to face ve rters and tra nsmit-
STUDY the FC C e x am iner wit h Q ters, m an y i n the
..c o n fid e n c e . A $ 4 .95 valuel V H F r eg ion. If you
GUIDE li ke t o b u ild you
will blow your mind
over t h is book.

© ClarkWardOrange
ree ree
A c cept ONE B OOK F REE wi t h ou r compl iments fo r eac h differe nt $6 sub sc ription you e nter . Free
Gi ft Books c e n be sent to eac h subscrib er o r to t he do nor. One gi ft book pe r $6 subscriptio n , w herever
t h e y go . All subscriptio ns w ill be entered t o start with c u rr e n t 1972 unless otherwise noted . O n
re n e w a ls or exte nsions of subscrip t io ns p le a se include t he add ress label fr om the magazine wrapper or
renewal not ice. This offer good in Nort h Am erica o n ly. Foreign read ers may part ic ipate by add ing one
e x t ra dollar per one veer subscription.
_....--- ~

J Solid-State Pro -
SOLID-STATE PROJECTS Please enter subscriptions for
j ec ts for t he Experi- !of the Erperimenter the following, starting with the current issue.
me nter co n t a in s over
60 projects taken
fr o m t he pages o f 73
,--.., ._ ~

Magazi ne. Bui ld a Offer expires June 30, 1 9 72 .

S'ix -Meter F et Co n -
verter . O r, maybe a
ham TV receiver. It's
all here. $3 .95 value. r----- ---- - -- - - -
- I .
73 Magazine, Peterboro ugh NH 03458
--~.- - ~ I New 0 Renewal or Extension 0
The Fascinating WOIId of Na me Call _
Worl d Fasc
o f inati
o I Addr ess _
" ....... Com mun ic at ions is
a n introductio n to I City State Z ,p·~ _
radio commu nica -
t ton . This book gives
you some of the his-
I -
Circle book wanted : ABC 0 E F G H 111111
tory of radio co m-
municat ion and an
idea of what you can
I 1 year 56 o choose 1 book Life 573 ochoose any 3 books
expect from your _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
new ho bb y. $3 .95
73 Magazine, Peterborough NH 03458
New 0 Renewal or Extension 0
I Name Call _
I Address _
L i e Projects for
Amateur & Experi - I C it y' S tate Z IP. _

menter is a n enthot-
ogy of IC co nstrue -
t io n proj ects taken
from 7 3 Magazin e.
I Circle book wanted: ABC 0 E F G H 111111
Ed it ed b y Wayne
Green it 5 a m ust fo r ..~ --- I 1 year 56 0 choose 1 book Life 573 0 choose any 3 books
a ny h am library . -. . . .

$ 3 .9 5 va lue . ::' "':1 , - : 1_ _ -

- -- -
T hat 's right, all you have to do is buy a o ne year 56 subscripti o n t o 73 and you a re eligi b le for a free
book {postpaid! of you r c hoice, o r a set o f back issues (FO B 73 HQL You say you want two books? Fine,
no trouble whatever, just buy a little old gif t subscription fo r a friend or OX buddy a nd ask us t o send
you the book or back issue package.
Can you buy two years for $12 a nd get two books? No, sorry abou t that, but the whole pu rpose of
t his unusual offer is to increase th e ci rculat io n o f 73, no t to just give away a few t ho usand books free of
c ha rge. We know that o nce a n active amateu r st a rts reading 7 3 he h as a ha rd t ime ever be ing w ithout it
again a nd so , tho ugh we pay dearly for th at first subscrip t io n, we event ually mak e it u p come renewal
t ime . A nd keep in m ind t hat th e more su bscri be rs we h ave fo r 73 th e better magazine we ca n give you.
Over 3 000 great artic les have appeared in o u r b ac k issues and most o f the m a re just as good t od ay as
t he day they were pri nted . You wi ll h ave the t im e of you r life readi ng a ll those wo nderful issues you
missed . We have separated the back issues into t h ree packages, issues f rom 1960-1964 (I) , 1965- 1967
(III, and 19 68 - 19 70 (I I I). T hese back issue bundles a re put together by illiterate apple pickers borrowed
from other ha m magazi ne staffs a nd thus there is no possibility of our guaranteeing any particular issue in
your bundles . .. you ta ke pot luck . Due to th e 5 12 va lue that we are making available in these back
issues packages 112 diffe re nt back issues in eac h package). we mu st ask t hat you fo ot the shipping charges.
Please incl ude $ 1 t o cove r hand lin g and mail ing of th ese gr eat big pac kages o f back issues.
If you prefer t hat we se nd a boo k or b ack issues to your bu ddy along with h is subsc riptio n, just
indicate t his o n t he fo rm.
TE 19
© ClarkWardOrange



• .,.,.tes on ' ·11 VDe

• stable ov,r normal temp.
&. woll'CI rane'
• fits Inside most
wired & tested ttlnceinrs
less crystal • adjustable hiell .. ,••
dimensions -
2fJ2" .,,,,." I ~."
I'IIil81e in kit form - $17."
• contlnuousl, nfllblt Fig. 2. Copper side of PC board, ac tual siz e.
from I.' to 2.4 1Hz
• operates on 12·" VDe
• temperature" .,f, stabl,
wired & tested dimensions - +IOOUTPUT
1 U /l'" It V2" I ~., -:- 100 OUTPUT

'''·201 Transmitter module - $41.15
LM·210 10-W Pow., amplifi.r mOduli - U'1i!'5
P.O. BOX 29153 COLUMBUS , OHIO 43229


Fig. 3 . Parts layout diagram (component side ).

Here's your c h a nce to o w n the latest transceiver enough rf to get a coun ter reading. With a 19
from Ad irondack ; a rig with 24 channel c a p a- inch length of wire connected to the input
bility . And we supply crystals for four of t he
c h a n n e l s. lead you should he able to activate the scaler
This pack age also includes these added features : with a I or Z watt hand -held unit from a few
: §~~~a~;\'Rsmt~\~:i c°Jrs~~r~Ynator meter ±5 feet away .

panel P .A . t urre control to enable If you later decide to build the co m p le te
yoU to operate at max rmu rn output
• K .1. T . C:is t r o l o n receive - lets you have a 1 solid state frequency co u n t er. you 'll be
watt or W~\t output
• ac and c ca eJupply s o that YQU can have h a p py to k now t hat all t he parts from the
either I:! vc t C operation or 1 10 volt ac
Qperatioo. scaler will be usable for the counter lat er.
• Hernote vFO plug
• A netttna condenser on each transmit a n d
tra n scetve crystal Bu t make sure to use sockets for the IC' s
This entirely new approach to 2 meter FM gear
is youts for o nly a net p rice of $389 .0 0
(look into Mo le x Soldercon terminals for IC
18 5 West Ma in St reet, Amsterd am NY 12010
100 73 MAGAZ INE
© ClarkWardOrange
Ed Webb W4FQMIl
Technical Editor
73 M agazin e

'TTThen you open the box of the the usual st ran ded typ e but the heavy duty
VV DGA-4075 y ou know instantly that co p perweld so lid type . Also included is a
the new Savoy Basset Antenna is made of cen ter insulator that is a broadband balun.
full co mmercial grade parts. Quickly reading The lead-in coax that co mes att ached to the
through the instructions you find that n o balun is a half wave length on 80 meters.
so ld ering is required during assembly . All The feed line can eve n be pruned to make it
you need is a screwdriver, pliers, diagonal an exac t half wavelength at your spec ific 80
cu tt ers and a tap e measure. In fa ct you don 't meter frequency . After shorting each wire
eve n need end-insulators as the nylon su p- eleme n t the amo u nt shown by the frequency
port line su pplie d with th e an ten na works chart, y ou simp ly place the wire end s into
per fec tly. the clamps on the traps and balun and
Savoy su pplies tw o very simple ch arts tighten down the set scre ws - and y o u don't
that are u sed t o determine the length of the even have to st rip the wire! After you have
two sections of wire. First y ou pick y our 40 all of t he wire sections together , pu t a
meter ce n ter frequency to get th e " A" wire sup po rt rop e through the cen ter insulator
eleme n t dimension. Then use that same and hoist it up to the su pp ort point. Find a
frequency o n the vertical side of the 80 place to sec ure th e nylon support ropes at
me ter ch art. Where the 40 meter frequen cy the en ds and you are almost ready to go .
and 8 0 meter frequency intersect on the Once you run the RG-59 /U feed line into
char t give s you the seco nd dimension fo r the the shack , th e only sold ering you have to d o
wire sections. Now you have the tw o dimen- is to put on a PL-259 male coax plug along
sio ns for the wire on ea ch sid e o f the traps. with a UG-1 7 5/U redu cing adapter. That's
There is o nly one trap o n each leg. The wire it ~ all y ou have to do now is fir e up th e rig
that Savoy su p plies with th e antenna is n ot an d get on th e air.

JUNE 19 72 ©AClarkWardOrange
N 34 101
When you wa~t In t he past I have ha d t he un pleasant
experience of trap fail ure on bot h d ipoles
an authoritatIVe, and verticals. This usu all y occu rred while
running a full KW on RTTY. Not only
up to date, wo uld the t rap go bu t usually t he final tu be.
complete, too , unless I happ ened to catch it very
quic kly . When yo u ope n the box in which
reference the DG A-407 5 was pack ed , you are im-
It's the CALLBOOK mediately aware that the trap s are qu ite a bit
larger than the tw o-inch typ es usually fo und
and MnOW it on mo st t rap di poles. The traps su pplied by

\.t anda~teurs
x Editions lists
Savoy are a good four inches in diam eter and
are hermetically sealed in heavy , clear plasti c
The U. S. throu ghout con tainers. When the tra p coils are placed in
licensed ra dio other valuable the conta ine rs at the fac to ry the normal air
the world piuS man;"aps charts 8< is remo ved and replaced wit h helium. This
f eatures i n c\ u ~ lOg d to 'make your
prevents any chance o f mo isture getting into
t ables all deSlgneffcient and more
operating more e I t he tr aps and causing a breakd own or arc-
fun . ove r. The larger diameter trap co il d esign
PLUS allo ws the trap s to have a higher Q which
NeW this year! . tlon service of me.i ns tha t the overall anten na perfo rman ce
A special su~~t~~OK pius three is bett er.
one baslc . .C one issued every The Savoy DGA-4075 easily wit hstood a
service edit ions, keep you com-
three m onth~;O for less than half fu ll KW inp u t on RTTY and w; t ~ "., 1 SWR of
pletelY up-to- f ap~ rcha si ng four corn- 1.3 to I on 80 meters. In fact , I cra nke d the
of the cost 0 S as bef ore. '(au Heath S6-220 u p to prod uce a broadcast
lete CALLBOOK u stay better ty pe of KW and the antenna to ok it wit h no
n ey - yo
save mo problem. T he same thing was tried o n p hone
informed . Over 285.000 QTH's
in the U.S. edition on 40 me ters with eq ually excellen t results .
Com p lete for 197 2 U.S.
CALLBOOK subscrtpttcn In fact t he an te nna works so well 1 will
lu st $14.95 probably get the conve rsion kit Savoy offe rs
to convert it to be used on 20 meters as well .
All you do is add tw o more t ra ps and y ou
, have a high power tri-band trap dipole. Of
course Savoy offe rs a DGA 204075 right
from the fac tory if you want a tri-bander
fro m the start.
I am very happy to see Savoy o ffer an
ant enna of this quality and performan ce - it
C:' \iii' iI Ii' has been long o verdue for the ham who
wants to run high power on the lower
Over 1BO,OOO QTH's frequencies with o ne antenna. The assembly
in the OX edition
Complete for 1972 OX construc tions are clear and concise and
CALLB OOK su bsc r iPt ion 'i . . . ._ _
con tai n a number of exa mples o f how th e
lust $11.45 "p antenna can be installed in various co nfigura-
ox CALLBOOK for 1972 See your
(less service edi tions) f a v orite d ealer tions. Savoy even has reflector and dire cto r
$6.95 or Send toda y to kits , shoul d you want to make up a wire
( Mail o rde rs a dd 25c p er CA L L BOO K beam. The DGA-40 7 5 is a mere $49 .5 0 and
f or p o stage a nd handling)
the DGA-20407 5 only $79.50 . Other band

Jtca 00 k
co mb ina tio ns are availab le. Wr ite to Savoy
Electron ics, Inc. , P.O. Box 7127, Fort
BROC\,\URE Dept D 925 Sherwood Drive Lau de rdale FL 33304 .
. lake Bluff. III. 60044 ... W4 FQM /l

102 © ClarkWardOrange 73 MAGAZ IN E

Complete packaged Multi-Band Antenna Systems employing the famous Bassett Sealed
Resonators and a special Balun . Air has been evacuated from both and replaced with pure
helium at one atmosphere.

Highly efficient system packages including all hardware, insulation, coax cable, and copperweld
elements assembled at the factory. Complete installation instructions included.

Multi·frequency models available for all amateur bands and for commercial use, point to point,
ground to air, military and government.

MODEL DGA·4075 - $59.50 MODEL DGA·2040 - $59.50

A complete system package for primary A complete system package for primary
use in the 40 and 75 meter bands at use in the 20and 40 meter bands at
power levels up to 4KW·PEP with power levels up to 4KW·PEP with
secondary operation in other bands at secondary operation in other bands
reduced power levels. at reduced power levels.

MODEL DGA·152040 - $79.50 MODEL DGA·204075 - $79.50

A complete system package for primary A complete system package for primary
use in the 15, 20, and 40 meter bands use in the 20, 40, and 75 meter bands
at power levels up to 4KW·PEP with at power levels up to 4KW·PEP with
secondary operation in other bands at secondary operation in other bands at
reduced power levels. reduced power levels.

Savoy Electronics,lnc.
P.O. Box 7127 - Fort: Lauderd.le. Florid. -33304

• Tel: 306-688-8418 or 306-847-1181

TE 20

© ClarkWardOrange

Reprints from the FM Bulletin (Feb 61 -Feb 6 8) Monthly bulletin of news and activities of the New
including the new regs for 150 MHz marine two-way England Repeater Groups. Lots of opinions, con-
communications, mobile noise suppression techniques, troversy, reports, even technical articles and think
a direction-fmding antenna for 146.94 MHz, four pieces. This bulletin is available free to aU amateurs
transistor crystal controlled converter for 2m FM , living in the New England states who are active on 2m
three oscillators for tuning up FM receivers, inex- FM. Outside of this area the subscription price is $2

pensive preamp for 2m and 6m, design info on per year. Issue number one was January 1972.
antenna matching, discussion of repeater proposals The Bulletin is the place where the mass of FM
before the FCC, description and details on Baltimore information is published that doesn't make it into 73
repeater WA3DZD, first five chapters of the infamous because there just isn't enough room. It runs about 24
Chronicles of 76, a simple TVI eliminator, converting pages per month (SY. xII).
the GE mobile supply to ac operation, community If you are interested in a subscription send your
public service, good and bad points of popular surplus name, call, address, including zip, a list of the FM
450 equipment, description of W6FNO repeater, using equipment you are using, the repeaters you use, and
different modes in a repeater control mobile , h ow any repeater clubs or other amateur radio clubs that
frequent should a repeater 10 be?, using 2m FM you are a member of.
between planes, multiple repeater power outputs,
plans and circuit for a hand transceiver, how about a 108 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 51.95
cross country 2m FM net?, mobile telephone setup Discussions of transmitting, receiving, antennas,
using a 450 repeater, description of Buffalo repeater, power and audio measurement devices , etc. Circuits,
12 foot omnidirectional antenna a la Com prod and gadgets, small construction projects, pro fusely illus-
Prodelin, plans for encoder and decoder , SAROC trated. A wealth of interesting information and read-
ing. Cheap, too , considering.
goings on (ahem!), power amplifier for home builder,
new telephone regulations for attachments, etc. OX HANDBOOK $2.95
A huge selection of the best technical and con- How to work. OX. how to get QSLs, country lists,
struction articles from the FM Journal including. data award list s, postage lists QSL bureaus, maps of the
on the formation of a repeater group, licensing. a World, North America, Caribbean, South America,
repeater, transistor switching for receivers, 450 MHz Africa, etc. Great circle maps centered on major U.S.
gain antennas, adjusting deviation without test equip- cities, bearing charts for beam headings for major
ment, narrowband vs wideband, crystal production cities. how to go on your own lJXpedition , and much,
from raw quartz through final inspection , transistors much more. This is the biggest selling OX Handbook
over vibrators for mobile, satire on the 41 V, eliminat- ever published, written by 73's editor-publisher who
ing tubes in early hybrid uand units, transistor preamp ha s OXed from nearly 100 countries. This book
for mikes, frequency division and multiplexing in includes a wall sized OX map of the world, itself
repeater control, adjacent repeater problems, multi- worth the price or the book.
frequency for the GE, ac su pp ly for the H23 handie - ATV ANTHOLOGY 52.95
talkie, narrowbanding the Pre-Prog 450 units, convert- Invalu able book if you are interested in amateur
ing 456 Prog Line Telephone mobiles for ham use, televisio n. This boo k co n tains reprints of the most
improving the Gonset FM Communicator, imp roving important material from the now defunct ATV
450 Pre -Prog receivers, Wichita repeater, AREC net Bulletin.
and public service, quickie Tcpower and whine filler, 73 TRANSISTOR CIRCUITS $.95
logic elements for touch tone de coding, FM 'IS other Audio amplifiers, preamplifiers. clippers, filters,
modes, squelch for Motorola Pager, instructions for modulators, receiver bfo, AGC, squelch. tuned audio
repeater owners, priority inputs for a repeater, four amplifier. crystal filters, super-regen. 2m preamp. 220
freq for Pre-Prog, 6-Freq osc for 800 and 1400, FM MHz preamp. oscillators, variable crystal oscillator.
clinic , FM takes over AM , checking crystal ovens, UHF oscillator. 10m transmitter. 6m transmitter. 2m
ni-cad charger, mobile hints, and etc. transmitter, signal tracer. 1 kHz and 100 kHz calibra-
tors, sweep frequency generator, sawtooth generator,
ATLAS OF FM REPEATERS 51.50 test equipment of all kinds, stuff. Fun. Inexpensive.
Listing. by state and city, of all repeaters, both FM REPEATER HANDBOOK $6.95
open and closed, in the world, complete with coverage Th is hardbound book from Howard Sams is not
maps of many of the major repeaters. Maps are available on th e subscriptio n bonus deal. Sorry.
included showing the states and counties, with the becau se it is one you will want if you intend to set up
areas of repeaters indicated. a repeate r.
RADIO BOOKSHOP Peterborough. New Hampshire 03458.
104 ©Order
on page 107 73 MAGAZINE
A SCHOBER ORGAN! This is an assortment of twel ve di fferent back

L L_
issues of 73 from the years 1960 through 1964.
Normally th ese back issues wou ld cost you $ LOO o r
more each, but since thi s asso rt me nt is o ur ch oice
I~~:a inst ead of yours, thu s th e bargain. Here is a good way
to bu ild u p your te chnical library with hun dred s of
, . \ i1
I interesting and valuable technical articles and con-

(\;\ I" . structio n projects. You may have missed these great
issues when t hey o riginally came out, but don't miss
- I
- the fu n o f reading them no w! The emphasis o n articles
' , t, - - .
wit h no opera ting news ur mo nthly columns means
that little of the material is da ted .
* Incfudes easy to assemblerwalnut console kit.
(Only $1575 if you build your own conso le.) Amplifier, BACK ISSUES OF 73 - VOL II $3.95
soeeser system, opt ional accessories extra.
You couldn' t to uc h an organ li ke this In a store for
Twelve differen t back issues of 73 from the years
less than $4,OOo-and th ere never has been an elec- 1965 th rough 1967 . Th ese are th e real vintage years of
tronic instrument with t his V3St variety of genuine
pipe-organ voices that you ean add to and change 73 for home builders of transistorized gear. Lots of
any t ime you like! If you've dreamed of the sound VHF proje cts and gadgets galore. See for yourself
of a farle pipe organ in your own home, if you're
looking or an organ for your church, you'll be more what 73 was doing back when QST was st ill bringing
thrilled and ha ppy with a Schobe r Recital Organ t ha n
you could possib ly imagine - kit or no ki t, you only tu bes. At th is price you get our choice of
You can learn to play i t- and a full- size, f ull-facll· back issues. This is an excellent way to fill in missing
ity instrument Is easier to learn on than any cut-down
" home" model. And you can build It, from Schobe r back issues, if you like to gamble.
Kits, world famous for ease of assembly without th e
slightest knowledge of elect ronics or music, for de- BACK ISSUES OF 73 - VOL . III $3.95
sign and pa rts qua l ity from the ground up, and- T welve differen t back issues of 73 from the years
above al l - for t he highest praise fr om musicians
everywhere. 1968 through 1970. These bundles are already made
Send r ight now for the ruu-eeter Schober catalog,
containing specifications of all f ive Schobe r Organ up so you have to accept o ur choice at this price.
models.. beginning.at $499.50. No Cha rge no obllga. Individu al issues for most months are still available for
ttc n. IT you like music, yo u owe yoursel j a Schobe r
Organ ! SI .OO each for these years.
,-------------------------------- BUMPER STICKERS Four for $1.00
I Th e f1JcItoiet
Organ Co rp ., Dept.D· I I Stick these bright stickers o n you r car bumper or
I 43 We st 61 st Street, New York, N.Y. 10023 window to let passing FMers kn ow what channel you
I o Please send me Schober O raan Catalog and
free 7-inch "sampler" record.
are monitoring. Available in any combinat ion of the
I o E nclosed please find $1.00 for tz-Inch L.P.
record of Schober O rgan music.
follo wing channe ls : 70,73,76 ,82,85 ,88 ,9 1 and 94,
I ADDRESS' _ This is the same wall-sized DX map that is inclu ded
CITY- ST ATEi_ _--:I.ZIP' _ with th e DX Hand boo k except it co mes to you rolled
IL _
up instead of folded. Th is is so you can put it on th e
wall or have it framed . The map is designed with all
co untry prefixes indicated and space for you to color
in the co untries as you work them . Visitors can see
immed iately ho w much of the wo rld you have
FRECK RADIO SUPPLY co n tac ted ! The zones are o n the ma p as well as
prefix es. May be you need several maps.
38 Biltmore Ave ., Asheville, N.C. 28801
(704) 254-9551 CUSTOMIZED DX BEARING CHART $4 .00
Serving the amateurs for 43 years This is no t available o n the subsc rip tion bo nus
Large Stock of Used Equipment . FR EE list beca use it is provide d purely as a serv ice of 73 . An
upon request . We stock Collins . Drake . amateur who work s for a big co mputer co mpany has a
Ga laxy . Kenwood . S ignal One e Swe n progra m which permits him to plug in your loca tio n
• Tempo. H v-Gain • Newt ro n tcs e Seve ra l and have it prin t o ut the bearings of ;111 of t he
Others. countries of the wo rl d from your shack . Once you
have this list you will use it for every OX con ta ct. T he
BEFORE Y OU TRADE - TRY US! chart gives the bearing and di stan ce to a ll major ,..it ies
Bank Americard - Master Charge and countries. Be patie nt when you or der for these
Tenny Freck W4 WL - San dy Jackson Mgr. have to be run thro ugh in gro ups at thi s lo w cost to
Harvey Nations W4VO V
you .
Order on page 107
© ClarkWardOrange
106 73 MAG AZINE
HADRBOUND EDITION $6.95 If you are now or ever in te nd to be ac tive on an y
This 30 o-plus page book has material on of the VH F band s can you really affo rd not to spend a
basic F M repeaters, national sta ndard s fo r FM re- lou sy $ 2.95 fo r a co mp lete and detailed book o n VHF
peaters, carrier operated repeaters, tone d ecoders fo r an te nnas? You will find de scriptions, dimensions,
repeaters, controlling repeaters with tones, improving tuning data, and d iagrams of all ty pes of an tennas in
repeater intelligibility, minimizing d esen sitization. thi s book. Fro m an instant coathanger antenn a to a
solving intermodulation problems, digital identi- gian t collinear beam. it is all here . Your antenna is the
fication , the WB6BFM identifier, a comp u ter- cheapest amplifier you can build. Get thi s book.
op timized digital iden tifier, WAOZHT design d ata. the
Curtis identifier. the K6MVH autopatch, the Zero $7.95
DKU autopatch, the tou chtone au topatch, setting up a RADIO HANDBOOK The bo ok has been nationally
mobile sta tio n encoders for sub-audible. tone burst advertised at $12.95 , however we have a few co pies
and whistle-or, use, multichannel scanning. RF pre- available at th is special price as a close-ou t on the 17th
amplifiers for repeaters. an tennas for 2m FM , collinear ed ition. 850 pages o f hand book da ta and co nstr uctio n
gain antenna for repeaters, welding rod groundplane, projects. This is one of the best book bargains you'll
high gain mobile an tenna, poor man's frequency find -while it lasts!
meter, signal generator circuits, RF power measuring,
adjusting de viation. pocket sized transmitter and DELUXE WORLD ATLAS Special $9.95
receiver , low cost portable transmitter for repeater This is a beautiful Hammond atla s ... invaluable if
use, UH F transmitter, super-regen receiver, repeater you work DX or have any kids. We ran a subscription
zero beater, repeater con troller, I O-minute timer. special using these $20 atlases and had a few left over.
repeater audio mixer , and more! Take advantage of this and buy at the wholesale price.
While they last only.
Crammed with home co nstructio n p rojects such as 73 BINDERS $4.95
a co mple te co mmu nications receiver , a co nverte r These are no t available as a subscriplion bonus. But
co nverte r, CW filter and monit or , IO-I5 -20m FET you still need them to make you r issues of 73 stand up
converter, 40 & 160m co nvert er, 2~- IOm co n verter, o n the shelf. It also helps keep back issue s from
30 MHz i-f st rip , audio bandpass filter, 6m FETs, ge tting lost or spilt o n. Or in to the hand s o f the Jr Op.
audio derived AGC, 432 MHz converter, 2m co nverter, The binders are a gorgeous red and come with the
megaphone, 1296 MH z co nve rte r, simple 10m nicest set of year stickers yo u've ever seen . Dress up
receiver , FET preamps fo r 144 & 4 32 MHz , n o ise your sha ck with these binders.
clipper , SSB tra nsmitte r, 6m sta tio n , 6 m ultra-midget,
160m transmitter, 4 32 MHz ex cite r, varactor trip ler SIDEBAND LOG BOOKS $2.00
for 1296 MHz. FET VFO for SOm. VFO for H F and Are you tired of using a log bo ok designed back in
VHF , VHF parametric amplifiers, diode co n tro lled the 19 20's? Try o ne of these 197 2-t ype logs designed
b reak-in, slide bias modulator, modulating transisto r by W2 NS D/1. A pad o f 125 log shee ts. SV,x l l . with
tra nsmitters, FET audio co mp re sso r - plus techn ical 20 con tac ts per page will last you fo r 2500 co n tacts.
and theory material o n de signing RF power amplifiers, Try this first really modern log sheet.
zener d iodes, integrated circuits, simplified transist or
design for the amateur, CW monitor, RTTY ind ica to r, CALL LETTER DESK PLATE $1.95
cry stal oscilla to rs and mo re . How about dressing up your operating table with a
TELEVISION INTERFERENCE $150 desk plate showing yow fir st name and call? These
embo ssed desk plates are nice - and inexpensive. No
Why suffer with TVI? It is curable and this newest zero available. sorry. There is room for twenty letters
and most complete book will help yo u get rid of that and spaces t otal.
pesky misery.
us. MAPS Four for $1 .00
Th ere are 11 5 diode circuits in the handboo k, These wall sized maps show the stales and call
including power su pply app li cations , regulat ors, ac areas. They are specially de signed for coloring to show
me ier app licat ions. all so rts of receiver detect ors the progress toward the Worked AU States award of
(A M·F~1 - S S B) . noise limite rs , sq uelch. AGe, varica p ARRL or the Worked Almost All States award put out
tuning, audio d ippers, co m presso rs, FM mod ulators . by 7 3 (for p roof of con tact with 49 states). Since you
R1TY h ying, varactor muh ipl iers, field strength will probably be wanting to work for the award on
met ers. wavemete rs. noi se genera tors, and man y e tc . several bands you will want several maps. They come
Very enjoyable book . Cheap too . in groups o f four.
RADIO BOOKSHOP Peterborough , New Hampsh ire 03458
© ClarkWardOrange
MA Y 1972 Order on page 107 105
NA V Y OC T ·3 : F'!\ol R,,~el"'U tvpe. Ir"q. rVile 1 t o 26 MHr
m.f bo. n d~. ~ o n l . lunml . C rySlill ~ilhb . R"ilds up to 1500 Hr

New Books d ..",,, t lo n on buLll-in VTVM . COil $1100 .00 uC" h~ I n

~ cl lt m .. J bo~ . WIth Instru ~ t . book" ~o rd. fob Man p o Sll.. C.JI,
S h p lt ...'t II () lb s.. . . . ... . . . ... . • . • .. • • •• ••.. •• q9bO


3 8 ·1000 MHZ AN /ALR ·5 : C o n s's h, 01 brand n"w tu nn l
COAX HANOBOOK $2.95 ...."'·..rll/'c CV ·2503 /AI.R in oril, nal "' ~tOI')' p.~k .nd a n e xe .
",,·d. c hecked OK &< I rt d m. m re c et ...er R -444 m odille d l o r
An updat ed vers io n covering everyt hing yo u ever 1 2 0 v. 500/60 h r . T h " tun er co ... ers t h" ra n le In 4 band s:
..ac h b.. n d h ill its ow n Type N An t . Input. Packed w it h ...a ~h
wan te d to know about co ax but didn ' t wa nt to write lun ..c I S t h " filC"t o !y' i.r> s,P..c tQr'J c h,,~kout sh~t. T he o n" w"
opol'n.. d showf'd St:N:sITIVlTY : 1 .1 uv at 38.4 m hz. 0 .9 a t
to all the manufacturers and a sk . Includes a lot you 133 mhz , 50 ilt 538 m hz. 4'" at 778 m hz , 7 at 11hz. Th"
rf'C""I\ .. r is ,, ~tually il 30 mne IF ampl . with a U t h d fo Uows.
probably d idn't even know you didn't know! Maybe lnc! udlnl a diode meter for r"lilll ..." silnal stre nlths : a n
ilU"n. cilh b rilt" d in 6 dh st..ps to - 7 4 db, fo Uow" d by a n
a lo t you don't even want to know. But it is all A VC p osi t io n ; Piln .. Video &< A F~ ut.Pu ts : Jwit~ h !!f J~c t p a ",
o f ±2 ClO kh l o r ±2 mhz· ..nd st:Lt.CT AM or I'M! Wijl]
there - length s o f an tennas and co ax of different Ha n d b o ok " p wc. inpu t P!UI II onl y 375.00
ty pes for q uarter, half and fu ll wave feed lines and
We have SP ·600-JX, R390, WRR ·2 Receivers. Askl
antennas for all amateur bands, coax connectors and
how to use th em, accessories, switc hes. What ham o r REGUL. PWR SPL Y FOR COMMAND. LM. ETC.
even engineer can functio n without this reference PP. I 0 6 / U : M'etl/'re d . K·n.;b .....djustilb l" 9 0-270 ... u p t o 80 rna
d e : also se t..ct a n AC of 6 .3 ... 5 A. o r 1 2 .6 v 2"" A o r 28 ...
dat a at hand? 2 lfl A . With miltl nl ou t p ut plul " a ll te ch . c a ta. S h P
50 I bs. .........•............
' 91ih
Particular emphasis on converting and using LM-( O) FreQ . Met"r: 125-20 MH z•.01 "' . C W o r AM , w it h
se ri..l·miltched e en e. book , tee n . data. m ilti n l p lu l . Sh iPf ln&
Motorola equipment for all of the VHF FM bands, wt . 16 1bs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . • • . . . . . . . . 5 .5
TS·323 F'reQ. M" ter: 20- 480 m hr. 00 1 % •••• •.• ..• 169.50
including power supplies, antennas, and all of those R2JA/ARC 5 Commil nd Q · 5 ·f'r 190- fl 50 K H z , uc . co n d 16.95
details you need to kn ow to buy and co nvert th ose A .R .C , R22 C o m m lll n d rC"vr 5040- 1600 KHz. exc, co nd . 17.95
A .R .C . Rl 5<MI L R · 509)Com m&nd .l08- 13fl MHz .n"w 2 7 .50
commercial rigs and use them as repeaters or with
repeaters. NEMS ·CLARKE ::'1670 fo·M Rcvr 505·260 101 H z
Iik" new 475.00
WWV Rcvr /ComOlr81or 211.1 · 2.0 MH z. so lid stilt" .. 195 .00
Em pi r. O e vices NF ·114 R FI m eter is III red-h ot re: O:: t,i"'''l
HOW TO USE FM $1.50 l ro m 150 KHr to 80 MHz 29~ .OO
You already kn ow how to use FM , bu t yo u still Attentionl
might enjoy having this book of detailed ins tructio ns Buyers, Engineers, advanced Technicians:
We have the bed teet-eoumment &- oKilloKope
and descriptions of the many tone systems used with inventory in the country BO cuk for your
needB . . . don 't ask f or on o verall catalol . . .
repeaters for con tro l. This book also co ntains a list or we alBa bu y, BO tell UB w h a t you have.
active repeaters and an exhau stive bibli ography of all
articles published in the ham magazines on the subject R. E. GOOOHEART CO.. Inc.
Box 12 20 GC . Be vert v H ill s. Caiif. 902 13
of FM during the last few years. The bibliography Phones An-a Codl' :'1]. O ffl n ' 272-5707
alone is worth the price of the book .


This book gives you all you need to know to I!c t
started with radio Teletype, withou t having: to stru ggle
through hundreds of pages of A -Z details which will
never really be of an y particular interest or value 10
you. You need a machine, a conver te r, and a ke ying
unit and you are on the air ... this book tells all.

r - - - - - - ----1
Peterborough NH 03458 ,
II Nam e _

I St reet _ I 250 MHz! 6 DIGITS!

City _
I F R E Q . RANGE : 10 hz to 2 50 mhz. Has 10 sec .
gate for l o w fr eq s. L E V E L : 1 mw t o 5 0 watts.

I State I ACCURACY; .0 0 0 5% . o r .00 0 2% wit h oven

($40). For t t s ve c o r 1 2 vd c . Weig ht 7 Ib s. P r ice
Z ip I fob . MODE L 6 ·V H F ·A _$350 .0 0

I Ca ll
~a~en~se separate s~t ~ng bO~o~e~
I =ID PAGE~7~~~cCI~~~~~JE RE SEDA . C Al-IF. 913315

JUNE 19 72 © ClarkWardOrange
10 7

Ed Webb W4 FQMIl
Techn ical Editor

I n additi o n to the many so lid state

VH F/ UHF preamplifiers an d converters
that Vanguaro Laborato ries make , th ey have
counter, we have been a ble to read the
frequency of hand-held port abl es u p to a
few fe et away . Also , by placing the sca ler
entered into a new product line : a VHF and counter in the house po inting o ut th e
prescaler. Th e model FS-1 60 is a prescaler o r window to the driveway , we can ve ry easily
decade frequency divider that is guaranteed net the FM mobile rigs we have around .
to o pe rate up to 160 MH z. This means if Re ceiver cry stafs can be netted on the bench
you want to measure your 2m FM rig's by using a short piece o f coax as an rf
frequency and have a co un ter that will read pickup by reading th e local osc illa tor fre-
up to 15 MHz, all y ou need is t he FS-1 60. quency in the 135 -1 36 MHz range. T his is
The prescaler will divid e y our 146.340 MHz usu ally 10.7 MH z below t he desired receive
by ten and allow your counter to re aJ channel frequency .
14.340 MHz. In th e process of dividing you The FS-1 60 is all so lid sta te with a two
will lo se the "o nes" or Hertz digit resolu- stage discrete wide band input amplifie r and
tion . It is impossible to accurately se t a VHF . IC frequency dividers. The first IC is a high
transmitter to within +10 Hz so you are no, speed divide-by-two th at feed s three more
missing th e performance o f higher priced flip-flops arranged in a divide-by-five co n-
VHF counters. But you have gained a useful figuration. A discrete voltage level t ransla tor
tool : yo u can now reset y our transmitter and buffer stage feed the signal to the
frequency o n IS , 10 , 6 and 2 meters. Also cou nt er aft er being divided by a final de-
the aircra ft transmitter frequencies from cade. The power supply is voltage regulated
120 130 MHz and the bu siness and marine by an 1<; regulator co n trolling a series pass
frequen cies from 150 -158 MHz can be transistor. Input and output j ac ks are o f th e
me asured . The FCC requires y our co un ter to BNC sty le and there is a separate amplif ier
be a high accuracy crystal time base so that o utput jack provided. An ac power switch
you will meet the standards fo r th ese co m- and pilot lamp are also o n the front panel of
mercial freque ncies. A first o r seco nd class this nice little package . Other prescalers fo r
radiote lep ho ne license is required also. up to 500 MHz are also available . The
By placing a short pick-up an ten na to the FS-160 sells fo r $ 129 .50 . Write t o Vanguard
input of the FS-160 prescaler and conn ec- Laboratories, 196-23 Jamaica Ave., Hollis
ting the output to our Heath IB-IOI NY 11423
...W4FQM /1
© ClarkWardOrange
108 73 MA G A Z I NE
from dr y in g out and lets me find anyone
Don Royer WA6PIR
16387 Mandalay Dr. tape withou t too muc h tim e. T he title of the
En cino CA 91316 material o n the tape, marked on the lead end

F o r th ose who wan t t o keep, sto re a nd

retrieve tape , th ere seems to be several
problems that are encounte red . Having h ad
with a heavy marking pen, also helps to
spee d ide nti ficat ion . Maki ng and keepi ng a
list of th e ta pes in t he sa me orde r as sto red
the se sa me pro blems fo r severa l yea rs with also hel ps and can be used t o tel1the others
about 25 RITY picture tapes, a few tips what you may have on hand that may be of
may be in order. interest to the m. T he ma rki ng pens will also
Of the two types o f pu nches, I prefer the write o n the plastic bags th a t can then be
cha d ty pe. Eve n th ough the little c ha ds to stored in a drawer o r ca bi ne t.
get in to thin gs, the tapes are easier to wind , Sometimes when making a tape o r reper-
store, and to feed into the TO. But th en, fing , your supply roll will ru n out; or you
most of the punches are the chad less ty pe , m ay have a break o r tear in a tape . T he
so I will try t o cover both sit ua tio ns . sim ple side tear problems a re easily fix ed
There are several types o f co m m ercial with a bit of Scot ch tape trimmed to the
winders availab le. I h ave two o f the m - bot h edge of the ta pe. Otherwise, y o u may n eed a
mot or driven . One is used for windi ng from splice or pat ch. These are no t the best
the TO o r reperf a nd the o t her for th e so lu tio ns, and yo u sh o uld make a co py tape
necessary unwindin g. On a long tape , I pu t with th e repaired portion, but a fairly good
the loose t a pe fr om the unw inder in a large sp lice m ay be made wit h white glue to ad d a
wast ebasket below t he TD and th en fo rget fre sh roll to o ne t hat is ru nni ng out. Ove rlap
it, as it co mes o ut fine. Ch ad less ta pes may about an inch o r so. Be sure the glue is dry (I
catch o n th emsel ves and require J bit of use my lighter ca refully t o hasten drying) .
wat ching. In th e abse nce of a win de r, you You can also pu nch a sh ort piece of tap e
can learn to wind th e tape in a figure eigh t with the same charac ters and splice a bad
a bou t yo ur thu mb a nd little finger with the spo t in the middle o f the tape . With the
st art a t the beginning of th e bundle . In this chadless types, th ey may be merely run
way, the tape will not be tw isted and will togethe r in the TO to h old t he sp lice. But if
pull o ff t he tape bundle wit h but a littl e help yo u wa nt to keep the t a pe fo r any time, ta ke
fr om yo u . To keep th e end s free a nd the time to make a new o ne.
windable , I usually pull about a foot of
• When running a lo ng tape on the air,
blan k tape from th e reper f at both ends. If do n't fo rget the n eed to ID at le ast every ten
you are thinking of building a winder, try to min u tes. If you have th e narro w shift CW ID
keep the ce n te r h ub a t le ast three inches in facility , that is fine and will lo ck up mo st of
diameter as t oo tightly wound tape resets the machines. In the abse nce of th e narrow
the chads in t he chadless ty pe back where shi ft (abo ut 10 0 cy cles), stop the TO a nd let
they were and will not permit it to run t he stead y mark to ne stay for a few sec onds,
pro perly in th e TO -, If yo u use the figure then CW ID and repeat the st eady tone to
eigh t wind , t uc k the free e nd int o th e bundle permit th e othe r fellow to hit his standby
loo p . With rolls fro m t he winde rs, I like t o sw itc h a nd not in terrupt his pri nt. When
use a sm all bit of solder t o hold the roll ma kin g tapes, do mak e them as sh o rt as
together. If yo u have trouble learning to possible and leave o u t all th ose lines across
figure eigh t wind , ge t a local co mm erc ial the paper that are in so me brag tapes, the
Te letype gal to show you th e simple te ch- "CW ID follows" bit an d simi la r u nnecessary
tuque. characters or la nguage.
Storage and retrieval are the real pr ob- So get all that tape o ff the fl oor, men.
lems. I se parat e th e tapes into subjec ts a nd You ma y even find somet hing y ou lost long
store them in large pla stic bags wit h t en or ago .
fift een tapes t o a hag. This keeps the tapes . .. WA6PlR

© TClarkWardOrange 109
J UN E 1972 T 3
© ClarkWardOrange
J J •••
T he fo llowing circuits h ave appeared in th e re fere nce d books. m agaz i nes, application no tes. etc.
While we t ry t o re produce all of t h e in forma tio n th at should be needed by an experienced cons tructor,
rea de rs ma y wan t t o avail th emselves o f t h e origina l SOflITeS ( o r peace ot mind.
Readers O TC req ues ted t o pass clone an)' in teres t ing circuits that tlre y discover in sou rces o ther Uw n
U,S . ham magaz ine s. Ci rc u its sh ould be oriented to w ard ama te u r radio and experimen ta tion ra ther
t h a n i n dus tria l or co m p u ter t ech n olo ev , S ub m it circu i t w it h all pa rts ['al ues o n it, a very brief
explana tion of the circui t and an y additional p arts informa tion req u ired , give th e source and a no te of
permission t o rep r in t from the copyrigh t holder, if any , an d th e r e w a rd for a published circui t will be a
c hoice of a 73 book . Send y o u r circuits t o 73 Circuits P oee, 73 M agaz i n e. Peteroo rouen N H 03458.

., AN T.
, ,'
"T' •

GE-' y \..
j HfP HI

~) I ..

cr ?f~ "
Be 2'1 IN
,. 1\ 6 '"''10


"''' "" H EP U 2

."'K, t ,·"..

1 e. ••,n.
12 to 6 Converter
I 2S.f' You say y o u got a real berqein on an old
mot orcycle FM dg, only to find o u t it was 6 volt?
~ Fret no more. Below is a handy -dandy 12 volt to 6
.00 , volt converter unit, courtesy of K0 WR L, wh ich is
,J, "'" sui table for low an d medium po were d gear. The
• transistors should be m ounted in a suitable h eat
sin k . From Grid Leak, Pueblo, Colorado.
Beat freque ncy oscillator (cour tesy of Gerard
Piette, Ontarto, Canada). Place unit n ea r receiver
an d tu ne C2 until SSB a n d CW signals become
in telligible. '"
<, 2 NI 'I' 6


..... \
a 4 or 'ii? (1 8 v)
• 'lAC IST...HCOR TRANS~ORME" NO. P83~ OR EOU IV ). IJ""7 I I_ ~ K
OTHERWISE, POW(R Sl.PPLY IS e voc ... T 100 .......



'IS • ~ YOLTAGE r- --- - -----,

I " OA I
SU:~L~YE~::: : ; ~ ~400 ,
I 13.6 v

Y Ji
0 -
R f",in.l ·VALUI!: OF MS ISTOR lin en... )
L ..J

Th e power requ irem ents for ligh t-em ittin g diodes

are very lo w a nd the devices may be o perated fr om
a varie ty o f po wer sources. However, i t is necessary Typical 4 watt amplifier circuit applica tion of a
to limit the current to an LED, since, like a n eon Motorola M FC40S0 silicon monoli thic fu nctional
lamp, it can be dam aged if permitted to draw ex- circui t, a Class "A" au dio driver designed for
cessive c urren t. The sim ple fo rm ula wilJ h elp to de- ddving Class ' A " PNP po wer outp ut stage applica-
term ine the correc t resistan ce value. Courtesy tion s. Circuit cour tesy o f th e Mo torola Func tional
Sprague Products Co. , L .E.D. Application Notes. Circuit Handboo k.

© ClarkWardOrange 11 1
J U NE 19 72 CC13

0' RI-2.7k 02
TO KEY -- >l-1'(SC628~-']~~r.~t~~
:-- TO 12.•
I N~)
'"'OC GE5004A II2W
S - 6) - eo" CAL"
VI€. + 12 V

l ~l~V INa l4
eo oS
HI , 2


lMDBAIIl.E Sl6NAl..IHG eeveo.
" 741 ......
' '' ...

4 .7 1<

CW side tone using Mallory SC628 Sonalert. For -1211
positive key voltage , reverse all polarities. (Thanks
to Alex Szablak, New Hartford NY.) .0 1 ~F

Microphone preamplifier. M ike output low ? Fix it SSTV ramp generators. This circuit will qwe an
with this one. This is for use with a ceramic or extremely linear ramp for SSTV m onitors,
crystal microphone or even a phone cartridge. cam eras, and flying spo t scanners. The voltage
Circuit courtesy Motorola HMA -33 Tips on Using varies from ::::::: -10 to +10. ·A po sitive going pulse
FETs. of +2 to +5 V amplitude resets the ramp for the
next sweep . (Th anks to WflLMD)

. ~~
, ,.
20 ....
r " • .7M 220 ""

• •
m m
2 K'
u~ '"


(TTl LEVELSl to.
" ~~
,. S
• '0 " 10.

• '02 , ,.
, 2 112 \a

, 74121

,. 'l ~h
e • " '0

• It>
, " '"~ 7490 RESET

, 741 2 1
Frequency co unter input : gating, strobing and resetting. The sensitivity is set by the ratio of the 220
to 2K resistors. (Thanks to W0LMD)

11 2 © ClarkWardOrange 73 MAGAZ INE

Sinc e everything fails at som e time o r another,
th ought should be given to wh at would happen to
no '" , , one o f those solid s tate transistorized rigs should
, " -0 !>V ,," the lin e operated 12V supply fail . Many times
'" 3.3 K
2 .2M O.I . F
C ll1
aao« 3,3M
when a supply fails, the ou tput voltage rises to
much greater than 12 V . The results, as you c an
'" '11
imagine, are disastrous, as several people have
discovered. Therefore th e following circuit is r e-
•• com mende d to be used whenever operating from
AVC modification for better SBB reception with any non-battery supply .
the Collins 75A4 that le ts you leave the rf gain . 12 r - - ADb1E---'
wide o p en. It gives mu ch longer AVC tim e c o n- , VDC ' CIR CUI T :

stan t and prevents audio "pumping " on speech. ."'".

110VAC o-_-L~=~~;+, , SUPPL Y , SA ,
15V ' " 0

Change Cl1 2 from 0.1 J1F to 1.5J.1Fmylar, 100V. L_____ _ __I

Th e zener sho uld be at least 1 Wand prefera bly


Along these lines, the fo llo win g circui t can help to

greatly prolong th e life of filament type tubes in
appropriate se ts (H23, P33, MRT-9, etc.) when
operatin g from supplies o ther than dry batteries.
Some se ts ha ve two limiting resisto rs o r balast
tubes, o ne for receive an d one fo r transm it. In this
When testing a capaci tor, the light will blink case, two o f th ese diode sets must be used.
o nce or twice while the plates are loading and then
will remain o ff. If the capacitor is not good, the EXISTING TO t.sv
light will continu e to blink .
Wh en checkin g capacito rs wired into circuits, ~.
, lA '
one end mu st be disconnected. SUPPLY

R1 - 47K 2W r esistor, R2 - 330K 2W resistor, ,

, J
LM·1 - Neon lamp NE 5 1, C1 - 8 o r 10 mic
capacitor 450V de, CR1 - IM36 1 1 diode (not
Cir cuit by Alan Tasker WAINYR, reprinted from
critical), S WL - ST toggle switch, F - !4A fu se.
WAIKHB M R A Newsletter.
From the Colorado/Wy om ing MA R S Newsletter.

V HF /U HF A ntenna Measureme nts

Frequ ency % wave % w ave % wave % w ave % wave

F ree Space Antenna Radia l Free Sp ace Antenna
50MH z 59. t : 55.5 " 66.1" 1 13 . 1" 1 11.0 "
50.5 58.5 55.0 65.6 11 6 .9 109.9
50. 5 58.5 55.0 65.6 11 6 .9 108 .8
51 57.9 54.4 64.8 11 5 .9 106.7
52 56.8 53.4 63.6 1 13 .5 105.7
5 2 .5 56.3 5 2. 8 63.0 1 12.5 104.7
53 55.7 52.4 62.4 11 1. 5 102.8
54 54 .7 5 1.4 6 1.2 109.5 38.5
144 20.5 19 .3 23 .0 4 1.0 38.3
145 20.4 19 .1 22 .8 40.8 38 .0
146 20.2 19.0 22. 6 40.4 37.8
148 19 .9 18.8 22.3 39 .9 37.5
220 13 .4 12 .6 15 .0 26.8 25.2
22 1 13.4 12 .6 15 .0 26.7 25. 1
222 13.3 12.5 14 .9 26.6 25.0
223 13 .2 12.4 14 .8 26 .5 24. 9
224 13.2 12.4 14.8 26.4 24.8
2 25 13 .1 12 .3 14.7 26 .2 24.7
43 5 6 .79 6 .33 7.60 13.58 12.7 6
440 6.7 1 6 .3 1 7 .52 13.4 2 12.6 2
445 6 .64 6 .24 7.43 13.2 7 12.47
450 6 .56 6 .17 7 .35 13 .1 2 12.34

© ClarkWardOrange
JUNE 19 72 CC 14 11 3

12 V1lC

-- - - - - - - --, 1
I ~.l "F U5M
.O~ f F I " 3 .9M
I '0'" c, .,.. ~ll
" I '~,Z jlF ~~ ~ ;~
~ "
" " " -If--
Q~~ -rf- e

I __
____ ___ __ _ _ .l

.~ JlF l OOK
, ..." 88 mH
, te 7~
TONE OUTQ ), ______ _ _ ..JI
___ ___
Q I, 02-2N2712 HPH (or I'qu,w.l
C4 I l'N"u C7- .47 jlF 1- 1800 Hr
00- 2·~Hz
s- a000 . .
4-2 100 HI
5-23~ I1Z
Tone-burst entry is becoming increasingly common as a requirement - repeaters in many parts of the
country now require anything from 18 00 Hz to 24 00 Hz for entry. The circuit above is for a
tone-burst generator to meet these requirements. Circuit courtesy of the Central Ohio Radio Club FM
News, September, 19 71 .

. OUTPUT ou tp u t level countrol could be used . For a frequen-
,, cy of 1 kHz , R=330K a n d and C=470 pF.
, ,. ,,
n . i
Th e Mo torola MC1458P, Nation al LM 1458,
Signe tics N558V an d Tl SN725 58P are all iden tical
• I I an d may be used above with n o m odification s. The
Fairchild J1A747 may also be used but leave the
, offset null terminals open . Two 741's are also
112 le i suitable . If you use 70 9 's y ou may have to inclu de

, •",
112 lei fre quency com pensa tio n as all of the a bove men -
•. 7 tione d IC 's are in ternally compensa ted . (Circuit by
• IY •
Roger WB6ESP, reprinted from The Fo otprint,

, so,
't o.1 jI"
''''A "he.,
Fo o thills ARS, Mountain View CA.)

r: 1'"
-I'''' .,.
• ~,
TM- Tl4£AMtSTOR, 'lECO ~l Of "lui.... (SK COLOl

OU T - I .~ .I?,O
_ _ I~~
f 21f'PtC RC
<, . /
ICI- tllC ..~P
IA ~!B
ri °
• or oa •
Th ere are several applica tions wh ere a good pure
sine wave is useful such as a two tone test device
4 .71( ., 0,\
4 . 71(

" <,
for sideband rigs, sen din g CW with a phone only
rig, etc. Th e Wien bridge circuit is on e of th e best
and simplest m eth ods o f getting a go od sine wave.
... '" ± O.I

In m o st Wien br idge oscillator circuits usin g in te-
grated circuit op amps, very small values of R h ad 01 ,0 2 '" 1 N34 or ot her germa nium .
to be used in th e bridge beca use of th e low 0 1 ,02 = J1L914 o r equ ival ent .
imp edance inputs of these devices.
In th is circuit, the parallel branch o f th e bridge Circuit sho wn above provides a square wave ou tput
is connected from the inverting input to the outpu t from Q2 wh ose audio frequen cy is ch anged alter-
of one of the two op amps ; th us it sees a very h igh nately by action of muttivi bretor QI: Th e resulting
impedance . Th e amplitu de control is sho wn as a warbling no te provides an excellent b urglar alarm
bead thermistor; however a 10 K p ot co uld be or hidden transm itter signal. Circu it su bm it te d by
subs titu te d as sho wn or a ny o ther method o f J. F. Walker W6GNL.

© ClarkWardOrange
114 73 MAGAZ IN E
A. C. S praggins W5EZM
Box 71 5 2
A ustin TX

ost newcomers to radio teletyp e en- cause of its inherent sharp ness and ease of
M cou n ter simila r typ es of p ro blems
which they experience d in si ngle-side band
t unin g. Other d esign co nfigu ra tio ns , such as
th e Butterworth and T ch ebycheff, have been
and CW signal reception . One such problem used success fully but perform less satisfac-
is that of selecting th e desired signal fro m to rily th an th e ellip tic fu nctio n type wh en it
th e unw an ted noise in th e chan nel th rough co mes to skirt stee pness.
th e use o f suita ble filt ering. The sharper skirt charac te ristic is readily
The p urpose of this art icle is to provide apparen t when th e two types are compared
design informa tio n th at will enable the as exhib ite d o n Graph I . Shape factor and
average ama te u r to build a good se t of band wid th help to maximi ze th e signal-to-
channe l filt ers fo r RTTY at modest cost. noise ratio . The graph co mpare s the six -pole
The filter to be described was chose n be- Butterworth filt er described In R TTY

Fig. 1. EIlip tical fun ction fil ter. Fig. 2. Test jig for tuning filter elemen ts.

JU NE 1972 © ClarkWardOrange
TT 10 115

Frequency C I , C2 C3 C4 U -5 L6 Rl, R3 R2
2 125 Hz .0 3 2 .072 3.3 88 1.6 7 150 200
2295 Hz .0 28 .04 7 3 .0 88 1.80 150 200
2550 H z .0 25 .04 7 3.2 88 1.24 150 200
297 5 Hz .0 17 .034 3 .5 88 0 .81 150 200
Capacitors ar e in mi crofarad s
Ind uc t o rs are in millih enrys
Resistors ar e in O hms

Journal , Novemhe r, I Y66 , with a fo ur-pole of act ive filt ers arc being d esigned fro m tim e
e ll ip tic fun ction filter o f m odern d esign . t o tim e b ut th eir co st and more invol ved
There arc basicall y two types o f te rmin al circ uit ry usu all y tend t o mak e a ma te u rs rely
un its in u se by ama teurs. One type e mp loys o n th e si mp le passive ty pes of filte ring . The
a lin ear d iscrim inator while th e o ther u ses a art icle in R TTY Journ al pro vid ed th e im-
clipper o r limiter circ u it. A narrow-band petu s for me to dupli cate the filt er se t
filter offers on ly about I dB imp ro ve me nt e m p loy ed in th e AN /FG C-l mil itary termi-
o ver a b roadband filte r wh en used in a nal u nit. Sufficie nt t est equi pmen t was
d isc rim in at o r ty pe te rm inal u nit. If a term i- ava ilab le to accurate ly measu re the res ponse
nal unit uses a co mb inatio n of both a n FM of the co nstru cte d filte rs wi th a net result of
and a lin ear syste m, th en th e narr ow-band remarkabl e ad here nce to the resp onse cu rves
fi lt er is the mo st desirable as th e linear provid ed . Th is was gratifying, to say the
syste m is e nhance d by its usc. least, as th ere were man y diffi cult co m p o-
A lin ear syste m works best o n sing le or nent valu es to "bridge ou t. " The filte rs were
du al cha nnel copy wh en the signa l is ex hib it- co nstructed o n Vectorboard using 88 mH
ing a slo w multi -path fad e . The limiter type torioid s in series to provide th e larg e ind uc-
syste m responds be st to signal flutt er o r tan ce s wh ich we re req uired . T he resulting
qu ick , sh allo w fad ing to which th e limi t er 85 0 Hz broadband filte rs o ffered a go od
see ks to ma intain a co nsta n t leve l of o utpu t. start to ward a resp ec tabl e termi nal unit. The
major drawback t o u sin g th e filte rs is th at
Co nstr uction of Broadband Filt ers co nsidera ble o pe ra tio n today is o n narr ow
Fo r so me reason , there is not to o mu ch shifts of 170 Hz o r 4 2 5 Hz. For th is reason
spec ific informat ion availab le o n RT'I'Y fil- t he co ns t ruc t io n of a new se t of narrow-
ters for a ma te u r usc . Digit al an d othe r types band fi lte rs was begun ..


'0 .. ,
I'RE;QU E NCY "' U LT1P L I [ R 0 I 0 10 0 100 X 1000

_nih No1u ItIput

Gra ph 1. e -pote Butterworth com pared wi th a 4 -pole elliptic fu nc tion filter .

© ClarkWardOrange
116 73 MAGA ZINE

4 "- : t-"-
,L __ I_L ,- --
I ___ _ 6
-~ ~-..,--- !- ~- -;-,1· , .~- . ~-t-.
__ ,

, I"
, ........,-,-- I·· 1 -t
.,. - -.
i -i-'-\'- I -~ - _ .- ---:-;- . . 8

ro f---- -
- .......'.- - -_:........- .. - - o

u 1--,-_ ,_ . - -- . _L
- .-~' .- -
,_ .+- -r-r-v-r-
,. . .....L_ _ ' _ ._- -- _ 1'<
I .:
I, I 1 I I
_L...J_-i- _,__
, ,- j!~ ..,:~-_. + ,6

.- • - . ,
• • • -j--'-.-.- - .- - .
• •
- 8

. ,,.-- - --1.- - -
,_ .. ,c.-"- I -;
,I 1
, ,
, " I
.L.-- - ' ._ _.-
IL --- -t
1.7 1.8 1.9 2. 0 2. 1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2. 5 2.6 2.7 2.6 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3. 3
Fre quellcy 1n Itll~ .

Graph 2. Predicted responses and actual responses of 2125 Hz and 2975 Hz titters.

,, I . ,
- f--" ~_+-_ ,_....L~_
--- _ '
se ,

o •

__. __, .. . L
1_ .J

, • I ," -"
.. • "
-----"- . I
I '

,. __ j -- ~_

t_-f_'~. C
. .."_'_. I ' -- • .. • •
- _. . - - ---r- - -

.--; - I ,- . .. ," ..
- ... -- - ."--+--...;..-- 6

I' " I"--+-C~ Of" ~ .. ~I·

6 .~ -

--'i__. I,' ,'I," , I • I .


I _. ._1,,-,_ r_
t "
-~"' ""l"""I-
, I,
_ . ...., "-'~ _.
:, ·-,-L.
. I ·' ~·"C-
1 I .,_-4 "


.. 16
.- .
ec , '~+-I ~ " - ' 0 + - - - '
.-'-.,....-. - _-.Ji--'
f "
'! I,.•
2.4 2.5 2.6 2.1 2.8 2.9 3.0
"reque",,)' 1D l<lI".

Graph 3 . Actu al re sponses of all f our filters.

© ClarkWardOrange
JU N E 19 72 TT 11 117

Designing Elliptic Function Filt ers
One of th e best sou rces of filter design
REALLY WORKS informatio n is fou nd in "Simplified Mode rn
• L o w distortion ci rcu it Filte r Design " by Philip Geffe . A com puter
. 5-1 0 d B imp rovem en t in was used to de rive ta bles p ro vide d in G effe 's
• Fully wired & t ested book whic h greatly si mp lifie d t he calc ula-
not a k it tions inv ol ved . The si mp lest an d sharpest
• Several models to elliptic fu nc tio n filte r was selec ted and th e
choose f rom
• Wor ks w it h phone patch design was ma de with du e co ns ide ra tio n
given to th e availability o f part s.
• Qual ity const r uct io n includes S il icon tran sis- T he basic d esign o f th e elliptic functio n
tors, FETs. G lass circu it boa rds
e FULL WA R RA NT Y - ONE YEAR fil ter is shown in Fig. I. All of th e filters for
21 2 5 Hz, 229 5 Hz, 2550 Hz and 297 5 Hz,
• Pe rformance second to no ne
use th is co nfigura tio n.
elNTRODUCTORY LOW PRICES- The equati on used p red icted a I dB ripp le
S20.50 - S34.95 in t he pa ssband and I dB d own on t he slopes
( I llinois residents add 5% Sa les T ax )
at 200 Hz wid e. T he ac t ua l lack of ripp le in
Write for specifica tions and informa tion sheets
Dem on stration Tape casset te available
($2 .00 d eposit)

BOX 1201B

, 000
•• Q
-I / I c, _ .. -

N EW A lp ha 70 - no w by eM I . N ew -S87 7
1/ - .
1:=·· . ,
f inal . T H E linear f o r TH E C X7 ·A . YQ U wi ll n e ve r . . I.
k n ow ho w litt le it costs t o o wn THE Inc o m p ara b le /
/ ·


p r est ige CX 7 -A or ALPH A 7 0 u n t il Y..Q11 write o r

phone u s t he t r ad e -i n deal Y O U WA ~e u su ally / I Ie I


"' .' Ph one: Day s - (305) 233 -363 1
N ights · Weekends (3 05) 6 66-1347 · .
- 88 17 SW 129 T errace, M iami F L 33156 - I
(Actually an ad ve rtlu me n t In " d lsI UIse " ). Y O U spe nd
h undred. o t 1 on l ea r . a n te nnas. mik u \ _etc. then YO U
spe n d co u ntJell h o un o t U.teninl &. H OPI NG t or lOme OX .
WH Y NOT d o It th e easy wa y ? Sub scribe to the WOR LDS
O N L Y weekly O X Mapzine and d o It T HE EASY WA Y .
OX n e w. In dep th . u~ominl eve n ts d at u , fl'eq .. Urnes.
O X QSL info, noriu " a rti de' by O Xen. p lc ture •..l ALL
you "'ant to k now A BOUT OX! NOT HING ELS r;! O H
YES - I at.., print FB Q S L '• • pri c~ rilht. Se n d 254' (or 25 "-
lam p lu and price U.t. H o w a b o u t It? SUB SC RI PTIO N
RA T ES ; F lnt Class MaU to USA1- Ca nad a &. Mu .lc::o 6 m o . •
- -.-: ~ -:: ..
16.00 o r 1 yr. 1 1 2.00. T H r; D XER S MA G AZ IN E . '".
DR AW ER "OX" . CO RDOVA , S.C . 29039 -U.S.A .

y the NEWWA Y t OTUNE FM , •

to lo c k onto w e ak s ig n a ls wit h
AFC , and to F M or p hase Graph 4. 88 mH toroid : appro ximatel y
modu late c r y sta l osc illato rs,
an d for remote t un in g . 16 8 m H IlOOO.
w ri t e fo r dat a sheets
2 ::> Locust St. . H a ~·erh il1 MA 0 1830
© ClarkWardOrange
th e passb an d o f th e co nstr ucted fi lt e rs ma y
have heen cau sed by insuffi c ien t Q . The
pre di e ted response c u rves for the e llip tic
fun c tio n filt e rs are sh o wn i n G ra p h ~ . Th is
grap h has th e respo nse pl o tt ed for tw o filt e rs
wit h 85 0 li z se para tio n, name ly 2 125 li z 1 3th year . Jul y 29 · Aug. 1 2 th
•md 29 75 Hz . Equa lly sha rp resp onse s were Courses Taught : Ge neral Theory and Code
o b t ain ed for th e 2295 Hz a n d 2 550 li z Am. anced T heory and Code
Amateur E xtra Theory and Code!
filters . Also sh o wn o n G raph 2 are th e actual Golf privileges at New River Country Club; also fishing
cu rves o f th e co nstru cted filters. A freq ue n-
cy co u n te r an d ac volt m e ter were u sed to
People attended fro m th e following sta tes and areas:
accu rate ly plo t the re sponse s. As can be Nort h Carolina, Sou t h Carolinal.!', fissourilnTennes-
seen, t h e actual filte r resp o nse s were sligh tly see, Utah , F lorid a O klah o ma w est Viq;1 Ia, Ala-
b ama , New Ham pshiie , Io w a, District of Co lu mbia ,
narro wer th an th e pred icted resp on ses . T hi s Vermont Arizo na, Indiana, O hio , Ne w J ersey ,
New York.. Massachus etts , Maryland, Virginia, illin-
present s n o se rio us d ra w ba ck to th e syste m , ois, MichigankGeor1ia , Ka nsas, Mississippi, N ebres -
k a Maine, e ntu c k y , Ca lif o r n ia , New Mexico ,
h owever. A rka nsas, Texas, Wisco n sin, Louisiana, O rego n ,
Co nnectic ut, Minnesota, Pennsyl vania. .
Narrow-band filt ers will not to lerate OUT OF STATE :
Puerto R i co : Saskatchewan, Canada : O ntario , Cen-
mu ch sig n al dri ft but w ith today 's m o d ern &e!aj, Quebe c , Ca nad a: Granada, SPain ' London,
EJ1&Iand : Gen e va\ S w itzerla nd: Netherj and , An-
re cei vers a n d afc cir cu its, d rift is grea tly tilles: St. C ro i x, V lrlPD Islan ds

min imi zed anyway . Part s lay o u t is ri ot cr iti- [C.LPeters. K4DNJ Gen~~;;;'a-;; - --1
I Gilv in Roth Y.M.C}..• El kin. North Carol ina I
cal bu t good quality ca pacit o rs mu st be use d
I Phrcue .end m e th e B o okle t an d Application B lan k I
througho ut t h e circuit o r se rio us d egradatio n I for th e Ca m p Albe rt Butle r R ad io Se.do n. I
o f th e response will be e x pe rie nced. Do n ot I Nama Call I
use e lec tro ly t ic ca paci to rs.
I Addrass I
T able I indi cat e s th e value s o f co m- I I
ponents required for ea ch fil te r. Some pad - LC1!Y!!..ta~ iL d
d in g o f th e sta n d a rd va lue s will have t o be
d on e to o b ta in t he valu es sh o wn.
Th e Ub iq u ito us T oroid
Th e 88 m H toroid in d uclor was e m- THE EASY WAY!
• No Books To Read
ployed whe rever po ssible because o f its • No V isual Gim micks To
acce p tab le Q and low cost. O n ly o n e indu c- Distract You
• Just Listen And Learn
to r in ea ch filt e r is n ot t h e stan da rd 88 m H Based o n m ode rn psychological
valu e . T h is is no t to o se rio us a p roblem. tec hniq ulI$ - T h is course Will ta ke
y ou bey ond 13 w.p.m . in
h o wever. as will be sho wn late r. Severa l 88 LESS THAN HALF THE TIME !
Atbum contains three 12" A v a ilabl e o n m <Jgnetic rape
mH t oroid s we re m ea sured o n a G en e ra l lP's 2%hr. Instruction $ 9 .95 - C <Jsse tle . $10.95
Radio Imp ed an ce Bridge . The average in du c-
tan ce w as ca lc u la te d to be 86 .8 m i l. Furth er
measurement indi cate s tha i Ihe co re o f t h e 508 East Washinqton St•• Arcola. Illinois 61910
8 8 mH toroids h as a pe rmea bili ty of approx-
imately 16 8 mil per 1000 turn s. This m e an s
th at . b y using lo garith mic gra p h pap er , a 2 METER PREAMP
sim p le m ethod of d etermining t he n u m b er More Gain, Less Noise For The Money!
o f tu rn s req u ired for a particular ' indu cto r
20 db gain
can be ach ieve d . A gra p h is presented ' fo r
Noise Figure 2.5
th o se a ma teurs wh o m ay find th e informa-
12 VDC Operation
tion h el p ful in bu ildi ng th e e lli p tic fu n ction
filte rs o r o the r fil le rs . Small S ize : 1 Y. x 2Y. x Y, On ly .. 51 2.50
Kit 59.50
Tuning the Filters
Option For 150-250 vac Operati on - $1
Th e m o st e ffici en t way to tu ne each filt er
wou ld be 10 use a cali b ra ted fre q ue ncy y---."
I-- B o x 1 2 4 5 . S pringfield , Va . 2 2151

© ClarkWardOrange
JUNE 19 72 TT 1 2 119

HaIiJ.-Quadri Antenna
ER PARK, or APARTMENT oper atio n-

(a) 4-pole elUp tic \ unc tion f i lters (200 Hz narro w-
& 40 meter phone bands WITHIN 14ft SPAN I
PLA NE , 15 lbs SINGLE 50 ohm co ax BALUN
ged , Lightwei ght, Seewoethv & Weatherproof
Materi a ls & Workmansh ip - 100% TESTED -
tax, Prepaid o r C.O .D ., F.G.B. Los Angeles,
Cali f orn ia - (b) 6-poJe Bu t terworth broadband.
M' 1M Squered l ELECTRONICS, Fig. 3. Oscilloscope patterns.
28627 Br id le Lane . Mira leste. CA. 90732

KITS Sub-Audible tone

gen erator and co un ter, along wit h a sensitive
ac volt meter. Not all amateurs have access to
such equipmen t, but wit h a li ttle resource-
fu lness, good results can be ob ta ined . Try to
find so meo ne wit h a calibra te d osc illator
• Compat ible w it h a ll su b -(tudlb le t o ne syste m s su ch as who will ta pe record abou t a fo ot o r so o f
Pr iva t e l in e , Chann e l G u a rd, Q u ie t C ha n nel, e tc.
• Glass epoxy PCB ' s & si licon x str s t h r ou gho u t .
• Any re ed s, except special d ua l co il t y pe s m ay be used .
each desired frequency. Make a co ntin uo us
Motorola. G.E .• RCA , S .D.L.. Bremco, etc . l o o p o u t of each foot-long t ap e an d p lay
• A 11 are powered by 12 vd c.
• Use on any lone frequen cy 67 HI t o 250 H z b ac k the l ap e while fee ding t he t ap e r ec o rd-
e Sman size 1 .5 l( 4 l( .7 5"
• All parts in cl u d ed except reed an d reed socket er ou tpu t ( 4Q) int o th e f i l te r c ircui ts bei ng
• Po stpaid - Calif. re side nts add 5 % sa les t a x
tuned . U sin g th e m e t hod sho w n i n Fig.
• . COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALISTS tune each co mbinat ion o f elements to t he
P.O.Box15 BreaCA92 -'.1 -'
d esired ce n te r frequ e n cy v This wil l be i nd i-
cated by a peak in th e output level. Remo v-
ing a fe w turns from each ind ucto r may be
necessary to get exactly on freq uency. Pad-
B &. W Model 361 Codax Keyer improve
Yllllr C. W. llpefltilln. The B &. W Codal d ing with capacit o rs is mu ch mo re difficult
keyer provides smOlltll rllythm keying . t o d o an d th e sl i gh t c h ange i n i n d uc ta nce
Autom-,tic spacing and timing of Iny speed
from ,5·50 w.p.m. Built in douhle piddle wo n 't severely affect the filte r impedance.
kly loni for dlltl. one for dashes) readily
I dlusts to anyfist. Model 361 has • monitor
bullt in in order to mlln itof your llwn keying. Termination of Impedan ces
Offer expires Aug . 31
Regular Price $69.95 T he input imped ance o f. t he fil ters is
Summer Spacial Price $39.95
designed to work from th e 4Q speaker
Barker &
$•• fOUf dea'.f Of w!ita :
Williamson, Inc, <taJ

Canal Street. Bristol. Pa. 19001

output of most receivers. A 600n receiver
ou t pu t may be con nec te d d irectly to the

\ 20 © ClarkWardOrange 73 MA GAZ INE

filters by elimi nating R I fro m ea ch filte r.
T he outp ut impeda nce is 150 n . These im- UNIVERSAL TOWERS
pedan ces were chose n because of th e desire FREE STANDING ALUMINUM TOWER
to use th e sta ndard 88 mH inductors. D iffer-
en t impeda nces w ill req u ire di fferent ind uc- SPRING
tors. T here is about a 6 dB loss thro ugh the "SPECIAL"
filters. Amplificat io n may be req u ire d be-
#1 1.40 Heavy d uty 40'
tween th e filters an d th e terminal unit if Adv. price $1 96.25 ", \
d iode recti fica tion is t o be used . OU R Pr ice $130.00 1\
Results and Findings
#1 1-50 Heavy duty 50'
A comp rehe nsive gra ph of all fo ur filters Adv. price $289.25
is shown in Graph 3 . It ca n be seen tha t th e OUR Pr ice . " $190.00
mi nimu m chan ne l separation b e tween th e
2 125 Hz and th e 229 5 Hz filters is ap prox i-
mately 3 dB. Separation between other #1 1-60 Heavy duty 60 '
Adv . pr ice , . _$382.25
co mb inat ions o f filte rs approaches 2 0 dB . OU R Pr ice _.. $250.00
Oscillosco pe patte rns in F ig. 3 compare
the familiar cross pa tte rns use d fo r tuning in ALSO MANY OTHER MODELS
a typical RTTY signal. T he Butt erworth
filter pattern h as a more oval sha ped tra ce Midwest Ham Headquarters
wh ile th e ellip tic fun ction filter pattern is For over 33 years
HAMS I Write For Fre e COlolog ood Who/.sa/e P,ices l
almost a st ra igh t line. The Butterwort h
broad band filte r allo ws more no ise in to the
channel which may ca pt ure a lim iter o r
1960 Peck Muskegon, MI 49441
otherwise interfere with t he signal. Tel. 616-726-3196
Concl usio ns
Goo d, sharp, narrow-band filters fo r RTTY
can be co nst ructe d by the average am ateur NOVICE
using inexpensive co mponen ts an d h aving VFO
limited access to sophisticated test eq u ip-
The NVX· l works like a V, F.G. with your XMTR.
ment. Simple dup lica tion of th e th eoretical
Coverage: 3lO2 - 3748 KH z
filte r design sho uld yie ld the results o b tained
7152 - 7198 KHz
in G ra ph 3 . More co m plica ted design s will Order t od ay a t th e t ntrodu ctory Price $39.75
offe r better solu tio ns to signal-to -no ise prob- p.p .d ., wired . Guaranteed and cert ified fo r o ne
lems. This will n o, doubt increase th e cost o f fuJI year. California residents add 5% sales tax.
-.AI. /J D ealer inquiries invited
constructing such filters an d co mp lica te O'l"'~Omm
their tu ning. The 'lack of access to sufficie n t l.. the birthplace of new ideas
" , ••
in Novice Communications "
test equipme n t may preclude m o st a ma teu rs Box 373. Cupertino. CA 9~014 (408) 257·0802
fro m a tte mp ting t o build su ch devices. There
sho uld, h owever, b e con tin uing research T EST EQUIPMENT
performed in th ese areas by am ateurs for SEND FOR FR EE FLY SH EETS ON
The re are four perso ns to wh o m I a m HARD TO RESIST PRICES
indebted for th eir assistance in ma king this SID GLASS & CO.
BO X 788
report a reality : R ichard G. Coalte r for his BEVERLY HILLS , CALIF. 90213
engineering tal ent , Dennis M. Pierce fo r his
report-writing skills, Vicki Spraggins for her FM TR ANSCEI VE R... 12 channels co m p lete wi t h lltals
for 1 4 6 .1 6 /14 0 .7 6 , 14 6 . 3 4 / 14 6 .9 4 , and ~
typing and patie nce in re ty ping, and E ric 146.94/146.94, dynamic mi c., ''S'' and output mete"
cerami c filter. back lighted dial. FET front end
Sager for making me fin d the t im e to get it double conve rsion, t iltable mo bile bracket, 12V DC
bu ilt in. (Amateu r net $239.951 OUR LOW INTRO-
all together. DUCTO RY PRICE $203.50. With AC supply (reg.
$ 259.901 $223 .45. W, ite for literature.
8817 S. W. 1 29 Terrace . M ia mi FL 33 1 f,6 30 f, ·233·3631

JUN E 1972 T T1 3
© ClarkWardOrange
FOR ONLY $750111


Visit these cities this September what you would really like to do if
... get to know the local amateurs ... you dig museums, you see museums if
travel with friendly amateurs and their you like to shop, you shop ... if you
wives ... get on the air from these OX prefer to work OX, you do that.
countries ... take along a 2m hand unit The price for the complete tour is
and have a ball. $750 single and $1350 double ... only
The plans for the Second 73 European $200 each needed as a down payment to
Tour are progressing nicely and it looks hold space for you. Don't miss out on the
like a very nice group is signing on for fun of a lifetime and a trip you'll never
three great weeks. lin and Wayne will be forget. This price includes air fare, ground
checking out the hotels and the licensing transportation, hotels with breakfasts.
formalities in June as an offshoot of their YESI I am interested in going on this fabulous tour.
trip to Jordan. Dsign me on. 1 enclose $200. e~. deposit (returnable)
Swissair has come up with a package
Dsend me more information
which includes all air fares, ground trans- Name Call _ _
portation from airports to hotels to air-
ports ... and hotels including breakfast. Street
The sightseeing will be up to you ... this City _
is not an organized tour which keeps you
hopping and prevents you from doing State Zip _

t 22 73 MAGAZINE
© ClarkWardOrange
Bob Manning K l YSD
Box 66
W. Rye NH 038 9 1


T he q ues tio n, " What's 'he' (meani ng

me !) doing in a 'ham' m agazine?" is
q uite o fte n as ked.
d ra wn (on at least t wo sticky occasions I
t ho ught I was pa ralyzed). Right now - as
m ut e testi mo ny t o t h is fac t - there are two
The an swer? Simple , reall y! Amateu rs shoes, an o ld sneaker, a nd o ne argyle soc k
aren't all tran sistors, ant ennas and microfar- st uc k to the flo or und er my work bench .
ad s. They are real , h onest-to-go odness in d i- At t he ope rat ing position , m y e arp ho ne-
vidu als. They 're in t erestin g, inventive , sin- mic roph one always pre cedes m y t o ngu e into
cere a nd ofttimes very fun ny peo ple! the coffee cup and the lum ps on my
Some amateurs are elec tro nic wizards, fo re head from ba ngi ng into d esk tops while
o thers are d exterous with key , b ug an d mill reachin g over for dro pped articl es are legen-
or have the uniqu e ability to co nverse dary ,
en dlessly on a myriad of su bjects and , of On RTTY I say, " Hold u p - gon na
course, as in o ther fields, some are klutzes. change ribbon!" I reach in my hand o nly to
Every ham po ssesses so m e o f these quali- retri eve it with " RG R OM" st am ped indel-
ties - o nly th e degre e of proficiency varies. ibly o n m y thumbnail.
Wh en a ham blossoms for th, he becomes In public, so meon e seems always to be
an authority in that a rea in which he excels just milliseco nds ahead of me either causing
and , as an autho rity, has a right to be hea rd spring-loaded do o rs to whomp me in to
an d discussed . se mi-consciousness, or they've just stopped
Those of y o u who h ave fo llo we d my their dogs - leaving a meadow muffi n - in
lit erary gamboling from " In th e Begin nin g" the exac t spo t where I, in less th an 1.5
to " Bob, Bob , Bob bin ' a lo ng" k no w th at I seco nds, will put my size 10 clodhopper.
derive my ma te rial fro m pe rsona l experi- Spray cans arc my particu lar nem esis. If
ences, and my forte is that I'm a klutz! the can rat tles before my wrist a trophies an d
My soldering iron either refuses to melt the nozzle doesn't clog, then I somehow
the solder or sets fire to the wh ol e dam ned ma nage to reverse the spray head send ing
bench, my ho t-me lt glue-gu n delights in half a ca n of bla ck lacqu er or Raid up my
oozing glue o n to th e fl oor in a messy puddle sleeve . I've go t a d o zen shirts with d azzlingly
t o whi ch m y feet see m t o he irresistahly colo re d right sleeves, my u nderar m lo o ks

JUNE 1972 HU 123

© ClarkWardOrange

like the NB C peacock and I can exterminate fluenced a co ntortionist wh o, as a result , not
half the bugs in New England with a single only filed a paternity suit, but billed me for
salute ! postpartum care and I became the unwilling
Those of you who use typewriters know godfather to a cesarean Johnson Messenger
how easy it is to stick your fingers between II. I don't know what the guy was complain-
the keys, but have you ever gotten a digit ing about - what with the built-in mini-whip
firmly st uck there? I have! Had to wrap that he had a perfectly functional curb feeler,
50 Ib Remingt on up in a baby blanket, paper-picker-upper and midget stabber.)
fas te n a mock nursing bottle near the top, Neither will my latest literary faux pas
and smuggle myself into the emergency delve int o the realm o f 'gimmicks.' For, to
ro om - mumbling to interested onlookers me, the only authentic "Automatic Nut
that the ' baby ' has colic. Starter" is the jerk who hands a microphone
Then , in the examining room when i to a Citizen Bander!
remove the blanket, exasperatingly jabbering Before you jump to any erroneous con-
an unheard ex planatio n to a doctor, nurse clusions , let me assure you that I have
and several corpsmen - all of whom are nothing against CHers - per se - even
doubled up in helpless, convu lsive , hysterical though it has been said that it would be
an d tea r-spilli ng laughter - as t o how it al; apropo s to define gross incompetence as a
h appened. herd (a mob has a leader) of Citizen Banders
Okay. so you can send and receive 35 armed with screw drivers. Anyhow , anyone
wpm o r build a heat-activated 2 KW SSB who's unfortunate enough to have his
transceiver no bigger than a match head. tongue and co lo n joined so closely together
Well, I'm a k ultz ! That's my specialty - pure deserves understanding, not criticism ! I
and simple . Who , then , is better qualified to won't comment on the quote uttered by o ne
point o ut the absurdities in hamdom than 11 learned gentleman who stated that a ham
My warped sense o f humor only compli- was nothing more than a Citizen Bander who
cates the sit uatio n. I'm not intentionally had discovered a seco nd use for his fist! ...
sacrilegio us - it just happens. Example: ah, well.
You 're familiar with the phrases, "right This article will consider the inane object,
'hand' man," "The "voice' of America ," that "Why does society view hams through trau-
police use 'leg' men , that reporters have a matic and jaundiced eyes in much the same
'nose' fo r news. Fine. Now how about the way that would o bse rve an anti-social and
ham magazine that bills itself as an " Offi cial not-quite-housebroken hippopotamus?" The
Organ ?" I apo lo gize, but e very time I see or klutz fact or see ms to o vershado w all else .
hear that phrase , my crac ked psyche never Experience has taught me, after having it
fails to conjure up a giggle-producing mental mentioned on several diverse occasions -
picture. What's an "Official Organ?" The which re sulted in my being stepped on by
hams' ambassado ria l stand-in stud with port- Gentle Ben, kissed by a yeti , tossed sum-
folio . sash and badge perhaps? marily out o f a fri endship club , deliberately
Based o n the fo rego ing , I can assure you run down by a Welcome Wagon and mugged
that the next fe w pages will definitely not be by a Good Humor Man wearing a peace
devoted to lab orious and so me what dubious symbol - that you sh ould never voluntarily
methods of co nverting your toaster, sump admit that you are , indeed , a ham!
pump and/or athletic supporter to 2m FM; [Small aside : Rapid calculation with my
nor will it render any advice on CB rig 984 Magi Brain Calculator shows that hams
m odification (albeit , I do have some poi- comprise only 1/I OOOth of the population.
gnant - if some what improbable - sugges- This makes us a very minor ethnic group
tions o n what could and should be done whose acceptance by so ciety would be great-
with tho se over-mo dula ted , 23-channeled, ly advanced if there were more hams.]
2 7 MH z miscreant s but I'm somewhat reluc- Therefore, I block-letter crayoned a brief
tant abo ut openly diagramming them. The note to the FCC urging "LOWER YOUR
last time these anatomically improbables REQUIREMENTS!" to which they replied ,
were expressed . they unintentionally in- "UP YOUR FREQ!"

124 HU
© ClarkWardOrange
Certain ly anyone who's been a radio 1939 -46), firmly believes that hams, left-
amateur for any length o f time is all too handed pitchers and o u t-of-State drivers are
familiar with the warning signs that precede all self-made men who (though perfect mo d-
the announcement that you are unaccep- els, providing someo ne wanted to mo ld an
table. Ho wever, for tho se who aren't famil - idiot) quit work too soon and had noth ing
iar, beware! to work with except a su perabundance of
The first, most common and easiest to silly putty and chitli n's. That they would,
recogn ize reac tion to hams by non- or therefore , join the nearest and mo st readily
anti-hams is an apop lectic facia l co nto rtion- accessible chapter o f W.O.W . (Witless Old
istic loo k - or GAWK - of sheer horror. Wino s - not a bad group , actually . They
Pict ure if you will Harry Greedy-Gut at a send a bottle of Muscatel, a can of sterno o r
buffet supper, one hand full of canapes, the a jug of Aqua Velva with a slice of bread to a
other clu tching co o kies. Spying some new friend o n Prohibitio n Repeal Day - it's
delicacy he gulps down the canapes and called a Win-O-Gram!)
reaches for the newest goodies, o nly to find Although my crumb-grabbing, curtain-
that he has inadve rtently swallowed some- climbing jam-handed vidio t harmonics think
one's pocket watch . In frenzied horror he 'll it 's great fu n to invade my shack and in my
'drop his coo kies' and his expression w ill absence steal pencils, paper and, in short,
reflect unbeli eving shock which will decre ase give th e place the appearance of having been
only wit h the passing of time. hit by several Molotov Blivets, they , at the
Chance observances like this are rare to tiniest flicker o n anyone of our mand atory
witness and are, for all practical purposes, 36 TV se ts, set up a screami ng wail of
indescribable. The GAWK can, under ce rtain "Daddy's doin' it again - he's screwin' up
controlled environmental circumstances - Bozo" that can be heard for miles.
and only for farniliarizational purposes - be This disrespect is not the exclusive pro-
closely simulated . perty o f homo sapiens. It is shared, o n at
You can , for instance , don a tri-colored least a part-time basis, wit h the animal
bea nie, reple te w ith propeller - grasp a fu ll kin gdo m. I'm not too sure about inanimate
grown, mal odorous and rec ently agita ted objects yet , but I swear I've been karated by
polecat by the tail, wave it over your head do ors, tripped by tables and maliciously
an d, with a pu rp le popsicle st uck in your len attacked by the recliner frocker alth ough
ea r, sto mp through the largest depart ment Gorge say s that's foolish 'cause the recliner
sto re in town plucking a three-stringed swi- and I are totally compatible since we're bot h
nette and humming the first eight bars of '" sligh tly o ff o ur rockers.
Wanna Be Loved By You!" - o r - The Manning menagerie presently co nsists
You can dash stark naked int o a meeting of a Mynah bird, a poodle , two Siamese ca ts
of the lo cal D.A .R ., sc reaming "I'm a rein- and assorted fish, bugs, newts and . .. I
carnatio n of Paul Revere ! Wherc's my pot'! .
d unno . .. Just t hi ngs I.

The guy in the stee ple was a pyromaniac. While I am co nstan tly being bitt en by
One if by land , two if by sea ; o ne lan te rn bugs. hissed at by snakes, evisce rate d by
two lanterns ; land-sea -air, hell! I do n't know cats, spit at by fish and the object of
who or what's coming 'cause he burned whatever it is ne wts do to show their
down the whole ruddy churc h !" Then, disdain , I'll discuss only the Bird an d the
slithering up to the chairwoman , whisper , Dog.
"Ya know Jo hn Paul Jo nes was a Russky, Do yo u know what a Mynah bird is? It is
Ben Franklin was a bookmaker and Johnny supposedly a feathered creature incapable of
Appleseed was a litterbug . .. .. thought that can hear, remember and repeat
It may well be that because I am the an unlimited amount of words or phrases . . .
titu lar head of a household co mprised exclu- sor t of a winged L.a .!
sively of ant i-hams I've become overly se nsi- In reali ty it has o nly o ne re al att rib u te . It
tize d - perhaps, as a klutz , I bring it o n can do wn an ounce o f water and fo od pell ets
myself. and, in 24 hours, reproduce five tim es its
Gorgo , my XYL (Mi s s Vitriolic own weight in bilious bird du ng. It's go t the

JUNE 1972 HU 125

© ClarkWardOrange

makin gs of a Vice Director. ( Here it is

again - campa ign slogan: "Being a Director's
nice - as fo r me, I'm for VI CE !)
My XYL's Mynah, Gus, is no t o nly a
dedicated and confirmed, but po sitively vin-
dictive, anti-ham .
After ten months o f listening to a ta pe
TELL EVERYONE repeat, " Hello there!" he remained unflinch-
WHO U-R ingly mute. Yet after only one visit from an
old Navy CW cro ny (strange individ ual
UR Call Letters in Red Molded Permanently in
Styrene, S"X20yJ,1 with at. Letters . Signs HVE Self- whose limited vocabulary consists mainly of
Stick Back ES L Stick t o Anything. 2 Signs for 15 fo ur-letter words which he ca n inter-
$4.95. Allow 3 Wks. for Delivery. SDCheck /M.O.
to : Impression Sign Co. change indefinitely and still rem ain in tellec-
7029 E uclid A ve. Cle veland O h io 44103
tually coheren t), Gus, that $70 fe at her-

covered fe rtilizer factory, selec te d and co m-
' - <; size fo r mitted to memory one foul unprintable
Se n d '=::/............. testing A C ·OC
suggestive phrase which d etails an actio n
$1. 50 fo r one . ~ 100 to 600 vo lts
Al so writ e f or ~ "1 singularly abusive to o ne's hat. He reserves it
qu a nt ity p r ices. , /8" x 5"
for my 'on the air' time.
96 12 R ay t o wn R d . , K an sas C it y. MQ 6 4 134 "How," 1 o nce in frustration asked a
dim-witted relative, " do you stuff a Mynah
bird?" to which he predictabl y replied,
Orl qln ll r.u· s 1
"Dahh ... head first , I sup pose !"
1.11,1 Il~'''es yau U " - f or fCC f irst
.and SeCOII<I elln Iit",SM. I nc1...., UP-
On the o t her hand , Fred , o ur French
Oi le d .. lti pl e cl>ot u teHs ."d key
~dleal tlc dl "9rPllo . PLUS - ·Se l f ·S bl d, poodle, has developed not o nly a rather
~ l1 tt,. Tn t ." -- OfIlL ' : 59 .95 PostPll id
uniqu e and demonstrative method o f expres-
sing his feelings towards ham gear, but I
firmly suspect that he 's so meho w managed
to enlarge his storage capacity in order to
more dramatically emphasize his point.
By golly, if I ever catch that flaky looking
pop-eyed pansy in the act, I'm gonna
swooosh him with my C02 bottle , freezing
him in that three -legged position, and auc-
tion him off at the next Op-Art festival as a
frozen still life entitled, "Dog With Upraised
Leg, " o r " Coldcocked Canine Critic!" (He
might make a demonstrative hood ornament
fo r an Edsel.)
Wa nt ing to be perfectly objective, I must
admit that there is so me justification for
society's apprehension. For while the Joe
Normals are perfectly content to go from
womb to tomb without making a wave, Joe
Ham is busy fouling up the newl y-arrived
dishwasher in an attem pt to determine h ow
it works, dangling fro m the tippy-t op of
some elm tree with his pockets full of dikes,
vice grips, instruction manuals and a hip-
holstered walkie-talkie or, in general, doing '
something that appears unorthodox .
How do you explain that a ham is, first o f
all, a unique individual whose need to

© ClarkWardOrange
communicate is but the end result of an One evening while in QSO with the head
insatiable cu riosity, boundless imaginatio n of a disgru nted Amateur Rad io group called
and an un inhibited necessity to ex press MUSIC (Mad and/or Miserable Un til you
himself? Shove I.C.) [it was a boot-leg QSO since, as
A ham is really a sta te of mind . Like t he yo u kn o w, MUSI C isn't allowed o n the ham
man said , "The mind is like a parachute, it bands . . . a pu n? So shoot me! J, su dde nly
functions best when open!" my eyes ligh ted on a newly acquired 30
It is inevitab le that with such an unlimit- gallon green plastic trash can. Aha , I
ed sphere of int erests what sometimes starts thought , reme mbering some laws of acous-

o ut as normal and reasonable o fte n results in tics, the perfect mini-studio!
a fiasco . Societ y never sees the success, o nly Completely oblivious to everything, and
the fiasco . To them it 's moronic - it's the without a mo ment's hesitation, I pulled the
klutz factor ! nash can over my head and shoulders and
I've often thought that , instead of the began happily discussing my new so und
diamond decal, hams o ught to adopt a more when .. . you guessed it ... a knock sound-
ex pressive heraldic coat of arms consisting o f ed on the trash can.
a sprig o f mistle toe embroidered o n a fl ap- There are many things th at a glib-tongued
ping coat-tail floating in a sea of Lavoris (for ent husiast can rationally ex plain away -
Pucker Po wer) wit h a Latin inscription lipstick on the collar - that yo u buy Play-
meaning, Hit seemed like a good idea at the boy fo r the articles - that a 2 KW $ 1,000
time!" amplifier is an absolute necessity . . . but
Lemme cite two insta nces which , even believe me, and I speak from experience,
though reasonable at the tim e, even tually there is no way y ou can coherently explain
turned me into a klutz ! to a tired, unimaginative (now jittery and
Peek-A-B o o open-mouthe d) insurance salesman exactly
Having a rather high-pitched voice (it's what you are doing talking to yourself all
possible I went from infancy to senility alone in a weird little room with a huge trash
without ever having go ne through puber- bucket jamme d over you r head! Ye t it
ty - my voice has never changed and I never seeme d like a go od idea at the tim e!
had pimples - even an acne transplant didn't Where Were You When .. .
take) I have long envied those operators t hat Not lo ng ago, as you migh t surmise, I was
come on like Gang Busters, so unding like Big doing t wo t hings at t he same time. First ,
John , Captain Marvel and Boom-Boom we'd had a new septic tank installed, and in
Bailey. Their dee p basso pro fund a vo ices order to rem ove the old o ne it was necessary
thunder in - even o n Sideband - lik e AM to pump the conte nts of o ne into th e ot her.
Hi-Fi! I'd brought a '62 Rambler up clo se to the
I've st udied acoustics incessa n tly, built a ope ratio n. The little Briggs and Stratton
triangular ro om, used a compressor and eve n pu mp was chugging merrily away so I
fed my voice through an am plifier with the installed a dc to ac inverter in the Rambler.
t reble retarded and the bass at maxim um It appeared to work , so I climbed out and
wit h the end result that I still sou nd lik e a st rategically placed myself between t he car
composite of Johnny Weismueller , Tiny T im and the pump. Who om! The engine caugh t
and Truman Capote! fire!
In deference to Gus, my normal o perating Having learned t ha t in sit uatio ns li ke t his
procedure is to use a set of cans with mike panic is your worst enemy , [ calmly we nt
attached, leaving my han ds free to pursue into hysteria and, with that inspired genius
my secondary avoca tio n of bending Barbie, th at at o ne time o r another has caused me to
Ken and Skipper d olls into o bscene poses (I be st ruck by lightning, removed a rand om
have th e belter ones bronzed and mounted, finger and put a gigantic elm t ree st u mp into
giving my ham shack the appeara nce of a sub-orbital ARC, I unhesitatingly reached
cross-sectio nal view of a house that - if for the only immediately available so urce of
real - would require the services of a Mad- liq uid (it seemed like a good idea at the
am !)' time !) .

JUNE 1972 HU 127

© ClarkWardOrange
Besides accumulating in the hat and all
WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICE over my huge frame, the gigantic pinwheel
for Electron Tubes & Semiconductors spray whirled up the side of the house,
Immediate Payment on Unused Tubes under t he eaves, all over my lilac b ushes
H & L ASSOCIATES (which, incidentally, have become the most
E l izabeth po M I nd u stria l Park
Elizabeth. New Jersey 07206 productive, yet strangest smelling, in ten
(2 0 1) 351-4200 counties) , And, as a crow ning glory, the
spray ad hered to one leg of my 75 me ter
NU SIGMA ALPHA "V" (nee dless to say, I've received some o dd
International Amateur Radio remarks, on and off the air, about my
Fratemttv. Memberships now antenna) . It seems that my radiated power is
availab le. Incl udes wal l certif i- directly proportional to t he type of QSO .
cate, 1.0. card, ne wsle tte r, a nd
more. Send f or f ree brochure. Bull sessions seem to have a marked advan-
BOX 310, DEPT. 73, tage over no rmal o r net operatio ns.
BOSTON MA .02.10 1 I caught sight of Fred surreptitiously


• peering around the corner with an expres-
sion o n his face that seemed to say, "Haaa
Lists mort than 170 0 Items-pliers.
tweezers, wire strippers, vaceem sys~s . haaa haaa , I couldn't have done be tter
relay too ls, optical equipment, tool kits
,nd eases , Al so Includes lour pages of myself! " I grabbed the Huck Finn hat and
uH ful ~Tool Tips" to aid In too l selection .
taking as careful aim as I could through t hat
4111 N. .. .. 'h Sltut,
PhM.. ,. .......""" I'llill
weird rainbow, I let it fly.
Although I missed Fred, the hat passed
close by Gus' win dow, causing him to set u p
VHF CONVERTERS a scalding idiotic laughter-filled cha nt o f,
We manufactu re a co mple te line o f converters for
50 tn rough 4 32 M Hz . Models to suit au needs. OX , " He did it! - He d id it - blankety blank, he
FM. ATV , MARS. etc. A postcard will bring ou r did it! He finally did it, sqwuaaak!"
new FREE CATALOG with pictures, schematics,
SPecifications and prices. The end result, aside from having to cut
JANEL P.O. 1 12
B O ll
the grass in that area almost daily, was that
Succasu n n a, N . J . 07876
LABORATORI ES TEL : 201 -584·6521 not o nly am I and t he house stud iously
avoide d (eve n the ye llow line in t he road is
I 11 - 14 H bowed away from our driveway) but we had
.. RECEIVER . IF 15 MHZ CHECKED OUT WITH to sell the car - which wasn't easy!
' .. SCHEMATIC .. __ .$ 14.95
-, BLOWER 115VAC60CPS lPH .20CF" , M We were in no position, financially, to
. 3400 RPM _. . .$4 .95
T ELETYPE T A PE 3/8 canary .
t rad e off the Rambler, but it became an
10 r QlIs $1. 25
absolu te necessity, because even a brass
FRANK ElECTRONICS monkey can't drive around in 15-<1egree-be-
407 Ritter Road Harrisbur ,PA 17109 low-zero weather with all the windows open.
We d id however manage - 127 cans of
At that precise insta nt in time that 1 aerosol spray later (it was ac t ually 139 cans,
pointed the outlet hose in to the engine but 12 of t hem went up my sleeve) - with
compartme nt, I was ma de immediately and th e windows wide open, and on an excep-
quite dramatically aware that not only had I tionally windy day, to unload it. I see it
"done it again' but I was making a popular every now and again . They've painted it, but
chaos-describing phrase in to a 'living legend ' you can recogn ize it easily enough . Every-
and a real life Cecil B. DeMille specta cular ! where they park it, a tree gro ws!
Startled by the tragicomic results, I The point, if indeed there is a point, is
d ro pped the hose, and, in fetal fashion, t hat as a ham you may be unfairly singled
crouched - alternatively praying for the en- out as an o dd-ball, but if it weren't fo r all
gine or pu mp to die, an escape rou te, or at you odd-balls, t he rest of society wou ld still
the very least a po ncho or bum bershoo t! be thum ping din osau rs o n the head wit h
Luckily I discovered and grab bed an o ld blu nt instru men ts for their evening meal. Be
Huck Finn type straw hat which I inverted pro ud of your idiosyncrasies.
over my head for a modicum of protection . . .•K I YSD

128 73 MAGAZ INE

© ClarkWardOrange
Vernon Fit zpatrick WA80lK
McLain Park , M203
Hancock MI 49930

Sooner or later almost every piece of pencil and note pad are necessary on any
amateur equipment needs repair. Trouble repair bench. Keep notes of any wires dis-
shooting your equipment c~n be a very connected and any components removed.
interesting part of your hobby. The pad is also handy for noting voltages,
The power supply is a good place to learn resistances and etc.
trouble shooting as the power supply must Low voltage diodes can be tested by
be working properly before any other part reading forward and reverse resistance. This
of the equipment can be checked. test cannot always be used on high voltage
The power supply may be an integral part diodes as the internal bias voltage of some
of a piece of equipment or outboard and diodes exceed the test voltage of the
cab le connected. For the type of trouble ohmeter and the diode will appear open
shooting to be described only the power when it is actually ok.
supply will be considered. It will make little The only test equipment required is a
difference if it is integral or not. There will vom and two sets of test leads. One set has
be variations to the typical power supplies in insulated alligator clips. The other set has
Fig. 1. The precautions, notes and sequence needle point tips. The needle point tips are
will apply to almost any power supply. better than the duller type as the points will
pierce any resin flux or other material that
An excellent tool for checking for inter- could prevent an accurate reading. This is
mittents, broken wires and general probing particularly important when working on
can be made from a piece of )4.. plastic rod surplus equipment that has been treated
about 8" long. Sharpen one end with a with moisture-fungus proofing.
pencil sharpener. The more elaborate test equipment will
If the power supply is an ac-dc (trans- speed and simplify trouble shooting bu t you
former less) type use an isolation transformer must understand the equipment to properly
to reduce the risk of serious shock. Any time interpret the readings. As an example, an
a power supply is worked on, the filter open secondary winding on a transformer
capacitors should be discharged. Any time can have enough inductance to give nearly a
the power is turned on then off the capac- full voltage reading with a vtvm. A vom will
itors should be discharged. Don't trust your load the open winding enough to clearly
life to a bleeder resistor. Remove any rings, show it open .
this can save you a badly burned finger. The first step in any trouble shooting
Keep the bench clean and organizeo . .. should be a good visual inspection.

© ClarkWardOrange
JUNE 1972 129

The foll o wing key is designed to help you

fo llo w a lo gical seque nce rather than tak e
random test s and hope that you will luck
onto the defe ctive part. The key is based o n
th e assumption that a sy mpto m will indicate
the failure of certain parts. As an exampl e. if
we have a defective power supply and turn it
on and the pilot lamp lights it will be a waste
of time to c heck the fuse but we might well
check the rectifier tube or diodes. As you
follow th e key you will note that variou s
sy mpto ms will indicat e checks until we have
checked every part of the power su p ply right
down to wires. socke ts and plugs.
When using the key with a power su pply
that is not exactly the same as the sche matic
! ' 1¢' •
in Fig. I, a quick comparison to your •
schematic will show the steps to follow. If
your supply docs not have a fuse just pass • c l'
over the fuse check steps and continue on. If o
your supply has a three section filter capac-
itor and two chokes or resistors, make the Fig. 1. These are typical power supplies used in
additional c he cks when you come to the Novice gear and were used for making the trouble
ste ps for checking the se components in the shooting key. Parts identification : A -Primary wind-
ing; B-Power swi tch ;C- Fuse; D -Power transform-
key . Singular and plural o n all components
er; E-FiJament winding; F-Pilot lamp ; G c-Second-
are interchangeable (where the key has ary winding; H-Rectifier tube; H -Diode; [- Fil ter
diodes, diode will apply and so on). It makes capaci tors ; K -Choke-coiJ type; L-Bleeder resistor;
no difference whether the pilot lamp is in M-Rectifier tube winding.
the secondary as shown or in the primary
circuit. The same steps and checks will apply
to a half wave power supply. The key can be key will indicate the repair for each symp-
used for many low voltage supplies for tom. The symp to m will have a number for a
transistor circuits. check of a suspected co mpo nent o r co mpo-
nents. If the component is de fectiv e the key
Some of the checks may appear long and will indi cate the repair. If the co mponent is
cumbersome. The filter ca paci to r checks are ok the key will indicate t he next check to
an example. Frankly , it is difficult to check make to locate the defective part.
capacitors with a vom. The capacitors are Key to Power Supply Trouble Shooting
expensive and difficult to replace , so it is Power supply works - but
worth spending a little more time to be sure· Hum is present. Go to ) 5
they are defective. We could reduce steps 15 Power supply overheat s
and 19 to 'Test filter capacitors. Replace if A. Power supply is overloaded. rem ove load .
defective.' If you do not have a capacitor If power sup ply is now ok go to, 21
tester the key would be of no value to you . B. Overheating is still present with no load.
Every Novi ce has, or should have, a vom. Go to 20
Experienced repairmen use a mental key . Power sup ply does not work - pilot lamp is
This is why the TV repairman asks you , known to be good Fuse blows. Go to 2 0
"what does it do?" He want s sy m pto ms so Rectifier tube o r diodes are know n to be
he can use his mental key. As you gain good. Go to I
experience in trouble shoo ting you will Rectifier tube o r diodes are not know n to be
develop a mental key. If your key is good good. If check 2 is ok go to 17
enough and generously cross-referenced you 1. The power sup ply is turned on and the
will be able to repair the 'tough ones'. pilot lamp does not light. Go to 3
To use the key for trouble shooting 2. The power supply is turned on the the
determine the primary sympto m. If the pilot lamp lights. Go to 10
power supply has more than one symptom 3. Check outlet to be sure power is available.
you might have to go through the key for If no power, check house circu it. Power
each symptom to locate all the defects. The available. Go to 4

© ClarkWardOrange
130 73 MAGA ZINE
4 . Check fuse . Do not depend o n visual
- •
inspection. Use an ohmete r. If fuse is blow n
rep lace. If fuse blows again go to 20. If fuse .. .. . ..
~ ". .. •

1':', :J
is ok go to 5
5. Unp lug po wer sup ply and using alliga tor \
. :'ll',r',

r~ ·
cli ps con nec t o hmete r to po wer plug termi- ,
nals. If o h me te r reads o pe n go to 6. If
o hme ter sho ws co n ti nuit y go to 10. Be
careful here be cau se we may have an inter-
mitten t co mpo ne nt. &TIMER KITS
6. Flex power cord at plu g and where wire
en ters chassis. Watch fo r me ter fluctuation
ind icating intermitt ent. If co rd is intermit)
replace it. If circuit is still open go to 7
7. Ta p fuse holder. Wat ch fo r intermitte nt.
If present, clean or replace fuse holder. If
circuit is still o pen go to 8 Easy read ing, 7 seg ment di splay tub es. Solid
8. Wiggle handle or k no b o n power switc h. If State MSI, ICelectronic components. Accurate 60
cycle line time reference. Simple, push button
intermit. clean or replace switc h. If circu it settings. Clock displays hours, minutes and
still o pen go to 9 seconds. 10 minute timer, with seconds available.
9. Check each co mponen t individually in- Money back guar antee Clock kit : $74.50
cluding transformer primary fo r co n tinuity. ORDER TODAY . .
OR WRITE USE YO UR Timer ki t $54,50
Replace any o pen compone nt.
FO R DETAilS orMA STER CH ARGE Add choice of cases:
This comple tes primary circuit testing. All BANKA MERI CARD Meta l clock case
...._~ $1 0, Waln ut $20.
defects in this circuit should now be re- Meta l t im er case $8.
paired . Cal i f. r esid en ts add
5% l ax.
10 . Check t ransformer filamen t windin g for L...J.TERPRISES
contin uit y . If open, replace tra nsformer. If 506 Main St.· EI Segundo, CA 90245 /772-6176
pilo t lamp is in pri mary circui t check trans-
fo r mer primary. If o pen replace transformer. _ _ _ _ _ _ HRL.::° MMU NIC A TI O NS
Be su re to remove any parallel load whe n
checki ng trsnsformer windings. If ok go to
I I. Discharge fil ter ca pacitors. Go to 12
12. Check all connec tions fo r loose or
broken wires. Press against wires with plastic
probe fo r check for breaks. Replace any 175()()
broke n w ires. If ok go to 13 Circuit board wired & tested.
13 . Check any tra nsformer windings not TTL log i c . Power li ne freq uenc y c o u n t er for 3 m i nut e
previou sly checked for co ntinuity . See 10 or less t im in g and c o n t r o l. Easil y reprogra mmab le
diode RO M uses o n l y 2 7 di odes ( d ep en d i ng on. call1 .to
for procedure. If any wind ings are o pen send DE " a n y c all". L o w imp ed a nce audiO WIth
eoiume and tone co n t r o l. All c irc u i t r y inc lud ing PS ::I n
re place the transformer. If ok go to 14 sma ll G 10 glass PC board. Wr ite f or fu ll d etails. HAL
14 . Check filt er choke or resistor for co n- COM M UN IC A TI ONS, Box 365, U RBANA , I L 61 801
tinuity. If open replace. If ok go to 15
15. A ro ugh check of filte r capacitors can be HOl tUllllll llloon, " , , S .... ll",...
_~ ".lL . _ . _ .~.zi

nU1l1 , ... ntlU.I,ll141J]lihl. ".41JSII.z.I. ' ''''HlI",I. ·

made by using an ohmeter. - to chassis UIUJflI 1.1. lI1U4I(1"'I. '1I'14ZU"'I. ' . '"
1 .n
llll U Il Its _ ...,... S .K 1Ml,,,... ._ I U S 1" 11 ," ,,_ " Y
(god). + to capacitor term inal (reverse fo r _ 1IC1'l'K.. 13 n IIC".',_
13n lIIC'~._" Y
0l '1I"'~ Its f~ ltU_,$ " lIICN1I'._ c .• lIICn» _ S ..
bias circuits). The ohmete r should show low Mllll . IICJI•..
_.l l . MU"... ,._ "" C st 1IC_._ $ 1."
Mtn., 1IC1nIO 1tC'..,Mt7tl" ....._ . . __ .11 "
resista nce then slowly increase. If the meter 1lII(11,,'_ ,$l .15 · 1lII(1~._13.311 CIJW _ UU

stays o n low or high o h ms the filte r capac-

'I' m , 1• . '411. 14C. nI l . 7'21. lut. 1+11 .....----. '''''''--J4 i j - '
1"'. 1""' _ .I ,tt l+11. l4ts. 1••. IJ. . 1U S'- $14I
n12 _ I ,ft 1. 13 1414 ..".. .. _ 11115 - · · S ..
1. m __.. ,
1411._ _ . 11.11 1' . : 1' 12 ni3 ._~$1l1
itor is probably d efective. If defectiv e re- fin. ..nMOIH1.__ ntt WfIU _ ..,S tt lIl1f11,_ .. 1 H
place o r follow through to 19 for confirming 10110101' t flDJO. t f1lJ·Ol . tfl., ·0L." ""
Cf l lJ.OJ...... nn '
_ _ ._·l st
H ll llOl t UU HIIIlItE I U DI ...lM Ui
check . lf ok go to 16 CINC" It IOUITI : 1·.et.14·01' ....,$.ID lQ·let. 11- 0" ... ,1 ,70

16. Check the bleeder resistor. It is just a M...IIY OT"1Il OIVICU ...11 0 t OM' OJilillll IJi 1T0CIlWllIl I FOil CAT U DC ,

convenient time to do it. Go to 17 HAL COMMUNICATIONS

This con cludes o hmeter trouble shooting. Box 365L. Urbana IL 61801 • 217-359·7373
We must now use po wer on testing to

JUNE 1972 © ClarkWardOrange 131

complete the troub le shooting. Observe all
precautions discussed at beginning of article.
17. Check transformer secondary winding at
'73' DOE S IT AGA IN. We were the tube plate pins or diode anodes for proper ae
first to publish a Repeater Han d bo ok. voltage. If low replace transformer. If ok go
An d now we're offeri ng you t he first to 18
18. Check cathode of tube or diodes. Low or
co mplete bo ok o n Slow Scan Televisio n, no de voltage, replace tube or diodes. Diodes
th e comi ng t hing in Am at eu r Rad io . should be checked individually as only one
Thi s book, written by Don C. Miller W9N TP may be defective. If ok go to 19
and Ralph Taggart WBBDQT. tells yo u everv- 19. The filter capacitors can be checked
thin g you need to know in orde r to build your under ac tua l operat ing voltage. Remove all
own station so that your fac e and ham shac k load from t he power supply. The b leeder
can be seen allover the world. It al so has many resistor can be le ft in if you det ermin e t he
accessories that yo u build so that your station cur re nt flowi ng through it by ohms law.
is better th an anyo ne else's. unhook the wire going from the rectifier to
ORDER NOW. Onl y S4.95 for the soft bo und the filter components. Use the insulated
edi tion , or S6.95 for the hardbound edition. alligato r clips and MA meter. Connect - to
filte r circuit, + to the rectifier (reverse for
bias circuits). Turn the power supply on. for
t he average power supply the capacitor
leakage should not exceed 5-7 rnA. If the
b leeder resistor has been left in be su re to
subt ract the current going through it. If the
filte r circuit uses sepa rate capacitors and the
leak a ge is high check the capacitors indi-
vidua lly as only one may be defective. The
no loa d voltage of the power supply will be
higher than t he operati ng voltage but th is is
good for t esting the filter capacitors. If there
is no leak age t hrough t he capacitors and the
resista nce stayed high in 15 the capacitor is
p ro ba bly open or reduced capacity and
shou ld be replaced . The presence of hum
confirms t his.
This concludes the power-on trouble shoot-
20. Inspec t components for evidence of
ove rheating. Use the ohmeter to check for
shorts. Inspect tube sockets, cable plugs and
J sockets for cracks and 'burn paths' where it
BE THE FIRST PERSON ON YOUR could have arced over. Refer to 15 when
BLOCK TO HAVE YOUR PICTURE checki ng filter circuits for shorts.
RANSMITTED TO AFRICA. A faulty transformer will not always show a
Send to : 73 Magazine short to gnd (chassis) . Remove all load from
Peterborough N H 03458
the secondary windings. if the transformer
D Send me_softbound ed itions of SST V as st ill overhea ts or smokes it is defective.
soo n as t hey're off the p ress. 21. A fau lt in t he eq u ipmen t is overloading
I enc lose $ 4.95 fo r each one. the power su p ply and causing it to ove rheat.
D Send me h ard bo und edi t io ns of SSTVas
Repair defective eq uipment.
soo n as the y 'r e off the p ress.
I enclose $6.95 for each one. This completes the troub le shooting key. If
you have followed through the steps care-
IName Call 1 fully t he power supply should be repaired.
There will be times when you will be in the
mood to debate the following sta te me n t ;
I\dd ress
- 1
when everything is ok the equipment will
work . Happy trouble shoo ti ng.
Cit y St at e Zip ... WA801K

132 © ClarkWardOrange 73 MAGAZ INE

K enneth W. R obbin s WIKNI

835 Woburn Sr.
Wilmington M A 01887

udging from various co nst ructio n arti-

J cles wri tten in recent years, so lid-state
ignition systems are going t hro ugh a design
improvemen t stage wh ich bodes well for
their fin al acceptan ce in th e aut omotive
field . Single-t ransistor, special-co il and mul-
tiple-t ransistor, sta nda rd-coil circ uits ha ve
been aro u nd for ab out a decad e, chalking
up perfor ma nce records ranging from good
to miserable, wit h th e latter heavily ou t-
weighing t he fo rmer. For example, in my
case, a 2N 11 67 A transistor and special
400 : I coil wa s used for about 3 years with
coil failu re ending a fru strating series o f
ignition malfunctio ns due to point con tam-
ination and transistor charac teristic change.
A well known automotive parts supplier
in Chicago a fe w yea rs back was vending
ma ny brandso f transistor ignition syste ms
with glo wing p raise o f its " electronic pro-
mise." Today his cata log lists only a co u ple
of high-priced reliable units and it is
un like ly th at th is is du e to a sat urate d
market! Information gath ered from indi-
vidual users and garage r.epairmen point up

MA Y 19 72 MO© 2ClarkWardOrange 133


r---------- ----- - -----,

I C4 I
r----.,, ,...---, I I IGNITION
0' I I I
I I A' I
Ig04 I I
L..: ____ ...J
0' I
A' I
0' I
04 02 I
01 I
C3 I
R9 I
A4 I
L R3 I


Parts List
R9 - 4 .7K
C 1 - . 1, 100V R 10 - 1801270 2 .W See text SCR 1 - SmaI1 100. V sen. gate
C2 - 1.0 IlF , 600V o il paper D1 - 1N914 like C 106 F2
C3 - .01 D2 - MPT28 SCR2 - 500 .V , 20 .A
C4 - .0 1, I k V D3 -IN914 F1 - 4.A
R1 - 68, 5.0W 04 - 200.V , 10.W zener 04,05 heatsink -
R2 - 4.7 K D5 - .7 5A, 400.V Birtcher #4AL-6-0-0
R3 - 2.2K 06 - 150.V, 10.W zene r 0 3 heatsink -
R4 - 220 D7 -Dl0 - .75A , 1 kV Fuse clip chassis
R5 - 680 0 1 - 2N l 132 4 x6x 2 w/botto m cover
R6 - 150K , 2.W 0 2 - 2N697 T1 - Core = Ferro x cube #K3-005-0 1-3E
R7 - 6 80 03 - 2N1132 Wir e = 55' #26 Formvar . 4 ' n 14 Fo rmvar
R8 - .5 13 It #32 E. wirel 04, OS - 2N 3055 In s. tape Epox y

Fig. 1. Schematic dia gram of the impro ved Ja w-cost CD ignition .

the basi c fact that performance has been re lia bility o f a CD syste m over a wid e range
less dependa ble than the simple Kett ering o f temp erature, battery voltage, and igni-
system. Besid es, if it's more costly, why tion point resistance. These very importa nt
bother? A set of points and plugs every fact ors have been lightly regarded or ig-
10,000 miles is no t too grea t a price to pay nored alto gether by so me designers. Cir-
fo r dependabilit y . cuitry for the unit shown in Fig. 1 has been
However, the search for improveme nt simpli fied consisten t with o ptimum perfo r-
has co ntinued and now a relative n ew- mance and borrows some ideas found in
co mer is in the spotlight, CD ignitio n. In two recent reports. 1 ,2
spite o f its greater co mplex ity, capacito r Three objectives, listed in the order o f
discharge ignition offers much in th e way their importance , were borne in mind
o f improved all-weather starting and co n- during development and tes t: depend a-
siderab le freedom from point problems. In bility, perfo rmance, and cost. Concerning
additio n, so-called "breakerless igniti on" is the fi rst , wo rst-case design limits fo r tem-
more easily implemen ted with a CD cir cuit perature, battery voltage, and point resis-
and indeed manufactured systems may be ta n ce were set at - 4 0 to +8S C (still-air
purchased ; but fo r no w they are to o am bien t), 6- 16V, and 2 0 H" respectively.
expensive fo r th e average motorist.. This required silicon devices throughout,
This paper details some interesting re- opera t ed well belo w maximum ra tin gs. All
sults of experi ments aimed at improved circ uit eleme nts are soldered in place - no

134 © ClarkWardOrange
AH NO. 82636
.v 8ALLAST ~ ,,
!56F386 1) RESISTOR
), ,I 'GNI T ION
'W, TC"
r.. I ('U HV

rh I

" 1--1I a

R' I Fig. 2. CD/Normal via
-- - - -,
RZ I k: V 4 PDT switch.
_ _ ...J1 POINTS
-: ~. 2 2 joIF '"-],

soc ke ts allowed. . was felt in reading t he Morris-Mo rt on

T o simulate co ld weather start ing, all article with its complete t ransformer con-
parts were co oled to _ 40° C in a large struction plans. A toro id core was quic kly
Dewar flask, point resistance increased by a obtained and wound to specs. Altho ugh
22 kSl resistor and with 6V input , a 1.5 cm lower co st switching tra nsistors were' used,
spark in air co uld be obtained, abou t 18 performance was exactly as described and a
kV . At the o th er extreme , fu ll spark energy major bottleneck resolved .
of about 35 kV was available at 400 pps, Circuit design fo llowed t ransmitter prac-
85 C at any voltage between 8 and 16V. tice, work ing from the output stage to-
CD ignition requires a so urce of high wards th e inp ut. A I,uF capacito r charged
voltage d e and this is ordinarily su pplie d by to about 350V and discharging int o t he
a de /d e co nverter. Much o f th e cost is righ t primary of a regu lar 12 V igniti on coil via
here, in switc hing transist ors and t rans- an SCR was chosen as the starting point. It
former. After experimenting for many was so o n discovered that inexpensive SCRs
weeks with overheated filament tran sfor- were lacking in gate sensitivity and trigger-
mers pressed into converter service for ing by a UJT was marginal, especially at
whi ch they were not designed , great elatio n _40 °C. A trigger diod e in a standard

; -- JONE S
r:e4 l'--


.• )
"-;j, G--t- HV
.2 2 ).IF
40 0V


- - - RZ
- - ,, POI NTS
__ _ ,
_ _ ....J

Fig. 3. CD/Normal via lead swap.

© ClarkWardOrange
MO 3 135
MAY 1972

Fig. 4. Actual-size PC layout of board A.
circuit worked fine however, and was whatever contaminant may be present.
incorporated. Its RC time constant takes preventing buildup. The higher energy level
care of point bounce mentioned in pre- in the high tension circuit requires clean,
vious papers. No-load B+ of 650V inadver- film-free surfaces on rotor and inner cap
tently applied to a 500V SCR was destruc- which is at it should be anyway .
tive and after the tears had dried,
, feedback There are some circuit details that,
regulation of the high voltage was added. when properly dealt with, will insure ut-
An SCR latch connected across tile most dependability. (I) Q I must have low
output SCR gate assures only one correctly emitter-collector leakage when heated to
timed ignition spark for each point open- 100°C; (2) SCR I should fire with 3 rnA or
ing. Point resistance tolerance and latch less gate current and stay latched up when
reset is controlled by a two-stage saturating very cold, with 6V applied to R4; (3) Q3
switch which has outperformed aU other should have a beta of at least 40 and be
circuits tried. It consists of an NPN switch- provided with a small heatsink, as it must
ing transistor that can pull the SCR anode dissipate 400 mW; (4) Q4 and Q5 must
down to 0.2V at - 40 °C (worst case), have a moderate-size heats ink as they heat
causing positive reset. Signal inversion, to 100°C when all limits are high; (5)
current gain, and de level shifting is pro- surplus high-power SCRs are inexpensive
vided by a PNP input transistor. Rate of and a 20A unit will loaf along without
point opening and closure , ranging from heatsinking; (6) D3 and D5 protect Q3
very slow during starting in subzero weath- from transient pulses normally present on
er to 400 liz for a V-8 at 60 mph does not the B+ line and 03 provides additional
and cannot upset proper operation . safety for SCR 2 by way of brute-force
Speaking of breaker points, it seems limiting via the zcners if Q3 should fail ; (7)
that oil fumes leaking past the distributor power zeners are also an excellent buy -use
shaft upper bearing, creepage of cam lubri- "em; (8) procure a quality capacitor for
cant, ozone inside the cap, and just simple C3 -MI L-type oil paper in metal cans often
oxidation of tungsten surfaces singly or
collectively brings on increasing electrical
resistance that can cause malfunction in an
electronic system. Without R I, this circuit
failed at 920 miles after initial installation,
using brand new points running essentially
"dry circuit." A single swipe across the
points with a book match cover got us
going again immediately, but it was a loss
of IQO% reliability. Current bleed via Rl of
fractional ampere has proved to be a
reliable solution during 22,000 miles of
failure-free driving to date. Apparently a
tiny arc at point opening time vaporizes Fig. S. Actual-size PC layout of board B.

© ClarkWardOrange

R2 01 02 R3 03 ce

~ ~ """*
\ <,
0' I~
u-~, ~ O 0

SCRI~2 .. 0

d, R8 co <, /
, ~
\ .0:-
<, \ <' \
<, S.s.R2
0 R' R7 0
C ~07-010
F ig. 6 . Comp onent layout for board A .
go fo r a quarte r apiece; (9) Murph y 's Law lating clearan ce. Ban k winding help s to
being what it is, swit ch-back to standard min imize potential diffe rences . alo ng the
ignitio n can be provided for either by a winding. Cover w ith a sm o o th layer of
fo ur-pole double-t hrow toggle switch o r insulting tape. T hen put o n 20 turn s of
re arrangeme nt of lead s o n th e Jones strip l-l-gage insulated co p per wire (4 ft ) evenly
with q uick-d isconnect termina ls. spaced around t he co re, wit h e nds o pposite
Make the PC boards from I fl6 in . the first layer lead s. Cente rtap this wind-
single-clad stock . They are designed fo r ing. Finally p ut o n 10 turns of 26-gage
fa ce mounting of co mponents, which saves wire , its ccntcrtap adja cent to the other,
lots of drilling. Wire up the large o ne , interleaving th e s mall wire between the
d eleting R I for now. Mount Q4 an d Q 5 on heavy w ire.
their heatsink usi ng 6 in . long coded lead s. Co nnect the tra nsfo rme r per schema tic,
If referen ce I is not availab le, w ind T I in then breadb oard th e enti re circu itry for
the foll o wi ng ma nner. Ob ta in th e specified initial testing , using a spare o r borrowed
core and apply an even lay er of thi n ignition co il. Provide a ~ in . sparkgap. Wire
insu lati ng tape. Make a bobbin of strong a 22 H2 resistor between R2 and "points"
flat materia l such as plastic o r a tongue (touch resistor lead to grou nd) . Ap ply
depressor and notch th e e nds to a 6 in. input voltage and watch th e spa rks fl y!
inner spacing. Once aro und is abou t a fo ot , A med ian valu e fo r RIO is about n on.
so put on 50 ft of #26 Fo rmvar insulated It can be opti mized if test eq uipmen t is
co pper wire . Wind all of this wi re o n the availab le . T he d e/d e conve rter efficiency is
core in 6 bank-winding sectio ns of 45 /50 maximi zed by use of the high est resist an ce
turns per sec tion and scram ble wind wh ere valu e at RJO ca using a 2 .8 A curre n t drain
necessary to even th e lay ers . Leave a 1/ 8 at + 14V when the syste m is d elivering 400
in. gap between start and finish fo r insu - pps in to a 1/8 in . sparkgap. T oo Io w a


03 tOLL

->-_./""-t- Q4 COLL

F ig. 7. Layout for board B.

MAY 1972 137
Packaging is the next order of business
befo re actual installation and road testing
gets under way. The photos show one
Will allow you L ttl
to Dynamically test all ......;.::.;;;.;;."
arrangement using a 4 by 6 by 2 in . chassis
with bottom cover. It is a good idea to
make the unit drip-proof by sealing all
types of capacitors.
ope nings with silico ne rubbe r caulking a-
FREE vailable at most hardware stores. Centralize
INFORMATION the large heatsink so that metal st ra ps
across the chassis ends can secure the box
in place without interference . Don't forget
to install R I .
Under hood insta l1ation of the com-
pleted unit should be su ch that radiator fan
cooling air or incoming air in the case of
rear engined vehicles can flow across the
heatsink and there is protection from rain,
snow, and puddle splashing. Don't over-
ONLY $16.95 postpaid loo k inside mounting. Although the air is
Capacitance Range : .00025 - 1000 mfd. relatively calm, temperature extremes arc
Sensitivity: Over 200 MEGOHMS less and exposure to weather is avoided.
Dealer Inquiries Invited Annoying whine at 1 or 2 kHz of the usual
converter is nonexistent in this o ne whic h
LEE ELECTRONIC LABS, INC. oscillates at 10kHz. Position so that
88 Evan s St ., Wat erto wn. MA 02 172 switch-back to normal is easy , in case of
difficulty .
Electrical co nnectio n requires tapping
value will cause excessive heating of Q4,
into the ignition switch circuit ahead of
Q5 and a te nde ncy to "squecgc"; too high
any ballast resistor, disconnecting the
a value will red u ce B+ so that high-speed
points capacitor and possibly adding leads
performance is poor. I BO -270n are ball-
to tie into the distributor and coil. Check
park limits.
out the connection schematic to see how
Mount the transforme r on its PC board
after comp letion of tests. Adjust lead dress, it's done .
the n coat generously with insulating This particular circuit lends itself well to
epoxy. securing T t in place at the same "breakerless" ignition experiments, either
time . Leave a center opening for passage of optical or magnetic . One breadboard test
a mounting bolt. After the epoxy has made use of a variation of blocking oscilla-
hardened, solder eac h lead to a PC ter mi na l tor, abrupt start-stop control being effect-
acco rding to the drawing. ed by a small perma nent magnet in prox-
imity to the oscillator toro id core. These ac
burst signals drove Q I , eliminating all
contact problems.
Acknowledgement is made fo r the many
he lpful suggestions and enthusiastic en-
couragement of my friend and colleague,
Mr. Daria Dorigo. His CD in a Corvair is
performing in excellent fashion .
.. .WIKNI -
Refere nces:
I. Unique CD Ignition System, Morris & Morton
Jan. '69, Electronic World. '
2. Hi~ Effi ciency DC/DC Converter, Levy &
BI3.lr, Feb. '69, Electronic World.

138 © ClarkWardOrange 73 MAGAZ IN E

William E. H ood W2FEZ
116 West Park Street
Albion NY 14411

iko la Tes!a watched, elated, as the au tho rities say th at the voltage rep resen ted
N need le o n the ammeter pinn ed. The
room was filled wit h a roaring, crac kling
by a lightning stro ke is in the neigh borho od
o f thirty million volt s. O th ers claim the
noise and th e sme ll of ozo ne permeated th e voltage can be as high as 900 th ousand volts
air. The scientist walke d o u tside . High at op per foot. At that rat e, th e voltage of a
his labo ratory, a metallic globe 'was alive stroke. whic h ca n be as much as ten miles
with a hissing blue comona . While he long, would reach ast ro nomical magnitu des.

watch ed , fascinated , a bolt o f ma n-made The cu rrent, on' the ot her hand , is genera lly
ligh tning leaped fro m the glo be to the agree d by the vari ous auth orities to range
ground . Seconds later, ano ther bolt leaped from four th ousand to a quarter million
out a little fa rt her than t he fi rst ; th en amperes. The durati on has been measured at
anothe r struc k fart her still. T esla 's mach ine 5 to 50 micro seconds.
even seemed to be drawing ligh tn ing from The electrical cha rges t hat prod uce light-
the air aro und it. ning are though t to be p rod uced by friction
Sudde nly the no ise sto ppe d . Silen ce between rapidly mo ving raind ro ps and the
clo sed in like a cloak as ,
the machine went su rro und ing air. Thunderhead s are k no wn to
dead . Tesla ru shed back in to his lab. His con tain vertically moving air co lu mns wh ich
mac hine was intact , but th ere was no power. reac h velo cit ies in excess of 100 miles per
T he experiment had been te rmina ted by a hou r. Raindrops and ice particles. moved
local power failure . Furiously he telephon ed abo u t by th ese cu rre n ts, develop elect rical
the power statio n dema nding an explan a- cha rges. The Vertical movement accu mulates
tion . these charges much in th e same manner as
" Yo u're not th e only o ne wh o wants an the vertically moving belt in a Van de Graaff
ex pla natio n," th e voice o n the othe r end o f gen erat or.
the line retorted . " You've just mel te d the The turb ule nce wit hin a thu nderhead
wi ndings in th ree of our generators . It 'll be a develo ps a strong negative charge in t hat
cold day in hell be fore we send any more region of t he cloud whe re th e te mperatu re is
power o u t to yo u !" be t wee n 0° and 3 2° F . A positively charged
It is doubtful that even this brilliant zo ne develops in the upp er port ion o f the
scien tist fully realized the awesome magn i- clo ud , and the lower port ion o f t he cloud
tude of power in volve d when he tr ied to con tains both positively and negatively
produce light ning, fo r alt hou gh it is usua lly charged zones. Fro m this it can be easily
d issipated wit h comparative ly little damage, u nderstood wh y 65% of all the d ischarges
a single stro ke o f ligh tning can co n tain as are within a clo ud o r betwee n clo uds.
mu ch ele ctrical ene rgy as tod ay 's average Lightn ing st ro kes, eit he r with in or be-
family co nsu mes in a week . A sto rm o f tw een clo uds, o r fro m a cloud to th e ground ,
moderat e in te nsity ca n p rodu ce many times occur wh en the voltage be t wee n charges of
the ene rgy of a nuclear bomb. opposite polarity exceeds the breakdown
The ac tual amo un t of power in a ligh t- pote ntial of the interven ing air gap . T his
ning st ro ke is the su bject of co nsiderable breakdown is o f a d ifferent natu re than th e
disagreement in the engineering world . Some breakd own o f a small air gap . There app ears
© ClarkWardOrange
JUNE 1972 TH 19 139
-1;O'F 40.000 ft .

T++++ + ++
+t-++ +--r++
- 30' F + t +-
+++ +-j-; +-r +
+ + -t- + ~ - + -rt
-t -:
t - -++
--j- +
+ -
30,000 ft .
t t +- - t -+ To
-- - -i- - +- -
O'F - + + - - --.J
- - - +
- ---~

- + - - -+- -
+300 F 20,000 ft .
+ +- - -t- ----t
+ ----j---
+ + -j-
+- + + + + + -
+60 0 F + +-++--+
- + + -- + - + - t - - +-t
+ + - -j- - + - +- 10.000 ft .
+- + + +
t -+ t l-
+80' F -t- - + - t
t - +- t
5.000 ft .

- - + + -+ - - + -
+---j--~ +-+-+-++--+-
Fig. 1 . A thunderhead is a towering cylindrical cloud, often extending as h igh as 40,000 feet.
Negative charges generally accumulate in the r egion o f 30 to OaF. Positive charges accumulate in the
upper p ortion. Both positive and negative charges occur in the lower portion . The chara c ter istic anvil
top is caused by upper atmospheric winds.

t o exist a potential , the exac t magnitude o f paring as mu ch as five kilowatt hours , and a
which is ye t to be determin ed . beyond large st roke, ma ny times more .
wh ich air bre ak s down a lit tle at a time . A ligh tn ing discharge, like any elec tric
As cha rges accu mu late in the lo wer por- cu rrent , fo llows th e pa th of least resistan ce
tion of a thund erhead, equal an d op posite wh ich is almost never a straigh t lin e . The
charges are produced by elect rostat ic attra c- potential grad ient fro m a clo ud to th e
tion in th e ground and all ground ed objec ts ground is co nsta n tly being distorted by th e
below. As th e potential passes th e break- turbulen ce of th e at mosphere On th e
down level, " leade r stro kes" begin p robing ground , mo isture , te mpe ra tu re , and the vary -
th eir way toward the o pposite charge . ing qua li ty of the gr ound itself play im por-
Usua lly the lead ers sta rt fro m th e cloud , b ut tan t ro les in determi ning the path of a
sometimes from th e gro un d . Ad van cing 50 stroke . Wit h all these variab les, light ning h as
to 60 yards a t a time , an d pausin g abou t 100 bee n observed t o d o some prett y st range
microsecond s between ste ps, th e lea der th ings. A neighbor of min e h ad h er h ou se
works it s way t oward the op posite ch arge. st ruck. The bolt travelled down a drainpip e,
Then cu rren t flows, a sma ll stro ke dissi- followed th e elec t rica l wiring acro ss th e

© ClarkWardOrange
140 73 MA GAZI N E
cellar into th e ba ck shed, then jumped to a depicts an umbre lla wit h a li ghtning rod o n
sink , scaring the tar o u t of her son who was top and a con d ucto r t railing o ff along th e
repairing his bicycle in the she d. grou nd . Good t hinking. but a very d angerous
Some o f th e phenomena manifested by device . Lightning rod s today are co n fin ed to
lightning are so weird th at it becomes hard the t ops o f buildings.
to sep ara te fact from fiction . F or insta n ce, Modern-day ligh t ning rod s are gene ra lly
ball ligh tn ing was lo ng th ought t o be an o ld poi nte d, not so mu ch to ma ke th em more
wives' ta le. Too ma ny c red ible observatio ns like ly to be h it as to prevent th e bu il d u p of
by co mp ete n t personnel have been reported , ch arges that would lead to a stroke . It is
however. to pass it o ff as a myth. Present generally known among those w ho wo rk
theories consider the phenomenon to con sist with h igh pote ntials t hat a po in t enco urages
of a sma ll, heavily cha rged mass o f io nized co ro n<l; discharge . Wo rking o n that p rin ciple ,
a ir that become s separated from the pat h of th e point on a ligh tn ing ro d constan tly
a st ro ke and then drift s al ong with natura l ble eds o ff ac cumulating charges thus p re
air cu rre n ts until it e ith er dissipate s o r finds venting their building up to a da ngerous
a ground path where it discharges, so me - level.
ti me s with explosive viole nce . Shee t lig ht- In the comm u nications fie ld , lightn ing
ning is thought by some to be merely protectio n varies d epend ing not o n ly o n th e
reflections of light ning discharges in a far- nature of service but o n the geograp hica l
awa y cloud . Others think it is the in stan- lo cation as well . T his is because the frequen -
taneou s discharge o f a large area o f atm o s- cy and severity of thu nderstorm s varies
phere , spreadi ng th e en ergy that would throughout the co nti ne nt. Equ ip me nt tha t is
otherwise be discharged in a stroke over a pro tec te d su fficie ntly o n th e west coast
wide area - a sort o f high-speed Auro ra wou ld go up like a R oman cand le in cen tra l
Borealis. Kansas o r on the F lo rida peninsula . In t he
People have gone to great lengths over the latter tw o areas, electricians do as much
years to protect themselves from lightni ng , business repairing lightn ing da mage as they
ranging from char ms and praye rs to mo re do putt ing in new in st allat ions. The Great
scien tific ally sou nd met hods. When Mr. La kes region has 50% more thund erstorm
Franklin invented th e lightning rod, all sorts activity tha n t he New Engla nd coast. By
o f applications were tried . An early drawing co n t ra st, so u th ern Alaska has perha ps o n ly

, ,"


'" •
• \ •
, " • •
'-, ,

IGli L.·
., ..• -"
.. •
• •

• ,

Fig. 2. Average number of days of thunderstorm activity per year in continental Un ited States.

© ClarkWardOrange
JUN E 1972 TH 2 0 141
one d ay of thun derstorm ac tivity in tw o
ye ars.
Prot ection req uire me n ts furth er depend
o n the amount of ex posed wire and o n th e
co nductivity of th e grou nd. It is much easier
to p ro tect equipme n t situa te d in a sa lt water
marsh than in d ry , sandy so il.
It should be reali zed that virtually noth- Fig. 3A. Wh en a capacitor is discha{ged, c urren t
ing ca n pro tect an an ten na or signal wire n ot only flo ws thro ugh the shorting pa th but
fro m a direc t stroke. Consideri ng th e t re- through all parts of the plates as well.
mend ous magnit ud e of curre n t involved, it is
easy to und erstand th at even a very heavy ground to th e poin t wh ere th e stro ke
grou nd co nd uc to r mi ght be vap ori zed . How- occ u rred. Th e magnitude of th ese su rges can
ever, p ro per pro tect ive eq uip men t pays fo r be as high as te n percen t o f th e cu rre nt in
itself, pro tecting equipment against a Iittle- the ligh tning stoke itself - as much as
publicized ph en om en o m kno wn as a ground severa l thousa nd amperes. If th e equip ment
surge. in you r shack were grounded at more than
In o rde r to better und erstand a ground one point, a ground su rge might find an
su rge, pictu re fo r th e momen t the plates o f a easier path th ro ugh t he interconnecting
charged capacitor. When a co nd uc to r is wires th an th rough the gro un d. In th at case ,
co nnected betwee n th e plat es to d ischa rge goodbye equipme nt. This one hid eo us
the ca pac ito r. cu rren t fl ows th rough th e th ought clearly illustrates the reason fo r o ne
co nduc to r from plat e to plate, and f ro m all and o nly one ground point in a well-prote c-
points on th e individual pla tes to th e CO ll - ted shac k.
ductor . Compa ring an elect ric cha rge in a Where remote co n tro l lines or o the r types
cloud and the ground below it to th e places of signal wires run long dis ta nces above
of a capacito r. and imagin ing th e path o f a ground , grou nd su rges fro m lightning are a
lightning disch arge as the shorti ng co nd uc- maj or problem. The rail roa ds, using un -
tor, it is easy to see that each tim e lightning shie lded signal lines running for miles at a
st rikes, cu rre nt fl o ws thro ugh th e path of stre tc h, ofte n go to great ext remes to p ro-
the stroke fro m t he grou nd to th e clo ud; tec t their d elicate and costly signal equ ip -
curren t also flows thro ugh th e grou nd fro m ment. Eac h line has a heavy-duty ligh tning
all su rrou nd ing po ints to th e point where ar rester co nnec ted to ground at th e point
ligh tnin g st rikes. where it ente rs a way side hou sing . Electronic
If lightning st ruck a poin t several hundred d evices such as carrier-cu rre nt tran smitt ers
yards fro m an ante n na tower, current wou ld and receivers are fur t he r p ro tect ed by high-
flo w down out of the tower and t hrough th e speed gas disch arge tubes on each terminal.

,-- - -

Fig. 3B. Picturing the sky as a plate of a charged capaci tor and the gro und as the opposite plate , a
ligh tnin g stroke causes current surges to flow down out of nearby grounded objects, through the
ground, and alon g the path of the s troke to the sky.

© ClarkWardOrange
Every ground terminal within the housing , as
well as a co nnectio n to the h ousing itself, is
bro ught to o ne co m mo n grou nd point called
the "prime ground terminal" whi ch is co n-
nected to ea rth grou nd through the lo west
resistan ce path po ssible . Railw ay sign alme n •
have to ld of stand ing inside a wayside CASH FOR EIMAC
h ousing duri ng a sto rm and seeing the or VARIAN TUBES
arresters co nstan tly flashi ng like a sma ll
fireworks display . A seve re su rge will ca use a 5 % over going market price!
rail roa d arreste r to blow o ff it s gla ss coveri ng
with a report lik e a gunsh o t.
Although telephone li nes o fte n run long
distances above groun d , man y types o f cab le
are shielded , and su rges occ ur mai n ly in th e
shield where they harmlessly bleed off
ground .
In th e h ome, th e telephone line is co nn ec-
ted to gro und th rough two ca rbon fu ses o f WRITE or CALL
carefu lly calcu la te d resistance. One ca rbon
fuse co nnec ts eac h side of th e li ne to
ground, th ereby h o ldi ng each side of th e li ne
at an eq ual p otential above ground, thus
zero volt s with respect to o ne ano the r so far
as alien power su rges are co ncerned. 308 Hickory St.
At th e exc ha nge eac h inco ming co nd uc - Arlington, N.J. 07032
tor is co n necte d to ground through a carb on
fuse and all the ground co n nec tio ns ma de
through one co m mo n te rminal. CRYSTAL BARGAINS
Commercial broad casting sta tio ns, as a
general rul e , use relatively cru de lightning Depend on . ..
p rote ction me th ods. A piece o f h eavy bar
We su pply crys tal s from
16 KH z to 100 MHz in
many types of holders .
- . Over 6 million crystals
" in stock. We manufac- WHAN &. SO N
lure crys tals for almost elECTRON ICS, INC .
all mod el SCANNERS , 2400 Crystal Dr.
MONITORS, 2 - WAY Fort Myers
• RADIO , REPEATERS , ETC. Florida 33901
(813) 936-2397
Inquire about special
quant it y pric es. Order Send 1ac for new
catalog with
dire ct with che ck or os cill ato r circu its
money order. and li sts of
For first clan m<lil add 15 e per t housands of
ervnar. ..Ior ai rmail add 20t ea . frequ en cies in
Freque ncy Sta ndards
100 KHl (HC13/ UI $4 .50
1000 KHl (HC6 / UJ 4.50
Almost All CB SeU, Trans. or Ree. 2.50
(CB Synthesizer Cry st al on request I
A typical way sid e case for railway signal equip- Any Amateur Ba nd in FT ·243 1.50
m ent. The lightning arresters are in the bottom row lhcep t BO meters! 4 lor 5.00
at the left o f the case. (Pho to courtesy General BO Meter Ra nge in FT-243 2.50
Co lor TV 3579.545 KHl (wire leadsJ 1.60
Railway Signal Company ) 4 fo r 5.00

JUNE 1972 © ClarkWardOrange

TH 21 143


FM Schematic Digest =:
ao to .tso Me. Portable self-
conlainl"d crvstal controlled
ht:'tt'rody ne 1v pe, used r or test-
ing CW. ~ICW and pulst'd sig-
A COLL ECTION OF nals. Pundamenta l Freq. range
20 to 40 Me. Accuracy .005%,
MOTOROLA SCHEMATICS au d io 2 0 MW at c heck pts.
Radio Frt·q. output 50-1 0 00
Alignment, Crystal, and Techn ical Notes MV . Sensnlvuv 50!\1 MV sig.
Gin's audio beat note output of
10 MW . Range 2500 to 500
coveri ng 1947-1960 ••
MV . Power re-quire-d: 2 dry
batteries 8'\·203 (6 VDC) and
136 pages 1m" x 17" ppd $6.50 ••

3 8A-59 (45 VDC). Size : 15 x
I:'. l( 10". W1.: 35 Ibs. Pric es -
•• F ,O.B. Lim .. , 0.: Use d, service-
ahh-: $60.00 C hec ked: $75.0 0
S. Wolf POWE R SU PPLY - 1 1 5 Volt
60cycle $24.95
Box 535 Dept. 73. Send For Big FREE Catalog!
Lexington, MA 02173

piece co nnec ted to th e gro und syste m. This

is generally sufficient, since the transmitti ng
equipment is quite rugged and of low im-
peda nce. About the worst that ge nera lly
hap pens is th at a breaker ope ns, putting th e
station off th e a ir until an engineer rese ts it.
There have been occasional colorful results
however. The engineer of one loca l station
to ld of a strike follo wing th e tran smission
lin e in to the bu ilding and maki ng a spec tacu-
lar display as it zipped around the base-
boards, finally grounding out via several
electric outlets.
Lig htn ing pro tect ion, the n, depend s up on
I ma ny variab les. Facto rs such as the amou nt
of thunderstorm activity, the amount of
exposed line, the equipme nt to be protected,
etc. To even begi n to descri be th e va rio us
techniqu es and the reaso ns for the m would
Lightning arrester at the base of a commercial take a book of considerable size . Perh ap s t he
broadcasting tower (WADD, Brockport NY). main determining factors are the possible
co nsequences of loss, and the economic
stock with a ball shape on the end is status of th e ow ne r of the p rote cted eq u ip-
con nected to the base of the tower and ment.
positioned In close proximity to a similar . _.W2FEZ


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HoW to Order: ,;f Guaranteed FlAM Specifications:
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I ./
Send for: i:
3 Watt sse or CW A M & 8S B
Aud io Amp. T ra nsce iver T R AN S-

© ClarkWardOrange 73 M A GA ZINE
Ed Web b W4FQMil
Technica l Edi tor


f th e growing number of manufacturers would you be lieve that at almost 60 watts

I of power amplifiers for 2 meters, only
two (as of this writing) are very conservative-
output (key down for an hour) this AR-2
barely gets above ro o m temperature - that
Iy rated o n the input and o utput ratings of big heat sink really does its job. Even the
their amplifie rs. One is o n the west coast and collector out put tank circuit is construc ted
the other is Regency in Ind ian apolis, of heavy silver-pla te d co pper to b eller with-
Indiana. Rege ncy again has followed the stand the large rf circu lating currents that
tradition started in the HR-2 /2A transceivers are found in solid state amplifiers at these
of bei ng very conserva tive on power ratings. freque ncies and power leve ls. The A R-2 uses
They rate d the HR-2 at 10 watts. It p ut o u t 2 transistors in a Class C push-pull configura -
at least 12. They ra te d t he HR-2A at 15 tion. The transistors used are of the balanced
watts. It puts o ut almost 18. emitter type with the new wide leads to
The ne w A R-2 is made in a matching size provide low inductance lead ru ns. The AR-2
and style to be a companion to the HR-2/ 2 A amplifier ru ns between 60 to 70% ove rall
tran sceiver. When yo u pick it Up . yo u wo uld efficiency.
think it was made of lead . It 's heft y , yes, but Installing t he A R-l is a oreeze. Just
not from lead : copper is the name of the connect f 2V tn it and plug in your antenna
heat sink material that is used. The A R-2 is to the amplifier. Placing a short coax jumper
literally an amp lifier built on, o r almost in, a between the transceiver and the amplifier
huge co p per heat sink. Does it get ho t while comp letes t he job. To t une the a mplifie r
transmitting? Not wi th PTT o perat ion. With input up (to co mpensate for the input
10 watts input. Regency rates t he amp lifier feed line lengths) it 's best to have a Bird
at 38 watts output - ours put out 44. With model 43 Thruline® or Model 4352
15 watts input, the AR-2 put out 58 watts, Harn-m~te® watt meter. This is placed be-
and with 17 watts input to it , out came a tween the anten na lead and t he AR-2. With
full 67 watts. That kind of power o utp u t t he amp lifier ou t of its case, key th e
co up led to your 3 d B gain anten na will let transceiver and tune everyt hing fo r max i-
you talk to the machine on the mountain mum rf output. The amplifier switches itself
just about as far as vou can hear it. And in automatically when it senses watt or

JUNE 1972 ©FClarkWardOrange

M 58
R.egenoy a Meter FM -Amerioan made at. import. prices

Get the American Made" ~~C!:I- HR-2A

2 Meter Mobile FM Transceiver.
15 watts minimum output. Only $229.00 Amateu r
Power Output: 15 wa tts at
13.6 V DC
Frequency Range :
144-148 MHz 1

Channels: 6 tran sm it ;
12 receive capability
0.35 p,v (nom.)
Sens i t ivi ty: ~-J- "-c.'_~",;..;;:.:.;;
:; .., i - 'O§
20 DB quieting Model HR-2A
Spurious Rejection : 60 DB Mobile UniL lnc ludes microphone, moun ting
Size: 2'12" x 5 112" x 7 V2" bracket, tx and rv, c rystal s for 146.94 MHz
,---.,;.fo;.;r all your 2 M~ter FM needs

Mo d el HR-2MS 8 c hanne l 'rrensca ntv NEW! Model HR-212 Model AR·2 Ampl ifie r bo osts
w ith sign al sea rch recepti on 12 channel 2 Meter fM 2 Meter FM o utpu t power
and 15 wa tts min imum o utp ut. Tran sceiver. 20 watts o utput 300%.
$319.00 Amate u r Ne t. power . $259.00 Amateur Net. $1 19.00 Amateur Ne t.

e ~~~
---'" "" El ectronics, Inc.
7900 Pend leton Ptke > Ind ianapoli s, Indiana 46226
R.egenoy a Met.er FM-Amerioan made at. i mport. prioes

Light Emitting Diodes

more at it s inp ut. If you want to run
Po pul ar Ma n · 1
barefoot for short, direct hauls, just turn the
Equ ivalent - 14 Pin
amplifier power switch to the off position.
Dual-In -Lin e Pack -
When the amp lifier powe r swi tch is in t he o n
age - Operates on
position, a front panel red light c o mes on
standard 5 vo lt IC
ea ch t im e the amplifier is keyed .
logic supply -
Maybe quadrupling your out p ut power
LOWEST PRICE wo n't quite d o u ble your range , but wit h the
additio nal power your transmit range
T2L IC 'S doesn't run out before your receive ra nge
7400, 7402, 7404, 7405, 7410, 74 20 , d o es. A ll t hose margin al areas where yo u
7430, 7440, 7450 , , . , .3 0 were no isy into t he repeate r d isappear a nd
7473, 7475 . ". , ,., 65 now you are full quieting. If you are out in
7474 . . " . . . .. ,. ", " " 50 t he boondocks or hilly areas like sout hern
7441 , 74 90, 74 91 , 74 92, 7493 , 74 95, New Ha m pshire , th at ex tra power really
74 96, 828 1, 7475 " " .. 1.40 does make a difference .
741 92,74 193, 8270, 8 271, 8 251 . . 2,00 For more information on the AR~2 write
t o R egency Electronics. Inc.. 7900 Pendleton
Pike, Indianapolis, Indiana 46226. T he AR-2
RELIABILITY SUPPLY amplifier is priced at only $129 . When you
P.O. Bo x 80S , San Carlos, California 94070
Phon e : a rea code 415 591-0703 figu re it out , t hat's o nly two bucks a wa tt
TERMS : Orders over $ 10.0 0 will be post- o u tput and t hat is c heap. Regen cy again h as
paid - ad d $.35 handling and postage for small- tur ned out a very nice unit at a modest
er o rders. C. O. D. - add 25 0/0.. California resi- prrce .
dents add 5% sales tax . MONEY BA CK

146 © ClarkWardOrange 73 MAGAZINE

© ClarkWardOrange


.--- -- -FEATUR F. /TEAl
We 1'1 11 •• well 0 . "
He r. il I new item , 2 0.000 lut plus
featured because 0 1 ",,,,,,s In Ilock.
nume, oul cultomer and beuuWl 0 1
b U 9 ao n
suggestion, .
, W. h" l r.ken tIM
nil S
pu tChllWl w. ca n
wli II co mple la
basie power su pply,
chas~ end cover dogotal clock k l1
from our clod< k it, lOt lass I~n 1M
.,.;I by subltltuting uwlll COOl 01 lhe
• ....... fronl ~ dosplay lub••
-.d pr,nted circu it Only. W. pro. 1de
board. h .... made • a complele etched and lhru ·plaled c"cull bo;i'd. 1111 ,ntevil led
lowest tOOS! f'lIQuenqt coonter . The unbelie¥able IOW !;OlI ;' due to c"culu. complete pow.. su pp ly. d,oplay Tubes, I.C . sockets and II
OUr uw 01 OUr lar ge t!od< o f unused IIJ.plus n'"ies. the new 74 196 n,ce front pa nel WIt;' po laro.d .,IOt. We hllVe n""et seen an yone
SO MHz de<:lIde eoun ter. a nd the commonality of pIIrt. with OUf oller thI S kit lor In s Ihan Sl00.00 bl>fa<e. Includes BCO out puu
other kih, Reado ut is t o silt decades. ti me base is 1 second , 0.1 ' or use as wllh IImar OpllOn. May be Wif ed lor 12 Ot 24 hou r
5O:lConds, 0. I x te rnl L Design il modul ar, for ease 01 conUruction, d,splav . Irnlicafes ho urs, mInutes. second s
eom pact ness. an d . x panda bility. o Clock KII . co mp illtll iess outsIde COVet . . 551 ,50
0 50 MHz li lt digit counter, u.i ng line freq uen cy &I lime base. a AlumInum blue o r blllck llnodized co_ (spec ify) S 4 ,50
complete ' ''ClIP I lor CCIY(l ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • $97. 50
o Optional cr ys tal controlled time base plug-in conversion $23.50 INTEGRATED CIR CUI T SPECIALS
O Cover. blw Ol' blllCk anodized . • . • . . . . • • . , $ 4 .50 109 Operat ,onal Amplifier .50
111 Dual ComparliTor .50
141 Comp,"sated Operational Amplifier .50
FOR ONLY SlOB.OO r 723 Voltage R'9oI lator 1.25
S36 F.E.T . Operalione. Amplifier 4.75
A complete calculator k it, 595 Four Quatrant Multiplier 3.75
comple te with self con- 740 Po _ Driv.., fOf 100 watt AB amplifier 2.75
tai ned po wer su pp.y and 2 111 FM DetllCta< end Limiter 2.75
ca..e. Indispemible in the 555 Timer ,2 ,.Seconds to 1 hou•• Specia.! 1.25
hom e. office or school. Si m· 1103 1024 Bit Ram Memory , MOS 9.25
pie enough lor , ch ild t o 250 1 256 Bi t Ram Memory. MOS B.75
build. Some 0 1 the features 2513 Cha rKU!r Generator ROM 19.75
01 the calcu.at or ..e as fal · 7490 Decade Counter
• MOS inlegnlted circui ll
74141 /7441 Ni,,~ Dr.... er
14 192 BiditKtionai Counter

,..." , 1ar9! leal. int..,.. 7475 Quad Laten 1.25
lionl reduce 1M number of 744 7 7 Seo,I.,t C. <lIII' D,i,_
..._ • '25
oomponenll to , minimum, 7489 64 Bit Random Accasr. MatnOly ' .25
f o r easy 8JM'mbly . Dis- 7492 Divida by 12 Coun_ 1.2.
pl~ eiVot digill on •• ge 74 196 50 MHI Dividll by 10 Counter (PNI8uble) '25
sile _ segment dis· NE560 Ph_ Loclted Loop '.00
plays. • Full fu nc tion ce rn- 561 Ph_ Locked Loop ' .00
p1emant key~d features 562 Phese Locked Loop '.00
addition . subtraction. multi· 565 PhaloB LocIIecl Loop '.00
plication , division. ,Itemate 566 Function Ganarato rlTone Encoder 5.00
display. multipl iClltion by II 567 PLLlTone Decoder ' .00
constan t. clea r all, clear en t ry. an d deci m. po int se t. • Si"teen
digi l entry and si"teen digit results are possi ble with alNmlU! SAN YO CALCULATOR. MODEL ICC 804

display key. • Leading n t08l SUppr1l1ed . Chai n operation • All
int.ated circuill .,d odispl ~ _ iOCb1 ..-.nted an d replKe- This calCUlator with L.E.O. .....sout
a n d t .m.. . . . telf<Ontained
So ~iabIe .,d simple to bu ild. _ CWO malte this vu-... tM : If lor nickel cadmium battery _ ad\oer.
-..y . - you carlllOt suc:clled in 9!tting you r cae:ulator to tised in our M.cn at at $215.00 lif
function lII'operly after oompl~ing construe1ion. for a flat you 01 dared it 11 the hi.... lII'ioa
handling f.. o f $ 10.00. B and F will rltpCli, an d ship baclt your we will refund you the diffetanoa in
C81 e:ulator anywhere in the USA. Thi$ ~ies regardlea 0 1 the age merchandise on tllq....tl. 0 ... t o a
of the assembler. barr;n91lf oss negli ~ Or the u.. of K id cora spacial putdl _ . we ClIn no w offer
IOldar in construction. this $ 299.00 list calcu lator at onl y
$175.00, makin g it the outs tanding
ca lcu lator bu y in the USA . Comes
SANKEN HYBRID AUD IO AMPLIFIERS co mplete with charger/power sup.
AND SUPPLY KIT ply and casa. Has eight digi l dis-
play. with 16 digit capacity. Unit is
We have tnltde a fortu nate only l ~H thick . e.i ly slips in pock.
pu rcha. o f Sank.. Audio et, You C8n ch.9! it by phone to
Amplf ier Hybrid Modulon. W,th BankAtnlll icard or M. 1IIl"CNrge.
t.... you can buIld your own os..yo Calculator . . . $175.00
••ho I mp lifien at ... than the
price of diSCttlW: components. KEYBOARDS
J ust add a poww supply. and iI
chaSSIS 10 act as a ' -t sink. Th. . keyboaods . , BYailable, •
iIIustrl1ld. 20 key oalcu lator key.
~:ll li T I '
Brand . - units. in o rigina '
bo""s , guaranteed by B ..d F, ;,,L . , , -. I I t.rrr-
. oo.d, 40 key alptl..u .....ic. -.d
· " ' · U t ' ll i l
Sank en and t he Sanken U.S. · ' ·· ··11-' 1· · 12 key t ouch tOOll. All have "' 1)'
dinributor. Available in threa
si•• " 10 wett l RMS (20 watt l music po-rl. 25 waItS RMS 150
" ,•• a.'f~· 're!lf contllcts brought out to edge
conl"Mlo;l:or .
wens M.P.I and 50 watts RMS (1 00 watts M.P.) per channel.-20 a Touch T lItMl Keyboard • $ 9.50
pega manul.ct urers instruction book included . Sa<1kan amplifiers a Calcu.ator Keyboerd . $ 14.50
have prOYtld 10 SImple and reliable. t hat ttwy ara being uMd for CI Alphanumeric Keyboerd $29.00
indu stri,. applieations. such as _'<'0
ampli liers and wtde band
o 80 PAGE CATALOG - Fr.. *,th an y ord. or lind $0 .25
a.boratory amplif~.
CI 10 Wan RMS Amphher $ 4.75 ALL tTEMS (WH ER E WEIGHT IS NOT SPEC. FlED )
a 25 Watt RMS Amph"er $ 14.75
0 50 Wont RMS Amp Mier $22.50
CI Complete k,t for 100 watt u nl stareo ampllflar 1200 watt C HARGES W ELCOME '
music) includ ing two 50 watt Sanken hy brids. all paru. Pho ne on ehetV'" to 617 531 ·5774 Ot 6 11 532-2323.
instructions. and nice 1/16" lhiell b.ed< anodil ed I nd punched BankAmerica rd - M..tercharge. $1 0.00 minimum. No C.O.O:s
chIIssis . . • . •. • • • . . • . • . . . • . •. • . $88.00 plealoB.
CI Same for 50 wan r mS stereo amplil ier includes two 25 watt
Sankens. etc. $58.00 B.& F. ENTERPRISES
o Same 10. 20 w.n tInS stereo, inc s two 10 wan Sank en s. Pho ne (6 11) 532·2323
I1C. • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • . $30.00
P.O. 80" 44. Hllthorne . MassachuloBl1s 01937
© ClarkWardOrange
Mra . VOLT 5 I ZE 14 8 .1 u ur , OSClL LATOl' - 6s . 2 uur .
25 ,000 6 2,4 - 1/2 TR IM MER CAPAC itOR EffECT IVE VAR I AB LE
66,000 6 2- 9/ 16, 4- 3/ 4 CAPAC IT ANCE -b uu r . ~ .35
40,000 7 2,5
15, 000 10 2 , 4- 1/2 - -- -- - ---- - - - - - - - -----~- ----~ -- - - ----
15 , 500 10 2 '4-1/2 -<
74 ,000 10 3- 1/ 16, 5
15, 000 12 2 , 4- 1/2
11,500 18 2' 4- 1/2
2 ,300 33 2 , 4- 1/8
3,500 52 .8 2 , 4- 1/8 CB CA5E & CHASS IS
3 , 500 55 2,4 - 1/2
3 , 100 75 2 , 4- 1/2 CHASS IS. O R I G I NAL LY MADE f OR CB
2'4 -1/2
800 99 2 ' 4- 1/8 NEATER A~P [AR ANC[. S LOTT ED VENT-
750 165 2 , 4- 1/ 8 I LAT ION OP EN ING S ON [ ACH S IO ( ~ NO T
1 , 250 175 2,4 -1/2 SHOWN) . S I Z E 3 -3/4" H X 8- 3/ 4 ' 0 X
500 200 2 '4 -112 7"1,1 . PANEL O P'[NING 6- 1/ 4" x 3" .
2'4 -1/8
250 330 2 , 4- 1/8 BRACKE T.
IIt ITH BRACK E T $3 .25
P R I CE $ . 75 EA w' IT HDUT BRA CKE T $2 . 45
------------------ -------------------
CAPACITORS ---- ---------------------------------- COI LED CORD (MI CROPHONE) ~. .
,_ <0 0 '
S H I E LD ED . AwG S TRANDIN G 23( 21x36}
MrD VO L T o PR ICE O. O. 1/4" . EX T£. NDS fRO M 11- 1/ 2 TO
2 1000 4 1- 3/4" 1 $1. 25 6'. NEO PR(N E J ACK E T. ~ .95

. 25
4 2500
4- 1/4
2- 1/2
4-1 / 2
2 - 1/2
3- 3/4 3 .95
1- 3/16 2 .35 --------------------------------------
I 4000 5- 1/8 3-3/ 4 2-1/4 4 .7 5 UNETCHED PR I NTED CIRCU IT BOARD
.5 5000 4- 1/2 3-3/4 2- 1/4 2 .95 CO"" ~ R
-------------------------------------- . 0055 8,8- 1/ 2 1 S I DE $ .32 cx
PLA5TI C FILM CAPAC ITORS .006 8,8- 1/ 2 2 S ID E . 32 cx
GLXSSH' K< 11 ASG -503 -2M . .05 UF - 2000 . 007 10 , 14 2 S I DE . 80 cx
VOC . 3/ 4 a lA x 1 -3/4 . AX IA L STUD . 01 0 11 , 16 2 S ID E .88 cx
$ .35 .017 12, 17 2 SIO ~ . 99 CX
GUDCHX. GC -2 46R202K . . 002 UF - 7500 1/32 8 x10 1 SID ~ . 52 ex
VOC . 3/ 4 " D IA x 2". AX IA L L E A DS 1/8 8, 10 1 S I DE .95 ex
$ . 70 1/ 8 8, 10 2 S I DC $ 1 .10 ex
-------------------------------------- TUNING
Ty p c 0\01- 33
5 prT O 50 pro G E AR R ED UC T IO N ON
VFO c r c , $ .75
MAX IMUM . MOVE MEN T - 0 TO 4 .2 MA .
-------------------------------------- CI]lIIi1~
2 _ 1/8 O IA .
$ .95 EA
4 .1 LONG , RED TEST PROD ~IR[ . ~O RK ­ -------------------------------------.
P LUG ONE [ NO, Mu t L LE~ TEST CL I P OT HER 25/$ 1 . 00
c. -- 607-723 -3 111
F.0 .8. N.Y .
© ClarkWardOrange


$ 95
plus transp. chgs.

# 6069 - Solid state TV came ra just removed

from serv ice. RF & Video outputs. Checked for
operation but may need minor adjustments
&/or repairs. Complete with schematic vidicon
& Lens. Approx. 11 "L 5 1/2 W 3"H. . $99.95

#55 11 - Doge 70 series industr ia l TV cameras;

tube type with solid state vid eo amp, std . 1"
vidicon . Composite video output, Smc band-
width, 600 line resolution . Ideal for conversion
to slow scan. 7 5 /S"H 6 ' W 11 13/16 "L, net wt.
12 Ibs. Used, working co nd it ion. Complete with
vidicon , le ns & schematic $99.95

The above cameras supplied with 25mm fl .S "C mount le ns.

#1 9 ,S73 - Excellent, used 14 ' solid state

Norelco model ELSl14 video monitor. 7mc
response ; 13.S x 15 x 15.S, net wt. 37.4 Ibs.
117VAC power, so lid state except high voltage
rectifier & CRT . Work ing condition . .. $99.95

FLYE R 972#5M2 contain s more details on above units and includes additio nal color
monitors, VTR's , video switchers, etc . Write for free copy .
FLYE R 972#3M - Special flyer containing bargain prices on both new and used
television cameras, VT R's & associa te d equipment such as lenses, video tape, etc . Free
copy .
FLYER 972#4A - Our new Film List #2 contain ing over 300, not previously offered,
16mm sound films made for TV. Write for free copy.


L.- 203/875-5198 --l

© ClarkWardOrange
MOST CONVENIENT' OIOEI OE$K 1·100-32$-259$ trcu fl U )
ruu" _ou . r o l oz pd e u
q" 4 H l~
•• ...
J u t Ohz•• eo Ju.u. vo u .u t o rd u In . n c r
. uH i p l • • 01 JO p.z H •• t oz . Jl IC H ••• 0" ~ou r oz d. r.

ur Ol!AnlTT
S4.9 S Eo r h

_. .-
MJLTIru;s QI' JO ...., ~AnlTT IVul'lZS or lO
' U ZTU' . U / ,~ rru '>ru/ r." rrU rUzl 50-99 $4 . 15
Cauloq 10 0- 1 000 1 00- 1000- 10000
-!.L ..!!!... .2.l!- !!!..- 99 90 ~
CU d oq ,- ,." tn:>r r>rnt
l a O- 1 000 100- 1000 - 10000 10 0_'"
1000 _up
54 . 50
54. 25
---!!... ..!!L .2.l!- !!!..- !!!!.. ~
1 400
f Ull
1 .20
Lat". ~- 1-eeo;-ent LED r ••dout .1.n.r to
the po.ular MAN- l bu t v ith l .. proved b tl qht -
1 403
740 4
.n .n
.n ."
1414 5
14 H O
1. 63
1 .)]
1 . 55
1. 46
1. 38
1. 11
1. 29
1.2 0
ne.e . H• • l. f t-h.nd dec .... l point . Pit. 1ft
a ,H' IOck. t . E.peet.d Hr•• Ov.r 100 Yn .
14 05
f C06
f4 0f
.n ...
. n ·" .n ... ."
." ."
.n 14151
fU 5 1
1 415 4
1.2 0
1. 55
2 . 10
1. 0f
2 .16
2. 01
1 .19
1 . 20
Requl.rly S1 2 . 95 In .'ft91. l ot•• Th••• • r •
aAANO IIt:V v l th full data 'hee t .nd 4-pa qe
MULTIPLEX ING Appll e.tlon Not•• Need• • 7441
tor drl . . . . .nd ONE CUIlJl!:NT-LPtIT IlfG US IST-
14 08 ." ." ·" .n .n ." 14155 1.46 1. 3' loll l .ll 1.16 l.O, a ll; PEII; SEGKEN'T. We e . . . .u pp l y you v l t h one
14 09
." ." ." .n ."
.n .n .n ."
." 14156 1. 46 1. 19 I.ll 1.23 1.16 1. 0. Or ten th.......nd . _ STlX:
11 OVEaFLON d191t . t the
Al.a .vaUab l • •
pr 1e ••• ~ 1~_
1 411
.n .n
·." ·n .n
.n ." ...
.n ." . n ... ."
" ...
...... 14l5f
1 .19
1. 3'
1. 63
lo ll
1. 23
1. 15
1. 15
In'l of Requl.r • Ov.rf low d l 'llt .llowed •

• • e k• • of 8. 4 10 , lillli U", R· ...... 30 e
1. ae
.n ·" . n ·"
1416 14161 1.19 1.19 1.68 1.41 1. 31
1U1 . >0 .n ." 14li2 1 . 19 1 . 19 1 .68 1. 5. 1. 41 1.31 Inc.nd . a e ."t Type of 1-a . _ "t
d t-p lay. With tl'lht~hal>d O.eJ.aa 1
." .n ." .n .n ." 1UU 1.19 1 .19 1.61 1.$1 1 .41 1 . 31 po 'n t. Rated ..... per . _ n t . t
.n .n .n .n ."
.n .n ." .n . n
14U O 1 . 20 1 .11 1. 01 1. 01 .es .n TTL aupply o f 5V. Pea i'ln 11f. of
." ."·" .n .n .n ."
•>0 ... ...... 14 181
14 182
5 . 20
1. 98
I., •
4 . 90
4 .59
1. 01
4 . IS
1. 01
1 .65
3 .98
50 . 000 hour •• Weeda • 744J •• •
d rIve r. In DI' ' .ckl9•• ~h $3 .2 5

1 e38
." ."
.n ·n .n .n .."
.n .>0
141H 1.87 1 . 16 1. 65 1. 5e 1.4) MOLEX I C SOCIII:1' PINS. lIa. thea..

1440 .n 1U'8 2 . 81 2. 65 2 .50 2. 34 2 . 13 2 . 01 .eonomic. I p i lla l " a t • • d of .0 I de r - ~
1 441 1.13 1. 64 1. 55 1.4 6 1.31 1.27 1 41 99 2 . 81 2.65 2 . 50 2 . J4 2 .18 2 . 01 1"'1 yo ur I C' a to PC bo.rd •• sol d ~
1 442 1.21 1.21 1.14 1.01 1 . 01 In contlnuoua .t rlp' I n '~I t i pl.'
1U l 1.21 1.21 1.14 1.01 1.01 o f 100 pi". only.
100 to. Sl .OO, 200 for S1..O , 30 0 fo. $1 .6 0

... ...."
14U 1.21 1.21 1.14 1 .01 1 .01 1.>;501 2 . 99 2. 12 2.66 2. d 2 . ll 2 . 15 400 f o r $3 . 40, SO O fo. $4 .20, 600 f o r $5 . 00
1U 5 1.71 1.61 1.53 1. U 1 .35 1. 26 t'::S3 1 3 .U 1. sa l.ll 3 .14 2.91 2. 69 100 f o . $5 .'0, .00 f or $1 .60, 900 fo. $7 .4 0
1U 6 1.24 1.11 1.11 1.04 .n ;,;r5H 1.U 1. 58 J.ll 3 .14 2 .91 2.69 1000 f o r $1. 20. Each additlon. l 1 000 $7.50
1 U1 1.16 1 .10 1. 04 .n ::UJS 1. II 6." 6.45 6 . 01 5.59 5. 16
l U8
1. 44
1 .11
1 .29

1 . 14

1. 0 6

2 . 16
3.J 6
1.' 2
1 . 10
1. 04
2 . 94

2 .13
l. 56
2 . 52
Any o f the 8C STANOAIltl 1 0. val"" . he:- 2 .1 (1
." ."
.n ."
3 .57
3 .15
2. 94
2 . 7J
2 . 52
t o 22 ~m . ~ o r ~ W" TT . EAC" .. . .. ..'...... .. 5e

1460 .n .n ." n56S 3.n 3 .36 3 .15 2 . 94 2 . 13 2 .52

1 410
7472 ...·."" ....".n .". n .".".".n ."
. 00
...... .n .n
3 .51
." ...
3 .36
3 .15
2 •94
2 .94
2 .1)
... 2.52
2 . 52
7415 ."
." ." .n .n
...... ......
. 00
11 S1 11
1. 11
1 . 11
1. 56
.n ...
1. 46 1.35
." ."
.n .. " ." N5st 5 3 . CO 3 . 20 3 . 00 2 . 80 2. 60 2 .4 0

... ... ... ."

LOll VOLTAGE lll SCS, Type til{ •
7416 ...
I.U 1.55
." .n
1.29 1 . 20
1 . 87
1. 11
." .n."
. 00
.n .n

... ." .".n .".n. n ..nn .n.n

1 .46 1. 35
1. 0 ~ F . 3V•••• • •• 2se
0.1 uF. 10V •• • ••• 12e
o. n~ r . JV •• • •• • • 2se
2.2 ~ r . JV • ••• • • • 30 e
0 .2 ur . lOV, .. . .. 20e
O.Ohr . 16V • • •• •• Ioe

4 . 25

. 00
4 . 00

." .n

3. SO

...... ...
3 .25 3 .00 m
'" ...... ...
1 . 00
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1 . 21
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1 .12
1. 05

... 1•11 1. 0 5
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1495 1.18 1. 12

." ."... .u .n
11127 0 .u ." .n ." ." ."
." ." ...
." ." .n ."
" ." .."" ...
1n6 1.18 1 .12 1. 05 1:n5 1l•
." ."
... .".u
741 00 1.52 1. U 1. 36 1.21 1. 20 1.12 I IltU . 00 . 00

.u ." .n ."
.n ." .n .n
.." .·"
741 07 I NC0 02 . 00
1un n U1415 4
2S3"0 .n .n .n ."
.n ."
.n .n
All I C' , are ,~pp l ied i n 1-. 14-. 16-, o. 24-p in DI P (Duel- in- Li ne ) pl. .tic pa cka9• • exe.pt
fo r ~5 3 ~ . NE53 1. ~5 eO • • nd SE5 40 ~h ich c~. in TO-5 p. c ka9. '
w. 'llv. r REE d.t• •h ••t . u pon • • qu•• t • .a •• k f or tho• • d. t. , h• • t ' tha t you NEED. even f or
tho,. 11. t ed I C' . that you .r. not buyl n9 ' On o rae • • over 52 5 . 00 we'll a.nd you • nev 270-
pa'l. COI4PIZTE TTL I C da te book .au. Or . you Ny abUl" • n... 240-pa>;Je LIIIEAIt d.ta book
l ... teed. Otd. r . OY.r $50 .00 vUl reed_ both book• • o .den ove r $10 0 . 00 v Ul . _ 1_ •
eaapl.t. L II~ of DIGITAL I LI~ data I .ppl1e.tlon book. tota l1nq 1000 pa'l.' rau .
PLUSE 1IOTt:, DiU l>oojt. a • • ehi~ .epar. t. f~ your orda•• • 1. . . . .11_ two fo r _k,
d . U ve r y .
, . O. lOX 773
COlUM"A. Me). 65201
UNlvnSAl D ECADE COUNTING U NITS Ill\3$1el d1IIrge 'HONE 31+-443-36n
I. l!:uy to ....4 .11'q l. pi.... LED o • •n . . .tlt·type ".dout v 1th
v i de anq l. v1evi"9 .
' d". {J'. r Dec:.del ,
- --
._ .- •
TWX 910-7b(H4S3

2 . leD OUt pu u .vailabl. bde D,,1 t c:o""1I t1t\9 o f

3. Re.dout I..uC> hat ' 4'0. 1 e 47 . F11 aeent-type RKS . ""T!:D r IRKS Jl't:T 30 DAYS . Othe... CBt:CII:
e. Sel.Ctable 1I;1ppl. Bbnki 1'q 1 - " 9"I nt Ite.do<.> t • • • • n .oo r ltOflEy OllDE II; v l th o td. r. Add 3 5 C to o .d. r .
5. s et.etabl. Ped. .l Po i"t ,.ndu $5 .00 f or poa Uq• • heI>dUn\l . r or OPI
6 . Coun t. r Re•• t OptIon.. add 45e .nd fo .. AIR MAIL liM 6SC t o your
1. Pluq-!" Kod ul . Fo. LEll Re. dou t. i".t.ad or d.o _ pay the bal.n"• • Jf you . r • • • rued
t. Mo l •• Sock. t. fo • • 11 I C' • • Re.dout of . 11... nt -ty p• •dd $2.00 by liPS in yo= .r• • • v . at.on'lly r . e...-nd
9. Tin-n.ue! G- IO, 2-0' Coppe r. Gbes Epoxy Bou d '0' 141 5 Lat"h aO<l ••• $1 .25 th i • •• rv ic. with It. built-1n SlOO tn.u. -
10. Yout choic. o f 1 to 6 d.eao.. on on. p.e, bo.rd. r at 741 76 1n.t••0 o f ...c.. COil ord. , • •r . FOil 001 11 v1th 65C
11. Groupil'1<J of 2 o douU Oft the carO. fo r c u.te:- 7 490 &44 • • • • • • • • • • • • • $0.50 COD f ee eddi Uonal . Caned1 dden t . pl. . ..
~"9ne4 .ppe•• ant•• • or 7UU l""teed of add soc fo. I NSUllAHCll •
12. 5-Volt TTL eoepat&bl• • b ..~le .upply . 7490 . dd • • • • •• • •• • • •• $1.011
11. Fi• • t In . . . d •• o f unI_n.l pluq- in .adul •• to t.. In t roO ueed Fo . 74 191 I n. tead o f lUSSOUn REs I DEItTS • • 1. .. . add: . . 5&le. ,..• •
........ fo r f requeney <:ounUnq . U _ .... ut_n t • • •vent <:o.... l1nq. ,. 90 add • • • • • • • • • • • • • $0, 7
DV1'l . aaqn ltud. c<:aopa ,hon • •t e . r or r u lly . . ._ l ed end IIItIT!: OR CI RCLE IlEADEIl SEIlYIO!: CARD roll OUR
14. W.ll docune n t.d . pp l ie. t ion nOt. v ith .tep-by - . te p • • • emb l y and U ateo .... It add • •• • • • S2 . 5 CATALOG or P.Yl1'S • S ERVI CES . IT' S FII;t:I.
hool<- up t "atrue Uo ....

© ClarkWardOrange

We ha ve a love affair going And, no social director to tag

with a beautiful schooner in the tropical along .. . you make it on your own. Calypso,
Caribbean. And, we are looking for :lO ad· goornbay and Antigua rock set our tempo.
venturous guys and 30 congenial gals to 6 days and nights and your share from
share our decks for an experience under $175. See for yourself. We'll send you a
tropical sun kissed days and star spangled free adventure brochure that will blow your
nights. Exuma, Saba, Gorda Cay, Mar- mind. Write Cap'n Mike. P.O. Box 120,
tinique, Grenada are yours to discover. Miami Beach, Florida 33139.
Pink, w~i!y-black sand beach i>Wt,.-...
Cryst erear waters to <lj ~ __
":..;;;,.~ ~
-. ..
• Jo _

'. -
-. - " ~
~- - - ~
- ""--'" "-;- ... .".. c:' - I ; L'
__ . -
- r"
# '0"

...... .-£_
- ~

, - •
- -~
,,; ~J..

© ClarkWardOrange
• •
a um 1a 1S •
sur US--

a ar!
We specifically want and need - right now:
• Late model military communications equipment.
• Military and commercial lab grade test equipment.
Write or call today (213) 875·2970-(213) 764·9030
Just arr ived! This co llec to r 's item is now
available in new condition ! 1.5 t o 12 Me.
CW and AM. 50 watt CWo Ideal for a raft
of multi -purpose uses . Designed by TEKTRONIX
Collins Radio. Brand new! A Colu m b ia
special 57 5 .0 0 TEST EQUIPMENT
You have th e world 's largest selection of
This compact unit can be used with most Ham meters, signal gen erators and scopes to
Receivers after conversion. Complete with c o n- choose from! All popular models in stock
version info and schemati c. Good condition
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ $19.95 and available for immediate delivery . You
can save big money by telling us yo ur
RECEIVER 130-150MC needs. Writ e today! Rep eat : Write today!
R4748/TRC-47 single c h a n n e l AM c ry sta l con-
trolled 110V 6OCPS, pwr supply & speaker built NEW TUBES 8< SOCKETS
in. SQuelch, r -f gain, dual conversion modern 5CPl C .R .T. . . . . . . .. . • . . . .. . . . $ 4.95
design, Size 19"W x S"H x 14"0 for rack mtg. 5BP4 C .R .T•.... . . . ... .. . .. .•..• 4 .95
Supplied with schematic & hookup info . No 4 -1000A Eimac S K -5 0 0 Airflow Socket &
conversion required . Exl c o n d it i o n .•.• . $29 .95 S K ·506 c him ney 25.00
4X150A Tubes . . . .• . ...•... .. .. .. 12.50
XMTRS - TRANSCEIVERS - REC'Rs 4C X250B Tubes •.. • . . . . • • • . • . • . •. . 15.00
T47/ART-13 2 -18MC transmitter Less tubes- TELETYPE EQUIPMENT Tested OK
Good condition •• •• .• . . •... •. .. . .. $14 .95 M -15KSR Page Printer
T47/ART-13 with tubes Exl. Condition .. . 49.95 wI Keyboard & Table $ 199.50
RT-181ARC -1 transceiver 100-156Mc Ex!. Condi - M ·28KSR Page Printer 795 .00
tion .• .• • • • • . • • • .• •.. .. . . . . . . . . . .. 39.95 M -28ASR Teletypewriter 1750.00
ARC-3 transmitter 24 channel 100-156Mc Ex!.
Condition . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . • • • • • . . • 14.95 CV-89A/URA -8A RTTY Aud io Type Terminal
BC-348 200 500KC & 1.5 18MC Reconditioned Unit , Good condition , less cabinet 75 .00
24\( DC •. ' .' . . . . . . . . .• •..•. • •...• • 75 .00 COMMAND Receivers Transmitters
190-550KC a -5er Good Condition ..• • • • $14.95
R444/APR4Y AM & FM Excellent Condition
Or Like New • .••. ... •. .. .. . . ... .... 19.95
••. • • . . . . .. . . . . . . . . _ .•.•...• •• ..•.49 .95
6 -9MC 40 Meters Good Condition ••.•.•.. 12.95
R -l05/ARR -15 lo5 -18MC Coll ins R ecei ver . X M T RS
Good . .. .. .. . .. .. . . • . • ... .• .. .. . $49 .95 2 . 1 3MC T 18/ARC-5 New . •• .. • . . . . • • . . . 4.95
RBB 600-4000KC Recond . 115/1 /60 100.00 4 ·5.3MC T -2 0/A RC-5 E x l. Condition . . . .. . • 3 .95
RBC 4 -27MC Reconditioned 115/1 /60 100.00 4 -5 .3MC BC--475 New . .. . . . . . . . .. ... • .• • 5 .95
A RC _3 Receiver 100-156MC 24 Channel E xl. MD -7/ARC-5 Plate Modulator For Above Xmtrs
Condition ... •. . . . ... . ... . . ... ..... 14.95 Exl. Condition 4.95

Columbia Electronic Salea.lnc. •

P.O. Box 9266. 7360 Atoll Ave .• North Hollywood CA 91609 Tel (2131 875-2970 8< 764-9030

JUNE 1972 © ClarkWardOrange 153

CA LCU LATO R CIII P - 4 0 DIP "Calcula tor on a ch ip" th e m an ufac turer w ill no t le t us adver ti se
the num be r of this item bu t we provide fu ll d ata and in stru c tio ns for build ing a 12 digit ca lculato r
. . . ....... . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. ..... . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . ... .. .. ... . . . . ... S14 .95 ea.

EPOXY TRANSISTORS 709 ope ra tional amp lif'i · r .. _ ·W

Po pu lar nu mbers, all facro ry -marked wi t h 2 N·type 7 1U voltage co mpa rato r 75
numbers. Gua ra n teed mi nimu m of 40 p ieces o f L~13 0 9 J..: 5 V-I A powe r su pply modu le 2 .50
TO-5 and T O·1 8 mixed . Un tested , but sampl ing
indi ca tes ove r 85% good .
eoprox imately l -oun ce-40+ tran si stors
unit inclu des bo ard . S N749 0, i: /
S N7 4 75 Quad la tc h , S N744 7 . ~
for only $1.89
7 -segme nt driver and RCA 4 ""\ ~ ~-:;;;'7"'
" nu rni t ro n " di splay tube .... ,"' ,11i . '
Ten brand new (on car riers) dual -in -line JK flip - WIdecimal. 1" x 4 .5 " modu le .....' r~'ilI""
fl ops-L U3 21 w ith data sheet and two pages o f w ill mou n t o n 1" ce nters.
appli ca t io n notes d escr ib ing hooku ps for - d ivid e k it S I O.Y 5 wire d and tcvted S1J
by three thro ugh ten , a nd twelve. Also self LAST MINUTE ADDITIONS
co rre ct ing ring co un ter hoo kups, etc . NE565 Phase lock loo p. TO-5 $4 .25 ea.
10 LU321 W/d 't' S4.00
TTL dual-in-line NE566 Fu nctio n Ge nera tor, DI P (8 p in) $4.25 ea
7400,7 40 1, 7402, 7404 , 7405 , 74 10, NE567 Tone decoder , DIP (8 pinl. $4 .25 ea .
74 20, 74 30, 7440, 7447 7 segme nt decoder drive r $ 1.60
745 0,7451 ,7453" , ea .S. . 25 7418 1 A rit hmet ic Logic Un it, 24 pi n, DIP $6.50
744 1 BC D de coder drive r , . 1. 15 826 1 fas t ca rry for above $2.00
7442 BCD deco de r 1.1 5 8223256 bit b ipolar fi eld programmable.
7473 d ual JK f li p-flop 65 r ead -ont v memo ry $ 10 .00
74 74 d ua l type D FF , 50 85708 bi t 5 1, PO, shift register $2.50
7475 C111 ad latl.: h 1. 1.5
7476 d ua l J K ' ·T 65 LED Red Emitti ng Lam p 60
7480 p led full adde r 80
74RJ 4 b it fu ll adde r 1.60
All IC's are new a nd fully teste d - leads ar e pla t ed
74 ~6 quad e xclusive or ga te 65
7489 64 btl RAM _ 4 .00 with gold or solder . Orders for $5 or more will be
7490 decade co un te r 1.15 shipped prepaid. Add 3511 handling a nd postage for
749 1 H bit shift register 1.15 small er orders. Californ ia residents add sal es tax . Ie
74 9 2 divide by 12 co un te r 1.15 orders ar e shi p ped w ithin two workdays of receipt
74 93 4 bit b inar y co unte r 1. 15 of order - kit s a re shipped with in te n days of
receipt of o rder. Mone y back guarantee on all
74 15 4 o ne o f 16 deco der 3.00 good!i so ld .
74192 up/ down decade co un te r 2 .25
7419 3 up/do wn bina ry co un te r 2 .00
74 195 unv.4 bi t S R 1.1 5
82 20 parity gcn / checke r 1.00
8200 4 bit magnitude co mpara tor 1.60
828 0 preset de cad e co un te r 1. 15
828 1 p rese t hi nar y coun ter 1.1 5
8520 25 MC divide by " N"
2.0 15 , " , . 2.00
7495 4 bit SHIFT REGISTER .. , 1.1 5
85 908 bit shift register _ 2.0 0
82 70 '" bit shift register 2 .0 0
Ten (1 0) Tele dy ne TO-S 74 1 o pera tion al a mp li fie rs
wi th a two -page shee t o f a ppli ca tio n notes cove ring
the basic circ u its u sing o p-a m ps S.6 5 each
Op-a mp pack age 1O-74 1's. data sh ee t a nd a pplica-
tion note s only 56 .00
LI N EAR IC's (dual-in -line)
L~ 1 1 OP posit ive volta ge reg 80 P,O , Box J
H7 du al 7-t l npa m p DIP 1.1 0 CARMICHAEL, CA 95608
l.~ lJ lL~ voltage follo wer u p -a mp : 1.25
(916) 966-2111
© ClarkWardOrange •

100-1 56 MHz
R-28 RE CE IVEA with tubes and c rystal,
T ·23 TRANSMITTER w ith tubes and
crystals. Brand New in Original Carton ..
c o m p le t e wit h FIXED DEPENDABLE
......................... . S23.SO 15 tubes. less o r MOBILE
MO -7 MODULATOR with tubes, Excel- dynamo tor and use TWQWAY
lent Used 5 10.50 access o r ies, In
Set of Plugs f or MD·7 $8.50
o rigi na l fact ory
car to n $16.95 MORE THAN 15 MILES!
"F B" f or Satellite Trac k ing!
H igh precision lab instrument, for moni· B!tlUiil
tOrlng and measurmg f req uency and re la-

" I"
tive signal str eng t h , 3B to 4000 M e. In 5
lUning ranges . For 110 v 60 cy cl e A C.
Buil t ·i n power supply . Original circuit • •
d iagra m included . Checked o ut, Pe rfect .

LIK E N EW $88.50
All t u ning u ni t s availab le for above . Pr ice
upo n request.


Converted for 3 5- 50 Mhl. 10 preset Superb q ualltv co mpone nts and circ u il rv . Ideal for the techniC"
pushbutton channel s or manual t unIng. experimenter . Manv fabulous exper.ments. for example : you c.,
Complete wi t h 10 tubes. c he cked o u t. co nst r u c t a Vagi antenna l or the 420 Mc band t ha i WIll produce a
like new S39.50 gain of 10 db and vet fo l on vcv r opera ting desk !
AC Power Supply . New $ 14.95 FR E QUENCY RA NG E : Abou t 43 5 to 500 Mc .
DM·34 12V Powe r Supply, New . $ 4 .45 TR ANS MITTER h as 4 tu bes : w E· 31 6A . 2-6F 6. 7 F7
DM·J6 24V Po we r Supptv, Ex c . Used .. REC E IVE R h as 11 tu bes : 2-955. 4 ·7H7, 2·7 E6. 3-7 F 7
... ....•.•.......•.•.•....• $ 2 .25 RE C EI V E: R I.F . : 40 Me .
T ech n ica l Manual ...•.......•• $2.50 SIZE : 10 W ' x 13 %0" x 4 %0" . S hpg Wt 25 lbs.
Set of 10 tubes for BC-603 Receiver ...
..._ $5.95 ACCESSORI ES FOR BC-645
MOUNTIN G for BC ·645 Traoscelve. . $ 1.50
IC-604 FM TRANSMmER 20 to Zl .9 Me. PE·10 1C DYNAMOTOR . 12 - 24 vous,
Output approo: 30 walt,. 10 cryltal controlled • leasily co nverted 10 6 volts) 7.95
cno_I,. Campl.f. wit+. tubel.
NEW• ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• $12.50
.uc..allA M _ .. 0.5 lK.lv. 190 • SSO lOl l.
... 'I

MOUN TING 101 PE· t0 1C Dynamo tor
UHF ANTENNA ASSEMBLIE S (set o f 2) , per set
CO NT RO L BOX 6C646 _... .
2 .95
MO UNTIN G for BC-646 Control 60x __ .......•.. 1.00
S'O. 1600 1011. lK.lv.,. .It+. tuni ne graph •••••• • • $15.95
1-4/AJ:1·2 beel..... 23(.258 Mhz, 11 tut-, NEW •• • ••••••• $1.95 r SPECIAL "PACKAGE" OFFER: I
':-605 INTERPHONE AMPUFIER, NEW $3 SEXC.USED•• • • 51.95 BC-64k Tra nsce iver, Dynamo to r and
TElfPHONE HANDSET, W.E. type L1 KE NEW 52.95 'III accesso ries above. COMP LETE .
SCR-522 TRANSMITTER...R,E:EIVER, with IB rubet. LI KE NEWj32 .50 BRAND N EW, Wh ile S toc ks Last $26.95
SCP·625 MINE D ETECTOR locates a ny meta l
buried eoc rox 2 -ft in ground o r water . E:asv to
operate. Ou r Special Pr ice , less batteries S44.SO


A ll New in O rigi nal Carto n
7BP7 . . 3 .25
3FP7 ' . . .98 ea. 3JP7· . . 1 .7 5 ea. 5MP 1 .. 2 .75
T~A CODE IClYEi. ..If_toinotd. automatic, JeP 1 · .•.9Bea. 3AP 1· .. 1.9 5 ea . SCP 7A . 4.25
•.,.ed..... code pl"OCt iC4l , iU""'lII fro", P"f*' lOpe. ' Sold in Lots of 3 only
S to 12 WPM " ilt-in ~•• hnd.-. .ith teet!
_ _ r. !'Ok...., rHI ond AC li _ cord ... . $24.50 E£..8 SIGNAL CORPS FIELD PHONES
Cod. t ice few abo" '.U.'. Checked out, perfect worki ng o rder . C c m nle te
IC-1206-C RECEIVER Aircraft Beacon Re· wit h batteries. Excel len t Us ed S16.95
c.iv., 200 to -400 xe, Operat•• from 204V DC I.SA. HEADSET Low impeda nu. With large chamoil eor cushions. ~
Continuous tuning, vol contral, on""Off Iwltch and ..-ft
cord a nd plug. R.g . 512.50. Our Spec ial Priu $2.95
pnon.fock. V~ .....itlve. Conpoct . L." eor cush ions•••• • ••••• • • • • • • • • 51.95
Cpmpl.t• • it+> tubes, NEW •••••• •••• ••• $12.50 High impedonc. odoptor for above .. . 5 . 69

DUAL AMPUFIER ' - two Input eire""" eadl

t..d1"V 0 ,I"VI. ~SN7GT .....In triode OII'fIlin••
Compl... with l1SV 60 q. pow. ~Iy
../ng 6X$GT ...ctm••
NEW $5.95
Rugged, heovy-dllly corbon hondmik• • Ith pr_.
to-talk rwiteh. Equ ipped willi ....ft cord &. phone
plug. SPfCIAL
NEW, boxed... . • • • loch $1.1' 2 lot 53. 25
APN-l FM TRANSCEIVER -400-450 Me:. Fr.q.

. ....
moduloted by moving coli tran.lvc:er. Eo.lIy con-
!lBS.. '..;, . .
. ......-
verted for rodio control or 70 C'nS. Compl.'. wIlli
l .. tubel, dyn. ,
BlAND ~W $9.95 TER MS : F .O .B . NYC. 25% dep o sit wi th order, b et-
ance COD or re m ittance in f u ll. MIN IM UM O R DE R
L~IFREQ U E NCY METER $ 5 .00. Subject to p rior sale a nd p rice c h ange.
Fm~- '~8e"l p urp ose Navy q ni' 125
0";' 0 H . Oper res o n 1 2 or 24
I7 . om~fete wi''li t u bes, e'Ymal-,
ea bre t ton oa k . Checked o ~ ~ GIG RADIO ELECTRONICS COMPANY
eeet. Us e
As agave. less b ook. . . . . . .
, 47 Wo~n St. l2nd fl lNew Yort.:, N.Y. 10007 Ph. 212·267·4605
© ClarkWardOrange

Computer boards st u ffed w it h goodies

wit h eac h a nd every board also incl ud -
ing marked IC's. T y pical samp le
shown ... so me have mo re, some have
3 boards $ 1.00 or .. . 20 boards $5.00

GE Y407 5 25 V M i n ia t u re
$3 ea . 10/$ 2 5
GE Y1 9 3 8 2 4 V S tan d ard
$ 3 ea . 10/ $ 2 5
R A Y CK 1905 S ta n dard
$3 ea. 10/ $ 2 5
MAN -3 1.7V M iniature
$3 . 5 0 ea 101$ 30
$3 ea. 10/ $ 2 5

© ClarkWardOrange
Semiconductor Supermart


At a price • D igital readout SL4030
1,-, can everyone
$3.40 • BCD to 7 - Segment
Decoder /drive r
t ,-, • Operates from VDC
- • Same as TTL and DTL 5 .7490 Decade Counter $3.95
• • • Willlast hou rs
.7475 Latch
Only $8.40
with 12 pages of
co nst ruct io n da ta
Actual Size
The MiNitron readout is a rmmature direct L M 370 AGC /SQue lch am p $ 4.85
viewed incandescent filament display in a 16-pin L M37 3 AM / FM/SSB stri p $4.85
DIP with a sealed front lens. Size a nd appearance L M 309K 5V . 1 A regulator. 3 -lead TO -3 case .
is similar to LED readouts. The big difference is Easy to use . Recommended f or all TTL circu its
the price. .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. . ... . $3 .50


MC 1550 Motoro la R F amp S1.80 T EXA S I NST RU M EN TS
CA3020 RCA Y, W aud io $3.0 7 TILIC'S
CA3020A RCA 1 aud io $3.92 7447 Decoder /driver for t he digital readout or
CA3028 A RCA RF amp $1 .77 other 7-segment displays $2.25
CA 3001 RCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $6.66 7400 gates $.35
MC 1306P Motorola Y, W aud io $ 1. 10 7441 NI X IE driver $ 1.95
MC 1350P High gain R F amp/I F amp .. $1. 15 7490 decade counter $1 .40
MC 1357P FM I F amp Quadratu re det . $2.25 7475 QU1ld latch $1.40
MC 1496 Hard to fin d Bal. Mod $3.2 5 7495 shift Reg $2.00
MF C9020 Motorola 2 -Wat t audio $2.50 7493 divide bv 16 $ 1.9 0
M FC 40 10 M ulti-purpose w ide band am p $1 .25 74121 monostabte $1.8 0
MFC80 40 Low n o ise pre amp $ 1.50 7473 dual fHp -I lop $ .85
MC 1303P D ual Stereo preamp $2.7 5
FM mu lti pl exer stereo demod $ 4.9 5 M OTO RO L A DIGITAL
MC I304P
M C724 Quad z-Inpur RTL Gate $ 1.00
FETs MC788P Oua l Buffer RTL $ 1.0 0
MPF102 JFET $ .60 MC789P Hex Invert er RT L $ 1.0 0
M PF 10 5/2N5459 JFET $ .96 MC790P Dua l J-K Flip-flop $2.0 0
M PF 107/ 2N 5486 JF ET V H F/ U H F $1.26 MC799P Dua l Buffer RTL $ 1.0 0
.MPF 12 1 Low-co st dual gate VH F R F .. $ .85 MC 101 3P 8 5 MH z Flip-I lop M ECL $3.25
M FE300 7 Due t-cere $ 1.9 8 MC 1027P 120 MH z Ffip-tlop MEC L $ 4.50
406 73 $ 1.7 5 MC 10 23 M EC L Clock driver $2.50
3N 140 Du al-gate $1 .95 MC4024 Dual VCD $3.0 0
3N 14 1 D uat-gate $ 1.8 5 MC4044 FreQ. Phase Det $ 3.0 0
M PS657 1 $.60
GREAT FOR SSB RCVRS AND XMTRS 2N 706 packet of 4 $ 1.0 0
SL 6 10 to w no ise 150 M Hz RF good A Ge 2N2218 packet 01 2 $ 1.0 0
...... .. . ... . . ............ $ 5.65
lN400 1 packet 01 6 $1.0 0
SL6 12 to w distort ion I F goo d A GC $5.6 5
1N4002 pac ket 01 6 $ 1.0 0
SL62 1 AGC gener at or for SSB rev r s 5 8 .30 1N4004 pack et of 6 5 1.0 0
SL620 A GC gen . SL630 Audio $ 8.30
SL630 mu ltipu rpose audio amp . _ $5.3 5
Plea se add 35lt for shipping
SL 640 top performing balanced m i x er $ 10.88
SL 641 to w noi se rcvr m ixer


Circuit Speciolists
Box 3047. Scottsdal e. AZ 85257
NE56 1B Phase L o ck Loop $9.50
NE 56 5B Phase L ock Lo op $9.5 0 Mo torola HEP - Circuit-Stick - Ptessey
NE 56 6 V VCO (F u nct io n Generato r) $9.50 A ll devices are first quality and are
N E567V T one Decoder (PL L) $9.50 f ully guaran teed.

© ClarkWardOrange
PLATE TRAN $FORME R . 1750-0 ·1750 v ol ts.
@2 3 0 rn a . w i t h cap ac it o r-i n p u t filter , 3 2 5 rna .
w ith c h o k e- in p u t filter . Seco nda ry insu lat ion
for 7500 vo lts . P rimary 110, 11 5 ,1 20 volts
60 cycles. C hicagoS tand ard o r eq uiva le nt.
Size 7 1 trame . 9 " x 9 " x B W ' h ig h . S h ippi ng
w t . 74 pounds. Moto r freight or REA . $20 .0 0
ea ch 3 for $50 .00 ~

All checked and
in good working
TS -642/U x -b e oc test . 1 15 v , 60 Hz . Brand
new $150 .00
FREED 101O·A C om parison Bridge $40 .00
Rubico n 340 1H & 3402H L igh t -b e am G a l v a n o -
mete rs ea c h $50 .0 0
H o n e y w ell 3 12 1 Light -beam G a lv a n o m e t e r $6 0.
Belr d .Atomtc 240 Amplifier A nalyzer . ( not VARIABLE CAPACITORS
c h ec k ed , appears lik e new I $40 .0 0
T S ·35A x -b en c radar Test Set . 115 v , 60 Hz
· _ $35 .00
Bruel & Kjaer 1506 Compa r iso n Bridge $75 .00
D el t a Desig n M K 9400 " D e l t a Gua rd " C o ntro l
· $25 .0 0
Philbrick R -300 regu latea pow er supply !;;30 .00
Rutherf ord B -2A P u lse G e n e ra t o r . . . . $70 .00
Chadwick ·Helmuth 102 " S lip -$ y n c" Frequency 170 pf . rrte x., 1000 v dc. sp ac i n g. 1 3 / 4 " sq. x 2
Modif ier __ . _ _ _ $50 .00 5/8" lo n g. 60t ea ch , 2 f or $ 1 .00
Krohn-Hite UF ·10 1A Low -Disto r t io n Po w e r
Amp l ifier. 2 0 -20K H z $90.00
A . A .C . H -l0 K ·b and test set , 23 .5 -24 .5 G Hz
· $50.00
oigitec Z D-2 10 A Digita l Voltmeter . 0 - 1, 10,
100,1000 v o l ts DC $95 .00
ALDEN Helix r ecorder m odel 3 19 A . 18" wide
c h ar t. Wit h servo-mot or d ri ve . Can b e used
f or fa csimi le. 1 50 pou nds $95. 0 0 a -sec non. 20 p f . per section, w it h ve rnier drive
TS ·268 -C Crysta l Test Set. For mic rowave shaft ; 1/ 8 " d . i n n er shaft , Y." d . o u t e r sh aft . 1
diodes $7 .50 1/8" h . x 1% " w . x 3 3 / 8 " I. ove ral l. GOti each
HICKOK 288 -X FM -AM Signal Gen . $75 .UO 2for $ 1 .00
H ·P 526 ·C Pha se angle plug ·in for 524 c o u n t e r s.
...... . $ 100.00
Northeastern Engi neeri ng 14 - 2 2 C 100- 2 20
M c p lug -i n for H -P 524 c ounter $80. 0 0
H ·P 40 0 -C AC VTVM $30. 0 0
Ballantine 300 AC VTVM $30.0 0


DRAKE SPR4 Receiver w ith Hem-bend ,
Time -& ·F req . CB Xtat k its, calibrator. In z -secttcn. B .C . recei ver type, 1 section 100 c t .. 1
absolutely like new c o n d i t i o n . . . ,. $4 2 5 .00 sect io n 1 5 0 p f. , p lus tr i mm e r capacitors on ea ch
D RA KE CPS- l Power Sup p ly fo r VH F c o nve rt - sec t io n. 1 3 /8 " h . x 2%" w. x 2 % " I. overall. 60ti
ers. New $ 15.0 0 eac h 2for$ 1 .00
OLSON " 6 " Sf x .rn et e r Transcei ver $55 .0 0 z -secncns, Hammarlu nd HFD , 38 pf . per sec tio n .
UTICA 650 ·A S tx -m e t er Transceiver w i t h VFO 100 0 vdc spacing . l W ' h . x 1" w . x 3 5 / 8" I.
· _ $75 .00 o v er a l l ,., , . •.. .. . .. $1 .00

All orders must i nclude sh i{'ping charges, excep t m otor f reigh t or REA shipments usually go freigh t
collec t. Minimum mercimndise order $2. 00.
Send for our catalog full of Surplus Electronic Parts & Equipment, and Test Equipment.
We are distributors for: Hy-Gain, xt ostev . CushCraft . Premier Cha ssis, LMB. A ir-dux.
Key st one , Colu m b ia Wire. xt tdtand , Regenc y , Stotorota, HEP . & others .

4252 Pearl Rd. Cleveland, Ohio 44109 216-749-4237

© ClarkWardOrange

o MINI-7 - $3 •• •
F1 o u ......c ..n t Ili lle.G r .... n 1st
o Socket - SOc Time
o SLlM·7 -
$3 . • •
•'l"llr.. ..nt Ul ue -Gr .... n
Socket -
.·PIN -
$3 . • •
3.99 11. x W.
SUM ·7

Ch ara c:t.. rs F il a.m .. nt

9 -PIN
I nc and .. .. nt Red
s~ 8u, An, 1 .75 ,,1 .7 '" 1.360" . 5 7 0'" 1.5Y AC /DC 42 mils
MINI -7"
o Sockel - SOc 2 tor 5UM·7" 1.6 ,,0.375 '" . 4 0 " .20'" 1.51;' AC /DC 42 mils
$4 _00 9_PIN" 1.375 " 0.5 '"
n NIXIE - $3 .•• NIXIIE 4 .125" 2 .0'"
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2 .5
5 .01;' AC /DC
1701;' AC /DC
23 mils
Bllrrolll/;hs 1l·7 9 71 0 · 9 . A _Z
o Socket - SOc
Type GIAN!sc~p~~NY~!!,LE,C ~1~R.~RA~y~ NEW n~~~p~~R ie s~~p~c '-'OR.: ~
7 0 2 HiCh o. in. DC amp TO·5 .79
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7 0 9 C OperaU_al Amps- .. . •59
7 1 0C Dinere .. lial Amp,,· . . . . 59
'or $ . 8 0
'or 1 .20
.6 0
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7 4 1 C F.... q . Comp o 709· . . ..
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Circuit Function"
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o A 5N7400N • •IUI op
5N7401N c o ll.., l o< . 0 .29 TRIACS 200 o .5 9
Quad 2 In p u l NOR gal e •• , , , , . . . • .
SN7402N 0 .29 30 0 o .79 ,9 5
He" inv erter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 .29 • Dimmers .00 D .9 9 0 1.IS
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5N7405N 0 .29 Motor Control ' 00 D 1.35 0 1.55
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SN7410N 0.29
Ou.. 1 4 Inpul NAND gUe . . . . . . . . . .
5N7420N 0.29 DECADE 7-S EG ME NT
8 Input NAND Kate . . . . . . . . .
Duel 4 In p u t NAND buner . . . . . . . . .
0 .29
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SYSTEMS • 7447 • 7490
BCD-lo·7· cment d ecoder /dr iv er . . . 1 .95 Ao, • 7475 • 7441
0 BCD·to-7
SN7447N gm_1 d e coder /driver . . . 1.95 S,stem 3 TOR • Sockal • 7475
0 BCD.lo.7 . selil:ment d ecoder I d r i ve r . . .
5N7448N 1.95 S18_ • Mlnl -7. or • Socket
0 J .K MUler slav e flip flop . . . . . . . . .
5N7472N 0 .49 6.S0 • 511 ... , 7 • Nixie
0 Dual J·K Muter steve flip flop . . . . .
5N7473N 0 .62
0- ~N7474N DUill 0 trl{l:Ks d flip flop . . . . . . . . . 0 .45 1'1t \ - :-' \ u : o 400 1.50
o 6·AMP
B .00
SN7475N Quad LatCh 1 .25 so 5 .88 1.75
n SN7476N 5N7473N, .ith preset & clear . . . . . 0 .62 F'ULL WAVE 0
o '00 .9 9
n 5N7481N 16 Bit " r e i c h p ad MEMORY . . . . . . . 1.50 BRIDGES D 200 1.25 D 1000 2 .25
n 5N7483N 4 Bit binary TUlL ADDER . ' .55
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l J 5N7491N 8 Bit ift r elli ster Or "'Or. 1 .25
o $N7492N Dlvida b, 12 c ounl.r . . .. 25,. ' 1 .25 LOCK
D 5N7493N 4 Bil blnar)' countar cf/~"""1 1 .25
o 5N7494N 4 BIt shift reKlder 1.25 LOOPS
o SN7495N 4 Bit rll/;ht shift leU "hlft reliC . 1 .25
0 5N7496N 5 Bil shlfl reliClstar 1 .25 EPOXY SILICON HIGH '/DLT lAMP
8 5N74121 On. " h o 'l multiv lbr r
"ON74123 Du al r etrl. l ,s /f'nultiv• •llh d e ar
1 .00
2 .50 RECTIFIERS ·micro ini PIV SAL£

PIV 2......... 2 ...... p :I ..
Bs,os ~ S .0
' 0 65 3000 1.35
100 .0 6
.0 .
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~ .0 7
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5000 2.25
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8 .. 8
1fI Buy 3 - Take 10 er. 600 '. 1 2 . 12 .2 .
SPECIAL aoo .1 5 . 15 .39 8000 3 .50
By S ilt ne ti cII NE15 4 0, 3 0 1000 I. 8 ioooc
.45 3.95
t r a nsillt o r" . c111 1111 . A ll of
10 for $1 a ud io . 0 .2 5 % d l"to r tiun . ALLEN BRADLEY'S 'TRANSISTOR' POTS
D On i , 5 0 t o 20K Hz di lltort ion .
0 1 AMP 2 2 V auppl y. Wi th di ag r a m " , Ohm" Tn....._ Sc r" w'l r'~'e r adj u st. Any
1000 PlY $2.95 i n st ruc ti o ns.
0 10 0 § 5 0 G 0 2 .5 K 0 2 0 k § 10 0 K 500k 2 for §
1 .0K 05.0k 0 2 5 K
2 .0K OI0K 0 5 0 K
1 M el/;.
2 M eg . $1
Bu)' Any 3 o 14-Pln, dual In line $ .45 'r;», G . 1 /2" <I i ;, . "-
Take 10~. o 16-Pln, dual In line .• 50 'MICRO-POTS' 1 / '2 " hill;h ..\ I" lln( >; I II "
Dlscountl o
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TO-5. 8 or 10 pin" .. .29 t" oI,·. w ith ~ h a ft, li ' '''" r.
2 for $1 , m ", .. r " i "n ' r>r o ur 1' ; Il;I ,
T erms: add postag e , cod '" 2 15 %. R ated: net 3 0 Ohm" fr ..,•.
Pilone Ord,..rs : W ak e field , Ma ss. (6 17 ) 24 15· 3 " 2 9 otOO o I .OK D 10K 0 lOOK
Aetail: 211 Alb ion S t. , W a kefield , M ...." .
. C.O.D.'S MAY BE PHO~EU IX 8 .00 8
2 SO 2 .5 K
5 .0K g...SOK
8 2 50 K

....e '1 D 15¢ CATALOG on fi ber Op tics. ' ICs', Semi's, Parts SILICON TUBE

R: POLY PAKS 8::: ::::: :S__.J....._""!"'""_.,;;";;;;,,.........._

c , OC
t :t D In'ra .Red "Invl.lble"
P .O . BOX _ o 2A, LYNNFIELD,MASS . 01.40 7 .95 AIE:D "Visible"

© ClarkWardOrange
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Store ClarkWardOrange
ClarkWardOrange ““ Click
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Ple a se eithe r tear o u t this lis t of adver tise rs a nd se n d it
in to 73 wi t h as man y b o x e s checked o ff as y o u w o u ld
li k e t o Sl'e bro chure s, data s hee ts o r catalogs .. . or
e lse ma k e a copy a n d se nd that in. Includ e y o ur z i p j. II. N,",:'011
cod e , p tease ,
Good (OP'·II). Fair (0), Poor (0)
r Adirondack 10 0 [1 Jensen 128
II Am. Who. EI.
I I Astatic 60
11 8 . 121 , 126 o Juge 110
o Kass 34
June 1972
11 A T V · 34 o Ki rk 4 0, 4 1 SU N MON l U ES WEO THUll fil l SA '
I .. A vcom 100 o K -W I ndust ries Cover II
I I Babylon 154 o Lee Elect. 138 1 2
o B & F 14B D M E lect . 120
fJ Sr igar 149 o Meshna 156 [IJ5 6[1]8910
r J B & W 120 o M ic roCo m m 1 21
o Ca ll bao k 102 o M in i-Prod . 20 11 12 lUI 14 15 16 17
o Camp Bu t ler 11 9 o Newt ron ics 73, 74
Circuit Specia lists 157
Clegg Div .• ISC 35, 37
o Nu Sigma Alpha 128
o Pagel 107
18 19 (2~)@~ lDJ ~
o Co lumbia 153 o Palm er, R.E. 126 ~ 26 2 7 28 29 30
[J Com mand Prod. 126 D Palo m ar 66
o Co m mu n. Spec. 1 20 o Pavne " 95
u Compu ter Meas. 47 o Pearce Si mpso n 126 EASTERN UNITED STATES TO:
o Po ly Paks 159
o Cornell 34
o CushCraft 77 o Regency 146 ALASKA

. . " , , ,
, ,
" .. . .
o Dames 143 o Reliabi lity 146 AA G(~T l~A

AUSTAALIA ....• .• "• , , , , . .

. . •• ... •
~ ~ ~
o Data E ngi neer i ng 53, 11 9 o Robot 25
o Den son 1 50 D Ross & Wh it e 29
E ~GLA~O .... ..• •" t , ,
, , t ., ,, ,, I ..
o Drake 22, 42
o DX'er Magazi ne 11 8
a Rp · 11 8
o Savo y 103 _..
OlAw ",n
I~D 1A .. . " ~ ~
,, ,," ,,
~ ~ ., ., ., ." . ..
o Eastron 118
o El ectron ic Dist. 121
a Schober 106
o Sentry Cover III
MUilCO ... .. ." ,
, ", ,"
., .." ... .

o Epsi lo n 11 9 a Slep 8 1
"llUPf' I~U'

P'UEATO AICO .. ," ,, ~ ~

, , ,"
,, .,
, . . .
.... .." .. ... ." ...
" , ,
rj Solid Sta te 151 SOUTH Af A.C'" ~ ~
D Er ick so n 96
D ES Enter pri ses 131
o Fair 144
[) Sona r 92
o Sta nda rd Cover I V
U. S. S. A.
WEST COAST .." . " , , ,
" . .. . ..
o F rank 128 a T empus 34 "' LASk'" I~I~I. 1'" T l' TA \~I~I.

O F reck 106 °a TP L 63 A A GE~TI"'A I. I. I. 7,0, 1 7 7A '. I. ,~ 'H I. "

° GBC 87 Valpey 59
o Va nguard 57



7A 7
,4 14
7 '~


21 I
D G & G 155 E~GLA~D ,414?A1' 7 1 1 A 1 4 14 1 414
o o Va n DL T 126
G lass 121
OlAWAIl 14 14 I~ 14 1 7 , 7 ,~ 14 14 I.

Good heart 107
G regory 14 7
°a Vibroplex
V HF 34
I ~ OI A ,.

ME1UCO 1<l1~7 7 '7 7777A'<lI~
o Hal 131 o Windjammer 1 52 "lIUPf'INES 14 1~14 7J 7B 7B7 7 7 7a,~

o H am tronics 8 4 a Wo lf 144 PuERTO RICO I. ,~ I~ 7 7 7 7 I~ ,4 I. I. I~

o H eights 70 o Wo r ld QS L 126 SOUTH "'FRICA 7B 7 7 7 76 78 14 14 I~ 14 7B 7B
U.5 .S. A. 7A 7 7 7 7 1 7 7 I~ ,~ I. 7"
o H enry 49
o H & L 128 73Stuff
o I mpression Signs 1 26 73 Subs 98, 99
o Jan 143
o Janel 128
Radio Bookshop 104 , 105, AIIGENTI ...'" , 4 ,0, ,. ..,
o Jef f -T ro nics 1 58
73T our 122
SSTV Book 132
2 1' ~

1. 'A
1 .717T

77714 14 ... I~


*Rea der service in quiries not solicited. Correspon d

E ~ G LA~ D 14 14 7" 7 7 7 7 7" 14
14 1<1

OlAWAIl I ~A 21 21 1<1 14 14 7 7 1. I~ ,~

directly to company. INDIA I~ 14 14 1" 7B 7ll TR 7B I. 14 1<1

M ail to Read ers' Service






" , , , ,
14 14
'<l 7




. .



Name _
,, ,, t
7B 14
7A 14
Call U,S.S. R. 7A 7 7A

" , , , ,
7 7 7 7A '~

EAST COAST 14 14 14 "

Address _
7 ,0,
" "
A z N ext h igher frequen cy may be useful also.
B = Difficult circ u it thi.. period.
Zi p _

160 © ClarkWardOrange 73 MAGAZ I NE

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EVER If you haven't
already received
a c o p y of our NEW
USED 1972 Cat a lo g of Prec is ion
Quartz Cry..als & E lectron ics

A for the Commun ications Industry .


REPEATER, Somewhere along the line, in V I'·

tually every ham repeater in the
world, you 'll find a co up le of Sentry
Repeater owners and FM "o ld -
ti me rs" don't take ch ances wi th
frequen cy -they ca n't aff ord to. A
lot of rep eat e r users d e pend on a
rece iver to be on frequ ency, rock
stable... in the dead of winter or the
middle of July. The repeater crowd
took a t ip from the com mercial
" pros" a lon g t ime ago-and went
the Sentry Route.
That's one of the reasons you ca n
d epend on your local repeater to be
there (precisely there) when y o u' re
ready to use it. FM 'ers use the
SENTRY repeater o utput as a frequ ency stan-
dard . And for acc uracy. cry st als by
Sent ry a re THE sta ndard .

"Ask the Hams and Pros

Who Build Repeaters!"

Crystal Park, Chickasha, Oklahoma 73018
PHONE: (4051 224-6180

© ClarkWardOrange

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Our EBay
EBay Store
Store ClarkWardOrange
ClarkWardOrange ““ Click
Click Here
Here ""

on ace
to anyone
ese? •

W6AM doesn't have to, since he began than just Astropoinl. All silicon semi-
using our professional quality VHF- conductors with solid state circuitry.
FM 2 meter transceiver with exclusive Ten watts of R.F. output power com-
Astropoint, The precise and powerful bined with low power consumption.
Astropoint system actually blocks out MOSFET R.F. Amplifiers and mixers.
all interference. So when one of the And the list of features goes on.
nation's number one hams is having a Which is why Don Wallace hasn't been
2-way conversation he won't have un- listening to anyone else lately. Not that
wanted interference. he's choosy about who he listens to.
Astropoint is featured on all standard Just whose equipment he listens on.
transceivers including For complete specifica-
the rugged, 12 channel tions and the name of
SR-C826M . your nearest dealer,
It's not only a compact write:
mobile but even fully
portable with the addi-
tion of a battery pack. STANDARD
And there's a lot more CORP.
that appeals to Don 639 North Marine Ave .,
W ilm ington , Calif. 90744
about the SR-C826M (213) 775-6284

© ClarkWardOrange

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