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Student Assignment Brief

This document is intended for Coventry University Group students for their own use in
completing their assessed work for this module. It must not be passed to third parties or
posted on any website. If you require this document in an alternative format, please contact
your Module Leader.

• Assignment Information
• Assignment Task
• Marking and Feedback
• Assessed Module Learning Outcomes
• Assignment Support and Academic Integrity
• Assessment Marking Criteria

The work you submit for this assignment must be your own independent work, or in the case of a
group assignment your own groups’ work. More information is available in the ‘Assignment Task’
section of this assignment brief.

Assignment Information
Module Name: Marketing, Digital and Social Media

Module Code: 4007MKT

Assignment Title: Composite Assessment

Assignment Due: 28/03/2024 at 18:00 UK time

Assignment Credit: 15 credits

Word Count (or equivalent): 1500 words +/- 10%, plus artefact

Assignment Type:

Percentage Grade (Applied Core Assessment). You will be provided with an overall grade between
0% and 100%. You have one opportunity to pass the assignment at or above 40%.

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Assignment Task
This composite assignment consists of two distinct components: a marketing communications artefact
and a supporting written report. You are required to create a marketing communications artefact and
provide a report, justifying your design decisions in alignment with marketing theories.

Assignment format requirements:

1. Marketing Communications Artefact:

- You must create a marketing communications artefact, which could be a digital graphic, a video
(e.g., a YouTube or TikTok video), or any other digital format appropriate for social media marketing.

- All submissions must be in a digital format. For submission, include a link to the artefact in your
report (if available online) or embed the artefact within your report.

2. Supporting Written Report:

- The report should provide a rationale for your design choices, explaining their alignment with
marketing theories and principles.

- Discuss the intended impact of your artefact on the target audience, using relevant marketing

Assignment guidance:

Definition of Artefact in Marketing: An artefact in marketing refers to any promotional tool used to
communicate a message to a target audience. Examples include adverts in various media, direct
marketing, or promotions.

First Step - Select a current marketing communications example from any organisational context
(B2B, B2C, B2B2C), non-profit, charity, or even government that you think could be improved. You
may choose from the following contexts:

- A specific product (e.g., a new product launch or product-based seasonal campaign)

- A brand (e.g., focusing on brand name, reputation, image, positioning)

- A service (e.g., insurance, childcare, cleaning)

- A charity or NGO (e.g., Barnardo’s, Oxfam)

- A cause (e.g., environmental campaigning, health)

- Behaviour change (e.g., lifestyle)

Second Step - Design your artefact and explain why and how you have designed your artefact,
provide a rationale for the decisions made in its production.

Your written report should include:

1. Context:

Investigate the current situation using appropriate theories, concepts, and models to identify key
factors from both the internal and external marketing environments relevant to your chosen marketing
communications example.

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2. Explanation of STP:

Explain the concept and methods of segmentation, targeting, and positioning as they relate to your
chosen marketing communications example, noting any deficiencies, limitations, and areas for

3. Application of Marketing Mix:

Describe your chosen media or promotional channel, with a rationale for your choice. This rationale
should connect appropriately to the target audience and demonstrate an understanding and
application of relevant aspects of the marketing mix.

4. Artefact Execution and Rationale:

Your artefact — the tangible outcome of your analysis — should clearly communicate your central
communication idea. You should include an explanation and rationale for your artefact.

The artefact must be suitable for placement in any media, direct marketing, or promotion, for example,
a YouTube, Vlog, a webpage, an online advert, a digital poster, a promotional email, TikTok video, or
Insta story. It can be created in Microsoft Office programmes, or designed using other available
software, e.g., Canva.

Word Count:

The word count for the report is 1500-word report, plus the artefact.

There will be a penalty of a deduction of 10% of the mark (after internal moderation) for work
exceeding the word limit by 10% or more.

The word limit includes quotations and citations but excludes the references list.

Submission Instructions:
- For submission, include a link to the artefact in your report (if available online) or embed the artefact
within your report. If the link is not accessible and the artefact cannot be viewed, a zero mark will be
awarded for the artefact.

- Ensure that your report clearly identifies the link or location of your digital artefact.

- For other digital formats, embed the images or include screenshots in your report.

- In ONE file, submit your written report, including the artefact, to the 4007MKT Aula page.

Development of Skills and Attributes:

Graduate Attribute: Communicate Effectively

This assessment allows you to gain experience in ensuring your communications are as effective as
they can be. You will reach an understanding of how to manage communications according to how,
what, and when you want to communicate and the characteristics of the different audiences you want
to address.

Graduate Attribute: Think Creatively

This assessment allows you to develop your skills and experience at thinking creatively. This includes
thinking dynamically to find creative and innovative ideas to improvement on existing ones and
creating solutions to the ever-changing challenges of the marketing environment.

Graduate Attribute: Act with Integrity

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This assessment allows you to demonstrate your ability to work with integrity, taking pride in your
work and achievements and showing awareness of how to act in a professional environment.

Marking and Feedback

How will my assignment be marked?
Your assignment will be marked by the module team.

How will I receive my grades and feedback?

Provisional marks will be released once internally moderated.

Feedback will be provided by the module team alongside grades release.

Your provisional marks and feedback should be available within 3 weeks (15 working days).

What will I be marked against?

Details of the marking criteria for this task can be found at the bottom of this assignment brief.

Assessed Module Learning Outcomes

The Learning Outcomes for this module align to the marking criteria which can be found at the end of
this brief. Ensure you understand the marking criteria to ensure successful achievement of the
assessment task. The following module learning outcomes are assessed in this task:
3. Explain the concepts and methods of market segmentation, targeting and positioning
4. Identify and apply the marketing mix and extended marketing mix, including the use of digital
marketing tools and social media platforms

Assignment Support and Academic Integrity

If you have any questions about this assignment please see the Student Guidance on Coursework for
more information.

Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar:

You are expected to use effective, accurate, and appropriate language within this assessment task.

Academic Integrity:
The work you submit must be your own, or in the case of groupwork, that of your group. All sources of
information need to be acknowledged and attributed; therefore, you must provide references for all
sources of information and acknowledge any tools used in the production of your work, including
Artificial Intelligence (AI). We use detection software and make routine checks for evidence of
academic misconduct.

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Definitions of academic misconduct, including plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and collusion can be
found on the Student Portal. All cases of suspected academic misconduct are referred for
investigation, the outcomes of which can have profound consequences to your studies. For more
information on academic integrity please visit the Academic and Research Integrity section of the
Student Portal.

Support for Students with Disabilities or Additional Needs:

If you have a disability, long-term health condition, specific learning difference, mental health
diagnosis or symptoms and have discussed your support needs with health and wellbeing you may be
able to access support that will help with your studies.

If you feel you may benefit from additional support, but have not disclosed a disability to the
University, or have disclosed but are yet to discuss your support needs it is important to let us know
so we can provide the right support for your circumstances. Visit the Student Portal to find out more.

Unable to Submit on Time?

The University wants you to do your best. However, we know that sometimes events happen which
mean that you cannot submit your assessment by the deadline or sit a scheduled exam. If you think
this might be the case, guidance on understanding what counts as an extenuating circumstance, and
how to apply is available on the Student Portal.

Administration of Assessment
Module Leader Name: Sophie Yang / Shannen Gibbons

Module Leader Email: /

Assignment Category: Composite

Attempt Type: Standard

Component Code: CW

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Assessment Marking Criteria

Context: Explanation of STP Application of Marketing Mix: Artefact Execution and

Industry background, theory, Analysis & evaluation Rationale
concepts & models Weighting: 30%
Weighting: 30% Weighting: 25%
Weighting: 15%
80 to 100% Exceptional wide-ranging research Exceptional explanation of the Exceptional evidence identified to The artefact shows exceptional
in depth and breadth provides example of marketing demonstrate the suitability and execution and rationale, clearly
numerous detailed insights into the communications of your chosen viability of the decisions taken to communicating the central idea. It
sector context and the conditions of organisation. The segmentation of enhance the communications of the features an original, innovative
the internal and external marketing the overall market and the chosen organisation and mitigate idea based on highly appropriate
environment. composition and characteristics of the deficiencies identified. The media choices. There is a strong,
target audiences are carefully thoughtful, meticulous clear match to the communication
accounted for, and the positioning communication choices regarding needs of the target audience,
strategy of the chosen organisation purpose, format, message content, aligning perfectly with previously
is fully appreciated. Thorough media usage show correct identified improvement areas.
appraisal of the communications appreciation of and connections to
taking into account format, message the target audience and accurate
content, media usage, target understanding and application of
audience and considerations of relevant aspects of the marketing
message purpose and desired mix.
position. A thoughtful, insightful
assessment of relative strengths
and weaknesses is demonstrated
clearly indicating deficiencies,
limitations and key areas for
70 to 79% Excellent broad research provides Excellent explanation of the Excellent evidence identified to The artefact exhibits excellent
a comprehensive overview of the example of marketing demonstrate the suitability and execution and rationale, effectively
sector context and the conditioning communications of your chosen viability of the decisions taken to conveying the central idea. It
factors of the internal and external organisation. There is a high level of improve the communications of the demonstrates some originality,
marketing environment. knowledge of market segmentation chosen organisation and mitigate differentiating from typical sector
demonstrated in keeping with a the deficiencies identified. The communications, and is based on
thorough appreciation of how the communication choices regarding appropriate media choices. A clear
chosen organisation is positioned to purpose, format, message content, match to the target audience's
its target audiences. A detailed media usage show an assured needs is evident, in line with
appraisal of the communications understanding of and connections identified improvement areas.
taking into account format, message to the target audience and accurate
content, media usage, target understanding and application of
audience and considerations of

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message purpose and desired relevant aspects of the marketing
position. A comprehensive mix.
assessment of strengths and
weaknesses is demonstrated clearly
indicating deficiencies, limitations
and main areas for improvement.
60 to 69% Very good research provides an Very good explanation of the Very good evidence identified to The artefact has very good
appropriate overview of the sector example of marketing demonstrate the suitability and execution and rationale, clearly
context and most of the communications of your chosen viability of the decisions taken to expressing the central idea. The
conditioning factors of the internal organisation. There is a suitable improve the communications of the design idea is appropriate,
and external marketing knowledge of market segmentation chosen organisation and suitable generally avoiding typical sector
environment are recognised. demonstrated and a generally linkage to any deficiencies communications, and is centred on
accurate identification of target identified. The communication suitable media choices. It matches
audiences and the desired position choices regarding purpose, format, the target audience's needs and
of the chosen organisation. An message content, media usage relates to previously identified
appropriate appraisal of the show a fair understanding of and improvement areas.
communications taking into account connections to the target audience
format, message content, media with few discrepancies and an
usage, target audience and acceptable understanding and
considerations of message purpose application of relevant aspects of
and desired position. A fair the marketing mix.
assessment of strengths and
weaknesses is demonstrated
indicating some deficiencies,
limitations and some areas for
50 to 59% Good research provides a Good explanation of the example of Good evidence identified to The artefact shows good execution
reasonable overview of the sector marketing communications of your demonstrate the suitability and and rationale, attempting to
context with some relevant chosen organisation. There is some viability of the decisions taken to communicate the central idea. The
understanding of the influence of knowledge of market segmentation improve the communications of the design idea is reasonable, with
conditioning factors from the processes employed across the chosen organisation and some some similarities to sector norms,
internal and external marketing sector and a generally satisfactory linkage to any deficiencies and is based on potentially
environment. identification of target audiences previously identified. The relevant media choices. It
and how the chosen organisation communication choices regarding somewhat matches the target
has developed its positioning purpose, format, message content, audience's needs and shows a link
strategy. A reasonable appraisal of media usage show an acceptable to previously identified
the communications taking into understanding of and connections improvement areas.
account format, message content, to the target audience with some
media usage, target audience and discrepancies and a broadly
considerations of message purpose satisfactory understanding and
and desired position. A broadly application of relevant aspects of
satisfactory assessment of strengths the marketing mix.
and weaknesses is demonstrated

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indicating some deficiencies,
limitations and some areas for
40 to 49% Outcomes met with adequate Outcomes met with an adequate Outcomes met with adequate Outcomes met. The artefact
research providing a sufficient explanation of the example of evidence identified to demonstrate provides adequate execution and
overview of the sector context marketing communications of your the suitability and viability of the rationale, with an attempt to
though partial in its appreciation of chosen organisation. There is decisions taken to improve the convey the central idea. The
the full extent and influence of adequate knowledge of market communications of the chosen design shows considerable
conditioning factors from the segmentation processes employed organisation and some linkage to similarity to sector norms, lacking
internal and external marketing across the sector though with room any deficiencies previously originality. There's a partial match
environment. for a more detailed assessment of identified. The communication to the target audience's needs, and
target audiences and how the choices regarding purpose, format, the artefact weakly links to
chosen organisation has developed message content, media usage previously identified improvement
its positioning strategy. A show an acceptable understanding areas.
reasonable though partial appraisal of and connections to the target
of the communications taking into audience with some discrepancies
account format, message content, and a partial understanding and
media usage, target audience and application of relevant aspects of
considerations of message purpose the marketing mix.
and desired position. A satisfactory
though partial and uneven
assessment of strengths and
weaknesses is demonstrated
indicating some deficiencies,
limitations and some key areas for
Fail Outcomes not met with limited Outcomes not met with a limited Outcomes not met. Limited Outcomes not met. The artefact
30 to 35% research of the sector context and explanation of the example of evidence identified to demonstrate has limited execution and
limited appreciation of the full marketing communications of your the suitability and viability of the rationale, with minimal effort in
extent and influence of conditioning chosen organisation. There is decisions taken to improve the communicating the central idea.
factors from the internal and limited knowledge of market communications of the chosen The design is significantly similar
external marketing environment. segmentation processes employed organisation and limited linkage to to sector norms, showing little
across the sector with limited any deficiencies previously originality. There is a disjointed
assessment of target audiences and identified. The communication match to the target audience's
how the chosen organisation has choices regarding purpose, format, needs and minimal link to
developed its positioning strategy. A message content, media usage improvement areas.
limited appraisal of the show a limited understanding of and
communications taking into account connections to the target audience
format, message content, media with key discrepancies and a limited
usage, target audience and understanding and application of
considerations of message purpose relevant aspects of the marketing
and desired position. A limited mix.
assessment of strengths and

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weaknesses is demonstrated
indicating key deficiencies and
limitations with many areas for
Fail Outcomes not met with no/minimal Outcomes not met with no/minimal Outcomes not met. No/minimal Outcomes not met. The artefact
0 to 29% research of the sector context and explanation of the example of evidence identified to demonstrate shows minimal or no execution and
no/minimal appreciation of the full marketing communications of your the suitability and viability of the rationale, failing to communicate
extent and influence of conditioning chosen organisation. There is decisions taken to improve the the central idea. The design is
factors from the internal and no/minimum knowledge of market communications of the chosen unoriginal, closely mimicking
external marketing environment. segmentation processes employed organisation and no/minimal linkage sector norms. There is minimal or
across the sector with no/minimal to any deficiencies previously no match to the target audience's
assessment of target audiences and identified. The communication needs and no significant link to
how the chosen organisation has choices regarding purpose, format, improvement areas.
developed its positioning strategy. message content, media usage
No / minimal appraisal of the show no/minimal understanding of
communications taking into account and connections to the target
format, message content, media audience with critical discrepancies
usage, target audience and and no/minimal understanding and
considerations of message purpose application of relevant aspects of
and desired / minimal the marketing mix.
assessment of strengths and
weaknesses is demonstrated
indicating critical deficiencies and
limitations with significant areas for

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