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April 1961


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"220".. .
for big

GONSET gam •••
220 megacycles .. . long regarded as a band of promise noise figure of 3 to 5-exceptional for equipment of
' " where big antenna gain comes easy. A quarter-wave this genera l type . Receiver is continuously tunable but
antenna is only a foot long and good ground planes- also includes provisions for spot frequency reception
includin g the top of a car-are ea sy to come by. Simple on one crystal controlled frequency. (AC-O requirement .l
beams and even complex arrays of hi gh gain are con-
veniently small in size- easy to put together and get Power input to 6360 final amplifier is 20 watts, ampli-
up into the air. Here's a band where antenna expert- tude modulated by p.p 6805's. Transm itter is crystal
mentation can run rampant. Multi·element yagi 's .. . controlled, has 6 crystal positions. Dual power supp ly
stacked colinears .•• sleeve types •. . bed springs . .• is built-in, operated from 12V OC/lIIV AC , is equally
log-periodic types .. helicals. The band has OX possibil- well suited to fixed station or mobile operation.
ities too. Remember KH6UK to W6NlZ?
CoO Models, Model 3351 is certified to OCOM as meet-
In Gonset Communicator rv·220 you have ready-to- ing applicable specifications, qualifies for matching
operate " packaged" equipment that offers power to funds when furnished with Model 3361 CoO Kit.
really go places on this fine band. On the intake side
- an exce llent triple conversion receiver having sen-
sitivity of 1 microvolt for 10 db S+N /N ratio. And a
Communicator IY-220 . ... #3351 . . . _$394
(l ess microphone, crystals.)

G0 N5 ET Diuision
10 1 $OUTH
a' Young Spring & Wire Corporation
.. ... I N I T . • • U ...... N K . c a. L I FO " N l a.


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Exci ter-T ra nsm itter

NEW FEATURES IN THE 200V Amateur net. •.. $ 7 9 5

NEW! Sillcon rectifier power supply. Better regulation. Less heat.

Htgher voltage. 200 walls PEP input on SSB.
NEW! Frame grtd (6EH7-6EJ7) mixers. Extremely high gainLess
heat. Unwanted mixer products down in excess or 50 DB.
NEW! Temperature compensated crystal oscillator circuits for ex-
tr-eme, long term stability.
NEW! Increased mike pre-amplifier gain. Compensates for weak
voices or low output microphones .
NEW! Smooth as silk two speed tuning knob with 5 KC per turn
vernier tuning ratio.

COMPLETELY BROAD-BANDED. You tune only th e VFO . Inher-

ently matches output impedances of 50-72 ohms.
PLUS COMPLETE BAND COVERAGE. ALL 01 the 80-40-20-15-10 meter
THESE bands, plus generous overlap and position for extra band .
ORIGINAL INPUT 175 watts on CWo FSK and PM. 100 watts on AM.
FEATURES "TAILORED" audio liIter-Audio limiter .
HARMONICS down in excess 01 50 DB.
THERE IS Third order DISTORTION PRODUCTS down in excess 01
CW-FSK at the lllp 01 a switch. Perlected VOX, PTT, CW breakln
-4 ways to key.

Available soon - write for literature.

© ClarkWardOrange

AM-CW CD Al\A~'IE~1:r out-
50 MC-54 MC 144 MC-148 MC \uce JOor e c kl du\ation
to prol _1 hig\lC r tl\(h'er pres-
w ith Auto mot ic; Modu lation Cont rol a nd Clippe r -Filt er putanUthan .any OI mercta ' jj .
Circu it ry copob le of prod ucing mo re usable " fo lk p owe r" power " an ab le coro f "[rans·
thcm many kil ow att ri g s. sent\)' a . teur \'11
built arna
(3.5 Me -30 Me and 220 Me adopter s ava ila b le soon) ,Hitter

~te some of the many features found only in

this outstanding new VHF Transmitter:
•High Level Plate and Screen Modu- • Two Unit Construction with Remote
lation Modulator and Power Supply Con.
• Highly Efficient Type 7034 Final serves Space at Operating Position
Amplifier • Attractive Styling
• Self-Contained Stable VFO Amateur Net Price: Only $559_ Com-
• Built-In Automatic Modulation Con- pletely wired and tested with all tubes,
trol Modulator, Power Supply, VFO, cahles,
• Simple Band Switching and Tune-Up etc.

~6M.Matching VHF RECEIVER!

RT. 53, MT. TABOR, N. J . • OAkwood 7-6600

© ClarkWardOrange
73 Magazine April 1961
Vol. 1, No.7
1379 East 15th Street
Brooklyn 30, N. Y. Table of Contents
Six Meter Nuvistor Conv erter Russ ell Summerville K8BYN . 9
Two 6C \ V4 's i n c ascode g- Ive Il fea r ru ~ l y low nuiee figur e.
Power Meter Tom Lamb K8ERV . 12
An oth er valu nb!e piece of t u . t gear (o r t he h am " h a c k .
Surqe Protection in Revers e Roy E. Pafenberg . 13
P rot ec t. y o u r aifico n d iode pu we r :su p p! y f ro m descr-u etion by s h o r-ti n g-.
Let's Modulate, Not Crepitate Richard G enaille K4ZGM . 14
Gettinjt good modulation o ut of a H e is in K Modu lato r .
A New Noise Limiter . . . . . . . .. . J im Kyle K5JKXj6 . 16
G et ou t the solde r i n g ir o n , th is o n e' ll /:0 i n your recei ver.
Calibration . Conway W ilson W4WQT . 18
W hy we h a ve n't srct it , ho w muc h we need it . li n d h o w t o ~et it.

Big Cannon J ack Holloway W6VVZ .. , 20

O K , here's a 2 0M K W amplifier, n ow stop bothcrtne u s fo r that.
Tennessee Indians Gray Berry K2SJN . 25
The public relation" s id e o f t aming t hose I n d ia n s .
Half Wave Feedlines Bill Rob eds W9HOV . 27
O ne r eso na nt feedlfne fo r s evern! ban ds ? YUl),
Automation Jim Kyle K5JKXj6 . . . . , ., .. .. 28
You d id n't t h in k we' d P IISS up A p r il wit h out une I ent u r e, did you'f
Audio Boosting the Command Receivers Art Korn K8HDR . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Turns out to be red icu loualv s fm p le . . . once y uu kn ow how.
Pick Up the Droop Howard Pyle W70E . 31
You r beam b een IIa Kg}' late!}' ?
40 Watt Transistor Modulator . Monroe McDonald KL7DLC . . ... 32
G r eat fo r mobi le rigs.
Testing the Heath Twoer " . . Don Smith W3UZN . 34
Y ou will n o dou b t be ft abbe rg u st ed t u Iind t h at Do n lik e,," t h e T w oe r.
R-F Noise Suppression Bill Ashby K2TKN . 38
T ech n le a l t reat ise on how to exorcise t h e noise- demons. from your ca r .
432 me Transistorized Conveder . . ' J. Specialliy W3HIX . 40
Part II ( a h e m) . the sch e m e t tc diag r am.
Take Your Pick Staff .. . . 42
Big tec h nica I art icle : I F aelec t ivi t y n n d th e devious means u sed tu Knin it.
Propagation Charts for April Dave Brown K21GY . 54
W h at t.i rne, whe-n , to w he re on w ha t ba nds pr-ob a bly ,
Writinq for 73 Staff . 56
H ow to gt>t rich beyond y our wildest d r-eams .

Misc.: Staff:
T.-: b le of C ontents , ,... 3 ed itor-publisher Wa yn e Gre en W 2NSD
Editorie] , " .. , , ,. 4- publlce tions mO ""g er , , .. Da vid Fish
New Use f or e C rvstel Socket , . . ". , ,. 24- essoclete edi to r . , ,, Don Smit h W 3UZ N
Ohmmete r Poleritv Check , ,.... . 27 eesociete e ditor , " ,. " " J im Kyle K5JKXjb
esscclete ed it or ,., Morvin lipto n VE3 DQX
Toroid Tip , , ', 33
essoc ie te ed it or C harles Spitz W 4A PI
Be nde l lin n K8lAP Certocn ., .. ,.. 50
sa les re presentetive , J im Morrissetf W A6EXU
Three Dee W orld and U.S. Mop s ,.. 51 sa les representoti ..e J a ck G utzeit W2 LZX
letters , , ". .. 51 ph otoqrepher J oe Schimme l W2Q DM
Cl ub Subscription Rete s , ". '. . 52 sub scrip ti o ns . . ,., , .. , Mrs . Virgi nia G re en
.AF MARS Te chnical Broed cests " . . , .. ,.. .. 59 tr en spor teti oo ,., , , . Porsch e
O t her H a m Publicati o ns ... 63 printing . ... . Ye O ld e O ' brie ne Presse

COVER: W 2M UM's towe r 05 p hctoqrepbed by J oe Schim me l W2Q OM .

13 ~Ialuinl!' II IlnMll hPd mOnl hly by " m Rt ll'Ur Ra di o Publl sh ln lr. In.... 116 Ma i n ~1 ..eer . :"on. .lk . Conn~tl rul. B Ul ln l!'U Om Ml , l!T9 Eut
15 1h ~l rt"i"I , B rook l)' n 30. :-;fYo' York . 'rele pbon e : :S."- 9·01110. ~u b lcrlptloa rat" : 1' .::;. .-\ . Inti poesesaton s , "1'0. FPO. C.nad. anti ),Iuteo;
one year 13 .00; 1\\ 0 yean $5 .00; thrf'l!' ,.&lIn $1.00 . F orll'll[n : ,,,'.. fur $ ~ . OO ; 1\\" yea r l IT.1l1l S",-ond -.-l... pol taae . t ~<7r'Walk .
Connecticut . Pr intl!'lt In IhI- L'" .S. A . Enti re cent ems ..t1llyrlaht 1961 by Am a te ur R adi O I' uh ll l h i na . I nc. Post m asl er : P l eal8 send f orm
3519 to 13 ),r ,.,gaz l nc . 1379 East 15t h Su-ee t , B rook lyn 30 , xew YUI"k .

A PRIL 1961 3
© ClarkWardOrange
• • • de W2NSD
(never say die)
The more observant readers will d iscover ham journals. T'hi a mean s that we 're depend-
that we ha ve thrown bud getary ca ution to t he ing quite a lot on your to tell others a bout 73.
winds t h is mon t h and have bou nd in a post - If every reader men tioned i3 to every contact
card. T he reasons beh ind t his are man yfold on t he a ir for a few weeks , eve ry ham in t he
and would poss ibl y be t oo numerou s to men- count ry would at lea st hear abou t the maga-

tion were it not t h at I have little else t o com- zm e.
ment on. Grumbl es
Besid es goadi ng more of you to vote on t he
articles you find most interesting, the card also Someone w rote in com pla in ing because he
will enable the more indu strious to request found some sma ll errors in the magazine. H e
literature from our advertisers j ust by writ- wanted to know why we didn't hire a better
ing in their name and addresses. H a ving a l- pr oof reader. The three examples he u sed to
ready experienced t he drawbacks of merely p rove that 73 is a " ma ss" of error s consi sted
incl ud ing a rea de r 's service cou pon in a maga- of two words with tran sposed letters a nd our
zine a nd being awar e th a t the adverti ser s " Subscr ip ti on Dep art ment" ad wh ich h e
know how easy i t is to ci rc le a f ew extr a nu m- t hought was mispelled.
be r s on i ncom ing cou pons to make t he re sponse \Ve w ill h a ve to h ire ou r first proof reader
look good , we plu nged ahead with a more foo l- before we ca n attempt to hire a better one.
proof syst em. V ir gini a and t he authors do the best t hey can
Let me put in just a short cong-ratulatory to correct the sometimes incredible mish-ma sh
st a tement . You fellows have been doing a fi ne t ha t comes back from the printer. I look 'em
job and are holding up your en d qu ite well as over too. W ha t in the devi l is it that bothers
readers. Th e a dvertisers, who a r e paying fo r some fol ks so mu ch about a n occasion al word
t hi s ma ga zine, a re e nthu siastic abou t your re- g-etting- bol ixed up . .. it isn't as t hough t hi s
s pon se and I not e t h a t ma ny of t hem, after g-ave t hem even a slig-ht diffi cul t y in figurin g
trying you out fo r a mon th or so, h ave decided out what is being writte n. The next t h ing' you
to sign f or a f ull year of advertising. Don 't know we'll be getti ng r equest s for correct
let down. g r a m m a r usage. Good grief!
Building \Vhile t hese odd chaps are going over t he
magazine with a fine tooth comb looking for
' Ve are ~ttinK more and more letters from e rrors we are trying desperately just to make
read ers who claim that 73 has pu shed t hem su r e that we get all of each article in each
over the brink and started them to home brew- issu e. I t is awf ully easy to lea ve out a parts
ing . Operating is fun, but it is onl y half of li st , a coil table, 0 1' a photogra ph durin g the
the hobby. ' Ve ha ve a long w a y t o go ye t . W e'll la st hect ic hou r s of ha ssle when we are t rying
keep a t it w it h everyth ing we can muster t o to g et eve rything set fo r the pr esses. Just
develope t h is atrophied a ctivity. Those of you how easy I fo u nd out la st mo nth when we
who h a ve been around the hobby for a few managed to leave out the whole schematic
years can remember when the loca l di stribu- diagram for the 432 mc converter. H ow many
tor had a big parts department with tables of of you fru strated proof-readers noticed that
specials. You may even remember when pa rts one? H a ! W ell, it's in this issue anyway,
manufacturers adverti sed in ham magazines. marked "part II."
How many of you have see n a Bud catal og? H ow come no proof reade r s? Beca use we
I u se d to practically wear t h at one out lookin g are t r yi ng to bring you a new ty pe of ha m
ove r t heir coils, ra ck s & panels, a nd sm a ll ma gazin e a nd we sta r ted f rom sc rateh without
parts . Ma ybe, if we keep at it , we ca n see much scratch. P r oof- r eading vol u nteers w ill
a r eturn to t he old days . Ma ybe we'll aga in be be acce pted at our editorial offic es at any time,
able to pour over catalogs of parts by Nation- the only thing is t hat they will have to work
al, H amma r -lu nd, J ohnson , P a r -Met al, and for the sa me sala r -y a s the r est of the st a ff.
Mill en.
Propagand a Caveat Emptor
. . There are still a lot of fe llows who don't I n s pite of our acknovvsled g ed pove r t y we a re,
know t h a t 73 ex ists. W e ca nnot, a s you should I beli eve, t he most particu la r when it comes to
be a ble to fi gu r e ou t , advertise in the ot her ou r adver ti sers . Again, we have to depend on

© ClarkWardOrange

Complete data on In ternational's all
transistor subassemblies; 6 and 2
meter tran sm itting and receiving gear;
crysta l con t roll ed conver ter s fo r 75,
40, 20, 15 and 10 meters.
In terna tion a l tran sceivers, accessories
and antennas for dependable 2-Way
radio communication. See Inter na-
ti onal's kit for const r u cti n g y ou r own
Citizens transceiver.
Printed circuit oscillators, RF con -
verters, IF units, audio un its, tran-
s is to r s u b asse m b li es, c r ys t a ls and
crystal ovens.

Mail today for you r FREE Catalog l

••••••••••••••••• •••••••••
I nt ernat ional Crysta l Mfg_ cc., I nc .
18 North Lee, Oklahoma City, Okla.
Send Free 1961 lnt ern.tional Catalol:

No m".~ _

Address' _ ••
Ci ty' Zone St ate :
••• ..•••••••' ' li.:••••••.! ..

APRIL 19b1 •

© ClarkWardOrange

you . Please le t us know if you have a ny pr ob-

lem s, hut don't a sk us to med iate or str a ig hte n
them out. If we get sever a l com pla ints we will
j ust ha ve to look else whe re for an adverti ser.

W e've e noug h votes on the January lineup
STRENGTH of articles to conclusive ly determine the
winn er. Way out in front wi t h 229 votes we
find T om Lamb's Nuvistor Converters. Our
monthly tech nical article placed second with
1-17 votes. In third place wi th 11 5 votes is
o Down With Dr ift by J im Kyle. 1296 mc b)'
Bill A sh by was fo ur th 'w it h 96 votes. F ou r
z THREE REASONS WHY ot he r art icles received over 50 ya tes. I'm learn-
YOUR BEST BUY IS... ing a lot f rom the yat es. Some a r t icles t hat
I figure a re of lesser interest turn out to get
a lot of yates. F or in sta nce take th e " 8 me
Crystal Modificat ion Kit " article by \V3 UZN
in Januar y. I figured that Heath and a hand-
I fu l of r ea ders would be interested. Believe it
or not we g ot 43 votes for thi s article! How
design dec rea ses wind l oad
Cind provides te lescoping
many people could be interested in 1296 me ?
96 votes is quite a land slide. •
The February issue vote puts Kyle righ t
action t hat p ermi ts ra is i n g back up on top again. Hi s "Rolli ng Your Own"
, a nd lowering o f t o w er sec ti ons .
really r olled up a scor e ! All of which would
DOWN TO 25 FEET and seem to prove that interest is high in build-
TIL T S OVE R FOR ACCESS ing. The VHF's get a lot of votes, so perhaps
T O ROT OR OR BEAM. it isn't too surprisi ng to have thi s 50 me rig
STREN GTH is built -i n to pull down the fi r st prize : a n all expenses paid
l- trip to Santa Susana, Cal iforn ia . .. plu s 50 %
every E-Z Way T ower . •• Heavy
e:( wa ll stee l t ub in g l e g s , co n - extra on t he article payment. Second place
t in u o u s dia g onal braci ng o f goes to another V HF r ig, t he Two Meter Pip-
solid stee l r od a nd ele c tr i c - Squeak by Ray Fu lton K 6BP. Ray is just re-
co lI y we lded t hr ou g h o ut •. • . no covering from a n acc ident whi ch st ove in a
lo os e ba its o r n ut s he re . E-Z
:E Way de J ign and s t re ng t h o re
few ribs and he may be beh ind on an swe ring
mail. QUI' big technical article on BFO 's came
e:( yo ur assu ra nce of DEPEND.
ABILITY t hat you con cou n t in third! T he re j ust isn 't any question, we've
w on yeor after yeo r . See y o ur g'ot to run more good techn ical articles. Kyle's
a:I nec r e s t dist r ibutor t od a y o r World s S im plest Phone P atc h wa s Iourth , wi th
write f or free li terature . Squawk hy Ken Cole, W 7ID F fi fth. Both of
our commercial gear eval ua tions got man y
Q Th e SATelLITE votes from ot her than the manufnc turers so
Model RB X-60-3P (Poin ted) $335 .00 we'll cont inue that sor-t of th ing.
Z Mode l RB X-60-3G (Galva ni zed) $ 4 10.00
e:( Conventions
a:I GPK X60-3 (Gro und Pos t) $125.00
- BAK X (Wall Brocket) $ 17.00
Fre ight Prepa id a nywhere in (48) U.S.A .
We'll be seeing those of you who attend
the Swampscott, Dayrt on , Rochester and
Phoenix Conve nt ions . Don't f or get th a t
Phoenix da t e on l\Iay 26-29th. It isn't mu ch of
a drive fr om Southern Ca lifo r n ia , so I hope
all you fellows come on ove r for t he fun .
Virgin ia will be there with me and would
like to meet you all.

California Style
U. S. # 1 El ectronics will offic ia lly open t heir
£-z WAY store in L inden New J ersey on April First. I'll
be ove r t her e picking things over a s soo n as
they o pe n up for they tell me that they have a
® • veritable mountain of su r plus st uff th ere.
. . . W2N SD


© ClarkWardOrange
Perfect for AM-SSB Phone Pat ch
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An unmatched low-

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Complete , no wires t o connect.
Monit or tr a n sm itt er o ut pu t ;
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AND SWR BRIDGE netic feet.
150 watts full scete-c-auttt-rn
du mmy ' load- Wattmeter ± 5%
to 54 meso SWR ± 5% for In
line use. 7.95


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. . FREE 324- 0 $ Enclosed. Send Stock # ........................ 0 Rush fREE 324 Page Catalog 610
1961 I 0 $ Down Payment Enclosed for Stock # ~ _ .
Catalog No. 610: Lafayette Easy Pay Application Will Be Forwarded Upon Receipt of Down Payment

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APRIL 1961 7

© ClarkWardOrange
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ENGINEERS: Excellent career opportunities in creative electronics desIgn. Writ e t o the Chief Enl ineer.


© ClarkWardOrange
. ..,. .

Russell M. Summe rvill e K8BYN

Box 354
Niles. Michiqen

Fig. 2

Six Meter Nuvistor

Cascade Converter
OR many years it ha s been the secret desire on the Nuvi stor sock ets and slip them in t o th e
F of almost every amateur interested in the t op of th e h oles cu t fo r th em. Solder t he t a bs
VHF bands t o own one of those gold plated to the t in pla t e. Be careful not to bend t he
417A converters, but f or most of u s sc r -a pi ng lugs on t he socket tha t a r e for the pu r pose of
up the gold dollars to buy the tubes has been g roun ding th e N u vist or sh ield ,..h en i t is i n-
ou t of the questi on. serted into t he socket.
Now a miracl e has happened! RCA has de- Two 8 ter minal tie lug s t r ips are m ounted
veloped a tiny ceram ic tube which they call 2 %, inch es apart and r esist ors " A " t h r u " H "
a Nuvi stor for use in the ir TV tuners . These are conn ected acros s the point s. All of t he re-
little gems at a cost of only $2.49 each are the sitors on the str ip near the ou t sid e of chassis
answer to your dream s. For a ll pract ical ar e connect ed together and t h is is t h e B plu s
"ham" purposes they perform about th e equ al bus line. ( F ig. 3.)
of th e 417A! Althou gh it is not necessa r y to u se t hem, for
After listening to a com me r ci a l on TV all con ve n ience an d t o sa ve s pa ce dual ca pa ci tors
about how noise free R CA's Nu vi stor tun er we r e u sed on each t ube socket a n d at the
was I decid ed just f or kicks to build up a term in al s of t he if tra nsformer s. K eep all
6 meter converter u sing Nuvi stors in cascode. lead s short-mount the ca pacitors a s clo se to
The resulting converter ou t pe r fo r med most the socke t pins a s possible. If you use d uals,
conventional converters and equal ed a couple j ust ground t he ce nter lead a nd conn ect t he
417A converters in comparative noise tests. outer lead s to t h e poin t s to be bypassed .
It is customary t o u se r f chokes in se r ies
Construction with filaments and to bypass them w ith s ma ll
T o mount t he Nuvi stors cu t out a piece ca pa ci tors . B~· usi ng' sh ielded w ire (the t yp e
of t in ( t in solders r eal ni ce ) 1 % inch b)' 1 %. w ith hea vy wire and h igh inte r nal ca pa cit y )
inches and drill 2 holes just the s ize of t he fo r fila me nt wi ri ng the u se of rf chokes a nd
Xuvi stcr sockets . Also drill 6 holes around t he bypass capacitors is not necessa r -y. Be su r e to
edge of the tin plate. Th ese are for mount ing ground the sh ie ld close to each s ocket .
screws to fa sten the tin plate solidly to t he A ne ut r alizing coil is us uall y e mployed
aluminum chassis. (See Fig. 2.) Mount the where ,..·e u se r esistor "L". Thi s coil t o be
tin plate to the cha ssis. Bend back the 2 tabs u seful
. . .mu st be. r esonated
. a t 50 me and unless

APRIL 1961 9•

© ClarkWardOrange
-""" •
""'. "<j)
±~ • u" ..,
._., <1>
, " .. ." ·t •
-- .
-~ • -- •
• --- --- •

." --,

! • • ~

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I .. ~ ,C~ ,,r '
- -e - -,,
,, 1'0 :;: COO
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iL /________
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-"'11- C._ ~

- ffr -
ffi -
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U> •
- - "•' .. t· .,.
to ~.

... ___

~I '"

(J) @ • ®
. . . . . . . . .‫ס‬0.o.II1' TO ""~

,. @
r- ---------
" -.., 00 Cl'l ItO .

it: ;- : ®
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... -rr
't '
, L _ _______ J - ,'
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it is correc t it does littl e jrocd. The increase to make all un it s exactly alike . If you find
in noise because of th e use of the r esi stor in in final alignment that with t he s lugs all th e
place of the usual coil is negli g ible. way in the coils will not reach a peak then
add a s ma ll ca pa citor from ground to plate or
I·F Tra nsformers g rid depending on which coil need s lowering-
or both if necessa r y. ( See UK" in Fig. 1.)
Th e if tran sforme r s can be made from -10 Several makes of slug coils were wound a s
me video if's r emoved from an old TV set , or described and all were found to r e sonate fairly
if you want to u se new parts u se Mil ler #6218- close to 50 ru e when con nected in to the ci rcuit.
T V video if transformers. Remove a ll of the If ext ra capacity is needed u se as little a s
ex isting windings a nd wind 17 t ur ns of # 18 poss ibl e usu a ll y bet ween 5 an d 20 mm f d.
enamel wire to for m the lower part of t he
transformer a nd connect to l ugs. T hen wind Coils
10th turns of the sa me wire to f orm the top
half of the tran sformer and bring lead s down The inp ut coil 1.1 is made of 10 th turn s of
to the lugs and solde r. #2:! bare wire wound around a %. inch coil
I n all tuned circ uits in wh ich a wid e band form tapped at 2 turns for the antenna input.
pass is necessary it is possible to broad en out An A irclux type of coil could be used. The
t he r espon se ei t he r by pu tting a " swamping" important thing- is to be sure t ha t with the
r esi stor across the tuned circuit or to make antenna plugged into the jack, th e tube in the
u se of a circuit having a large L I C ratio. The socket and the circuit wired, the circuit will
latter method is used in t hi s converter in both resonate at 50 mc when the tuning capacitor
the if tran sformer s and th e input an d output across t he coil is tuned . If t he frequency is
coils. T he idea is to have the coils "self too h igh ad d another t u rn or two to t he coil
resonant" KO that t hey resonate at the s ign a l if necessary and , if too low, take off a t urn
freq uency with little or no capacity other th a n or two.
di stributed ca pa cit y, str a y circuit ca pa cit y, and T he f requency of the crystal and the oscil-
tube capacity. Sometimes a sma ll amount of lator tank circuit (La) must be 50 mc less
ca pa cit y is necessary because it is imposs ible the out put frequen cy de sired from the con-
~1\ O=l t~ verter. F or exa m ple the SXlOIA has a 6
mete I' d ial and requires an input of 30.5 me.
~ '"' -.IS OUT"'JT
-jt;]!- The oscill ator fr equ ency then mu st be 50 minus
r ... of MClU '"
, w,~
30.5 or 19.5 me . You can u se a fundamenta l or
--Y: - -,."....,
J 4 . LZ I

overtone 19.5 mc cr ysta l or a cheap s ur plus
~r i.-vo,,·
""' "lATt ovtI' "

lowe r frequency crystal and multiply in t he

L 11"
- -' --
-- ill l~ I
OUT""'" Fl<f.Q

second half of the (jJ6 to t he desired freque ncy.
The fu nd amen t al or overtone crystals are m uch

i+-EV- ,- --Ej}-W
l In

t1 - , ~- ~'I
- - '~..i:~i
~ 1 ~1Ol'; "1l7TWwc ~ -
to be p referred and will p reve nt a ny poss ib ili t y
of images, bird ie s, etc. You may p refer some
other type of oscillator cir cu it. By much ex-
, , periment ing we found th is sim ple circuit
.1 I· '1 ::::+=. ~ · 1· I;l- • j. I d• IZ.,-l


© ClarkWardOrange
would work wt h more crys-
:a ls than other more com -
alicated circuits .
Th e ou t put coi l ( 1,2)
must be broad a nd :; 0 it is
tuned to resonance by it's
ow n di stributed capac ity.
Wit h the bottom s lug of t he
coil all t he wa y in and t he
top s lug part wa y in , put
e n o u g h turn s of wire
around t he form so that it
will r eson a t e a t the desi red
out pu t f requency. Thi s will
have to be done experi -
mentally a n d checked
with a gri d di pper while
t he coil is w ired into the cir cuit. Th e conve r t er Fig . 3
shown here ha d an output frequency of 30.5
mega cycles and it was found that with 25 sig na l sou rce to a round 50.3 me a nd adjust C
tur ns of #22 e nam eled wire t ha t freque ncy across antenna in pu t coil for peak. Set Sig-
was obt ain ed . If you want to u se a low out p ut nal sou r ce to 50.8 a nd t une the top of T 1
freq uency, such as 5 meg a cycles, it wou ld be a nd T2 for max im um readi ng on S meter . If
des irab le t o use a fin er wire. meter goes above 8 9 reduce rf gain control.
The oscillator coil ( L3) is a tank circuit Th e n set sig na l sou r ce t o 50.1 and adju st t he
and s hould be a fa i rly hi gh Q so some ca pacity bottom of T l and 1'2 for peak reading. Now
shou ld be across t he coil. It was found th a t set to 50.5 and a dju st outpu t coil 1.2 for Ma xi-
w ith a 25 mmfd capacitor acros s t he coil it m um . If you cannot get a peak with slugs all
would tune to 19.5 me when wound with 15 the way into the coil add some ca paci t y a s
turns of # 18 wire. T o pick up a sig na l for descri bed ea rlier . You should g et very broad
inj ect ion into the mixe r a cou ple turn s of in - pea ks-don 't ex pect a sha r p one. T he s ha r p-
s ula ted w ire is wrapped loosely around the ness of t he peaks in no way indica te s the noise
coil and solder ed to the lug which connects figure of the conve rter . In fact we found with
to the mixer grid through t he 15 m mfd capaci- t he input coil way off frequ e ncy we co uld st ill
tor . The coi l f orm (sl ug tuned) w a s re moved get a good no ise figu r e with much reduced
from an old T V t u ner, but a Mi ller 62 18T V s ensit ivit y .
video if transformer would work here also, a s
would many other types of coils. Conclusion
Power Requirements T hi s converter is hot- it puts out more than
an 89 "hiss" in to mo st receivers. If your re-
The converter will draw about 35 rna when
t he voltage on the B p lus bus ha s 150 volts
on it. Resistor " H " is a vol t age droppi ng
r es istor in ser ies with all of t he decou pli ng
and dropp ing resi stors feeding the tubes. I f
your power sou r ce is 250 volts you will need
a drop a cross " H" of 100 vol ts. S ince
E 100
R = - we find we need 01' approx. 2860
I .035
ohms. A 3000 ohm res istor would work fine.
Th e powe r di ss ipation needed would be 100 X
.Oa 5 or 3.5 watts . A 10 watt r es ist or wou ld he
OK but a 20 watt one st ill better since by
using a much la r ger one t here would be les s Fig. 4
heat dissipa ted . If your su p ply is 150 Volt s
con nect directly to B plus bus lin e. cerve r does not ha ve a n rf g ain control it
would probably be well to r educe the output
Alignment of the converter fe eding the receiver by put-
t ing a ve ry s ma ll capacitor "J" in place of
F r om a WEAK signal s ou rce such a s a weak the .00 1 s how n in the d ia g r am . The f'ront of
st a t ion or s ig na l generator OJ" crysta l osci llator the converter is quite su bj ect to overl oad f rom
adjust the rf gain control on your receiver st rong st a t ions and because of it's g rea t sensi-
so that t he 8 meter will read about S 5. Set (Co ntinue d on pag e 61 J

A PRi l 1961 II

© ClarkWardOrange
The Power Meter
Tom Lemb K8ERV
1066 Larchwood Road
Me nsfl eld . Ohio

HEP owe r Meter wa s designed to be a

T " d ummy next stage." Wh en co upled t o an
oscill a to r , a mplifi er or multipl ier ta nk coil it
w ill indi cate t he a pproxi mate drive ava il a ble
for the fo llowing st a g e. I t is basica lly a com-
tinuous tuning, link coupled a bsorbtion wave-
meter with a loaded and metered r] indicator.

The Circuit
T he fi r st depa rture fr om st an da rd wa ve-
meter design is the u se of a mult iband reso-
nant circuit, tu ning 4 to 35 me. T he very
s imple MBT de scribed by J ohnson ! solves the
problem of winding and finding numerous plug
in coils. The reader shou ld refer to J ohn son 's Remove the lamp and se t S I to l OK-l rna .
m-t icle for changes in the t un ing r a nge or Loose ly couple t he link to a grid dip oscilla tor .
L and C va lues . A s with a ny m ultiba nd tank, Set each desired ca li bra t ion frequen cy on th e
two fre quencies a r e t uned s imulta neou sly. GDO, peak C l and m urk the di a l. When t h e
However, these t wo fr equencies a re far high end of C l is reached, pick up 'he sa me
enough apart that the correct one will u sually f requency a t the low end and keep on going
be obviou s from the circuit under test. up.
The l\IBT is coupled into the simula ted The P owe r Met er will do anything a con-
"next st age" consisti ng of variou s values of ventional wavemeter will do, within its fre-
grid resi sta nce, a grid current me ter, a nd a que ncy ran ge. Some of its use s are :
GA L5 diode . Don 't t r y to use a sem icond uct or Frequency Indica tion-Met hod 1. Cou ple t he
d iode in th is circuit. Power Met er li nk to a n operating circu it, pea k
A #49 pilot lam p is coupled to t he MBT for the meter wit h CI, a nd read the freq uency.
those who are u sed to it s power ind ica tion. T he S 1 serves a s a se ns it ivit y control. Note that
lamp shou ld be removed from its sock et d uri ng the dial will indicate two possible fr equencies.
calibration, accurate frequency reading and normally the correct one will be obviou s, but
t here is no way of bei ng s ur e without addi-
t iona l equ ipment. Thi s is t he di sadvant a ge of
the mulitbanrl tank .
Fr equency In dicati on-M et hod 2. If the t uned
circ uit to be mea su red has its own indicator,
such a s a g-rid or plate curre nt meter, sim ply
use the P owe r l\Iet er a s an abeorbt ion. wave-
meter. Coupl e the link to the operating- tuned
ci rcuit a nd adju st C l for a sha r p di p in the
circ uit's Indica tor. Th e a dvantage of Method
2. is t hat no lin e powe r is req uir ed for the
(jA L5, maki ng the P ower Meter u seful for
por ta ble and mobile work.
Har monic I nd ica tor. Couple the link to the
circu it being tested and run Cl throughout
its range. U se 8 1 for a se nsit ivit y control. All
metered power reading. f requencies pre se nt will be read a nd the ir rela -
T he construction is not a t all critical. Th is tive voltages indicated. "
meter wa s th ro wn tog et her in a h urry to meet It is int e resting to not e t he amount of u n-
an immed ia te need. Mou nt Ll. to C l with sho rt des ired out put in high-o r de r f're q uency mult i.
lead s, don't place metal pa nels too nea r to
L t , and you have it mad e. - .\'ot e tlrot the mete r j " d icl,lt ioli ttI<l)'be ('xac tfy 0,..
S<lm(' ITt t'a riOIiS [ rcquencics n '..,l U-itll the sum(' in!,u t p cro.J.'r r .
lJ l'hmw n. " }lult iloa nJ T u ni ng Circuit os," QST, J ul y. This is because the t'u ri"IlS . uuf'li"!ls UIlJ tile LIe ratios
19 5 ~ . ~JII.urge n i th [rcquenc y,

I~ 71 ~AGA Z INE

© ClarkWardOrange

pliers. The low Q tank circuit usuallv used

in mult ipliers may pass considerable ·energy
at one mul t ipli ca t ion above a nd below the de-
si red one. Th us in a quadru ple r t he P ower
6Al5 ~
Meter will show add itional outputs at th ree
and fi ve times the f undam en t a l. If stron g
enoug h, t hese outputs ca n con tr ibute to th e
g rid current of the next stage and g ive a

.,. j'~
PL . 4~
fal sely h igh r ea di ng .
I n t he hetrodyne t ype of exciter, the output
strength of the undesired prod ucts of mixing
is strongly a ffected by the amplitude of t he in -
put signa l. Ind ica t ing t he rela tive voltages of "."U
lsttt:"~1( PROBE - IT I- GiG.
the desi r ed and u ndesired outputs is a main
feature of th e P ower Meter.
Outp u t P ower Indicato r. \Vhen breadboard- "'
'" as
ing' an oscill ator or multip lier, th e P ower ., , '00

Meter becomes a metered load, or d um my next '0' , sr

stage. Set Sl for the planned r es ista nce and 0
current of the next stage, couple the P ower • 0
Mete r to t he output coil, and read the approx i-
mat e d r ive th at will be obta ined. •
\Vith a little expe r ie nce, the P ower Met er "
ca n be one of th e most u sefu l accessori es in the , .R
shack. It is in almost daily use in min e, and
I would like t o hear f r om an yon e fi nding other
usef ul appl ica t ions. 73

Surge Pro tec tion Reve rse

Roy E. Pofe nberg
OLTAGE mul t iplie r power s u pplies have The ent ire questi on of safety sho r t ing of
A inc reased in popularit y s ince th e int r o-
ducti on of silico n di odes. T he class ic voltage
ca pa cito rs is ope n to debate. Ca pacitors , even
of t he elect r oly t ic t ype, can hold let h al cha rges
t rip ler circui t is f amiliar to mos t a nd the fo r a s ubst an t ia l per iod of t ime and common
function of t he in put s urge r esistor n eeds sense dicta tes that t hey shoul d be discharged
little explanation. The value of th is res istor, befo re work ing on t he ci rcu it . On the other
R l in F ig. lA, is such as to li mit t he ch a rg- hand , short circuiting the term inals of a
ing current of the capacitors to a value below charged capacitor can result in current that
the maxi mum surge current ra t ing of t he recti- will f use t he in terna l leads of t he unit. Also,
fier s. F or exa m ple, the Sarkes T a r zian 1\1-500 rig-going of ha yw ire li mit ing r es istor s to sa fe ly
silicon diode is r at ed a t 30 a m peres su r ge cur- d ischa rge the capacitors cou ld possibly resu lt
re nt. The li mit ing r esistor is calc ula ted on the in more acciden ts tha t the proc edure wa s de-
b as is of pea k a p plied vol t age a nd f o r a line signed to avoid.
117 x 1.414 Th e best answer a p pea rs to be t he incl u-
operated supply would be or at s ion of li mi t in g resisto rs such as R2 and R3
30 in Fig. I B to provide protection to the com -
least 5.5 ohms. ponents in the event of accidenta l shor t ing of
the supply and a f ail safe bleeder circu it for
Xot so obvious is the functio n of res istors personne l protection. T his a r rangement wiII
R 2 and R3 in Figure IE. Assume th e power provide th e max imu m pr otection to components
su pply sho wn in Fig . lA is deliveri ng- power to a nd t he ama te u r. . Pafenber g
a light load and t ha t t he inpu t li ne is open ed,
leaving Cl cha rged to t he peak lin e voltage.
Accid en t al or sa fety sho rting of the su pply
output will d ischa rge C l t hrou gh diodes CR2
a nd CR3, in variably leadi ng to the catas-
trophic f ai lure of both rectifier u nits. Resis-
tors R2 and R3 will limit this current to a
safe value in the event t he power supply out-
pu t is acciden ta lly shorted. Values the sa me
a s Rl should provide adequ at e protection with
common ly used fil ter ca pacitor valu es.

APRIL 1961 13

© ClarkWardOrange
Let's Modulate,
Not Crepitate
Ri chard A. Gena ill K4ZG M
7 19 Quarterstaff Roo d
Win ston-Solem, N. C.

[i'VERY year, about thi s time , a ra sh of ar ti - g iv e one a fully modulated-low di stortion port-
£.J d es begin to appear in almost all of the able tra nsmitter t hat will get results. H er e's
popular "ham" publications deali ng with Iow- how it's done , the easy way.
power tran smitters desi gn ed for mobile or T o under st and the basic f unda ment als of
other po r table type ope r ations . T hi s r a sh is " choke-cou pled" m od ulation take a look a t Fig.
mo re t ha n likely cause d b y vis ions of vacation 1. T his is t he circu it of t he ba sic H eis in g m od u-
trips, F ield Day activities or possibl y t he end la tor a nd sim plicity in it self. The in put powe r
of the winter h ibernat ion. At a ny ra te , t his to t he fi n al am pli fi e r is a comb inat ion of t he
article is designed to help VOlt, the pros pective dc power fro m the plate su pply a nd t he audio
low-power tran smitter bu ilde r, to modu late power from the Class A Audio A m plifie r-
that flea powered job without having to make Mod u la tor . The use of audio chok e CH I , rather
any exc uses for low modulation percentage or than a modulation transformer, establishes a
seve re d istortion . 1-t0- 1 coupling ratio between the modulator
You may have noticed that many of the tube and the fina l amplifier st a ge requiring
portable transmitters described in various arti- that the de plate voltage and p late current
cles make use of "choke-coupled" or, more com- to the fina l amplifier be a dj usted to a value
mo nly, Heising modulation. In ma ny cases, which w ill prod uce a suit a ble im peda nce match
the author fa ils to ind icate that in his trans- between t he fi n al ampl ifier a nd t he Class A
A m plifier pla te. Even t hough we ma y be a ble
to select su it a ble m odu lator a nd fina l amplifier
TO FINAL ",PUFl[R t ubes whose elec t r ica l cha r a cteristi cs will pro-

.. vide a n impedance match we wou ld not be able
to achieve 100 per-cent modu lation without
severe di stort ion unless resi stor R 1 a nd capa-
cit or C 1 were included in the circuit. T his is
because, w it h ident ica l plate voltage on both
the final amplifier and modulator, the audi o
frequency voltage developed by t he modulator
cannot swing to the 100 per-cent modulation
--- level ( Zero to twice the pl a te voltage) with-
out caus ing d istorti on as it a p proaches zero .

.. R 1 pr ovid es the necessary volta ge drop be-

tween t he m odu la tor and the fi n a l amplifi er
to make possible a su ffic ient a udio f requency
Fig. I. Ch eke coupled or Heising modula tor. voltage s wing to perm it 100 per-cent modula -
C I-Audio by - pass ca pacito r. C H I-Aud io t io n w ith lowe r di stortion . T he capacitor C1
choke (hig h impedance at a udio fr eq uencies). provides the necessar-y audio by-pass a cross
RI -Dro p ping resistor (adjusted for 100% mod- resistor Rl. T he reactance of C1 should not
ulat ion by co nsult ing tube charts). be more than one-tenth the resista nce of R1
at 100 cycles. The value of R1 must be cal-
mittel' des ign he may have only 70 to 80 per- cu lated by using the published family of curves
cent modulation with low di sto rtion or 100 per- for t he modulator tube u se . \Vit hout R l and
cent - modulation with Rever e distortion . The C f , t he mod u la tion percentage is limi ted to
u sual circuit arrangements for "choke-coupled " bet ween 70 and 80 per-cen t to min imize di s-
modu la tion do not per mit one to a ch ieve a ha p- to rtion in the case of t he averuge vtran smitt e r,
py medium between t he t wo ext re mes . T he It can be seen, by t hese f ew fa cts, th a t t he
proper use of R ei si ng mod ul ation ca n result desi gn of t he circuit e nt a ils a certa in a moun t
in maximum simplicity, minimize expe nse and of calcula tion in order t hat satisfactory opera-


© ClarkWardOrange
t ion may be obtained. la t ed. Capacitor C1 shou ld be of th e oil type
The circuit of F ig. 2 shows a syst em of and ha ve a r ea ct a nce much low er t h a n t he
s hunt feed that virtually eliminates t he need Class C rf amplifier load im peda nce a t the
f or extens ive ca lcu la t ions . One can u su a lly dig lowest aud io fre quency t o be tra nsmitted. In
up a n extra choke in the " J" box , es pecia ll y m ost cases anything fro m .5 t o 2 mfd. wiII do
the sm a ll , low cu rre n t capacity r eceiver type. the tr ick.
It ca n be seen that a difference in voltage can T o mak e t hings a lot si mpler when you start
he obtained for the mo dulator and final a m- laying out th a t low power r ig, F ig . 3 provides
p lifier either by t he u se of t he dr op p ing re-
sistor R1 or by the use of two sepa r a t e plate
su pp lies. For the sa ke of economy t he u se of TO''''''
the drop ping res istor is to be prefer-red . \ Vith
a mean s of obtaining two different vol t ages,
the plate voltage for t he modu lator tube may
be kept hig he r tha n the voltage on the fi na l
amplifier t hu s per mittin g the neces sary a udio
f r eq uency voltage sw ing a t a lowe r dist orti on r-'IICHZ
level. T he u sual s im ple r f a m plifier plate im-
ped a n ce calculatio ns s hould be ma de and the
amount of aud io r equi red f or 100 per-cent
mod ul a tion should be determined . S ince the
arrangement provides a I -to-l cou pli ng r atio,
t he tube select ed for t h e mod ul ator should be ..
capable of de liver ing the necessary a m ount of
a udio power (u sually one-half of th e rf a m- Fig. 2. Choke coupled or Heising mcduletc r
plifier inpu t de power) at the s a me plate im- using sh unt fe ed . CI-Coupling ca pacitor ( oil).
CH 1 & CH 2-Audio chokes (filt er 10 to 30
peda nce a s the final a mplifier . So t hat the Hy). Rl -D ropping resistor (adj. for cor rect
af voltage on the plate of the modu lator may fina l am plifie r plate volta ge . . . see text) .
swing su ffi cien tl y to p rod uc e 100 per-cent mod- C2-Filte r ca pacitor (use only if RI is used .]
ulation without t he sw ing r eac hing zero, the
tu be u sed in the mod ula tor should be one a l istin g of t he most p opu la r t ubes wh ich can
wh ich r equi res a somewh a t h ig her operating be used f or Cla ss A Ampli fier service at low
plate volta ge than t he final amplifier. T he power outpu t s. Many of t he portable r igs and
aud io chokes in Fig. 2 m a y be regular filter m ost of the Citize n Band un its make use of
chokes of the 10 to 30 henry var iety. The a fi na l a mplifier tu be w hich run s at a ppr oxi-
inductive reactance of choke CH2 should be mately 250 volts at 20 ma for an i nput of 5
at least equal to the Cla ss C a m pl ifier load watts. T he p late inp ut im pedan ce run s a p-
Impedance at the lowest frequency to be modu- prox imately 12,000 ohms . A ppr oxi ma t ely 2.5
,l:. ' wa tts of a udio are required. A 6AG 7 woul d
Power do a s plend id job in m odulat ing in th is ca se .
Plat e Load Resi stance Output The 300 volt s on the p la t e would permi t su f-
T ype Volt s Ohms watts fi cient af voltage swi ng w ithout d istortion, t he
6AG7 300 10,000 3.0 aud io power is more than adequate, t he plate
6AK6 180 10,000 1.1 im pedance is close enough to f u nction properly
6AQ5 180 5,500 2.0 and the 300 volts can be drop ped to 250 fo r
6AQ5 250 5,000 4.5 t he fi nal amplifier tube w ith n o great difficu lty.
6AR5 250 7,600 3.4 Another com bina t ion might be a 6L6 fi nal
6AR5 250 7,000 3.2 a mplifier ru nning at 325 volts an d 70",m a for
6AS5 150 4,500 2.2 a n in put of a bout 22 ~ 'watis:: Th-e':'pli:it e : im-
6BK5 250 6,500 3.5 pedance would he a r ou nd A,600 ' ~hm~" .and _the
6CL6 250 • 7,500 2.8 required au dio power torf uu.per-cent rnod ula-
6F6 285 7,000 4.8 tion - woul d -be near 11 w'atts': > ' Another~ 6L6
6F6 250 7,000 3.2 w ith' 350 volt s on t he pl a t e woulddofhe "j ob
GG 6G 180 10,000 1.1 quite well as t he mo d ulator.
6G6G 180 12,000 0.25 The sh unt -f eed syst em h a s been used by
6K6G T 315 9,000 4.5 the au t hor in sever a l low powered t r ans mitters
6K6G T 250 7,600 3.4 a nd ha s proven to be qu it e su ccessf u l. It is
6K6G T 100 12,000 0.35 always a pleasure to have other hams tell you
61.6 350 4,200 10.8 t hat your low powe r . r ig is~,the' besf' sonnding
6LG 250 2,500 6.5 one that-they have heard o'n the a ir a n d th a t
6V6 3 15 8,500 5.5 you hav e t he a udio p u nc h th at m ost low power
6V6 250 5,000 4.5 rigs lack. The next ti me you sta rt la ying out
6V6 180 5,500 2.00 that sim ple mod ulator for t h at portable or
Fig. 3. Typical Tube Types Useful in Class A mobile u nit g ive shu nt-fed H eising a t ry.' You 'll
Amplifier-Low Power Modu lat or Service be glad that you did. , . ., K4ZG M
, "

APRil 1961 IS

© ClarkWardOrange

Fig. I th at t he only groups ser iously interested in
the problem are ham s and citizens-band op-
erators, and neither group is large enough
nor vocal enough t o demand improvement.
However, our British cou sins have been
fo r ced to deal with the problem, si nce TV
sound in Great Britain is carried on an AM
cha nnel instead of the FM used here. At the
f requencies u sed, impulse noi se has been a
ser ious situation for them-and the video au-
dience 13 large enough and vocal enough to
demand improvements.
As a re sult, at leas t one British writer ha s
declared that (u nder the proper conditions)
AM sound may even be super ior in sig nal-t o-
noi se ratio a nd in genera l quality to FM.
Be that as it may, they have developed some
excellent n oise limiters. The one shown here
was de scribed in the November, 1960, issue of
Electron ic T echn ology (Television Noi se Lim-
A New iting in AM Sou nd Chan nels , by H. D.
Kitchin) and is capable of virtually wiping
out all ordinary impulse noi se from a com-
Noise-Limiter muni cations r eceiver. The circuit as shown ha s
been converted t o u se stan dar d Amer ica n tubes
Circuit Jim Kyle. K5JKX/6
and part values.
This li miter , though it appears simila r to
our conventional ser ies-diode gate at fir st
a u to matic-noise-limiter circuitr y is to- glance, operates on a comple tely different prin-
day one of th e weakest de sign link s in a ciple. R ather than rej ecting noi se pulses be-
good commu nications r eceiver. While modern ca use of their amplitude, it rejects t hem be-
A NL ci rcu its do remove so me t ypes of impulse cause of t heir rapid r ise time. This enables
noise, t hey st ill leave an appreciable amount it to detect even t he sma llest noise pulses and
in the sign al, and it's a r a re new-product r e- to wipe them from the audio si gn al.
por t t hat fa ils t o condemn the ANL with fai nt To get an idea of how it works, look fir st at
praise. Figure 1. This shows (to accurate scale ) a
Most of t oda y's recei vers st ill use gating- 3000-cycle sine wave modulated on a 100-kc
d iode n oise li miters, which eit her shor t the car r ier wave, a nd badly distorted by noise
n oise pulses t o ground when a certa in level is pulses of approximately 10-microsecond dura-
exceeded , or open t he audio s ign al path for tion (most troublesome noi se pulses last fr om
t he dura tion of the pu lse. In neither case is 1 to 10 microsecond s, so th is is the worst
a nyth ing done abou t no ise pulses which do not usual case) . Note that t he noi se may eit her
reach limit ing level. add to t he sig na l, or cancel it out . T his sign al
In f act, most comm un ication s-receiver users ex ists at th e detector input.
habit ually set t he limit ing level t o operate at Figure 2 shows the same sig na l as it would
t he 50-percent-mod ul at ion point, thereby se- be seen at the detector load r esistor. Note that
ve rely distor t ing t he audi o signal, in an effort t he only noise pulses which su r vive th e detec-
to mi nimize noise leakage. t ion process a re those which momentarily
T he reason f or laggin g development of increase sign al str en gt h.
noise-li miter circuitry in thi s country may be Figure 3 illustrates the action of the con-

r-"?"-...._ -... •,••

- - - --rr


© ClarkWardOrange
venticna l full -wave ser ies-diode noise lim iter, Three cr it ical points must be checked dur-
used in most mode r n commun ications receiver s , ing construction. The volume control's tot al
wh en t he li mitin g level is set to clip a t 100 resi sta nce must be 1 megoh m, a s shown. Any
percent mod u lat ion. w hile t he high noise peak s diffe re nt r esi st ance will vary the load on the
are elim inated, fai rly large " s t umps" r emain li mit er, requ iri ng a ch an ge in lim iter t ime
and are f r equent ly clearly a udible. cons ta nt (dete rmined by t he 330K resistor and
t he 80 mmfd ca pa cit or fro m cathode t o
g r oun d ). Con nections to the last if t r an sfor-
mer mu st be a s shown ; the exist ing diode
r 814 5 load r esistor a nd filt er mu st be disconn ected .
Frequ entl y, th ese compon en t s are located
inside t he if tr an sfor mer case. If in doubt,
T contact t he man ufact ur er or check se r vice in-
form ation. Finally, note t h at a ll sign a l-ca rry-
ing lines are a t high imped ance to ground
- ~ -- ,~~--, ~ '/
~, - - --~-~
,, .
,, , ,
and are therefore su bject t o hum pi ckup f r om
hea ter lea ds. T wist t he heater leads together
,, ,,, a nd keep them away fr om all components.
As shown, t he lim iter will h an dle 100-per-
"., cent-mod ulated s ig n a ls without dis tor tion, a nd
will sup press most noise pulses more than
Figure 4 shows t he r ate-of-ch a nge limi ter. 40 db below t he s igna l level. If you should
In comi ng au dio, conta ining n oise pulses, is a p- wa nt t o su p pr ess t he noise mo r e than t his ,
plied to th e diode pla te. Neg at ive bia s equ al a t a sac ri fi ce in di stort.ion , you can ch ange
to the peak-to-peak s ig na l voltage is applied the ratio of the 18K a nd 27K resistors wh ich
to th e cath ode. T he t ime constan t of th e b ia s make u p the detector loa d resistance, Tot al
resi stor and th e output capacito r , t og ether va lue of th e two, h owever, s hou ld be mai n-
with the bias voltage, determine the ope r a t ing ta ined bet ween 45K a nd 50K ohms for proper
point. detector action. I ncr easing the 18K unit while
w hen the time cons tant is p roper ly chosen,
the voltage ac ross the capacit or follows t he
aud io sig n al envelope wh ich pa sses t hrough
the di ode, and the ou tput is a r eplica of the
inp ut.

-;-- ""
However, when a noise pul se causes a ra p id ec
ch a nge of th e in put s ig na l va lue, th e diode is
s uddenly dr iven into r everse-bia s con di tion s
"" "
an d cuts off. Th e ca pacitor voltage t hen ri ses
t owa r d the b ia s va lu e a t a r a t e dete r m ined
[f 16K
'" 1,...
f'eo "'; :::::

by t he t ime const a nt (dotted li nes in F ig u re
4) . As soon a s the in put s ig na l r etu rn s to a
value low enough to reestablish for ward -bia s '-
conditions , t he ca pacitor discharg es to the
au dio-sig n al level and output once more f ol- •
decrea aing t he 27K res •istor Will•
lower t he
lows input . effective bia s le vel, t hereby su ppr essing the
The no ise pul se is li mited to a n ex tremely noise even more. . .. K5JKX /6
sma ll val ue by th is process, if bia s voltage is
a p pr oxim ately equa l to peak-to-peak s ig na l in - Pulse Su ppre ssion Below Signal Level
pu t . However, if fixed bias is used t hi s w ill Pulse Width Series- Modifi ed
r a r ely he t he case, s ince sig na l voltage varies (in microsec ) Diod e Rate-of-Chan ge
fr om instant to Inst a nt , I 48 db 85-90 db
By t a king t he bias voltage fro m t he detector
loa d resi stor (through a fi lt er) an d obta in in g 5 30 db 55 db
th e audi o-signa l inp ut f r om a t ap on t his r e- 10 24 db 43 db
si stor , inst a n ta neous bias voltage can be set 50 10 db 15 db
a t th e proper va lue for minimu m noise a nd 100 6 db 6 db
zero d istortion. A com pa rison of noise-pulse 300 a db a db
sup press ion achi eved by t h is lim iter and by t he above not not
series diod e is s hown in Table I. 300 effective effective
T he ci r cu it ca n easily be added t o an y re- N O T ES: T'hcsc v alues u eaume a u dio cut o ff f requ e n cy
ceiver now equ ip ped wi th a diode detector. of :1 kc following li miter ; hig her c ut off f reque n cy wiU
,ll'g l·a d e absolute vnluea b ut w i ll 1I0 t a lter r-u t io b e tween
T he schem at ic diag ram is shown in Figur e l im ite rs.
5. The complete limite r ci r cu it can b e as- Mos t n o ise p ulses r a nge f r om 1 to 10 m icr o sec o n d s
sembled on a Vect or 7-pin tur r et and substl - i n length.
Suppresaio n o f 40 d b or m o r e e ffec tivel y eltmtnetee the
t uted for t he existi ng detector . pulse to r m os t ltsteners.

APRIL 1961 17

© ClarkWardOrange
to set the little radio to 890 kc to get the
sta tion on 900 kc-so the little $24.95 ec-de

WHAT IS set is off a little, what do you expect, Collins

dials? Joe tries to turn the shower completely
off but knows it will still leak a little. He has
never stopped to think that he may never

CALIBRATION? get a good ga sket for the water valve because

ther e is little calibration at the gasket fac-
tory and all their little washers are just a
shade small. Joe finally dashes to the car to
head for work and notes the gas gage shows
% full-Jr. must have used the car again last
Ccnwev l. W il son W4W QT night. He dare s not try to make it all the
Route 3. Boll. 39 way to the job because that gas gage has
Mad ison, Alab a ma never been quite right. The great mystery of
America-who calibrate gas gages? Joe stops
Hams are a lucky group. 'Ve all have by the service station and buys 10 gallons of
the National Bureau of Standards right gas plus or minus a few pints (usually minus
in our Hamshacks. We tune in W'VV and use a few) and finally gets to work.
it to calibrate a "built-in" transfer s ta ndar d Joe has to make a measurement or two
crystal oscillator in our receivers. 'Ve transfer today, he is a part of a test laboratory. He
this calibration right down or up to the band is going to test a little gadget that hi s com-
we intend to operate on. "r
e set a dial indi-
cator or sligh tly change the VFO (local os-
pany sells to a big Government Prime con-
tractor. He ha s to look at a waveform or two
cillator) frequency and oper at e all evening on a scope and make a few de voltage meas-
on our pet Ham band within a few c~rcles of urements. Ask Joe about the calibration of his
the frequency sho wn on the receiver and tran s- equipment and he will t ell you right quick.
mittter dial. To prove our abilities a s calibra- "Old boy, look on this meter, it ha s a calibre-
tion experts it is n ot uncommon f or us to tion sticker on it-why it is due for calibra-
argue with each other over ou r oper at ing fre- tion ' tomorrow, one of the boys from the
quency-why to miss it by 50 cycles is often s ta ndar ds lab shou ld be around somet ime today
a complete disgrace. 50 parts in sever al mil- to get it and su pp ly him with another that is
lion is good and we know it. Yes, we Hams cal ibrated." The st ick er shows that the meter
are a lucky group but . . . ala s, the next was, indeed, calibrated last summer sometime.
morning we go to work and forget our sense Sure enough the calibration expert sh ows up
of accuracy completely. On the job we are and takes his meter for calibration. Noone
an omphaloskepsis (you had better look that has ever calibrated h is scope because after
one up). all it is the latest model "Technetroonix" and
It is the purpose of thi s shor t article to get the book says it is accurate to 3%. Old Joe
just a few of you, at least one in every factory, has never stopped to wonder if the book meant
one in every part of industry, to go to work it would always be 3 % until somet hing went
for better calibration on the job. Just ask wrong with it or if the book meant that it
yourself if someone on you r job is being as should also be calibrated periodically.
exact with calibration as you are when you Old Joe Ham decides to a sk a f ew qu estions
set your r eceiver f r equency. Ca lib r at ion is about calibration. When the expert comes for
important no matter what yo u do f or a living. hi s meter he quite casually a sks him. "What
If you make shoe laces, wor k at a ser vice do you check my meter against when you
station, a meat market-yes, even dig ditches calibrate it?" He is told, "'Vhy anyone should
you or someone makes mea surements of one know that, it is carefully calibrated again st
so rt or another. If you cannot trace that meas- a 0.25 % Standard meter, a real expensive
ureme nt back through a ser ies of calibrations job. Boy, you are lucky we have such good
to the National Bureau of Standards you don't calibration in our factory ... and besides, we
have calibration. Somewh ere up the line there do thi s for you every G months." Joe decides
is an omphaloskepsis that need s to be awak- to press the subject . "Hey," he says , "how
ened. about that Standard meter? W here is it cali-
Let me outline a t ypical case. Let us follow brated?" The meter expert looks down his
a typical Ham through a not too typical day. nose and says, "Arc you kidding old boy,
Let's call him Joe Ham and heaven bless the that's a Standard meter, the manufacturer
real life Joe Hams who may r ead thi s. Old rates it a 0.25 0/0 full sca le and it doesn't need
Joe wakes up at 6 AM, plus or minu s a minute any calibration. who do you think we are,
or two. His alarm clock is always off a little the National Bureau of Standards?" And so
but the local broadcast s ta t ion blares out the it goes. Joe Ham is happy so is the meter ex-
time sever al times as he t r ies to sha ve and pert. Joe think s he has good calibration and
cat ch the morning n ews at the same time. In- t he expert goes back to the lab and brags to
cidently, h e ha sn't noti ced that hi s XYL h ad the boys h ow he got that jerk J oe Ham all


© ClarkWardOrange
squared a wa y abou t ca libration .
A ctually, of cou rse, it is not this ba d a t
most of the fa ctories. I have, however, seen
some t hat are much wo rse. Figu r e 1 depict s
a good calibration path to the National B ur eau
of S tan dards. It is a se ries of closed calibra-
tion loops, each a link in th e path to N BS.
J ust a s with a ny ot he r cha in , it is only a s
strong a s its wea kest link. Ca n you t r ace every
mea surement you make along a chai n of this
type? If not, your job may not be turning
out a good prod uc t. T he wonderful thing about
t he s it uat ion is t h at it onl y takes one good
wide awak e J oe Ham t o mak e a vast imp r ove-
ment in t he a ccura cy of the measurements
being done on your job. J ust how impor ta n t
measurements are can be shown by a typical
example". Did you ever stop Io t hink about the
mea surement t o an a ccuracy of a m illio nt h of
an in ch? Measu r e ments of this t ype are often
made in t he missi le in dust r y.
Pl uck out one of the hairs from your head
(or fro m the xyl s if you have no hair) . Now
t ha t little hai r is about t hree t hou sa nds of an ard s and calibration are consi dered at t he de-
inch th ick . If, somehow, you could s pli t it 3000 s ig n and engineering phases, a s well a s the
t imes , into 3000 lit t le slices you wo uld ha ve quali ty con trol a nd tes t phases of production .
a millionth of an inch. Same thing as com- The Army is doing somet h ing about cal i-
paring t he width of a dime to a stack of dimes bration in the Army missile business. T he
twice as hig h a s t he E mpir e State bu ilding. Atomic weapons business is, perhaps, lead ing
Now if you mi ssed the measurem en t of certain the na t ion w ith t heir alert calibration pro-
bore s ig hts in t he missil e bus in ess by j ust g ram . Th ese a re two a reas th a t I ca n s pe ak
t hat mu ch , t hat missile wou ld miss t he moon for beca use I ha ve been up to my neck i n t hei r
by 1000 miles. Y es, calibration is extr-emely programs but how about all the countless thou-
importa nt and our nation is sadly laggi ng. sa nds of other major indust ries in our na t ion.
Th e N BS is a l ways f aced w ith a back log and 'Ve know that the Ru ssi a ns coul dn't have pr o-
ca n 't find th e n ecessa r y t ime to develop new duced the A-B omb eve n w it h a shi p loa d of
st a nda r ds an d measures . ou r secr et bl ue prin t s unl ess t hey had ex t reme
A lot of compa n ies la ck adequate la b or compete nce in the art of mea surements based
plant facilities and controls to hou se a cali- upon a broad foundation of scient ific educa-
bration p rogram . Many keep inadequate cali- tion and research . A r e they concerned w ith
bration records w ith r esult ing loss of control t he scie nce of measureme nts. You bet they
over calibration int ervals . Some , a s in Joe a re . Th eir Cou nc il of Min ist ers head ed up by
H a ms case, don't even k now wh en their local Kh r ushch ev h im sel f ha s a s peci a l Committee
sta nda rds ha d last been recalibrated. The im- on Sta ndard s , Meas u r ement an d Mea su r emen t
portant thing for J oe H a m to r emember is that Apparatus . There are five r esearch instit ut es
rf a nd microwave measurements is on the devoted to imp roving n ew tech ni que s of mea s-
problem list. Specific areas in n eed incl ude: uremen t and ma in tai ni ng p recise st a nda r ds .
ave rage and peak valu es of p ul sed mi crowa ve T h ese institu tes su perv ise the wor k of a la r ge
power, attenuation, voltage standing-wave net wor k of ca libration center s, a bou t 129 of
ratio, unmodulated microwave power. P ower them . The new Seven Yea r P la n to the twenty-
and attenuation mea surements a cross the fir st Congress of the Communist Party calls
whole rf s pect r u m actuall y la g t he st ate of fo r mor e than doubling these efforts by 1965.
th e art. P r eci sion measuremen t of 8-C vol tage Now, Joe Ham, thi s is some pretty stiff com-
a nd ca pac ita nce is anothe r big trouble a r ea . peti ti on. \Ve have about 1600 scie nt ists an d
'Ve ca n't shoot for t he moon with a flintlock e ng ineers, a ssisted by a s imil a r n umber of
rifle. I mpr oveme nts in measurements capabili- technician s, skill ed arti sans and mechan ics
t ies will u lt imat ely be reflected in sa vings of within the U. S . Dept. of Commerce, called the
many millions of dollars for our nat.ion. J oe Nat iona l B ur ea u of Sta n dard s, try ing to offer
H am ca n, perha ps, h elp more t han a ny other t his com pe t ition . They need J oe Ham s hel p.
seg men t of our nation . Go out to your j ob w ith If you w ill just take t he s a me care as you do
a solid determ ination to really find out if all in getting on frequency out to your job the
me asurements show traceability to NBS. Even r esults wiII s ur p r ise you. If you know a better
if you think you know, prove it to yourself. way to measure somet hing , tell someone a bou t
If there is a mis sing li nk, a broken link in the it . Become a "calibrat ion crank" on your j ob
cha in--do someth ing a bout it . See t hat stan d- - your h elp is n eeded. . . . ' V4WQT

APRIL 1961 19

© ClarkWardOrange
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J e ck H oll oway W6VVZ

14607 Blyt he Apt. 7
V"n Nu ys, C"lifor ni"

NOT lon g ago, seve r a l locals were holding a so we design ed a K 'V amplifier which cou ld be
postmortem following- a OX phone con. built at a reasonable cost. In ord er to achieve
test, when one of the gang insi sted t hat we the reasonable cost st ipu la t ion, we sca nned the
shou ld build a BIG CA N N ON on 20 meters sur plus market seeking components for our
for future contests. Wi th max imum power, we vend on of a 20 meter BIG CANNON.
could cha lleng-e the ante nna farm and moun - W hen we fi na lly unve iled th e CANNON,
tain top locations for difficu lt to get E ur opean some of t he locals expressed enough interest
multipliers, wi thout having to move to an to cause us to believe that hams elsewhere
antenn a f ar m ou rselves. Twenty met ers, con- might be interested too. Here it is.
t inued our fr iend, allows the best reliable long I nsof a r as a cho ice of a tube is concerned,
haul communications most of the time. As a the once very popular 304TL st ill offers the
r esult, it is the mo st competitive band with most pla t e di ssipation, a nd the most long term
t he most QRl\I, as every ham realizes. Ther e- r eli abilit y due to it s electrical and m ech ani cal
fore. power is the only practical mea ns by ruggedness, of a ny tube on the market for the
which we can hope to crack the QRl\1 and price. W at t s per dollar it cannot be beat. That
thereby increase ou r number of European con- fa ct st ill hold s true. Its 300 watt plate di ssipa-
tact s. tion can with stand a t errific beating, and so
Some of the gang wen t along with the power can the filament due to its tremendou s reserve
idea, a nd decided to bu ild a new big- final-final. emi ssion. It has the advantage, too , of not re-
At fi r st , t hough, it appeared a s if we woul d qu iri ng specia l consi deration for easy to de-
need far more money for t he project than was st r oy grids , a s in a tetrode. However, since we
a vailable t o us. But we slowly ca me to reali ze worked un successfully with the 304T L on nu-
th at day d r eaming about vacuum va r ia bles, merou s previ ous occasions, we were hesitant
1000 wa tt plate d issipation tetrodes, and s ilver to try it again; particularly in a sing le-ended
plated band swit chi ng inductors is a luxuri- final. Ti me and again we built si ngle ended
ou sly fa scinating pastime, wh ich does not get 304T L fi nals, only to have it operate errat-
any final amplifier on the air. We also came ica lly due to uncontrollable paresitics, and
to the conclusion t ha t a DX st ation cannot de- never did there seem to be enough available
ter mine if the incoming signa l emina tes from drive power. Always, t oo, wa s the ever present
silvered inductor s or just pla in copper. If the probl em of attaining neutralizing that would
s ig nal is clean, it doesn't matter one decibel to hold from one band to another. So in the BIG
the other end of the line, nor should it to you. CANNON we decided to try our lu ck with a
Therefore, we decided t hat it is not necessary t r ul y bala nced push-pull final. By going push -
nor mandatory to spend a great sum of money pull, we figured that physical and electrical
t o build an effec tit'e high powered amplifier; symmet r y would ca ncel out the st r a y inductive


© ClarkWardOrange
and capacitive effect s th a t caused ou r pr evi ou s f or a n expens ive ca bi net , and at the sam e t im e
single ended fa ilu r es. Two 304TLs seem like allow s t he u ni t t o be placed on a t a ble t op if
an a wful lot of wasted plate dissipation, but it should be decid ed to op era te in that wa y.
if one ant icipates go ing- SSB, a pu sh-pull clas s Th e t wo side p a n els, t op, bottom, a n d r ea r
AB , lin ear amplifier with s uffi cie nt power han- s hie ld piece f or t he driver a re cut and fo ld ed
dtin g capability is an attract ive id ea, especia ll y from su r plus alum inum stock. The driver panel
if th is high powered cap abil ity can be had at and fina l pan el are joined rf-tight by per-
m inimum cost. m a ne ntl y secu r ing a right an gle stri p of a l u-
Another neutralization headache w ith t he mi num to t he bot t om edge of t he fi nal chass is
304TL is t he difficulty of obta ining neut r al iza - so tha t t he t op ba ck edge of t he driver panel
t ion ca pa citors of suffi cient ca pa cit y a nd vo lt- ca n be sec ured t o t he r ig ht ang le st ri p w ith
a g e breakdown, yet compact in physical size, sheet metal sc rews .
t hat wi ll p erform without failure . W e pr e- In t his fi n al-drlver un it, inex pensive w ir e
v iously attempted to u se ever y kind of known sc reen mes h pur chased fr om the h a r dwa r e
air g a p capa citor with n o success, but t hi s t ime stor e is used for shi eldi n g th e ba ck side of t he
we tried ceram ics, and t hey cont in ue to work fi na l com pa r tmen t, wh erea s th e back side of
perfectly. We f ou nd j us t wha t w e needed on the driver com partme nt is close d in wi t h alu-
th e su r p lus market in some 7500 work in g volt, min um sheet so the un it ca n be pressurized . A
50 mmfd cera mic doorknob ca paci tors. W hen su r pl us blower from a Beachmaster amplifier
six of these are scr ewed end to end in a pile, is u sed f or the fo rced a ir coolin g . Not e t hat
the tota l capacity is 8.3 mmfd wh ich is w ithin holes a rc drilled into th e final chassi s deck di-
0.3 mmfd required to neu tralize the 304T L. r ectly ove r t he 4E27, above t h e fin al a mpl ifier
We figure t he 45 ,000 volt breakdown is more g r id lea k r esi stor, a nd around t he porcelain
than adequate. It is possible of cou r se to stack fe ed t h r oug h bu sh ings which su p port the stacks
ot he r combinat ion s of ceramic ca paci tors t o of cer amic n eutra lization co ndense rs in th e
atta in th e required n eutralization value. For fin al. These holes all ow ai l' escape f r om the
example : three, 10,000 volt, 25 mmfd cerami c pr es sur ized d river ca bi net sect io n and at the
doorknobs would be a s a t isf a ctor y s ubst it ut e, sa me tim e cool fina l a m p lifier compon ents.
a nd w ould be less expen sive be sides being Cooling t he fin al a mplifi er is n ot a necessi t y
mechanic a lly more convenient. I nsof a r as ob-
tain ing s uffic ient drive power f or the 304T L,
we de cided t his t ime t o build the d r iver a s an
integ ral part of the fin a l, and to u se a n easy
t o drive tube t hat w ou ld ha ve more than
,• . !
enough reser-ve plate di ssip ati on . \Ve f ou nd ,
ou r tu be, a ga in on t he su r plus market, in th e
4E27. A tube t hat ca n be d riven t o full output

w ith one watt drive. A nother reason f or choos-
ing this tube is that it ca n op erate at t he sa me
plate p otent ial a s th e final, thus eliminat ing
t he requh- ement for an add iti onal power s up-
An a pproach toward solving t he 30 4T L
pa ras itic problem is mad e in t he same manner, •
a nd with th e same degree of ca ution, a s is
don e with t etrod es. Fi r st, the 304TL grid cap
and internal grid lead s are m ou nted below the
chassi s deck t o achieve isolation between grid
and plate circuits. The internal grid collector To p view-304TL final. Fe ma le coal conn ectors
ri ng is at chassis level at cor r ect m ounting are hanging f re e f rom inside top of cabinet.
depth . Sec ond, the incoming and outgoing Bla ck knob on c hassis to!, is g rid d rive balanc e
power lead s are isolated to m in imize external con trol.
coupling between gr id and plate ci r cui t s. in a ny eve nt, bu t it was spec ulated t h at cool
Third, ad equate sh ielding is u sed be tween grid ai r a r ound the 4E27 mi ght prolon g tube li fe.
and plate circu its . L a st , the plate tank to H the u n it is t o be operated in a normally
ground imped ance is lowered to a minimum cool op erating room , 4E 27 coo ling pr ec autions
val ue a t parasi ti c frequenc ies by shu nti ng each a r e unn ecessa ry.
end of the plate tank circu it t o g-r ound with a Becau se we h ad decid ed t o make it possible
sur plus vacuum paddi ng capacitor. These pro- t o chan ge fin al t a nk coils f ro m t he fr on t p an el
cedures ser ve another purpose, su ch a s the a n- i n order to f a cilita te rapid ba nd cha nge, a door
nihilation of possible TV l, a nd t he improve- is cut into th e fr ont pan el a s illu st r a t ed . Snap-
ment of overall circui t effi ciency. cl ip s whi ch r etain t he door are taken f ro m a
Mechani ca lly, the fina l a nd driver are h ou sed sur p lus BC-375 tuning drawer, a n d t he re-
in one RF t ight hous ing t hat can be hung in taini ng r im for t he door, whi ch is bol ted t o
an open fra me ra ck. Thi s eliminates the need the r ear side of the fro nt panel, is cut f rom a

APRI L 196 1 21

© ClarkWardOrange

di scarded panel. T he r ight angle reduced gear ends of the split winding coil. This is accom-
drive assembly for controll ing t he fi nal tank plished by removing t he two cen ter banana
swing -i ng link a s sembly is al so taken from the plug s, placi ng a *
in ch wide st r a p of cop per
same B C...1 75 surplu s item. unde r t he two center coil su ppor t stra ps, bolt-
Since the s h a f t f or the final plate tank tun- ing t he coil s t r a ps and the cop per st.ra p to-
inJ{ capacitor would appear through the front gethe r through the steati te bar, a nd usi ng one
panel wi ndow when conventionally mounted, of the removed b annana plugs as a B+ con -
a n arou nd the back fence tu ning system wa s nector t o t he ce nter of the coil. The mod ified
d evised using a pa ir of broadcast r eceiver di al coil is ill us tr ated in fi g-ure X. \Ve are so sat is-
string drum s. Desp it e a few ra ised eyebrows fied with t his mo re effi cient coil ar-rangement
a t t his "antiqu ated " string d ri ve techn iq ue, tha t coils for all ba nds have been simila rly
no f a ilu re h as been ex perienced s ince we fir st modi fied .
acc omplished a g ood t ight st r ing ing j ob. A Be The 4E27 dr iver tube is mounted so that it s
drive wh eel for t he sha ft end of th e B & \V plate ca p is located close to the final grid tank
butterfly tank condense r ha s a %" diam eter circ u it . The perfcrnted shield around two sides
hole, and is sweated onto t he brass shaf t of the of the driver tube is mandatory. \Vithout it,
bu t terfl y t a nk condenser. The 'iV' thick alumi- the st age is ex t remely difficult, if not impos-
n um hr acket su p porting t he bushing and dr um sible to t ame down parasi tic-wise, and neu-
wheel, mou nt ed towa rd the rear of th e left trali zation is difficult to mai ntain. Although
hand cabinet wa ll, is bent f r om an old panel. this was origi n ally to be a 20 meter final ex -
Also, note t hat t he sha fts used in bot h t he fi nal clusively, a B & W band s witchin g turret a s-
tank t uning and swing ing link systems a re of sembly is used in t he 4E27 grid ci rcu it. and
h igh grade insu lati ng' mate r ial. ::\letal cou ld the righ t a ngle drive for fro nt panel control is
be used , but the less power con sum ing material again t aken from the BC-375 t u ni ng drawer.
nea r th e final tank coil, t he better. Th e 4E27 grid turret a ssemb ly has a se par ate
Pl ate tank coil s are modified from the or-igi- a ir trimmer placed in pa r allel wi th eac h in-
na l to ins ur e the highest possible efficiency. dividual grid coil. T he grid circ uit is so loaded
Th is type of im provement was discover ed once by t he two ser ies input g r id r esist ors, tha t
while working on a push-pu ll tetrode ampl ifier, once the trim mer condense r for ea ch g r id coil
a nd t he measured incr ea se in output power is is ad justed to reson ance in t he center of each
well worth notin g. Usua lly, plug in tank coils band, no further t u ning ad justment is neces-
are constructed so that t he high circulating sary when shi f t .i ng fr equency across anyone
current which fl ows withi n t he parallel t a nk of the phone bands.
ci rcuit is routed exter nal t o the coil right in Switching bands'? Yep . When we ventured
t he high cur r en t center point through two ba- for th on thi s project, we kept in mind the idea
nana pl ug s and jacks. Here, th e circuit is more of adapting th is basic de sign for use in other
ofte n than not completed wit h some small bit fi nal s t ha t would be all band. F or that matter,
of wire without regard fOI· the losses caused by we wanted a des ign which cou ld one day be
the h igh circula ti ng curre nt. The net result, swi tched over with a minimum of lost invest-
of cou r se, is loss of output power. In t his fi nal, ment to a fi na l t hat might u se 4-250A's, or
however, a copper st r a p j oins t he two in s ide 4-400 A's. Our fo resight seems to ha ve paid off,

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© ClarkWardOrange
s ince t wo other finals have been built utilizing
t h is identi cal approach. One of these other
final s uses a pair of 304TL's, and is a truly
all band rig with a n l\IB-150 all band tuner f or
th e gr id cir cu it . In another version, the driver
stag e is eliminat ed and a pair of 4-250A's is
used in layout identical to the 304T L rig, but
with an MB40 all band tuner for its grid cir-
The 4E27 driver in the 20 meter only BIG
CA N N ON is n eutralized for st abilit y , but in
the all band versi on of thi s rig, it was found
to be unnecessary. Parasitic su ppressors a re
r equired in both plate and gr-id leads of t he
4E27 st age fo r absolute stability. The RF C
in t he 4E27 pl a te circu it is homemade and
funct ions without r esonant effects on all ham
bands. Its s pecifica t ions are g iven in the
schema tic.
Screen voltage for the 4E27 is s u pplied
through dropping resistors R1 and R2 from
the 3000 volt plate su pply. The adju stable t ap
on Rl not only controls scr ee n voltage, but
al so final amplifier grid drive power. Once the
slide r tap is set f or adequa te final grid cur-
rent on 20 meters, it n eed n ot be adju sted
f urther. Since thi s is primarily built a s a cla ss
C A::\I rig, no fixed bi as s upp lies a r e used. • • •
Consequentl y, in order t o prot ect the 4E27, a ....L '~ ... ,>,- ..
6L6 clamp tube is used with a 2500 ohm r e- Front view- 304TL final. Coil access door is re-
sis tor between screen and plate to give im- moved to show 20 meter coil in place. C ontro ls.
proved clamp tube oper ation. The final is pro- top to bottom, left to right: plate tank tuning.
swinging link control, grid tank tuning. and un-
t ected from loss of exitation by an overcurrent used grid bandswitch in the 4E27 driver.
r elay located in the HV power su pply.
Grid and plate meters for both driver and Achieving' equal grid dri ve to push-pull cir-
final are mounted in a standard meter panel cuits is imperative in or der to r eali ze t he full
external to the driver-final unit. Therefore, a s benefits thi s circ uit ha s t o offer . To attain bal.
a sa fet y precaution, 100 ohm r esistors com- a nce, a 15 mmfd vari able cap aci tor is con-
pl ete meter to ground circuits. withi n the en- nected between ground a nd t he g rid of the
closed cabinet. Th ese are n eeded in or der to 304T L which is not ca pac itively coupled t o
maintain completed circuit s even if the cable the 4E27. T his a dj ust a ble capacity allows the
intercon nect ing the m eter pa nel and driver- inpu t capacity to the 304T L's to be balanced
final 'cab inet sho uld be inadvert ently di scon- by offsetting t he output capaci ty of the 4 E 27.
nected. "~ithout these resistors, f or example, In t his manner , drive power to t he final may
full plate voltage would appear between final be equali zed . Approximate ba lance may be ob-
filament transformer center tap and ground tained by noting the color of the t wo final plate
s hou ld the final amplifie r plate current meter t ubes, and ad justing the cap acitor in s ma ll in-
be accidently removed from the circuit. crements until their r elative color a ppea rs to
Because the st ack of ceramic capacitors does be equ al. A more precise way would be to in-
not su pply quite enough capacitance to com- dependentl y meter th e cathodecurren ts of each
pletely neutralize th e final circui t, a sli gh t ad- 304TL, and b alance t he t ubes "by ' obta in ing
ditional amount is gained through the addition equal pl ate and grid cu rrent r eadi ng s. '
of alumni mum trim tabs. These tabs have a The 50 mmfd va cu um padder con-densers
6/ 32 inch hole drilled through them which sh u nt ing each side of the fi nal t a nk bu tterfly
allo ws the tab to be held in place b etween t he condenser to ground ser ve severa l p ur poses :
ceramic feedthrough insul at ors and the bottom One, t hey help keep high order h a rm on ic f re-
of the ceramic condenser n eutralizing st ack. quen cies by pass ed to grou nd- thus helpin g eli-
The s ize of the tab is not critical, and may be min ate pos sible TVI. Two, they ser ve t o k eep
cut to approximately 2 inches tall by 1 * the plate t a nk circuit balanced in r espect to
inches wide. Fine neutralization adjustment ground. Three, t hey add enough ca pacity to
may be had by sligh tl y unscrewing the ceramic the butterfly condenser so that it is possible
condenser stack from the ceramic feedthrough to attain a loaded Q of about 20 on twenty
insulator screw, and changing the relation ship meters. A Q of 20 is about optimum for ease
of the flat s ide of the tab in relation to the of loading and for allowing some degree of
304T L plate. harmonic r eduction.

APRIL 1961 23
© ClarkWardOrange
Note that two 4700 ohm, 2 watt resistors are line and fi n al ta nk. The improvement in out-
a dded in parallel with the final plate tank put power transfer is well wor t h the trouble,
RF C. The only RF C we had was a n old Na- but for all-band operation, t he tech nique is ob-
tional R -175 ; due to it s poor desig n, and ci rcut viously too cumbersome. Length of t he lh
conditions, it was necessary to dam pen out an wave, 52 ohm coax bal un is 22'-9%".
err a t ic pa r a sit ic voltage that a ppea r ed and Th is final has operated man y continuous
bu r ned out t he bottom segment of the wi nd- hours without com ponent fa ilure or break-
ing s. It is probable that this wou ld not hap pen dow n. More impo rtant, even though ope rated
with th e n ewer versions of the R-175. on the shadow side of a hill a way f rom TV
Neutralization ci rcuit parasi tics always seem stations , t here has never been a recorded case
to be pr esen t in 304TL a mplifiers, and in this of ha rm on ically ca used TVI. W ashout cases
one it is necessary to have both t he 40 ohm have occurred, but t hese have been easily cured
non-i nd uct ive resistors and t he Ohmite PC sup- with a high-pass fi lter. Opera tion-wise, like
p ressors in order to completely clean u p all the two subsequent copies refer-red to above,
tendencies for t he fi n al t o take-off. I n t he it is a dream. Loaded and tu ned in t he middle
304T L all-band vers ion of this final us ing the of the 20 meter ban d, n o furt her adjustments
ME·1 50 gri d circuit, on ly the P C suppressors are necessary when moving f rom one edge of
are needed. the phone band to t he other.
T esting of the d river a nd fina l for stability As fu r t her comment on the practical ver-
and la ck of pa r a sit ics is accomplished a s fol - satility of t he fina ls' design , owners of com-
lows : T hr ee, 200 watt, 1000 ohm r esistor s are mercia lly built 100 watt output exciters can
pl aced in series bet ween a 300 volt power sup- use t he 304T L amplifier without need fo r t he
ply and the d r ive r a nd final (driver and fina l 4E27 dr iver stage. The fi nal can be driven to
HV inpu ts wired together) . Th e cabinet is of fu ll legal input by 100 watt of exitation and
course, grounded, no rf input is a pplied to the high level modulated in class C, or operated
dr iver stage, a nd no dummy load nor an tenn a as a class AB 1 linear amp lifi er with negligible
is coupled t o the final output li nk. Actual fi nal required driving power.
plate dissi pation under these conditions will be
near 300 watts per tube . A sensitive inst r u- For Linear SSB Operation
ment such as a n oscillosco pe , or an a ntenna- Li nk couple di rectly into the fina l gr id tank .
scope, is connected to t he fi n al output link as As is the case with my pa r ticu la r fin al , a se par-
an indicat or , and the fi nal pla te tank tuning ate link must be wound with insul at ed wire
and final grid tuni ng are ca refully t uned and in ser ted into the fin al gr id tank. When
through all possible t un ing combinations. No an MB-150 grid tank circuit is used in t he
output s ignals will be indicated when all is fina l, th e problem of link cou pling is sim plified.
functio n ing correctly. Use regulated fi xed bias on the 304T L's. Re-
As t his is conceived as pri marily a 20 meter move all power from the 4E27 dri ver stage.
only fi n al, we decided to add a lh wave bal un Operate the final in class AB· l, an d it will
across the outp ut li nk to imp r ove loading and drive with negligible drive-power required .
match ing conditions between t he 52 ohm coax . . . W 6V V Z

New Use for Crystal Socket Roy E. Pafe nberg

Desp ite sever al years popularity, power
tra nsistor sockets a r e still difficult to locate. A socket which is ide al for power transistors
Th e power transistor is not strictly a "plug-in" is widely available. Th is socket is designed to
dev ice since the mounti ng screws and insula- acca pt t he small , hermetically sealed crystal
t or s are required. However , socket connection units that have become so popula r in Citizens
to the base and emitter is a conven ience and Band and other equipment. These holders have
worth the cost of t he socket . a p in spaci ng of .487" and pin diameter of
Photo . . . Jim Gardner .05". Th is is in f a irly close conformity with
t he t ra nsistor pin spacing of .43" an d p in
dia meter of .04". The socket easily accom-
m odat es t his small disparity and snug sea ting
with good electrical con tact is obtained.
The phot ogr a ph shows a crystal h older
socket installed on th e t ransistor and a view
of the socket. It will be noted that the un it
is designed fo r u nder chassis mounti ng. The
socket will flus h mount in a 3/32/1 chassis, al-
though its use is not limit ed to this t hick ness.
Many ma nuf a ctu rer s make these sockets a nd
the Millen Type 33302 is typica l of those avail-


© ClarkWardOrange
Eight Little - Nine Little
Gro y Berry K2SJN

Tenne ssee Indians Com m unico t io ns C lub o f

N ew Ro che lle , N . Y.

NE of the h ard est-worki ng- committees of heari ng- your CQ over Mel Allen's mellifluou s
O T he Communi cat ions Club of New Ho-
chelle is, unfortunately, the TV I Committee.
t ones. Tell him what's and why's in words of
one sy llable. Lose h is train of thought an d
In a way, w e've a sk ed for it by carefull y plac- you' r-e on the way back to an angry neighbor .
in g sto r ies in t he local pr ess fro m ti me t o ti me So much fo r the fir st of ou r ten little in -
telling fell ow-resid ents how and where t o r e- dians.
port T en nessee Valley I nd ia ns- not t o mention "You' re an anui teur ; my p rofeeeionnl eer oice
thei r clos e tribal cou sins, the h a ms that breaks m nn told mc. . . . ..
into a h i-f set , or is picked up on the telephone Now here is a r eal curve ! Because the ser -
without benefit of hybrid pat ch . Which means vice man told th e TV set own er tha t nothing
that our committee has been able t o com pile could be done a bout interference (Don't laugh
a fairly fat file of case histories on inter fer- - p le nty of them wiJI do just that !) you are
ence. no w on th e s pot doubly. In the mind of th e set
T her e have been many articl es, more t han owne r , you are at fault (naturally) a nd Mr.
a few books , a section of the ARRL Handbook Pa id-for-what-he's su pposed-to-k now has sa id
and so on a ll dea ling with mechan ics of in ter- nothi ng ca n be don e about it. Of course, you
ference su ppression at the tran smitter, or in know bett er, but how to tell the TV set owner
the TV set. Most ham s aren't on th e air very with out r efl ect ing on hi s judgement?
long before t hey r u n into the need for this ma- w e 've found one helpfu l come-back to t his
t er ial. There is no intent in the present arti- one. "Mr. Madguy, the Olympics were just
cle t o deal with such matters a s low and h igh he ld in Rome (or the tenni s matches at Forest
pas s filt ers, shi eldi ng , s t ub an ten nas and so Hills, the Golf Cha mp ionsh ips at the local
for th; wha t we think may be help ful is a list coun t r-v club or what have you.} Those com-
of so me of the remarks that are thrown at our petito rs wer e all amat eu rs s im ply because they
Committee by mo re or less (usually less with a don't g-et pa id f or their skills a nd k nowledge.
ca pita l " 1."-1) understanding- neighbors-and As a m atter of fa ct, amateurs developed TV
possib le ways t o cope with them. in t he first pla ce. A mateurs made the fir st
Probably t he most common a ccusation is cross-ocea n shor t wave contacts, first coast-to-
word ed more or less like this : coa st s hor t wave , etc., et c., ending up with
"Yo n're delib erat ely interfer ing w-it h my "Moonboun ce" and " Project Echo". The only
llU 'l ga me" This usua lly occurs in the last h alf r eason we're called amateurs is beca use t he
of the ninth, sco re t ied and t he winning run Fede r al Government that gives us our licenses
on base-no matter wha t th e hour.) s ays we ca nnot be paid in any way for what
Assuming that the TV ow ne r is willing to we do. (Ca reful , now!) We have to pas s an
listen, we find an answer like thi s 11I u-y calm exam in atio n befo re we ca n go on the air; not
the s it ua t ion. ver y many ser vice men take a ny test at aIL"
The ham sa ys : " Mr. l\-Iadguy, look a t it thi s So now you know s ometh in g after all, in t he
way. We ham s are on the a ir to try t o rea ch mind of your irate neighbor. Next ste p is to
ot he r ham s. They.. are lis tenin g on the p art s convince him somet hing can be done about his
of the radio bands wh ere they ex pect t o hear TVI. By th e t im e you 've had even two com-
other ham s. And that's where t hey are send- pla in t s, you'll find one t ha t ha s been cleaned
ing out their calls. So why would a ham go on up to the comp lete sat isf a ction of t he set
th e ail' on a frequ ency where no one can h ear ow ne r. It's a s ma r t move to a sk him if you
him or call him? Bes ides, if we g-o on any ot her ca n have a ny othe r set own er check a s to the
fr eq uency ex cept those that th e F CC a ss ign s succes s. If you once have one or two pleased
t o us, we fa ce los s of licen se, a fine and even a com plai nts , the r est is easy. Ju st refer your
jail sentence." latest TV owner to one or two other s in t he
So he ask s " Then how come I hear you?" n eig hbor hood . . . a nd to the set s yo u know
And you have th e cha nce to ex pla in qui etly a re clean nex t door, or in t he sa me bu ildi ng.
a n d cal mly (beca use he m.ay be hon estly in- " See, t her e's p roof of what I 've been saying;
te r ested in fi nding ou t !) all a bout signa l r ej ec- somet hi ng- can be done."
t ion and so f orth. But a word of warn ingc-- Ind ian N umber Three-HOf cou rse, it's YOllT
shu n t he " s now job" to sh ow how mu ch more f au lt ; I never had any interference before 2/0U
you know than he docs! He s t ill doesn't like ]Ju t f ha t fhilly on til e u ir l"

A PRI L 19b1 25

© ClarkWardOrange
Ask him to think about it this way; suppose job. Use the first f act to avoid t he second.
he has a hole in his roof. So long as t he sun D on't get you r fin gers into the goodies. Leave
shi nes, he doesn't even know it 's there. But let it t o the ser vice man. And if your neighbor is
the rains come, and t hat self-same hole let s adamant about not spending a cen t, tell him
in the water. If it doesn't rain for months, the you'l l see that he gets the filter as a cou rtesy,
roof is still going to leak as soon as the rain and that your responsiblity ends there. E xit
does fall. And a TV set that will let Inter- gracefully (if possible) and go on the air when
ference creep in is j ust like that roof. If it you please. E ventually, he'll figure that he has
isn't your sta tion , it will eventually be some- t he fi lter, and he might as well in stall it. As a
one else 's. W hat you want to do is t o plug ma t ter of f act, if you show him how easy it
the hole before the rain comes. is, Mr. Madgu y just may do it to save th e
At this point, you're ready to talk about the dollar or two he's so wor- r -ied about! But don 't
set makers and the way they will supply a H P you do it for anyone less closely related to you
filter. So you tell the TV owner you can get than your landlor d or you r wife's Cousin
him the filter by working through a r egul ar J ake.
service man or your Club TVI Com mittee (you Fifth Lu rking Redskin- "You must be in-
should have one-both a club and a commit- ierierinq ; my TV loo ked (solw ded) awful last
tee) . This invariably leads to I ndi an Number nig htl"
Four. J ust maybe you'll be lucky. L ast night may
uTI'hy should I spend a cent? You do it." have been the night you fried your fi na l ( these
( Pay for the service call, or install the filter.} th ings do happe n) Or m aybe it wa s meeting
You see, t he TV set owner has, in hi s own n ight at the Club. Anyhow, quickly expla in the
mind, pa id t he la st cen t he ex pects to for t he log and wha t it must show by law. Prove you
best T V he can buy. Now you're telling h im weren't anywh ere near t he mike or the key if
in effect that he's been had-c-or so he t hinks. you can-and half your battle is won. Then
And wait until your TV I complaint comes from try this. " You know, there are many th ings
a man who works for the set maker! besides ham stations t hat can interfere with a
You have to assume (dangerous !) that 1\1r. TV set, but hams usually get t he bl ame. (You
Madgu y can still be logical abou t t h is, but can't du ck it if she or he ha s heard your call
her e is a tr ied a nd trusty answer. " You can signal, bub :) I'd like t o help you find out what
see from what we've been saying t hat the fault is interfer ing with your set . w hat does the
isn't with my transmitter, because t he FCC interference look (sound) like?" Many t imes
would clobber me in a minute if it were. So you can identify its source-like a fluorescent
what you're asking me to do (pay for a service light in the next room t hat drove our commit-
call) is not only to get you free a $5.95 piece tee bats fo r a while, or cars goi ng by. Look
of equipment, but then to pay f or putting- it aroun d f or a second set in the hou se that' s
where your set maker should have in t he fi r st beat ing aga inst the one complained about----o r
place. You see, the FCC (the more you can men- an F M radio. And try to describe "typical
tion Fox Charlie Charlie the betted) says that amateur interference patterns" so they can
the TV set makers knour they should do this , but compare your description with what they have
they take a calculated risk. Out of the t hou- on t he ir set. You ma y end up with a clean bill
sands of sets they make, how many do you of health. ( The ARRL publish es " Patter ns
suppose might land, like yours did , near one of Interference"- a chart you can get for the
of the 200,000 ha ms in the cou ntry? And a asking.)
filter that might cost $3.50 at the factory, Sixth I nd ian from the neighborhood war-
installed, could raise the final cost of the set as path is " lVhat d'ya mean it's my set?"
much as $25.00 or so by the time you figure " Well, 1\11'. Madguy, I have two sets home.
in labor , mark-up for the Distributor , t he One is right in t he same r oom with my t r ans-
Dealer and all the other people who get into mi tt er and nothing interferes with it. I'd like
the sale. T hat 's why your set needs this filter to ask you to come over and see for yoursel f.
-just l\ matter of economics. And since you ( Better be sure your own TV is clea n !) And
are going to get the filter free from the set I'd like to show you how a ha m station is built
maker, doesn't that prove he knows his sets and filtered so that it won't cause inter fer ence.
are not as perfect as they might be? P utting (In t he rare event t hat he does come ove r,
the filter in only takes a cou ple of m inutes, con trast the shielded ch assis of you r rig with
and ther e won't be a ny parts charge, j ust a t he open const r uct ion of TV sets. Compar e co-
service call ." ax with T V wire and lead -ins. Show him your
T his leads to the other related question; low-pass filter and explain it in layman's lan-
" well, why don't you install it?" If you want guage--of course you have an LP filter in the
to take a chance, go ahead. But we don't rec- line, don't you?) If he won't come over-quite
ommend it. First of all, let anything go wrong likely- t alk him t hrough what you would show
with that T V set for the next six months , and him. T hen add on a s ma ny cases as you can
who do you think will be blamed? Second, f rom the neighbor hood of TV sets t ha t aren 't
your neighborhood servicemen get touchy if being interfered with while h is is bothered.
they think you're doing them out of a service (Continu ed on page 59 )


© ClarkWardOrange
Bill Roberts W9H OV
House of Ante nnes
Measu ring I r 53 Eest 82nd Street
Chlceqc 19. Illinois

Co Ax Feeders and Stubs

a brainstorm sent me into inti-
mate consultation with a full set of ha nd-
11 f eet 4 inches . A quarter wave st ub would
be 5.68 feet (5 '-8"). It is interesting to note
books and a slide-rule. This resulted mostly in that a line 45'-7" w ould be 4 % waves on 10,
sever a l pages of calculations and a desire to 3% waves on 15, 2 half waves on 20 and one
do something else less mathematical. The half on 7 me,
antenna n eve r did emerge from the confusion In multi-band antennas it is often advan-
of figures, but an interesti ng chart did. tageous to have a feed li ne t hat is % wave
Thi s chart sh ows the length of a half wave long. If you can choose a feedline that is %
In free space, the length of a half wave of wave long on each band you may solve many
co-ax such as RG8/U. RGll /U. RG58U. or problems. As you look down the chart you
any other co-ax having a velocity factor of will see that there is a length around 45-46
0.66, the length of a quarter wave of co-ax feet that works out to be a ha lf wave mul t iple
(half the former, of course), and a multiple of on all bands. The C\V operator would be more
half ' ..-av es that will give you an all-band co-ax inte r ested m the 46 foot length, the phone
feeder. man around 45.4' or so.
Now let u s take a hypothetical case and see Thi s chart is for co-a x, not for ope n wire
what the chart will do for u s . A half wave lines or twi n-lead.
feeder for 28,600 kc would be 11.35 feet, or . . . W9 IlOV
28000 28100 28200 28300 28400 28500 28600 28700 28... 28900 29000 29200 2....
~2 Wave . . • . . 17.57 17.51 17 .45 17.39 17 .32 17 .26 17.20 17.14 17.08 17.02 16.96 16.90 16.84
~ !l W a v e Coax 11.60 11.56 11.52 11.48 11.43 11 .39 11.35 11.31 11.29 1 1.23 11.19 11.1 5 11.11
~;. Wave Coax 5.80 5. 78 5.76 5.74 5.72 5.70 5.68 5.66 5 .64 5.62 5 .59 5.57 5.55
4 ! 2 Waves . • . 46.40 46 .24 46 .08 45 .92 45.72 45 .56 45.40 45.24 45 .08 44 .92 44 .76 44 .60 44.44

21000 21075 21150 21225 21300 21375 21450

~2 Wave . . . . • 23 .42 23.35 23 .26 23 .18 23 .10 23 .02 22 .94
% Wave Coax 15.45 15.41 15.35 15 .30 15.25 15 .19 15.14
! ;. Wave Coax 7 .73 7.70 7 .68 7.65 7 .62 7.60 7.51
3! !l Waves . . . 46.40 46 .24 46 .08 45.92 45 .72 45 .56 45.40

14000 14050 14100 14150 14200 14250 14300 14350

~2 Wave ..... 35.14 35.02 34.90 34.77 34.65 34 .53 34.40 34.28
!:z Wave Coax 2.1 .19 23 .11 23 .03 22.95 22.81 22.79 22 .70 22 .62
!~ Wave Coax 11 .60 11.56 11 .52 11.47 11.43 11.50 11.35 11.31
2 \2 Wave ... 46.40 46.24 46 .08 45.92 45.72 45.56 45 .40 45 .24

7000 7025 70'0 7075 7100 7125 7150 7175 7200 722' 7250 7300 7350
~2 Wave .. . . . 70.28 70 .04 69.80 69 .54 69.30 69 .04 68 .80 68.56 68.33 68 .08 67 .84 67 .60 67.36
~2 Wave Coax 46.38 46.23 46 .06 45.92 45.72 45 .56 45.40 45 .24 45 .08 44 .92 44 .76 44 .60 44 .44
!:a Wave Coax 2.1.19 23 .11 23 .03 22 .95 22 .81 22 .79 22.70 22.62 22 .55 22 .46 23 .38 22 .30 22 .22

Ohmm eter Polarity Test

Moat multimeter s are wired so that the swi t ch to the de voltage range, and r econnect
black lead is positive and the r ed lead negative the ca paci to r and see which way the meter
when measuring ohms. But n ot all are wired needle ki ck s.
that way. \Vhen testing diodes and electrolytic Thi s s a me charged capacitor is frequently
capaci tors, it he lps to know for certain w hich us ed to a dvantage to mea sure de voltages in
way particular meter you grab is wired. If e xt re mely high impedance ci rcuits . The capaci-
you don't happen to have a second meter to t or is connected t o the circuit ( th r oug h an
test the polarity, you ca n u se a common potato isolating resistor if needed) and allowed t o
to determine which lead is plus. The plus lead build up to a fu ll charge. Then a VTVl\I or
area turn s blui sh after a bit if you stick both de Scope is connected to the capacitor and the
leads into the s pud . r ea d ing quickly mad e before t he charge leak s
A much better method is to si mply use the off. Natu r a ll y a g ood capaci tor is essential,
ohmmeter to charge up any capacitor, 0.25 such a s a mylar or polys tyrene type.
mfd or larger, then disconnect the capacitor, • • • KGEAW

APRIL /96/ 27

© ClarkWardOrange
Jim Kyle, K5JKX/6
Il'itl. a V'en q eance l !
1\ s I open ed the door t o the sh a ck , Joanne 1. T u rns itself on and off.
./"""1. put down her wel l-chewed penci l an d 2. Monitor s for Conelra d aler ts continu-
t urned off th e big' s witch. " Ye s, invento r, " she ously.
sai d , "I see you 're home." 3. Tak es ca re of all tran smit-receive
"Rough day a t the sa lt m ine," I grumbled, s witch ing.
si n ki ng my lank)' frame down g inger ly on a 4. Cha nges ba nds a ut omatically.
box of old a04T Ls . "Too nin n y computer cir- 5. Tell s you wha t's ha ppen ing at all
cuits... .." t imes.
"You'd th ink," mu s ed friend wife to no one an d G. Keep s the log.
in part icu la r , "that with all the g ray ma tte r Those were t he des ign s pecifica ti ons , an d
t his ea t's supposed to have, he could fi g ur e out they were all met. It took a bi t of doing, and
a way t o make a st a t ion do all its own d ir t y many of the ci rcu its a re not t he famili ar ones
work. After all, they ha ve mac hi nes t hat build yo u're used to seeing.
more machin es . ..." If you're ready for the s hock, t hough, take
" Yeeow! " I cr ied, leaping to my f eet. A a peek at F ig. 1. It' s a combined block and
304T L had given way. B ut even after the log ic diag ram wh ich shov..-s t he overa ll pict u r e
su r geon removed the last spli nte r of g lass from (and when one of t hese is fini shed, over a lls
my posteri or, the memory of J oa nne's sug- will be the on ly t hi ng; you could a fford, but
g-estion stayed w ith me piercingly. that's ahead of the st or y . .. ) in a more-or-
Three ream s of sc r a tch paper, two g -ross of less un der st andable way.
pen cils, ha lf-a -d ozen ed ition s of T er man (a nd The big X in t he up per left ma rks the s pot
t wo j obs) lat er, t he evi l deed was done. A where a switch goes. This is no or din a r y
compl ete ci rcui t for a full y-autom ated ham sw it ch , though. You kno w t hese mat-ty pe f oot-
station rep cse d in my m ind. It ha sn' t ye t been s wit ches tha t work by pressure ? T ak e one of
tran sposed to r eality . . . for reasons whi ch t hose an d put it unde r t he cu shion of t he cha ir
sho r tly will become clear. But it ca n b e done, in the shack.... N ow, whe never you sit down,
a nd you 're welcome t o it if you want to try . t he st a t ion t urns it sel f on.
Before I se nd you muttering; back to t he Th er e, t ha t wa s n't too painful, wa s it? Now
crystal-set lea g-ue, t hough , (and above all r ead on to the right unt il you come t o t he b ox
don't dare look a t t he sc hema t ics yet!) I marked "20 sec 'I' D. " This houses a zu-second
guess I'd bet t er outl ine what th is su per -d u per time-delay rela y which de la ys o pe rat ion of th e
station will do for you. L ike she s a id, it does t ransm itter bia s su pply unt il a ll fila ment s
all it s own di rty work. E .G . : have had a chance to heat.
Sk ip t he box m a rked u'vwv Revr " for th e
mo me nt and concentrate on t he one labeled
" C. R. " In its con fi nes nestles the Conelrad
al e r t monitor . I nstead of t he ordin ary system
of buzzer or pil ot light, th e ou t put of t hi s
alarm is j ust a. S P DT relay. W hen a ll is we ll,
the " G" outp ut line is con nected to - 12 volts .
Wh en t he a ler t sou nds , the - 12 voltage is
switche d to t he " R " li ne.
Now m ove on t o the "Tape Log " box. T his
hou ses t he much-modifi ed tape r ecord er. T he
ta pe recorder has t wo in put s, a s well a s an
au t oma tic sto p to hal t it when it r un s out of
tape, and a r elay in it s B + line which switches
- 12 volts to eit her the "O n" li ne if a ll is
work in g 0 1' t he " Off" line if somet h ing f ail s.
Ba ck to th e bia s su pply. It, too, has one of
the se little r ela ys , con nected in a voltage-sen s-
i n ~ ci rcuit so t h a t - 12 volts is on t he " On"
out put line u nt il bia s ri ses to rated va l ue. At
that point, the sig na l swi tches t o the "Off"
ou t put lin e.
W e ski pped the "WWV Rcvr" before. Go
back. Th is ca n be any a ddi t iona l r eceiver (a
comma nd set will work but a 5t.} is r ecom-
mended) which w ill pick up WWV . With it s
own an te nn a , it is perm an en t ly tu ne d to


© ClarkWardOrange
- :x
1=1 D.
--$t lsa 1m -~ ;,;;,
" I I ~

Il ~ '"

III (l ~ ~~
, .
, ,- ~ s '

(J o o o o
@ @ @

,,'wv. Output feeds one of the inputs to the The f ault locator panel con si sts of red and
logging tape recorder, providing time markers. green pilot bulbs slaved to the enabling-signal
We're almost up to the transmitter itself lines. .:\ly out-of-this-world dreaming did it
by now, and the whole confusing mess is about with tran si stor s witches at each of the 13
to get really uncomprehensible. At this point, bulbs, but it m ight be cheaper to u se DPDT
you have to open or close the gates. relays instead of SPDT in each s ig n al line and
The gates, that is, which contro l the trans- control 6.3 VAC for t he pilot bulbs with the
mitter. Th ey' re "and" a nd "or" gates, swiped other relay pole.
from digital computer circuitry (it's cheaper Th e "Operate" sect ion on the panel, you may
to sw ipe them-the commercial models cost notice, is connected to the out put of the big
$25 each!). The smaller "and" gates can be "and" and the "or" gate. If all is ready to
built in the sa me manner by omitting two legs. transmit, the "oper-ate" bulb lights green. If
N ote that each gate includes a -6 vdc sup- there's any failure, it lights red. If thi s bulb
ply, so that in the "and" gate you have to is r ed, at least one other will also be red,
have - 12 at each of the input terminal s be- pinpointing the t r ou ble. After a few months'
fore output voltage will rise to - 6 from zero. practice, fau lt location with thi s syst em should
I n the small gate driven from the la r g e one, be almost as fast as by the old try-everything-
replace t he 6-volt battery with a 3-volt one. until-you -fi nd -wha 1'8-wrong techn ique.
Now, after J-·OU sit down (automatically So far, we haven't looked at the " Band
starting the cycle), the bias s up ply comes on Switcher." It 's a flip-flop connected so that
after 20 seconds and the Conelrad and Tape when the tran smitter is on, no sign a l can get
Log equipment sends out "G" and "On" sig- through to a ste pping r elay which oper at es
nal s respectively as soon as warmup is over. sla ve r elays in each stage of the tran smitter.
Assume that the "Band Switcher" al so has If the transmitter is off, the input "and" gate
-12 volt s on its "Locked Sig" output line, and is enabled, and you can pulse the s te pping
you can see that the first "and" gate in the relay (approximate cost, $45) with a push-
transmitter control chain is enabled. T his p uts button on t he arm of your chair. Th is steps
- 6 volts at t he input of "and" gate No.2. you from band to ba nd. An a dded r efinement
\Vhen it gets another - 6 volt signal from the would be a series of pilot lights to let you
vox unit, you're on the air. know what band you're on, but I felt it would
On the other hand, shou ld Conelrad sound be a u seless complication.
an alarm, the bias su p ply fail, or the tape log Note that the "Band Switcher" is con nect ed
unit run out of tape, one of the enabling sig- to the transmitter coming and going, so to
nals will be absent. In addition, a failure s pea k , so that the transmitter must be off
signal will go to the "or" gate in the disabling before it can be turned on. This is a precaution
side of the transmitter control, a nd you're against accidenta l doubletalk. For intentional
silent. (Continued on pag e 58)

APRIL 1961 29

© ClarkWardOrange
Art Korn K8 HDR
4212 17t h Street
W ya ndotte . Mic hig an

Audio Boosting

The Command Receivers

time ago I needed a receiver that was Do It Yourself
light weight and portable. Not wanting to
carry around the 60 pounds of station receiver, Remove the scr ews that hold the two mul-
a BC-779, I decid ed that if the audio of a tiple condensers C20 (2X.05) and C16
comma n d receiver could be improved enough (3X22mfd) and the audio choke (L15). Lo-
for spea ke r operation that it would be the cate R19 (lOOK) and R18 (5l0K) under the
right size and weight. Al so, the BFO was two condensers on the t erminal board and r e-
needed for C'V r eception. A check thru all move. The green lead that goes from these
the old magazines and handbooks brought little r esistors to C29 (.OOGmfd) should also be re-
of help to light. moved. Solder a sh ielded lead to this con-
For portability the power su pply had to denser, ground the shield, and loosen the
be on the dynamotor well and be transformer scr ews holding the other condensers on this
oper a ted for sa fe t y. This left no extra r oom s ide of the chassis to run the lead to the front
for an additional audio st ag e. panel. You might a s well take out the coil
It didn't take much sta r ing at the circu it box across the fro nt of the receiver at thi s
.dia g r a m to see that th e reason we were not time. Leave this lea d long enough to fasten
.get t ing much audio out of t he receiver was to a volu me control which will be on the f r ont
that it was designed to feed a n external audio panel la te r . The af choke ( L I5) a nd it s wir-
.system or a pa ir of h ead phones. Simply by ing might as well be taken out completely too.
.cha ng lng t he output ci rcu it a b it and using T he black lead at the j unction of the resistors
.a regular output transformer we cou ld have should be pulled back to the if can p in and
.plen t y of decibels. removed. Replace this with a sh ielded lead,

• The on ly changes necessary are where new leeds should be connected at points A-B-C .

= TO Ll2 .'"
,. ~-
T2 eoooJ\ TAP

100 12A6



, 7500.n.

0 - -&-
• -+ , . 12A6


© ClarkWardOrange
grou nd the sh ield at t he term inal board, a nd thru a convenient hole or to the unused
ru n t his lea d t o t he f r ont p a nel also. T hese pins on the power socket . Mount a one meg
leads shou ld be insulated f rom touch ing t he pot on the front pa nel a nd solde r one lead
sockets and ca using an a cciden tal shor t and to the center post, one to t he end post, and
onl y need to be in sulated because there is no the sh ields to t h e th ir d p ost. T ighten down
voltag e but some BC pick-up due to the leng th all conde nsers, coils and BFO can securely.
a nd br oa dness of the if's. 'Vhil e you are under the chassis it might
Re-f a st en a ll the condensers and go to the be well to take out the neon bulb across the
other side of the receiver. Loosen the screws antenna trimmer. I found this helped con-
that h old t he BF O (Z4) and C I5 (3 X.05) a nd aide r -ably. I left the old gain control in :'1 3
outpu t t r ansf or mer Tl. Remove t he plate lea d thi s helps to cut down background noise .m
a t t he socket of t he 12A6 and B plu s lead CW r eception , b ut it can be taken out if
f rom the power con nection, and C3 1 ( .001) . des ired.
Remove the w ire to t he phone j a ck, move all
grounds f r om the phone jack to a direct Did it Work?
chassis ground installed at this time in any
conven ient spot at the s ide of the chassis, and Now tie on a spea ke r , turn on the power,
remove the phone jack. T his is where you will and grab somet hin g for an antenna. As soon
put your volume control. as it warmed up, s ig na ls began to bounce
Now sta rt put t ing a few part s back in! A thru t hat I h a d neve r h ea r d with t h is r e-
s ma ll 5000 to 7500 oh m to voice co il ou t put ceiver before. I tu ned t h r u t he 80-75 m eter
transfor mer should fit in where Tl w a s t aken ban d and found t he results of this little
out. Be ver y careful when you move t he B F O change were most gratifying for the time,
can and the condenser out of your way since parts, and effort consumed. For a sta n d-by
these lead s break very easily. Solder in the receiver or for the Novice just getting st a r te d
plate lea d of the output transformer to the it is a truly fine receiver to work with. I t
plate of the 12A 6 a nd the B p lus lead to the is a little broad in the if , but curing that is
power socket. Run the voice co il leads either a nother stor y. . .. K 8HD R


,r ,/ CLAMP OR

Pic k Up the INSUL ATORS

..: :



'D roop I


ETTIN'G a bit t ired of the "down-in-the-

G mouth" look of the drooping elements on
your rotary beam antenna? Next time y ou
have to se r vice it or when you erect a new
one, put a short extension ( approx imately 3 U se Nylon g u y cord (any radio distributor)
feet ) on your supporting ma st. This can be which is non-shr inkable, non-stretchable a nd
of metal or w ood, as you e lect . Most lumber of excellent t en sil e st r eng t h . Avoid wire of any
yards car ry wha t is k nown a s "full r ou nd " ki nd f or such g uys; it could upset your radia -
stock in several d iameters ; one will probably tion pattern! B r ea k the Nylon cord with a
fit you r ma st. If not, a little sh a vi ng will fix s ma ll 'goose-egg' insulator close to the ele-
it. ment. In ser t a small galvanized turnbuckle, if
Ordinary screw eyes (galvanized) in a you like, close t o th e t op anchor of the guy
wooden extensio n or t he eq uivalent in eye- lines . Glass li ne is also excellent for this.
bolts fo r a me tal pipe, placed at the top , w ill Pick up the d roop in each element this
se r ve a s t he upper anchors f or t he g uy lines. way ; your beam will present a m u ch m ore
Dr ill th rough t he rod elements nea r t he outer workman like appearance an d the add ition of
e nds to provide a n anchorage fo r the guy li nes such guys will stiffen the entire assembly sur-
by means of a n eye-bolt or use a wrap-around prisingly. It's weight is negligible and the cost
clamp such as sold by most hardware stor es is peanuts.
for plastic pipe. Heward S. Pyle W 70E

APRIL 1961 31

© ClarkWardOrange
Transistor Modulator
Forty If/ t/!!s

Monroe Mc Ooneld Kl7 DlC

T HE uni t I a m going to desc ribe in t h is ar-

ticle is a very effi cient audi o amplifier sui t -
micropho ne, conve r ted to us e a \Vestern E lec-
tric Fl telephone button .
able for u se as a plate modulator for a mob ile The modulator and power su pply , plus all
or portable medium power (sixty to ninety the a ssocia t ed relay s, fi lte r s, etc., are mou nted
watts r f ) t r a nsmitter. T he a udio output is in a box about ten by fi ve by fo ur inc hes , wi t h
rated a t fo rty w a tts , but the u ni t has delivered t he modulati on t ransfor mer st icking out on
in excess of sixt y watts to a dummy load. No top. The driver t ransi st or and m icrophone
a udio quality tests were made at th is power transformer are included in the r f section of
level, though . W it h no filaments to heat, the my rig, however, because t ha t is where the
unit need not be energized during st a ndby mike plugs in , an d I wan ted to reduce mike
( r eceive ) periods, so th ere is 110 stan dby drai n . lead li ne pi ck up.
When th e unit is ene rgized d uring transmit Th e mod ula t ion circuit is very sim ple, a nd
pe r iod s, t he id le d ra in is less than half an t herein lies one of its virtues. Th e construc-
ampere at twelve volts, and the drain at full tion is nearly all mechanical , with not much
r a ted output (forty watts) with a sust a ined wiring to do once the transformers and tra n-
tone is less t han eight am peres. sistors are mo unted. I did m ou nt a term in al
T he u nit as I us e it is bu ilt into a power- str ip nea r t he driv er t ransisto r to pr ovide tie
supply-modula tor un it , with a 600 volt 200 mil points for t he com ponents in t hat pa rt of t he
trans istor power s up ply, so that plen ty of c ir cuit .
"punch" may be su pplied to a single 6146 rf One unfortunate a spect of this u nit, or a ny
section wit hou t st r a ining . The power su pply using recently developed components , is that
u ses a Tr iad t oroid a nd the cir cu it supplied the parts m ust nea r ly a lways be purch a sed
by t he man ufa cturer, so I wo n't concer n m y- new. F e w people ha ve t ransisto rs or tra nsistor
self wit h it in thi s article, exce pt to s ta t e that transformers in the hi gh po wer ca tegor y in
the power su pply puts two kilocycle noise onto th eir junk box. U sing all new parts t his unit
the twelve volt line that takes seve r a l thou- will cost around forty dollars, a nd t his m ight
sa nd m icroforad s of filter capacity to keep discourage those a ft er economy.
out of t he mod ulator. T he most im portant par t of t h is mo dulator
Although t he mod ulator was des igned with is t he ou t put stage, wh ich may be used wi t h
effi ciency and power out a s the main goal s, I any s peech amplifier capable of delivering
was pleasantly su r p r ised to find that the a watt or so. Thi s way, microphones other
aud io quality is qu ite good, and compares with than carbon may be u sed, or scr een-modu la ted
fixe d stations in "na t u r a lness." I use a carbon tran sm itters, such a s the Heathkit mobile,

,--11' 0 5506


2N301 •

• 'n
150 .1'1. "
n •
''0 • 150/ 15. • 500/15 . 0'
'"---il---t-+---.+--<--+-------.......-f--o . 12VDC POWER
1000/1 5

12 73 MA6AZINE

© ClarkWardOrange
cou ld be converted to pla te-mod ul a tion, effec- transf ormers should be located according to
t ively in cr easin g the power output f our ti me s. g ood audio practice t o minimize magnetic
A driving tra nsformer should be used to cou pling . In my u nit, the mic tran sformer is
match t he driver tube or transi stor to s ixt een in t he rf uni t with t he driver trans istor, th e
ohms cente r -tapped (d ue to t he impedance- d river and out pu t tran sformers are at op-
ma tch squ a re law, th e ce nter ta p fo r s ixteen posite ends of the modul ator un it an d at r-ig ht
oh ms is fo ur ohms. ) angles to eac h ot he r , and the power s u pply
Confused by all t he complicated bias net- tumid is neal' the out put end, as far as pos-
works I sa w in tran s istor amplifier circu its, s ible from th e lower level tran sform er. The
I ex per imen ta lly determined th e ch a r acteri s- ou t put tra ns istors a r e m oun ted t h ro ugh the
t ics of the t r a ns istor s I had deci ded upon, ou t side of t he box using t he mica in sulator s
and d esigned th e cir cu it over two years ag o. and h a rd ware s up plied with t hem. T he dr iver
I ha ve since seen si mila r circuits in lower- t ran si stor is mo unted on the ba ck sheet of
powe r ap plica tion with t he name zero-bia s the rf sect ion 's metal shell wit h a mica in -
class-B amplifiers. The ou t pu t tran sistors are su la tor I mad e fr om ma terial kept by hard -
biased slig h tly below cut-off by r eturning th e wa r e stores fo r stove wind ows. T he tran sis-
base circuit t o th e emitters, making f ull class tors must be insulated elec t r ica ll y, bu t not
B oper a t ion. Th is is s u pposed to int r oduce therm ally, f rom ground, as the transistor shell
some di stort ion, but it is not not iceable in my is the collec tor connection, and t he heat -d is-
unit. The dri ving impeda nces of the t rans is- sipa ti ng elemen t.
tors wer e al so det ermined exper ime nta ll y, as I use a n Fl t elephone ca r bon button for a
Delco would su p ply no in formation on th e microphon e, and an y other mic. might have
u se of their tra n si st ors in such appli cations. d ifferent ga in or other circu it con s iderat ion s.
Th e driver circu it was designed a s a class T hi s t ele phone button has ver y good ga in
A amplifier using R CA characteri stics, a nd a nd fid elit y, but has th e di sad vant ag-e t hat it
inpu t an d output impedan ces. Si nce the inpu t tends to pick up traffic n oise. The " comm u ni -
impedance of the dr iver and t he out put im - cations" ca rbon mics. pick up less noise, and
ped ance of t he ca r bon mic are about the sa me, r equire louder t a lk ing.
I fir st tried ca pacit y coupling betwee n the I got the driver tran sformer on a s pecial
two, but f ou nd the s ta ge tend ed to osc illate sale, and it might be difficult t o dupli cate ex -
beca use of collector -base coupl ing through a ct ly. It is m uch la r ger than necessary, how-
t he t welve volt li ne, even though that li ne ever , so a s malle r s ubs t itu te might be a n
was well-filte red. W ith a mic. t ra nsformer, improvement. T he r equ ir ement s for the driver
• t he ph a se may be r eversed t o cance l th is feed- tra n sformer a r e a couple of wa t ts power
back. Th e rnic. tran sform er by-pass fil ter ca pa bil ity , a sixt een ohm secon dar y with a t a p
ca pa cit or mu st be return ed to t he emi tter su p- at fou r ohms, and a primary to match th e
ply lin e, and not gro un d, to p r even t oscillation. driver used, in my ca se th irty-two oh ms , wi th
Th e ba se r esi st or wa s select ed to g ive a pproxi- a h alf-a mper e rating.
m at el y 375 mil s idle collector current, a nd Th e input impedance of th e driver trans istor
t u r ned out to be 2200 ohms in my u n it. is about seven t y-fi ve ohms , a nd as the ca r bon
No ga in controls have b een provided in t h is mic. ou t put impedance is n early tha t , a one-
ci rcu it , a s I beli eve n one are necessary in to-one transformer with a s n ear t o that im-
mobile operation, where the sa me opera tor uses peda nce level a s possible is used to coupl e
the rig all the t ime. T he over a ll gain may be them . The pri mary mu st h andle fifty mil s mic.
in itially set up by j ugg- li ng t he value of the curr ent.
mic. bleeder r esi stor , so long' as the mic. button It sho u ld be borne in m ind th at the output
cu r rent does n ot exceed a bout fi fty m ils. I st age of thi s mod u la to r dra ws fair ly heavy
use about f or t y m ils but t on cu r r ent , t o g et current, and th e power lea ds, relay contacts ,
full modu lation wi th my n or mal s pe aki ng , g r ou n d connec t ions, etc. sh ould be of suffic ien t
a nd t he 150 oh m r esi stor wa s select ed fo r size.
t hat p urpose. I hope th at this modul ator will work for
Ver y heavy fil tering is required ac ross t he other builder s a s well a s it does f or me.
power inpu t to the a udio outpu t sta ge because . . . KL7D L C
the cu rrent dra in vari es greatly with modula-
tion, and unless the modulator is conn ected t o a
battery with very sho r t , heavy leads, a n unfil-
tered modulator can modu late the twelve volt Very Short Article
power li ne , causing ser ious circu it inter actions. Toroid Tip
H eavy filteri ng a cr oss t he driver is r eq uir ed
to r ed uce r ecei ver a nd tran smi tter power su p-
ply noise fe d into th e a udio f rom the t wel ve A wafer oct al socke t makes a ni ce tie point
volt line. At power tran sistor impedance levels, st r ip if yo u are bu ildin g a t oroid core tran s-
h eavy filter-ing means ca pa cit y in the t ho u- for mer f or transi stor power sup plies. Ju st
sands of microfarads. bend t he sol de r lugs down an d attach the leads
In construction of this modulator unit the from the windings. • •.. VE6WT

APRIL 1961

© ClarkWardOrange
. ........ .."
~ .
you'd like to know more about a complete
I f'
• ",0 ... , , .

2 meter s t a t ion for less than $45.00, read

on! La t est in the He a t h Companys' line of
.... .,...- low priced tra nsce ivers is t he H W-3D, a two
meter model, similar to t he ten a nd six meter
models . T he size, shape a nd color of a ll t he

• u nits a re the sa me, t hough the insides of the
Twoer arc some wha t, different.
Regular 8 me crystals with st a nda rd .500"

- pin sp a cing (FT-243 holders), are used in the

oscilla tor . The pentode half of a 6BA8 tube
is used a s the oscilla tor in an electron coupled,
Pierce oscillator circuit. The plate circuit of
the oscilla tor is tuned to 24 me, thus tripling
Donald A. Sm ith-W3UZN in the oscillator. The second half of a 6BAS
Assccle te Ed itor (triode) takes the 24 mc output from the os-
cillator and triples it to 72 me, The 72 me
sig na l is t hen fed to the triode half of another
6liAS tube which doubles the signal to 144 me
and drives the final. The pentode half of a
6BAS is the final, operating straight through
on 144 me.
Bypassing in the transmitter is extensive,
with over two dozen ceramic disk capacitors
73 being used! All tuning in the rig is done with
slug tuned coils, with the exception of the
fi nal, which is tuned with a 2.5 to 6 IiJdd
trimmer capacitor. T he final coil is mount ed
right on the trimmer p roper, to keep the lead
length a s shor t a s possible.
P la te modulation is u sed, which gives you
more "pu nch" than other types.

Tests Receiver

The receiving section is very sensit ive, even

though a super-regenerative detector is u sed.
Hea th ha s imp roved on t he st a nda r d super -
regen by adding a tuned rf st age. A low n oise
6B88 t ube is used in t he receiver. One triode
of the tube is u sed a s the rf amplifier and the
othe r triode a s the super -r ege n detector. Some
HEATHKIT Amateurs have never u sed the super-regen,
so I will mention t ha t one of the problems with
them that ha s always been annoying, is what
"Twoer" ..... HW·30 is known as " su ck-out." That is, a s the receiv-
ing f reque ncy is changed, the detector will
Two Meter Transceiver drop out of oscillation.
Size: 7" x 9%" x 6" deep.
Weight: 6 112 Ibs.
Power: I 15 vac @ 45 watts.
Transmitter: 8 mc xtals.
5 watts input.
Receiver: Super-regenerative.
RF amplifier.
Tunes 144-148 mc (CAP .I
& MARS).
Assembly Time: 7 hours, average.
Price: $44.95 (including mike). •


© ClarkWardOrange

:":1 w _
.,. ~-
• ••

TTT , 1
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,/0 " "U

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- . . _._
• ' M",,_
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- _ .• 0
- ~- - •
_ ..---=.
<,0. ...) - , _ _

_. _._- - - -
_. ~

. _ .- _ _ 0 -

.-,,, -.__
_.-- 2 METER .o.lO.o.n UR TRANS CEIVER

:i. t.~"
- .'. !



-. .....

_--- ~
..... ....._._ ..-
, ~
Heath has eliminated th is probl em in two A full-wave voltage doubler ci rcu it is utilized,
ways. First, they use impedance coupling be- us ing two silicon diodes. B+ ou t put is ap-
tween the rf amplifier st ag e and the detector prox ima tely 260 vdc @ 90 rna. The su p ply is
a nd secondly they ma de the f eed point of th e wired in su ch a way t hat an external de su p-
det ector a very low impedance. Thus when the p ly can be plugged into the r ear of the un it
regeneration control ha s once been adj usted a nd all n ecessa ry changes in the rigs circuitry
properly, you can tune between 144 me and a re autom ati ca lly cha nged over when the
148 me without any furt her adjustmen t of t he proper ca ble is plugged int o the r ear of the
regen cont rol. It sho uld also be mentioned that unit.
the su per -regen is fam ous f or re-radi ating Building the Unit
sig na ls from the receiving antenna. The rf
st age m inimizes th is r e-r adia tion. Building t he rig r equires 6 or 8 hours to
complete and shou ld NOT be h ur ried. Th e de-
Audio sign and layout has been ca ref u lly thought
out, a s long leads, par t s placement a nd gen-
On receive, t he audio sect ion inclu des one eral layou t becom e quite critical at t hese fr e-
half of a 12AX7 a s a voltage amplifier, f eed- qu en cy. A ll capaci tors u sed in t he rf circu it s
ing a GAQ5 output tube. A 3% inch s peaker ( bot h r eceiving a nd t r ansmitting sections ),
is mounted on the f ront panel of the unit. One are di sc ce ramics and eve n tube socket s a re
wat t of undiator'ted aud io is avai lable in t he of t he ce r ami c, s hielded types , f or low loss.
r eceive position. Note in the photos, th at th e bottom of t he un it
On tra nsmit , the aud io sect ion becomes the looks like there a r e h ardly any parts u sed in
modulator. One half of a 12AX7 tube is used t he u n it . I t gi ves th is appearance because t he
a s a mi ke pre-amplifier a nd t he second half lead leng th wa s kept a s sho r t a s possible.
of t he 12AX7 is used a s a voltage amplifier, Actu ally t here are 42 ca pacitors, 25 resistors,
driving th e 6AQ5 ou t put t ube. A ta p on the 8 t erminal s t r ips, 2 contr ols, 1 rota r y swit ch ,
ou t put transformer is used t o provide the 6 rf coils a nd 6 rf chokes under t here !
proper impedance for t he fi nal rf amplifier, The filame nt circu it and t h e B + wiring is
pla te m odul ation being used. An rfc and .001 done fir st, with th e t r a nsmit te r section follow-
di sk cer a mic capacitor are used in t he mike ing. T he r eceiver section is t hen wired, with
in put to the mod ulator, preventing rf energy the power su pply and front pa nel wiring done
from r e-entering the aud io sec t ion dur ing last. Part s are furn ished fo r making one ac
tra nsmit. and one dc ( 6 or 12 vo lts ), power cor ds.
Power Supply Tune Up
A built-in ac power su pply is included with The rig, as mentio ned before, u ses 8 me xtals
the t ransceiver, using a power transformer. and when it comes t o tuning up t he ril:', you 're

APRIL 1961 3S

© ClarkWardOrange
th e other s ide of 1200 foot moun tain s and
, the sig na l r e por t was 59! T o to p it off, I was
using a six mete r beam at t he time ! La t er ,
work ing the sa me sta t ion with a two meter
beam, sig n a l reports were 59 + + +. There is
no drift with the rig, nor any FM and modu-
lation quality is excellent.
T he r eceiver section is ve ry sensit ive a nti
s irm a ls 'wer e hea r d often from W a shi n gton ,
D.C., Al exandria, Va., etc. Selectivity is
nothing to r ave about, a s would be expected
with thi s type of receiver. On the VH F ba nd s
this is se ldom impor t a nt. A nd fo r mobile use
the rig really fills t he bill.
The VP-1-G (or 12), vibrator power sup ply
g la d it d oes a s there a re no t r ick y cr yst a l feed- is designed for H ea t hs ' line of tran sceivers
back a dj ustmen ts, or troubles with lack of and one of these su ppl ies will o per a te the 6
"drive:' To make th e tun e-up even easier for or 10 meter models from a six or 12 volt ba t-
those not too familiar w ith these frequencies, tery. T he Twoer requ ires two of t hese su p-
approximate set t ings of all t he coil s lug s and plies, however, a s t he B+ current r uns about
t he final tuning ca pa cito r are given in the DO mil s on tran smit, while the other model s
tu ne-u p procedure. runs about 60 m ils . The sup plies are quite in-
( See d iagram . ) The osci lla tor is tuned to ex pe nsive, at 7.95 each in kit form, complete
2-:1 me with the slug' in Ll being used to make with tube and vibrator!
th e adju stm ent. Th e triplet' is t hen brought T he six a nd ten meter t ransceivers can be
to r esonance with the adju stment of L 2. The bolted together, along' with t he T woer to pro-
double r ca n then be tuned b y adjusting L 3. vide a com ple te 10, 6 and 2 meter V H F st a -
The fi na l is d ipped by a dj ust ing the final tun- t io n for a bou t $130. A s ingle meter ca n be
ing' capacit or, C 16. There is only one dip pos- u sed for all three units when they are con -
sible in the fina l ! The two meter model h a s a nected togeth er.
li t tl e different set -u p on the meter pl ug than All in a ll , t here is a lot of f un to be had
the other two model s . T he T woe r u ses a two with the little T woer . At $44.95 it su re is an
circuit j ack, t he first position being u sed to inex pens ive way to get on two meters. It is
measure t he rf output voltage with a sta nd- my personal hope that the rig will encourage
ard de VOl\l or VTVl\1. When the unit is tun ed ot he rs to come up on the higher bands.
properly thi s voltage will be about 14 or 15 .. . W3U ZN
volts on a 20,000 ohm s/volt meter. A d iode
and filteri ng ci rcui t is built into the rig to
pr ovid e th is reading, wh ich is helpful in tun-
ing u p th e rig'.
Wh en the meter j ack is pu sh ed all the way
in, (to the second position), the meter is
placed in series with the fi nal amplifier, per-
mi t ti ng the fin al plate current t o be r ea d .
Pl ease NOTE that the meter ca n not be left
plu gged into t he se cond position of th e meter
j ack, u nless th e rig' is actually switched to
transmi t (o n t he front panel ), a s t he meter
complet es the final cathode circuit to ground
and the final will be operating r egardless of
t he f r ont s witch setti ng.
Recei ver t une-up is very easy and a GDO,
sig na l generator, or a n on-the-air, two met er
sig na l can be used. The a dj u stments inclu de
rf amplifier tun ing, detector tuni ng and re-
gener a t ion control adjustment. The r eceiver
a dj ustme nts a ffect each other slig ht ly , so the
other ad j ust me nts mu st be checked after mak-
ing any adju stments to the receiver coil s or t he
regen con t r ol.
Checking Out the Rig
I have to admit, f rankly, that I wa s really
su r prised at what the ri g will do. T he fir st
station worked was about 45 miles away, on


© ClarkWardOrange
Chrom e-Plated
, 'I
SI:'IC·Sla r ti n&,
Pro jt' di on Ma p of thl:' World

#As Long As They Last
Ju st $395

$10\' a lu ..
$14 95 .
fo:ICt"I:'Il !!'nt l ' '''..d e e r a m it"
Pu.. h -to-T a Ik _\I k r u p h u n "

SW-59 $ ~.l"" Exclusive!! ! Super Sav in gs

e lf. Supporting Roun d Hole
WAVE A WRL 5pire Tower Punch Set
;12 h . Towe r
RECEIVER V Co n e re te Mou n t
* $4995 C lea n and
Transfor m !!'r I· " w l' r l:'d
** Covers
Be nds pre a d T Un' lIlr $39 E
95 $
Wt. On ly 150 I.h!4 .
w ei t e f.,
Bee c h u r e 7A
Acr u ratl:' lI o les
~. 11/1 6. %0.
* 540kl' . • a r me.
"S" Meter
Ca m p a r eo< 10 R evr». at Dou b le P ef ee $
Prepaid Anywhere I. 1-3 / 3 2"
T - Ha nd Je and
(Cuntinl'n tal U .S .A . ) T ap erl:'d H eam er


Amazing Low Citizens Band Price ~;::::;'l Complete 80-10M
~ New Transmitter
40 w . AM
CB-l00'S 1'- ..-.-... ."-
'" ~ E %::: · . ) 50 w. CW
Io'a ('t..r) R~ondition",d • - .. - - ~ 9, r-:C/ 100 w . ( P . E. P ) n SB

Cheek"'. Xlal. f., o~.
C ha n ne l. !I0 Va)- W ar r a n t y .
$69 95 I Only
(:Ioh e' s f am ou s U 8H.IOO
3-!1 m e a n d 12 -30 m e with
built_in powt'r lI u p p l y .
l.:tn efll most MARS. C A P . de.

- - - - WOiUDRADl(rLiioTAroRiES-73'~
3415 W. BROADWA Y • PHON E ] 2 8-1B5 1 • COU NCI L BL UFFS, I OW A I

... _ - - - - - - - - - - - _ ..
APRIL 1961 37

a © ClarkWardOrange
Rad io Frequency Noise Suppression
6;11 A ,hby K2T KN impedance and is a very effective shor t cir-
Box 97 cuit for noi se from the low frequencies to the
Pluc kemi n, N. J. very h ighs.

: .- \ I
I Y --- c
NY electrical circuit that ha s a load that
A is alternately connected and disconnected
from the su pply voltage can be a source of
rad io frequency noise. Unless precautions in Radio Frequency By-passing
design a nd inst allation of t his equ ip ment is DC or low freque ncy ae current t ravels th ru-
taken, severe radio and television int erfer en ce out the area of a conductor, but h igh fre -
may result. Units that use a brush type motor, quen cy ae current travel s closer to the surface.
vibrating load contacts, or neon-fluorescent At frequencies above app roximately 500 kc
lamps arc good examples. This rf interference all energy is traveling on the outer s ur face
may be radiated from the unit or its s up ply of the conductor.
lines or both. Bypassing of rf energy to ground (st r ipping
The radiation of this interference from the noise components from a conductor) ha s been
su pply line can be reduced by installation of done in th e past by use of a by-pa ss capaci-
a capacitor across the line a s close to the
gu'ilty device as possible. tor.

I:g; I
T=-~I:---=~_ 1
This capacitor acts as a shor t return path This is only partially effective, and is very
for the noise and helps t o isolate the line. dependent upon actual circuit condition s, par-
ticul arly t he ac tual impedance to the rf ener gy

.11 "li1-AI1
r--- --..,
at the point of b:~rpass.

.:g; I J:-~ C \
L. __ :J
'f---....:¥iLu_u-.J Y 1

". ""
Complete sh ielding of the unit plus two
capacitors will reduce radiation from both
the line and the offending load unit. Notice Given a by-pass capacitor that ha s a 10
that th e use of tv...o capacitors allows both ohm impedance (this is the sum of the ca-
s ides of supply line to be effectively sho r ted pacity and its leads) and a load impedance to
out to the shield as far a s the noi se is con- rf at thi s point of 100 oh ms, th en approx .
cerned. At very high frequencies radiation 90 % of the rf will be bypassed. If the load
may occur from even a very short length of impeda nce to rf is 1 ohm, just a s likely, then
,v ire. Capacitors that appear a s low imped- the bypass is only 10% effective.
ance sh un ts at low f r equencies may n ot be on A co-axia l capacitor is so designell t hat it
VHF due to inte rnal impedance. A s pecial completely surrou nds t he con ductor carrying
type of capacitor called the co-ax ial capacitor current. Thus, all rf currents traveling on the
has been developed that ha s very low internal su r f ace of t he conductor flow to ground.

38 73 MAGAZIN~

© ClarkWardOrange •
I I '


\ \, , //



The new Heathkit "Warrior" is a completely self-contained, desk-top kilowatt linear, loaded with specia l
features, at half the c ost of comparable units! Compa re featu re for feature, quality c omponent for Quality
compo nent, you'll find no shortcuts . . , only the finest watt-per-dollar value in a linear amplifier on the
amateur market today! -
M.. lm u m pow e r Input: 558- 1000 watt ~ P.E. p. , CHECK THESE FEATURES , • •
CW- ICKX> wett s. AM -400 walt s (500 wa lt s usinQ ca rrie r Compldel!! eetf-contaiued • • . HV, Fil. and Bias s u p plies built in .
cont rolled modulation). RTTY--650 wall s . Driv in g
pow.r requ lr.d : SO to 7S wa!l s-de O('nd ing Otl Ir... Versatile . . . .M a y be driven by any 50 t o 125 watt transmitter
Quenc .... Du t pu t c irc u it: Variable Ol·n('twor~ {SO to 15 or exciter-s-no matching or s wa m p ing network required .
ohmsJ. l n pu t c ircu it: Broad banded-rPQu;res no Iue- Effid nd . . . Stahle g rounded grid circuitry a llows most driving
ino . In out Imped.. nce : Aooro>. 10 ohms. Ba nd eee-
e ra o.: 80. 40. ::>0. 15. 10 meters . P ilne l met ering : power to appea r in output for up to 70 % efficiency .
Switch-s elected. g rid cu rre nt. olal e cu rren t, h' 'Ih vert- Oil-filled capacitor • • • And 5- 50 he n ry s wi ng tng-c hoke provide
a ge and rel ative powe r o Uloul for c a so of 10adin Q. the excellent dy na mic regulation req uired for high peak powe r
T u b e co m pl e m ent : 4·811A . 2·8f,6A. S ire: 19X" W
11 Y-" H " 16" 0 . , ._ ..
output wit h low d istortion.
I l1~:rJlf' ''1(irf' tllbf'1( • • . --I paralleled 8 11A 's nnd 2-866A 's . forced-

air cooled hy s jle n t built- in fan .

Stable . . carefull design provides a h igh degree or over-all era -
hility in conjunction with the grounded grid circuit conflgur-
at ion.
E rrlueire .. . In t erna l RF shielding o f plate circuit for maxi-
m um T VI s uppression .
l nterlockcd flll'itrhi li g . . . prevent s accidental a pplication of
HV before s wi t c hi ng o n filam ent and bias .
RII (Jgf·(J ranetrurtio n . . . 16 gaut::p s tf>Pl - ! -;'''' a lumin um
This inside view shows t he neat circui t layout front panel -s-welded one-piece ca bi net.
and husky components that emphasize quality . K it Mod el HA-,O • • . 100 lbs , $23 d n . , $20 mo •. . . . .$229.95
Note t he int ernal shielding of plate circuit for Ass embl ed Mod el HAW·10 .
maximum protection against TV!. 100 Ibs . $33 dn., $28 mo $329.95

1--------------- ----
I Benton Harbor 11 , M ich igan
n d t oday fo r
Jr Free Catal og
I D Please send my Free c opy of the co mplete Heathkit Catalo g.
scr ibi ng over
I different : NA ME
athki t products
Hi·Fi, T est ,
r ateur Radi o,
rine and General I
-tsumer fiel ds. I CITY © ClarkWardOrange
u ni t to facilitate mounting.
Occasionally a heavy ground wire fr om a
well in stalled external ground , bonded to the
s hield a round t he interference ge nerator wi ll
hel p, but many m isconceptions exist about
g rounding equipment and its effect on noi se
s u p p ress ion.
T he r f im peda nce of t he load ha s very little When t he su pply line is radiating the noi se,
effect , t he amo unt of rf removed depending a ground connection to th e unit may increase
only on th e qual ity of th e co-axial con struc- the radiation.
t ion and the capacito r in stallation.
I n un usually severe cases of rf "in ter f eren ce
or wh ere s up pr ess ion m ust he complete, a
Pi t ype n oise fi lter ca n be used . Thi s consists EOUf'UENT

of t wo s pecia l capac ito rs and an rf choke coil,

50 a rra nged t hat noise is e ffect ive ly shu nted
insi de the sh ield , isolat ed fr om the l ine, and
th e su p ply line is by pa ssed. Th ese filters are
su p plied a s s ing le un it s a s show n or a s a d ual
A ny lea d carrying noise currents will rad i-
a te, unl ess completely sh ield ed , and thi s in-
cludes long ground lead s. Th e offending device
--- must first be isolat ed at radio fr equencies fr om
its su pply line; t hen f ully en closed in its
sh ield ; t hen a good gro und may help r educe
the r em a ining dire ct rad iation f rom t he unit
and very low freque ncy noise. . . . K2T K N

432 me Transistor Con verter, Pa rt II . .. W3HI X

(printed 05S 05 public service fo r t hose few hams t het have to have 05 d iag ra m I

TlnV1Jo1l741 TlnUI:HIT4t T-l8n/2NITU

... -t ~.. L'


''f- "I-::

,,,1" ." .'" n.


© ClarkWardOrange
U ;//l/ TMC
SYSTEMS a /tal


to meet your most e xacting performance standards . . . to meet y o ur
every requirem en t for HF Telecommunication syste ms .


Po int-fa-point .. . Ship -fa -sho re . . . Shore-fa .ship . .. Mo bile . . .
Fix ed . . . Transp ortable . . .HFly .oway ."
En g i n e e re d by men w ith many yea rs dudes all p ho se s of layout, i nslo llo -
o f p ro ctica l e aperf e nce and (I voat t io n , op era tion and ma in tenan ce fa
knowledge of t ho se co mmuni co ti o n ouu re o p ti mum p e rf o rma nce unde r
proble ms p e c uliar to every p o ri o f a ll cond itions. Full de tc its o re ove tt-
the world , TMC syste ms p lan ning in - a b le upo n request.



A PRil 196 1 41

© ClarkWardOrange
Ta ke Your Pick

Gelling )'ollr fill

of F ilters

of th e most fa scinating things about

thi s bu siness of ham radio (it sa ys here
cx is ti ng receive r. And, let's fa ce it, most of
the brand -new receivers in the under-$500
in fine print) is that you can take your pick class could st a nd some improvement in the
of conversations-with Europe, A sia, Africa, selectivity lin e.
Au stralia, the Far North, Antarctica, or near- Li te r a ll y hu ndred s of articles h a ve been
ly any state of the 50. All you have to do is written in t he past 10 year s on i mpr ovemen t
turn the dial of your receiver.. . . of se lectivity. It's not possible to cover the con-
And if you've been in this game for more tent of all of them here. All the major points,
t h a n 15 minutes, you've undoubtedly wi shed to though, are included-as well as some which
hig-h heaven )"OU n-e re able to take your pick seem to have been unduly neglected.
of the umpty-odd sta t ions roaring through For a sta r t , let's look at the variou s ways of
your receiver's selectivit y curve and clobbering achieving ideal select ivit y. None will be success-
shm a ls you're trying to copy! f ul in obta in ing t he theoretically-perfect 2-
I n th is co untry a lone, t here are nea rly 300,- t o-l " shape f actor " shown in Fig. I, but some
000 ham s and at any given time it's safe to of them come pretty close.
a ssume 10 percent of them are on the air. The The first thing that comes to most hams'
"popular ba nd s"-75, 40, 20, 15, and lO- -have minds when you menti on select ivit y is a filter.
a total of 1,650 kc of space allotted for A 3 But there are filters and more filters .. ..
emissio n. That theoretically gives ea ch ham There are cr ys t a l filters and L-C filters,
some th ing like 5.5 cycles all to him self. ceramic filters and mechanical filters, costly
Of course, there are seve r a l sim ple a n swer s filters and costlier filters, and so forth into the
to t he p robl em. They all add up to t he same night. An d any of t hem, properly u sed, will do
th ing: increase your receiver's select ivity. the trick.
Howev er, the de tail s of each an swer differ. Besides filters, though, the list includes Q-
By far the sim plest answer is t o rush out multipliers ( either out boa r d or built-in ),
and buy a new r eceiver. 1\0 fu ss, no mu ss, no "Q-Fivers" and other multiple-conversion de-
bother. But be su re to get one which ha s no- vice s, and the II sig na l slicer " line of gadgets.
ticeably be tte r select ivity t ha n the old rig- Properly u sed, any of these devices can cure
a nd be prepared to shell out more t han half t he trouble of too many sign a ls. Frequently,
a kilobuck for it! seve r a l of them may be used together to take
Most of us, for fina ncial rea sons alone, are care of the most s t ubbor n problems. But if
forced to do some t hing about improving the they're not used right, any of the gadgets can
introduce more troubles than they cure.
•o , 0 , Oldest aid to selectivity in t he li st is the
single crystal filter, making u se fo both ser ies
, ----- -- -- -- ----- . --- , ,,-
- -- "
'4 -- and para llel resonances in a single quartz
crystal a t the receiver's if frequency to
'" a chieve a passba nd peak and a rejection notch
some 40 db deep . Its principles are gone into
"'"'' ,PERf"E~ ." ....
quite thoroughly in all the ham handbooks
and won't be repeated here. Just one thing-
~ <j
••• $ttl. ee 2" S
for the sim ple cr ys ta l filter to work properly,
.." OR f ACTOfl
the entire circuit mu st be carefully matched
to the crystal. It's nearly impossible to hang
one into a n existing receiver w ith any degree
eo of success , and equally d ifficult to s ubstitute
a nother crystal for the factory-supplied unit
-:-- ~t-': - ekC tt"" in a receiver already having a cr ys t a l. This is
15 .0 -S 0 5 10 15 15 0 15505 one circuit the homebrewer is well-advised to
leave alone.
Fig. I. Characteristic selectivity curves. Don't mi sund erstand the preceding para-


© ClarkWardOrange
graph. You can add a crystal filter to almost
a ny receiver, easily and successfu lly. H ow.
ever, it won 't be the simple, ba sic ci rcuit. T he
crystal filter most favored for homebrew in-
s ta lla t ion is the lattice circuit of F ig. 2. :\Iany



Fig . 2. Fu ll la ttic e crysta l filt e r. X I a nd X2

shou ld bree ket the receiver ;f f requ en cy an d
crystals of the same freq uency m ust be within
50 c ycle s of each ot he r.

variations of thi s circuit can be found in the

lit eratu r e, but t here 's li t tle basic d iffe rence in
the perfo rmance of a ny. Bandpa ss is deter-
mined by the frequ ency s pr ea d between Xl The 80 th ru 10 meter band-sw itching pi network is
and X2, and will be roughly equal to twice designed fo r 800 watts PEP SSB, 400 wotts CW, FM
the difference in frequ ency of the cryata ls. All or FSK and 200 watts Linear AM with 50 - 70 oh m
cr yst a ls of the sa me freq uency sh ould be with- outp ut. Popula r 100 wott SSB ex cite rs req uire no
in a few cycles of each other. Don 't trust t he swam pi ng or mafch il)g ne tworks to dri ve the low Z
mark ings-rig- up a s imp le oscillator and list en untuned inp ut. Gr ounded grid ci rcuit use s four 1625' s
to the 3rd or 4th harmonics with a BC receiver. or 837' 5 o n customers request. Mete r rea ds RF drive,
You may have to check a h alf-dozen s imila r-ly- pla te curre nt, RF am ps oUfput. Ne w modern compa ct
9" X 15" X 10 ~, " g ray cobinet also conta ins powe r
marked cr ystals to find two close enoug h to- sup p ly usin g 8 16's . TVI su ppressed, Porasitic Free.
g ether for use in this circuit.
Advantages of t hi s circuit include ease of SEE THE NEW LA-400C AT YO UR DEALE RS
construct ion, inexpens iveness if su r p lu s FT- LA·400·C Kit Complete w ith tubes . .•. •• • • • • . $164.95
241 crystals are used, a nd general reliability. LA· 400·C Wired and tested .. • • •• • • •.. •... • . $21 9.95
Disadvantages are t he fixed passband and the
trickin ess of r eceiver alignment after s uch a
filter has been added. Points to watch in con- 1?& ELECTRONICS INC.
st r uct ion are these: Keep the input and out- ~ 424 Columbia, lafayette, 'nd.
put of t he fi lter well-separated to a void a
capacity pa th a ro u nd t he crys tals, an d be su re
to put the filter as soon after t he mixer stage TWO METER
a s possible. Out-of-pas sband rejection averages OMNIDIRECTIONAL
30 db with good construction technique. This $3.95 P.P. in
is enough to help, but not enough to keep that U.S.A. • Fixed o r ~ Iobile • Can be
Ca lifornia kilowatt down the st r eet from get - sracked • Light Weight . Excellent fo r CO & N ets «
Elements, Hub. li ard w are. Phasing Section, an d l n-
t ing t h r ough. structio n Sheer In cluded.
Another crystal-filter cir cuit operating on MERCURY ENTERPRISES G':~~/~~",.
• entirely different principles is shown in Fig.
3. This one is a complete su bst it ute for the
if st r ip of your receiver, and a ct u all y can be JIM CLARK Wl ULU
used to make a good separate receiver if you
pu t an rf stage a nd mixer a hea d of it and KIT WIR ING & TESTING LABS
fo llow it wi t h a s im ple detecto r a nd some
so _ 144 - 22 0 • 420 me
Nuvi stor Preampl ifle rs .........•.•.•.•..•.... .. S 19.9S
audio. With b uilt -in powe r supp ly ... ••....• . ... . .. . ..• $32.95
Complete wi th 6CW4-Slug fu ne d
This circu it makes use only of th e parallel
2 Aiken St reet Tel. : HEmlock 2-3600 Derry, N. H.
( Continued on pa ge 44 )

A PRIL 196 1 43

© ClarkWardOrange
·t ~~t
""-~ t ~· t icc ~t ~·t ee
= ""
» 00
= "" = '" = '" =
.co .* ..* , * .c.
--- "*
f'; .000;;
, .00'
\ tz: ---- - -" 6BK7
..:;;V --- -.:: , ••1<7
- Hlf- , , . HII- "'"
,,.. .,
i """ - 1'
•;. - "'" ~ ;; ,~


Fig. 3. C rystal coupled if amplifier. For CW use all crystals should be

wi th in 50 cycles of the serne fre quency. For AM reception they can be
sta ggered -+- 1.5 kc.
resonance of the crystals. Since the crysta ls trade-the Hea thk it Moh ican.
provide the only effective cou pling between if The ceramic filter operates on t he sa me
sta ges, s ig na ls mu st be a t or near the crystal's basic pr inciple a s the cr yst a l-t ha t of piezo-
r esonant fr eq uency to be a mplified. U sing 3.5 electr icity. However, since the ceramic filter
me cryst als with a freq uency sprea d between is manufactured by a process much like that
c r yst a ls of 1 ke 01' l ess, t he passband will be used in mak ing a spir in tablets, al most a n y
just about wide enough for a n A M phone sig- desired characteristic can be bu ilt in to help
nal. If you drop the if to about 1600 kc and cure selectivity problems fa st . . . FAST . . .
keep the crystals with in 50 cycles of ea ch FAST!!
othe r , you 'll get an go-cycle pa ssband which One of th e fi rs t maj or differences was de-
is idea l for C'V if your local oscillator is velopment of a "first overtone resonator"
stable. W it h a HlOO-ke if bu t st a gg er ed crys- wh ich shows only a series r eson a nce, with a ll
t a l frequencies ( ± 1 kc) the passba nd will paralle l r esonan ce effects mi ssing (f undamen-
a gain be right for phon e use. tal r esonators s how select ivit y curves almost
T his is probabl y t he sim plest of all r eally identical with those of quartz crystals) . The
effect ive filter circu its, si nce out-or-passba nd "first overtone" ceramic resonator is the elec-
respo nse is near ly 90 db down . Its major di s- trical equ iv a lent of a very-high-Q pi -network
advanta ge is that it requi res construction of ci rcuit , and a s such shows muc h sh a rper cut-
a se pa r a te if str ip. Even so, its cos t is st ill off above its resonant frequency than below.
lower t ha n a mechanica l fi lter -wh ich is the However, by combining resonator elements th e
onl y ot he r t ype g iv ing equa l r esults. manufacturer has d eveloped a s ix-section filter
Closel y allied to the cr ys ta l filter in many w ith a sha pe factor of 2.25 to 1.
ways, but possessing a few im por t a nt differ- In application, the ceram ic filter is more
enc es a ll its own, is the ceramic filte r . Devel- closely linked to the mecha nical breed t han
oped by Clevite, t h is device ha s been u sed in to the crystal. It is su pplied a s a seal ed com-
only one comme rci a l receiver f or the ham pon ent, with input, out put , and common t er-


-+ ~I ~.,

~+ I,,.~
6CBI ; f'; " ,

--- ---
, • ---
~ COLL It<lS
'" .
;; F'
; ::::' lO
"~SoI '3 '
f"t LTtll
' 0-
.20 ;{:::: 00.

+" ;; 1=' 01

* *
Fig. 5. Mechan ica l filter ad a pte r. Be ca reful to ke ep the inp ut and o ut p ut
of th e fil ter well isolated from eac h other.


© ClarkWardOrange
Compact g a soline g e ne ra tor GN23W, duol o utp u t
7v 3.5A & 550 vdc 230 m o . Self e ll.Cite d. m o nu o l
cronk rope st o rte r, air cooled, mounted in p ortable
frame wi th fuel lank . Ne w su rp lus. Sh . WI . 50 lb s,
$29.9 5
40' self-s upporting most. Eighl 51/2' sectio ns of
134 " 0 .0. o lum inum t ub in g ; tripod base 3 guy
wire s & ground st o kes; tw o 30 ' le ng lh s of RG8/ U
w /conneclors; hi g h fr e q uenc y lop hoI ontenna. Co m -
pl e te ins to lla t ian, new [sh, wt. 40 Ibs.). $ 2 9 . 9 5
G ie g er counter: check f oll oul, uronium depestt s, e tc.
RCA Model W F-10A, with p ho ne s, boltery, in Slruc·
t ion b oo k. Unused. U st 5150 . Rex Sp ecial, postpoid.

Fig . 4. Manufactu rers re c omm end ed ci rcu it fo r COAXIAL CABLE
instal lation of a cera mic filt er. Tra nsist o rs a re
Lightning Arrester
RCA type 2N1 39. Mode l # LAC-l
Pat. No. 2.922,913
minal s. Unl ike ot he r filters, it is most tole r a nt
of variations in sour ce a nd loa d impedance, CUSHCRAn MANCHESTER. H. H.
per form ing equally we ll in a 2700 -ohm circuit
and a 10,OOO-ohm circuit w ith no cha nge in BOSTON IANS!
cha r acter ist ics. Available pa ssband w idth s
Ari se ! You 're s urro un ded b y Bob Gro ham W 1KTJ.
range from 4 to 20 kc at - 6 db. Skept ical ? Well, loo k fo r yo urse lf . Vis it eit he r of the
Since impedance levels can be low, t he Groham stc res a nd see nol h ing e lse but ne w
and rec onditio ned h om g e or ot Ne w Eng la nd 's ."01,,
cer a mic fi lte r is ideal for tra nsistorized CIr - excl us ive ha m sto res. It 's w o rlh t he tr ip.
cu it r y. The manu facturer's r ecom mended ci r-
~orlh o f B a sion a t S o u t h of n a Si on a l
cuit for narrow-band application s is show n in 5 0 5 !Ha l n, R ~a d ing ] ] 0 5 N. I'l a in. n a n d o)I,b
Fig. 4. The only fly in the ointment is th is : Pbon~ I 944-1000 I'h one I \\" 0 3 _5005
they're not readily available through ham su p-
ply ch annel s. F or the nearest di stributor's
name, you have to contact t he man uf acturer :
Clevit e E lectronic Components, 3405 P e r k ins
A venu e, Cleveland 14, Oh io. Hambench Hit
One of t he most popu lar filters which ca n
be easily added t o any receiver is th e Collins
mec ha nical fi lter, which features a 2.5-to-l of IRE Show!
sha pe fa cto r . Based on magnetoatriction p rin -
BHOCTON, ~ l ASS . Aldell Products
ciples, it provides e xce llent cha r acte r isti cs with
a minimum of ad justm ent. Its maj or disad - Company rep or ts that their ex h ib it at
va nt a ge is cost : somewhe re n ear $50, depend- the New York I.R.E. Show has been
in g on just which of the seve r a l ava.luble
models you get. Equ ivalent performance is over r un with h a ms sc r ut in iz ing a nd ex -
available w ith other circ uits f or less monel . cl a im ing over the ir Hamhencli. Mr.
but they take more time and trouble . .:\I alcolm P ar trid ge K l.i\'F U. speak ing
If t he cost doesn't bother ) ' OU, the mechani-
ca l filter can be added t o your receiver by u se for the co mpa ny. pointed out that the
of th e adapter shown in Fig. 5. Nothing about compa ny wa s no t shor t o n ad verti sing
it is cr iti cal except t ha t isolation mu st be lite ratu re ill cusc a ny o ne wus inte rested
mai ntai ned between input and output of the
filter to prevent leakage around it. Separate in further investigati on . He poi nted ou t
t ubes instead of a twin-tr-iode are necessary tha t page 4.':; of the January issue of •
f or the same rea son. H7.~" wo uld g ive prices and data to hold
Last on t he li st of filters is the L· C type .
W hile it 's possible to design a nd build a the curious un ti l he ca n sent] them
clussic-Iine L-C filte r to work at if frequ en- li teru tu re.
cies, the s im plest and cheapest way out is to
use casca ded transformers a s s hown in Fig.
6. W it h the average receiver, additi on of four
h igh-qua lity if t ra nsformers a s s hown will in-
2186 North Main Street, Brockton, Mass.
(Contin ued on p a g e -46)

APRIL 1961 45

© ClarkWardOrange
meter which can be installed concentric-fash-
ion with the rf gain control if you desire. Cl

is a gimmick capacitor consisting of several
turns of insula ted hookup wire wrapped
around the grid lead, with one end connected
TO IF TI re 15 T4 T'O GRIO
to t he tube's plate termin a l. Resi stor HI con -
t rols regeneration of t he st age by controlling
its gain . Rl will a lso a ct as an addi tional gain
Fig. 6. l ·C if filter. Use high quality if t ra ns-
formers for TI thro ugh 14. control. Thi s circu it works by t ur n ing a n if
sta ge in t o a r egener a t ive amplifier, which add s
crea se sk ir t se lectivit y noticeably. P erfor m a nce " nega t ive r esista nce" to its a ssociated tran s-
won't be up to that of a crys ta l, ce ramic, or for me rs a nd greatly in cr eases t heir Q and se-
mecha nical filter, but will be well worth the lecti vity. It ha s bee n successfully applied to t he
time and troubl e in volved. S-38 a nd to the Command Sets.
F or best u se of L-C filters, conversion to a One popula r mean s of improving select ivit y
lower if than th e customary 455 kc is neces- is through u se of a "Q-Fiver." 'V hile the B C-
sary-c-but that takes u s into the "Q-Fiver"
area . E ven a t the lower i] , it's u sually che a per
and sim pler to buy the filter as a ready-made
component fr om U Te or Burnell t han to brew
.. . ,~

it your self.
If your select ivit y p r oblem isn 't so dra st ic 7
as t o r equire ad di t ion of a super -sha r p filt er
- a nd eve n if you have add ed one-the Q-rn ul.
t iplier may be you r a nswer. P opula r ized by
1. 12AX7
Hea t hkit since its invention by O. G. Villa rd , rl
t h is gadget makes u se of controlled regen era- ,," )'[11
~" T OO' I .' •
tion to mufitply the Q of a tuned circuit to ,. 7

a stronom ical values, thereby multiplying its ••

select ivity as well. Th e resulting peak can be
used either to boost or t o null a sig na l, de-
pending on whether you have one or many
sour ces of interference in the pa ssband.
A basic boosti ng Q-mult iplier circuit is Fiq. 7. Basic Q·Multiplier circu it.
shown in F ig . 7, and t he full r ig incl udin g 453 is t he origi nal of t hi s id ea, it leaves m uch
both peak and null fu nct ions comprises F ig. to be desired ( bes ides having become nearly
8. Since t he cont rols of the Q-mul tiplier have unavailable at a rea sonable price ). S ince the
no i nteraction with receiver controls, you ca n ba s ic idea is to convert t he 455-kc if down to
add as many a s you li ke-c-one in t he p la te of 50 kc or so to take adva ntage of improved
the m ixer, another in the first if , e tc. The selecti vit y a t the lower if, it makes more sense
peak or null will have a width approximately to build a s pecia l gadget to do just that. then
equal to 0.1 percent of your if frequency, and return the audio to the st a t ion receiver f or
can be tuned across th e receiver's passband. further amplification.
The sim plest of all Q-mult ipliers (although .Ma ny such circuits have been published.
the term hadn't been heard of when the trick Some fea ture crystal control of the second
was invented) is that sh own in F ig. 9. It re- converter, some make use of mechanical, crys-
quires no ou tboard circuitry, a nd t he on ly ta l, or L·C filt ers in a ddition to t he low-if
add ition to the receiver panel is a pcterrtic- (Continued on pag e 48)


'00 ••
i 12 AX7

,. ...

Fiq. 8. Complete O-MuItiplier circuit.


© ClarkWardOrange
for only
$ 95

including built-in I 10 volt AC power supply and loudspeaker

• Only 3 inches high , comp lete ly en closed in c abi net
• exce llent se nsitivit y with stab le, superreqeneretive detector
• RF steqe for lnc ree sed se nsitivity and antenna isole fion
• rece iver muting switch for standby-receive
• ful ly t ra nsfo rmer o pe ra ted
• featur es de pe nd a bility end st" bl e operation
• ~ it includes pre -tuned coils for ea se of construction
• qual ity compo ne nts used throug hout as sure dependability

Mode l SOSA (s ix me ters) or Mode l SObA (two me te rs) kit, complete wit h step-
by-step con st ruction manua l . $29.95
Model SOSA o r Model SObA, wired , fa clory teste d . 49.95
Nei l Mode l AL PHA six me ter transm itter kit , features fine st qu a li ty modu -
lat ion, cryst a l switch ing, front pan el cont rols, tuni ng meters, cabinet 3 inches
high, 20 watts inp ut, low frequ en cy oscillato r not ove rtone type . 58.50
See your d ealer or ord er from :
THE NEIL CO. 1336 Calkins Road, Pittsford, N. V. • Baker 5·6170

Largest S ture-"rarehotlse in the cou n try Hu g e s tock o f e leet ron lc c-ompollenl8
RT-18 /ARC-l 100 -1.56 mc AM xmtr-rec lOW FB for 2M Exc . $39.95
OY-9/ARC-l Dynamotor for ARC-I, e xcelle nt condition . .... .. . .• 9.95 TUBES ••• ALL NEW
Mounting rock for ARC-l . .. ...• •... .. ... .•........ .. . _• ... . 4.95
ARC-2 Collins Xmtr·Rec 2-9 mc, 10 cha nne l VFO o r man ual ALL SPECIALS!
t uning. Pr 16 25 PA, pr 1625 mods, inel 24v dyn. exc.. . . . . . . . 49.95 4-65 A $7. 50
R·28/ ARC-, Rec 100-156 mc 4 channels xtol cant. exc. cond . . . . 19.95 4-125 A 19.95
T-23/ ARC-5 Xmtr 100-156 mc 4 ch. xtol con t.. . .. . 12.9.5 4X150A 7.95
R-23/ARC·.5 eee 190 -555 ke. Excellent. " Q-.5'e r" •. .. • •. •.... . . 9.9.5 4CX2508 22.50
R-2.5/ARC-5 Rec 1.5-3 mc. Excellent condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.95 4X250B _ , . . . . . .. 20 .00
R-26/ARC-5 Ree: 3-6 me, Excellent condition _... . . .. . . . 7.9.5 4-A.OOA 25.00
R-27/ARC _5 Rec 6-9 me. Excellent condition . .. ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 7.95 4-10ooA _. . . 65.00
T·18/ARC·5 Xmtr 2.1 ·3 me. Excellent cond ition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •• 4.95 832 2.95
T-19/ARC -5 Xmtr 3-4 me. Excellent cond ition _... . 7.95 8298/3E29 4.95
T-20/ARC-S Xmtr 4-5.3 mc. Exce llent condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.95 Rafts of ot he r t ube s tell us your needs.
r -21 /ARC·5 Xmtr 5.3 -7 mc. Exce llent condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.9.5
T-22 / ARC-5 Xm tr 7-9 rnc, Exce llent condition .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.9.5
M07/ARC·5 Modulator for all ARC ·5 Xmtrs, excellent. . . . . . . . .. 4.9.5 SILICON RECTIFIER SPECIALS
8C375 100W Xmtr 200-12,500 ke with proper tuning unit. LN . . . . 14.95
SCR625 Mine Detector, excellent 19.9.5 500 rna at 500 PIV.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . $.95
OM35 Dynamotor, 12V in, 62SV @ 225 rna o ut, new . . . . . . . . . . 7.9.5 5A at 50 PIV .•. . . . ........ ..... 1.49
rcs 12V Dynamotor, .uoV @ 200 rna output brand new 4.95 25A at 50 PIV .... _........ . ... .. 2.49
BC669 Xmtr-Rec 1680-U50 kc 7.5W AM VFO/Xtol, e xce lle nt 89.95 35A at 50 PIV . .. .. .. . . .. . .. . . . .. 3.49
Power Supply for BC669 (PE-ll 0) nOV AC, excellent - 49.95 70A a t 100 PI V .5.95
~onnectin9 eebte for BC669 & PE-!10 (C0 5 15) . . i .. ; 3..50 200A o t 50 PIV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.95
FIlte r Choke : 6 Hy 1.50 rna, 2500v Ins. ew 3x3x3 V2 In . .95 1A at 140 PI V Bridge Assembly ... 2.95
I e n fo r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.95 All brond new, manufactured by Audio
Modulation Tronsformer, 20W 3x3x3V2 in. 6K to 6K CT, new . . . .95 Division. All Gua ran teed.
(a ct ua lly handles 30W of audiol) NEW, 10 for 7.95
All orders FOB l os An geles. Min imum order $3.00. 25 % de posit re - Wh y b uy elsew he re-w he n COLUMB IA
quired on COO. unde rse lls everyone!
• Fr~O! B.. ll~,in.. Irril ~. Try . .... r irr~ .i.'ibl, h .. r ~ .!
• Jre b .. y ... ~d .. q .. ipm~n' . TS , (; R'.', P R C, ' ·HC• .,u. I,e' .. . It....r from y o ...

4365 W. Pico Blvd . (nea r Crenshaw ), Los Ange les, Col if. • WE 8-3131

APRIL 1961 47

© ClarkWardOrange
..-1 tlBES ..-1"6CB6
--- ,--.;;'" ";-- - '~34

,. .""
220 ..:

"'" -, 1
.,0 ~ OO' 820 ~
"N O t.vt


Fig . 10. 0 -5er. Inp ut line con ne cts t o last if Ave is desired . C ryst al fr eq uen cy will d eter.
grid. A udi o g oes t o th e t op of t he vo lume con- m ine which side ba nd is received . Ba ndwith is
trol or to t he exist ing detecto r loa d resist or if 1800 c ps.
select ivity. One of the sim plest and most basic which a llows you to tune the passban d across
"Q-Fi ver" circu it s is that s ho wn in Fig', 10. your receiver's if bandpass curve is shown in
I t can be bui lt in to a sma ll Minibox and con- Fig. 11. W it h thi s gadget, you'll have a tun -
nec t ed t o t he r eceiver through a pair of shor t ing" capability offer ed hy only on e comm er ci a l
length s of coax. Th ough a power su p ply is receiver- the 75A4-and there it's done me-
s hown, r equired po wer ca n usually be st olen cha nica ll y instead of electroni cally. If you
f r om the recei ve r. add t he tunab le Q- F ive r, it's best to use the
A more-advan ced version of the Q-F iver receiver's B FO ( readj usted some 50 kc h igh-

EiSEl 6B.l6 SBee
~ ..---
-- ! OKC ---
"''' ..-----
,. jll~ ~~

; 1=;'"
'" ; i'::., .00'
'" Too
- 0' 0


1. sua
'" .L, aue
• I ,001
1\ ~-
-NOTe ,

f UN/NQ RA NGE · ~OO- .~/(C
'" 00'
'" '" ."

Fig _ I I. Tuna ble ba nd~au Q- 5er. Pentod e po r- velees which re sonat e a t the if freq uency 50 kc.
tion of the bU S ma y be repla ced by the re- All connections are shown with refer ence to the
ceiver bfo to prov id e front-p anel a dj ustme nt of rece iver's la st if tube socket. Remove if tu be
t he ba nd pass position. LI and C I m<llY be any and substit ute Q-5e r.


© ClarkWardOrange
---/-.., C EN T I
+---'-{--- 432 me
( '0 N" v I~ ll 'l'IUI
.00 1
Fiol Bond pan
Silver p lc ted
'" ,.
'0' ca vities
No birdies $69. 50
L..,. " , •• Also for
the some
p rke
220 mc
Fig _ 9. Simplest O -Mu ltipl ie r. AVe line is d is- NF : 4/6 DB
conne cted a t point X. See te d f or d etai ls of or 144 mc
NF : 4DB
C I. Tub e is exist ing if a mplifier.
14 /18 : 24/30.
30/3' mc
er-] for the tunable oscillator and s ubst it ute a on ony model.
crystal-cont rolled B F O in the receiver. This 3 Ibs.
will give you complete fro nt-panel control FO B focfory. Col if.
odd 4% so res t c x .
without ha v ing to drill a ny holes in t he Other Centime g Products ,
receive r cabinet, and allow semi-r emote place- PS-C pwr. sup ply for converters S24.95
ment of the accessory. 432 mc Tric p ler.Amp . Exciter, you r 2M rig.
w ith 2C39 _. .. . .. . . ._ S84.50
The tunable Q-Fiver works by a t ri ple-con- le ss tube S69.50
432 mc llto l con t. llmlr . l OW out (2C39) .... SI 84.50
version process; s ign als in the if range of An owful 101 of en g ineering ond core hos gone into
the receiver are mixed with t he tunable os- our produ cts so ot leost se nd for our dete sheets.
cillator a nd converted to the seco nd if. T her e,
select ive L- C circu its trim t he passban d down
to 3 kc. The trimmed if is mixed again with
312 E. Impe ria l Hig hw a y EI Seg undo. Colifornia
the tunable oscillator output and r eturned to
the r eceiver if. From there, the st a tion re-

ceiver takes over for detection, A V e, and
a udio am plification. By varying t he f requency
of t h e t unable osc illator, the passband 's posi -
tion in r ela t ion to the origina l receiver band-
pass curve can be shifted some 5 kc up or
down from cente r , allowing ~..ou to push an
interfering st a t ion "over the side."
Last stop on t h is selectivity tour is Slicer-
ville. In the six years or so si nce the term was MODel
coined, the n a me "signal slicer" ha s been ap- A12 /600/200
plied to near-ly every type of receiver accessory
imaginable. Several Q-Fiver devices have been NOW
dubbed "slicers," a s have some filter circuits.
But st r ictly speak ing , a signal slicer is a phas- $59.50
ing-t ype detector (and a s such , alm ost out side
This 12V input d c te dc t ra n s i s tor i z ~d converter is
t he r ea lm of t h is rou ndu p).
T he slicer operates by dual detection, with co nservo tive ly rate d for continuous o utput of 1 2 0
phase sh ift deliberately introduced into the wotts at 6 00V or 3 0 0 V, or any combination o f 600
bfo channels. Re sulting audio is shifted in a nd 30 0 volt loads toto ling 120 wctts,
phase again, and finally the two audio chan-
High e fficie ncy, small si z~, ond light weight, plus
nels are r ecombined. P ha se relation ships are
such that sign als on one side of the bfo fre - freed om from mai nte na nce, COnserve your b a tte ry
quency add together, wh ile signals from t he a nd increa se th e enjoyment o f mobile o pera tion.
other side of the f requency cancel ou t an d
can't be hea r d.
Or in other words, the aig n al is sliced in ELECTRONICS DIVISION
half at the bfo frequency. T ha t's where the GLOBE INDUSTR IES, I NC.
device got its n am e. Th e increase in selectivity
is obvious-less than ha lf the ori g in al pass- 525 MAIN STREET
band gets through the slice r to be amp lifie d. BELLEVILLE, NEW JERSEY

IContin ued on p ag e 50)

APRI L 1961 49

© ClarkWardOrange
Complete const r uct ion information on the J . Kyle, Im pro ve Your AC- ()C S ho rt " ' . ",, R eeer vee.
P opular Elect ro rrics, December, 19M+.
alice r is too long t o incorporate here . It wa s L . M. Temple, I• .\Iultiplif'f. S.S.8 .. q · Sf'f a n d S O J .
published in GE Ha m News Vol. 6. No . 4 QS r. Sept.ernhe-r, 1956.
(.Ju ly, 1951 ) an d will be r ep r int ed in a GE O . ( i . Villa rd . .' Inibl.. St'h·(" t h i t y for C o m m u n tca-
Sideband book set fo r pub lica tio n in ear-ly lionM Reee lve rll, gtectrcnlcs , Aprfl, 1!152 .
O r r , Oil. cit.
19G 1. A sche ma t ic diag-ram but no a lig-n ment Mul t iplf' C o n " f'r ~ i o n Adapti'f~
in fc rmati on is on page 15 of "Single Sideband E . P . Alvernae, A So"..1 Side- Ra nd Beleete r Sy~ t(' m ,
Tech niqu es" by Jack X . Brown, W3SH Y. QST, May. 19511.
Orr, Th e R ad io H an dboo k . 14 th Jo:';lition ( om i t ted
A s menti oned ea rlie r , thi s shor t li sting
fro m 15th ;.
doesn't include every select ivi t y-im pr oving Si g n a l S uee rs
t r ick in the book, If it attempted to do so, J . N . Brown , Si ng le Sidt'b-and Te("hniqu u .
there wouldn't be room for anyth ing else in (IE H am News , Volume- 6, N o. " I,July , IllS I , out
of l.dnt),
th is issue , , . or in the next , e ither! How-
eve I ' , \ vith the gimmicks collected he r e, you
can ea sily deci de whi ch route or routes you
w ant to foll ow with your own receiver, in order
to be able to pull the sig na l you want to hear
ou t of th e normal QRM . Take your pick!

C rYli l a l . 'i1tH II
H , L. (l ntHded, An l n expenaive C rysta l· F ll t e- r 1.1-'.
A m p li fi l'f. QST . Febr-ua r-y, Hl51t
F. L :'\nJ,!' fo n ith. Radiotron U" sign"r' s lI andhook,
4th Editiu n.
W . O r r . The R a d io H an d book. 15t h Edit ion.
A m('r ica n R ad io R ela y Leag -ue, Sing lt'-S id"ba n d H and-
A me r tcn n Radio Re la y IA':lKUe , Th " R adi o Am at t'u r' ll
Ha ndbouk ,
Ce-fnmk Filt l'f"
A . Lung o lind K . W . H enderson , Application or
Pteaoelec t ri e R es cnatur s t o :\Io df'rn Hllnd·PallS
A m p li fit'rlI . paper Ilff.'t'entt:'d at 1959 I. R. E. con-
ventio n, N ew Yo r k C ity .
.\1.. C' b Rn ica l .'iltnll
O r r , cp, cit. '
L-C Filtf'rs
Feder-a ] Telephone and Ra di o Co " R eferen ce Data fOf
Ra dio EnKi n~ l'tll, 4tb Edition .
Q-l\Iullipli f' f ~ , ,
K L , Cnmpbef l, Transi storizf'd Q·l\lultlplif'r. QST,
Janua r y . 1\t5 S.
R , L . 1\'12'1;, V a ri ab lf' n an d W id th Q :'tlultiplier. QST,
April, 1957.


Se nd for (or, a t your dist rib utor), PL 77 Tec hn l-

cal Specificati ons and Performa nce Bulletin de..
s cribing 106 Antennas from 3A throu gh 80 meters
'r . ~_ \ SHACK" INFO.
For TOP·MAN·ON· Communication and TV Antennas
THE·FR EQUENCY results ...
Insta ll a Telrex antenna , . . dollar for
dollar berter in every way! Antenna
systems from $6.95 to $12,000.00



© ClarkWardOrange
T hese D OD (3- D) maps are widely adver-
tised at $9.95. Unfort unatel y we have been
unable to make a special purchase of these The LW-S1
fine maps and therefore we must bring t hem
to you at full list price: a low, low, only $9.95! Deluxe
Perhaps a glow ing descriptio n of t he maps
will arouse your interest. Well , let's see . . .
hmmm . Well, first of all they are pretty big .
28 ~" and 18 !1z" to be exa ct. And they are
Feature s:
printed wi th eig ht colors (al l differen t ). But
best of all are those mountains that you can • 45 wa tts input , fully neut ralized
feel. They stick r ight up at you nearly an • Uses inex pen . . h e 8 me xta ls or \'FO
inc h. They are in the right pla ces too. Amazing • P lat e mod ula ted for effi ciency and punch
job. They come complete wi th t he frame and • Inp ut for cry sta l or carbon microphone
a handy map index whi ch locates all t he • In kit form 10 c ui ('osl s
places for you . Y ou can see the maj or highways • All hard part s moun ted (over 1(0)
on the U.S. Map. • 6 or 12 \'011 filament
• Speech clipping & limirlng fo r max
mod ulation
Order Direct:
LW· 51 Del uxe ki t, leu tubes & II tol $59 .95
LW-51 Delulle kit_ w it h t llb e s & an y II t ol. 74 .9 5
LW-51 Delu lle k it , w ire d & t e st ed . . . . . . 89 .95
5h ip weig ht 7 Ib s.: 77c Eo sl COl;lsl; $1. 59 Weste rn
LW-72 AC Power Suppl y fo r LW51, wire d 49.95
LW·61 V Hf Conve rters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.50
LW-80 Pre -Amplifie rs ... . .... . ...... •. . 12 .50


T-R SWITCH ~~~..:~ __ J
... with selectable bandswitching
This compact e lectro nic T-R switch
(4% " x 4" x 4 !1 / ) does a big j o b in
aut om ati c bre ak-in op er atio n on
C W -SSB -A M -D S B . Bandswitch covers
8 0 through 10 m e ter bands. Integral
-----------------------------_. power supply . For co m m ercial a p plica -
t io ns, it wi ll handle more than l K W
Sir: 4
Enclosed is $9.95. Please send me one of AM phone and up t o 5 K \ V SSB. "Fall-
your 3- D maps immediately. U.S .- Worl d- safe" design a uto matica lly keeps tra ns-
mitter co nnec ted to a n ten na when
Name , Call . unit is n ot energized . Matches 5 2-75
Address . ohm coa xia l lines .
Th is is the switch yo u 've been loo k-
City Zone State . ing for. See it at your local d ea ler, o r
Pl ease includ e at no cha rge wit h th is order a write t he factory direct.
one year ( new) ( renew) subscripti on to 73 Pric e : $60.00
starting with the issue.
(Two yean with two maps.)
Send ord er to : 73 Magazine, 1379 E. 15th st., 13~&~ ,Jnt.
Brooklyn 3D, N. Y. CANAL & 8EA VER

A PRil 1961 ;I

© ClarkWardOrange
(Letters, continued from p. 51)

VHF•UHF ~.s~~~::-i~~6B FAIRFIELD, CONN. U('ar " ·8 )" n f' .

R efer e nce your J an uJlr y
G ra ndpa

Iss ue, p fl ~ e fl , " A Let t er f ro m

DIRECTIONAL POWER COUPLER Mam n," T ch , t ch , tch ! w a y n e. I r-e m em be r- h " lir in R'
50 TO sao MCS - 10 TO 1000 WATT~ Wr, SG P and I h a ve h('lird h im do the " (;rtUidpll" bi t o n
41NSTRUMENTS IN ONE the a ir, but his name i~ n ' t Cliff Arkett. it:1I G. W, Ri ch" r t ,
Paul Hud..o n W A liAVJ
STANDING WAVE RATIO no ~'OIl "ray that If '{tll F1\ 1 ]' oll 'yr fi led.
52 ohm model: L,52 Gr f'f'tines O ~I:
75 ohm mode l: l75 December is sue, paee 30. fiR" , 8. pot Rl w rp e r- shorted
BULLETIN E-527 :5 t o g rou n d. P a g e :1:1. fi R". I, 12AT7 p in 7 s horted t o 8.
$ 2 4 • SO Each
in sure
un it individ vcltv
perfe ct me te r
ol igned fa
ca lib ra t io n.
.Ja nuu rv Isa ue, JIIl ~e 41. t h e lnat Pll r a Kr Uph shou ld ha ve
read li S f" ll ow II : " Ins t ead of hei n ll patt er n ed a fter a
NUVISTOR PRE·AMPLIFIER half-wa\'e recttfter, th ill circu it is a n adaptation of t he
h a l f ""' 1\\". voltaae doubler, Since it i s a yo lta... doubl f'r
device it u t ilizes both h al ves of the input s ig na l cycle
MODELS TO COVER: rn t. ho r- t han o nly 011\' , wit h t h e r esut t tne Increaee in
48·60 MCS- efftctency ."
MODEL G-SO A I S t'w land W21HW
140-1 SO MCS- 011 /,s 'za~,"
MODEl G-144
210·240 MCS-
410·450 MCS W2N 8U
MODel G-432 You r Ma r eh c ovet- s u r e fri lth t e n e,1 m e--I thought you'd
moved t o u notber- planet ! tot,.. cell -mate explain ed it t o
m e : the s t o n e face is a California tool shed w h ic h ill
$ 19 • 9S E o c ~ u ni t i~ dividu o lly alig ned
op tim u m nOISe fig ure .
f or disgu ised all an Atlas la unch ing pad ; the stone b locks
canlOu fla ge th e etr in ta ke for th e CD sh elter and t h e
417_A GROUNDED GRID PRE-AMPLIFIER litt le ham s hu c k in t he ce nter is n n eat h am s ha ck j u~ t
$2 1.95 LESS TUBE $39.90 WITH TUBE li ke t he o nes we h a ve h ere in V irgin ia . I sur e f . e l
Elimino te t he guesswork fr om you r matching prob- better now lind look forward arrxicualy to all f u ture
lems. Quorter w ove line ar bolun tran sformer. coctes of n .
An y frequency from SO to 500 me
An y impe d o nce rot ion b etween SO ClOd 600 oh",s Ly n n Wi1801\ W 4JXD
Write for bulletin E50-600 Al exandria. Vireinla
e YiNs !

C Iu b Subscriptions
Quite a fe w f ell ows ha ve bee n clubbing us to announ ce a cut rate subs cr ipt ion deal. \Vhile
t his is agai nst ou r ba sic policy of trying to br eak even, we mu st bow t o t he pressure and st ar t
some r ustling among t he clu b sec r eta r ies. Her e's the deal : se nd us the n ames, calls and ad-
dresses of fi ve or mor e members a t $2.50 per member.. These subscri pt ions mu st sta rt with
t he next published issue.
Individual Subscriptions
The best wa y to get j3 is by subsc r iption. F ill ou t form below. How about s ur pr is ing a f rien d!
T welve monthl y surpr-ises a r e only $3.00.

Num e . . . . . .. , . . .. . . . . . . , ... ... . , . . . . . . . . . .... . . Call • • • • • • • • • • • • • $3 yr .

Add r ess .. . . .. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . , . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ... $5 2 yrs.

City · . . . . .. . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... , Zone

, , State . . . . . . . . , . . .
• • • • • • $4 yr. DX
• • • • year-s. Start : Oct. Xov. Dec. Jan . F eb. ) Iar. (Check one )
73 Maga zine ; 1379 E ast 15th s i., Br ookly n 30, N. Y.

Name . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. Call . . . . .. . ..... , $3 yr.

Address . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . , .. , ... ... . . . . ... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . .

, $5 2 yrs.

City • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Zone
• • • • Stat e . . . . . . . . .. . .
• • • • • • $4 yr. DX
• • • • yea r!'. Start : Oet. Nov. Dec. Ja n. F eb. Ma l'. (C heck one )
73 Magazine; 1379 E a st 15t h si., Br ookly n 30, N . Y.


© ClarkWardOrange
J)tar W a yne.
To answer your queation in reea r d to MM operation . I
see n o r easo n why a passe n g e r coul d n o t ob t a i n permis_
eto n to operate MM . The r e are som e pra c tical eonaider-a-
no ns. It wou ld be next t o im pos sible o n a n ormal p a s -
s en g er s hi p due to t he entennad needs , h owever it cuu ld
a division o f AM BER IN DUS TRIA L CORP. Dept• .607
be done on a f regi hter, You would have to co ns id e r t he 1920 E. EDGAR ROAD (Rig h t o n High wa y U.S. 1)
leng-th o f the tr ip. of cou r se . It w ould be wo rth while LINDEN, N . J .-ou o u from ESSO RESEA RCH LA BS
o n 10nR" t rips such as JA , ZS o r rou n d -t h e-wo rld. First
yOU s hould a rra nge w ith t h e passenger to m eet t he A N 'C RT . ' 1"onoouny Xml r . ; 0 · 90 me•. w/pua -
,·h · t~ .. _. .... • . . . .. • . . . • . . . • • . . . nt ... 12.95
;\I a ster a n d get his OK. This is a g ood time to find out
BC· GO] R~. 20 -2;.11 m es 10 I'rC5tt pushbut·
it rou w i ll have to bring y ou r own ac so u r ce. Then y o u ton cIl, $11 .9 5
mu st notify the F C C that YOU have the Master' s perm is- BC· 68l H ,·{'. ~ R l ll e K" lU ' , tlO:1 ex,·.']>t 2 j · :j ~f . t
" io n en.t g ive t hem you r itine ra ry. The a nten na w ill s ti ll 111('~ • • • • •.• .•• .• , . , .. • , • .• .• •.••. • • • 29. 50
h e a p r oblem , but o ne good sol u tio n is a verttea t whip BC· 659 ~-" H,>(' , - X lll i t . XI.1. ,·ontr.: ~o ..II. :
2 j - 3~ . !l Ill . 10.9 5
fuat e n ed t o the ra il o n th e flyi n g bridR"e . . . coax ted,
BC - 620 20· 2 7.9 OWl •• r,,1I' •• 1l( ' · 6 ~,! 1 , hut no
P a t ;\lilllI' r K V .jC I ~l'k r. . . 10.9 5
SC R · 522 X m f r .n l. 4 en., xtl l ('< mH. :10"'. I~
(;ent lernen: t ul "... H'ty p R'd .. . , ...•. ...... . . , .. 22 .50
We w ould li ke t o have y ou a nn ou n c e ou r f or-t h coming- BC· 6G4 xnn r . :W -27 .!1 HI.· S , :1II \\' , 10 -<'11. xld
OirminR"hamest o n May 6 t h a n d 7t h , ou r E igh th Annua l ('(lill I'' ' ' . • • ..•• .. .....•..••• • , •. .. u"" 8 .50
Afflli r . The m a in event wi ll b e, a s u sual. at t h e A la bama BC. 6lW l'. mt> u t x....l'\ 27 · ;19.1 m{'~.
Iu · - "n~ . 8 .50
State F ai r gro unds on Sun d a y . w o nde r- if it w ou ld h e DM· l ,5. 12T J))·n . mn l nr fot 111 ' -;; "14 or 11t ·- r,,.; . 4 .95
posllib le fo r you t o co me down '! lUll B an k ston W.jDf' f: Be-U8 Xmt r :>.3-7 IIl r S......'"\>1<·1... u /lulJts &.
x tal •• .•.. .••. . .•. .•• .••. .... .. , ••• 1. 50
I.M'l' t o R ill. bllt I' m t ile [llI r st s/,.'aker at th e H'e,ft,., n BC- 1206 He", 1 ~15- ·1:!1I k " K wi .; 1 1Ih{' ~, \I"rk. un
;\'en' York Hmnjcst on ,1lay fith in Rockcster, Th e Rirm in !l' :!4-:!~ vdc " .. 8 .9 5
Ilumlcs! is OIl(' of Ill .\, [a oorit cs , 1'/1 snr c tr)' to be t here R· 8/ARN · 8 n ...,. b.' II , ;~. I ll I"S, ; l u b . ,• • ",'lis II h e
I/ex t )·cor. , .. ill)' t""1 d .lI)· ~ u~ l~h l e f"r rt.'lllUle
cont ro l. tlo"'· " n..r. ere. . . 6.00
MN · 26 H i fl't" t1nn fI ,,, I... a.lal'l. om;a U I"rat!.
I) t ar " ' a yn ll', \\ I ....·ess : :\1~ ·:6 f ,"r 150· 1:;00 ktl . &
Cona rutu ta t tnns on y our edttortal in the Feln-ua r y is -
sue I At last th e re ill a n edit or- with a u t s enoug- h to
rem. l'on l r.. l. ) 1:\' - ~ 2 .\ .1.
~ll I'. Ie th n_ . ) I :-; · ~U rot. 10"1' . ) I :">" - ~ Ii
h "lI "..
1'a1J1.. ~ & In.l r. buok . • • ,. , ••• , . , .. • 89.50
s t a n d out BR"ai nst th e liars and t.he c h ea t I'! • • • even if i t RT4 5!ARQ ., li re. xmtr H ·50 111"1 . w/eou .. Il'r &.
rna}' cost h im a su bsc r-i p t fo n or two. O -~1I0 m' met ..r on t r..n t 1'1111"1. U I'<" t .
You can imag ine how a bridR"e or poker c lu b w ould m it. SO or I I.'> . ~uO · ::;OO 1"1' " •••• ,. 29.50
t ol er ate a c a rd c heat: t hat is exactly t he a ttit utle d ecent P E. lOl um. : w /tllf tr. • tart . ",I. )' . hal. ... hl e
i n ';'-/1:" (ot :Ia/lla; OU! ~>oI) I' ("
amllteu r l( s h ou ld exh ibit t owa rd th e cheats w h o lie the ir 1110,,(a , ... . , . ..• ....... .. .. . . ...... 12.50
way into t h e r a n k s ( but not t he s p i d t ) of a mateu r PE .I 04 I'.!ol. vlh. lI /\\' IIC- I1 ;, 1 In li / l~I': nut
r a dio . Ilh' & 15,' .. , . 4.95
If a n yone ch e r-ishes an y P olly annaish illus ion s. let him P E· 11 7 1'.:0: . 1·lb.; \'n lt ree : \\/llIh ll' '" ha ll u t
eom pe re r cc fig-u r-es o n th e percentage ot flu nk e rs o n In 6 /1 2 /2~" ." L;;~ .;' /I.:; a; ,1 11:./
!'O/1. .'>v @ ; :; / ~ 0 / ; 5 " n.. . . .. , .
Con dit io na l C lasll code vs, Genera l C las s cod e o r T ech-,
P E - 2l 1 I'.~ , r ib .: w /luh~ .\ ,- Ih. In 6/1 ~ /:!h
nician Cl a ss t h eory VII. General C laHS t h eory. One w OII I.I (~ Z1/ 13.Zn . : o ut 52.i / l0.·,/ 6. 5/1; / I. :11
hn ve t o be nui ve i n deed to b e li e ve that ho n e s t y is a n 130v «,; tlO /42 ma/ Za / :iHO/ 4.i O/I ; rna . 7."
at t r- i bute of tho vast majority of th e take r s lind the MP -22 m ast h 8. .. f ur mohll .. !llIUm l ••.•. . lit'\\' 1.95
!Che n of " m a i l o rd er" licen se exam i na t io ns. The- ir- in - T . 26 moh l l.. rlwsl n,lk n,·\\' 1.00
l~ri t}· s t a n d s sel f-cond e m n ed b}· the u tt e r l}' i n c r edib le 5 f or 56 Synehro motor . g r. I t:. '·. I,Ot· I'O. II..... 15.00
numbe r o f p a ll"ing grades. DY ·11 dH I. "",H>r 2; ...I.. 10 ; 50 /if' 3:;0
ma .......• ... , ... . . . . . . . . . . . • . I/ n ,'" 12.95
Again . wa yne, c ong- r a t ulat iona a n d g no d lu ck. It m a y
he that i f you kee p p o und ing lo ng enoug-h y ou c a n per _ 800· 1 <1)11. 2 1 ... 10: to l1 .i 1'91' . SoO I"I'S, I
k va . . • ,., ••. .. .• ,., •.• . ..•• , • .•• IIt'\\' 9.9 S
s un d e t he FCC t o return a m a t eur radio t o r n.lio amn -
t eu rs.
Ca r l C. Drum t'll n . W SEII C TERRif iC B4R GA IN ! GO·9 TR4NS NIITT ER, $59 50
100 W . D.3·1B NICS. BRAND N EW . . . . . . . . . •
D e a r ,,' a yn ll'.
All m y p a st is sues o f c u rre n t hum jou r nals a tt est t o II TH O U SAN D S O f ITEM S-TH O U SAN D S O f BA R 6AlN S
f niling that I would s u relv like to s ee yu u correct wit h Wr lt tl fot tr ee ll sl l nlt- :!i % <1 " I'nsll 011 c.o.n. ord.'I I -
73. My cov e rs a r e w e ll m a r ked w it h notntion a liS t o th e :\Un lmum order t ,i.OO. All I'rl ..... r.o.h . 1.llllll" n. X. J . :O: ome
con t e nts. Now i f one put the co nte n t s on the cover, quantltl e1 110111e <1. J' rl ~ :-:ubJI'Ct 10 (' hange Wlllluut Xot kll'.
I More on peq e 55 )


Un. 5&11 c .,.. t al for i me'er
.." w...t or InIO
em ~51' .tPP11·
CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR _ lor I ·t! t meie r
" 1.... Lale.
t ie r . Mod.rn da · mod d..l p. tI...
.Im. 0D17 , u... two 1201'. Llno
fliK . ' lIbt illdlMl ' 'lnpe A _rill nlo
inC buUI-ln' V. Iwln Telro<I• • Xrntr
vlb r.tor power onl)' 4"x 4" e u''.
'<LPpI)'. Com' Accunc)' pi.... 0.- mln.... 0, 00 12~. Conla,1UI P re - 0rlI)' 3 ,3 / 4 IN. Com'
l',. . ncl"".", c l,lon SOO KC cryatal. BMS Lab, C r ynal oven. pI.le w11li 10-112"
in a1umlnum cab ' SU O .ub ·minl, w r . tube . Hermetically nal l d ..lIrorne antenn.a, F ur ·
1011 fS-I /2" H or IIk kel pll.led re<:lafICIIll.r c.... Moun~ In n\llM d " otnpltle _ lUI
' ''W or ~'D l. hr- .rt! 7 pln mlnlal<Lre . oc ket . Requ ire. I . ~ VAC or A _ B Bane..,. pack.
ntall... wlUl CI"T' -
tal that doW>l . .
DC. 15 10 100 V.D.C . Wul> .cl>e .... u ... RCA
Type AIUUOO-I. Si n : 4 -I/ 2"H or 1- 7/1 &" W or
. . ,,_ tt...
_ .cl>._lIc • c: .
" ahl l
... .r 10 mdtr 1-I! rO. WI: ill> . c e. It ·~ C RV. fOrtr.eo"". ......1... W o. wllb ;
band. WUl re qui re all, lII ..,d ...,. modtllc l.Uon
for 10 meier opuaUon . " real bu..,t)'".
C""I : SI72.oo.
VE RY S P" C t ~ , "ONL Y
S315 •
80.11.. ..,. w.I....I : 23 lba .

IIIl1h I" b.. - SJ1.'S PRICE: SI5.00 willi en ' uboo • •

FlIr'''-r Information ? (WI "..., . hlp wllhoul batlery ....... p r .". $1 5.001,


A PRil 196 1 Sl

© ClarkWardOrange
U.S.S.R .

© ClarkWardOrange
Propagation CITIZEN BAND
Cha rts """ All 22 Fre-quentie , in Stock

David A. Brown K21 G Y

30 Lambert Ave nue
3rt! oeeetcee. .005'X. tolennr_ to meet .11
10' C C requ lremen LJ.
1I(' 6/ U ho ld rn . 'A: " p in
I p.d nC- .050 n tns. (. 1)93
PUl l at a lla u le, .<l d 1St per {'r)·stali.
$2 95
lI <r me t lra ll y ,nled

Farmingdale . N. Y. EACH
The bands listed are MUF s and a higher Th e foll owl"8 Clnl " 0" Cltizn Ba nd frtQuene ~ .. In Itock
If -eQulllcies lil te d In ml gacyc les ) : 26.0 65, 26 .97 5. 26 .~a.5 .
band w ill not work for th e time period listed. 2700::;, 27 .01.5, 27.025, 27 .035 , 27 .0 55, 27 .065. 27.075,
27 .085. 27 .10 ~ , '7.115, 27.125. 27.1 35. 27 .155, 27.165.
Lower bands w ill work, but not nearly as well. 27 .17.5. 27 las . 27 .205. 27 .215. 27.225.
Times are G:\IT, not local time. .\Iar t"l 'ed l· r)·,t,,1 i etl Inr G fuue, uo oser . C iti ·Fone and lIa1ll-
c~ a ll ers Un its . . . $5 .90 per let. S iledly euut p nen l mak e.
These cha rts are to be used as a guide to •••••••••••••••••••• •• ••••••••••
ham load ope ni ngs fo r the mont h of April , •• RADIO CO NT ROL CRYSTAL S IN HC6/U HOLDE RS ••
1961 to t he various cou n tr ies list ed. I will be •

f' peclly f rc'lueney . 'A:" pi n I pu i nl , . . pi n dia meter .05
(.on nln te r, atl d 15t ) .. . . ... .•...•... ..... $2 .95 u .

interested to hea r of you r results i n using • FUNDAM ENTAL FRE Q . SEALED CRYSTALS •
these charts and to know what ot he r areas • In II CG/ huMen •
• lo'rolll IfllO K C to 4000 riC . 0115"" 'rc teeenee .. .•.. $4.95 ea . •
you might wish in cluded in future charts. • From 1000 I\ C to 15.000 I.; e a n)' f re' IU en, y •
• .00::;1<> Tolera or e $3 .50 ea. •
• ~\I ]>p lle tl In
IIl t·t al ll C6/ U h" ldeu •
• t't n 6 11~ .. llIg
.4"; 6, di a met er . 050 •
Ad van ced Fore cast: April 1961 • 15 to :JO -'IC .00::; 'rotee en ce $3 .85 ea, •
• 30 to f5 -,IC . 005 Tole ra .wf .•.. ....... ....•.•.... $4 .10 ee, •
• 4;:; to 60 -,IC .00;) To ler ance $1.50 ea. •

Good 1-4, 2 1-30 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Fair 5, 8-10, 18·20 FOR EVERY SERVICE
All cry olals made from Gra ,le " A"
Im DO r ted lIuaTlz.-lt roun tl and "Iehed 10
Bad 6-7, 11- 17 exact Ir e ', uen r l e l . Vnrond ltl onally
l ua ra n lel'd : S Ullp ll ed 10:
FT- 2 13 holden MC-7 holden
P t n opacln l 'A: " r' t n n. ~ ..
P in diame ter .003 }' In diameter . 115
(Le tters fro m pag e 53 ) DC· 34 holden F T -1 71 ho ldera
rim jlar- to the R ea de r 's Dt sre s t , it would eliminate th e P i n . p~c l n g %, •• P in s pac ln l %, ••
n ec eas tt v of s lw n d i n g Io n " hours op e n i n g covers ami r'tn d ia meter . 156 Bana na p l ni
loo ki n l( fo r so me pa r-ticulu r id ea t hat is h a lf h idd en from MAD E TO ORDER CRYS T ALS • S peci fy ho lder wan t ed
t he longpaat, 1001 KC 10 2600 KC:
L . R . S h a ...k rlford KS II SW . 61,% 10Ier8ncf . • .• . •...• , • . • . • . • . • .•... .• . •• . .•• .•. $2.oo e• .
.005% to lfr.nICe . •• •. ... . • . . . • • • .. . . .. . . . _, • .. .•• " • . 52.75 e• .
R oy oh bo)' 011 boy 011 bo)' 011 bo)'. line t('e flO 10 )'011 '11 2601 KC II 9000 KC :
.00::; "" te teeenee • . • .....• .• . •.• ...• ...... . . • • • . • • • • • . $2.50 ea.
IUTer j",u rlill c 1I0w milch t r o ubl e 10 Iry ' 0 makc t he cen'e r sen KC t. 11 ,000 KC
of each: iss ue of 73 d ifferc,, ' [rom UII )·tlli" [1 )'OII' f'e .fN'1I .00:;% ' "len nI''!'. • . • ,., _ $3 .00 e'.
before alir! artistic . . . alid rd w t do rt'C y t't ! Rct s t Look
lu -re, 1. , R. , if :\,{)U don't mind hOfl;IlY lIlo!!o::illl's 1('it h CO!'- Ama te ur, Nov ice , Te ch n icia n Bond Cr ystols
.01 % Tolerance . , . S I.50 e8 .-1l0 me ters (370 1-3 149 I{C).
crs lik(' t hat rdr y !l ot just r ip off t hc [ronr CO f'Cr and pagc 40 meters (1152 · 1108 K~ l . 1:1 ureters (. 0:.\f ·701l2 K Cl. 6 meters
one of 73 a nd t h n l you'll /r Ot·c tlrc T'able of COfftCllt s f or (S335 - 865 0 I';C) "'Ilhl n I I":C
;\'O llY C01·cr. I IIOI'C someon e app rcciatcs OIlY corers. I liad Jo"T -2H I.a tt l<-e Cr)"Jt. 1s In . 11 I~q ur n c l tl trom 3iO KC to
f or sercrot years made ",idgcI ' IOtes all t ill' bindin.Q cdge 5 10 Ke (.11 n ICept 45" KC . nd 500 I.. CI 50¢ ea.
I' l n I pa d oc 'A: " I' ln d la m" te r .0:'3
of III)' QST's a lld CQ's o f tll c m ore i lltc rcst illg contents , -'h.t..lte-tl p.l n + 15 eycl ts $2.50 pe r pa ir •
It r('as o nl v Ilat llYal rhe w tha t I sho ll fd i rrst ;t llte t k is S cll l'Plli' 200 J..:C Cr,. lta l• • $2.00 n .. : 455 1":C CU·l ta ll . $1 .50 e~.; 500 hC I b"ca",,, editor of CQ. S i ,ICfO 7 3 'U';II IIOt be h llt';119 CfT "t a ls , $1.50 ca,; 100 KC Freq llen<:y Sta nda rd Cryst all In
this bilrdiuf/ cdae due t o t ill' saddle .ftitch bi"d i".i1 7(~' arc IIC6/V holde n $4 .50 ea.: Sock et fur Jo"T- 2 ~3 e ryu al 15¢ ea. :
I' ,, ~ I -ock et t nr ~"r - 24 3 c l'nlal, . 15¢ ea.: l'ocket l for MG·1 a nd
luiu!!. tlris S)·.f/cm is n ot /, ra ctica l. I bd iel '" that tJr c con- FT- l71 cry,tata 2.5t! ea. : Ceramic Bot ke t for H C6/ V cry, tab
! 'I' lI i CI1CC of be ill fl able tv /a \ ' yo ur m a{lo:: i llc [lu t all t he 20t!ea.
tabtc is of m ore i lll p o rtO lrCl' t l' OII //(/t';Il!I all ('diU' st ick Oll t Wri te f or new free tatalng #860 eomp lete with oscillato r cl re uih
o f fM bookshrlf f or )'0" t o rcad . . . ra rtiCll/ad)' since we
1I0':c so t'("r)" ma llY ("OIlSlrll Clioll ert ictes , AS K YOUR PARTS DEALE R F OR TE XA S CR YS TA LS
see bl . r ed d llplaY . . . If he COti n 't ItOd l Ihem . •eod u,
Df'a r " .a)·nf'. hil name and ord er d lrtl'1 from nur n ori d,. lut o,.,..
The Fiat 500 isn't much o f a sports e a r . but vou
NOW I Jo; nl ln ee rl nlt II mp lel a nd sm. 1I 'l lI. nUt lts lor proto-
mig'h t be able to direct me to someone who has clea ned trpee now ma de either at Chica go or ~·t. "Iyen P lant. 24
t he 2 meter ignition nois e out of one. I' ve Kot o ne o f the Hour Se r\'l ce!
little monste rs, w ith a G" n l<et and It Hi-G uin w h ip, which IN CH ICAGO , P HO N E G L lI" st ~n e 3-355.5
is fi ne w he n r h e motor' s o ff. but u n ear-basher in mo- RUSH YO UR O RDER TO OU R NEW PLAN T
tion. (That Gon set is Ketting a Lamb-e ircuit nuvi stor Use coupo n be low flW lit Cia.. I hipm e nt.
prffi m p s ho r tl y.) The iKnition leads are pretty close to
~2 wa ve, which improves the st ren g t h con!<iderably . I've TEXAS CRYSTALS
Kot an impro\"t'ment 'ove r the Gons et t ransmitter in proc- Dept . G·41. 1000 C RYSTAL DRIV E. FOR T MYERS, FL A.
Fer extra f..t ser'lln, Ph one W E 6-2 100
e l<8, push-to-talk a nd 10 watts out. whieh yoU m i~ht th ink
wa s worth ma ki ng an article out o f. Sound off if yuu' re I •
i n teres t .... \. I VIA 1ST CLASS MAIL AT NO EXTR A COST I
K eel' UI' till;'" K"." I w"rk . Y Ull 'Vt' g"t tilt· right i,Il'II . I TERMS: All item, subject to p rio r sale and c h (l n 9 ~ of I
J"f'1 S. I.oo k WI K eR I p rice wi thou t no ti ce. All crysto l o rd en must be C1ccom. I
1"1".1 • •<I"I,d tl", G,>Usrt 1"I'"1:r r sio ll. CI",ck :<'Iaitiu!l. /) 0 " .1 " panied by check, cosh or M.O. with PAYMENT IN f ULL. :
a ll.\·,lII e lI ut 't' a ll ) ' SII !IYI'.ftiOlI.< fo r l.:ill iulI till' IIoisc i ,1 ,.is I Na COD's. Dept. G ·41. I
A PRIL /961 55

© ClarkWardOrange
How to Write for 73
Jim Kyle

H A V f<:you desig ned or b uil t an or ig in a l item difference between good r es ults and none at
or equipment'? \Vould you like to have a ll f or t he guy who du plica t es you r effort.
cash in pocket to pa y for it? Or prestig e Along t he sa me line, include a complete parts
a mong' your buddies? T hen write it up f or 73. lis t , with ma nufa ctu rer 's ty pe number of each
T he on ly way in which we can continue to pa rt if available.
offer more co nstruction articles per issue t han Remem ber, a lvv-a ys, that you're wr iting for
any ot he r ham magazine is for you, dear read- other hams. T his means t hat accept a ble ab-
er, to d escr-ibe your design and construction breviations and idioms which will be known
effort s. T o encourage you in t hi s endeavo r, we to everyone a re a ccept able. On the othe r hand,
pay leg al tende r for your words . Bu t to make it's no excuse t o be cu te wit h excessive u se
cer t ai n t hat you accom pli s h w hat you set out of Q signa ls a nd such (73 is printed, not tele-
t o d o, he re are some h in t s on h ow t o write for g-raphed t o its subscr ibers ) . If your ar t icle
J:l. includes t echnical discu ssion s, wat ch the level.
The best guide to the type of art icle, we Don't explai n Ohm's La w in one-sylla ble
want, naturally, is the group of article s pub- wor ds, but on the other h and don 't t ake f or
li shed in each issue. H o wever, don 't carry g r anted a detailed knowledge of rada r -scat-
this t o ex tremes . After we have three articles tering principles either. Let common sense be
on the sa me type of equipment, we'd sor t of you r guide here.
like to concentrate on other areas for a few Now, let's look at the mecha nical detai ls of
issu es. But ca r ef ul st udy of t he published ar- your articl e. F ir st, it should be typed-c-p ref ~
t icles with attention to t heir organizat ion, er a bly with a typewriter, not a Model 26.
word in g, a nd RPPI'ORch will pay divid ends. T he ma nu scrip t should be double-spaced, on
Ha mm ing is a hobby, not a busi ness (t hough wh ite unr uled paper. Keep a car bon of it ,
many B F s wou ld question t hi s statement), but su bmit the origina l. T he r eason for thi s is
and your article sho uld read inter est ingly t hat t he carbon tends to smudge during edit-
rather than like a business report. In gen eral, ing, and becomes di fficu lt for t he pr inter to
try to describe the equipment as if you were read .
telling your buddy down the block how to build I nclude your nam e an d address on each page
it-for in essence, that's what you're doing. of t he ar ticle, preferabl y near t he top. T hi s
So far a s orga nization of t he a r t icle goes, lets us p ut it ba ck together shou ld a gu st of
a good r ule is to tell your story t hree t imes- win d mix it up with others. For t he same r ea-
or in the words of a n exce llent ba ck-country son, pages shou ld be n umbered consecutive ly.
orator, " First I tells t hem what I 'se go ing t o With t he ar t icle complete, you'r e only half
sa ).' , then I s ays it, and then I tell s them what done . Illust r at ions are a must.
I sa id." At t he ve ry least , a schemat ic is necessa r y.
By thi s, we mean to give a summa r y of the If chassis layout is critical or importa nt, a
entire article in the fir st couple of paragraphs. sketch of thi s is n eeded too. All such line art
This lets the eventual reader know if he's go- can be subm itted a s neat sketches, s ince it will
ing to be in ter est ed in it or not . T hen go into be redra wn to 73 style by our draftsman. The
the detai l. Fi n all y, sum it u p briefly at t he en d. key point is to make su re th at t he sketch is
Speaking of deta il, be su re not to leave it not subject to misreading beca u se of cr owde d
out. Not too long a go, one wr iter ( a staff lines.
member at th at ) wrote a long anten na piece Last but not least are photograph s. W hil e
- a nd afte r doing so, discove red t hat nowher e we ca n and somet imes do print cons t r uction
in the article did he give any dimen sions or articles witho ut photos, we 'p r efer t ha t pic-
tell how to build th e sky wire ! Luckil y, thi s tu res accompa ny the article.
error wa s caught in t ime-if it hadn't been , F or one thi ng, a good photo makes more
the mailmen would have been del uged (if t he people want to build t he it em. For a nother,
article had seen print in such sha pe). it 's proof to the unbeliever that the equ ipme nt
In clude all ca libration a nd a djust ment in- wa s act ually bu ilt. And finally, a clear photo
struct ion s where necessary. This can make t he will show many detail s which can never be

56 13 M A GAZ IN~

© ClarkWardOrange
shown on d r a wings or expla ined in text.
P hotos must be sh a r p, clear, and well-light- PE-162 GASOLINE
ed. If photogr-aphy isn't one of yo ur other
hob bies, t he best bet is to locate a f riend who ENGINE GENERATOR
knows it well a nd enlist h is hel p. W e prefer FOR POWERIN G , RT.77/GRC·9
that prints be 8 x 10 glossies, but good 5 x 7 BC·l106/ SCR-694
COlnl'llrl . liJ:'hl \\I'lJ,;hl . Il"n ahll' 1'!l'ft rh'
prints are u sable, a s are prints on smooth f/.l'll l'nlln g ~ ~ I fo",btl ,,!: IIf a 1 II I" :1000
UI' ~I I fJ-II Il' '''r. a l l' ....... 11'<1. e f )·d l'.
semi-g loss paper. manu al rtlPf' ~U rllllg l:a..o l ll,1' png illp 'Ur....II)· 1"<""' 11'<1 t o a
Techni cally, you s hou ld either "paint with III'•• hllnt "-"'111<1 .•" It I'vlll'd. tour pole ;: ~I'ral"r nt atned til
a framl' of I" " ub r M nUmrt l"" n" "l lll p,1 on r uhl...r . h,,,,·k
light" or u se bounce-lighting in making equ ip- m" IU' tl nJ:" . (; '·'1O'ral or .. lie 511 u "l \"lur" t. .flf fw ll...-l. 4 t>ol l' .
hall h lftlil. "1 110 flUllllIl ot G.:!/ ' " I ~I ' 3 . .j " tIlll and ,,!Ill
ment photos. Cameras s maller than 6 x 6 eM ' · llC ~ :IO / ~ .jO ~ I.\. I.·" il ha ~ .I"nfll on II,, ~ t"r " " "'''~' l h'lI: fah lt-s
r" r us,, w il li va rtous r adl " euu tp. It'hl I~ l"<)ln t,ldp \\'1110 t"" l~
negat ive s ize seldo m give acceptable r esu lt s. ."- III .lrlletl'lII ho " k. ~i 1,1" : 17'f., x l ro l;< ll' I I ". wr.: $34 50
And if th is pa r ag raph leaves you cold, fi nd 57"1! Ihs . ~hl' l( . \\"t . : 12,"; II " . I· r lf l'- ,!tl,.:r-; ,·,.. : . . . •
('1I ·1 1l~ 1' 1' .\ HL.:~ f" r '·"Il ll ,~'tl ll l(
ailo\',. l '''" ''r 1·1111 I" IH:' I :lU n
a friend a s advi sed earlier. (Maybe la t er we'll Ind l IT · " n er . - Tr an•..... ......... .. .............. 55.95
have an article on the taking of equ ipment RCA RECEIVER
photos. want one ?)
With all things accomplished, you're ready R-320/AR-88
II Tu hl' s u l...·r hf l r"'I)- Il.. " 11h ..
to send your manu script in. Wr-ite a sho r t f r"' I" l'lIf)' r ll lll: l' 11'' '111 " In t o
:1:!. Ullfl KC In si ll' " a u" ~ rI .,.l l:''''' \
note explaini ng what it is, enclose return ror fL"" 'pll" n IIr .D C ~ w\\" &
(' W " I l(nllh ; 011 111111 lmlll'da,u-f 2,:; .'I< ronn ohms. Om'
postage if yo u wa nt it ba ck in case of rcj cc- l llninlo: enlll r,,1 wllh ha wl 81>1'l'a'\ 1,lu. 0 ,.. r"II"",1111o: ton-
t ion (u nha ppy thought-but it somet imes hap- t r ols ; n . • ' I Ja l ll. .\ . 1" rl a tn , IIn -T n lll. - It ,·,· )1\\' ·11,·,· I ·\\'. Ill-'
T I>lIe . ..\ nl -.\ ;lj .• Hau,1 l"I llllllo:l' . ,,·It'('l hll .\'. llF Il II IJ.I. •\ VI' ·
pens) and mail it in . Before very long (the ~ la "" :1I-) l all" lt l ~ nl ~e 1,1I11 11 ,·r -.\\·C :-O n....
T.l 'll ll ..r . ~ " I .~
J.l m lt pr ; .bo 1'1",,"1' J ef k . TlI hl's : a / Il l"(; 7.
('om l,Jel p w ll h
exact time vari es with the other activity in ~ /r,Jo; . 21t.11t1. l / f$ .\7 . l / IlKI;. 1/ ,,\" 3. 1/ ;;:-:J7 • •\ I /V It -1511 :
l ~,;; KC IF. Ooe rates f m m 1 1~ /230 "olts flO n ']p. Ih ck p. m-I
the office) you'll eith er g et a check of a r e- mOlln lln g . 1 ~,1~); n x 19'.. .. ( ~" ulolnd) W I. : !Ill 11>, . 1:51'<1 .
j ection alip. If you've followed the advi ce Ch...·kl'<l tor "I>fu li,"Il.
Pr ice -As de scr ibed obo ve . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 175 .00
goiven here, it will most likely be the f ormer. Pri ce - W it h erysto l Phas ing . _. _. . . ..... .. •. . . SI 85 .00
Adc1rH s Oe,,1. 73 • A ll Pri ces Arc F .O, B . , lima. Ohio


2 3 ~ " Ol'tl osit RCCllircd on C.O.D . Order s


l et the KTV Hy-Track Tower raise

your beams. For all the gory details see
the photos on pag e 6 of the March 73. Reyco Multiband Antenna Coils
Better yet, write for prices, specs, etc. Tra p s fo r dipoles .• . high strengt h . . • m ois ture
p roof gua ranteed 10 hondle a full KW.
Mode l KW ·40 co ils will, with 0 108 f oot ontenno,
provide o pe ra t io n o n 10-15-20 ·40·80. 5 12 .50 se t .
KTV TOWERS f or inf ormotion o n o t he r mode ls writ e ;
P.o. Box 294 • Sullivan. Illinois f RED L. REYNO LDS W2VS, 492 Rave nsw o od Ave .,
Roche ster 19, Ne w Yor k

I"ong Join. A.denn..

for 6 lU e . e r s
De signed fol' m ClXimum forword g ai n .
Gommo Moteh fol' co- ax f e eder.
Finest g ra d e oluminum tubin g .
Exceptionolly st ro ng s ince th el'e are no drill ed
hol e s .
All alum inum cons t ruc ti o n e lim ino tes e le ctr olysis.
Entire b eom and su p p orts con b e grounded for
S PEC IFICAT IO."iS )IOD F:L 1.J.6 lig ht ni ng protection.
Dr li" " Cr,, 'rr . • . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . • , • •.••.. 50.5 ~IC
Coin • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •• . .• ••• •.•.• •• ••• 1 3 DB
We o re proud o f thi s new Lo n g John Antenno. We' ve
FIB Ro'; o • • • • . • . . •.• . • • • . • • • • • • • . • . • • 2 3 U B tried to put in ever y f eature you could wont. The re o
suIt is 0 reo sonobte cost hi gh ga in beom which con
J!' .S .W' . R • • • • • • • • • • . 1 : I , Ir u Ih ." 1.5 ; I .. lIh ln 2 MC ea,ily be put up ond whi ch will stoy t here proctieally
1I0r• • # .. 0 ..' JI';,/lh . •. • • . • • • • • • 4 5 ( Ih I' ''''f<r p ol nh ) fo reve r. It hos 0 wide enough lob e so you d an', hove
Imp I.. n .." y ,,'a n d ar ol co _a xla l e. b l..
to sw ing it a round 0 11 th e ti me , ye ' gives you tre -
O.·f<r.. U l pn ll,h • •• • • • • • • • • . .•. . • . •• . • •• . • 2 1'.6" mendous go in whe re you won t it .
f'ie ' l1'el.h • • . • . . . . •. • • • • . • • • • • • • • • . • . . • 1 5 Ib".
S hi p pl n. 11·..i.h , •. ••• .. • .•• • • . • • . .• • • ••• 2 0 Ibs. AT I·O UR DlS TRIB lJT ORS O R W R ITE: DIR ECT


APRil 1961 57

© ClarkWardOrange
(Automation fr om pag e 291
doublet al k , t he circuit ca n be by passed by a
swit ch. Be ext remel y caref ul to locate t he
switch properl y. In correct positioning in th e
circuit could dest roy much of t he tra nsmitte r .
Ha ving descr ibed a s pir al of ever -decreasing
radi u s, we a re n ow r ead y to st a rt over a t the
microphone. Note th at it feeds a three-way
s plitter . This consis ts of th ree t ri odes whose
g -r-i ds and ca thodes are in parallel, but whose
plates f eed three sepa r ate out puts. One out-
put goes to th e tr ansmit ter itself, one to the
vox uni t (together with st a nda r d a nti-trip
sig na ls fr om t he receiver) and t he t hird to
the T a pe Log Un it.
S ince t he microph one is on at all times in
" We have fOIOld t he R ider S ou nd-N-Si ght Code t he Log circuits, a per manent and complete
Course to be a successf ul training me t h od. W e are log is ma intain ed. Exact ti me of ever y word
curren tly employin g this method wit h m odifications you s pea k can be determined by compa r iso n
to fit our t rai l/ i ng reoui reme nte , lVe hav e fou nd
tha t this method of teaching code saves an appreci- with t he WWV sig na l reco r ded at lower level
able a m ou llt IIf time ill our trai ning p rogram." Thus on the same tape. W hile not checked out with
s t a t e d t he C om m a n d i n g Officer, U . S . Coast Guard the F CC, there appeal's to be no rea son why
Tra i ning S t a t io n , Groton , Con nect ic u t . . . Proof
o nce agai n t ha t th e Ri d e r SOU N D- N- S I G H T thi s log could not be used instead of a written
CO D E COU RS Jo~ is t h e easiest, f ast est w a y ever document. (If the Rad io In spector rules other -
developed to learn code. wise, you ca n always hire a ste nogra pher t o
T h e NAVY TIM ES gives details o f t h e success f u l tran sc ri be it fo r you.)
Coast Gua r d tes t tha t led to th e adoption, at the
Coast G u ard G r o t on, Con n. Train i ng S t a t io n . "The
Tha t's it- the whol e in comprehensible mess.
Ar m y a t Ft: . .lJon m ou th, N ew J erse y , adopted t he With care, it could be bu ilt in a st anda r d six-
radio cou rse. Th e CoaHt Guard was impressed wit h foot relay-ra ck ca binet fo r someth in g less
the A rm y result» au d gave the method a t r y . . . t ha n $1,568 (i f j udicious selections a re made
A ccordi ng to t he Cuast Gua rd t rial run s, the men
ta u gh t by t he 11ew method t a k e a lead immediately from s ur plus ) . That's why it's never been built
in building speed a1ld remain ahead by n ea rl y 100% here, and probabl y won 't be in t he near f utu re.
throughout ." Bu t if you have a pair of oil wells in t he
" Alter 30 hours for example, t h e first e%perimen t al back yard, and do n 't mind a li t tle t inke r ing ,
group a lJcraged 19 wordH per mitlltt e, the second you too ca n have a completely autom ated
averaged 16.9 and the t hi rd 18.5. Men in the first
class u nder t h e old method we re clock ed a t 9 w ords st a t ion (and w ith a li ttle more eng ineer ing ,
per m inut e fI t this lw i llt and those in the second it can be made to operate it self, free ing you
hfld 9 .,$," words. Th ere w a ,~ n o comparison in t h e from the drudgery of contests and th e like
thi rd class, sin ce all were o n t he new me t hod. "
a nd leaving you fr ee to r ead. . . . 73
• applies Reinforced Learntnz-c-peycholoztcal principle
II roved s uccessful by A rmed Forces. II 1
• USl'S LP records to teac h you to hear si gnal pattern cor-
rectly and ide nt ify it-how to tra ns m it.
o 0
• uses iden tification "n ash" cards to teach you the cor-
rect letter usaoelatto n wi t h each t;i g na l pattern . 000 I I 1 I I I II I
• h as " check yoursel f" progress cha rts,
· . . p lus a n imllR'i na ry i ns t ructor (in co m plete a nd novice III I11 I1 1
courses) p rovides correct a nswers to s peed code learn inK.
Ma ny people have learned to receive 5 words p er minute
withi n !.l~!l bc u rs. E liminates code p lateau barrie r!
3 INDIVIDUAL COURSES- There', on e for you II1I11111
COMPLETE COU RSE (0-20 words per m inute) - S ix 10" LP
records (192 m in utes of recordi ng, 2K recordings ) . 47
ide ntificatio n cards, book ,# HEC-020, $ 15.9 5.
00 0
0 0 0

o 0
0 0 0
0 00 ::: ~:: I I 1II I 11 1
~ :~ ~ :: I I I
0 0 0
NO VI CE COURSE ( 0-8 wo rds per minute) -Thrl'e 10" LP 00 0
records (9G m inutes of record lnsr, 28 record ings) , 47 0 0 0
identification cards, book #R EC· 08, $9 .50 . 00 0
I I 1 111
AD VANCED COURSE (9-20 words per minute ) -Three 10" 000
LP records. ( 96 m i nutes of recordi ng, 28 recordings ), o
book :R E C-920. $8.95.
Rider has many titles that spell more a mateu r radio en-
E DI T IO N -to name just a few . They' re avai lable at book
s tores or electronic di str ibuto rs, or order direct. Write for
new 1961 cntaloa. P rices subject to change without notice.

"I got on the air alright Ma x , bu t '1010

I can't t u r n it off."

58 13 MA GAZIN E

© ClarkWardOrange
Tec hnical Broad ca sts Give Your Shack
Ve ry interesti ng t e fks given ee ch Sundoy
f rom 2-4 p .rn, (EST) o n 3295- 7540-15715 kc. That Professional
Ap ril 2- No broadca st t od ev. Look
April 9- C <'l pt. J ohn D. Griffith s: Th eo ry of Reall y dre s ses up the s he ek. Wa ll o r tabl e m o u nt. Ste el
Spe ech C om mun icotio ns. ca$e in b lack o r g rey. brig ht red letters a n w hi te b a c k.
Ap ril Ib-C <'l pt. J ohn D. G riffit hs: Mode rn g ro u nd. 10 V2" x 3 112" x 3" . A va il a b le in o t he r Ian .
Techn iques in Speec h C omm uni cot io ns. gaug e $, wi th you r call lelle n , or w ha t d o yo u wa nt it to
$a y ? . . • a d olla r extra. AC/DC 6 · 12 · 120v l $pe cif y).
April 23- Phill ip E. He tfi eld : Ba sic Electronics Ca n $hi ne o ut b oc k w indow of you r ca r 01 nigh t,
fo r t he Rad io A mateur. m o u nt o n yo ur r ig , o uhide sho ck d o o r, o r w he re ha ve
yo u .
April 30-Ed wiHd A. Nea l: C ustom Building
vie Ho me C o ns truct ion.
Ma y 7- W fH re n Bo nne y: Te le ce t ry; Its Pur-
at your d istributor
p o se, Its Fu nct ion .
(I nd ian s fr om pa ge 26) STELLAR ELECTRON ICS, Box 82, Garland , Tex.
:\Iak<,s him think, anyhow. T ell him yo u a ctu -
ally gave your phone n um ber ove r the a ir an d •
asked f or interfe rence re por-ts (i f you d id- SAVE TIME AND MONEY
rem ember he hears your tran smi ssions !) T ell BUI LD YO UR EQ UIPMENT
him how you checked vari ou s neighbors and W ITH VANGU ARD
" PCM's" ..
th ey sai d " N o in te rfe rence" , . , m en tionin g " p r inte d circu it modules,
makes of se ts and a pproximate age if you ca n. • l arg est $elu l illn of etr-
A mi anothe r redskin bit es the d ust! Now f or uit$.
n u mber seven . • l ow ut eost .
• Ev ery mlldule i$ te at ed,
" ,1fy neig hbo'r says. . , ." or h is w ife 's U ncle lual1lnt nd and to m piehl
wit lJ tub e s. t ra nsi stors ,
Lou ie . .. or the ma n who checks his wife out a n d crY li ta l1i wlJere reo
a t the Supermark et , .. or any oth er competent 11IIired . $ 14 .99 li$t
an d quali fi ed ex pe rt. SPECIAL THIS MONT H NOW $7.49
10 METER TRANSMITTE R th i$ month only
H e r e's where the F CC is a r eal fr iend ! T ell JolI"...UkaU " m: t >r)'s tal eont rortea , ::; wat ts Inl 'ut 10 tiA l:S fina l,
,j :! " h ill lin k outl>U1.
yo u r neighbor that you d on't doubt that he I''''' .. r r....l uh ..m..l1t. : 2.j O " . He @ 30 rna.. fl.3 ' •• ~'i . 4,'; a.
ha s been told thus and so for a mi nute, B UT Sen d li tam ped st lf. addrtue d enveill pe fllr Cll mplete li lit of
, , , and cite the }m hli.'{h ed et at ement. of the
F CC that about 95 % of ALL TVI comp laints VANGUARD ELECTRONIC LABS
De>:,t. H-4, 190-48 _ 99t h Ave ., Ho lli$ 23, N . Y.
t hey ha ve investigated turned out t o be du e
to r ecei ve r mal -function ( W. L . Kiser, Chief Fresno Hamfest Ma y bth
E ng in eer, F C C New York a mong ot he r s have
p ublici zed t h is fa ct .) T he n you ca n lea d in to R egis t ra tion a t 8 am, T ow ne & Cou n try
t he filt er st ory and take it from th ere. Lodg e in F r esno. T ech ni ca l talks, demon stra -
Two m ore lit tl e ind ian s alwa ys come in t io ns, swa p ta ble, mobi le field intens ity mea s-
pai rs . " I'll ha ve th e FCC run YO lL off the air" u rement s, h idden t r a nsm it te r h in t s , ladi es
and " L'Il epoak t o my broth er w hos e 011 t he Cii y luncheon and s pecia l enterta inment. The ban -
Cou ncil a nd tunic yo n l'ut ou t of business ." quet at 7 pm is inclu ded in t he $5.50 r eg ist r a-
If you g et t his pa ir, r oll w ith the pu nc h- ti on f ee . R eserva ti on s : B ox 78 a , F resno,
(N ow turn th e pag e I Ca liforn ia.

IN THE ••• _'. ", • WEST· It'.

-'~&'.I "
- ~
_ '-~-­
_ c


1331 India St. San Diego 1, Calif.

P. O. Box 1728 BElmont 9-0361

APRIL 1961 59

© ClarkWardOrange

Radio Bookshop NO . I ( se cond edi tion). This boo k g ives circui t dia -
grams, photos of most equipment, and rather good and
complete conversion in structions for the foll owing : 8C -
GOO D G RI EF. do n't you e ver get the ye a rn to 221, BC-3-42, BC-312, 8C·3-48, 8C ·-412, 8C0.6-45. BC-9046B,
SCR -27-4N -453A series re ce lvers co nve rsio n to 10 meter
I ~ Mn ? RB shi pping de pt. is o!l nxiou sly eweltieq your
rece ivers, SCR -27 -4 N -457A u rie l transmi tters (co nve r-
sli q htest stir. You know, jf yo u buy one book" sion to VFO), SCR-522 (8C-624 a nd 8C ·625 cc nv er stc n
month you mig ht en d up with " fll irly d ece nt ref- '0 2 meters). T8 Y to 10 and 6 meters, PE-103 A, 8C-
ere nce li bra ry? By the way . RB policy h<'J 5 elwe vs 1068 A/ 11 61 A receiver to 2 meters, Surplul lube indeJt.
bee n Money Back, no questions a sked. cross lndex of A/N t ubes VI . co mme rcia l types, TV &
FM channels. $1 .00
:)f the mod complete text books ever p rinted. 1078 81 -SURPLUS RADIO CONVERSION MANUAL VOLUME
poge s, The o ry, but ecay on the malh. $15.50 NO . II. O rig ina l a nd conve rsion circuit d ia gra ms, p lus
photos o f mosl equipments and full conversion d is -
2 - ELECTR IC AL EN GINEE RS' HANDBOO K - cussion of t he following : 8C ·-45-4/ARC-5 re ce ivers to 10
Pender-M cllweln. Th is hug e book should keep yo u melers. AN /APS-13 Jtmtr /revr to -420 me, IlC--457/ARC-5
busy for mon ths just re ed inq t he inte rest ing facts it Ilmtrs to 10 meters, Selenium rect ifier power units, ARC-5
contains. The re is hord ly any p roblem in co mmuni- po we r and to include 10 meters, Coil data- simplified
ca tio n or elect ronics th M you can ' t find cove red VHF, GO-9/ T8W, 8C-357, TA-12B, AN/ART -13 t o c e
wi ndi ng charts, AVT -112A. AM-26/ AIC, LM fr e q uency
he re . Exc rucia t ing ly th orough . 161 8 peqes. $10.00 me ter, ro ta tors, power chart, AR8 diagram. $3.00
5-ANTENNAS- Kra u s ( W 8J K). The m ost comple te book
on onlennas in print, but largely design and t he ory,
NO . III - O rig ina l and conversion diagrams, plus some
complete with moth. $11 .50
photo of t he se : 701A, AN/AP N-I , AN/CR C-7 , AN/ URC-4,
CBY-291 2S, 50083 , 50141 , 52208, S22 32, 52302· 09, FT -
13-REFERENCE DATA FOR RADIO ENGINEERS. ARA, 8C--4-42, ,",53·455. -456 -459, 8C·696, 950 , 1066. 1253,
Febles. formulas. graph s. You will find th is referen ce 2-41A f or Jt tol fi lter, M8 F (CO L--4306 5), MD-7/ ARC-S,
boo k o n t he desk of el most eve ry e lectronic e n- R-9/A PN--4, R23-R-28/ARC-S, RAT, RAV, RM·52 (S3),
gineer in the cou ntry. Published by lntem eficn el Rt -1 9/ARC _4, SCR-27-4N, SCR-S22, T· 15/ A RC·5 to T-
Telephone and Teleq re ph. $6.00 23/ ARC-S, LM, ART· 13, 8C ·31 2, 3-42, 3-48. 191. 37S .
Sche ma t ics of APT-S, ASB-5, 8C-659, 1335A, ARR-2 ,
20-RTTY HANDBOOK- Kretzma n (W2JTP). A-Z o f ham APA10, APT-2. $3.00
Te letype. Very popular book, lo w supply. $3.00
83-THE SURPLUS HANDBOOK, VOLUME I- Re ce ive rs a nd
21 _ VHF HANDBOO K-J oh nso n (W6Q KI). Type s o f VH F Tronsmitters. This book co nsisl s tmtirely of cirevit dte-
propagation, VH F circui try, component limitatio ns, o n- gra m$ of lurplus equ ipment and photos of t he gea r.
le n na design and co nstruc t ion, te st e q uipment. Ve ry One o f th e fir$! thin g l yo u re all y ha ve t o ha ve to
tho roug h book and one tha t shoul d be in ever y VHF even sta rt co nsideri ng a co nve rsion of l urp lus e q uip-
shack . $2 .95 men t is a good circui t diag ram. This book hal the
fo llowing : A PN·1 , APS· 13, AR B, ARC--4, ARC-S, ARC-S
22-BEAM ANTENNA HANDBOO K- O rr (W6 SAI). Ba sics, VHf, ARN-S, ARR -2, AS8 -7, 8C-222. -312, -31-4, -3-42,
t he o ry and construction of beams. tra nsmiss ion lines, ·3-4-4, -3-48, -603, -6 11, -62-4 (SCR-522), BC-652, -6 5-4,
matching devices, and te st equipment. Almo st a ll ho m -659, -669, -683, -728, -7 4S, -76 -4. -799, -7 94, 8C-923,
stotions need a be am of some sort • • • here is t he ·1000, -100-4, -1066, _1206, -1306, -1335, BC·AR-231 .
o nly source of basic info to he lp you decide w hat beam C RC-7, DA K-3. Gf- Il, Mar k II, MN-26, RAK-S, R A l -5~
to build or buy, how to ins to ll it, how to tu ne it_ $2 .70 RAX, Super Pro, TBY, TCS, Resistor Code. Copocitor
Color Code, JAN/VT tube index. $3.00
(W6 TNS). Sugar coated t he ory: re ce ive rs. t ra nsm itte rs, R235-RADI0 CONTROL fOR MODEL BUILDERS- W inter_
power supplies, a ntennos; simple construct ion of a One of the best a nd newes t boo ks availa ble o n RC. $4.25
comple te sta tion, converti ng surplus equipmen t. How to
get a ham license and build a sto t ion. $2 .85 R245-HOW TO USE GRID-DIP OSCillATORS-Tur ne r
(K6 AI). Construction & uses, on important book. $2.50
How to buy a re ce ive r, how to tune it, olign it; build-
ing occessories; bette r onle nnas; QSl's, mops, aurora
zo ne s, CW reception, SSB re ception, e tc. Ha nd book for
short wove lis tene rs and rad io ama teurs. $2 .85 Order Form
the authoritative book o n the sub ject of getting TVI out I 2 5 13 20 2 1 22 23 24 28 32 33
of your rigs and the neigh bors sets. $1.75 40 52 57 80 81 82 83 R235 R245
pages of design no tes o n every possib le t ype of circuit.
Fa b ulous. Every design e ngineer needs th is one. $7.50 Name . " '" . Call .
re co mme nd ed by the p ropaga tion ellperts as the be sl
Book o n the subject. $5.75 Address .
This is for and away the best ama te ur radio ha ndbook
ever printed. Over 800 pages_ $8 .50 Cily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Siale .
Components & diograms; e lectrico l, e lectronic, cc, d e,
audio, rf, TV. Sto rts with individua l circu its ond carrie s
Ihroug h complete equipments. $3 .50
57-QUAD ANTENNAS- O rr (W6 SAI). Theory, design, 1379 Easl 151h Sireel, Brooklyn 30, N. Y.
con struction and operation of cubica l quads. Build-it
yourself info. f ee d systems, tuning. $2 .85 (N.Y.C. add 3% lax)


© ClarkWardOrange
(TVI fr om pag e 59)
and do n't a rgue. J ust give the neighbor the ad- MONEY
dress of the F CC and relax. After all, you
know your rig is clea n (you 'd better !) and t he
JUMBO PAKS by the POUND ~~~:'o" tee
RA DIO.T V PARTS -SOO t o 1.000 p es p e r poun dl
FCC is on your s ide _ .. so long a s you are
o o
only cutting up one or two TV sets in the Dil el &. Ceram its oCerll m ies .
18e1 .
Prec i li onl
neighborhood and t he rest are not bother ed. W UIt "fll $7:">
,,"OUTII no
Rip 'em all up, and you'r-e in for t rouble with o O NE POU N D e, 0 O NE POU ND
Pre ch ion Rui lt orl P d Crr-mi e C ond e n ~fI
the F CC in spectors. ,," UHTII SloO poun \ H lItT Il $.~5

If the Councilman is a lawyer , he knows bet-

n O NE P OU N O ( ' lI p out
Di le 'Cnndenler l & ma ll
Tub ular Conde nurl
\\"011"1"11 $!';O \\" 011 '1'11 $1l5
t er than to try to s te p into an a rea th at be-
longs to the Federal Government . . _ the BUY 4 PAKS & PI CK THE 51h FREE
regul at ion of radi o act iviti es is constit ut ionally Fre e : : ":. ";'\, ~i"~\'''~ ' .:~~',~~;
in th e hand s of U ncle Sam. So r elax. E ven if
t he local legal beag le politicia n does make big
noi ses, the law 's on your side. A man 's house
co tol o g
W r ite I LEKTRON 1"'''U l:e ; .. X'~I returned .
C.O. I ). <>nler a, 2.;% <.Io"n;
ratt·, l. Iltt :10 <laY s. I:"CI.UIH:
24 1 b erelt Ave.• Cltellea 50. Ma ... I·()~"l" .\1. :t.t l:-; ~-: In a<loJ rell.
is st ill his castle, and what you do in it is your
right- so lon g a s it's legal, not a commerci al
use of r esiden tial property, a nd doesn't in te r -
f ere wit h hea lth or moral s, the local politicia n =:::;<-G'i •
/ /--G i ;V-
will h ave a mint of t rouble getting you off the Red uees Interfete nee

For ALL Am at eur Tran i -
Noil e on A t! Ma kes Sh art mi ttet l . Guara nteed l or
air. Wave Reu in r l . Mak n Worl d 500 Wi t h p mrer fo r P I_
Las t but by no mea ns least- and somet imes W ide Reupll on Slronler. Net or Link DiAd F eed .
Clearer on All Band l l Li l ht . Nea t . Wea l herpreo f
the Big Chief of all I nd ia ns-is the r eally mad l ;om pl..te as ~ how n 10111 I..nll'lh IO ~ fl ..... lth 81 f t. of 12 ohm
Individu al t hat won't even ta lk to you at all . hal an....,1 fee<lllnl'. Il l - Imp a..t m"MI',l rl'~nnant t rapl. ( 'Vt. 3 07..
1" x 5"' I " n lt ) . Y ou Just tun e to desire d band fo r bea mltke re-
'I'here 's only one t h ing to do here. F irst of all, sutta . Ex..eltent fo r AI. T. w"tlot-wlole ~hort -"a'-e reeetvere amI
ama teur t ram rlllt l.. r a. Fo r ~ ( n· TCF. AN D AI.T. CI.A!'\H A~ I A ·
have a nother ham phon e him and offer hi s 'ruru s : X U t:XTIL\ T I TS t: HH 0 11 n.-\ IJflETl" ~F. lmF.J) :
ser vices t o clear up t he comp laint . It may Follln!n lll'l !i ,,~pln l l' In l.. n nu wllh n .. eHent P<' rfonnlnre
r ua ra nl efOd. u se :II I nve rt ed V for III band po_ er lain. SO
work. B ut eve n if it doesn't, jus t be s u re your II _-\Y WIR F. 1l0( Tl'F. AI'I' F..-\ It.\~n-: t F. .-\S \" I:"ST_-\ I.J. ATI OS!
llO-411 -:!0 -i5 -IO me ter binds. r'omptete $14 .9 5
equipment is operated pro perly at all t imes. 40·~O -I!,; ·10 nu-te e bllrlO ls. !,; 4- rt. lint . ( he. t r"r W-I\' Iw l'll 13 .95
20 -1!,; - 111 mete r han d8. l l ual T rap. 24 -rl. antenna .• ...•.. 19.95
Check a nd check ag a in around the n eighbor- S E ND ON LY n.oo (rash . rk.. mo l ino! Pl Y fI".tmln balance
hood to be su re you a ren't interfering wi th COU plul poltaee on I rrlul Dr se rHI full prlte for POltllaid
ot hers . The mo re careful yo u are to do thi s, Au ll ab le ontr from:
WE STE RN RADIO - Oe pt . A7 -4
the more apt, our fri end Mr. Madg uy is to hea r
abou t it-and rea lize in s pite of h imself that
you really are int erest ed in cleari ng up TVr. Super Sensittivity
You may not eve r win him over , but a t lea st
you ca n throw your rig on the air with a
for Two
Our aim. when we
clear conscience! set out to produce the
Tap etone Converters.
One last word-no matter h ow obstre perou s was to make a v a ila b le
your own particular Mr. l\1 adgu y may be, k eep to t he D X-m in d ed h a m
converters w hich unt il
y our 8ens e of hu m or and your t emper-even if, then co u ld o n ly be built b y the ham with a
m a chine sh o p and a lab f u ll of gear. W e
as some hams have, you run into problem s of made n o compromis es . H e r e are the s pecifi-
cut lead-ins. In t he long ru n, it'll pay off. 00 00 ca t io ns on o u r high-gain low-noise XC-144
con v e r te rs.
• 417A input! 6897 Cascode; 12AT7 Os-
cillator ; 6C86 Mixer. .
(N uvistors from page I I) • Noise FiCjure: 2.8 db ( w it h no adverti s-
tivity thi s ca n be a problem. If you do g et inCj fudqe factor.J
cross mod ulat ion reduce the rf gain control • Butler Oscillator for exce pt iona l stabil-
j ust to the poin t yo u s top hea ri ng the inter - ity.
• IF TuninCj RanCjes : 26-]0 mc: 14-18 mc;
fering stat ion. If you live in a neighbor hood of 30.5-34.5 mc ; 28-]0 mc ; 50-54 mc .
strong s t ations thi s converter isn't for you
• Gain : 33 db. ImaCje Rejection: 60 db .
but if you are inter es ted in copying some of T he-...c converters are for I)X -il1~ a nd not fo r
t hose weak st a t ions y ou haven't been a ble to 11 "'(' in hi gh s-i gnal level a reas.
pull in it may do a good job fo r you . Order direct fro m 0 11I' La borutor y. Nt'l prr ce :
W e are currently experimenting with fr ont 75.00 pIlls ;; 7..'10 Federal Exei ..e Tax .
end circu its to reduce cross modulat ion prob- -'Ialchin:: I)( lwl·r ... upply: .. 1.').00 ,,1 11 '" -L ""JO
lems and if we come up wi th anything r eal Federal Exci"e Tax .
good we'll pa ss it along la ter . Converters for:
Man y t h a nk s to Chuck Kues pert, K9JK G 50__108__144__220--432 __2196 me
St·lld for u com plet e d escrip tion »f our many
for his m an y ho u r s s pen t in helping devel op
models B IIl I the lat est pri ce list. P rice... h a ve
t his converter, and wiring dozens of cir cu its, been redur-ed on all converters.
and man y complete conve rters t o try to make 10 Ardloek Pleee
a conve r ter t hat is hot and bug f ree.
• . . K8BY N
TAPETONE Webster, Mass•

APRIL 1961 61

© ClarkWardOrange
Thll II t he tantab uloUi one l 190- 550 Ilo_ The r ..
Advertisers Index
r e lr or J'ou 've been look l nll: for . t only •• •• • • .• •• • . •. 59.9:1
BC· .. :I": 3-6 )Ie•. .. ..•.•..•....•.•• .• ••. .• • •• .• ••• 7.11:1
BC·U5: 6 -9 ,1 )I ~ . . . ........ .. .•.. ..•••. .• ... •••• 7.95
Alde n ... . . . . . . . 45
MD _7 MOD ULAT OR : SPfilal 3 .95 Alltronics-Howa rd 63
Arrow Electron ics, Inc. 64
HS -23 : H I Imued an re. Leather covered h e . ~ ba n d . Barker & W il liamson 51
Bn ml new. Or ea t buj-. On ly . . .. ... .••. . • • . . .. 54 .115
HS -33 : 1.0\1' Impeda rx e. I. ,'ather rOI'eret! he'd- Barry .... 53
hand. Ur and new. A. J . J . (' ande e !'ll'l'c lal .. . . . :1.9:1
HI F I H ~. :I so t : 1:1.000 nclu! Brand new II l th Ca ll-D-Ca l 63
eham ol. rll' hl"n~. II' , t..n lllel Oul y .... . ....•• . 8.9:1
CD- 3~7 A Hea dse t Ellten , lon Cllrd : Brand new. Candee 62
~Illlrn" !ma leiy :I fl . len ~lh , fl nlr . . .49
Centimeg 49
AP N· I FM TR A NSC E I VE R Central Electro nics I
4.~0 ·450 U r . Comlll. ,,'I t h tunes. xs e. ~:a . . • . . . . • . . . $2.95
A pl'rn:r . ~ hp. wt. l'n unit 2:; 1111. _ TWO for 5.00
C lark 43
C legg . . . 2
we're payi ng to p sn tor u uc-e. i-nc - e . -8 , · 9. ·10; Columbia 47
ON -"IIA : All e t.." trflfllc test e'lu i l'.
Cushcraft 45
R .4A /ARR · 2 REC EIV E R Editors & Eng ineers 41
23j - 2.j~ lIe. : 1 tunes . (;Il~" . lunallie renl Hr. ~ ee
Au.. ./511 C.Q. M, . , lI ne for eomert lon. EJit"f! lt ent eend, : EIC O
E-Z Wa y Towers . . . ...
TW O tor 55.00. ~:,e h $2.115
; Fa ir Radio . . . . . . . . .. 57
I·"rl''!. ra nges : U I- 4.5 xr c. and 19-45 xrc. I<'r c'!uem':t'
Globe Ind ustries . . . .. 49
<l ev l ~l l lJn ma y lie adjus ted O.r. kc. for 1.9 -4.5 :'lIe. anti Gon set C over II
0 , :;0 lie. ca d i Ihle for the 1:1 - 45 :'Ill.'. b,n,!. With
ou tl'ut me te r ant! .pealcer. 115v 50 C)"e1el or 12 ' "Ill'
Graham . 45
Input. Elrt'llent eond il ion. ...•................ .. . . !39.95 Heath . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Hi-Par ... 57
100 to 156 MC Used : $ 14.95 Intern ati o na l Crystal 5
R·77/ARC-3 RECEI VER- KTV Towers .. . . 57
l CO t o 156 MC Used : $14.95 Lafayette Radio . 7
ADF AN /ARN.7 Lektron . . . . . 61
Receiver R5 /A RN · 7 . $19.95 L-W Electronics 51
Loop LP2 1LM . 7.95
I nvert er M G- 149 F . 9.95
Maps . . ... . 51
C t ro l Bo.. C·4 ARN_7 . S.OO Mercury ... . 43
Meunt r T -21 3 . 3 .00 Nati ona l . C over IV
5CR-522 TRANSCEIVER Neil .. .... . . . . 47
4- chllnnel. CrYsta l control led 100. 156 Me. I deal for Pete rsen . . . . . . . . Cove r III
2 meters. Comp lete with tu be l . Excel. $ 14.9 5
P & H . . . .. .. . 43
APN-4 LORAN EQUIPMENT Rad io Bookshop 60
M::r ine ot alrbllrn e. Long r i l l " navilali o..1 IN/'
to determine exee t pOll t llln 01 I hl p or plane Ull to
Reyco . 57
t200 mlln flfim bale. Complete Ith tub eryltals. Rex . . . 45
t E On ly $19.95 Rider 58
+ ART-13 COlliNS RTIA 63
Tl'Jl n, mi tt er, r emoved f ro m a ircraft, 10_channe l Shorecrest 63
a ute- Iu ne or manu al . 2 · 18. 1 Me. for Ham Rig with
8 13 flna l. o ut nut 60· 11l0 W . CW ot modulat ed . Crys .
Stellar 59
Subscriptions 52
calibrated for VFO . Exl. Cond o Onl y $33.33
• Ta pe to ne 61
•• Technica l Materia l Corp. . 41
•• Ai r bor ne ; AM . CW o MCW . Out put 40 W . I mlltlt
5COMW F r~ . Range 2000 to ~ O KC In eight •
•• Te lre x . .... . . 50
•• th anno ll ; In put 26 .5 vilit DC . esel, ftl nd . ship.
wt . 100 Ibs ,-cont rol bGll: $39.95

Texa s Crysta ls
U.S. # I Eled ronics
A ll I I .>nt. f'OlJ UIlrhon1c , Ca llI. , ... b jpet 10 prior , a le.
Vanguard Electronics . . 59
t: J. I .. ceu], 0,(,1

4%. Min . order '." .95.

D.p' . MS •
VHF-UHF Associates
W este rn Radio (San Dieqo]
•• 509 No. Vic'ory Blvd., Burbank, Cal iF. •• Wes ter n Radio [Nebre ske]
Wo rld Radio La bs
• Phone : Vittorio 9_2411 •

• • • • .• • • • • • • • • I I 1-+ • • I •
. I

© ClarkWardOrange
I1I111I11111I1I11111111111111111111111I1111111111111111I1I11111I Tm••;T'n ' E l U I I T E Il .:Q UII'~IEl'\;T
COLLINS 51J2, 51J3, R-390A/URR Rece ive n (.50- 30 .5 MC)

. Other Ham Publications TELETYPE Printers # 14, # 15, # 19, # 20, # 26, # 28 .
KLEINSCHMIDT Printers # TT·4 A, n .76, n·98, TT-99
TT·100 , GGC-3.
TELEWRITE R fre que ncy Shift Co nve rte r.
I n lieu of ha lf of the m agazine being filled For g ene rol informol io n & e q u ip me nt list w r ite :
To m WT .A. FN
with s pecialized departmen ts, we r ecommend ALLTRONICS-HOWARD CO.
t hat you s ubscr ibe to the bullet in of your Bo )( 19, Boston 1, Moss. Richmond 2·0048
special in terest. You g et a lot more news an d
get it fa ster th is way . . . and you enco ur age ANNOUNCING THE
the f ellows who are pu tting out these bulletins.
W ESTERN RAD IO AMATE UR . Do n Williom son ~fJorrCrr!)t 2M CONVERTER
W6JR E, 105 17 Heverly Stree t, EI Mo nte . C e lifcmle. SUPE R LOW.NO iSE-C USTOM BU ILT
Mont hly. Su bs ore $2 pe r ye ar, $3.50 fo r two ye a rs, $5 USING RCA', N EW NUVi STOR
fo r t hre e veers. O p e refln q news of west co esf ecttvi tv . PAUL A. REVEAL W2ADD BOX 5T5
Church Str eet Stotion, Ne w York 8 , N. Y.
columns on OX, SSB, YL. en d some a rt icles. 48 peces
MO Bi l E N EWS. Published monthly by the Amo te ul
Redi c Mo bile Soci ety, 79 Murc hi so n Rd .. Leyton . E. Get Smart!
10, En gle nd. Joining fe e en d J yea r sub. is $2.50. l earn
Uuild t he se a nd 13 e the r Ham Radio
13 H AM CLUB BU LLETI N. M ervin Li pton VE3DQX,
pi..-ces of equipment whi ch th e Easy Way
3 11 Rosemary Ree d . To ro nto 10. Onta rio, C e ned e. will enable you to lear n
Se nt free t o all ed itors of hem club b ul letins monthly th e in's a nd o ut's o f Radin
to kee p the m ebreest of what is going o n with 011 co ns tr uct ion and sen' icing
the othe r hom clubs. This is e n e xcelle nt so urce o f lI a m gear.
news fo r pu tting tog e ther yo ur cl ub bu lletins. To sub-
scr ibe to this news bu ll e tin just se nd 0' copy o f your
R-F Signal Gene ra to r
own club bullet in to Mo rvin . A M XM TR

HA M.SWAP. Publishe d by He m-Swe p, Inc.. 35 Eest

,\11 the neces sary pa rts
Wode r Drive. C hiceqc I, Il li nois. Editor is Ed Shuey, and s imple, e a s y to UIl-
K9 BDK. Subs M e $ r pe r veer by 3rd class meil, $3 for d e s-stand inst r uctions a c-
1st class , $5 lI irmoil , and $7.20 specie! d e live ry. Pub- compa n y eac h HTTA
lis he d onc e a month . C o n til ins clessifled eds entirely. Kit , which is d esigned
This is you r be st be t for an inexpe nsive W (JY to se ll a nd engineered to me et
o r swa p some gear in e hurry. W ithin two weeks t he most ri gid require-
me nts.
people ere en swerinq your " d .
OX BULLETIN. Don C hesse r W4KVX, RFO I, Burling- Corre spondence courses o r res ident in struct ion are
ton, Kentucky. OX news in de pth . Publ ished weekly. a vail a ble fo r both the beg in ner and for t he a dvanced
3rd Closs moil $5 yeo r; 1st cless $6 ; Airmoil $7.50. s t uden t in aU ph a s es of Rad io and E lectroni cs.
OX retes on request. ' for inf orm a t io n w rite to:
HA M· HO P NEWS , Published querterlv by the Inte r- 1-------------------------------.
notiono! Hom-Hop C lub, G . A. Pertri dqe G 3C EO, 17
Ethel Road, Broedst el rs. Ke nt, En qlend. 75¢ per yea r !
Radio Television Training of Ameri~~
52 East 19th Street New Yo r~, N. Y.
for bulletin, $ 1.50 full membership . C lub dev oted to
e rre nqinq visits between he ms e nd ham fami lies 011 : Name " , .. :
over the world. : Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
I City _ _ St"te . . . . . . . J :
Your Call and home state
FOR THE FIR S T TIM E • • . in a single custom decal!

In six attractive, permanent

colors with simple dlrections 1::::~~~~ ~~~~~~~'=:~ Price for either design $ 1.95
for applying. Unequaled in 1 ~ each. Add 4 % ta x in Calif .
Approx. size 3 ~4 - x 9 ··. Mailed
appur.ance. Ideal gift. For
cln, doors, equip ., boats, P.P . within 7 days. No COO ' s
pltnes, etc. Beautiful design pleas e. Enclo s e ch eck or
M.O. Designat e wor ld design
of world available In plac e '=='::i~~~ if des ired. A~ k for quote on re-
of state for Canadian and e
DX Amattv,..
producing your club insignia.

A PRIL 1961 63

© ClarkWardOrange

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ClarkWardOrange ““ Click
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'pn trtt yaur r, lIi, lur Cnu.• ' Conlrollt4
In cars, hats and trucks
witll l imeo's blrre'" , . Odn : over 30 db ... ~,.....""",,~
Nolle F llu re : better tha n 4 db "
proof siren alarm, Unit
Tube L ineup ' l! meter Convnter h.. new, ImDOrted 6ES 8 b1lh
cOlsisls of ~Jm pe r pra ot siru and " tell inr relay, key...perated lain, low Mite. t11lcode tIL RF A mp ., 6t'8 A 2nd RF A mp. ...
'I/Iff sWltell 3Dd Ii pIsll httlll alarm swi tclles. See aST
I ) 1I11:e1'. 6J6 Oac.-}lultlplln.
Ja., 'st. Ul e 27. 6 met er Com m er h .. 6 B!i!l (' ncode RF Amp and
Complete kit, 12 WDe 5995 e t 'S A lUlu and Ol e.
6 mater :2 mat.,
Converte r cemprete with tu bn and It, l
6, 24, 32 VOC & 115 VAC mollels for 1·11 or 14- 18 me. U' Qutput I n CB·I
'nilable on ~Ie ci l l arder. Kit fo rm with !nlt ru e:t IOfIl ' I !U~
W ired a nd tested 127. 50

for exceptionally fine tuning
Superb craftsmanship by Jackson Bros. 24 HOUR CLOCK
of Enlland. Ball bearinl drive, V4" 24 hr. chrom. plated I "
dla. shaft, 1 Va" lonl, 8:1 ratio, metal wall clod. Inner dial
., Y ra for fine tuning. EasU, adapt· with south polar projection
able to . ny sh.ft. Comparable map of world IndIcates time
.. ~::~~.:":": - $5.95.
Amateur Nel $1.50 ea.
Iround world. Polar proJec·
tion dial adjustable for warl·
ous time lan es. Shp, . wt.
Shown 10 for $13050 2 Ibs.
Amateur nel 58.47
tax inc•

50 cycle model. .•• • • • • . . . . 9.95


Units la" • ,nit. Up switdl
luuated II etralllic ceil ft,..
" Wonder Bar" 10 Meier Antenna
As featured In Noy. 1956 QST. Complete with B & W
Mod. 4/ 111 desiped ftr lSI
win twl 'Ol's or 1141', (i, 'If-
ali el). FUIf . Rani' 3.5 to 21.1 ee:
3013 Miniductor. Onl)' 8 fl. long for 10 meters. Mod. 4/112 is dui,ned for us.
Wt. 5lbs. wit!! sin,l' 101 or 8141. Handln
Amaleur Net $7.85 0' tl SO w. RUII: 3.5 II 21.1 tnC.
Mod . 4/111 If 4/ 112. tldl JUS
Versatile MinIature Transformer
Same .s used In W2EWL SSB R I~ - M.rch
1956 QST. Three selS of CT wlndlnls for
• combination of Impedances: 600 ohms,
5200 ohms, 22000 ohms. (B, uslnl eenter-
taps the Impedances are Quartered.) ne
Id eal transformer for a SSB transmmer.
Oth er uses: lnterstale, transistor, hilh
Impedance choke, line to grid or pl.te,
etc. Size only 2" h. x '14" W. x '14" d.
New and fully shielded.
3 for $3.49 Amaleur Nel $1.39 10 for $10.7S
ARROW Authorized dlstribulDr of HEATHKIT equipment


All PRICES ' .O.B. N. Y. C.
Arrow's Export Dept. ShlDs To All Parts Of n. World!
Prices Subject To Change Without Notice.

© ClarkWardOrange
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EBay Store
Store ClarkWardOrange
ClarkWardOrange ““ Click
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There is a deep, understandable set-
isfaction in owning something tru ly
fine. It can't be exactly measured in
dollars or in words. Maybe it boils
down to this: A good thing is worth a
hundred times its price: a poor thing
isn't worth having around. It's this
way with Crystals. When you buy
PRs you know you're gelling many
times your money's worth. You're
buying the finest precision frequency
control that mod ern science has
made . . . you g e t (in super-abun-
dance) the things you want most ...
dependability, accuracy, long life,
freedom from drift, unfailing activity.
Yes-you can be proud to own PRs
• , • everybody is!
FUNDAM ENTA L, PR TYPE Z - 2- Frequency Ranges in Kcs. :
3 ,500 t o 4,000 ( 80 Mt; 7,000 t o 7,425 C40M I; 8 ,000 t o 8,222
12M) ; 8,3H to 9,000 (6M). + 500 Cycles ·······-S2 95 Ne t
( All Z - 2 Crysta h calibrat ed wit h a load copa ci t y of 31 mmfd. l

6 Meter s, Fifth Overtone, PR Type

Third Overtone, PR Type Z -9A, Z-9A, 50 to 54 Me ., -+ 15 Kc.
24,000 to 24,666 ood 25,000 to S6.95 Net
27,000 Kc ., + 3 Kc S4.95 Net Cltle ens Band, PR Type Z · 9R,
.005% S2.95 Net

EXPORT SA LES: Royal N atio n al Corporalio n. 2; 0 \V. 57th St ru t. N ew York 19 . N . Y•• U. S. A .

© ClarkWardOrange
Visit Our
Our EBay
EBay Store
Store ClarkWardOrange
ClarkWardOrange ““ Click
Click Here
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. -jlh built-in PRODUCT DETECTOR


This newest and finest precision double conversion amateur receiver with 6 meier coverage. brings you
an ease of sideband luning previously available only in the most expensive equipment. The NC·270
features an exclusive "Ferrite Filter" for instant upper-lower SSB selection and a degree of selectivity
to conquer even the toughest AM and CW signal conditions. The solid yg" steel panel, ceramic coil
forms, double-spaced tuning gang, and full ventilation cabinet combine to give mechanical and
thermal slability that will surprise even the most critical operator. Even the color of the NC-270 is
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