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Writing a literature review on Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) can be an arduous task due to

the complexity and breadth of the topic. It requires thorough research, critical analysis, and synthesis
of existing literature to provide a comprehensive overview of the subject. Researchers need to delve
into various academic journals, books, and reputable sources to gather relevant information and
insights into the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of ASPD.

Furthermore, organizing the gathered information in a coherent and structured manner is crucial for a
literature review to effectively convey the current state of knowledge on ASPD. This involves
identifying key themes, trends, and gaps in the existing literature, as well as critically evaluating the
strengths and limitations of the studies reviewed.

Given the challenges associated with writing a literature review on ASPD, many individuals may
find it beneficial to seek assistance from professional writing services. ⇒ ⇔ offers
expert assistance in crafting high-quality literature reviews that meet academic standards and
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accurate referencing, and deliver a well-written review that contributes to the understanding of

By outsourcing the task to ⇒ ⇔, individuals can save time and effort while still
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Although just watching violence through the media does. McMurphy is suffering from Antisocial
Personality Disorder since he meets four of these which include: failing to agree to social norms with
respect to legalized conduct, not capable of maintaining a lasting connection to a sexual partner, bad
temper, and aggressiveness as illustrated by his constant physical fights, and finally, unruliness. OT
was also found to selectively promote self-interested moral judgments in men. We aimed to detect
the frequency of ASPD in bipolar patients with greater accuracy and the impact of ASPD on the
clinical course of BD. However, many psychopaths will degenerate and slip back to previous
behavior (recidivism), skill based and behavioral targeting methodologies are best to treat antisocial
personality disorder. The Nine Most Common Symptoms of ASPD Five Common Therapy Methods
for ASPD How to Choose the Right Therapy Approach How to Overcome Antisocial Personality
Disorder How to Find Your Escape Conclusion. Participants completed an interpersonal perception
task. Questions that any person who is looking into this particular disorder whether it be for research
of relevant to you or someone you know in which you want to seek help for will find most
constructive. Download Free PDF View PDF Dimensions of Psychopathy: A Factor Analytic Study
of the MMPI Antisocial Personality Disorder Scale R. Prior to the decision to contribute participants
undertook a Stroop Interference task that was either cognitively taxing or not. It will give you a clear
understanding of these medical conditions and awareness. These parenting styles have many
repercussions on the. However, not all children diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder
develop. The database is updated daily, so anyone can easily find a relevant essay example. On
several occasions it had been proved that criminal conduct was linked with the malfunctioning of the
brain. People suffering from this disorder do not see the abnormality personality; therefore, they do
not see the need to change. Studies were included if they included healthy participants that
evaluated the effect of oxytocin on symptoms relevant to ASPD, including empathy, inhibitory
control, compliance, conformity, aggression, violence, and moral responsibility. This paper attempts
to provide insight with regard to this condition, often referred to as psychopathic behavior. Doesn’t
give me much hope for the person w anti-social personality disorder, but that wasn’t unexpected.
People with such a disorder tends to abuse alcohol, are criminal behavior, and unemployment.
Environmental factors in one’s home, school (especially peer involvement) and. We considered the
studies concerning the lifetime prevalence of ASPD in BD. 2.4. Data Collection and Extraction Two
blind researchers (E.A.C. and R.d.F.) independently screened the titles and abstracts of the identified
articles and performed data extraction. Personality disorder prevalence in psychiatric outpatients: A
systematic literature review. Because most antisocial individuals are likely to be incarcerated. Results
demonstrated that OT promoted conformity regardless of membership of social group when social
pressure was applied ( 51 ). For convenience we have grouped these studies together under the
outcome measures highlighted above. These individuals differ widely in their pathology, and My
comment was based on the assumption that the report had used antisocial personality as a synonym
for antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), a category listed in the fourth edition of the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) and applicable to the majority of criminals.
Observations by clinicians show that low levels of severity are easy to treat while high levels of
severity are very difficult to arrest. Studies should also rigorously control for potential confounding
effects. It is apparent that there is a reasonable body of evidence addressing related symptoms in
healthy individuals, but only two studies including participants with ASPD.
Clinical approaches to such social conflicts describe these habits and conditions as psychological
problems that are looked at from a psychological impairment perspective. Children whose parents are
Authoritarian tend to be. Previous Article in Journal Diagnostic Workflow in Competitive Athletes
with Ventricular Arrhythmias and Suspected Concealed Cardiomyopathies. It would perhaps be
expected by the very nature of participants having ASPD, that they may be more likely to drop out.
Wentzel, K. (2002). Are effective teachers like good parents. But each day will be that much closer.
Thank you. This book gave me answers. Thank you. Participation in organized and structured
extracurricular activities after school can also. Participants' behavior and fMRI scan results were
observed. Antisocial personality disorder denotes a condition that affects the emotions, behavior, and
thoughts of an individual. Outcome: In combined ASPD and BD increased reaction speed,
impulsive response bias, and reward- delay impulsivity occurred. Journal of Abnormal Child
Psychology, 31(4), 413-426. Then, 8 manuscripts out of 25 papers were deleted because they did not
fulfill the inclusion criteria: 5 papers included patients aged 65, and 3 papers had unclear diagnosis
focusing on personality disorders and not specifying the diagnosis. The two studies looking at
participants with ASPD had a number of limitations and had conflicting results on the impact that
OT has on aggression in ASPD. Case formulation. Ms H was a 26-year-old single woman. A flow
chart of search results is set out in Figure 1. Antisocial personality disorder is a condition that leads
to persistent rule-breaking, criminality, and drug or alcohol misuse. Steinberg, 2008). Adolescents
who live in poor neighborhoods come into contact with. OT and social cues interacted to alter the
behaviors of individuals with a pro self-value orientation. Participants completed an interpersonal
perception task. Let's try to explore the mind of the people suffering from this antisocial personality
disorder. Participants were also asked to rate the intensity of the expression shown. Abuse and
neglect may cause serious long-lasting problems in children’s behavior (i.e. To browse
and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser.
Dallos, 2006). Cognitive-behavioral techniques could help individuals decrease antisocial. In this
task participants transfer money from their own endowment to either help a victim or punish a norm
violator. It concerns in part the problem of comorbidity in relation to diagnostic classification of Axis
II personality disorders. The economic burden of personality disorders in mental health care.
Although this does not affect the epidemiological results, it could limit their psychopathological
interpretation. Personality disorders (PDs), in particular Cluster B personality, have a high incidence
among BD patients and is considered a poor prognostic factor. Future studies would need to have
larger numbers to ensure that they are sufficiently powered in order for the results to be meaningful.
Several of the people with this disorder had shown a tendency to indulge in criminal conduct. The
prevalence of DSM-IV personality disorders in psychiatric outpatients. Wentzel, K. (2002). Are
effective teachers like good parents. A systematic literature review identified that the prevalence of
personality disorder in community secondary psychiatric care in Europe was between 40 and 92% ( 4
). It concerns in part the problem of comorbidity in relation to diagnostic classification of Axis II
personality disorders. Moreover, many studies enrolled patients regardless of the phase of the illness.
This was the conclusion arrived at by the Mayo Clinic (Moskowitz). Titles and abstracts of the
identified papers were reviewed, and full texts considered relevant were recovered and revised. It
was really easy to contact her and respond very fast as well. ”. Personality disorder prevalence in
psychiatric outpatients: A systematic literature review. It is a behavior indicative of little or no regard
for the laws governing the society and the country. The Developmental Aspect of Antisocial
Personality Disorder. In addition the eye tracking of the participants was assessed. It will give you a
clear understanding of these medical conditions and awareness. Meloy argues that if antisocial traits
or behaviors are shown by history that do not meet the DSM-IV-TR threshold for the diagnosis, the
severity of psychopathy should be determined by using the PCL-R or its corollary screening version
(SV), the PCL-SV (Hart and Hare 1995). Clinical approaches to such social conflicts describe these
habits and conditions as psychological problems that are looked at from a psychological impairment
perspective. Antisocial Personality Disorder al Affiliation) Introduction Antisocial Personality
Disorder is a human condition that disregards the violation of other people beginning in childhood
and set to continue until one becomes above 18 years of age. Keep on browsing if you are OK with
that, or find out how to manage cookies. Baumrind, D. (1991). Parenting styles and adolescent
development. In J. Brooks-Gunn. Increased hyperactivity in childhood leads to increase in the
likelihood of antisocial. If this had not been the case, then every individual convicted of a criminal
offence would have satisfied the criteria for antisocial personality disorder. Under OT participants
violated the rule more often. Rates of natural and unnatural death (suicide, homicide, and accidents)
are excessive. Psychopathy had been determined to constitute a very severe form of antisocial
personality disorder. As per the above discussion, the interrelation between antisocial personality
disorder and crime can be surmised. Frequency of personality disorders in two age cohorts of
psychiatric inpatients. Antisocial Personality Disorder in Bipolar Disorder: A Systematic Review.
However, the opposite effect was found with individuals with low empathetic traits. Dallos, 2006).
Cognitive-behavioral techniques could help individuals decrease antisocial. To browse
and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser.
In addition OT improved kinship recognition in women but not men. Doesn’t give me much hope
for the person w anti-social personality disorder, but that wasn’t unexpected. OT enhanced self-other
integration (the ability to integrate of one's own and others actions) compared with placebo.
Participants' behavior and fMRI scan results were observed. After commenting on these
uncertainties in relation to categorical and dimensional models, I also consider a psychoanalytic
explanation to illustrate an example The study aimed to identify characteristics of Borderline
Personality Disorder (BPD) patients using case study method and mental status examination (MSE).
This was in comparison to the brain of persons who were devoid of mental disorders. American
Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental. Individuals with
antisocial personality disorder have depicted the characteristics of high negative emotionality, low
conscientiousness, impulsivity, deceitfulness, recklessness, and irresponsible and exploitative
conduct. Cantor, J. (2000). Media violence. Journal of Adolescent Health, 27, 30-34. According to
Widiger, every person has his own manner of relating, thinking, and feeling in relation to those
around him. There were diversified effects with oxytocin showing some benefits in promoting
positive effects on symptoms of ASPD, but there were also studies showing non-desirable effects.
Clinicians who investigated this moral insanity have offered a mode definite explanation, citing this
condition as possessed by individuals who are constitutionally deficient in moral faculties. Whilst we
are not aware of what the effect it would have in an ASPD cohort, this would be a significant
concern and could raise an increase in risks to others. A psychopath was defined as an individual
who indulged in antisocial conduct and displayed an absence of guilt or remorse with respect to his
demeanor. As such Oxytocin is involved in a range of physiological processes including sexual
activity, pregnancy, lactation, social bonding, pain regulation, and maternal behavior ( 14, 15 ).
Oxytocin was found to demonstrate diversified effects, in most cases being associated with socially
positive or non-criminogenic behaviors. Only therapeutic and counseling methods have been
proposed and used to treat and arrest cases. Intelligent, charming, appealing and masters of deceit, it
is estimated that approximately 1% of the world population comprises sociopaths. Since personality,
disorders describe enduring patterns and long-standing, they are normally diagnosed in adult life.
Adolescents raised in an authoritarian homes are more dependent, more passive, less. To treat Ann,
counseling and using therapeutic nihilism is the best approach. Individuals afflicted with this disorder
tend to disregard distinctions between right and wrong. Download Free PDF View PDF Dimensions
of Psychopathy: A Factor Analytic Study of the MMPI Antisocial Personality Disorder Scale R.
Participants were randomized to receive either placebo or intranasal OT and performed a visual
search task in paired dyads. On several occasions it had been proved that criminal conduct was
linked with the malfunctioning of the brain. Finally, we are summarizing the -until recently-
predominant pessimistic scientific belief that ASPD is totally unreceptive to mental treatment along
with the recent promising development of targeted interventions occurring mostly in institutional
settings. Meloy proposes various treatment methods by discussing various findings on general
treatment and procedures. It may be useful to recognize the co-occurrence of the disorders and better
characterize the patient with ASPD and BD evaluating all dysfunctional aspects and their influence
on core symptoms. Individuals diagnosed with Antisocial Personality Disorder showed symptoms
of. Since most individuals suffering from the disorder will be required to this therapy, normally in a
jail setting, motivation of the patient may be hard to find.
He however points out lack of any reliable method of treating antisocial personality disorder.
Participants were randomized to receive IN OT, vasopression, or placebo. The search terms used
related to the DSM V classification for ASPD and various terms relating to oxytocin. It is apparent
that there is a reasonable body of evidence addressing related symptoms in healthy individuals, but
only two studies including participants with ASPD. Although, every individual with antisocial
personality disorder cannot be labelled a law breaker, a significant association has been detected
between this disorder and criminal conduct. We aimed to detect the frequency of ASPD in bipolar
patients with greater accuracy and the impact of ASPD on the clinical course of BD. European
Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education (EJIHPE). Paradigm 2 investigated the
effect of OT on attentional-inhibitory control using a modification of the speeded flanker task.
Master of Science (Psychology), August 2011, 133 pp., 24 tables, references, 210 titles. Whilst it
would at first glance seem to hold some promise in managing patients with ASPD a more detailed
analysis of the findings raises some concerns. The objective is to stir a reaction to the men behavior
and reverse the manifested behavior. The study found that OT significantly increased the activation
of the nucleus accumbens during an assurance game that rewards mutual cooperation but
significantly attenuated amygdala signal ( 47 ). Oxytocin facilitates accurate perception of
competition in men and kinship in women. We used the following keywords: “bipolar disorder OR
affective disorder OR mood disorder OR bipolar disorders OR affective disorders OR mood
disorders OR BD OR cyclothymia AND antisocial personality disorder OR ASPD OR AABS OR
adult antisocial behavior syndrome OR antisocial behavioral syndrome” sorted by best match.
Another symptom is deceitfulness as shown by an endless lying, using aliases, and conning other
people for personal pleasure and profit. OT reduced activation in early visual cortex and dorsal-
stream motion processing regions. This was apparent on behavioral measures and was also evident in
the electrophysiological measures on the EEG ( 53 ). ISPRS International Journal of Geo-
Information (IJGI). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (CC BY). Opposing effects of oxytocin on moral judgment in males
and females. It concerns in part the problem of comorbidity in relation to diagnostic classification of
Axis II personality disorders. This was based upon a previous successful study by Kostfield et al. (
63 ), which demonstrated an increase in trusting behavior with OT. As such, the patient’s character is
forced to be a reagent to antisocial personality disorder. Family physicians and practitioners are
normally not well equipped to come with this diagnosis (McCallum, 2001). However, decreased in-
group favoritism was found in those who rely on a reflective style ( 44 ). Those suffering from this
condition assume that the organic factors have no prognosis for change and their deviant behavior is
their reaction to the lack of chance of change of the social values and laws. 1 hour! The minimum
time our certified writers need to deliver a 100% original paper Learn More Literature dwelling on
psychotic problem defines antisocial personality behavior as indicative of psychopathic personality.
Intranasal OT did not increase contagious yawning but modulated expressions that were indicative
of awareness of the social stigma associated with this behavior. Since most individuals suffering
from the disorder will be required to this therapy, normally in a jail setting, motivation of the patient
may be hard to find. For each study, a score of 20% was assigned if a criterion was met and 100% if
all criteria were met, therefore the total score could range between 20 and 100%. Anxiety is
described as vital correlate of any successful mental health treatment.
Furthermore, participants who perceived fewer social relationships at baseline were more likely to
show OT induced increases in a broad network of regions involved in social perception and social
cognition, suggesting that lower social processing at baseline may predict more positive neural
responses to OT ( 31 ). Martens, W.H.J. (2005). Multidimensional model of trauma and correlated
antisocial. More recently studies have also looked at specific neurobiological factors, such as the role
of the hormone oxytocin and polymorphisms in the oxytocin receptor gene ( 13 ). This was defined
as having any presence of any comorbid mental disorder, specifically; organic, developmental,
addictive, neurotic, affective or psychotic disorders as categorized by DSM V. This is normally
confusing with criminal activity, adult antisocial behavior, and activities that do not provide its
justification. Children who watch more violent television are more likely to act out more
aggressively. Family physicians and practitioners are normally not well equipped to come with this
diagnosis (McCallum, 2001). The effect of oxytocin on cooperation in a prisoner's dilemma depends
on the social context and a person's social value orientation. Oppositional Defiant Disorder tend to
lose their temper, argue with adults, actively defy. Psychiatric Morbidity Among Prisoners in England
and Wales. Anxiety is described as vital correlate of any successful mental health treatment. She will
try to evade doing negative things and will attempt to avoid doing things that irritate with a similar
tenacity. After antisocial personality disorder has been diagnosed, the cause of action in reference to
treatment is based on level of seriousness. The OT group contributed to the within group regardless
of cognitive taxation ( 48 ). Psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder: Gender differences in
empathy and alexithymia. Unfortunately, only one of the studies found that OT helped to control
inhibition ( 44 ). Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing (JMMP). Disorder increases the
risk for Antisocial Personality Disorder, indirectly by increasing. Prevalence and correlates of
personality disorder in Great Britain. It may be necessary to evaluate psychopathy within BD, as it is
plausible that comorbid antisocial traits are different from the psycho-antisocial traits. Participants
were administered OT or placebo before performance on a Social Orientation Paradigm (SOP) to
measure for real time aggressive behavior in response to provocation. Feature papers are submitted
upon individual invitation or recommendation by the scientific editors and must receive. Whilst we
are not aware of what the effect it would have in an ASPD cohort, this would be a significant
concern and could raise an increase in risks to others. In all, we excluded 201 articles because they
were reviews, meta-analyses, letters to editors, editorials, guidelines, and case reports. OT did not
show any effect on either of these tasks. There are several treatment methods available and each is
used depending on the level of psychopathy. Personality Disorder, with an even greater percentage
in substance abuse treatment. Personality Disorder and Criminal Behaviour What Is the Nature of the
Relationship. People suffering from this disorder do not see the abnormality personality; therefore,
they do not see the need to change. Personality disorders (PDs), in particular Cluster B personality,
have a high incidence among BD patients and is considered a poor prognostic factor.
Treatment of Antisocial Personality Disorders entails a long-term psychotherapy with therapist
having an experience to treat such personality disorders. Flannery, D. J. (2000). Longitudinal
effectiveness of the PeaceBuilders universal school-. After commenting on these uncertainties in
relation to categorical and dimensional models, I also consider a psychoanalytic explanation to
illustrate an example The study aimed to identify characteristics of Borderline Personality Disorder
(BPD) patients using case study method and mental status examination (MSE). I will be able to start
now to not expect any remorse or change of him. This was despite the fact that criminal conduct had
been frequently, the consequence of longstanding and erstwhile difficulties. In the second trial
participants were given OT or placebo and were then assessed for compassion and openness of
responses in a further envelope task. Increased motor development allows one to engage in. They
should be held accountable for their actions, even at a young age. Tremblay, R.E., Nagin, D.S.,
Seguin, J.R., Zocolillo, M., Zelazo, P.D., Boivin, M. The Influence Of Parenting Styles And
Attachment Styles On. More recently studies have also looked at specific neurobiological factors,
such as the role of the hormone oxytocin and polymorphisms in the oxytocin receptor gene ( 13 ).
This characters pathology should be carefully studied and his history properly investigated. In
another randomized control trial, 20 patients with schizophrenia demonstrated a significant reduction
in Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANNS) scores and an improvement in several social
cognition measures ( 22 ). Additionally, an antisocial personality disorder is seen through
aggressiveness and irritability as shown by repeated assaults and physical fights. Paper should be a
substantial original Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides an outlook for.
We reviewed the recent literature on personality disorder and offending, picking out studies that,
Antisocial personality disorder describes a pattern of feelings and choices, so this doesn't mean that
individuals with the ASPD are unable to chart their own paths through life. Unluckily, the disorder
can evolve and persist if the behavior is not controlled. The study's results demonstrated the distinct
functional roles of OT when different cognitive styles are promoted during group social cooperation.
Participants took part in the PSAP (point subtraction aggression paradigm). Adrian Rayne, the chair
of the Department of Criminology at the University of Pennsylvania had stated that emotion chiefly
resides in the amygdala, and that psychopaths were devoid of emotion. However, many psychopaths
will degenerate and slip back to previous behavior (recidivism), skill based and behavioral targeting
methodologies are best to treat antisocial personality disorder. Despite consulting the physicians
about the problem, patients need to consult the mental health professionals for treatment and
diagnosis. The study found that there was an enhanced Simon effect (positive response to the Simon
task measure of self-other integration) in the social context after administration of OT. Results
demonstrated that OT promoted conformity regardless of membership of social group when social
pressure was applied ( 51 ). These interpersonal qualities affect not only their interpersonal
relationships but. It was also recognized as an important component of the neural systems that
formed the basis of reward learning, social interaction, morality, and reasoning (Yang, Raine and
Narr 986). They were asked to rate the attractiveness of unfamiliar Chinese faces (from the same
ethnicity of the participants); subsequently participants were informed of the ratings of their peers
from an ethnic in group (Chinese) and an ethnic out group (Japanese) before being asked to re-rate
the initial faces for attractiveness. He was advised to attend Vocational training, and clay modelling
class. McCallum, D. (2001). Personality and dangerousness genealogies of antisocial personality
disorder. Patterson, C. (2008). Child Development. New York, NY. 4-674.

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