Pointers To Review in Science Technology and Society

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Information Age or Computer Age

What marks the beginning of the computer revolution?

a. 19th-century steam engines
b. Mid-20th-century electronic computers
c. 18th-century industrial machinery
d. Renaissance printing press

The internet, a product of the computer revolution, is primarily known for:

a. Decreasing information accessibility
b. Limiting global communication
c. Democratizing information
d. Encouraging isolation

How have computers impacted the workplace?

a. Increased manual labor
b. Reduced efficiency
c. Introduced automation and digital collaboration tools
d. Hindered data analytics

Social media, email, and instant messaging have revolutionized:

a. Transportation
b. Communication
c. Agriculture
d. Medicine

Ethical questions related to privacy, bias, and societal impact arise from
advancements in:
a. Agriculture
b. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
c. Architecture
d. Medicine

What major concerns arise from digital interconnectedness?

a. Environmental degradation
b. Cybersecurity challenges
c. Agricultural issues
d. Labor disputes

How has the entertainment industry transformed due to computers?

a. Decreased artistic expression
b. Limited storytelling
c. Enhanced entertainment value through digital technologies
d. Hindered global communication

What is a significant consequence of the computer revolution in the tech industry?

a. Decreased global economy
b. Unprecedented growth and influence of major corporations
c. Stagnation in technological advancements
d. Reduced corporate responsibility

How has education transformed in the digital age?

a. Decreased access to learning opportunities
b. Limited educational resources
c. Integration of technology, online learning platforms, and digital classrooms
d. Reduction in educational opportunities

What environmental challenges are associated with the computer revolution?

a. Air pollution from factories
b. E-waste and resource depletion from electronic devices
c. Water scarcity due to industrialization
d. Deforestation from agricultural practices

What marked the beginning of the computer revolution?

- A. 17th-century calculators
- B. 18th-century typewriters
- C. Mid-20th-century electronic computers
- D. 19th-century telegraphs

What is at the heart of the computer revolution?

- A. Industrialization
- B. Democratization of information
- C. Agricultural advancements
- D. Cultural shifts

What has computers revolutionized in the workplace?

- A. Agricultural practices
- B. Manufacturing processes
- C. Communication and collaboration
- D. Transportation systems

Which technology has redefined interpersonal connections due to computers?

- A. Radio
- B. Television
- C. Social media
- D. Telegraph

What ethical questions arise from advancements in AI due to the computer revolution?
- A. Environmental impact
- B. Employment concerns
- C. Ethical questions about privacy and bias
- D. Technological obsolescence
What is a major challenge related to the rise of digital interconnectedness in the
computer revolution?
- A. Economic inequality
- B. Cybersecurity concerns
- C. Technological unemployment
- D. Cultural resistance

How have computers transformed the entertainment industry?

- A. Increased manual labor
- B. Digital technologies and special effects
- C. Decreased cultural exchange
- D. Limited storytelling options

What has the computer revolution given rise to in terms of industry growth?
- A. Agricultural growth
- B. Industrial decline
- C. Tech industry's unprecedented growth
- D. Environmental concerns

How has education transformed in the digital age?

- A. Increased reliance on traditional methods
- B. Integration of technology with online learning platforms
- C. Decreased accessibility to educational resources
- D. Focus on memorization over understanding

What environmental challenges are associated with the computer revolution?

- A. Air pollution
- B. E-waste and resource depletion
- C. Soil erosion
- D. Deforestation

Industrial Revolution

What defines the Industrial Revolution's transformative period?

a. Shift from industrial to agrarian economies
b. Shift from agrarian to industrial economies
c. Continuous agrarian practices
d. Dominance of cottage industries
**Answer: b. Shift from agrarian to industrial economies**

Key technological advancements during the Industrial Revolution include:

a. Spinning jenny, power loom, and steam engine
b. Printing press, telescope, and compass
c. Horse-drawn plow, windmill, and waterwheel
d. Horse-drawn carriage, loom, and cotton gin
How did mechanization of agriculture contribute to the Industrial Revolution?
a. Increased productivity and shift of labor from factories to farms
b. Decreased productivity and reliance on factories
c. No impact on agriculture
d. Introduction of manual labor in factories
**Answer: a. Increased productivity and shift of labor from farms to factories**

Rapid urbanization during the Industrial Revolution resulted in:

a. Decreased population in cities
b. No social changes
c. Increased population in cities with new social structures and class divisions
d. Isolation of rural areas

Economic growth during the Industrial Revolution was spurred by:

a. Cottage industries
b. Mass production and international trade
c. Agrarian practices
d. Handcraft-based economies

Factories replaced traditional cottage industries during the Industrial Revolution,

leading to:
a. Decreased efficiency
b. Loss of control and efficiency
c. Greater control and efficiency
d. Limited production

Harsh working conditions, long hours, low wages, and lack of workers' rights were
prevalent issues during the Industrial Revolution in:
a. Agriculture
b. Factories
c. Cottage industries
d. Mines

What was a widespread issue during the Industrial Revolution related to labor?
a. Increased worker rights
b. Reduced working hours
c. Child labor
d. Improved safety standards

Labor movements and unions emerged during the Industrial Revolution in response
a. Improved working conditions
b. Increased wages
c. Poor working conditions
d. Shorter working hours
The role of women in society changed during the Industrial Revolution as they:
a. Retained traditional roles with no economic independence
b. Faced no exploitation or gender-based discrimination
c. Experienced increased economic independence and exploitation
d. Were excluded from the workforce

What technological advancements revolutionized transportation during the Industrial

a. Steam locomotive and steamship
b. Horse-drawn carriage and windmill
c. Drip and sprinkler irrigation systems
d. Spinning jenny and power loom

How did the Industrial Revolution impact global trade patterns?

a. No significant impact on global trade
b. Shifted trade patterns towards agricultural products
c. Led to the decline of global trade
d. Nations with industrial capabilities gained economic and political power

What environmental impact did the Industrial Revolution have?

a. Increased biodiversity
b. Decreased pollution
c. Increased pollution, deforestation, and resource depletion
d. Improved environmental conservation

How did the Industrial Revolution impact cultural expressions?

a. No impact on cultural expressions
b. Led to the decline of cultural diversity
c. Brought about cultural shifts in artistic expression and literature
d. Promoted traditional values
**Answer: c. Brought about cultural shifts in artistic expression and literature**

Industrial technologies during the

Industrial Revolution influenced:

a. Local economies only
b. National economies only
c. Global economies and societies
d. Agricultural practices only

How did educational systems evolve during the Industrial Revolution?

a. Increased emphasis on technical skills and practical knowledge
b. Reduced emphasis on education
c. No impact on educational systems
d. Shifted towards artistic education
What improvements in medical science occurred during the Industrial Revolution?
a. No significant improvements
b. Breakthroughs in hygiene, sanitation, and understanding of diseases
c. Increased reliance on traditional medicine
d. Decline in medical research

What political ideologies emerged in response to the challenges of industrialization?

a. Feudalism
b. Capitalism, socialism, and communism
c. Agrarianism
d. Isolationism

What changes occurred in agriculture during the Industrial Revolution?

a. Increased reliance on traditional farming practices
b. Decreased agricultural productivity
c. Increased productivity and displacement of traditional farming practices
d. No impact on agriculture

What does "technological dualism" refer to in the context of the Industrial Revolution?
a. Uniform technological progress across regions
b. Disparities in economic development between technologically advanced and
lagging regions
c. A balanced approach to technology adoption
d. No technological advancements

When did the Industrial Revolution take place?

- A. 15th century
- B. 18th century
- C. 20th century
- D. 12th century

What technological advancements were key to the Industrial Revolution?

- A. Spinning jenny and steam engine
- B. Printing press and telescope
- C. Compass and windmill
- D. Archimedes' screw and lever

What impact did the Industrial Revolution have on agriculture?

- A. Decreased productivity
- B. Increased reliance on handcrafting
- C. Shift of labor from farms to factories
- D. Expansion of traditional cottage industries

What social changes occurred due to urbanization in the Industrial Revolution?

- A. Strengthening of traditional social structures
- B. Decreased class divisions
- C. Improved labor rights
- D. Rise of new social structures and challenges

What economic transformation did the Industrial Revolution spur?

- A. Growth in agricultural production
- B. Fostering of mass production and international trade
- C. Decline in capitalism
- D. Decrease in business models

What became the center of production during the Industrial Revolution?

- A. Traditional cottage industries
- B. Farms
- C. Factories
- D. Artisan workshops

What were prevalent issues in labor conditions during the Industrial Revolution?
- A. Short working hours and high wages
- B. Long hours, low wages, and lack of workers' rights
- C. Improved safety standards
- D. Abundance of job opportunities

What was widespread during the Industrial Revolution concerning child labor?
- A. Strict child labor laws
- B. Limited job opportunities for children
- C. Families struggling to make ends meet, leading to child labor
- D. Improved working conditions for children

What emerged as a response to poor working conditions during the Industrial

- A. Labor unions and social movements
- B. Decline in job opportunities
- C. Increased focus on traditional craftsmanship
- D. Improved working conditions without any response

How did the role of women change during the Industrial Revolution?
- A. Decreased involvement in the workforce
- B. Limited economic independence
- C. Increased exploitation and gender-based discrimination
- D. All of the above

Green Revolution:

The Green Revolution aimed to address:

a. Environmental conservation
b. Food scarcity and hunger
c. Technological unemployment
d. Economic disparities

Who played a crucial role in developing high-yielding varieties of crops during the
Green Revolution?
a. Thomas Malthus
b. Norman Borlaug
c. Karl Marx
d. Adam Smith

What played a crucial role in boosting crop yields during the Green Revolution?
a. Mechanical plowing
b. Chemical fertilizers
c. Traditional farming practices
d. Hand harvesting

The Green Revolution introduced advanced irrigation systems to:

a. Increase water usage
b. Enhance dependence on rainfall
c. Reduce water usage and mitigate the impact of droughts
d. Neglect water management

High-yielding varieties (HYVs) of crops during the Green Revolution played a pivotal
role in:
a. Decreasing agricultural productivity
b. Increasing agricultural productivity
c. Reducing environmental impact
d. Encouraging monoculture

Critics argue that the Green Revolution had negative environmental consequences,
a. Decreased soil degradation
b. Increased biodiversity
c. Soil degradation, water pollution, and loss of biodiversity
d. Improved environmental conservation

Monoculture, a common practice during the Green Revolution, raised concerns about:
a. Genetic diversity and increased vulnerability to pests and diseases
b. Soil conservation
c. Efficient land use
d. Decreased crop yields

Social impacts of the Green Revolution varied, with some farmers benefiting
significantly, while others:
a. Faced no challenges
b. Suffered from decreased yields
c. Faced challenges in adapting to new technologies and practices
d. Experienced reduced profits

The success of the Green Revolution varied based on factors such as:
a. Access to resources, education, and government support
b. Monoculture practices
c. Use of traditional farming methods
d. Lack of access to technology

Critics argue that the Green Revolution contributed to the widening gap between:
a. Urban and rural areas
b. Affluent and impoverished farmers
c. Developed and underdeveloped countries
d. Industrial and agricultural sectors

What environmental concerns are associated with the use of chemical pesticides
during the Green Revolution?
a. Increased biodiversity
b. Positive impact on ecosystems
c. Environmental and human health risks
d. Soil conservation

The Green Revolution played a crucial role in transforming agriculture from a

traditional, subsistence-based practice to:
a. A more industrialized and market-oriented system
b. A completely automated system
c. A decentralized and self-sufficient system
d. A traditional and subsistence-based system

The development and dissemination of hybrid seeds during the Green Revolution
raised concerns about:
a. Seed-saving practices
b. Increased biodiversity
c. Preservation of traditional seeds
d. Government control over agriculture

Geopolitically, countries that successfully adopted Green Revolution technologies

gained strategic advantages in terms of:
a. Military power
b. Economic stability and food security
c. Environmental conservation
d. Decreased global influence

Changes in land use patterns, including deforestation, were observed during the
Green Revolution due to:
a. Increased focus on environmental conservation
b. Expansion of urban areas
c. Improved agricultural practices
d. Decreased need for land

Critics argue that the Green Revolution's focus on high-input, high-output agriculture
contributed to the depletion of:
a. Natural resources
b. Water usage
c. Soil fertility
d. Monoculture practices

Sustainable agriculture advocates emphasize the need to balance the positive gains of
the Green Revolution with:
a. Short-term economic benefits
b. Environmental conservation
c. Monoculture practices
d. Increased pesticide use

What approach emerged as a response to the negative consequences of chemical

pesticides during the Green Revolution?
a. Increased pesticide use
b. Integrated pest management (IPM)
c. Monoculture practices
d. Use of synthetic fertilizers

When did the Green Revolution begin?**

- A. 15th century
- B. 18th century
- C. Mid-20th century
- D. 12th century

Who developed high-yielding varieties of wheat during the Green Revolution?

- A. Marie Curie
- B. Norman Borlaug
- C. Alexander Fleming
- D. Thomas Edison

What played a crucial role in boosting crop yields during the Green Revolution?
- A. Advanced irrigation systems
- B. Organic farming practices
- C. Genetic modification
- D. Chemical fertilizers

What reduced the dependency on rainfall during the Green Revolution?

- A. Widespread use of chemical fertilizers
- B. Introduction of high-yielding varieties
- C. Advanced irrigation systems
- D. Monoculture

What played a pivotal role in increasing agricultural productivity during the Green
- A. Low-yielding varieties
- B. High-yielding varieties (HYVs)
- C. Traditional farming practices
- D. Decreased use of pesticides

What environmental consequences are associated with the Green Revolution?

- A. Increased biodiversity
- B. Soil degradation and water pollution
- C. Reduced greenhouse gas emissions
- D. Preservation of natural habitats

What is monoculture, a common practice during the Green Revolution?

- A. Cultivation of diverse crops
- B. Rotation of crops
- C. Cultivation of a single crop over large areas
- D. Traditional farming practices

How did the Green Revolution impact farmers socially?

- A. Universal benefits for all farmers
- B. Equal distribution of resources
- C. Varying impacts, with some benefiting significantly
- D. Decreased profitability for all farmers

What geopolitical implications did the Green Revolution have?

- A. Decreased global trade
- B. No impact on geopolitical relations
- C. Strategic advantages in terms of food security
- D. Reduced economic stability

What role did agrochemical companies play during the Green Revolution?
- A. Minimal involvement
- B. Opposed the revolution
- C. Pivotal role in disseminating technologies
- D. No impact on technology dissemination

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