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The White House Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release October 29, 2011

WEEKLY ADDRESS: "We Can't Wait" to Strengthen the Economy and Create Jobs
WASHINGTONIn this weeks address, President Obama told the American people that we cant wait for Congress to take action to grow the economy and create jobs, and highlighted the executive actions he took this week to help families save thousands of dollars by refinancing their mortgages, put veterans to work, and lower the cost of student loans. The President continued to urge Congress to do its part and pass the American Jobs Act now, which will put more money in the pockets of middle class families, create jobs and strengthen our economy right away. Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address The White House Saturday, October 29, 2011 This week, a new economic report confirmed what most Americans already believe to be true: over the past three decades, the middle class has lost ground while the wealthiest few have become even wealthier. In fact, the average income for the top one percent of Americans has risen almost seven times faster than the income of the average middle class family. And this has happened during a period where the cost of everything from health care to college has skyrocketed. Now, in this country, we dont begrudge anyone wealth or success we encourage it. We celebrate it. But America is better off when everyone has had the chance to get ahead not just those at the top of the income scale. The more Americans who prosper, the more America prospers. Rebuilding an economy where everyone has the chance to succeed will take time. Our economic problems were decades in the making, and they wont be solved overnight. But there are steps we can take right now to put people back to work and restore some of the security that middleclass Americans have lost over the last few decades. Right now, Congress can pass a set of common-sense jobs proposals that independent economists tell us will boost the economy right away. Proposals that will put more teachers, veterans, construction workers and first responders back on the job. Proposals that will cut taxes for virtually every middle class family and small business in America. These are the same kinds

of proposals that both Democrats and Republicans have supported in the past. And they should stop playing politics and act on them now. These jobs proposals are also paid for by asking folks who are making more than a million dollars a year to contribute a little more in taxes. These are the same folks who have seen their incomes go up so much, and I believe this is a contribution theyre willing to make. One survey found that nearly 7 in 10 millionaires are willing to step up and pay a little more in order to help the economy. Unfortunately, Republicans in Congress arent paying attention. Theyre not getting the message. Over and over, they have refused to even debate the same kind of jobs proposals that Republicans have supported in the past proposals that today are supported, not just by Democrats, but by Independents and Republicans all across America. And yet, somehow, they found time this week to debate things like whether or not we should mint coins to celebrate the Baseball Hall of Fame. Meanwhile, theyre only scheduled to work three more weeks between now and the end of the year. The truth is, we can no longer wait for Congress to do its job. The middle-class families whove been struggling for years are tired of waiting. They need help now. So where Congress wont act, I will. This week, we announced a new policy that will help families whose home values have fallen refinance their mortgages and save thousands of dollars. Were making it easier for veterans to get jobs putting their skills to work in hospitals and community health centers. We reformed the student loan process so more young people can get out of debt faster. And were going to keep announcing more changes like these on a regular basis. These steps will make a difference. But they wont take the place of the bold action we need from Congress to get this economy moving again. Thats why I need all of you to make your voices heard. Tell Congress to stop playing politics and start taking action on jobs. If we want to rebuild an economy where every American has the chance to get ahead, we need every American to get involved. Thats how real change has always happened, and thats how itll happen today. Thank you.


The White House Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release October 29, 2011

WEEKLY ADDRESS: "We Can't Wait" to Strengthen the Economy and Create Jobs
[14th century. Via Old French adresser < assumed Vulgar Latin addrictiare "direct to" < Latin directus (see direct)] [15th century. Directly or via French < Latin oeconomia < Greek oikonomia < oikonomos "steward of a household" < oikos "house" + nemein "manage"]

< Ancient Greek since the 5th Century Before the Genesis of the Personality called Jesus Christ.

WASHINGTONIn this weeks address, President Obama told the American people that we cant wait for Congress to take action to grow the economy and create jobs, and highlighted the executive actions he took this week to help families save thousands of dollars by refinancing their mortgages, put veterans to work, and lower the cost of student loans.
[14th century. < French < finer "to end, settle" < Latin finis "end"]

[Pre-12th century. Directly or via French < Latin part-]

[14th century. Via French < Latin continuare "make continuous" < continere (see contain)]

The President continued to urge Congress to do its part and pass the American Jobs Act now, which will put more money in the pockets of middle class families, create jobs and strengthen our economy right away.
[ Old English strang < Germanic]

[ Old English riht < IndoEuropean, "go straight"]

Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address The White House Saturday, October 29, 2011
[Pre-12th century. Contraction of Saturn's day, translation of Latin Saturni dies]

[14th century. Via French < Latin reportare "carry back" < portare "carry"]

This week, a new economic report confirmed what most Americans already believe to be true: over the past three decades, the middle class has lost ground while the wealthiest few have become even wealthier.
[ Old English grund < Germanic] The Wealth of Nations, a philosophical treatise (1776) by Scottish economist and philosopher ADAM SMITH. One of the earliest and most comprehensive analyses of economic systems, it began as a study of the relationship between human nature and social evolution. Smith's assertion that the natural outcome of this evolution is an economy based on open markets and driven by competition inspired many modern-day laissez-faire capitalist philosophies.

[15th century. < Latin factum "deed" < fact-, past participle of facere "do, make"]

[< Latin per centum "by a hundred"]

In fact, the average income for the top one percent of Americans has risen almost seven times faster than the income of the average middle class family. And this has happened during a period where the cost of everything from health care to college has skyrocketed.
everything pronoun
[vvree thng]

[ Old English hl < Germanic]

1. the entirety: all the items, actions, or facts in a given situation Everything I do is for my family. Is everything all right? 2. something all-important: used to emphasize that somebody or something is the most important person or thing there is To them, family is everything.

[13th century. < Old French cuntre < assumed Vulgar Latin (terra) contrata "(land) lying opposite" < Latin contra "against"]

[15th century. < French encoragier < en"cause" + corage "courage"]

< Italian coraggio < Provigian coratge = heart < Latin cordis = heart

Now, in this country, we dont begrudge anyone wealth or success we encourage it. We celebrate it. But America is better off when everyone has had the chance to get ahead not just those at the top of the income scale. The more Americans who prosper, the more America prospers.
[14th century. Directly or via French < Latin prosperare < prosperus "doing well"]

[14th century. < Old Norse innkoma "arrival"; later < in-2 + come]

[ Old English byldan "construct a house" < bold "dwelling" < Germanic, "dwell"] [13th century. Via Anglo-Norman < late Latin cadentia "falling" < present participle of Latin cadere "to fall"]

Rebuilding an economy where everyone has the chance to succeed will take time. Our economic problems were decades in the making, and they wont be solved overnight.
[14th century. Via French and Latin < Greek problma "projection, obstacle," literally "thing thrown in front" < ballein "to throw"]

[ Old English niht < Indo-European]

[Pre-12th century. < Old Norse taka]

[13th century. Via Anglo-Norman and Old French < Latin populus < Etruscan]

But there are steps we can take right now to put people back to work and restore some of the security that middle-class Americans have lost over the last few decades.

[ Old English losian "perish, destroy, lose" < los (see loss)]

security [s tee] (plural securities) noun

1. state or feeling of safety: the state or feeling of being safe and protected 2. freedom from worries of loss: the assurance that something of value will not be taken away job security 3. something giving assurance: something that provides a sense of protection against loss, attack, or harm the security of knowing that the vehicle has been thoroughly checked 4. safety: protection against attack from without or subversion from within a matter of national security 5. precautions to maintain safety: precautions taken to keep somebody or something safe from crime, attack, or danger security measures 6. guards: people or an organization entrusted with the job of protecting somebody or something, especially a building or institution, against

[14th century. Via French < Latin sensus "perception" < sens-, past participle of sentire "feel"]

[13th century. < French passer < Latin passus "step"]

Right now, Congress can pass a set of common-sense jobs proposals that independent economists tell us will boost the economy right away. Proposals that will put more teachers, veterans, construction workers and first responders back on the job.
[15th century. < Latin construct-, past participle of construere "pile together" < struere "pile, build"] [Assumed Old English putian, origin ?]

[15th century. < Latin familia "servants of a household, household, family" < famulus "servant"]

[12th century. Via Old French vertu < Latin virtus "manliness, excellence, worth" < vir "man, husband"]

Proposals that will cut taxes for virtually every middle class family and small business in America. These are the same kinds of proposals that both Democrats and Republicans have supported in the past. And they should stop playing politics and act on them now.
[13th century. Past participle of pass] [ Old English pleg(i)an < Germanic, "to risk, exercise"] [ Old English folc < IndoEuropean,"fill"]

1. PRINTING em dash 2. PHYSICS magnetic moment 3. PHYSICS mass 4. MEASUREMENTS meter2 5. MATHEMATICS milli6. MEASUREMENTS million

These jobs proposals are also paid for by asking folks who are making more than a million dollars a year to contribute a little more in taxes. These are the same folks who have seen their

[Mid-16th century. < Latin contribut-, past participle of contribuere "bring in together" < tribuere "to grant"]

[15th century. Via Anglo-Norman surveier < medieval Latin supervidere "oversee" < Latin videre "see"]

incomes go up so much, and I believe this is a contribution theyre willing to make. One survey found that nearly 7 in 10 millionaires are willing to step up and pay a little more in order to help the economy.
[ Old English helpan < Germanic] [ Old English ltel < Germanic, "small"]

[14th century. < Latin fortunatus < fortuna "fate, luck"]

Unfortunately, Republicans in Congress arent paying attention. Theyre not getting the message. Over and over, they have refused to even debate the same kind of jobs proposals that Republicans have supported in the past proposals that today are supported, not just by Democrats, but by Independents and Republicans all across America.
[14th century. Via French < Latin supportare "bear up" < portare "carry"]

dependant or dependent? Do not confuse dependant with dependent, which has the same pronunciation. The adjective derived from the verb depend is always spelled dependent, in both U.S. and British English: The young birds are still dependent on their parents. The noun meaning "somebody who is supported financially by another," as in an unmarried woman with no dependants, is usually spelled dependent in U.S. English and dependant in British English. Microsoft Encarta 2009. 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. [ Old English ing "assembly" < [13th century. Via French fonder < Latin Germanic, "time"] fundare < fundus "bottom, base"]

And yet, somehow, they found time this week to debate things like whether or not we should mint coins to celebrate the Baseball Hall of Fame. Meanwhile, theyre only scheduled to work three more weeks between now and the end of the year.
[ Old English gar < Indo-European

[12th century. Via Old N French waitier "spy, prepare to ambush" < Frankish] [ Old English middel]

The truth is, we can no longer wait for Congress to do its job. The middle-class families whove been struggling for years are tired of waiting. They need help now. So where Congress wont act, I will.
[ Old English wyllan < IndoEuropean]

[15th century. Directly or via French annoncer < Latin annuntiare < nuntius "messenger"]

[14th century. < Old French < valoir "be worth" < Latin valere "be powerful"]

This week, we announced a new policy that will help families whose home values have fallen refinance their mortgages and save thousands of dollars. Were making it easier for veterans to get jobs putting their skills to work in hospitals and community health centers.
[12th century. < Old Norse skil "discernment"] [14th century. Via Old French communet < Latin communitat- < communis "common"]

discernment noun

[di srnmnt]

keenly selective judgment: good taste and judgment

Microsoft Encarta 2009. 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

[14th century. Via French < Latin processus < process-, past participle of procedere (see proceed)] [14th century. Via French procder < Latin procedere "go forward" < cedere "go"]

Microsoft Encarta 2009. 19932008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. We reformed the student loan process so more young people can get out of debt faster. And

were going to keep announcing more changes like these on a regular basis.

difference or differentiation? These two words do not share a single meaning, so careful writers avoid using them interchangeably. Difference denotes the quality of being different or an instance of this. Differentiation denotes becoming different in the course of development. My paper explores the difference [not differentiation] between the world of the adult and the world of the child. Conversely, do not use difference when differentiation is called for: studied the history of the differentiation [not difference] of Latin into vernaculars.

These steps will make a difference. But they wont take the place of the bold action we need from Congress to get this economy moving again. Thats why I need all of you to make your voices heard. Tell Congress to stop playing politics and start taking action on jobs.
[12th century. Probably < Old English styrtan "to jump" < Germanic] [ Old English byldan "construct a house" < bold "dwelling" < Germanic, "dwell"]

If we want to rebuild an economy where every American has the chance to get ahead, we need every American to get involved. Thats how real change has always happened, and thats how itll happen today.
[15th century. < French baraterie "combat, deceit" < barater "fight, cheat" < Greek prattein "do"]

< ancient < IndoEuropean per- < Originally Meant Reach the Finish Line, Cross Over

Thank you.

[ Old English ancian < IndoEuropean]



The White House

Another contract, for the guidance system for the Atlas intercontinental ballistic missile, led to a transistorized computer that successfully guided Atlas launches from 1957 through 1959. Burroughs claimed that this was the first operational computer to use transistors rather than vacuum tubes.46 The SOLO computer, described above, may have preceeded it, but SOLOs existence was kept secret for many years. That experience laid a foundation for Burroughss successful reentry into commercial computing in the 1960s.


Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release October 29, 2011

n. Short for transfer resistor. A solid-state circuit component, usually with three leads, in which a voltage or a current controls the flow of another current. The transistor can serve many functions, including those of amplifier, switch, and oscillator, and is a fundamental component of almost all modern electronics.

WEEKLY ADDRESS: "We Can't Wait" to Strengthen the Economy and Create Jobs
It was in the late 1960s that the integrated circuit began to show up in commercial systems, which immediately created a new class of inexpensive computers that had limited memory requirements. These computers had no room to implement the highly structured languages, like Pascal, that critics of FORTRAN preferred. So programmers resorted to unstructured machine or assembly language, go to and all. Putting software on a more formal basis, which so many had hoped for, would arrive late, if ever.

WASHINGTONIn this weeks address, President Obama told the American people that we cant wait for Congress to take action to grow the economy and create jobs, and highlighted the executive actions he took this week to help families save thousands of dollars by refinancing their mortgages, put veterans to work, and lower the cost of student loans.

The calculator offered the first consumer market for logic chips that allowed companies to amortize the high costs of designing complex integrated circuits. The dramatic drop in prices of calculators between 1971 and 1976 showed just how potent this force was.

The President continued to urge Congress to do its part and pass the American Jobs Act now, which will put more money in the pockets of middle class families, create jobs and strengthen our economy right away.

Like the famous demonstration of remote computing staged by George Stibitz at the Dartmouth meeting of the American Mathematical Society in 1940; it foretold a day when direct access to large amounts of data would become essential to the operations of banks, supermarkets, insurance companies, and government agencies.

Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address The White House Saturday, October 29, 2011

This week, a new economic report confirmed what most Americans already believe to be true: over the past three decades, the middle class has lost ground while the wealthiest few have become even wealthier.

In fact, the average income for the top one percent of Americans has risen almost seven times faster than the income of the average middle class family. And this has happened during a period where the cost of everything from health care to college has skyrocketed.
A 7094 installation rented for about $30,000 a month, or an equivalent purchase price of about $1.6 million. With that cost it was imperative that the machine never be left idle. Although our personal computers run a screen-saver while we go to a meeting or to lunch, the number of computer cycles wasted by this practice would have been scandalous in 1963.

Now, in this country, we dont begrudge anyone wealth or success we encourage it. We celebrate it. But America is better off when everyone has had the chance to get ahead not just those at the top of the income scale. The more Americans prosper, the more America prospers.

Rebuilding an economy where everyone has the chance to succeed will take time. Our economic problems were decades in the making, and they wont be solved overnight.

But there are steps we can take right now to put people back to work and restore some of the security that middle-class Americans have lost over the last few decades.
Formatted Input Fields

In the last example program, we wanted the program user to type numbers, not arbitrary strings. That is, the user is allowed to enter only digits 0 through 9 and a hyphen (-). The hyphen, if present at all, must be the first symbol of the input string. On the surface, this input validation task sounds simple. We can install a key listener to the text field and then consume all key events that aren't digits or a hyphen. Unfortunately, this simple approach, although commonly recommended as a method for input validation, does not work well in practice. First, not every combination of the valid input characters is a valid number. For example, --3 and 3-3 aren't valid, even though they are made up from valid input characters. But, more important, there are other ways of changing the text that don't involve typing character keys. Depending on the look and feel, certain key combinations can be used to cut, copy, and paste text. For example, in the Metal look and feel, the CTRL+V key combination pastes the content of the paste buffer into the text field. That is, we also need to monitor that the user doesn't paste in an invalid character. Clearly, trying to filter keystrokes to ensure that the content of the text field is always valid begins to look like a real chore. This is certainly not something that an application programmer should have to worry about. Perhaps surprisingly, before Java SE 1.4, there were no components for entering numeric values. Starting with the first edition of Core Java, we supplied an implementation for an IntTextField, a text field for entering a properly formatted integer. In every new edition, we changed the implementation to take whatever limited advantage we could from the various half-baked validation schemes that were added to each version of Java. Finally, in Java SE 1.4, the Swing designers faced the issues head-on and supplied a versatile JFormattedTextField class that can be used not just for numeric input, but also for dates and for even more esoteric formatted values such as IP addresses.

Right now, Congress can pass a set of common-sense jobs proposals that independent economists tell us will boost the economy right away. Proposals that will put more teachers, veterans, construction workers and first responders back on the job.

Proposals that will cut taxes for virtually every middle class family and small business in America. These are the same kinds of proposals that both Democrats and Republicans have supported in the past. And they should stop playing politics and act on them now.

At this point, you should have a basic understanding of GIMPs windows, menus, and preferences. Youve seen how to create text logos using the built-in Logo scripts, and how to combine two images in a simple GIMP project. Perhaps youve spent some time playing with some of GIMPs built-in filters and plug-ins and getting comfortable with its interface. Now lets move on to the details of image editing. Chapter 2 will cover photographs: how to work with them, and a collection of ways GIMP can improve a flaky photo.

These jobs proposals are also paid for by asking folks who are making more than a million dollars a year to contribute a little more in taxes.

These are the same folks who have seen their incomes go up so much, and I believe this is a contribution theyre willing to make. One survey found that nearly 7 in 10 millionaires are willing to step up and pay a little more in order to help the economy.

Unfortunately, Republicans in Congress arent paying attention. Theyre not getting the message. Over and over, they have refused to even debate the same kind of jobs proposals that

Republicans have supported in the past proposals that today are supported, not just by Democrats, but by Independents and Republicans all across America.

And yet, somehow, they found time this week to debate things like whether or not we should mint coins to celebrate the Baseball Hall of Fame. Meanwhile, theyre only scheduled to work three more weeks between now and the end of the year.

The truth is, we can no longer wait for Congress to do its job. The middle-class families whove been struggling for years are tired of waiting. They need help now. So where Congress wont act, I will.

This week, we announced a new policy that will help families whose home values have fallen refinance their mortgages and save thousands of dollars. Were making it easier for veterans to get jobs putting their skills to work in hospitals and community health centers.

We reformed the student loan process so more young people can get out of debt faster. And were going to keep announcing more changes like these on a regular basis.

These steps will make a difference. But they wont take the place of the bold action we need from Congress to get this economy moving again. Thats why I need all of you to make your voices heard. Tell Congress to stop playing politics and start taking action on jobs. If we want to rebuild an economy where every American has the chance to get ahead, we need every American to get involved. Thats how real change has always happened, and thats how itll happen today.

Thank you.
That Real You.


The White House Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release October 29, 2011

WEEKLY ADDRESS: "We Can't Wait" to Strengthen the Economy and Create Jobs
WASHINGTONIn this weeks address, President Obama told the American people that we cant wait for Congress to take action to grow the economy and create jobs, and highlighted the executive actions he took this week to help families save thousands of dollars by refinancing their mortgages, put veterans to work, and lower the cost of student loans. The President continued to urge Congress to do its part and pass the American Jobs Act now, which will put more money in the pockets of middle class families, create jobs and strengthen our economy right away. Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address The White House Saturday, October 29, 2011 This week, a new economic report confirmed what most Americans already believe to be true: over the past three decades, the middle class has lost ground while the wealthiest few have become even wealthier. In fact, the average income for the top one percent of Americans has risen almost seven times faster than the income of the average middle class family. And this has happened during a period where the cost of everything from health care to college has skyrocketed. Now, in this country, we dont begrudge anyone wealth or success we encourage it. We celebrate it. But America is better off when everyone has had the chance to get ahead not just those at the top of the income scale. The more Americans who prosper, the more America prospers. Rebuilding an economy where everyone has the chance to succeed will take time. Our economic problems were decades in the making, and they wont be solved overnight. But there are steps we can take right now to put people back to work and restore some of the security that middleclass Americans have lost over the last few decades. Right now, Congress can pass a set of common-sense jobs proposals that independent economists tell us will boost the economy right away. Proposals that will put more teachers, veterans, construction workers and first responders back on the job. Proposals that will cut taxes for virtually every middle class family and small business in America. These are the same kinds of proposals that both Democrats and Republicans have supported in the past. And they should stop playing politics and act on them now. These jobs proposals are also paid for by asking folks who are making more than a million dollars a year to contribute a little more in taxes. These are the same folks who have seen their incomes go up so much, and I believe this is a contribution theyre willing to make. One survey

found that nearly 7 in 10 millionaires are willing to step up and pay a little more in order to help the economy. Unfortunately, Republicans in Congress arent paying attention. Theyre not getting the message. Over and over, they have refused to even debate the same kind of jobs proposals that Republicans have supported in the past proposals that today are supported, not just by Democrats, but by Independents and Republicans all across America. And yet, somehow, they found time this week to debate things like whether or not we should mint coins to celebrate the Baseball Hall of Fame. Meanwhile, theyre only scheduled to work three more weeks between now and the end of the year. The truth is, we can no longer wait for Congress to do its job. The middle-class families whove been struggling for years are tired of waiting. They need help now. So where Congress wont act, I will. This week, we announced a new policy that will help families whose home values have fallen refinance their mortgages and save thousands of dollars. Were making it easier for veterans to get jobs putting their skills to work in hospitals and community health centers. We reformed the student loan process so more young people can get out of debt faster. And were going to keep announcing more changes like these on a regular basis. These steps will make a difference. But they wont take the place of the bold action we need from Congress to get this economy moving again. Thats why I need all of you to make your voices heard. Tell Congress to stop playing politics and start taking action on jobs. If we want to rebuild an economy where every American has the chance to get ahead, we need every American to get involved. Thats how real change has always happened, and thats how itll happen today. Thank you.

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