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Hola mi nombre es … y les voy a hablar sobre los peligros del estrés y las manifestaciones del
estrés. Vamos a hablar sobre los seis peligros del estrés

Hello my name is Valentina and I am going to talk to you about the dangers of stress and the
manifestations of stress. Let's talk about the six dangers of stress

One -Frequently

Frequent exposure to stress can lead to continuous physiological responses, affecting health
on an ongoing basis.

Two- Gradually

Gradually accumulated stress can cause progressive wear and tear on mental and physical
health over time.

three- Suddenly

Sudden stressful situations can trigger immediate responses, jeopardizing emotional and
physical stability.


Stress that operates silently, unrecognized or unaddressed, can cause hidden damage to
health over a prolonged period.

five- Inadvertently

Dealing with stress inadvertently, without being aware of its effects, can trigger health risks
without proper intervention or management.

Six- Constantly

Living with stress on a constant basis can expose one to persistent risk, gradually
deteriorating mental and physical health without adequate relief.

Vamos a hablar sobre las seis manifestaciones del estrés.

One- change the apetite

Two- Digestive problems

Three- negative feelings

Four- sleep problems

Five- breathing problems

Six- desire to consume substances

Personal example

One-I have been dealing with stress due to the accumulation of tasks related to studies and
personal matters, which has affected my sleep.

Two- I have

I have been mentally drained and physically exhausted because of stress, due to academic work
with tight deadlines, pressure to deliver good quality work on time.

He estado mentalmente agotada y físicamente exhausta a causa del estres, debido a que he tenido
trabajos académicos con plazos ajustados, la presión para entregar un buen trabajo de calidad a
Jelou may neim is Valentina end aim goin tutalk tuiu abauk de denllers af estras an de
manifesteichon af estras. Les talk abaut the siix denllers af estras.

Uan – frikenlyn … Frikuen espouzo tu estras kan li kantinues sisioligal respons afatin jealf an en
ongoy bises. … Tu-graduli … Graduli akimulid estras ken pegresi uir and tir an mental an fisicol,
jelf ouver taim. …Tri- sadenli … Sanden estruasfol situeichon can truigue imidiet risponses yepedaiz
imoshonal an fisikol estabilidy …For- kuali … Estras dat operes sailiblen, anraiknaz or anadraz, ken
kasz jiden damindz to jelf ouver epreland piried. …Faif-inerverli … Dilin uit estras inerverli, uidau
bin ewer af its afast, can triguer jelf ruiz uidaut praper interveishon or manidzment … Siks-
kanstentli … Livin uit estras on ei kanstent beisis can ikspaus uan to persistent risk, graduali
deterioradin mental an fisikol jelf uidaut adekuen riliif.

Les talk abaut the siks manifesteishon af estras … uan shein in apitait… tu daiyasti problems … tri
negadet filins…. For slii problems… faif bridin problems…siks disaier tu consum sabtens… persen
isampol… uan ai jaf biin dilin uit estras du tu de akemuleishon af tasks relait tu stadis an personal
maders, uich jas afektid may slip. Tu… ai haf biien mentali druin an fisikli izausti bicauz af estraz, du
tu akademik uerk uit tait de.lains, prezer tu diliver guud kualati uerk an taim.

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