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Crafting a thesis can be a daunting task, particularly when delving into complex topics such as the

Cuban Missile Crisis. The process demands meticulous research, critical analysis, and precise
articulation of ideas. From formulating a research question to conducting extensive literature
reviews, every step requires careful attention to detail. Moreover, structuring the thesis effectively is
crucial for presenting arguments coherently and persuasively.

The Cuban Missile Crisis, a pivotal moment in Cold War history, poses unique challenges for
researchers. It demands not only a comprehensive understanding of the political, military, and
diplomatic dynamics of the era but also a nuanced interpretation of the events leading up to and
following the crisis. Crafting a research paper outline that captures the intricacies of this historical
event requires thorough planning and organization.

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That left Kennedy with diplomacy, a blockade or doing nothing. At the same time, the
reconnaissance flights of America over the Cuba showed that the Soviet missiles were near
operational readiness. Florida, and Miami specifically, are the center of the Cuban American
community. Excom, the Executive Committee of the National Security Council, was secretly called.
Then in April 1961, 1400 Cuban exiles trained by the CIA invaded Cuba at the Bay of Pigs invasion.
Castro now openly paraded his communist sympathies, and the American government would not
tolerate a communist country within their sphere of influence. Nevertheless, considering the
seriousness of the situation and the dangers of war, Kennedy’s actions were quite good. For
Kennedy too was wary of starting war with the USSR.An argument for Soviet victory is that Castro
was still in power after the crisis. Each paragraph in the body of the essay should contain. Historical
and contemporary causes of the event The Cold War in 1962 was at its peak. The giants then signed
their two agreements that are related to the atomic weapons. He inevitably allowed the Soviet Union
to use him for the advancement of the cold war agenda. On examining the historical records closely,
the change of the balance of power was a key motivational factor in Khrushchev’s crucial decision of
deploying the nuclear missiles (Chayes, 1974). Cuba being an island nation sea line of
communication is utmost important for them to maintain their national power in the region. The crisis
occurred when USSR started to build missile sites in Cuba. This is further shown by the fact that in
1963 a teleprinter link was set up between Washington and Moscow, allowing for more direct and
speedy contact between the leaders of the US and the USSR.5i. Source I talks about how Kennedy
beat Khrushchev in the crisis, although it does admit that the US removed its missiles from Turkey
and Italy three months later. According to the text, the Cuban Missile Crisis was not only an issue of
concern for Cuba alone but also the international community. Give me your paper requirements and I
connect you to an academic expert. In these two letters, the vocabulary used gives an impression of
civility and respect to the other leader. Choosing diplomacy would mean months of talks and would
take far too long. Castro was willing to take in the Soviet missiles, even though not entirely on his
terms. Just like Khrushchev, He was willing to accept the nuclear missiles for the sake of expanding
communist ideologies (Chayes, 1974). Also, if Khrushchev could manage to deploy nuclear missiles
on Cuba it would be a huge deterrent to the use of the American missiles, which could destroy all
major Soviet cities as they were positioned in nearby Turkey. Furthermore, both countries started
your competition within the new area, that was the right competition. To do nothing would mean the
threat of missile attack would not be eliminated. Both sources take the view that their own country
won the crisis, although the truth is somewhere between what the. See Full PDF Download PDF See
Full PDF Download PDF Related Papers Cuban Missile Crisis 1 Cuban Missile Crisis Earlier actions
by the United States Trynol Dlinks Download Free PDF View PDF Cuban Missile Crisis: The
Essential Reference Guide Editor. The Cuban Missile Crisis Since the beginning, the United s has
dealt with many adversities since it's inception. He demanded a U2 flight of Cuba and finally got
one on 14 October. Some people considered this to mean that the US has strategic superiority over
the USSR, and some may even say that Khrushchev was afraid of US retaliation if there was war
between the two sides. Based on many American scholars, the deployment of missiles in Cuba were
Khrushchev’s offers to test USA reaction for future war, to demonstrate the USSR nuclear brilliance
for that Soviet and Chinese governments, to assist the united states.
The impacts within the Cuban Missile Crisis were the expansion in communication relating to the
USA along with the USSR. Some people considered this to mean that the US has strategic
superiority over the USSR, and some may even say that Khrushchev was afraid of US retaliation if
there was war between the two sides. However the USSR lied about missiles and he had already
issued them a warning- to do nothing would show another sign of weakness. This dealt Castro a
massive blow since sugar was the livelihood of the economy of Cuba (Chayes, 1974). To do nothing
would mean the threat of missile attack would not be eliminated. Therefore, it’s very fascinating to
understand what happen prior to the crisis, exactly why, the particular occasions within the crisis,
along with the impacts within the crisis (Wealthy 2003, 416-428). They contrast each other greatly,
yet at the same time have one common factor - they both imply that a single victor emerged from the
Cuban Missile Crisis. Due to the agreement, China figured the USSR happen to be weak, and most
importantly, offered its soul for that capitalist camp. However, the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion
showed how reluctant the USA was to become involved in Cuba and how it unsuccessfully tried to
remove Communism from the country; the shooting of the U-2 spy plane on Cuba also showed
Kennedy’s weakness because he was expected to retaliate and he did not. This is further shown by
the fact that in 1963 a teleprinter link was set up between Washington and Moscow, allowing for
more direct and speedy contact between the leaders of the US and the USSR.5i. Source I talks about
how Kennedy beat Khrushchev in the crisis, although it does admit that the US removed its missiles
from Turkey and Italy three months later. In conclusion, the sources are fairly helpful in
understanding motives, although throughout it is important to understand that Khrushchev did not at
any point want to appear weak. They arrived at the Bay of Pigs and tried to overthrow Fidel Castro.
This contributed to an air of needing to get through the crisis and not prolong it to the point when a
nuclear attack of some kind was the only option left for either of the two nations. This meant that
mass destruction by nuclear weapons became abolished entirely (Cuban missile crisis, 2011). It was
the very nature of the crisis itself that pushed the leaders to resolution. This use of tact was wise, as
it would bring a swifter solution to the problem. There was also the apparent likelihood of mutually
assured destruction should either side step over the indefinable boundary set by their “enemy”. The
navy force was set to block the ships heading to Cuba so as to prevent the further building of the
missiles in Cuba. The good side of this is that it would show the USA were serious and put pressure
on Khrushchev and also the USA had a strong navy and could fall back on other options if
necessary. The United States withdrew it missiles from Turkey while the Soviet Union withdrew its
missiles from Cuba (Chayes, 1974). There is also a sign of compromise as President Kennedy would
agree to remove the blockade measures in force around Cuba and gives assurance against an invasion
of Cuba if the Soviets would remove the weapon systems and halt any further introduction of
weapons into Cuba. That left Kennedy with diplomacy, a blockade or doing nothing. The Military-
Industrial Complex and American Society offers over 100 alphabetically organized entries on a wide
of range of significant research bodies and government agencies, as well as important people, events,
and technologies. He was really limited to what he was able to make abort the state of affairs he had
three base thoughts an air work stoppage, a direct invasion, or a colony through the United Nations.
The attitude in Source E, however, is much more stubborn. After the communication between the two
states, Cuba was not happy about it and considered it a betrayal by the soviet government. This
would have resulted in high casualties on both sides, probably would have been in the same light as
the Bay of Pigs failure, and almost definitely would have resulted in the Soviet invasion of Berlin.
The Bay of Pigs invasion, however, was a total disaster. His policies, such as nationalisation, seemed
to confirm their fears and what made it worse was the fact that some of the companies, and land,
taken over by Castro's government, belonged to American citizens. The US government had secretly
offered to remove its missiles located in Turkey.
Khrushchev and the Soviets wanted to test the USA and prove that the USSR was stronger, but he
also wished other countries to feel attracted to socialism. However, for Khrushchev personally, this
crisis did not go good. Those thought to be carrying nuclear warheads turned. It is still uncertain
whether it was a Cuban or Soviet action but t possibility that the local Soviet commander would have
been left in control of nuclear, missiles, if communications with Moscow bro down, was alarming for
both superpowers. As it says in source C, 80 million Americans could be killed. Based on
Khrushchev, his two primary motives would balance the missile gap relating to the USA along with
the USSR, and to prevent any longer America invasion on Cuba (Cimbala 1999, p. 199). Khrushchev
thought that the easiest method to prevent Cuba within the u. s. states invasion ended up being
install missiles in Cuba (Allyn et al 1989-1990, p.138). He believed that could safeguard the Cuban
national pride. Therefore, it’s very fascinating to understand what happen prior to the crisis, exactly
why, the particular occasions within the crisis, along with the impacts within the crisis (Wealthy
2003, 416-428). For instance, the USSR had placed short-range missiles in Cuba that would kill 80
million Americans within five minutes. However, after the second letter he sent to Kennedy, he was
forced to back down since Kennedy had promised to do everything he had asked for and he
threatened him to attack if the Soviet Union did not withdraw. We can also infer that he was very
worried and concerned about this as the meeting with Robert Kennedy was at 9 O’clock in the
morning so it was the first thing on his agenda. He demanded a U2 flight of Cuba and finally got
one on 14 October. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. It would also be very
unpopular in the USA, especially as Kennedy was still considered by some to be 'soft' on
communism, especially after Berlin. It was also apparent that Kennedy wanted to remove missiles
from Turkey before the Cuban crisis had begun, so again in that sense he had not lost anything or
had anything demanded of him which he did not wish to go along with. Not just was this of itself a
menace for that U.S. but apparent ties for that greater Communist power the USSR were inevitable,
along with the U.S. consequently started numerous covert, and frequently misbegotten, efforts to
undermine or eliminate Castro’s government. Kennedy received Khrushchev’s second letter on
October 26. Kennedy already planned to get rid of the Jupiter missiles from Chicken. (Berstein
1980, p. 120-121). Thus, there needs to be hidden agendas under Khrushchev’s actions. A group of
scholars’ claim that President Kennedy’s handling of the looming crisis was extremely dangerous,
provocative and moving both the USSR and the United States to the brink of a full thermonuclear
war (Chayes, 1974). To do nothing would mean the threat of missile attack would not be eliminated.
Soviet Insecurity During Kennedy’s presidential campaign, he had often spoken about the large
missile gap between America and the Soviet Union. Khrushchev had the nuclear weapons removed
from Cuba, and the missile installations were destroyed, in return for a US promise not to invade
Cuba and the ending of the blockade. The tone of this source is also very relaxed and polite as
before there is no need for the urgency that there was before. Like the atmosphere strike, any
military strikes within the Cuban frequently leads the Cubans to deploy missiles in the united states.
With the added bonus of Gromyko being a Soviet citizen, his memoirs would be biased towards
making the USSR appear innocent and righteous, and to make himself seem a successful Foreign
Minister. Events leading to the crisis The US spy planes U2 in October 1962 took pictures of Missile
bases situated in Cuba (Chayes, 1974). At the beginning he did not say he had placed missiles on
Cuba, but then he admitted it. The tone of the source seems to also be fairly stern and serious
although it was taken after the event. The USA could still destroy the USSR so the Russians
wouldn’t use their missiles. Removal of a global nuclear threat With the two superpowers agreeing to
be less aggressive in waging a full scale nuclear war, the world became safer. The Cuban missile crisis
better known in Cuba as the October crisis, and the Caribbean crisis in USSR, occurred in October
1962 during the era of the cold war.
This would prevent Soviet ships, known to be carrying missiles, from reaching Cuba. They decided
against negotiating with Moscow as it would be too slow. This shows why there was conflict
because of the propaganda campaign, also because Cuba was communist so this did not suit the
USA, and Gromyko calls the Americans imperialist’s, but not directly. As CIA agents were caught
and killed with the exiles in this attack at the Bay of Pigs, it was clear that it was USA's hand behind
this. The United States discovered the presence of ballistic missile facilities and instigated a
blockade that prevented more missiles from entering Cuba. The American Political Science Review,
63(3), 689-718. Blight, J.G., Nye, J., and Welch, D.A (1987). The Cuban Missile Crisis Revisited.
Khrushchev took advantage of Kennedy’s insecurity and inexperience at the end of the crisis, by
setting conditions to the removal of the missiles. Any conflict between them was likely to involve
the rest of the word, affecting every country that was allied to either of them. By the autumn of that
year, Eisenhower had decided that the growing influence of communists on the cuban government
was a threat to American interests in Latin America (Andrew 1995; Blum, 1986). The united states.
States also controlled Cuban import quota, divided lands directly into estates, and compelled the
Cuban maqui berries maqui berries maqui berry farmers to develop monoculture crop, that was sugar
(Dye Sicotte 2011, p.674). These USA’s investments in Cuba were massive. In practice, quality
assurance movement in germany, france, britain and gorbachevs soviet union. The USA was very
alarmed at this, and in September Kennedy warned the USSR not to put a nuclear missile base in
Cuba. In addition to the rational actor model, the organization process model and the politics model
will be presented for further comparison between the process in which major decisions are made.
The Cuban Missile Crisis: Was President Kennedy the Saviour of the Cuban Mi. Kennedy already
planned to get rid of the Jupiter missiles from Chicken. (Berstein 1980, p. 120-121). Thus, there
needs to be hidden agendas under Khrushchev’s actions. The direct and indirect communication
between the two superpowers agreed to solve the crisis diplomatically. This is the main reason as to
why America discovered these missile sites in Cuba. Choosing diplomacy would mean months of
talks and would take far too long. After this both leaders tried to prove their strength, with more
nuclear weapons tests and eventually the. Whereas source E disagrees with them as it is from the
Soviet point of view over how the crisis started in Cuba in the first place, and these don’t
necsercerelly all agree with each other fully. In April 1961 John Kennedy supplied 1400 anti-Castro
exiles with arms, equipment and transport to overthrow him. Consequently, 100 everyone was easily
easily wiped out and lots of everybody was taken as political prisoners. The United States then
privately dismantled its missiles in turkey which was not publicly disclosed. Source I is from a book
written in 1980, and talks about how Kennedy had won. This would have resulted in high casualties
on both sides, probably would have been in the same light as the Bay of Pigs failure, and almost
definitely would have resulted in the Soviet invasion of Berlin. Most leaned towards the strategy of
a naval blockade. Khrushchev still had an ally in a small island only 90 miles off the coast of Florida.
However, the mission is a total failure since the Cuban army happen to be awaiting the Cuban exiles
inside the Bay of Pigs. Centre for Economic Performance, 1-40. Chayes, A. (1974). The Cuban
missile crisis: International crises and the role of law. Although this isn’t a reason for involvement in
the conflict, the USSR’s secret intentions were revealed here.

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