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Name of University: The University of the West Indies

Name of Student: Kwan Kent

Student ID: 320099654

Course Title: Supervisory Management 1

Lecturer: Sasha Chatar- Samlalsingh


Assignment : Essay Explaining 5 challenges a supervisor may face in his / her role

Picture this: a vibrant workplace where supervisors, much like captains on a ship, navigate

their teams through the unpredictable seas of daily tasks, work relationships, and interactions,

in their pursuit of organizational success. They wrestle with challenges as real and complex

as the people they lead. These challenges are the hidden currents that can either propel a team

to reach its destination or threaten to capsize it. Supervisors play a vital role in overseeing

and managing a team's performance, ensuring tasks are completed efficiently, and

maintaining a positive work environment, which is incorporated by proper planning,

organizing, leadership, and controlling.

C1: Leading Employees That Were Once Your Peers

Leading people who were once your peers is very common in organizations that stress

“promoting from within.” Although these promotions can be very effective in reducing

employee turnover and ensuring stability in the workforce, this practice can be problematic,

(E.A.S.i-Consult, 2022). This statement is factual because a couple of factors come into place

in this instance. Some of your peers might harbour feelings of resentment or jealousy towards

you. They might feel that they deserve the supervisory position or be unhappy about taking

orders from someone they once considered an equal. These feelings can create tension and

disrupt preexisting chemistry. Fairness and bias are further factors. As a former peer, you

might struggle with bias when making decisions when it comes to performance reviews or

disciplinary measures. It might be difficult to treat your friends fairly and honestly, as it can

be a challenge to consistently strike a balance between your job obligations and personal

C2:Employee Incompetence

Supervisors can decrease their workload by giving employees more autonomy, allowing them

to make more decisions and take on more responsibilities. Some workers, however, cannot

handle such power, lacking either the capability or commitment to handle certain tasks.

Employee incompetence can impact productivity level and accuracy of work and drain

resources. This presents numerous challenges for supervisors that extend beyond individual

job performance. Having this challenge present in an organization is also accepting that a

chain is only as strong as its weakest link because no man is an island. Leading employees

who may not acquire the necessary skills, training, or experience shall be seen as an

opportunity to fill a gap in the region of information to build productivity, motivate, and

boost chemistry.

C3: Adapting to Change

In today's fast-paced business environment, change is constant. Supervisors must adapt to

new technologies, processes, and organizational structures. This challenge requires retraining

and upskilling to stay relevant. Being open to change, seeking professional development

opportunities, and encouraging a culture of adaptability within the working environment can

help supervisors navigate this challenge. There is a saying “Old Ways Die Hard”, and this

quote is profoundly true because after continuous practices and strategies over a certain

period, this state of mind is embedded into your personality and anything that voids it seems

like an attack against your integrity. These modern techniques can be more efficient,

motivating, and productive. No one likes change but change is always essential to an

indefinite magnitude.
C4: Misunderstanding

Supervisors are challenged with misunderstandings which can lead to mistakes, missed

deadlines, conflict and frustration among employees. Misunderstandings can strain resources

that are limited further, as they might require additional training, support, or corrections,

which may not have been budgeted for. If misunderstandings aren't addressed effectively, it

can lead to repeated mistakes which can have long term consequences. “When supervisors

confront issues quickly and directly, they can build a positive work culture in which all

employees feel appreciated. (Reynolds.P, 2022)”. This is certain because in turn, it can lead

to better productivity and more innovation, whilst still grasping the concept of realizing how

minor errors can have major outcomes and just having the knowledge and training of conflict

resolution can overcome them.

C5: Lack of Resources

A key challenge in the role of a supervisor is the lack of resources. Inadequate resources can

also lead to stress and burnout among employees, poor quality of work, and missed deadlines.

“When managers refuse to provide the necessary resources to supervisors and do not modify

their expectations for deliverables, it can lead to negative results. This can also lead to a

greater likelihood that organizational goals would not be achieved (Palmer.J, 2023)”. This is

agreeable because resources are key to completing any task. Resources could be material,

equipment, finance, and human resources. Without these elements, it is exhausting and

discouraging to supervisors and employees.


Incorporating effective planning, organizing, leadership, and controlling, supervisors play a

crucial role in monitoring and managing employees performance, ensuring that tasks are

performed quickly, and keeping a positive work environment.Supervisors play a pivotal role

in the success of any organization, but their path is spreaded with various challenges, such as

leading employees that were once your peers, employee incompetence, adapting to change,

misunderstanding and lack of resources. Supervisors may not be able to supersede every

challenge but it is not unconquerable. By developing the necessary skills, seeking support and

training, and maintaining a commitment to continuous improvement, supervisors can

effectively address these challenges and contribute to the growth and success of their


● E.A.S.i-Consult. (2022, March 1). Five Common Challenges Facing New

Supervisors/Leaders - E·A·S·I–Consult, LLC. E·a·S·I–Consult, LLC.


● P, Reynolds (2022, October 31). Preventing and Managing Team Conflict -

Professional Development | Harvard DCE. (2022, October 31). Professional

Development | Harvard DCE.

● Palmer, J. (2023, May 4). How to Deal with Lack of Resources at Work - The

Ultimate Guide.EggcellentWork.




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