Kelsiotan Confederated Colonies

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(All Names that are English words pressed together are translated from Kelsiotan)

Kelsiotan Confederated Colonies

Species: Kelsiote
The Kelsiotes are a simple people, innate tendencies make them ill-suited for urban
life, nurtured by their lives on the waves, the Nomadic Kelsiotes work together to maintain
peace within the confederacy

Being Nomadic, the Kelsiotes are almost always on the move, with their floating
cities drifting across the waves, their Aquatic lifestyle tends to cause them to struggle more
with life on land instead of at sea.

Working together Communally, the Kelsiotes have learned to live close to one
another, as each house is more weight, and keeping boats light is better for mobility. Though
they are proficient fishermen, their stress when engaging in combat leaves them
Psychologically Infertile, combat this, the Kelsiotes are known to fight brutally to get back
to being peaceful as soon as possible.

Thin and slim, the Kelsiotes are surprisingly light and cooperative, working together
in their rural boat towns to help each other up, viewing life different from themselves with
interest instead of disgust, the Kelsiotes take the life of simplicity, likely to end up a vassal for
a shot at peaceful cooperation, though their semi-formal government has kept a taste of
freedom in their people's mouths, one that they would rather not lose.

Confederacy Ethics
The Kelsiotan Confederated Colonies sit pretty moderate in the field of ethics, not
taking any side too strongly yet, but able to shift if the need arises, the subtlest of their ethics
is Materialism, more a representation of their reliance on trade and their general beliefs in
minimal regulation, though anti-monopoly laws exist within the confederacy, companies like
United Trawling still hold most of the fishing industry, though private fisheries own enough to
prevent a proper monopoly from forming.

Contrasting this, their strongest moderate ethic is Pacifism, wars on Halehome were
deadly and brutal, with floating towns sinking quickly, this has led the Kelsiotan people to
pursue peace through any means necessary, including violence, and through the “Navy” of
the confederacy consists of fishing trawlers and cargo haulers, the prevalence of piracy
within Kelsiotan space has armed them for war regardless.

Their final ethic is Xenophile, ever since the possibilities of alien life were discussed,
the knowledge that they would be different was discussed and accepted, fighting another
being risks damage to oneself, if another species wants to help us, then their help will place
them in harms way before us, and though any loss is sad, our people, whatever they are, are
our top priority to protect.

Confederacy Civics
Fishermen by heart, the Anglers of the Kelsiotes have played an important role in life
for generations, living on the waves means that fish are plentiful, so investments to improve
the yields of our fishermen and pearl divers are worth it. Cities may specialize into different
paths, but all contain at least a few fisheries, whether owned by United Trawling or

Ill-suited for Urban living, the Agrarian Idyll’s of Halehome are a simple people,
small boat towns dot the waves and even the densest cities are larger towns, to represent
this, each district on my planet represents a specialized settlement, paying their resource
production in taxes to the confederacy, and buildings are spread among them as fit.

Halehome: an Ocean Paradise

Large and prominent, Halehome has been home for the Kelsiotan people forever, its
bountiful seas and verdant coral reefs have allowed the sea-faring people of Halehome to
prosper, living solely on the waves can have its struggles, but its advantage is that food
swims right into the nets cast from your boats pier, and it lets life be simple, your problems
melting away in the sea breeze.

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