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OOC Summary

The Cevantian Defence Front is a Fearful Militarist empire, attempting to warm up to

the galaxy around them but still struggling with historically rooted bigotries against things
they do not understand, they desire deeply to disprove their own theories about the dangers
of the alien kind, but are constantly burning bridges and slowing the growth of friendships out
of fear and misunderstanding, they can talk a big talk, but almost all threats that may be
delivered are all bark and no bite.
They are willing to declare wars to vassalise. Still, they will tend to have more open
terms, using the vassalisation just to ensure their own safety, though with their attitudes, I
suspect they may end up the vassal rather than the overseer. Vassalisation functions for
them more like an egalitarian hegemony, a series of complex bureaucratic agreements that
is designed to limit the potential of conflict between the nations as a sort of forced friendship,
something to keep their enemies content and at arms length rather than a punishment,
though whether the nation is competent enough to pull off a successful vassalage remains to
be seen.

Height: 4’5”- 5’3”
When Threatened, can temporarily extend their height to close to 6ft by fluffing out
their leaves
Weight: 63-112 lbs
Lifespan: 70-80 years
Diet: mostly Herbivorous, with small amounts of fish in the diet
Sexes: generally indeterminate, any member can fill either role
Reproduction: cross-pollination in group pollination sessions
The Cevantian people evolved due to the dangerous storms that once covered their
homeworld, the plants that later evolved into the Cevantians slowly evolved movement and
the neural capacity to move efficiently. Slowly they became a sentient species due to
environmental pressure.
Once known as the Cevantian Federation, a decentralised empire of several
nation-states, they were invaded by a nation larger than them, their peaceful ways were
shattered as nations fell beneath the rubble, and the survivors hid on their homeworld to
survive the devastation that fell upon their people, their shining beacon of progress, an
ecumenopolis was reduced to a shattered husk of ruins, a symbol of their broken nation
Unification didn’t come the way the Cevantians expected, but the war didn’t leave the
nation much choice, the rest of their nations didn’t survive, their worlds were reduced to
nothingness in the blink of an eye, and unification was deemed the only way to survive in
their early days. And has persisted until the modern era.
Exactly how FTL was first discovered has been wiped from the databanks of history,
but how got their hands on FTL tech is known, the blueprints for interstellar drives were
found by scavenging crews digging through a ruined science complex, and it didn’t take long
to find an old science craft to patch up and depart for the stars, paranoid of the future.

Culture, Society & Economy

The morals of the Cevantian Defence Front are mostly driven by fear, freedom, and
Survival, still exiting a post-apocalyptic era of its history, but above all else, Safety and
Security are the Key tenants of the Cevantian government.
As of 2100, there is no class system within the society of the Cevantians, but a class
system is likely to form if xenos end up as citizens of the defence front, as fear would
prevent the general populace from viewing them as equal, it's not so much that they can’t
run for office, but everyone is too scared to vote for them.
Many political factions exist within the decentralised governance of the Cevantian
defence front, with conflicting ideals between them, though there are dozens of minor
political groups, there are three main parties worth talking about
The Isolation Party is a party popular among the oldest members of the nation, this
party believes that leaving the safety of the system is a bad idea itself, almost always
outvoted by the other two major parties, only winning when one of the other parties
confidence wavers, paranoid elders and doomsday preppers tend to vote Isolationist. The
xenos are to be feared by the Isolation party
The United Party is a party focused on expanding, and reuniting their old colonies
back into the fold. it tends to be popular with the majority of the population, with its sights set
out on their old horizons, the United party only recently came to prominence after the
science craft was founded, they argue that sitting still is the dangerous thing to do and that
expansion is the way forward, Scientists and Egalitarians tend to vote United. The xenos are
misunderstood by the United party
The Defence Party is focused on the production of fleets and other defensive
measures required to keep the nation prepared in the event of war, they currently have sided
with the United party in conquest, but often when tensions rise, those who don’t want to vote
Isolation vote Defence, Defence is willing to stand their ground, unlike isolation, and unlike
United, they don’t negotiate, the xenos is a threat to the Defence party
The Economy of the Cevantian Defence Front is highly militarised, as the Defence
party is currently winning seats in the industrial sectors of the nation, with currency being
extinct since the collapse, the nation trades more directly, though the currency is beginning
to see use very slightly in order to allow those whose jobs don’t produce tangible goods to
still eat and like their lives.
Ethics are represented by the three political factions fighting for control, whether it is
the xenophobic Isolationist party, the Egalitarian United party, and the Militarist Defence
party. Citizen service is done due to the fear of being unprepared, not everyone has to be
deployed, but they all must learn how to fight, should the need arise. Scavenger is a leftover
trait from their life on a relic world.

The Cevantian Defence Front is run by a council, elected to their seats by the people.
Who then elects a member amongst themselves to sit at the head of the table, this
government works somewhat like an oligarchy. The council makes decisions through internal
voting, separated and isolated from the rest of the nation, decision making usually takes a
month to reach the floor, but it can take upwards of a year for minor decisions and as short
as a week for major emergencies, or where the council is all in agreement
The Cevantian council is always looked at suspiciously by the population of the
defence front, it is kept due to the uncertainty of these times, but it corruption begins to take
hold, things could escalate quickly, and everyone has military training, disputes between the
populace are regulated due to a rule within the nation where a majority vote within the
populace of their nation can cast a revote for the members of the council, and a majority vote
can remove any one member in the meantime.

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