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Complete. Use Passive voice in the Present or Past Simple.

1 Paper ………………………… from plastic; it ……………….from wood. (not make)

2 President ………………………….. in New York; he ……………………. in Dallas.
(not kill)(kill)
3 The last Olympic Games ………………………… in China. (hold)
4 The famous painting Sunflowers …………………………by Van Gogh. (paint)
5 A winning lottery ticket ………………………….. in the street last week. (find)
6 The ticket ………………………….to the owner. (return)
7 The man who returned the ticket ……………………. $1.2 million as a reward for his
honesty. (give)
8 In the UK, 30,000 cars ……………………………. (sell) every day.
9 The euro ………………….in 2001. (introduce)
10 Before money existed, products and services ……………………………… in a
system called ‘barter’ (exchange)
11 Before there were notes and coins, different things ………………………….as
money, for example, shells or salt. (use) Coins …………………………….. until
much later. (not produce)
12 Only 10% of the world’s glass ………………………………….. (recycle)
13 When ………………………………………………… ? (the first coins/find)
14 They ………………………………… more than 2,500 years ago.(make)
15 When …………………………………………………...? (banknotes/invent)
16 They ……………………………..until 1,000 in China. (invent)
17 Most of the world’s olives ………………………… Spain. (produce)
18 More than 25, 000 new houses ………………….. in London every year.
19 More than 25, 000 new houses ……………………in London last year.
20 Computers …………………………everywhere. (use)

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