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Greyhawk Rebooted - 576CY

In -1,000 CY the House Schnai, after they reached certain regions upon which
a short struggle, took the throne of the their gods were said to show favour. In
Imperium. Ovrung the First managed to these places, the Olman established great
restore the Imperium to a shadow of it’s cities, cutting back the jungle around
former self for a short time. them for farmland. Several highly stylized
maps found in the government center of
Tamoachan hint that there were seven
Route of the Olman such cities built in the Amedio, with many
smaller villages and farming communities
Far to southeast of the Imperium in surrounding them.
Hepmonaland, a another mass migration
of Olman royalty and citizens took place, Each city and the land around it was
including an often-depicted sea voyage treated as a separate kingdom, the city
that appears to show the Olman crossing itself being the capital. All cities were
the Densac Gulf from Hepmonaland and united under one great priest-queen in
arriving on the shores of the Amedio a capitol building, the location of which
Jungle. This happened about -1,000 remains unclear. (It was evidently not in
CY. From there, they spread out, first Tamoachan.) The Amedio cities were at
to the Olman Islands and ultimately the first treated as colonies of the old Olman
Amedio Jungle, cutting and burning civilization in Hepmonaland, but in -805
huge pathways through the jungle until CY the Amedio Olman culture declared

42 Greyhawk Rebooted 576CY is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan WotC Content Policy.

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