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Nutrition Volume 18, Number 9, 2002 Editorial Opinions 773

8. Cynober L. Les pharmaconutriments azotés: du tube à essai à la pratique clinique. perspective should be kept in mind, and amino acid physiology and
Nutr Clin Metabol 2001;15:131 pathophysiology should be interpreted in this light.
9. Fürst P. New developments in glutamine delivery. J Nutr 2001;131(suppl):2562 A comprehensive view of amino acid physiology, pathophys-
10. Houdijk AP, Rijnsburger ER, Jansen J, et al. Randomized trial of glutamine-
iology, and their potential clinical use should take into account at
enriched enteral nutrition on infectious morbidity in patients with multiple
trauma. Lancet 1998;352:772
least three interpretative levels: fuel, building blocks for proteins,
11. Cynober L, Coudray-Lucas C, De Bandt JP, et al. Action of ornithine alpha- and signals. Amino acids as fuel have been perceived somewhat in
ketoglutarate, ornithine hydrochloride and calcium alpha-ketoglutarate on plasma contrast with amino acids as building blocks for proteins. The
amino acid and hormonal patterns in healthy subjects. J Am Coll Nutr 1990;9:2 diversion of amino acid flux from oxidation into protein incorpo-
12. Anglade P, Arnaud PH, Brion F, Postaire E. Stabilité de l’␣-cétoglutarate ration to preserve protein mass may be desirable because protein
d’ornithine dans les solutions pour nutrition parentérale. Gastroenterol Clin Biol depletion greater than 25% leads to death. Nonetheless, amino
1990;14:370 acids are an important fuel for several tissues: postabsorptively,
13. Darmaun D. Glutamine and glutamate nitrogen exchangeable pools in cultured their oxidation supports 15% of the resting energy expenditure.
fibroblast: a stable isotope study. J Cell Physiol 1988;134:143
During exercise, muscle amino acids may produce significant
14. Hasebe M, Suzuki H, Mori E, et al. Glutamate in enteral nutrition: can glutamate
replace glutamine in supplementation to enteral nutrition in burned rats? JPEN
amounts of energy via oxidative deamination of aspartate to pro-
1999;23:S78 vide ammonia for the synthesis of AMP from IMP and interme-
15. Chambon-Savanovitch C, Farges MC, Raul R, et al. Can a glutamate-enriched diates for the citric acid cycle. Among the amino acids readily
diet counteract glutamine depletion in endotoxemic rats? J Nutr Biochem 1999; converted to aspartate, there are glutamine and glutamate, the most
10:331 abundant amino acids in the body, especially concentrated in the
16. Cynober L. The use of ␣-ketoglutarate salts in clinical nutrition and metabolic muscle. During feeding, the splanchnic bed extracts and immedi-
care. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 1999;2:33 ately oxidizes a large amount of the enteral non-essential amino
17. Cynober L. Ornithine ␣-ketoglutarate. In: Cynober L, ed. Amino acid metabolism acids, including the totality of glutamate and the majority of
and therapy in health and nutritional disease. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1995:385
glutamine and alanine. Glutamine in turn is an important fuel for
18. Wirén M, Adrian F, Hammarqvist KE, et al. The effects of a new amino-acid
dipeptide solution on nitrogen balance and humoral growth factors in the post-
the intestine and the immune system, and its depletion is synony-
operative state in man. Clin Nutr 1995;14:97 mous with organ dysfunction. Glutamine is a “conditionally es-
sential” amino acid because, in certain conditions, glutamine de
PII S0899-9007(02)00901-2 novo synthesis is not sufficient to meet its endogenous require-
ments.2 These lines of evidence support the idea that amino acid
supplementation for oxidation is important, especially when the
Amino Acids: Fuel, Building Blocks requirements increase during pathologic processes.
Amino acids as precursors for protein anabolism is the second
for Proteins, and Signals important level at which amino acid metabolism should be con-
sidered. It is well known that the limitation in single amino acid
availability limits the entire protein synthetic rate. The diversion of
INTRODUCTION specific amino acids into oxidation may imbalance the free pool
available for protein synthesis. The imbalance in turn may reduce
Amino acid physiology is a field of particular complexity because protein synthesis. For this reason, it is necessary that, for each
of the number of amino acids and their multiple specific func- clinical condition, the amino acid requirements for oxidation are
tions.1 Based on present knowledge, it is not possible to com- completely understood and correctly met by amino acid supple-
pletely describe their individual kinetics and metabolic actions and mentation. However, a balanced pool of amino acids for protein
simultaneously depict their interaction in regulating protein syn- synthesis is necessary but insufficient to promote protein anabo-
thesis. As a consequence, the interpretation of plasma amino acid lism. Amino acid administration increases protein synthesis in
profiles in pathologic conditions is more phenomenic than mech- healthy humans, but clinical experience shows that amino acid
anistic, and the choice of the optimal amino acid mix supplemen- overfeeding in the critically ill patient simply increases amino acid
tation for therapeutic purposes is based largely on empiric criteria. oxidation and not protein synthesis. This frustrating event during
In this issue of Nutrition, Dr. Cynober describes the state of the art catabolic illness reflects an adverse hormonal and cytokine milieu
for using amino acid concentrations as a valuable tool in the that increases proteolysis and accelerates the use of specific amino
clinical setting. He correctly points out that plasma concentrations acids. Among the factors, cortisol is a major protein catabolic
do not necessarily reflect fluxes, the most appropriate parameters hormone that also increases the glutamine flux.3 A prominent
to supply over time the correct amount of a given amino acid. feature of the protein catabolic mode in critically ill patients is the
Serial plasma amino acid measurements in response to a dynamic resistance to the metabolic actions of insulin. The cellular bases for
test (the enteral supplementation) might improve our insight into the regulation of protein synthesis have been recently elucidated.
amino acid requirements. It is generally felt that formulating the Several kinases (p70S6 kinase, mitogen-activated protein kinases,
correct balance of an amino acid solution for enteral infusion is the and PHAS-1) affect ribosomal activity and are regulated in a
key to meet the requirements in specific clinical situations. The complex fashion by upstream mediators depending on hormone
latter objective, to exactly match each amino acid requirement with signals.4 The signals resulting from the insulin interaction with its
its supplementation, is logical and extremely important to prevent own receptor and leading to protein anabolism are subject to
the potentially harmful effects of amino acid overfeeding or under- modulation by catabolic hormones such as cortisol and by inflam-
replacement. Present knowledge, however, suggests that some matory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-␣. In addition to
amino acids (e.g., glutamine, arginine, and branched-chain forms) amino acid precursor availability, intracellular signaling is impor-
could be used as drugs to promote some desirable effects such as tant to regulate protein anabolism, and its modulation should be
protein anabolism, immunotrophism, or nitric oxide generation. taken into account in nutritional strategies.
Amino acid supplementation “beyond their requirements” would Interestingly, the intracellular signaling pathways that were
significantly change this approach; even though it is not presently initially described in terms of hormone-responsive transduction
possible to devise clear clinical procedures for this approach, this elements also respond to nutrient stimuli. It is now clear that amino
acids are such modulators.5,6 In various mammalian tissues includ-
ing the myocardium, the skeletal muscle, and the liver, amino acids
Correspondence to: Alberto Battezzati, MD, Nutrition Section, DiSTAM, (branched chain) activate p70S6 kinase and PHAS-1.7–9 Such
Università degli Studi di Milano, Via G. Colombo, 60, 20131 Milano, Italy. important modulators of protein synthesis are affected in a com-
E-mail: plex fashion and at various levels with insulinlike and insulin
774 Editorial Opinions Nutrition Volume 18, Number 9, 2002

antagonistic effects. In particular, amino acids inhibit early pos-

treceptor steps in insulin action, including tyrosine phosphoryla- Metabolic Syndrome X Is Common
tion of insulin receptor substrate proteins and activation of
phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase, ending in insulin resistance for glu-
in South Asians, But Why and How?
cose metabolism but in insulin potentiation for protein synthesis. The fact that South Asians (people with ancestry in the countries
An important contribution to cell anabolism is provided by glu- of the Indian subcontinent), who comprise more than one-fifth of
tamine via a peculiar mechanism, i.e., cell swelling mediated by its the world’s population, are highly likely to develop insulin-
cellular inflow. Cell swelling in turn activates mitogen-activated resistance, type 2 diabetes mellitus, essential hypertension, hyper-
lipidemia, and coronary heart disease (CHD), which come under
protein kinases in the liver and promotes the reduction of glyco-
the umbrella of metabolic syndrome X, as compared with the
genolysis and proteolysis.10 The glutamine stimulation of
Western population is now well established.1–3 As suggested by
mitogen-activated protein kinases in other tissues has multiple Misra,4 there seems to be a coexistence of nutritional deficiencies
implications ranging from mitogenic stimulation of enterocytes to and appreciable overnutrition in the form of obesity in South
prevention of apoptosis.11 Apoptosis in turn is prevented by nitric Asians. Although malnutrition (both malnutrition and overnutri-
oxide, whose availability is modulated by the precursor amino tion can be considered malnutrition) explains the high incidence of
acid, arginine.12,13 These are just examples and do not include the metabolic syndrome X to some extent, it is likely that this alone
important role that many amino acids have in the generation of cannot be the reason for the overall increase in the incidence of this
transmitters, especially in the nervous system. All evidence points epidemic. Genetics certainly play a major role in the high preva-
to a major role of amino acids in cell signaling. This field is rapidly lence of metabolic syndrome X in South Asians. But it is not yet
evolving, and much more knowledge will be available in the next certain how the so-called genetic factors interact with their nutri-
few years. tional deficiencies, and how such an interaction might translate
In conclusion, amino acids for clinical purposes should not be ultimately into the onset of various diseases. If this interaction is
viewed simply as building blocks for protein synthesis, but as the understood, then therapeutic and preventive measures can be ini-
most important and variegate nutrient modulators of cell functions. tiated that may reduce the incidence and impact of these modern
When we understand the rules for manipulating cellular patho- diseases in this vulnerable population.
physiologic processes by their administration, we will have a The established risk factors in South Asians include low con-
powerful and relatively inexpensive tool to revert the catabolic centrations of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, hyper-
condition in the critically ill. triglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia, abdominal obesity, high
prevalence of type 2 diabetes and hypertension, and lack of exer-
Alberto Battezzati, MD cise (sedentary lifestyle).1,2 Insulin resistance is nearly universal in
Patrizia Riso, PhD all these conditions. Hyperinsulinemia may be a consequence of
this, but insulin resistance may differ and may not occur in all
Università degli Studi di Milano tissues of the body. For instance, adipose tissue is not resistant to
Istituto Scientifico H. San Raffaele insulin in the early stages of whole-body insulin resistance,5 but
Milan, Italy muscle is resistant very early in the progression of metabolic
syndrome X.6 This emphasized the importance of exercise in the
prevention and treatment of insulin resistance.
South Asians may be more susceptible to established risk
factors, which may in part be determined by genetics. One dom-
inant risk factor that is nearly universal is the presence of abdom-
REFERENCES inal obesity (central deposition of fat) in South Asians, but whether
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