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Part 1 ..........................................................................................................................4
1. Work ............................................................................................................................ 4
2. Study ........................................................................................................................... 4
3. Hometown ................................................................................................................... 4
4. The area you live in ..................................................................................................... 4
5. Accommodation ........................................................................................................... 5

6. Health .......................................................................................................................... 5
7. Language...................................................................................................................... 5
8. Dream and Ambition .................................................................................................... 5
9. The city you live in ....................................................................................................... 6
10. Ice cream.................................................................................................................... 6
11. Concentration ............................................................................................................ 6
12. Fixing things .............................................................................................................. 6
13. Friends........................................................................................................................ 6
14. Week ......................................................................................................................... 7
15. Rain ........................................................................................................................... 7
16. Day off ....................................................................................................................... 7
17. Bags .......................................................................................................................... 7
18. Teachers .................................................................................................................... 7
19. Wild animals .............................................................................................................. 8
20. Riding a bike............................................................................................................... 8

21. Fishing ....................................................................................................................... 8
22. Films .......................................................................................................................... 8
23. Transport ................................................................................................................... 8
24. Clothing ..................................................................................................................... 9
25. Geography.................................................................................................................. 9
26. Helping others ........................................................................................................... 9
27. Tea and Coffee .......................................................................................................... 9
28. Noise ......................................................................................................................... 9
29. Musical instrument.................................................................................................... 10
30. Map........................................................................................................................... 10
31. Gifts ......................................................................................................................... 10
32. Robots ..................................................................................................................... 10
33. Running ................................................................................................................... 10
34. Chatting ................................................................................................................... 11

Part 2 人物类.......................................................................................................... 12

新增题 ................................................................................................................ 12
1. 想法有趣的⼈ ............................................................................................................ 12
2. 成功商⼈ ................................................................................................................... 12
3. 中⽂说得好的外国⼈ ................................................................................................. 13
4. 钦佩的运动员 ............................................................................................................ 13
5. 想⻅的有趣的⼈ ......................................................................................................... 14
6. 喜欢烹饪的⼈ ............................................................................................................ 14
7. 感兴趣的名⼈ ............................................................................................................ 15
保留题 ................................................................................................................ 15
8. 帮助别⼈的⼈ ............................................................................................................ 15
9. 受欢迎的⼈ ................................................................................................................ 16
10. 为社区带来积极影响的⼈ ........................................................................................ 16
11. 搬到新家的熟⼈ ....................................................................................................... 17
地点类 新增题 .................................................................................................... 17
12. 美丽城市 ................................................................................................................. 17
13. 城⾥的公园或花园 ................................................................................................... 18
14. 感兴趣的地⽅ .......................................................................................................... 18
保留题 ................................................................................................................ 19
15. 新开的店 ................................................................................................................. 19
16. 未来想去的遥远地⽅ ............................................................................................... 19
17. ⼈多的地⽅ .............................................................................................................. 20
18. 理想的房⼦/公寓 ...................................................................................................... 20
事件类 新增题 .................................................................................................... 21
19. 等待美好事情 .......................................................................................................... 21
20. 电脑罢⼯ ................................................................................................................. 21
保留题 ................................................................................................................ 22
21. 重要决定 ................................................................................................................. 22
22. 汽⻋旅⾏ ................................................................................................................. 22
23. 冒险 ........................................................................................................................ 23
24. 演讲经历 ................................................................................................................. 23
25. 童年快乐经历 .......................................................................................................... 24
26. 和⼩孩共度时光 ....................................................................................................... 24
27. 获得错误信息 .......................................................................................................... 25
28. 迷路 ......................................................................................................................... 25
物品类 新增题 .................................................................................................... 26
29. 感到⾃豪的困难任务 ............................................................................................... 26
30. 好建议 ..................................................................................................................... 26
31. 有⽤的⼴告 .............................................................................................................. 27
32. 糟糕服务 ................................................................................................................. 27
33. 感兴趣的科学领域 ................................................................................................... 28

34. 好的⼈⽣变化 .......................................................................................................... 28
35. 学校/⼯作中的重要规则 ........................................................................................... 29
36. 累⼈的活动 .............................................................................................................. 29
37. 聚会 ......................................................................................................................... 30
38. ⼀幅画 ..................................................................................................................... 30
39. 让你开⼼的照⽚ ....................................................................................................... 31
保留题 ................................................................................................................ 31
40. 发明 ......................................................................................................................... 31
41. 让你失望的电影 ....................................................................................................... 32
42. 多次阅读的书 .......................................................................................................... 32
43. 喜欢穿的⾐服 .......................................................................................................... 33
44. ⽔上运动 ................................................................................................................. 33
45. 运动节⽬ ................................................................................................................. 34
46. 存钱买贵重的礼物 ................................................................................................... 34
47. 有趣的⼯作 .............................................................................................................. 35
48. 传统节⽇ ................................................................................................................. 35
49. 童年游戏 ................................................................................................................. 36

Part 1


1. Work

1) What work do you do?

2 ) Why did you choose to do that type of work ( or that job) ?
3 ) Do you like your job?
4 ) Is it very interesting?
5 ) Do you miss being a student?
6) What technologies do you often use at work?

2. Study

1) What subject(s) are you studying? / What is your major?

2) Why did you choose to study that subject( major) ?
3) Is it very interesting?
4) Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?
5) Why do some people find it difficult to focus in the morning?
6) What do you do to improve your learning efficiency?

3. Hometown

1) What’s the name of your hometown?

2) Is it a big city or a small place?
3) How long have you been living there?
4) Do you like your hometown?
5) What do you like ( most) about your hometown?
6) Is there anything you dislike about it?
7) Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?

4. The area you live in

1) Do you like the area that you live in?

2 ) What are some changes in the area recently?
3 ) Do you know any famous people in your area?
4) Where do you like to go in that area?

5. Accommodation

1) Do you live in a house or a flat?

2 ) Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?
3 ) Do you plan to live there for a long time?
4 ) Can you describe the place where you live?
5 ) Which room does your family spend most of the time in?
6 ) Are the transport facilities to your home very good?
7 ) Please describe the room you live in.
8 ) What part of your home do you like best?
9 ) Are you willing to live in the countryside in the future?


6. Health

1) How do you keep healthy?

2) What is your favorite sport?
3) Are there health classes in your school?
4) What sports keep people healthy?
5) Is it easy for people to exercise in your country?

7. Language

1) What languages can you speak?

2) What languages would you like to learn in the future?
3) How do you learn a foreign language?
4) How are languages taught and learned in your school?

8. Dream and Ambition

1) What was your childhood dream?

2) Are you the kind of person who sticks to dreams?
3) What is your dream job?
4) Do you think you are an ambitious person? / Would you describe yourself
as a very ambitious person?

9. The city you live in

1) What city do you live in?

2) Do you like this city? Why?
3) How long have you lived in this city?
4) Are there big changes in this city?
5) Is this city your permanent residence?

10. Ice cream

1) Do you like ice cream?

2) Do you eat ice cream a lot?
3) Did you eat ice cream when you were a child?
4) Are there shops selling ice cream near the place where you live?
5) Would you like to make your own ice cream?

11. Concentration

1) Did you stay focused in class when you were a child?

2) Are you a focused person?
3) How do you stay focused?
4) Is it easy to stay focused in a noisy environment?

12. Fixing things

1) Can you fix things?

2) Did anybody teach you to fix things when you were a child?
3) Do you think it is necessary for people to learn to fix things?
4) What do you do when a thing is broken and cannot be fixed?

13. Friends

1) How important are friends to you?

2) Do you often go out with your friends?
3) Where do you often meet each other?
4) What do you usually do with your friends?

14. Week

1) Which day is your favorite day of the week?

2) What is your least favorite day?
3) Is there anything that you do every day?
4) What is the busiest day of the week for you?
5) What do you usually do on weekends?
6) Are weekdays and weekends the same for you?

15. Rain

1) Do you like rainy days?

2) Does it rain much in your city?
3) Would you like to live in a place that is dry or wet?
4) Would you change your plan if it rained?

16. Day off

1) When was the last time you had a few days off?
2) What do you usually do when you have your days off?
3) Do you usually spend your days off with your parents or with your friends?
4) What would you like to do if you had a day off tomorrow?

17. Bags

1) Do you usually carry a bag?

2) Do you change your bags often?
3) What kind of bags would you use when travelling?
4) Is a bag an ideal gift?
5) Did you use a backpack when you were a child?

18. Teachers

1) Do you want to be a teacher in the future?

2) Do you remember one of your teachers?
3) Do you have a favorite teacher?
4) What were your primary school teachers like?

19. Wild animals

1) Are there wild animals in your country?

2) Have you ever been to a zoo or a safari park?
3) What is the animal you would like to see in the wild?
4) Are there TV programs about wild animals in your country?

20. Riding a bike

1) How popular are bicycles in your hometown?

2) How often do you ride a bicycle?
3) Do you think that bicycles are suitable for all ages?
4) What are the advantages of a bicycle compared to a car?


21. Fishing

1) Is fishing popular in your country?

2) Do you like eating fish?
3) Have you ever been to a place where there are lots of fish around you?
4) Have you seen any movies with lots of fish?

22. Films

1) What films do you like?

2) Did you often watch films when you were a child?
3) Did you ever go to the cinema alone as a child?
4) Do you often go to the cinema with your friends?
5) Do you think going to the cinema is a good way to spend time with

23. Transport

1) How do you go to work or go to school?

2) What’ s the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?
3) How far is it from your home to work or to school?
4) Do you think people will drive more in the future?

24. Clothing

1) What kind of clothes do you like to wear?

2) Do you like wearing T-shirts?
3) Do you prefer to wear comfortable and casual clothes or smart clothes?
4) Do you spend a lot of time choosing clothes?

25. Geography

1) Have you ever learnt about geography in school?

2) Did you like learning geography when you were in school?
3) How do you like geography?
4) Do you want to be a geography teacher?
5) Do you think it’ s useful to learn geography in your life?

26. Helping others

1) Do you usually help people around you?

2) What have you done to help the elderly?
3) Do your parents teach you how to help others?
4) Did your parents help you a lot when you were young?
5) How do you help people around you, such as neighbors, family and

27. Tea and Coffee

1) Do people like tea and coffee nowadays?

2) Do you prefer to use tea or coffee to serve your guests?
3) When was the last time you had a cup of coffee?
4) Do you usually buy your coffee in a coffee shop?

28. Noise

1) Do you mind noises?

2) Are cities becoming noisier?
3) Are there any sounds that you like?
4) Where can you hear loud noise?
5) Do you think there’ s too much noise in modern society?
6) What types of noise do you come across in your daily life?
7) Is making noise one of people’s rights?

29. Musical instrument

1) Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?

2) What musical instruments do you enjoy listening to the most?
3) Do you think children should learn to play an instrument at school?
4) Do you think music education is important for children?

30. Map

1) Do you often use maps?

2) Do you use paper maps?
3) How often do you use maps on your phone?
4) Do you have maps at home?

31. Gifts

1) Have you ever sent handmade gifts to others?

2) Have you ever received a great gift?
3) How to choose a gift?
4) Do you think you are good at choosing gifts?

32. Robots

1) Are robots important?

2) How can robots affect people' s lives?
3) Are you interested in robots?
4) Would you like robots to work at home?
5) Do you want to take a car in which a robot is a driver?

33. Running

1) Do you often run?

2) Where do you usually go running?
3) How often do you go for a run?
4) Do you think running is a good way to stay healthy?

34. Chatting

1) Do you like chatting with friends?

2) Do you often chat with friends?
3) Do you prefer to communicate face- to- face or via social media?
4) Do you argue with friends?
5) Do you prefer to chat with a group of people or with only one friend?


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