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Title: The Challenge of Crafting a Comprehensive Schizophrenia Research Paper

Crafting a thesis on schizophrenia is an intricate task that demands a profound understanding of the
subject matter, extensive research skills, and the ability to present complex information coherently.
Scholars and students often find themselves grappling with the complexities of this mental health
disorder, making the thesis-writing process a challenging endeavor.

Schizophrenia, with its multifaceted nature, requires an in-depth exploration of various aspects,
including its causes, symptoms, treatment modalities, and societal impact. Gathering reliable and up-
to-date information from diverse sources is crucial, as the field of mental health is dynamic and
continually evolving. The sheer volume of literature, studies, and clinical data adds an extra layer of
complexity to the research process.

One of the primary challenges lies in maintaining a balance between the technical intricacies of the
subject matter and the need for accessibility to a broader audience. Communicating complex
scientific concepts in a clear and comprehensible manner is a skill that many find elusive. Striking
this balance is essential for ensuring that the research paper not only meets academic standards but
also contributes to the wider understanding of schizophrenia.

Time constraints and the pressure to adhere to stringent academic deadlines further compound the
difficulty of crafting a thesis on schizophrenia. The need for meticulous planning, thorough research,
and careful organization can be overwhelming, especially for individuals juggling other academic or
personal commitments.

Recognizing the challenges that students and scholars face, the option to seek professional assistance
becomes increasingly appealing. ⇒ ⇔ offers a reliable solution for those looking
to alleviate the burdens associated with writing a comprehensive schizophrenia research paper. With
a team of experienced writers well-versed in the intricacies of mental health research, the platform
provides a valuable resource for those seeking expert guidance.

By opting for assistance from ⇒ ⇔, individuals can access a wealth of knowledge,
expertise, and support in navigating the complexities of schizophrenia research. The platform's
commitment to quality ensures that the final thesis not only meets academic standards but also stands
as a testament to the depth of understanding and insight gained through meticulous research.

In conclusion, writing a thesis on schizophrenia is a formidable undertaking, requiring a unique

blend of research skills, clarity in communication, and a deep understanding of the subject matter.
For those seeking a reliable and effective solution to overcome these challenges, ⇒
⇔ stands as a valuable ally in the journey towards crafting a comprehensive and impactful research
paper on schizophrenia.
Prevention Wide research has been conducted by the scientist to ascertain the root cause of
schizophrenia. Cognitive symptoms are related to thinking and memory. Cross Cultural Factors The
rate of schizophrenia across all cultures is quite similar based on the research conducted by different
scientists. This research has impacted families and relationships. Furthermore, individuals who are
genetically predisposed to. For catatonic Schizophrenia, a patient exhibits two or more of the named
symptoms (Harvey, 2011). If your relative has been receiving medical help, phone the doctor or
psychiatrist immediately. Although Schizophrenia cannot be cured, its symptoms can be
considerably mitigated by medication with antipsychotic drugs. The Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders fourth edition (DSM-IV) explains the mental disorder based on positive
and negative sides of the symptoms. According to DSM-IV, the symptoms are usually present in
between one and six months and these are the symptoms which are used to define schizophrenia.
Interesting enough, no two people experience schizophrenia in the same way, but hearing other
people’s stories may influence another patient to share their story as well. But the risk is high in case
the child has genes relating to schizophrenia that is if one of the family members or close relative
had developed schizophrenia. Stefansson has a considerable emotional investment in the disease
because his elder brother has schizophrenia. Education of the society and especially a family with a
schizophrenia patient is necessary to ensure that the community understands the patient.
Schizophrenics are most likely to attempt suicide, and a few of them succeed in doing it. It gives
credit to original author’s research and are alphabetized by the author’s last name. This paper argues
that the question of whether schizophrenia is a mental disease or a psychological disorder is as much
conceptual as a matter of science particularly because there is no clear way of making a distinction
between a psychological condition and a brain disease given that human behaviour always involves
the brain. Since the cause of schizophrenia has not been accurately determined, research work has
found a relationship between genetics and the disorder. Additionally, relevant references attached to
published papers were also reviewed while the authors identified more papers and books through
consultations with colleagues and. Brain damage at a young age especially during birth or damage of
child’s brain at a young age causes schizophrenia later when the child is beyond puberty. Teams
Enable groups of users to work together to streamline your digital publishing. Adobe InDesign
Design pixel-perfect content like flyers, magazines and more with Adobe InDesign. Family therapy is
the most effective form of psychosocial treatment. At both the state and federal levels, legislators
looked at the high cost of long-term psychiatric hospitalization. Empathy with the person going
through this problem by society is the only fastest method which is effective to tackle the situation in
a more advanced way as compared to any medical treatment. Report this Document Download now
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Schizophrenia is a chronic mental illness which poses a tremendous burden on the families,
caregivers and the society. But there is nothing good in horrifying the problem rather we should pay
attention to the point that how to deal with it. I Need Research Paper Writing Assistance My
Research Topics is provides assistance since 2004 to Research Students Globally. She shares her story
to prove that despite the diagnoses, she chose to push through it. Schizophrenia Research Papers
Research paper on schizophrenia. He called what we now know as schizophrenia, dementia praecox.
(Source 5) b.
It is most common to psychoses, and half of the inpatients in mental hospitals are Schizoph renics.
Predicting the disorder has become increasingly accurate with medical practitioners using family
history, increase in extraordinary thoughts, withdrawal and isolation (Smith et al, 2011). Research
has also shown that environmental factors during childhood development are the main contributor to
development of mental disorders including schizophrenia. A five paragraph essay-lorax business plan
for starting a restaurant san diego waste management business plan in india. According to the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Schizophrenia involves a
range of cognitive, behavioral, and emotional symptoms, and can be difficult to diagnose. The use of
psy chi atr ist s in com mun ity int erv iew ing is ver y exp ens ive and imp rac tic al. We use cookies
to create the best experience for you. Stefansson has a considerable emotional investment in the
disease because his elder brother has schizophrenia. It is a complex disorder, and the signs and
symptoms tend to vary. Earning money and living a luxurious life with own ideologies is the correct
idea. For example, in developed countries like America, schizophrenic patients have delusions
relating to technology (Chadwick 2008). Additionally, if one of twins has schizophrenia the chance
of the other developing the same disorder is 50%. This is because most patients are on the younger
side and stay a relatively long time. (Source 1) 2. This is 100% legal. You may not submit
downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Emil Kraepelin, a famous German
psychiatrist at the turn of the 20th century, observed patients with psychosis an d mo od sy mp to ms
ov er ma ny ye ar s. Overall, the book is a well-written and very enjoyable book about the interplay
of genes and environment in human development. The disease has different meaning to different
people, for example, it has been used to describe the person’s personality, mental illness or feelings.
Research Paper helpers are helping in every possible way to students of the college and universities
of the world to give step-by-step guidance in a research paper. Students also viewed Care Plan - care
plan for clinical A Mental Health Final EXAM Study Guide-1. As the NIH (2015) portrays,
schizophrenia has and still affects thousands of individuals throughout history. This is how the
complete success to mitigate this problem can be achieved by us. They were subjected to extreme
treatments such as surgically cutting the part of the brain and infusing enough insulin to put patients
into a coma. (Source 2) Sub-point 2- Scientists are working hard to discover more about
schizophrenia and hope to uncover more of the mystery in the future. e. But it has also been noted
that the rate of occurrence of schizophrenia has not increased in proportion with the rate of use of
cannabis among young males (Degenhardt, Hall and Lynskey, 2001, pp. Because of this, scientists
have considered genetics as a cause of the disorder. Ask which hospital you should go to and for
advice about what to do. The drug is the main treatment used by most patients despite the small
relief provided by the drug. All of the economic and social hardships it comes with play an important
role in how to live with it, but it is how each patient overcomes all of it that proves mental illnesses
do not impede anyone from living the best life fit for them. Adobe InDesign Design pixel-perfect
content like flyers, magazines and more with Adobe InDesign. Coding stage (assigning labels to the
nodes) Edu Dissertation Research Coding Softwar. Cross Cultural Factors The rate of schizophrenia
across all cultures is quite similar based on the research conducted by different scientists.
Patient may refuse to eat or follow nursing care due to suspicion. Let us write or edit the research
paper on your topic. It is essential to avoid the suspected avoidable causes of the disorder. Th e ca us
e of Sc hi zo ph re ni a is no t fu ll y kn ow n. Genes are a critical part in determining what you will
inherit. However, these treatments are not very helpful during acute attacks. Stefansson has a
considerable emotional investment in the disease because his elder brother has schizophrenia. The
family members who did not develop schizophrenia may develop survivor guilt. Issuu turns PDFs
and other files into interactive flipbooks and engaging content for every channel. The introduction
showed that the disease affects the society and is characterized by usual manners. Keep on browsing
if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. As age increased, both hallucinations
and elusions tended to be more complex and elaborate. The W orl d Hea lth Org ani zat ion (WH O)
pub lis hed the six th rev isi on of the Int ern ati ona l Cla ss ific ati on of Dis eas es (IC D-6 ) in 194
8, whi ch included a mental disorders section (WHO 1948 ). It is a complex disorder, and the signs
and symptoms tend to vary. Postmortem done on patients with schizophrenia has also revealed a
change in the brain structure. Usually they would feel irritated and confused on whether to just go
along with such crazy accusations or otherwise, to confront them. Schizophrenia affects an estimated
one percent of the population in every country of the world. The research on the disorder has so far
improved with advancement in technology but this is only in developed countries. If the traditional
medical practices in the field of psychiatric research are observed critically then it will come into
knowledge that these modern diagnostic practices are based on the assumption that Schizophrenia
and bipolar disorders are separate entities of a disease. Because such individuals often hear voices,
which others do not hear, having a belief that other people can control or read their minds or in
extreme cases envisaging other people plotting to cause harm to them, patients suffering from
Schizophrenia are often terrified. As per my seeing, every refrain of the poem depicted a shocking
indication of Schizophrenia on the psych. Beginning in the 1950s, clinicians started to diagnose
psychiatric disorders more often. From the study, Haraldsson et al. (2011) observed a high likelihood
of hippocampal volume deficit because of the illness. Introduction. Schizophrenia is a mental
disorder whose characteristics include hallucinations, delusional behavior, disorganized speech, social
isolation, intellectual deterioration, and emotional blunting. The study concluded that the differences
in the rate were due to the differences in the diagnostic practices between the psychiatrists across the
Atlantic rather than of true differences in morbidity patterns between both countries. Nature
Publishing Group. Holden, C. (2003). Deconstructing Schizophrenia. So to prove that Schizophrenia
is a major mental health problem that can affect people from all walks of life. Despite the longer
period of study relating to schizophrenia, the origin and development are still hard to ascertain. An
individual with Schizophrenia may have difficulty completing school because of their difference
compared to the societal norm. Scientists are focusing on the cognitive part that they have suggested
as the main part affecting short-term memory, attention and the function relating to problem solving
and planning.
This paper reviews the recent literature on advances in classification, aetiology, epidemiology and
treatments. A patient suffering from the ailment has an abnormal emotional responsiveness, behaves
abnormally in the social world and can not think logically. Non ethe less, nei ther the biol ogic al nor
the env iron men tal cate gor ies is comp lete ly determi nant, and there is no assurance that one will
ensure if he will or will not develop Schizophrenia. As the NIH (2015) portrays, schizophrenia has
and still affects thousands of individuals throughout history. On the other hand, the inability of
patients with schizophrenia to sort and interpret stimuli and select appropriate responses is one of the
hallmarks of the disease. Additionally, because of hardships in developing countries like
unemployment, schizophrenic individuals can go back easily to the society and live with others.
There are many types of mental disorders some examples are dementia, anxiety disorders, bipolar
disorder, depression, Schizophrenia among others. Approximately 200,000 individuals with
schizophrenia are homeless, consulting one-third of the 600,000 homeless population (Department of
Health and Human Services, n.d.). This is a result of the difficulty individuals experience from the
hardships of maintaining a job. These papers are intended to be used for reference and research
purposes only. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. Practical solutions will be
thrown amid research by quality researchers. Disorganized Schizophrenia is where by the patient
suffers from disorganized speech and behaviour. To request such a change, the Editor must receive
the following from the corresponding author: a the reason for the change in author list and b written
confirmation e-mail, letter from all authors that they agree with the addition, removal or
rearrangement. Impact of Schizophrenia Patients with the disorder rarely hold on to their jobs, and
their treatment is relatively expensive. Information in headings is ge neral in nature, and the
information conta ined in the sub-headings sh ould be more specific, and so on to the other levels.
Example: A. Describe an influential person in your life 1. Discrepancy in normal behavior relating to
speech is regarded as a negative symptom of schizophrenia. In addition, patients with paranoid
schizophrenia often have thought disorders (National Institute of Mental Health, 2009, p. 5). For
instance, the nurse questioned the patient about relapse prevention and the patient’s answer is
illogical to the question and hard to understand stating that her sister will going to take care of her
and that she will continue to take her medications because she wants to be normal and she knows
that they will help her. Graphical abstracts should be submitted as a separate file in the online
submission system. Schizophrenia is an intricate biochemical brain disorder. Students also viewed
Care Plan - care plan for clinical A Mental Health Final EXAM Study Guide-1. The family members
and the patient are taught how to interact to avoid hospitalization or relapse of the patient. This is
100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. A study
by Haraldsson et al. (2011) examined the children suffering from schizophrenia as well as their
healthy controls and siblings. Your relative cannot be reasoned with at this point. The authors
reviewed the literature with a special focus to the recent papers published from January 1970 to
present. Some of these environmental factors happen during pregnancy or during birth or a young
stage of childhood. The rule applies to sub-headings as well, but their information will be less
significant than the headings. Example: I. Choose Desired Colleges A. These medications have side
effects that visible in patients that have started taking the medication. An individual with
Schizophrenia may have difficulty completing school because of their difference compared to the
societal norm. Teams Enable groups of users to work together to streamline your digital publishing.
Read the latest articles of Schizophrenia Research at, Elseviers leading platform
of peer-reviewed scholarly literature. However, it is preferable in an outline to use the present tense
of the verb. Christian believes that Satan uses both hallucination and delusions to take control of a
person just like the way he did to the Christ Jesus. These symptoms include diminished emotional
expression, delusions, and hallucinations, etc. Always seek the advice of your physician or other
qualified health professional before starting any new treatment, making any changes to existing
treatment, or altering in any way your current exercise or diet regimen. Share to Twitter Share to
Facebook Share to Pinterest. The victim of the disease shows diverse signs of disturbances relating to
their emotional and cognitive being. Patient may refuse to eat or follow nursing care due to
suspicion. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. They also
hope to find new and better ways to treat this illness. III. Additionally, if one of twins has
schizophrenia the chance of the other developing the same disorder is 50%. Doctors have trouble
finding the exact gene that causes schizophrenia because the effects of single genes are too small.
Patients with supportive families have shown a high recovery rate and ability to cope with the
symptoms. Family support is pivotal in the recovery process and the family should ensure that they
provide emotional support. Morel came up with a term demence precoce, which he observed in little
boy. Tk designing a study, a sample size or reseacrh calculation is often needed to determine the
number of participants that are required to confirm or reject a hypothesis. Adobe InDesign Design
pixel-perfect content like flyers, magazines and more with Adobe InDesign. The problem is that thee
variants are rare and only apply to a small number of cases. (Source 3) f. In the hippocampus, the
episodic or declarative memories are formed (memories of events and facts). If you have the time
please answer these questions honestly. In add itio n, com mun ity sur vey s inv olv e int erv iew ing
a lar ge num ber of nor mal ind ivi dua ls. According to research conducted by the WHO, symptoms
vary from one country to another with more prevalence in more developed countries. If your relative
has been receiving medical help, phone the doctor or psychiatrist immediately. The medication
changes body metabolism and can cause a patient to increase body weight. Christians believe that a
person becomes sick because of Satan. For example, a child can be advised to avoid drug abuse such
as use of cannabis. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. Issuu turns PDFs and other
files into interactive flipbooks and engaging content for every channel. So it is unlikely for people
over 45 to show signs of schizophrenia. (Source 1) e. Hence, it appears that the concept and
definition of psychosis is like a concertina expanding and ret rac tin g to inc lud e or exc lud e psy
cho pat hol ogi cal phe nom ena as wel l as men tal diso rders themse lves. But it is actually not rare;
in fact each person has a risk of developing it within their lifetime.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health professional before starting any
new treatment, making any changes to existing treatment, or altering in any way your current
exercise or diet regimen. Schizophrenia has received low funding towards research for a cure
compared to other dangerous diseases. Morel came up with a term demence precoce, which he
observed in little boy. It's like a masterclass to be explored at your own pace. For the children
suffering from schizophrenia, antipsychotic medications were administered. The study and
development is still one and has so far developed more effective drugs to deal with excess dopamine
and heal the parts affected by the disorder. Please include what you were doing when this page
came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Schizophrenia affects an
estimated one percent of the population in every country of the world. We come up with mixed and
confusing statements when going through this disorder. Let us write or edit the research paper on
your topic. For example, pregnant mothers re advised to avoid alcohol or teenage boys are told to
avoid abusing drugs like cannabis. However, it is preferable in an outline to use the present tense of
the verb. Alcohol is linked with depression as cannabis is linked with psychosis and schizophrenia.
In this case, assuring safety by demonstrating how the food was prepared will encourage the patient
to eat. It is estimated that the cure to the ailment will be discovered soon due to advances in medical
technology. Paranoid Schizophrenia is where the patient is occupied by many hallucinations but lacks
the symptoms of disorganized schizophrenia. If the traditional medical practices in the field of
psychiatric research are observed critically then it will come into knowledge that these modern
diagnostic practices are based on the assumption that Schizophrenia and bipolar disorders are
separate entities of a disease. Brain damage at a young age especially during birth or damage of
child’s brain at a young age causes schizophrenia later when the child is beyond puberty. QR Codes
Generate QR Codes for your digital content. Schizophrenia is a very serious mental health disorder
characterized by changes in the way of life through mind disintegration and emotional
responsiveness of the affected (Bentall, 2003). In such a state we are not able to express our
thoughts as the synchronization of our thinking behavior and action is not proper. Therefore, there
must be a minimum of nine (9) pages per project. GIFs Highlight your latest work via email or social
media with custom GIFs. Doctors have trouble finding the exact gene that causes schizophrenia
because the effects of single genes are too small. They were subjected to extreme treatments such as
surgically cutting the part of the brain and infusing enough insulin to put patients into a coma.
(Source 2) Sub-point 2- Scientists are working hard to discover more about schizophrenia and hope
to uncover more of the mystery in the future. e. There are many types of mental disorders some
examples are dementia, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, depression, Schizophrenia among others.
It is more common for people between puberty an d age 40 to show symptoms of schizophrenia. The
current diagnosis of schizophrenia according to the DSM-IV and DSM- IV-TR requires two or more
of psychotic symptoms (delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thoug hts, disor ganiz ed beha vior,
cata tonia or negati ve sympt oms), deterioratio n in socia l, occupational, or interpersonal
relationship, and continuous signs of the disturbance for at least 6 months. But it has also been noted
that the rate of occurrence of schizophrenia has not increased in proportion with the rate of use of
cannabis among young males (Degenhardt, Hall and Lynskey, 2001, pp. Such people keep on
hallucinating and creating an imaginary world of their own.
Based on this factor there is a wide consideration that the disparity relating to brain chemicals also
known as unnecessary dopamine is the main cause of schizophrenia. The study has shown that the
disorder’s main characteristics are hallucinations and delusions mainly regarded as psychosis. The
development of the drug has assisted patients in tackling schizophrenia. It affects both men and
women and all ethnic groups globally. Schizophrenia as a chronic ailment is both severe and
disabling to the human brain. A study by Haraldsson et al. (2011) examined the children suffering
from schizophrenia as well as their healthy controls and siblings. A person dealing with this
debilitating illness may think that people are going to kill them, or kidnap them. Genes are a critical
part in determining what you will inherit. The prevalence of schizophrenia varied by ten-fold and the
incidence of schizophrenia varied by five-fold among different studies. This is a free term paper
example on Schizophrenia cannot be used as your own term paper research. Family members can
also be advised to avoid instances that can cause stress. Other screening instruments were developed
and are available such as the psychiatric epidemiology research interview (PERI) (Dohrenwend et al.
1986 ) and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) (Goldberg and Williams 1991; Goldberg 1972 ). As
official journal of the Schizophrenia International Research Society SIRS Schizophrenia Research is
THE journal of choice for international. Social Posts Create on-brand social posts and Articles in
minutes. The authors reviewed the literature with a special focus to the recent papers published from
January 1970 to present. Schizophrenia continues to create new challenges today and continues to be
a complicated mental illness. Cognitive symptoms are related to thinking and memory. Despite all of
this, there are training skills that can help patients become more socially active. People with
schizophrenia who continue to drink alcohol frequently abuse other substances as well. The drug is
the main treatment used by most patients despite the small relief provided by the drug. While
Schizophrenia runs in families, about 60% of Schizophrenics have no family members with the
disorder. This method applies two forms on patients with schizophrenia. But twin and adoption st ud
ie s su gg es t th at en vi ro nm en ta l fa ct or s he lp in tr ig ge ri ng Sc hi zo ph re ni a. Predicting
the disorder has become increasingly accurate with medical practitioners using family history,
increase in extraordinary thoughts, withdrawal and isolation (Smith et al, 2011). The use of
antipsychotic drugs for treatment has been common for the last four decades. Common treatment
Since the cause of the ailment remains unknown, treatment of schizophrenia deals with symptoms
that the patient shows. Some signs of schizophrenia are if the person thinks in a strange way, but to
them, it is normal. Language and speech disorders, associated with Schizophrenia, are common as a
developmental problem during childhood. Social Posts Create on-brand social posts and Articles in
minutes. Despite the introduction of drugs such as antipsychotic drugs in early the 1950s, few
achievements have been made to curb its development (Holden 2003).

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