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Update 7.8.2

• Airwing training time increased by ~4x in order to make training doctrines and spirit
more worth it
• Fuel consumption and accident chance during training reduced by ~4x
• Walther Funk has been reworked to give more bonuses but is also an industry vampire
• Goring has been reworked and is given free via focus
• Lowered Convoy Raiding fuel usage by 25%
• Removed 2.5% planning 3% coordination from large front
• Removed 10% planning speed from vast offensives
• Added 5% planning speed to elite troops, added 5 more inf org on elite troops
• Rebalanced Railway gun bombardment bonuses
• Radar construction is now boosted by infra lvl
• Lowered Chinese starting production efficiency of German equipment
• Heavy Arty movement modifiers nerfed
• GER Synthetic breakthrough focus gives bonuses to rubber and oil separately and
requires 1937 tech
• GER IG Farben Synth bonuses moved to Synthetic breakthrough focus
• Refinery companies give bonuses to fuel silo's aswell
• Assuming control of resources doesn’t cost pp
• The war to end all wars has more maluses to fort construction and AA
• Maxwell Aitken is locked behind Home Defense
• Carrier night traffic spirit only reduces night penalty and doesn’t increase sortie traffic


• Iraq should now go to free trade

• AI Improvements
• Bug Fixes

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