World Ablaze: Update 8.0.5

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Update 8.0.5

• Trade, LL, supply, and troop convoy requirements doubled

• Convoy screen requirements halved to 3
• All starting convoys doubled
• ENG loan decision from USA moved up to Cash and Carry Act
• Removed Japanese state modifiers gained during tora tora tora
• Indian guerilla warfare modifiers improved
• Arid and Desert tiles have worse supply and attrition
• Weather very and extreme hot penalties made worse so acclimatization matters more
• ITA all land doctrine bonuses halved to 50%
• ITA generals get -30% XP penalty under all army reforms are done
• ITA -20% air naval mission efficiency penalty added to Inadequate Airforce
• ITA 6 dockyards moved from final naval focus to 2 earlier focuses
• Added 3% fatigue to GER Plan Z
• Base license production penalty increased to 35%
• MIO efficiency growth traits for inf equipment and artillery nerfed from 60% and 30% to
30% and 15% respectively
• SOV starting train stockpile reduced to 4k
• SOV compliance after Baltic annexation removed
• SOV 25PP added to a few focuses
• USA ranger and wasp deck space nerfed to historical operational levels
• Cas damage reduction has been removed from US Guerilla warfare
• Port cost increased to 10k, per-level cost reduced


• Complete overhaul of Indian and Sri Lankan terrain

• USA can now relocate its industry like the soviets
• USA can now relocate its capital
• USA can now use scorched earth like the soviets
• USA shouldn’t have 0% surrender limit anymore
• USA Homeland defence now adds some resistance target
• Added more City renames for the German endsieg focus
• US guerilla warfare focus requirement has been lowered
• French artillery IC cost fixed to be in line with other artillery
• Romania now correctly has access to relevant MIO traits when acquiring Czech gun
• AI improvements

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