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Asociația Comunelor din România

Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Maramureș

Concursul interdisciplinar COMUNIADA

Limba engleză
Faza pe județ - 25 martie 2023
Clasa a VIII-a Varianta 4
Pentru rezolvarea corectă a tuturor cerințelor se acordă 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se acordă 10 puncte. Timpul
efectiv de lucru este de 120 de minute. WRITE ONLY THE ANSWERS ON YOUR ANSWER SHEET

Subiectul I. A. Read the article about a new invention and fill in the missing words (1-10). There is an
example at the beginning: (10x2p=20p)
Forgotten (0) your lunch money? Well, for kids at one British school near (1) …… city of Leicester this is no longer a
problem. Instead (2) …… paying for their food with cash, pupils just put their finger into a machine which scans their
fingerprints before (3) …… can get their food. A bill that says exactly what was ordered (4) …… then sent to parents,
so pupils can’t just eat chips every day! Some schools are even thinking about putting this new technology in every
classroom. (5) …… you do not put your finger on the screen at the beginning of a lesson, the school will know within
two minutes and they will text or email your parents to ask where (6) …. are. Not everybody is giving the idea full
marks. Some parents (7) ……. afraid their child’s fingerprints could (8) …… stolen and refuse (9) …… let their
children be fingerprinted. For John Barrett, head teacher of another Leicestershire school, however, the scanners are
a great invention. “They save teachers (10) .. lot of time”, he says “and will make missing school a thing of the past.”
B. Choose the correct answer, A, B, C, or D. (10x1p=10p)
1. Mr Koch never smiles. He is a ………. teacher.
A) happy B) funny C) strict D) active
2. A: Was Sophie at the party last night?
B: ………. . I didn’t see her there.
A) I hope not B) I don’t think so C) I’m afraid so D) I suppose so
3. A: How much cheese is there? B: Oh, we’ve got …. cheese, but there are only …. tomatoes left – maybe only 2..
A) a lot of/a lot of B) a lot of/a few C) much/a little D) a little/a few
4. Nicholas is pleased with his school report. His teachers say he has made good ………..
A) business B) job C) progress D) effort
5. It’s a demanding job but the ………. is good.
A) cost B) work C) pay D) credit
6. We ………. for hours. Let’s have a rest here for a while.
A) had walked B) walked C) have been walking D) were walking
7. The pain was awful. ………. they took her to the hospital.
A) But B) Because C) That’s it D) That’s why
8. I ………. hear very well because we were at the back of hall.
A) couldn’t B) mustn’t C) can’t D) didn’t have to
9. ………. your coat on – it’s cold outside.
A) Make B) Keep C) Get D) Put
10. A: I’m so hungry. B: I’m sorry, I don’t have ………. food in the house. Shall we go to a restaurant?
A) much B) a lot of C) many D) very
C. Read the following text and put the verbs in brackets in the Past Tense Simple or Past Tense Continuous.
There is an example (0) at the beginning. (10x1p=10p)
In 1998, Alexandra Tolstoy (0) was working (work) in a bank, but she (1) ……. (be) bored. She decided to leave her
job and ride across Central Asia on a horse for charity. When she (2) ……. (meet) Shamil Galimzyanov for the first
time, she (3) …… (travel) through Uzbekistan. She (4) ….. (not feel) very well so she didn’t notice him. But while
they (5) …… (ride) their horses, they started talking. Alexandra (6) …… (think) Shamil was very interesting. His life
was very different from her own. And soon she (7)……….. (know) that she was falling in love with him. Three years
later Alexandra (8) …… (visit) Shamil in Uzbekistan again. At the time, she (9) ….. (go out) with another man, but a
few months later she (10) …. (break up) with him.
D. Choose the correct answer. (10x1p=10 points)
1. You aren't I weren't at work yesterday. 6. We didn't leave the bar so long / until it closed.
2. The theatre tickets wasn't / weren't cheap. 7. Where did you go / went yesterday.
3. How much I How many people are there? 8. He will I shall be six next year.
4. There are much / a lot of tomatoes in the fridge. 9. When I Until you are in France, visit all the castles.
5. I put much / plenty sugar in my coffee. 10. 'I'm cold.' 'Will / Shall I close the door?'

Subiectul II. Read the text and do the tasks that follow.
Emma raised her eyes from the bag. "You're not going to believe this", she whispered. She pulled the bag
open wide. "Look!" Sydney peered into the bag. "Whoa!" Stacks and stacks of bills. Wrapped in rubber bands. Fifty-
dollar bills. "I don't believe it!" Emma cried. "Wow. I mean, wow! It's at least a hundred thousand dollars!" Emma
whispered. "A hundred thousand dollars!" Sydney frowned at the stacks of money. "This is really weird, to say the
least. What do you think it was doing in the dumpster?" she asked. "Who cares?" Emma glanced around the alley.
Then she quickly began to stuff the money back into the bag. "We'd better hide it before anybody sees us with it".
"You're right", Sydney agreed. "Do you think it's from a bank robbery or something?" "Maybe the police will know".
Sydney closed the zipper and laughed. "I can't wait to see the expression on their faces when we hand it to them".
"Are you serious?" Emma asked. "You really want to hand all this money over to the police?" "Sure. I mean, what
else can we do?" Emma leaned close, her blue eyes blazing with excitement. "Keep it!" she whispered. Sydney
stared at her friend. "You're kidding, right?" But Emma didn't even crack a smile. She isn't kidding, Sydney thought.
She really means it. "Think about it, Syd!" Emma urged. "We can split it — fifty thousand dollars each! I could pay for
Mom's operation! We could finally get our roof fixed and buy a new -" "Whoa!" Sydney cut her off. "How would you
explain to your mother where you suddenly got fifty thousand dollars?" "I'd tell her the truth", Emma declared. "Mom
wouldn't care. Why should she?" "Because ..." Sydney paused, shaking her head. She couldn't believe Emma
actually wanted to do this. "Look, I don't want to sound like a goody-goody. But, Emma, it's not ours!" "Sure it is!"
Emma cried. "It was buried under a pile of garbage — and we found it. Finders, keepers. Come on, Sydney! Anybody
else would keep it. You know what else I could do with this money? I could go to college. And I could buy some
decent clothes!" Sydney's eyes widened in surprise. "What's the matter with your clothes?" "I wear the same things
every day", Emma sighed. "It's embarrassing. But you wouldn't know. You don't understand what it's like to be really
poor. What it's like to want something you can't have. But I do." Sydney gazed at her, stunned. 'Has Emma always
resented me for being rich?' she wondered. 'I never made a big deal about having money. I never bragged about
myself or put her down for being poor. I wouldn't do that to anybody - especially to my best friend!' Confused and
hurt, Sydney stared at the greasy duffel bag. "You're wrong about one thing", she murmured. "I do know what it's like
to want things I can't have. My parents don't give me everything I want, you know". "Oh? Didn't you want a car for
your birthday?" Emma asked. "And didn't they give you one?" "Yes. But I have to pay the insurance on it", Sydney
pointed out. "They don't want me to get spoiled, and they keep me on a really tight budget. There are plenty of things
I'd like to buy with this money". "So let's keep it!" Emma cried. "What's stopping us?"
A. Choose the best option A, B, or C, according to the text. (5x2p=10p)
1. From the first paragraph we may understand that:
A. the cash in the bag belonged to mafia.
B. the origin of the girls' find was unknown.
C. the banknotes were not all there.
2. The author wants us to believe that:
A. the two friends were totally alike;
B. despite their contrasting social status the girls were soul mates;
C. there were more differences than similarities between the girls.
3. We can conclude that Emma was the more life-wise of the two because of her
A. adverse past experience;
B. harsh life;
C. controversial personality.
4. Sydney was appalled by the offer to keep the money as
A. she was cowardly;
B. she didn't need it at all;
C. she was basically honest and law-abiding.
5. It can be inferred that Sydney
A. was lucky to have thoughtful parents;
B. didn't really appreciate her friendship with Emma;
C. didn't understand the value of money.
B. Choose the correct option A, B, or C, according to the meaning of the words in bold in the text. (5x1p=5p)
6. urged A. asked; В. encouraged; С. offered.
7. decent A. better; В. respectable; С. fashionable.
8. resented A. disliked; В. offended; С. despised.
9. cut smb off A. remove; B. separate; C. interrupt.
10. put smb down A. humiliate; B. cease; C. lower.

Subiectul III. Your Friend Jake isn’t sure where to go on holiday this year and has written to ask your opinion. He
wants to relax but he also wants to do some sightseeing. Write an email to suggest where he could go (100-120
words). Sign your email Jane/John. Write about:
• Which place(s) you suggest and why
• What it’s like there
• What you can do/see (25p)
Asociația Comunelor din România
Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Maramureș

Concursul interdisciplinar COMUNIADA

Limba engleză
Faza pe județ - 25 martie 2023
Clasa a VIII-a

Subiectul I. A. Read the article about a new invention and fill in the missing words (1-10). (10x2p=20p)
1. the; 2. of; 3. they; 4. is; 5. if; 6. you; 7. are; 8. be; 9. to; 10. a
B. Choose the correct answer, A, B, C, or D. (10x1p=10p)
1. C, 2. B, 3. B, 4. C, 5. C, 6. C, 7. D, 8. A, 9. D, 10. B
C. Read the following text and put the verbs in brackets in the Past Tense Simple or Past Tense Continuous.
1. was
2. met
3. was travelling
4. didn’t feel
5. were riding
6. thought
7. knew
8. visited
9. was going out
10. broke up
D. Choose the correct answer. (10x1p=10 points)
1. weren't
2. weren't
3. how many
4. a lot
5. much
6. until
7. go
8. will
9. when
10. shall
Subiectul II. Read the text and do the tasks that follow.
A. Choose the best option A, B, or C, according to the text. (5x2p=10p)
1. B, 2. C, 3. B, 4. C, 5. A
B. Choose the correct option A, B, or C, according to the meaning of the words in bold in the text. (5x1p=5p)
6. B, 7. A, 8. A, 9. C, 10. A
Subiectul III. (25p)
Band Content Organisation Language
5 All content is relevant to the task. Text is connected and coherent, Uses everyday vocabulary generally appropriately, while
Target reader is fully informed. using basic linking words and a occasionally overusing certain lexis. Uses simple
limited number of cohesive grammatical forms with a good degree of control. While
devices. errors are noticeable, meaning can still be determined.
4 Performance shares features of Bands 3 and 5.
3 Minor irrelevances and/or Text is connected using basic, Uses basic vocabulary reasonably appropriately. Uses
omissions may be present. Target high-frequency linking words. simple grammatical forms with some degree of control.
reader is on the whole informed. Errors may impede meaning at times.
2 Performance shares features of Bands 1 and 3.
1 Irrelevances and misinterpretation Production unlikely to be Produces basic vocabulary of isolated words and
of task may be present. Target connected, though punctuation and phrases. Produces few simple grammatical forms with
reader is minimally informed. simple connectors (i.e. ‘and’) may only limited control.
on occasion be used.
0 Content is totally irrelevant. Target Performance below Band 1.
reader is not informed.
Band 0=0p Band 1=5p Band 2=10p Band 3=15p Band 4=20p Band 5=25p

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