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An-Najah National University

Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

Chemical Engineering Department
Computer- Aided Equipment Design (10626444)


Prepared By:
Sara Rabaya

Submitted to:
Dr. Majd Shhadi

Submitted on [October 17, 2023]

Some Calculations:........................................................................................................................................2
Physical Properties table................................................................................................................................3
Fluid allocation: shell or tubes.......................................................................................................................4
Notes about the information in the Fluid allocation table..............................................................................5

Physical Properties

Some Calculations:
 The mean temperature of the water=(80+150)/2=115ᵒC
 Mass Flow Rate(m) foe water=45ton/hr

45 ton 1000 Kg 1 hr
× × =12.5 Kg/sec
hr 1 ton 3600 sec

 At this temperature the specific heat capacity of the water is 4.23KJ/Kg.ᵒC(1)

Water 45ton/hr,,,80ᵒC 150ᵒC

Gases 81ton/hr,,,340ᵒC ???ᵒC

QC =m×C P × ∆ T

12.5 Kg 4.23 KJ 3701.25 KJ

¿ × × ( 150−80 ) ᵒ C= =3701.25 KW
sec Kg . ᵒ C s

 As a first trial take the mean temperature of the gas (assume the gas is air) as equal to the
inlet temperature(340ᵒC); the specific heat capacity of the air is 1.054KJ/Kg.ᵒC(2)

 Mass Flow Rate(m) for air =81ton/hr

81ton 1000 Kg 1 hr
× × =22.5 Kg /sec
hr 1 ton 3600 sec

By Energy Balance:

Since that there’s no phase change so Qh=Q C

Qh=mh C P ¿

3701.25=22.5× 1.054 ×(340−x )

X= 184ᵒC

The air stream mean temperature: (340+184)/2=262ᵒC

The specific heat at this temperature is 1.038KJ/Kg.ᵒC, A second trial calculation using this
value gives T h ,out =181.5ᵒ C , and The new mean temperature =260.75ᵒC

The Prandtl number equals Pr = Cpμ/k (Dimensionless)

 Cp: the specific heat capacity J/Kg.C

 μ: the dynamic viscosity(Pa.s=Kg/s.m)
 K:the thermal conductivity(W/m.C=m.C.s/J)

Pr for air = ((1037*0.00002793)/0.04204)= 0.6889

Pr for water = ((4230*0.0002431)/0.68)= 1.512225

Physical Properties table

Hot Fluid(Gases)/(Air) Cold Fluid(Water)

Temperature (C)(mean temp) 260.75 115
Density (kg/m3) 0.661 947.09
Thermal Conductivity 0.04204 0.680
Viscosity (Pa.s) 0.00002793 0.0002431
Pr number 0.689 1.5223
Specific heat (kJ/kg.ᵒC) 1.037 4.23

Fluid allocation: shell or tubes.

Notes Shell Tube

Corrosive fluids are Less corrosion More corrosion
Corrosion usually best in Air(3&4) Water(3&4)
-Fluids which are
prone to
fouling(easier to
clean)best in tube.
Fouling -Mechanical Not easier to clean Easier to clean
cleaning is also Air(5&6) Water(5&6)
much more
practical for tubes
than for shells.
Fluid High fluid Low temperature High temperature
Temperatures Temperatures are Water(80-150) Air(340-181.5)
best in tubes
Operating streams are best in No enough No enough
Pressures tubes since tubes information information
are less expensive
to build strong.
Pressure Drop Low allowable No enough No enough
pressure drop best information information
in tubes
Viscous fluids go
on the shell side,
Viscosity since this will More Viscous Less Viscous
usually improve Water() Air()
the rate of heat
Stream Lower Flow Rates Less flow rate More flow rate
Flow_Rates (more economical) water(45ton/hr) Air(81ton/hr)
are best in shells.

Note: I prefer to add water in tubes and Gases(Air) in shell, and that’s according to Corrosion
and Fouling factors.

Some notes about the information in the Fluid allocation table:
distilled water is corrosive because it lacks minerals and more readily absorbs materials it
contacts including metals. In general, water and air can contribute to corrosion.
Water, especially in the form of saltwater, is generally more corrosive than dry air. The
presence of moisture and the type of ions in the environment play significant roles in the
corrosion process.(3(&(4)
In general, cleaning water-based fouling in a heat exchanger is often considered easier
compared to cleaning air-based fouling. That’s according to fouling factor
coefficients(W/m2.ᵒC), for water it was(3000_6000) and for air and industrial

Water-based fouling, These types of fouling can be removed or reduced through various
methods, including chemical cleaning, mechanical cleaning (scraping or brushing), or using
high-pressure water or steam. Water-based fouling is typically more amenable to cleaning
because the fluid can be easily flushed through the heat exchanger tubes or plates, carrying
away the contaminants. That’s against Cleaning air-based fouling that can be more
challenging because the particles can adhere to the heat exchanger surfaces and become
tightly packed.(6)

Hot fluid in the tube(gases); when hot fluid is in a tube and cold fluid is in the shell then
the tube containing hot fluid will be surrounded by cold fluid and enhanced heat is
transferred from hot fluid to cold fluid more efficiently than the contrary.
Water, under normal temperatures, is about 50 times more viscous than air.(7)


1) The Engineering ToolBox (2004). Water - Specific Heat vs. Temperature. [online]
Available at:
d_660.html [15 October 2023].

2) The Engineering ToolBox (2004). Air - Specific Heat vs. Temperature at Constant
Pressure. [online] Available at:
capacity-d_705.html [15 October 2023].

Note: Most of the physical properties was taken from ToolBox website in 15 October 2023.

3) ><, viewed 16 October 2023.

4) > <,
viewed 16 October 2023.
5) R.K.SINNOTT.(Second Edition)Volume 6 Chemical Engineering Design, page 570.
6) Central States Industrial Equipment and Service Inc. February 24th, 2020,Destination
How to clean and maintenance your heat exchanger (clean in place), Viewed 16 October
7) SP-367 Introduction to the Aerodynamics of Flight, - III. FLUID FLOW -,
><, Viewed 16 October 2023.

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