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Writing a thesis can be an arduous and challenging task, especially when delving into complex topics

such as smallpox research. The process demands meticulous attention to detail, extensive research,
critical analysis, and coherent argumentation. From formulating a research question to conducting
literature reviews, collecting data, and synthesizing findings, each step requires time, effort, and

For many students and researchers, navigating through the intricacies of crafting a thesis on smallpox
can be overwhelming. The subject itself demands a comprehensive understanding of the disease, its
historical context, epidemiology, vaccination strategies, and societal impacts. Additionally, grappling
with scientific data, statistical analysis, and theoretical frameworks adds another layer of complexity
to the writing process.

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In conclusion, writing a thesis on smallpox research entails numerous challenges that can be daunting
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Typically, persons who are infected with cowpox virus experience systemic symptoms at the time the
lesion becomes apparent; these include fever, malaise, headache, and sometimes vomiting. Atopic
dermatitis (eczema), immune compromise, and extended use of topical or systemic steroids are risk
factors for serious outcomes including disseminated Cowpox virus infection, which in rare cases
may result in death. Smallpox can be deadly even after it is freeze-dried, but the virus usually has to
be kept cold to remain alive and dangerous. L A Ainger Middle School: Argumentative essay and
outline - Edline. The review of this report was overseen by Bernard Lo, M.D., University of
California, San Francisco, who was appointed by the Report Review Committee. They questioned
the unknown rationale used in decision-making and requested information and clarification that were
not made available, presumably because of national security concerns. Rodent association accounts
for two notable facets of cowpox disease epidemiology in Britain. Many websites who purport to
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lethal, highly transmissible, and capable of leaving survivors with lifelong disfigurement, smallpox
was greatly feared and its arrival in communities was cause for considerable alarm. No single
advocated approach to epidemic control has emerged from epidemiologic modeling studies, but a
wealth of hypothetical strategic decisions and outcomes have been catalogued, which may
ultimately be useful if a smallpox event unfolds. Global vaccination campaigns finally brought
smallpox under control. The present book is dedicated to Queen Caroline and clearly there is some
connection, because of its special illuminations and binding, between the Queen and Henrietta
Howard. Praeger Publishers, 1998 Provasnik, S., and Shafer, L.L. A Plague In Perspective. The
committee’s task was to review the implementation of the policy, not to comment on the policy
itself. The World Health Organization launched an intensified plan to eradicate smallpox in 1967.
The graph to the left visually shows how large of an increase there has been since vaccines were first
invented. In the case of pre-event vaccination, the committee has found evidence that many key
actors had an unfavorable perception of the policy. Their diverse perspectives and expert input
contributed in important ways to the committee’s work. Thousands of students stream to our website
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used as an agent for bioterrorism given the absence of contemporary smallpox prevention programs
and declining rates of population-level vaccine-derived immunity to the virus. The lowest percentage
of Blacks in the student body appeared to argumentative outline high school be in the State of
Vermont due to the small number of blacks living in the state (around 1 percent). Custom High
Quality College Research Papers For Sale. The material on this site may not be reproduced,
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Advance Local. At Essay Agents, you can order a research paper in how to solve radioactive
problems, any citation. As an example, the need to efficiently monitor virus transmission potential
(i.e., vaccination coverage) within communities of different sizes and compositions led to the
development of rapid, standardized survey methodologies. Monkeypox virus entered the United
States in 2003 in a consignment of exotic animals (mainly rodents) intended for sale as pets.
Definitive determination of human Cowpox virus infections therefore relies on laboratory diagnostic
testing. This feeling of community is easily noticed in the field of education of African Americans.
We strive to help students write winning research papers and term papers for argumentative essay
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Pigott gives us the different cultural views between Canada and Africa; mainly the societies’ views
regarding beauty and image. Instead, a pattern of sporadic disease incidence and abbreviated
outbreaks (rather than sustained epidemics) was predicted, with each instance touched off by virus
introduced from a primary zoonotic (sylvan) source. Widespread immunization and surveillance
were conducted around the world for several years. Smallpox scabs were also demonstrated to
harbor small amounts of infectious virus, and patients were considered competent to transmit
infection until all scabs had disengaged. Historically Black Colleges and Universities, 1976 to
2001.U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. The committee’s task
was to review the implementation of the policy, not to comment on the policy itself. This blog
regularly highlights material in the collections, and provides updates about exhibitions, teaching and
other activities. The national smallpox vaccination program is but one of many efforts to improve
readiness to respond to deliberate releases of biologic agents. The freeze-dried smallpox samples
were found in a building at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, that has been
used by the Food and Drug Administration since 1972, according to the CDC. The review
comments and draft manuscript remain confidential to protect the integrity of the deliberative
process. In an interview Tuesday, a CDC official said he believed the vials were stored for many
years at room temperature, which would suggest the samples are dead. Parents who failed to do this
were subject to a fine, and imprisonment if they refused to pay. The public health investigation
ensuing from the U.S. outbreak led to identification of Ghana as the country of origin of a
consignment of monkeypox-infected rodents imported to the United States. You can use our
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photographer who worked above a lab handling smallpox died after being accidentally exposed to it
through the ventilation system. We proofread Each Assignment Before You Receive it We Hire
Native Research Writers Only. Gradually the rules were relaxed to allow conscientious exemptions,
until by 1907 it was compulsory in name only. But vaccinia is unique as an agent of
anthropozoonosis (disease commonly transmissible from man to animal). Because of the severity of
illness and potential lasting complications of smallpox (namely, scarring), cidofovir has been
proposed as an investigational therapy for treatment in emergency situations despite the fact that its
use at therapeutic doses has been associated with significant nephrotoxicity. It took two or three
weeks for the blisters to heal, with the deeper lesions leaving scars on the skin. Although the natural
reservoir of Monkeypox virus has not been definitively identified, decades of observation and
research point to the idea that the animal reservoir of this virus is probably a rodent and primates are
merely incidental hosts. African American culture was always distinguished by strong family
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Guarantee. For this reason, modern-day vaccination programs have faced significant challenges in
situations where public perception of the risk of smallpox-related bioterrorism is small. Several major
steps toward eradication were achieved during this time. In 1996, at the 49th World Health
Assembly, Member States decided to have this stock destroyed. Some of the complications from
varicella are strep infections. Frequently lethal, highly transmissible, and capable of leaving survivors
with lifelong disfigurement, smallpox was greatly feared and its arrival in communities was cause for
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Henderson and colleagues adapted a streamlined method for attribute sampling, outlined in 1965 by
Serfling and Sherman, to facilitate rapid community-based smallpox vaccine coverage surveys in
West Africa. If you have leukemia and you catch the poulet syphilis you could perchance decease. L
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remaining are zoonotic, which is to say transmissible from vertebrate animals to humans, and in some
cases, the reverse. In the absence of appropriate hygienic precautions, virus was easily spread via the
process of milking (in non-mechanized dairies), spreading throughout the herd and workforce in
repeated cycles of human-to-animal-to-human, or sometimes direct animal-to-animal, transmission.
In the end, those factors led to poor participation in the program. There are many accounts of
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Academy of Sciences. Two years later, these investigators, again, were first in demonstrating the
principle of virus neutralization, illustrating that exposure to convalescent serum could ablate
subsequent infectivity of Vaccinia virus. It is, however, conceivable that Variola virus could be used
as an agent for bioterrorism given the absence of contemporary smallpox prevention programs and
declining rates of population-level vaccine-derived immunity to the virus. The range of laboratory
tests currently available for Variola virus diagnostics broadly encompasses nucleic acid and protein-
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identify issues of medical care, research, and education. The first page of the PDF of this article
appears above. For example, a patient with vesicular-pustular rash confined to the trunk, who did not
experience a febrile prodrome, and who has had recent contact with a child with chickenpox, would
not be a good candidate to undergo laboratory testing to rule out smallpox. As it has been mentioned
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infected 8-year old James Phipps with cowpox, a relatively mild virus that causes fever and pustules
similar to smallpox, but localised to the hands and arms. Once recovered, Phipps was deliberately
exposed to smallpox, but did not fall ill, thereby proving that the vaccination worked. Chen C. Essay
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As part of the Intensified Program (begun in 1967), the Director General of the World Health
Assembly advocated systematic enhancements to surveillance, case investigations, and active disease
containment approaches (principally vaccination), as a means to curtail ongoing foci of transmission.
In many respects this concept was historically grounded in nineteenth-century smallpox control
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Buy original custom papers written to a high quality writing standard. The capacity for these agents
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one of many efforts to improve readiness to respond to deliberate releases of biologic agents. The
epidemiologic features of the outbreaks differ between the two areas, but outbreaks in both regions
have been attributed to orthopoxviruses genetically and are virologically undistinguishable from
Vaccinia virus. Have you of all time met anyone that hasn’t tried a poulet nugget. Because of the
severity of illness and potential lasting complications of smallpox (namely, scarring), cidofovir has
been proposed as an investigational therapy for treatment in emergency situations despite the fact
that its use at therapeutic doses has been associated with significant nephrotoxicity. This trade-off
presupposes both that clinical and epidemiologic patterns of smallpox ensuing from a deliberate
release will mirror what was observed during past naturally occurring epidemics, and that early
identification of the presumed normal and predominant manifestation of illness will be sufficient to
trigger a rapid and appropriate response. The CDC began giving them antibiotics as a precaution. The
graph to the left visually shows how large of an increase there has been since vaccines were first
invented. Others contend the samples are needed for research on better treatments and vaccines.
There are besides neurological upsets such as phrenitis. It has been a serious issue for a long time that
African Americans were less educated than the other representatives of population in the United
States. Herpes virus infection may also be considered if patients are evaluated early during illness
when the lesion characteristics associated with the two agents are similar. Light micrograph of
Variola (smallpox) virus pocks on the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) of an embryonic chicken.
This is his only book, which provides many case histories. You may already cognize about varicella,
but you will happen out more information as it is being explained in this study. How to Create a
Powerful Argumentative Essay Outline - Essay Writing. Within a couple of days the characteristic
dimpled blisters appeared, first on the face and then spreading down the body. This essay will
explore the use and effects of small pox as a biological and chemical weapon by using five articles.
African Americans began with a system that banned their participation altogether and that later
provided limited access, but only as a matter of essay high school law, not as a commonly accepted
practice. The events that precipitated that historic announcement included a series of terrorist attacks
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This genotype was associated with case-fatality rates of less than 1%. Important features of African
American Culture and Education. The fact is that most worlds ate the poulet nugget. For this reason,
modern-day vaccination programs have faced significant challenges in situations where public
perception of the risk of smallpox-related bioterrorism is small. As with cowpox and monkeypox
viruses, Vaccinia virus is capable of infecting a broad range of mammalian taxa, including humans.
The graph to the left visually shows how large of an increase there has been since vaccines were first
invented. Smallpox can be deadly even after it is freeze-dried, but the virus usually has to be kept
cold to remain alive and dangerous. Several major steps toward eradication were achieved during
this time. I googled and found essay agents who have been great for raise the red me. KFC is the
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countess of Suffolk and mistress of George II. Epidemiologic modeling studies performed in the
1980s suggested that, given the low inter-human transmission potential, Monkeypox virus was
unlikely to be a self-sustaining pathogen in human communities, especially against the backdrop of a
highly smallpox-vaccinated population. Some of the interventions may be bed remainder, oatmeal
baths, and calamine lotion. The CDC is one of two locations worldwide that retain samples of the
smallpox virus. We use credible sources and follow the selected referencing style you have chosen
while referencing your paper. Typically, persons who are infected with cowpox virus experience
systemic symptoms at the time the lesion becomes apparent; these include fever, malaise, headache,
and sometimes vomiting. Simulation models of smallpox epidemics have, in general, reinforced the
idea that a rapid, well-coordinated public health response will be required to halt an outbreak. Little
is known about the current epidemiologic pattern or geographic distribution of buffalopox, but the
recent human infections reported from Pakistan occurred among hospitalized patients, suggesting a
novel transmission pattern. Rodent association accounts for two notable facets of cowpox disease
epidemiology in Britain. Temporary retention of the existing stocks of variola virus are. Any
opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the
author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the organizations or agencies that provided
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be satisfying. People remain infectious until the last scabs fall off. There are besides neurological
upsets such as phrenitis. The rash evolved slowly over the course of 2 to 3 weeks, typically beginning
with macular lesions on the mucosal surfaces of the mouth and pharynx, appearing next on the face,
forearms, and lower extremities, and finally the trunk (centrifugal distribution). After it was declared
eradicated, all known remaining samples of live virus were stored at a CDC lab in Atlanta and at a
Russian lab in Novosibirsk, Siberia. Smallpox had a mortality rate of 30%, and could leave survivors
severely pockmarked and, if the sores had affected the eyes, permanently blind. Poxvirus virions are
large (approximately 350 270 nm for Vaccinia virus), complex, and either ovoid or bricklike in shape
as viewed by scanning or transmission electron microscopy. Later, in 1938, a milestone in diagnostic
virology was achieved when Ectromelia virus, a poxvirus pathogen of certain strains of inbred mice,
became the first animal virus to be visualized using electron microscopy. These articles will show the
diverse use and also different point of views of each use of small pox in different weapons
throughout the world.

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