OBE 6 Question Answer Ashique

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You have recently taken on the role of team leader at a small removals company.
The company carries out both local and nationwide work, for private and commercial
clients. They operate from two sites - a small warehouse and compound (where the
7 removal vehicles of varying size are kept) and a smaller office site (with 3 office
workers) that is 2-miles away from the warehouse.

1.You carry out the role of health and safety advisor for both sites. In addition to
this, you are responsible for the day-to-day management of your team. The team
consists of 7 drivers and 8 porters (who assist the drivers to move items of furniture).
2.You deliver a short induction training session to new workers, 3.that
involves a tour of both sites, health and safety information (including first-aid
and emergency arrangements) and information on relevant policies and
procedures. You, and one other person,4. are the only trained first-aiders. You
carry out the role of first-aider for the warehouse site and the other first-aider is
based at the office site. 5.Fully stocked first-aid boxes are located at each site
and the contents are replenished as required.6 Both you and the other first-
aider have completed a ‘first aid at work’ course and attend a one-day first-aid
refresher course as required.

7.To assist with the movement of vehicles, a safe system of work is in place
that stipulates that 8.drivers must use a banksman when manoeuvring. Next to
the compound is the warehouse, used for temporary storage of customers’ furniture
and other possessions. Although small, 9.the warehouse is well laid out with
clearly marked pedestrian walkways, forklift truck routes and strong, three-
storey-high racking. 10.There is a large roller-shutter door giving clear, wide
access to the warehouse. 11.Drivers and porters take pride in cleanliness and
tidiness when carrying out work in the warehouse.

The company is very busy. All the vehicles are in use every day, the warehouse is at
full capacity, 1.and there is pressure to complete jobs as quickly and efficiently
as possible. 12.The manager, who operates from the office site, visits clients
and assesses their removal requirements, evaluating any potential problems
or issues to help ensure correct allocation of resource and equipment. 13.The
manager also visits the warehouse site each day to carry out an inspection,
14.check on capacity levels, and to speak directly with workers. The manager
feels it is important to speak personally to each worker regularly and to be
kept up-to-date with any problems. 15.The manager is also responsible for the
regular internal audit of management processes.

Although most of the drivers have been employed for many years, 2.there has
recently been a high level of turnover for porters, 3.who protested at working
conditions but were never taken seriously. 4.Many of the existing porters are
young and inexperienced, 5.and several job positions remain vacant. 6.There
has also been an increase in levels of short-term sickness absence for both
drivers and porters, 7.which is consistent with reports of increased
musculoskeletal disorders being diagnosed.
As the size of removal activities varies considerably (ranging from: a few small items,
to the contents of large houses, to office relocations) the number of people involved
with each job also varies; this could involve just a single driver or several vehicles
and multiple porters. As both drivers and porters are required to carry furniture and
other large items, 16.manual handling training is carried out annually by an
external training company. 17.Each vehicle is equipped with a tail-lift (a
powered lifting and lowering platform at the rear of the vehicle) and 18.carries
equipment to assist with removal activities (for example, sack-barrows and
platform trolleys).

You have just returned from two week’s annual leave. During your regular weekly
meeting with the manager, 8.they inform you that a porter has been hurt while
you were on leave. While moving a piano at a client’s house, the porter
sustained a fractured ankle and has just been discharged from a stay in
hospital following surgery. 9.The porter will be off work for several months. 10.
It is probable that there will be enforcement action because of this accident.
11.The manager tells you that they believe the young, inexperienced porter
was “messing around” as there are records describing the porter’s
involvement in previous near miss incidents. 19.You are asked to carry out an
investigation into the accident and provide a report to help ensure that lessons
can be learned, and similar accidents can be avoided in future. 12.This will be
the second accident in the last 3 months. 13.The earlier accident was where a
driver broke their wrist assisting a young porter with a heavy item of furniture,
that resulted in an improvement notice being issued. The injured driver also
pursued a civil claim.

You speak to the relevant driver about the latest accident, and they maintain the
young porter was acting responsibly at the time. 14.The driver explained that
access to the client’s house was limited, with a long, gravelled driveway that
was too narrow for the large removal vehicle to negotiate. As a result, items
needed to be carried a significant distance along the drive to where the removal
vehicle was parked. Due to the gravelled driveway, the workers were unable to
use a trolley to move the large piano, 15.and as a result it was a long and
difficult job to carry it to the removal vehicle. The driver felt that the job
needed to be done differently, including more workers being allocated to this

However, 16.when they had phoned the office to express their concerns, the
manager told them to do their best, as no one else was available to help at that
time. As a result, the workers felt pressurised to continue with the task. They
had managed to get the piano to the end of the drive when the porter collapsed
in pain. 20.The driver used their personal mobile phone to call for an
ambulance and the porter was admitted to hospital. On informing the office of the
accident, a second work crew were redirected to the house to complete the removal.

The driver is quite angry about the accident. 17.They tell you that they see
frequent examples of where management seem more concerned about getting
the job done than they are with workers’ health and safety. 18.The driver has
previously complained about not enough people being allocated to large or
difficult jobs. They do not think that management fully appreciate the
difficulties workers experience. 19.They also believe that management have
never actually carried out a removal and they do not consult sufficiently with
workers about jobs.

20.As part of your investigation, you analyse both the generic risk assessment
and the safe system of work for removals on domestic premises. 21.You notice
that both documents were produced five years ago. You advise the manager that
these documents need reviewing as a matter of urgency. The manager asks for your
assistance in reviewing these documents.

You also take the opportunity to bring to the manager’s attention the importance of
prioritising health and safety. You highlight the worrying trend of increased lost time
of workers, an increase in recent accidents, and the fact that subsequent
investigations incur greater cost to the company, especially as another civil claim is
expected due to the latest accident.

Question 1:

These are the management failure which lead to accident:

 Work Pressure: The organization is giving work pressure to the porters and
driver which is the reason behind accident.
 Incompetent Porter: The management is failed to recruit competent porter
as the existing porters are inexperienced and young which is the reason
behind accident.
 Unsafe Work Condition: Due to management negligence, the organization is
failed to provide safe work place while the workers raised this issue.
 Bad Recruitment System: Management is failed to recruit new drivers and
porters that's why existing workers have gotten extra work load which leads to
 Absence due to Sickness: Management are not aware of health issues of
the workers which increase absenteeism rate because many workers are
remain short time sick.
 Lack of Supervision: Management doesn't provide health and safety advisor
while I was on leave and without supervision accident happens.
 Ignorance in Investigation: Management did not do investigate on previous
near miss which was done by the same worker and also the previous accident
is not investigated.
 Bad Work Distribution Procedure: Management is failed to provide enough
competent porters that's why driver has to take assist from a young porter
which leads to accident since they have no idea about risk of the work.
 Ignorance on Health & Safety Issues: The Management is more concern on
job done rather than the safety of the workers which leads to accident.
 Old Risk assessment: The management does not review the risk
assessment last five years which indicates they are not aware of new hazards
which may accident.

Question 2A:

These are the reason for why the most recent accident should be reported:

 Report is must to analyse the root cause of the accident

 To prevent same accident again reporting is important
 To find the loop hole of risk assessment reporting is important
 To fulfil the legal requirement reporting is must
 To give update regarding the accident to the top management reporting is

Question 2B:

These are the way how I will report to all about this accident:

 I will mail to the top management to update them about the recent accident
 I will arrange a meeting to notify all the supervisor, engineers about the
 I will conduct a tool box talk meeting with the workers and their
representatives regarding this accident
 I will request to admin to print the details of the accident and put it to on notice
 I will request to IT team to publish the accident report on website to make an
easy access of the report to all

Question 3:

These are the comment on assessing H&S Risk:

Positive points:

 Tail lift: The organization is providing tail lift to easily load and unload the
furniture into vehicles which will prevent workers from excessive workload
 Safe system of work: The organization has introduced safe system work
procedure for the drivers and porters about how to assist with the movement
of the vehicle.
 First Aider: The organization has provided trained first aider for both site and
office to minimize the risk after accident as a good control measure
 Induction Training: The company is providing a short induction training to
give knowledge about the site, hazard and health and safety information
 Safe Access and Egress: The Organization has provided safe and clear
walkways and pathways to prevent accidents

Negative points:

 Generic Risk assessment: The organization has conducted generic risk

assessment which shows the actual risk are not identified and controlled
 Old Risk Assessment: The risk assessment is five years old which can not
identify the new hazard of the workplace as well as cannot control the new
 Lack of Manpower: To deal with work related hazard there is no enough
manpower on the organization which means this lack of manpower hampering
the present control measure
 Gravelled Driveway: The organization have not taken required control
measure to make a smooth pathway to minimize the risk
 Limited Access: The company has not taken any control measure for the
limited access which makes difficult the job to the drivers and porters

Question 4:

These are the positive indicators of health and safety cultures present:

 H&S Advisor: The organization has appointed H&S advisor for both the site
which shows good control to develop H&S management system
 Induction Training: The company is providing induction training to aware
workers which indicates good safety cultures present on the organization
 First Aider: The company has appointed First Aider for both site and office
which proves that this company is committed to maintain good safety culture
 Safe System of Work: The company has introduced safe system of work
which indicates in this organization have good health and safety culture
 Safe Access and Egress: The company has provided different access for
workers and vehicles which indicates a good safety culture is available on this
 Visibility of First Aid Box: First aid box is in a common position for all to use
it easily means this company really aware of workers health and safety
 Availability of banksman: Drivers are using banksman during movement
which indicates good safety cultures of the organization
 Cleanness and Tidiness: The workers of this organization always
maintained tidy and clean workplace which is really important to keep
maintain a good positive culture
 Right tool for the right job: The organization management is allocating
correct resource and equipment to evaluate any potential task or problems
means positive culture is there
 Daily Inspection: From the management a daily inspection is being carried
out on the site which indicates a good safety culture present on the
 Internal Audit: The management do internal audit on regular interval on the
site which shows a good positive health and safety culture is available on the
 Good Communication between Workers and Management: The
management people meet personally with every worker to know their
difficulties and problems which really need to maintain good safety culture
 External Training: An external training has been delivered among the
workers annually to improve their skills really indicate good safety culture of
the organization
 Tail Lift: A tail lift has been provided by the organization to minimize the
manual handling pressure is a good sign to maintain good safety culture
 Accident Investigation: To avoid the future accident the company has
assigned competent person to do accident investigation indicates good safety
 Emergency Response of workers: The organization worker has knowledge
to handle emergency time like accident time and they are trained to call on
hospital on right time shows good safety culture
 Reviewing of Document: The management is ready to review the document
with safety advisor to improve the health and safety cultures
 Committed on Work: Even after the accident the company sends another
team to complete rest of the work indicates they are committed to their work is
really a positive indicator
 Equipment using rather than Manual handling: For removing work some
equipment has been used like sack-barrow, platform trolleys to minimize the
manual handling means positive culture.
 Training for the First Aider: This organization arranges training for the first
aider to provide good service to their workers which shows positive safety
Question 5:

These are the comment on H&S Morals:

Positive points on H&S Morals:

 Manual Handling training: The organization is providing manual handling

training by external training company which shows that the employer is
preventing workers from pain.
 Safety Advisor: The organization is providing Safety advisor to guide worker
to work on safe manner to reduce accident which means employer is
preventing workers from pain.
 Safe Access and Egress: The organization is maintaining different pathways
for workers and vehicles to remove the collision of man and vehicle which
leads to pain.
 Maintaining clean and tidy area: The organization is maintaining clean and
tidy area which minimize the hazard of the area which may save manpower
from accident means employer is serious about worker's pain
 Internal Audit: The organization is doing internal audit on regular interval to
keep the safe work platform to minimize the accident which leads to pain

Negative Points on H&S Morals:

 Ankle Fracture of porter: The porter faced ankle fracture while shifting the
heavy weight piano which shows that the organization is not protecting
workers from pain and suffering
 Sickness: The drivers and porters are getting short time sick due to extra
work load which indicates the organization is not serious about employees'
pain and suffer
 Wrist Broken of Driver: A driver broke his wrist while he was assisting a
porter to remove a heavy furniture which shows the organization is not
protecting workers from pain and suffer.
 Less Response from Management: Management was not listening to the
drivers and porters to assign extra manpower to make the work painless and
less suffering but they refused which results extra pressure on them and
accident happens.
 Ignoring Health and Safety Issues: The management more concern about
the job done rather than health and safety which means the organization
gives less importance on health and safety issues which may lead to pain and
suffer of the workers.
Question 6:

This is how manager can improve his responsibilities for H&S:

 Realistic work pressure: The manager can give reasonable and realistic
work pressure to ensure wellbeing of their driver and porter.
 More Turnover of Porters: The manager can provide good job facility to
improve his roles and responsibility throughout his drivers and porters while
the turnover of porters is so high.
 Competent Manpower: The manager can recruit competent porters as per
KSEA method to improve his responsibilities since most of the porters are
young and inexperienced.
 Position remain Vacant: To improve the responsibility of the manager can
appoint more porters to maintain less workload to all porters since 5 workers
can not do 10 workers work with safe manner.
 Absenteeism rate due to sickness: the manager can run a medical
champaign to check up the health condition of the workers to reduce the
 Lack of Supervision: The manager can appoint safety advisor while other
safety advisor was on leave because monitoring on worker may safe from the
 Several Accident happens: To improve the responsibility of the manager
can take more precautions and control measure to prevent accident since
enforcement notice will hamper company's reputation and profitability.
 Follow up on Near Miss: The manger can investigate the near miss which
will help him to reduce chances of accident and it will help to improve his roles
and responsibilities.
 Generic Risk Assessment: The manger can make a specific risk
assessment to deal with job available hazard in a right way which will help him
to improve his roles and responsibilities.
 Old Risk Assessment: The manager should update the risk assessment to
deal with new hazard which will help him to improve his responsibilities on the

Question 7A:

I will consider the following factors to decide first aid is realistic and

 Number of Workers: I will consider the number of the workers present at the
site to decide first aid is realistic or not such as this site have 7 drivers and 8
porters and 3 office workers.
 Size of the workplace: I will also consider the size of the workplace to decide
either the first aid is realistic or not such as warehouse is 2 miles away from
the office site which need to be considered.
 Number of first aider: The first aider number will be considered to decide
that the first aid is realistic or not while both office site and warehouse has the
first aider separately.
 Vulnerable groups: The vulnerable group such as young people will be
counted to decide the first aid is realistic and proportionate or not.
 Hazard of the workplace: I will consider the present hazard such as narrow
access, gravelled driveway of the site to decide the first aid is realistic or not
 Nature of the job: Nature of the job is also important to consider the first aid
is realistic or not such as for office work and warehouse work need different
types of first aid kit.
 Past accident history: I will consider past accident history too to make the
first aid appropriate while ancle fracture and wrist broken need to be
considered of the warehouse.
 Distance from hospital: The distance between workplace and hospital
needs to be considered to decide the first aid is realistic and proportionate or
 Legal requirement: I will consider the legal requirement also to decide the
first aid is realistic and proportionate since It varies from country to country
and legal requirement fulfilling is the part of the job.
 Number of shifts: I will consider the number of shifts also cause night
requires different kits than the day shift and also to fulfil all the requirement
number of shift need to be considered.
 Work environment: Work environment need to be considered to decide
either the first aid is realistic and proportionate or not such as hot area needs
 Absenteeism rate by first aider: Since the first aider plays an important role
on first aid place for that if the absent tendency is high of the first aider that
need extra arrangement to consider the first aid is realistic.
 Illness history: The illness history of the workplace needs to be considered
since if any cardiac arrest patient is available, AED need to be kept on first aid
 Accident Rate: I will consider the accident rate also since regular interval
accident demands to fill the first aid box on a short time such as two accident
happens on warehouse within three months.
 Distance from the workplace: I will consider the distance of the workplace
also to decide first aid is realistic since the injured man needs quick first aid
Question 7B:

These are the additional consideration to determine the first aid is realistic and

 I will consider the distance of the remote area to determine either the first aid
is realistic or not
 I will consider the type of the job which will be implemented on remote area to
decide the first aid is realistic
 I will consider the weather of the job location to determine the first aid realistic
 I will consider the season also to decide the first aid is realistic and
 I will consider the remote area available hazard in workplace and area itself
to decide the first aid realistic

Question 8:

These are the reactive monitoring which is cause of concern:

 Number of Accident: There are two accidents happened which led to ankle
fracture of a porter while shifting piano and wrist fracture of a porter while
shifting furniture.
 Number of Illness: There are too many drivers and porters are getting short
term sick like musculoskeletal disorders which is really a cause of concern.
 Near miss record: One porter was involved in one near miss incident who
was inexperienced and young and also committed an accident later.
 Enforcement history: The company has gotten an enforcement notice which
is improvement notice there is a possibility to get another enforcement action
due to accident.
 Worker complains: Workers have complaint to top management about that
they have some lacking of manpower which leads to an accident.
 Absenteeism record: Drivers and porters are remaining absent due to
sickness and the absenteeism rate is increasing day by day which is a part of
cause of concern.
 Staff turnover: There are huge number of turnovers is happened of the
porters in this company that's why position always remain vacant which is
really cause of concern.
 Number of unsafe actions: There are two accidents happen due to unsafe
action present which was porters are shifting piano with less manpower and
another one is a porter trying to shift one heavy load.
 Number of unsafe conditions: There are some unsafe conditions present in
the workplace such as access was limited, gravelled driveway is really a
cause of concern
 Civil claim: The porter who broke his wrist is pursued a civil claim and also
the porter who fractured his ancle recently is about to prepare himself to go
for a civil claim.

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