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Narrador: Once Upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named Cinderella.
Unfortunately her mother died young and her father married again. His
second wife (Ledy Latrain) had a sharp temper and her two daughters
(Anastasia and Drizela) were just like her. In a word- horrid. The horrid
sister loved to boss Cinderella .
(Mientras el narrador habla Cenicienta está limpiando el piso).
(Cuando el narrador termina, entra Drizela y Anastasia).
Drizela:Cinders! It's your job to clean fireplace. That's way You're called
Cinders! Get it"? .
Anastasia: By the way. Cinders! Don't dawdle. Light up the fire and make
me a hot bath with sweet smelling candles"! .
Cenicienta: I can't do both things at the same time. Can you have a little
consideration with me?
( Anastasia y Drizela rien y se retiran de la escena menos Cenicienta aún
limpiando el piso y entra Lady )
Lady Tremaine: "Cinders! Why haven't you been to the market
yet?"You’re lazy, you’d better hurry..
Cenicienta: As you say ma'am.
(Ambas salen de escena).
Narrador: All day long, Cinderella swept, and scrubbed, and fetched and
carried. In winter, the young ladies were invited to the Royal Ball.For
months the girls steal dresses of all kinds of fabric and shoes. Cinderella
was of course in charge of folding and ironing the clothes.
(Entran todas, las tres mujeres se arreglan entre si , mientras Cenicienta
está sentada en una silla solo viendo).
Lady Tremaine: Well, if we're ready, let's go. Cinderella takes good care of
the house and I hope it will be cleaner when we get back.
(Salen las tres mujeres y Cenicienta se que da sentada).
Narrador: The big night came and poor Cinderella was left at home sitting
alone by fireplace. when suddenly She heard a noise.
(Cenicienta se sobresalta al ver entrar al hada madrina).
Hada madrina: Darling… why are you crying? You don't deserve to be sad.
Cenicienta: Who are you?
Hada madrina: I am your fairy godmother and I have come to help you, my
girl. If there is someone who has to attend that dance, it is you. Now trust
me. Come with me to the garden.
Hada madrina: – What do you think, Cinderella?… You already have
someone to take you to the ball!
– Oh, how wonderful, godmother! the young woman exclaimed. But in
these rags I can't appear in such a fancy place.
Cinderella was about to cry again seeing how torn her slippers were and
the rags she had for a dress.
- Oh, don't worry, honey! I have it all planned.
She with another magical touch she transformed her disastrous clothes
into a beautiful ball gown.
Hada madrina: Of course not, my girl. Today will be your big night. Go to
the dance and have a great time but remember that you have to return
before the clock strikes twelve, because at that time the spell will be
broken and everything will return to the way it was before. Now hurry up
it's getting late!
(Salen de escena).
(Luego todos están en escena menos Cenicienta, ella entra después)
Narrador: When she entered the ballroom, all eyes were upon her,
including those of her sisters who did not recognise her. Cinderella was
prettier than ever, wearing a beautiful light blue dress and crystal shoes
that The Fairy had given to her.
(El principe se acerca a ella).
Principe:Will you allow me this dance?
Cenicienta: of course ¡
( Bailan un momento, mientras bailan Drizela y Anastasia murmuran)
Drizela: Ha, but what did you see of her? They are not pretty. I can't
believe it.
Anastasia: Mom is very angry, we don't even get the attention of the other
(El sonido de las tres campanas)
Anastasia: "Oh! You must excuse me!".
Principe: But!
(Cenicienta sale corriendo y se le safa el sapato en la entrada de la puerta)
Narrador: she ran for the door. As she dashed down the steps, one of her
dancing slippers fell from her foot and she had to hop to the coach.
(El principe se dirige a la oueatra toma el zapato y sale de escena junto
con las demás).
Narrador: the Prince found the shoe that Cinderella left behind and
ordered the palace workers to find out whose it was.
( Están en escena las tres mujeres)
Narrador: When the Prince's servants came to the house where Cinderella
lived, her horrid sisters were eager to try on the slipper.
( Tocan la puerta).
Lady Tremaine: Calm Down! act normal and do everything they ask.
(Entran un grupo de hombres y el principe para medir el zapato)
Anastasia: "It fits me perfectly,"( mientras lucha por qué le entre el
Drizela: ( empuja a Anastasia y le arrebata el zapato se lo puebra y
dice)"You can call me, 'Your Royal Highness' because my foot fits better,".
(Aunque lucha para que le quede).
Principel: "Would you care to try on the shoe, miss?".
Lady Tremaine: Why bother with her? She's just the maid".
Cenicienta: "I would like to try, thank you,".
(Le prueba en zapato)

Narrador: Her foot slipped in perfectly.

Principe : Finally, I found you.
Lady Tremaine: "What?". "You've got to be kidding!".
Anastasia y Drizela:"You idiot, you've got the wrong girl".
Narrador:But the prince was already calling for the coachman to take
Cinderella to the palace, dressed in her rags, exactly as she was.
(El principe y Cenicienta salen de escena).

Lady Tremaine: "Good riddance! We've had enough of your cheek!"

Narrador: But Cinderella knew that she had found true love, and the very
next day, she and the prince were wed, and the bells rang out all over the

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