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PEOPLE News on Sunday, May 27 - June 2, 2011 | 16

The Rasta who does not

believe in Selassie
Louis Patrick Thérèse,
better known as Tino,
“The Creator is a
is convinced that he jealous God. He does
saw God in his dreams not like it when we
– first as Jesus Christ
three times and adore others and not
second in the guise of Him. Selassie, Marley,
a blinding light.
“Subsequently my
etc have brought
manner of speaking confusion. That is
and everything about why I have removed
me changed”, he tells
me in his makeshift all posters of Bob
and colourful house in Marley which I used
Dilo Pouri, a squatter
settlement in Le
to have here.”
proclaims: “Here Rasta artists come to
find inspiration – at least those who
understand that we are all God’s chil-
Photos © Saleem Chotoye dren. We are no different to (say) the
Born in Notre Dame, Tino was raised seven colours of the Chamarel, which is
by his mother in Grande Rivière, near also the work of the Creator.”
Port Louis, after his parents separated. Division among Rastafarians is some-
When their house was destroyed by a thing that perturbs Tino, and he says he
cyclone in the late 60s, the family (which is in the process of writing a book with
included Tino’s grandmother) relocated the help of his young wife Charlene,
to the inner-city of Pointe aux Sables. “who went to school and studied up to
Problems with his stepfather forced Tino Form V”. At this point, Tino calls in
to move in with his biological father and Charlene, who appears with her two
stepmother in Crève Coeur. “I was well was in Surinam, “mon gagne benedic- harmonious community whose mem- baby sons. “The five girls I already had
looked after by my Hindu stepmother”, tion révélation nous Créateur” (I was bers share the values and culture of before meeting Charlene in Case Noyale.
he says. blessed with our Creator’s revelation), he Rastafarianism. She has given me two boys. Now I know
At 16, Tino moved back to Pointe aux says. He soon found a place to live in the The choice of Dilo Pouri is not entirely that my generation will live for a long
Sables to live with his mother and grand- deprived area of Dilo Pouri where, he accidental either. Le Morne, now adop- time, and I thank my Creator for this.”
mother. He started doing a series of says, “30 to 40 people moved to gra- ted by UNESCO as part of the cultural Charlene reads out some of Tino’s
menial jobs (as lorry helper, charcoal dually. These people came in from disad- heritage of mankind, is a centre-piece in ideas (what she has carefully written
maker, fisherman, diver, etc), the only jobs vantaged inner-cities. God’s revelation the history of slavery in Mauritius, the down in a copybook) and at times
he could find and do as he never went to has taught me to live peacefully with embodiment of the last freed slaves of explains them to me. “When Mortimo
school and was never taught how to read other human beings. We are all the chil- African descent “Here we hear the vibra- Planno, the famous drummer of Cuban
and write. The last job he did before sett- dren of God and here we all live in har- tion of our ancestors”, Tino says adding origin who taught Bob Marley, presen-
ling down in Dilo Pouri was to carry mony as a small community.” This com- that he plays an instrument (the ted Emperor Haile Selassie as our
fruits and vegetables to Curepipe and munity is not made up of a cross-section “djambe”) which is not unlike one which saviour when the latter visited Jamaica
Vacoas. By now he was 28 and while he of Mauritian squatters, but it exists as a was used by “mo bann zanset” (my in 1966, many Rastafarians started vene-
ancestors). Asked if he does this to earn rating the Ethiopian Emperor. But
his living, he replies in the negative poin- Selassie was no God but a human being
ting out that “what has come to me free like us.” Tino says that while he likes Bob
[meaning from God], I have to share with Marley as an artist, he does not like him
others free of charge”. But I still wanted as someone who perpetuated Selassie’s
to know how Tino and his seemingly legacy in Jamaica and beyond. “The
stress-free, relaxed and serene commu- Creator is a jealous God. He does not
nity survive. “We grow vegetables and like it when we adore others and not
fish for our own consumption but also Him. Selassie, Marley, etc have brought
to sell to markets in the area. We do han- confusion. That is why I have removed
dicrafts and design other artefacts which all posters of Bob Marley which I used to
are influenced by our African roots and have here.” For Tino, Kaya is more
culture and we market them in the coun- important than Marley. “His songs
try.” It has not been easy for them. They touch our hearts. He sacrificed himself
had to keep on fighting with the autho- to make his contribution. In our small
rities that they only wanted to live in island, we must have respect for him.
peace and asked to be left alone. Some of Yet we do not do anything special to
them have since been granted property honour his memory.” Tino also pays tri-
rights. “I have obtained my contract [ie bute to Berger Agathe who suffered
title deeds to a piece of land fronting the much the same fate as Kaya. [Note:
sea]”, Tino says. Sitting comfortably in Agathe was killed during the riots in
his quiet sanctuary, this man, the father of Roche Bois after Kaya’s death in police
seven children (five girls and two boys), custody in 1999].

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